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Explicit orders of Shri Mataji never followed by SY leaders/management/ranks

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> But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by

> the faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has

> little to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers,

> prophecies and eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs

> dear to billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message

> rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when

> this deception becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to

> be known as SYs. They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate

> on the Adi Shakti and openly uphold Her Divine Message.



For the last three decades the following crucial wishes of Shri

Mataji have never been fulfilled by SY leaders/management, and the

rank and file now have have permanently condemned themselves as

hypocrites, liars and cowards:


a) Announce the Last Judgment to all the seekers of truth, to all

the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the



" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that

nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning,

their absolute, their spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



b) Declare to all that it is the Resurrection Time;


" Declare to all the nations now that I ... have come for this

special time, that is the Resurrection Time. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



c) Declare to all the nations that She is the Holy Ghost (Spirit);


" Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have

come for this special time. that is the Resurrection Time. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



d) SYs to prove to all that She is indeed the Adi Shakti;


" I am the Adi Shakti. I am the one who has come on this earth for

the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. The more

you'll understand this the better it would be. You will change

tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we

have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it, that

I'm that. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



And those who are doing exactly what Shri Mataji has deeply desired

for years are condemned, excommunicated and shunned by rank and file

SYs, leaders and WCASY members.


Yes, by deliberately suppressing Her deepest desires to emancipate

humanity rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. The officially

supplanted Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a sacrilegious act

that has no comparison in history. It is an evil possession, a

powerful negativity like no other.


So what can be done? i can only quote Shri Mataji:


" The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment

today. We are not aware of it. And all the Satanic Forces have come

out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to

attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge

the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started. "



They are trying to attract you with the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion. You do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the

Reality (Truth). The Last Judgment has started, it is a fact. It has

started. You will be judged harshly if you ever prevented seekers

from knowing that the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh) is on Earth, that

it is the promised Last Judgment and Resurrection - i know 99% of

SYs have in one way or another never told that to those attending

their public programs .... even after months of their attendance!


And over the decades hundreds of thousands have left for good

without realizing how close they were to salvation. Despite Shri

Mataji's plea that no seeker " misses the blessings of the Divine to

achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit " , the vast

majority were most unfortunate as no SY followed Shri Mataji's

explicit desire. Instead they were told about the subtle system,

kundalini, chakras and benefits of meditation which every Osho,

Muktananda and Yogi Bhajan also tell their followers. The similar

teachings of false gurus and SYs collude to deceive the masses.


All preachers and followers of the SYSSR have come out like the

wolves in sheep's clothes. They are deceiving the seekers and have

removed all traces of these explicit orders of Shri Mataji from

their websites, phamplets, public programs and conscience. This is

the greatest satanic force that prevents humanity from knowing about

the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


i am standing on what i say. It is all in black and white. The WCASY

and SY leaders/management/ranks are invited to present this post to

Shri Mataji or whoever they feel is capable of confronting me. i

give them my written assurance that i will NEVER back out of what i

believe in heart, mind and soul. Take this offer while Shri Mataji

is still on Earth. i am giving you my word - i will repeat all that

i have accused WCASY and SY leaders/management/ranks of. In fact i

will add that the entire Sahaja Yoga organization has wilfully

committed, and still continues to commit, a collective crime against

humanity. So show Her this post while there is still time. Thanks.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,







, " jagbir singh "




> Dear Violet,


> The best approach would be no name at all, just those who believe

> in the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection. That would be an all-inclusive approach that welcomes

> all religious traditions. You can be a Christian and believe in the

> Holy Spirit/Comforter's message of the Last Judgment. Or you may be

> a Muslim comfortable with His Ruh delivering the Great Announcement

> of Al-Qiyamah. Or as a Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist you would be at ease

> with the Adi Shakti granting moksa through kundalini awakening.


> In the process of learning about the Adi Shakti and Her Divine

> Message one is bound to accept the other religious traditions, or

> at least be rid of considerable ignorance. There is nothing on

> Earth as harmonious and uniting as the Divine Message to humanity.

