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He doesnt support their blind hypocrisy and that most yogis yoga is dry and fanatical

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Dear Gautam,


You should know that cancer is a very dangerous and often fatal

disease. If detected early the chances of survival are better.


The same goes for Sahaja Yoga. The faster you know where the cancer

is the quicker the cure. Further delay due to us arguing about the

petty details of the prognosis will just hasten disaster. The clear

evidence of this cancerous organ must be urgently checked and

vigorously removed by aggressive surgery. That is the only hope and

option for survival.


The quote below is from the latest Friday, June 16, 2006 11:23 PM

email from a SY who is only hanging on because s/he read Shri

Mataji's Divine Message on www.adishakti.org and joined Sahaja Yoga:


" I don't go to the collective very much anymore at all because i

just feel boxed in by SY culture and not able to live a " normal "

life learning about my spirit through experience and trial and

error, instead of following the book so to speak. Also the catch,

cure, opinions this and that is too much for me. I don't even feel

like going at all to meetings or anything, less to be worked on

becauce there is also that element which trivializes SY the organizm

and all that is discussed is " sy " culture in a way that seems

like " real " life is outside this bubble of SY stuffs. Anyways its

too much. I will say that ---- lives at the ashram and has told me

that people there are terrified because i am becoming my own guru,

and that he supports my ascent 100%. Basically he said people are

talking about why i dont go to the ashram or collective meetings or

whatever anymore and basically that they are not in agreeance with

it or think there is something wrong with me. He said he doesnt

support their blind hypocrisy and that most yogis " yoga " is dry and

fanatical and that the people who grow are those who don't do by the

book, but apply it scientifically to live experieces, good or bad,

to find the truth and more out about themselves. I find that

comforting to know that even amongst the household of book thumping

SY, there are those who dont become part of the book which the

others are " thumping " so to speak. "


Gautam, please do not think the above is the cancer. It is but a

small advanced tumour in the diseased organ. Perhaps you do not know

the causes that continue to aggravate the cancerous cells.


i am also a bit surprised at your statement about Guido, that " even

hell will not forgive him " . How can that be when, just like other

WCASY members, he was a re/presenter of Shri Mataji's Will? How can

anyone become so evil overnight? Did Shri Mataji personally chose

him to re/present Her Will to humanity in 2004/5? Why choose him in

the first place? Can we blame Shri Mataji also?


Gautam, i believe you do not properly understand the depth of

deception taking place. Perhaps there is a blind spot that blocks a

clear vision. And evidence seems to suggest that most subtle system

SYs have this inherent defect. As an outsider i am able to think and

see much better.


After reading your email i felt guilty of urging SYs to demand that

the Truth be announced. This negativity is so satanic!


But i am optimistic that destruction of this satanic negativity is

taking place. It is so comforting to know that those who have read

www.adishakti.org do not " support their blind hypocrisy and that

most yogis " yoga " is dry and fanatical " . We will remove the cancer

that is threatening to destroy the Organism. And just in case,

please be advised it is going to be a painful process with a long

recovery period to attain full health again. So be prepared for more

pus and pain. It is not going to be a pretty sight for the sqeamish

or weak-hearted ............... or those who have made hypocrites

and liars and cowards out of so-called self-realized souls.







, gautam thapa

<sahajgautam wrote:


> Dear Brother Jagbir and Sister Voilet,

> My Apology to both of u and to all the members of the forum, if

the mail of mine would touch the sentiments of any brothers and


> When I first joined this forum it was full of fragrance. The

mails used to be full of information about sahaja yoga and many

more. I regularly used to forward to my fellow sahaj brothers and

sisters and the best feed back I used to get. But today there is

very very less eagerness to go through the mail because the content

today is full of criticism.

> There is no charm in the mails. Jagbir ji where are those

beautiful articles u used to post. Today out of hundred mails, 99

mails are against WCASY. Don't we think that the fragmentation is

happening before our eyes? I think it is not alys good to criticize

the council. Every thing they are doing is not bad. May be few are

not tracked but they are working to make it a better way. I know the

pain you and violet has undergone.

> In the recent post u had written regarding Gregoire de

Kalbermatten. I think u are not doing good job to criticize him…and

u are comparing with GUIDO. Even though I stay in Bhutan Very far

away from them but I think I have better information about them…Do

not dare to compare the wishes of Uncle Gregoire de Kalbermatten

with Guido. You had written about the will of Guido. U Know even

hell will not forgive him. You haven't heard his True coloured story…

do u know any thing about his business in Ivory coast? Let me not

dig more about it.

