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My friends left because they felt insecure and apprehensive of practicing Sahaja Yoga

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Dear Ashish,


i have just received the CD from Violet which will partially bring

up the forum. You should know that i agreed to donate space and was

not responsible for setting it up. This was left to the SY who

suggested that he be allowed to set it up in that format, a

format that i was never comfortable anyway due to its 'unstable'

nature. In fact just a few months ago i suggested that the pages be

copied and saved on a Word or Frontpage format. i was just uneasy

that it may be 'lost'. However, this SY disagreed and i left it as

that. After all, it was up to the moderators to decide and i was

just a member.


Now this SY does not want to reset it as he thinks WCASY is as

sacred a cow as SYSSR, and that deviant readings of Shri Mataji's

teachings are allowed ........... and i am not the buttering type.

So i let the forum lapse. It does not matter to me since i am NOT

going to compromise my conscience to appease anyone, no matter what

the consequences. Losing the forum is a misstep, a lesson for those

who trust subtle system SYs.


Yes, i will put it up on a more stable format over which i will

retain control i.e., assure permanence. It will take the search

engines another month or two to add the links. (It will probably be

done after the World Cup finals.)


Perhaps we have 'lost' a few seekers over the month. But compared to

the hundreds of thousands lost over the years and decades due to the

SYSSR we should not be concerned. This tiny 'loss' was due to

circumstances beyond our control and not because of deception.

Moreover, we are not participating in their crime against humanity.

So we should not feel guilty for any reason whatsoever.


And i wonder if we can suggest that seekers go to local collectives.

i have just talked to three of my educated, professional friends who

had left Sahaja Yoga within weeks. They are asking why the need for

all these strange rituals - footsoaking, bandhans, lemons & chillies

etc. One was telling me that he had never heard of anyone meditating

with eyes open, which SYs insisted was the correct way. According to

him, SYs look like ignorant amateurs teaching others about yoga. My

friends left because they felt insecure and apprehensive of

practicing Sahaja Yoga, and they had every reason to feel that

way ........... i had too.


Now they want to start again because i told them that Sahaja Yoga is

about the Adi Shakti delivering the Divine Message of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection, and that they have to merge their

consciousness and become One with the Shakti within. The fact that

they need not attend weekly collective meditation or do any external

cleansing rituals was so comforting to them. And why should they

engage in rituals since despite the years out of Sahaja Yoga two of

them still feel vibrations. (But the SYSSR mentality is that you

MUST do treatments daily, an utterly false conditioning that has

diseased entire collectives worldwide and driven almost all

newcomers away. Most SYs sadly do not see their own fanaticism.)


So in future we will have seekers just learning how to get their

Self-realization and continuing on their own. Any contact with SY

collectives are just going to drive them away. This approach will

make many SYs unhappy but it is the only way, at least for the time

being till SYs become honest enough to declare upfront that Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Adi Shakti sent to

deliver the Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection.

Seekers appreciate honesty and intergrity. i am 100% convinced,

through experience, that seekers are looking for the Truth and will

read even the most controversial of facts. However, they are very

apprehensive of secrecy, strange rituals and treatments. Many thus

may suspect a hidden agenda and are wary to continue Sahaja Yoga due

to knoweldge/experience/warnings of false gurus and weird cults.


My friend also told me that all these compulsory treatments and

rituals make SYs look like fanatics. i know this to be unfortunately

true as they are absolutely necessary for the survival of the SYSSR.


So we will continue to lose seekers fleeing from subtle system

fanatics. Today the vast majority of SYs are of that type. The task

is to shield seekers from them. The only way is to tell the Truth

that Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti sent to deliver the Divine

Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, give them the

means of attaining online self-realization, and free them to

continue on their own i.e., no contact whatsoever with any SY

collective and their cleansing rituals. i have already set the means

to do just that at www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org. Now we

only need to inform seekers of these sites. Let Shri Mataji take

care of the rest.


