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Latest twisted innovation from SYs trying to evade telling the truth.

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Dear Violet,


You said that:



> It is not so obvious though, that the 'Alan Wherry's and company'

> are also on an equally wrong track with the wrong tack, and yet

> they have edited out Shri Mataji's Divine Message of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection, which in the greater spiritual scheme

> of things, is far worse.



i have to admit that i have erred and in a lapse of attention forgot

the obvious. It is indeed far, Far, FAR adharmic to edit out Her

Divine Message and effectively prevent those attending SY public

programs from finding out the truth. This has a snowballing effect

as those who leave tell others of their Sahaja Yoga experience -

that it is about aome subtle system. The next time these people do

not even give a passing glance, and are the least interested.


The SY foundations have remain permanently flawed structurally from

the beginning. Compound this over years and decades and the immense

waste of energy, money and talent is evident. Every attempt to erect

subsequent structures have ended in collapse and abject failure, as

SYs have themselves witnessed time and again. And Shri Mataji and

Her Divine Message remains as obscure as ever.


So now we have SYs who are justified victims of WCASY's, leader's,

coordinator's own lies and deception, desperately trying to yet

again build on that same flawed foundation. Guess experienced fools

never learn.


And we have the latest twisted and devilishly ingenious innovation

from such SYs trying to evade telling the truth. They are now saying

that Shri Mataji's talks allows deviant readings.


i can give another deviant reading -


" Since pedophiles love 'playing' with young children so much we

should not allow them near our loved ones " . SYs, in the boundless

compassion, neither want to hurt the feelings of pedophiles nor

frighten the public. Instead it is better to edit/lie and say " Some

people just love children " and let the public discover for

themselves that SYs were actually refering to pedophiles.


That is why those seekers who are told the official deviant reading

that Sahaja Yoga is a stress manager are expected to slowly discover

that it is actually about the Last Judgment and Resurrection. But

99.99% leave long before that, all gone with the officially

sanctioned lie that Sahaj Yoga is about stress relieve or chakras or

subtle system.


But who benefits from this wrong conclusion? WCASY and their SYSSR

of course, and they have cleverly given a wrong conclusion based on

Statement 1 and Statement 2 below, and yet again 'blurred the

spiritual lines' just so they can assuage their consciences in

editing out the Divine Message.


Statement 1:-


People vary in their spiritual understanding of Shri Mataji's

Truths. (Shri Mataji has said this too.)



Statement 2:-


People will not all understand the depths of Shri Mataji's Truths,

and therefore the spiritual understanding will vary from a very

shallow spiritual understanding to a deep understanding of Her

Truths. (Shri Mataji has said this too.)





Therefore variant readings are acceptable. Absolutely false. It is a

mere twisted innovation from SYs trying to evade telling the truth.

(Shri Mataji never said that.)


Read this email from a concerned SY:


" To all my brothers and sisters who are devotees of the Great Adi



i would like to present a scathing letter addressed to all of us

regarding Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga:


" It is astonishing that the sahaja yogis, who believe Shri Mataji to

be the savior of humanity prophecied by many religious scriptures,

have not the conviction to promote her to the world openly, honestly

and unashamedly as that. Promotion of the savior will draw more

serious attention from many more people than do the current vague

claims about stress relief and peace of mind. This lack of

conviction speaks volumes and is the same reason they fail to

respond to those who challenge SY. You simply can't be one thing and

then attempt to portray yourself as another - no matter how clever

you are, it shows and people see it very clearly. This is called

hypocrisy. It indicates the vast majority of sahaja yogis are in a

state of denial.


On the premise that Shri Mataji is indeed the Adi Shakti, on what

basis do the sahaja yogis take it upon themselves to discriminate as

to whom is delivered the message of her present incarnation and by

what convoluted process that message is selectively delivered? To

take upon themselves to make such discriminations is an expression

of an elitist, missionary culture motivated by power and authority

over others. The message must be very plain and simple if every

person on the planet is to be afforded the opportunity to draw their

own conclusions about the goddess incarnate. Why do the sahaja yogis

make something so simple so complicated?. Why are they doing so poor

a job in telling the world of Shri Mataji, when as the goddess she

will surely stand and be recognised as the reality they claim she is?


My parting word is that like it or not, Shri Mataji and her sahaja

yogis must face the issues presented by those who challenge them.

Intelligent response is required and what remains to be seen is

whether they are capable of this. The longer they avoid it, the more

SY will be clearly identified to be lacking in credibility and its

members in integrity. The more they will appear to be a cultish

throw-back to the dark ages. I recommend the sahaja yogis today

change their whole approach and start promoting SY as what it is - a

religion focused around a personality who has claimed, and is

understood by them, to be the Adi Shakti, divine mother of the

universe. This is, after all, the year of exposure for SY.


May truth prevail. "








So deviant reading my foot. This twisted and devilishly ingenious

innovation from SYs trying to evade telling the truth should be

called " devious reading " , or " dubious reading " , or " diaboloical

reading " . i am not a kindergarten subtle system SY like them. A

spade must be called a spade, and " dubious " is a devious corruption

of " deviant " . So please do not make a deviant reading of my post.