> (i still keep telling my wife that after more than a decade.) The

> Divine Message compels respect and acceptance of all the major

> religions that is unprecedented in history.


> But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by

> the faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has

> little to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers,

> prophecies and eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs

> dear to billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message

> rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when

> this deception becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to

> be known as SYs. They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate

> on the Adi Shakti and openly uphold Her Divine Message.


> Moreover, labeling oneself SY will be rejected by many, especially

> Muslims. In the first place why must they be associated with tens

> of thousands who never upheld their Qur'an and the Great News of

> the Resurrection? (The same reasoning goes for other religions.)

> Shri Mataji has never said that you must be a SY to take part in

> the Last Judgment and Resurrection. But i know that today one must

> be a SY in order to worship the SYSSR.


> So a SY is one who daily cleanses his chakras with external rituals

> as required by the priesthood. The vast majority of religious folk

> want nothing of that. Shri Mataji has instead invited all to take

> part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. The SYSSR in turn want

> nothing of that. This catch-22 situation leaves me with no

> alternative but cease being SYs. It is better i just meditate on

> the Adi Shakti and spread Her Divine Message. i cannot possibly be

> a SY any longer because i am what they are obviously not. This sad

> conclusion would never had risen if Truth, the most dearest of all

> spiritual requirements, had been upheld and sustain over the years.

> That tens of thousands of SYs have been willingly taking part in

> this collective deception for decades has slowly compelled me to

> disassociate myself from them. i just cannot call myself a SY any

> longer since i vehemently disagree with their collective deception.


> i have reached a level of consciousness where it does not matter if

> 0.0001% of humanity (the SYs) strongly disagree and want nothing to

> do with me, websites or forum. Over the years i will do all that is

> necessary to reach out to the remaining 99.9999%. i am sure the

> vast majority of them will overwhelmingly appreciate my honesty and

> transparency about Shri Mataji's Divine Message, a public stand She

> has always taken and sustained to emancipate humanity.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


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Dear Jagbir and All,


i have never heard it said quite so plainly, yet indeed the crucial

situation of the SYSSR is that it is exactly the case that they do not

discuss about Shri Mataji's Last Judgment and Resurrection Message. i

have just realized that in all the years that i have been in the

organization of Sahaja Yoga....never once, have i heard any leader or

any Sahaja Yogi discuss Shri Mataji's teachings in terms of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection, in other words, in 'spiritually traditional

terms'. To my knowledge, it has only been explained in terms of

Meditation and the Subtle System.


i would have thought that some leaders would at least have grabbed that 'Last

Judgment and Resurrection' headline, and made some spiritual mileage out of that

right away, because for any person from a spiritual tradition like Christianity,

for instance, such a Headline is " Headline News " !


i can only think that perhaps most leaders have not been followers of Jesus's

Last Judgment and Resurrection Message either, for if they had

believed Jesus's Words that the 'Comforter would come', they would

perhaps have been more interested in the continuing " Last Judgment and

Resurrection Message " of Shri Mataji also, instead of seeing it only in terms of

Meditation and Subtle System.


That previous and present management only seem to understand and give Her

Message in terms of Meditation and the Subtle System is beyond belief,

especially when Shri Mataji Herself has clearly requested that Her Message be

given in " Last Judgment and Resurrection " terms. However, these past and present

managers give every excuse under the sun to thwart Shri Mataji's 'requested

headline'. The last excuse that has filtered through the SY System is that

'various readings are acceptable!!!' (i realize that some managers may agree

with Shri Mataji, but WCASY et al now manage the roost, so it is kind of

difficult to speak out loud what one really feels about this situation without

also possibly jeopardizing one's happy membership within it.)