Note: The Baptism of Allah (http://www.al-qiyamah.org/self-

realization.htm) link has now the third-highest traffic nowadays:


1. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ 11,077

2. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/surah_1-2.htm 3,140

3. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/self-realization.htm 2,885

4. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/hidden_imam_mahdi_(qaf).htm 2,592

5. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/surah_7-10.htm 2,324

6. http://www.google.com/search 989

7. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/surah_3-4.htm 884


and allows Muslims to participate in Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)

and not be subject to the rituals, ignorance and deception at our

collectives. (If my Hindu friends are so apprehensive of rituals and

treatments what will be the reaction of Muslims?) i am sure we now

have more Muslims participating in the Last Judgment and Resurrection

than we ever had for the last three decades.



, " ihitesharma "

<ihitesharma wrote:



> Me n my brother always have this talk

> What is the job if a Sahajayogi?

> How do we repay our mother for her love and how do we stay in

> balance? How to become a good Sahajayogi?




The job of a SY has always been to declare to all the nations that

Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti sent to deliver the Divine Message of

the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Today the job of a SY has been

watered down to mislead humanity by pretending " Sahaja Yoga is a

unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self-

Realization (Kundalini awakening), that it can occur within each

human being " , or that it relieves stress and cures diseases.


World Council leaders like Alan Wherry and others have made it clear

that i am not a SY, and that www.adishakti.org has nothing to do

with Sahaja Yoga. i have to agree that it is indeed true.








, " ashish_k108 "

<ashish_k108 wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> Thanks for your reply. We may not realise it but the Adishakti

> forum is a valuable resource for Sahaja Yogis. Not only that but

> it is also a very good portal into Sahaja Yoga for non-SYs. Many

> of the articles in the forum have been indexed by the search

> engines and also many other sites have links to some articles in

> the forum. So when a surfer searches for, say, " Divine Message "

> or " 2012, " articles from the forum are also listed. I know of

> friends who have followed search results which first led them to

> the forum and then to Sahaja Yoga. So if Jagbir is reformatting

> the forum I hope that he would maintain all the former addresses

> so that the search engine indexes are not wasted. One final

> observation: in the month since the forum became inaccessible, I

> wonder how many seekers have been denied exposure to Sahaja Yoga.


> Ashish



> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Ashish,

> >

> > Jagbir will get back to you soon. None of us have been able to

> access Adi Shakti Forum Index. We have definitely not 'scrubbed

it' as you say, but we are working on getting it up again. However,

it may have to be in another format; we shall see.

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> > , " ashish_k108 "

> > <ashish_k108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > > I have not been able to access the Adishakti forum at

> adishakti.org for the past few weeks. Have you scrubbed the forum?

> > >

> > > Ashish

> > >

> >


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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


" So in future we will have seekers just learning how to get their

Self-realization and continuing on their own. "


Dear Jagbir and All,


i don't know why SY's should have a problem with that, because as

WCASY members and leaders have repeatedly said: -




As you have said for a long time in regards to rituals and treatments, Jagbir,

it is not as if the treatments and rituals are being performed 'in moderation'.

They have, in fact, according to the reports of SY's on this forum, been made a

Daily Compulsory Task. This means that whether a person requires the ritual or

treatment, or not, he or she is required to perform it on a daily basis, and if

they do not do so, they are not considered to be a 'good Sahaja Yogi'.


This same daily 'compulsoriness' has become a SY 'tool of control' over

unsuspecting spiritual seekers. Seeker, being sensitive beings, sense this 'tool

of control' quite quickly, and many just do not want to be subject to such

control over them. Seekers do nt flee the SY Organization because they perchance

find out that Shri Mataji is an Incarnation of the 'Christian Comforter'; the

reason they flee is that they just don't want to be controlled by the SY



Shri Mataji has often said to just give people their Self-Realization, and the

Holy Spirit Within will take care of them. After all, the Holy Spirit is the

Mother Within that speaks in a still voice that is your conscience. She is your

personal Guide from within. She is the Adi Shakti of the Hindus, the Christian

Comforter, the Ruh of Allah of the Muslims, the Maitreya of the Buddhists, the

Eykaa Mayee of the Sikhs, the Shekinah in Judaism, and the Great Mother of the



Many seekers come from the various spiritually traditional backgrounds, whereby

they know about the Last Judgment and Resurrection. They know very well that

their spiritual liberation/salvation comes from the Divine Within, and not from

external rituals and treatments. Christians and Muslims are aware of this fact.