Note: This SY was irate that Guido hit someone in anger. Just want

to remind him that Shri Jesus hit a number of traders with a big

staff since He was angered by their desecrating the sanctity of the

temple. There are times when we cannot stay in the witness state and

must act with determination.


i had a number of horrible experiences with senior SYs. One of the

worst was when this senior SY exclaimed loudly to others that i tape

the mouth of my months-old daughter Lalita as she was crying

(perhaps because she was hungry or needed a diaper change). i was

compelled to angrily confront his unwarranted abundance of Sahaj

Love. (He had earlier requested during a meeting that a havan be

made of my religious/spiritual books, in my presence. i was made to

look like a possessed neophyte in the company of great enlightened,

self-realized souls, and had to be cleansed with their Sahaj Love.)


i have more Sahaj Love stories but will share them over time in

small doses. Too much Sahaj Love in a single post can kill!



> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> " i will never beat another human but words hurt far more. Even

> Jesus has spoken against murmuring souls, the worst type of all.

> So it is better you beat someone than silently spread falsehood

> against him. Some SYs think they have advanced and know better,

> cringing in compassion for pro-WCASY factions. What about the hurt

> and pain that murmuring souls like Alan Wherry and his henchmen

> have done for years in presence of newcomers, in effect causing

> immense damage to Her Divine Message?


> Any answers? "


> jagbir


, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> Yes, i do have an answer. i think what murmuring souls like Alan

> Wherry and his henchman have done is far worse in a subtle sense

> than what Guido has done in a gross way. i say this because

> an 'obvious fistycuffs man like Guido' is blatant and it is clear

> that he is on the wrong track with the wrong tack.


> It is not so obvious though, that the 'Alan Wherry's and company'

> are also on an equally wrong track with the wrong tack, and yet

> they have edited out Shri Mataji's Divine Message of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection, which in the greater spiritual scheme

> of things, is far worse.


> Rank and file SY's could speak up about this 'editing out' of the

> Divine Message, but they prefer not to. They could also speak up

> about all the excuses that the 'a la Wherry's' have made, however,

> they prefer to keep silent and not speak up about it.


> i wonder if they will also choose 'not to speak up about it' when

> they are individually held accountable for the Divine Message.

> Surely then such excuses as 'a la Wherry' said it was okay',

> or 'we did not know that the Divine Message was edited out' are

> just not going to 'hold water'. They will then be told that they

> were warned about this 'editing out' of Shri Mataji's Divine

> Message, but they just carried on as if nothing was wrong about

> that!


> The fact is, the Last Judgment and Resurrection Time is NOW. That

> is why it has to be a 'Last Judgment and Resurrection' message NOW!


> violet



> > Dear All,

> >

> > i received an email that read:

> >

> > ------------

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > as i am on my way to understand who is about what i would be

> > grateful for some comments on this one.

> >

> > js> i waiting for Alan Wherry and WCASY to issue me a similar

> > fatwa

> >

> > Do you find you did something as horrible as Guido did? Or are

> > you supporting Guido in what he did? Or do you expect some

> > negative action expectations towards you would help anyone?

> >

> > Would you interrupt a ceremony? Would you beat a sahaja yogi in

> > presence of newcomers?

> >

> > I used to have a better opinion of you, but such comparisons

> > just make me wonder. So what's happening anyway?

> >

> > ----------------

> >

> >

> > >> Do you find you did something as horrible as Guido did?

> >

> > i must have since for years leaders like Yogi Mahajan and others

> > have murmured to others that my children are demonic, that i am

> > not a SY but a possessed false guru seeking powers. Since a

> > World Council member Alan Wherry has taken the initiative to

> > actively demonize my family i must have done something as

> > horrible as Guido did. What makes such people override Shri

> > Mataji expresses wishes to leave me alone, that i am not doing

> > anything wrong, that She approves of my websites, and confirms

> > that all i have written is

> > a miraculous work and full of great vibrations?

> >

> >

> > >> Or are you supporting Guido in what he did?

> >

> > If i heard Alan Wherry denouncing me in a public havan i would

> > probably have stopped him. Problem is Allan just does not have

> > the guts to make his views public, or denounce Shri Mataji for

> > Her views about me, my book and websites when he had ample time

> > and chances.

> >

> >

> > >> Or do you expect some negative action expectations towards

> > you would help anyone?

> >

> > i am at my wit's end as how it is possible for tens of thousands

> > of SYs to continue keeping silent about the heart and soul of

> > Sahaja Yoga - that the Last Judgment and Resurrection has begun.

> > This mass silence and utter lack of urgency by rank and file is


> > HAPPENED IN HISTORY!!! A WCASY fatwa would be a fitting reward

> > for my tormented conscience.

> >

> >

> > >> Would you interrupt a ceremony?

> >

> > Not unless they burn my demonic children on their Inquisytion

> > fires.

> >

> >

> > >> Would you beat a sahaja yogi in presence of newcomers?

> >

> > i will never beat another human but words hurt far more. Even

> > Jesus has spoken against murmuring souls, the worst type of all.

> > So it is better you beat someone than silently spread falsehood

> > against him. Some SYs think they have advanced and know better,

> > cringing in compassion for pro-WCASY factions. What about the

> > hurt and pain that murmuring souls like Alan Wherry and his

> > henchmen have done for years in presence of newcomers, in effect

> > causing immense damage to Her Divine Message?

> >

> > Any answers?

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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