The truth of the matter, whether WCASY follow it or not, is that Shri Mataji has

asked us to announce Her Truth in terms of a " Last Judgment and Resurrection "

Message, and not as a 'Subtle System Message'. In other words, Shri Mataji's

students are not `running' with Shri Mataji's requested headline of the " Last

Judgment and Resurrection " . Sure, they will accept HER talking about this

headline, over and over again, as they listen to Her tapes, where She discusses

it. However, they never seem to disseminate Her Message in these very same

terms. It just does not make sense! The Spiritual Teacher uses those terms but

for some reason, the students do not take up their Teacher's Terminology!


I would say that the reason that SY's do not bring up the words of " Last

Judgment and Resurrection " to each other at the Local Collective level is

because they have been subtly discouraged to use them. (If you don't believe

this, just tell your facilitator or a WCASY member that you are going to tell

Shri Mataji's Message in the 'spiritually traditional terms' of the " Last

Judgment and Resurrection " , and watch for the reaction. Their reaction will very

likely reveal an array of emotions such as a blank face of disbelief

(incredulity) on their faces, as if they do not believe the words they are

hearing with their `very own ears' from your mouth... a shrinking and cringing

body language... and very probably an admonishment of... " ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS



In other words, my dear fellow SY's, you will then have 'called their bluff'.

They don't want you to follow Shri Mataji's request in Her Terms. All they want

you to do is give self-realization. This means that you are not allowed to

spread Shri Mataji's Message in the 'spiritually traditional terminology' of the

" Last Judgment and Resurrection " .


This spiritually traditional terminology of the " Last Judgment and Resurrection "

just messes up WCASY's neatly packaged representation of Shri Mataji's Message.

They have organized Her Truth in the neat packet called " The Subtle System

Package " . It suits their organization to only allow you to give

self-realization, and not allow you to speak about the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, because some religious folks might get upset and disturb the neat



Sahaja Yogis have to be very astute and wake up to these `wolves in

sheep's clothing' who have replaced the Truth of Shri Mataji's " Last

Judgment and Resurrection Message " with their own neatly packaged SYSSR. SY's

need to stop and think before they say what has been told them, which is that

the Subtle System Message is the same as the Last Judgment and Resurrection

Message. If the Subtle System message were the same as the Last Judgment and

Resurrection Message, why would Shri Mataji even bother mentioning the " Last

Judgment and Resurrection " ? Why didn't She just forget about it?



They have 'blurred the lines' so that their 'not-declaring' Her

Message as prescribed, goes unnoticed. Nevertheless, despite all of management's

reticence to declare Her Message in the way that She has prescribed, it does not

have to prevent those who wish to follow Her Will and Wish, which is to fully

explain Her Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection in our own words. That

does not mean that we just play Her Tapes where SHE SAYS IT. That means we

explain IN OUR OWN WORDS, how Her Message is related to all the previous

'spiritually traditional messages' of the " Last Judgment and Resurrection " .


Shri Mataji worked so much on subtle systems so people could ascend

and understand Her Divine Message, but it seems that people are still

stuck on their subtle system clearing and have not understood the

vitality and vital necessity to get Her Message out to everyone. What

is the point of Self-Realization, if people just feel a cool breeze

but do not have the spiritual understanding that goes with it, which

Shri Mataji has explained to Sahaja Yogis, but which SY's in return do

not give to those seekers?


Are Sahaja Yogis really interested in pleasing Shri Mataji, rather

than WCASY? If Sahaja Yogis are really concerned in pleasing Shri

Mataji, they will do as She has lovingly requested. Here it is: -


" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

absolute, their spirit. "


(As a Sahaja Yogi, you can tell the spiritual seekers that come to

you, that the Last Judgment is taking place, so that these seekers can

achieve the meaning of their spirit, because WCASY is not doing this!

I just want to say that when I gave programs where I live I did

explain it in these terms. There is nothing to prevent SY's from

stating so too. Use your powers of a Sahaja Yogi, and do what Shri

Mataji has asked. Stop making excuses. If your facilitator or a WCASY

member does not like it, then question him or her as to the reason. If

they state that there is something wrong with even mentioning the

words " Last Judgment and Resurrection " then KNOW that a GREAT MAYA has

indeed taken over the Organization of Sahaja Yoga...just like Jagbir

has said.)