According to you, Jagbir, even people from the Hindu background are aware of

this fact. However, SY's do not seem to be aware of this fact. Frankly, i find

this phenomena which seems to be exclusive to SY, to be quite puzzling. (If SY's

did understand this fact, maybe they would be spiritually liberated from daily

rituals & treatments).


What SY's in general need to do, in fact, (whether they realize this or not) is

to shift their attention on to the Holy Spirit Within, and away from the

neverending daily treatments and rituals. It is only the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti

Within that is the Author and Finisher of our Salvation or Spiritual Liberation.

When a person's enlightened attention is working together with this Kundalini

Energy (Holy Spirit Energy), the kundalini will go wherever the person puts

their attention, and the kundalini energy will clear, cleanse, heal, and balance

the person within and without. Moreover, whilst one stays connected to the

Divine Within, this process works 24/7, ever cleansing, clearing, healing, and

balancing. (It is the Power of a Sahaja Yogi....A 'Born of the Spirit Person' to

be able to do this.)


The fact is that the external daily energy cleansing and treatments that have

been going on for years, should have resulted in a permanent cure by now. That

it has not, is a sign that it is not working. Perhaps the person has been trying

to achieve a Subtle System Result, forgetting the Source which is the Holy

Spirit/Adi Shakti Within. A number of us have found that once we turn to the Adi

Shakti Within, that everything works out very simply and very well. Shri Mataji

has said as much, too.....that if we surrender to our Divine Mother Within, that

everything will work out very well.


However, many SY's still believe that they have to ritualistically and

feverishly cleanse, clear, treat, and balance on a manual basis for the rest of

their lives, if they want to obtain their salvation or spiritual liberation.

People coming from traditionally spiritual background learned from childhood

that physical effort alone will not give a person their spiritual liberation.


goes.... " Cleanliness is NEXT TO Godliness " ....IT IS NOT GODLINESS IN AND OF



A clear, clean, treated and balanced subtle system does not equate to spiritual

liberation, and this may come as a shock. A clear, clean, treated and balanced

subtle system only means a person's kundalini energy can flow well, that's all!

A person can have a spotlessly clean subtle system while remaining 'spiritually



Let me explain: -


When a person has their connection with the Divine, knowledge and wisdom will

flow through this connection. This happens naturally. You cannot stop that flow.

All you have to do is have your spiritual eyes and ears open and be spiritually

aware and accept the flow of Pure Knowledge that comes to you. (When this is the

case, the person will follow the Voice Within of the Mother Within, which is

your conscience, and you will hear it much more clearly when you are spiritually

integrated, and your Higher Self and Lower Self do not conflict or argue with

each other). All is at peace. These persons will stop listening to all external

voices for their spiritual instruction, as the Mother Within (The Holy Spirit)

is the Ultimate Spiritual Guide and Advisor; the One who also loves and knows

you better than your physical mother ever can or will be able to.


The spiritual vibrations have increased greatly since the 'early days of Sahaja

Yoga, when Shri Mataji worked very hard 'day and night' to help many persons

whose psychosomatic centres were badly damaged by drugs. These person had to

religiously cleanse, clear, and balance externally on a daily basis, because

there was no hope otherwise for the kundalini to rise; there had been too much

damage. i am pretty sure that it is the case that these 'early SY' struggles to

overcome the damage of drug intake, has had a great influence in the

establishment of the SYSSR as it stands today. i remember that Shri Mataji said

that seekers that are coming later on will be very great souls.


