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The only 'spiritually safe harbour' is in your own Haven Within....

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Dear All,


The Organism of Sahaja Yoga is the Origin of Sahaja Yoga. It is also

our 'spiritually safe harbour' that comes from the Haven of our Own

Centre and not from any external 'ship of organization' that is merely

able to sail around the outskirts of that Centre.


Shri Mataji summoned the Organism of Sahaja Yoga and attracted many

spiritual seekers to it, reaching us and teaching us many spiritual

lessons. The result of Her Work also resulted in the accumulation of

videotapes, properties, and monies, which needed people to take care

of those, in other words, administrate those. That is where the

organizers of SY had their role, and that was to be the limit of their

role. Shri Mataji once described them as those 'who lick the stamps

and mail the letters'.


The Sahaja Yoga Organism, on the other hand, is the internal living

and breathing Spiritual Body of Awakened Deity and Awakened Conscious

Spirit within the human temple that is 'made without human hands'. It

can be clearly seen, then, that the Organization can never be the

Organism, you see. And that is why Shri Mataji differentiated the two

and also said that Her Truth (the Organism, in other words)...CAN



Human beings are subject to what is called " free will " . I say 'subject

to' because until we turn to the Spirit Within, in actuality we do not

have that `free will' because we habitually succumb Our Will to the

will of others. Until we have our Self-Realization and know who we

really are, we tend to knowingly or unknowingly become subject to the

will of others. This happens until we have the real realization of the

Self. " Self-Realization " means KNOWING who is really in charge of us.

IT IS OUR SPIRIT! Why should anyone else need or want to be in charge

of us anyway?! Do they get some 'kick' out of that, for example? If

they want to be in charge of us, those are the very people who we do

not want around us, because they have a wrong spiritual motive. Even

Shri Mataji never wanted to be in charge of us. So why should anyone

else dare to try to be in charge of us!


Whatever WCASY and leaders say or want you to believe, Shri Mataji

leaves it up to each individual as to how they conduct themselves. She

has never forced Her Will on others. She has shown us how to be our

own Master, Guru and Teacher, but in the final analysis, it is up to

us TO BECOME THAT. If you follow WCASY, you will have difficulty in

becoming your own MASTER, GURU AND TEACHER! In addition, Shri Mataji

has told us that `to be a leader is a maya' but in the end IT IS UP


any so-called leader who tries to subject you to their will is

definitely a maya for you. It is a test for you to stand up in your

own spiritual liberty.


As this Ship of the 'organizers' of Sahaja Yoga sails further and

further away from its Point of Origin (the Organism of Sahaja Yoga)..

...those who 'sail' with these 'organizers' will be sailing further

and further from the Haven of their own Centre Within. A person just

cannot please two masters. As the scriptures say, you will love one

and hate the other; you just cannot please both. The Will of Shri

Mataji and the Will of WCASY are in opposition. If you don't tell Shri

Mataji's Message in terms of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, you

are going against Her Wish and are displeasing Shri Mataji. If you do

tell Shri Mataji's Message in terms of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, you are displeasing WCASY and going against their wish.

So, you have to make a choice as to whom you want to please.


Facing the Truth of this matter, and making a choice, is what this

" Last Judgment and Resurrection " is really about. The " Last Judgment

and Resurrecton " are not just words; it is a HAPPENING that is

HAPPENING NOW! And you are facing it right within the Organism of

Sahaja Yoga because of some 'organizers' who have tried to usurp your

Will away from the Will and Wish of Shri Mataji.


As the tempest rises and the ship of the 'organizers' of Sahaja Yoga

sails ever further from its Point of Origin, SY's may finally realize

that Shri Mataji's Will and Wish has been cast aside. When this stark

realization comes to the fore, just `go within' to your Spirit, which

is the Centre of your Haven. You can meet your Spiritual Mother there,

and She will be your protection from the storm; She will be your



I have attached a beautiful Christian Hymn that speaks about the Peace

Within that can calm the waves of the stormy sea. i hope it will be a

blessing for you.


Love to all,





Peace! Be Still!


Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high!

The sky is o'ershadowed with blackness, No shelter or help is nigh:

" Carest Thou not that we perish? " How canst Thou lie asleep,

When each moment so madly is threat'ning a grave in the angry deep?


" The winds and the waves shall obey My will,

Peace...be still! Peace...be still! "

Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea,

Or devils, or men or whatever it be,

No water can swallow the ship where lies

the Master of ocean and earth and skies;

They all shall sweetly obey My will;

Peace, be still! Peace, be still!

They all shall sweetly obey My will:

Peace, peace...be still!


Master, with anguish of spirit I bow in my grief today;

The depths of my sad heart are troubled; O waken and save, I pray!

Torrents of sin and of anguish sweep o'er my sinking soul!

And I perish! I perish, dear Master; O hasten, and take control!


" The winds and the waves shall obey My will,

Peace...be still! Peace...be still! "

Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea,

Or devils, or men or whatever it be,

No water can swallow the ship where lies

the Master of ocean and earth and skies;

They all shall sweetly obey My will;

Peace, be still! Peace, be still!

They all shall sweetly obey My will:

Peace, peace...be still!


Master, the terror is over, the elements sweetly rest;

Earth's sun in the calm lake is mirrored,

and heaven's within my breast.

Linger, O blessed Redeemer, Leave me alone no more;

And with joy I shall make the blest harbor,

and rest on the blissful shore.


" The winds and the waves shall obey My will,

Peace be still! Peace...be still! "

Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea,

Or devils, or men or whatever it be,

No water can swallow the ship where lies

the Master of ocean and earth and skies;

They all shall sweetly obey My will;

Peace, be still! Peace, be still!

They all shall sweetly obey My will:

Peace, peace...be still!

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