Here are Shri Mataji's Words: -


" Declare to all the nations now that I have come for this special

time, that is the Resurrection Time. "


(As a Sahaja Yogi, you can tell seekers you individually speak to,

that Shri Mataji has come for this Special Resurrection Time. Shri

Mataji has asked you to do so. WCASY are not going to do this for you,

so Shri Mataji's request falls on your shoulders. If you are a Sahaja

Yogi of Hers, you will try to please Her.)


Here are Shri Mataji's Words: -


" Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have

come for this special time that is the Resurrection Time. "


(As a Sahaja Yogi, you can tell seekers that Shri Mataji is an

Incarnation of the Holy Spirit/Comforter that Jesus promised would

come. No message is easier and more joyful than this! You had better

tell this message, because WCASY will not do it for you. YOU will have

to do it. People are spiritually hungry for this message, which they

need very badly at this special Time.)


Here are Shri Mataji's Words repeated again: -


" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

absolute, their spirit. "


(As a Sahaja Yogi, you can announce in your own way that the Last

Judgment is taking place, as Shri Mataji has requested. You can

announce this to the seekers of truth with whom you come into contact,

so that they will not miss the blessings of the Divine. They must

realize that this Self-Realization, Second Birth of the Spirit,

Moksha, etc. is a blessing of the Divine, and not just a happy

coincidence of meditation and subtle system clearing. WCASY are just

not going to do this job for you, but there is nothing preventing the

individual Sahaja Yogi from fulfilling Shri Mataji's request. All that

the individual SY needs to do, is use their powers of love, knowledge,

wisdom, and understanding to do this task. SY's are not going to be

held individually responsible for WCASY's actions, but they will only

be held accountable for their own individual response to Shri Mataji's



With love and best wishes to all

at this Last Judgment and Resurrection Time,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> >

> > But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by

> > the faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has

> > little to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers,

> > prophecies and eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs

> > dear to billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message

> > rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> > hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> > conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when

> > this deception becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to

> > be known as SYs. They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate

> > on the Adi Shakti and openly uphold Her Divine Message.

> >


> For the last three decades the following crucial wishes of Shri

> Mataji have never been fulfilled by SY leaders/management, and the

> rank and file now have have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards:


> a) Announce the Last Judgment to all the seekers of truth, to all

> the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the

> Divine;


> " Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

> masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

> It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

> the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that

> nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning,

> their absolute, their spirit. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> b) Declare to all that it is the Resurrection Time;


> " Declare to all the nations now that I ... have come for this

> special time, that is the Resurrection Time. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> c) Declare to all the nations that She is the Holy Ghost (Spirit);


> " Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have

> come for this special time. that is the Resurrection Time. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> d) SYs to prove to all that She is indeed the Adi Shakti;


> " I am the Adi Shakti. I am the one who has come on this earth for

> the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. The more

> you'll understand this the better it would be. You will change

> tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we

> have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it, that

> I'm that. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> And those who are doing exactly what Shri Mataji has deeply desired

> for years are condemned, excommunicated and shunned by rank and file

> SYs, leaders and WCASY members.


> Yes, by deliberately suppressing Her deepest desires to emancipate

> humanity rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. The officially

> supplanted Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a sacrilegious act

> that has no comparison in history. It is an evil possession, a

> powerful negativity like no other.


> So what can be done? i can only quote Shri Mataji:


> " The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment

> today. We are not aware of it. And all the Satanic Forces have come

> out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to

> attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge

> the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started. "



> They are trying to attract you with the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> Religion. You do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the

> Reality (Truth). The Last Judgment has started, it is a fact. It has

> started. You will be judged harshly if you ever prevented seekers

> from knowing that the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh) is on Earth, that

> it is the promised Last Judgment and Resurrection - i know 99% of

> SYs have in one way or another never told that to those attending

> their public programs .... even after months of their attendance!