Meanwhile, the spiritual energies are raising/rising higher and higher

within and without. The Holy Spirit Energy is coming to fruition and

cleansing and raising the vibrations of not only us, but the whole

planet as well. This spiritual rebirth includes the rejuvenation of the Mother

Earth Herself and all that is on it. It is time for all of

humanity to awaken and experience their Second Birth of their Spirit,

whereby the Pure Knowledge and Wisdom of the Spirit, flows from within

the person and leads them to their spiritual liberation.


To this end, i agree with Jagbir that all we have to do is give

Self-Realization, as the Divine Message is already there for people to read on

the websites and forum. We will also get Shri Adi Shakti Forum back as best we

can. People will turn to the Divine Within when at last they understand the

Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection that Shri Mataji has come to give

to all of humanity. When they turn to the Holy Spirit Within, we can also help

them to understand that their enlightened attention in conjunction with their

awakened kundalini energy will clear, heal, and balance them, but their focus

has to be on the Holy Spirit Within, for this to be possible. So, our job is

definitely cut out for us to continue on and do the job that we have been asked

to do by Shri Mataji.


Jai Shri Mataji!





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Ashish,


> i have just received the CD from Violet which will partially bring

> up the forum. You should know that i agreed to donate space and was

> not responsible for setting it up. This was left to the SY who

> suggested that he be allowed to set it up in that format, a

> format that i was never comfortable anyway due to its 'unstable'

> nature. In fact just a few months ago i suggested that the pages be

> copied and saved on a Word or Frontpage format. i was just uneasy

> that it may be 'lost'. However, this SY disagreed and i left it as

> that. After all, it was up to the moderators to decide and i was

> just a member.


> Now this SY does not want to reset it as he thinks WCASY is as

> sacred a cow as SYSSR, and that deviant readings of Shri Mataji's

> teachings are allowed ........... and i am not the buttering type.

> So i let the forum lapse. It does not matter to me since i am NOT

> going to compromise my conscience to appease anyone, no matter what

> the consequences. Losing the forum is a misstep, a lesson for those

> who trust subtle system SYs.


> Yes, i will put it up on a more stable format over which i will

> retain control i.e., assure permanence. It will take the search

> engines another month or two to add the links. (It will probably be

> done after the World Cup finals.)


> Perhaps we have 'lost' a few seekers over the month. But compared to

> the hundreds of thousands lost over the years and decades due to the

> SYSSR we should not be concerned. This tiny 'loss' was due to

> circumstances beyond our control and not because of deception.

> Moreover, we are not participating in their crime against humanity.

> So we should not feel guilty for any reason whatsoever.


> And i wonder if we can suggest that seekers go to local collectives.

> i have just talked to three of my educated, professional friends who

> had left Sahaja Yoga within weeks. They are asking why the need for

> all these strange rituals - footsoaking, bandhans, lemons & chillies

> etc. One was telling me that he had never heard of anyone meditating

> with eyes open, which SYs insisted was the correct way. According to

> him, SYs look like ignorant amateurs teaching others about yoga. My

> friends left because they felt insecure and apprehensive of

> practicing Sahaja Yoga, and they had every reason to feel that

> way ........... i had too.


> Now they want to start again because i told them that Sahaja Yoga is

> about the Adi Shakti delivering the Divine Message of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection, and that they have to merge their

> consciousness and become One with the Shakti within. The fact that

> they need not attend weekly collective meditation or do any external

> cleansing rituals was so comforting to them. And why should they

> engage in rituals since despite the years out of Sahaja Yoga two of

> them still feel vibrations. (But the SYSSR mentality is that you

> MUST do treatments daily, an utterly false conditioning that has

> diseased entire collectives worldwide and driven almost all

> newcomers away. Most SYs sadly do not see their own fanaticism.)


> So in future we will have seekers just learning how to get their

> Self-realization and continuing on their own. Any contact with SY

> collectives are just going to drive them away. This approach will

> make many SYs unhappy but it is the only way, at least for the time

> being till SYs become honest enough to declare upfront that Shri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi is the incarnation of the Adi Shakti sent to

> deliver the Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection.