> And over the decades hundreds of thousands have left for good

> without realizing how close they were to salvation. Despite Shri

> Mataji's plea that no seeker " misses the blessings of the Divine to

> achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit " , the vast

> majority were most unfortunate as no SY followed Shri Mataji's

> explicit desire. Instead they were told about the subtle system,

> kundalini, chakras and benefits of meditation which every Osho,

> Muktananda and Yogi Bhajan also tell their followers. The similar

> teachings of false gurus and SYs collude to deceive the masses.


> All preachers and followers of the SYSSR have come out like the

> wolves in sheep's clothes. They are deceiving the seekers and have

> removed all traces of these explicit orders of Shri Mataji from

> their websites, phamplets, public programs and conscience. This is

> the greatest satanic force that prevents humanity from knowing about

> the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


> i am standing on what i say. It is all in black and white. The WCASY

> and SY leaders/management/ranks are invited to present this post to

> Shri Mataji or whoever they feel is capable of confronting me. i

> give them my written assurance that i will NEVER back out of what i

> believe in heart, mind and soul. Take this offer while Shri Mataji

> is still on Earth. i am giving you my word - i will repeat all that

> i have accused WCASY and SY leaders/management/ranks of. In fact i

> will add that the entire Sahaja Yoga organization has wilfully

> committed, and still continues to commit, a collective crime against

> humanity. So show Her this post while there is still time. Thanks.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir




> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > The best approach would be no name at all, just those who believe

> > in the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

> > Resurrection. That would be an all-inclusive approach that


> > all religious traditions. You can be a Christian and believe in


> > Holy Spirit/Comforter's message of the Last Judgment. Or you may


> > a Muslim comfortable with His Ruh delivering the Great


> > of Al-Qiyamah. Or as a Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist you would be at ease

> > with the Adi Shakti granting moksa through kundalini awakening.

> >

> > In the process of learning about the Adi Shakti and Her Divine

> > Message one is bound to accept the other religious traditions, or

> > at least be rid of considerable ignorance. There is nothing on

> > Earth as harmonious and uniting as the Divine Message to humanity.

> > (i still keep telling my wife that after more than a decade.) The

> > Divine Message compels respect and acceptance of all the major

> > religions that is unprecedented in history.

> >

> > But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by

> > the faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has

> > little to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers,

> > prophecies and eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs

> > dear to billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message

> > rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> > hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> > conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when

> > this deception becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to

> > be known as SYs. They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate

> > on the Adi Shakti and openly uphold Her Divine Message.

> >

> > Moreover, labeling oneself SY will be rejected by many, especially

> > Muslims. In the first place why must they be associated with tens

> > of thousands who never upheld their Qur'an and the Great News of

> > the Resurrection? (The same reasoning goes for other religions.)

> > Shri Mataji has never said that you must be a SY to take part in

> > the Last Judgment and Resurrection. But i know that today one must

> > be a SY in order to worship the SYSSR.

> >

> > So a SY is one who daily cleanses his chakras with external


> > as required by the priesthood. The vast majority of religious folk

> > want nothing of that. Shri Mataji has instead invited all to take

> > part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. The SYSSR in turn want

> > nothing of that. This catch-22 situation leaves me with no

> > alternative but cease being SYs. It is better i just meditate on

> > the Adi Shakti and spread Her Divine Message. i cannot possibly be

> > a SY any longer because i am what they are obviously not. This sad

> > conclusion would never had risen if Truth, the most dearest of all

> > spiritual requirements, had been upheld and sustain over the


> > That tens of thousands of SYs have been willingly taking part in

> > this collective deception for decades has slowly compelled me to

> > disassociate myself from them. i just cannot call myself a SY any

> > longer since i vehemently disagree with their collective


> >

> > i have reached a level of consciousness where it does not matter


> > 0.0001% of humanity (the SYs) strongly disagree and want nothing


> > do with me, websites or forum. Over the years i will do all that


> > necessary to reach out to the remaining 99.9999%. i am sure the

> > vast majority of them will overwhelmingly appreciate my honesty


> > transparency about Shri Mataji's Divine Message, a public stand


> > has always taken and sustained to emancipate humanity.

> >

> > Jai Shri Ganapathi,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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, " Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> I would say that the reason that SY's do not bring up the words

> of " Last Judgment and Resurrection " to each other at the Local

> Collective level is because they have been subtly discouraged to use

> them. (If you don't believe this, just tell your facilitator or a

> WCASY member that you are going to tell Shri Mataji's Message in

> the 'spiritually traditional terms' of the " Last Judgment and

> Resurrection " , and watch for the reaction. Their reaction will very

> likely reveal an array of emotions such as a blank face of disbelief

> (incredulity) on their faces, as if they do not believe the words

> they are hearing with their `very own ears' from your mouth... a

> shrinking and cringing body language... and very probably an

> admonishment of... " ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GIVE SELF-REALIZATION " !




As a Sikh learning about Shri Mataji it took me some time to figure out how

Sahaja Yoga, Last Judgment and Resurrection were the same thing. The reason for

this delay was the emphasis and insistence on the subtle system, treatments and

giving of self-realization. Little else was discussed at weekly meditations and

local public programs.


But the Adi Shakti within was revealing a far different aspect of Herself and

Sahaja Yoga. That helped me understand Her Divine Message far better and faith

much deeper. Then came the Sure Signs of the Holy Qur'an regarding Al-Qiyamah.

All the pieces of the spiritual puzzle began to fall in place. Finally when all

the Messengers of God Almighty had given enough evidence necessary for the

Believers on Earth to surrender to the Truth the Primordial Goddess ended Her

Revelations with these parting words: " We Have Done Our Job Here. " That day was

July 26, 1995.


However, early in my days when i started understanding that Sahaja Yoga is all

about the Last Judgment and Resurrection, i began questioning why it was not

promoted as such. The answer was always the standard: " Just give

Self-realization. " i felt powerless as not only was there scant information

about Her Divine Message, but senior SYs and leaders wielded considerable

powers. Everything had to be approved and there was this subtle hint that those

disobeying will have to face Shri Mataji.


So in 1998 i filed a request to set up a website. When they read my intentions

to declare Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment it was rejected. i remember

telling Mark Mays that the next time, when i am ready, i will not ask any

leader's permission. That is just what i did late 1999 when i set up the

www.adishakti.org website without the approval of N. American leaders. The

so-called chosen ones must have checked their vibrations which told them Shri

Mataji and Sahaja Yoga will feel a violent backlash from the media and public. i

only checked my common sense and my thoughtless state removed all traces of

their baseless fears. (Many are today re/presenters of Shri Mataji's Will!)


Ever since they have carried on their campaign to discredit the site and

assassinate the character of my children. They know that SHRI ADI SHAKTI:

KINGDOM OF GOD will have to be unconditionally accepted in order to propagate

Shri Mataji's Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection to all the

nations. Till today they are trying to tarnish and suppress the most precious of

Truth required for the triumph of Shri Mataji's Divine Message to humanity. In

one way or another, most of them have colluded in this collective objective.

That is why SY facilitators/management/ranks will never follow the explicit

orders of Shri Mataji. They have not in the past, are not doing so today even at

this eleventh hour, and surely won’t once Shri Mataji leaves.


But Shri Mataji promised that She will make sure that Sahaja Yoga triumphs by

the time She leaves. As Violet heard Her saying in 1993 that outsiders will do

the job if SYs balk at the task. It is a forgone conclusion that outsiders are

indeed following Her explicit orders and declaring that:


" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that

nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning,

their absolute, their spirit. "


My pranaam to all the conscientious souls who have decided to stand on and

propagate the Truth so that nobody misses the blessings of the Divine. It is one

of the most comforting and precious of God Almighty's Love to give to this world

............. and receive.


Jai Shri Mataji,



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