> Seekers appreciate honesty and intergrity. i am 100% convinced,

> through experience, that seekers are looking for the Truth and will

> read even the most controversial of facts. However, they are very

> apprehensive of secrecy, strange rituals and treatments. Many thus

> may suspect a hidden agenda and are wary to continue Sahaja Yoga due

> to knoweldge/experience/warnings of false gurus and weird cults.


> My friend also told me that all these compulsory treatments and

> rituals make SYs look like fanatics. i know this to be unfortunately

> true as they are absolutely necessary for the survival of the SYSSR.


> So we will continue to lose seekers fleeing from subtle system

> fanatics. Today the vast majority of SYs are of that type. The task

> is to shield seekers from them. The only way is to tell the Truth

> that Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti sent to deliver the Divine

> Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, give them the

> means of attaining online self-realization, and free them to

> continue on their own i.e., no contact whatsoever with any SY

> collective and their cleansing rituals. i have already set the means

> to do just that at www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org. Now we

> only need to inform seekers of these sites. Let Shri Mataji take

> care of the rest.


> Note: The Baptism of Allah (http://www.al-qiyamah.org/self-

> realization.htm) link has now the third-highest traffic nowadays:


> 1. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ 11,077

> 2. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/surah_1-2.htm 3,140

> 3. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/self-realization.htm 2,885

> 4. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/hidden_imam_mahdi_(qaf).htm 2,592

> 5. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/surah_7-10.htm 2,324

> 6. http://www.google.com/search 989

> 7. http://www.al-qiyamah.org/surah_3-4.htm 884


> and allows Muslims to participate in Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)

> and not be subject to the rituals, ignorance and deception at our

> collectives. (If my Hindu friends are so apprehensive of rituals and

> treatments what will be the reaction of Muslims?) i am sure we now

> have more Muslims participating in the Last Judgment and


> than we ever had for the last three decades.



> , " ihitesharma "

> <ihitesharma@> wrote:

> >

> > JSM

> > Me n my brother always have this talk

> > What is the job if a Sahajayogi?

> > How do we repay our mother for her love and how do we stay in

> > balance? How to become a good Sahajayogi?

> > JSM

> >


> The job of a SY has always been to declare to all the nations that

> Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti sent to deliver the Divine Message of

> the Last Judgment and Resurrection. Today the job of a SY has been

> watered down to mislead humanity by pretending " Sahaja Yoga is a

> unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self-

> Realization (Kundalini awakening), that it can occur within each

> human being " , or that it relieves stress and cures diseases.


> World Council leaders like Alan Wherry and others have made it clear

> that i am not a SY, and that www.adishakti.org has nothing to do

> with Sahaja Yoga. i have to agree that it is indeed true.


> regards,



> jagbir



> , " ashish_k108 "

> <ashish_k108@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > Thanks for your reply. We may not realise it but the Adishakti

> > forum is a valuable resource for Sahaja Yogis. Not only that but

> > it is also a very good portal into Sahaja Yoga for non-SYs. Many

> > of the articles in the forum have been indexed by the search

> > engines and also many other sites have links to some articles in

> > the forum. So when a surfer searches for, say, " Divine Message "

> > or " 2012, " articles from the forum are also listed. I know of

> > friends who have followed search results which first led them to

> > the forum and then to Sahaja Yoga. So if Jagbir is reformatting

> > the forum I hope that he would maintain all the former addresses

> > so that the search engine indexes are not wasted. One final

> > observation: in the month since the forum became inaccessible, I

> > wonder how many seekers have been denied exposure to Sahaja Yoga.

> >

> > Ashish

> >

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Ashish,

> > >

> > > Jagbir will get back to you soon. None of us have been able to

> > access Adi Shakti Forum Index. We have definitely not 'scrubbed

> it' as you say, but we are working on getting it up again. However,

> it may have to be in another format; we shall see.

> > >

> > > warmest regards,

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> > > , " ashish_k108 "

> > > <ashish_k108@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Jagbir,

> > > >

> > > > I have not been able to access the Adishakti forum at

> > adishakti.org for the past few weeks. Have you scrubbed the forum?

> > > >

> > > > Ashish

> > > >

> > >

> >


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