> Brother Jagbir, u are not happy with the treatments. It is true

what u say " surrendering to shakti will clear every thing " but apart

from that some times to reach a height u must have to use a ladder

to reach a height. Do not alys object the process of treatments

taught by Mother. U are true, not to be conditioned with it. but in

many times treatments help is clearing out.

> U have written that ur friends have dropped u. They are not

afraid of WCASY. It is because the site is loosing its worth.

Because there is nothing that is useful other then criticism.

> We do have to criticize but not alys.There fore dear brother

jagbir let us make this forum a better like before. With this mail

am not discouraging or blaming you. You have been doing superb job

in handling this site and spreading the message of sahaja yoga.

> let us not alys pull the legs of other fellow yogi. Mother is

there and every thing will be fine. This a Kaliyuga and many has to

be filtered out. So when she is the shakti it is not our job to

correct any one.

> I am very sorry if my mail has hurt you all. But that is the





> With Nirmal Love,

> Gautam


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Dear Gautam,


A person does not need to apologize for telling the truth. Telling the truth is

something that many SY's fear to do, and apologize profusely if they are forced

to do so. However, that is not the case on this forum, where we are free to tell

the truth and do not have to apologize for doing so.


The truth is that i don't think Organization SY are going in the right direction

at all. Meditation and Subtle System Clearing and Cleansing Info are fine, but

there is no real spiritual teaching that goes with it. Seekers just have no idea

what it is all about, 'spiritually speaking'. For example, many seekers have

come and gone from Organization SY without ever realizing that Shri Mataji is

the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit that Shri Jesus promised would come.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to talk about WCASY, so people will wake up to

the situation as it is in Organization SY today.


The truth is NOT always palatable. It would be nice, for example, if the

prominent members of Organization SY would at least openly declare that Shri

Mataji is the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit. It would be nice if the

powers-that-be in Organization SY would declare that this is the Last Judgment

and Resurrection Time.


Here we have the Declarers of Her Will officially representing the Last Judgment

and Resurrection Messenger of All-Time, but the Outside World does not even know

that Shri Mataji is the Official Last Judgment and Resurrection Messenger! This

is most remiss, and i will tell you why: -


Shri Mataji does not belong to Sahaja Yogis. She belongs to the whole world. She

is the Messenger to the Whole World.


Do you think the 'outside world' will be happy when they find out that WCASY

have been keeping Shri Mataji's real identity hidden? They will not understand

this. Do you understand why WCASY are hiding Her Identity? i certainly don't.

Maybe they are ashamed or afraid. It has to be either one of these reasons.

Ashamed or afraid! And yet, Shri Mataji has expressly asked that Her Real

Identity and Her Real Message be made known. WCASY are Her Official Promoters.

Yet they are not doing the most important task that has been given in sacred

trust. However, Shri Mataji did say that if they do not do the job WITHIN the

Organization, it will be done from WITHOUT the Organization. She said that at

Sydney Airport, and i heard it with my very own ears. (i was quite astounded, as

it was the first time i had heard Her speak about 'SY Family Matters'.)


The tragedy over the years is that many 'spiritually hungry' seekers have turned

away from Shri Mataji's Truth because they did not hear the Truth in the first

place. All they know is that SY is a Meditation and Subtle System Practice. It

is time, therefore, that WCASY seriously consider doing what to them is an

unpalatable thing, and that is to declare the real identity of Shri Mataji as

being the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit that has come to Earth, as Shri Jesus

promised would happen at this Time.


i know that Her Real Message doesn't fit too well in their nicely packaged

Meditation and Subtle System Package, but that is a problem that they have

created, so that is a problem they will have to also solve. Maybe, it does not

matter to them that they don't please Her, but it matters to us, and we will

knock on WCASY's door as long as we need to, and tell the Truth about the

forfeiture of their Duty to Shri Mataji's Last Judgment and Resurrection



If this is unpalatable, so let it be, because it is not going to be very

palatable either, when SY's realize one day that they have 'backed' the 'wrong

horse' by following WCASY's instructions rather than Shri Mataji's instructions

and wishes. This is the real situation that is now faced within Organization SY.

That is why we talk about it a lot. This situation is now faced because THIS IS

the Last Judgment and Resurrection Time, and the decision now has to be faced to

follow God or Mammon. Even within the very organization of SY itself, does this

decision have to be made.


i am sorry if what i say is unpalatable, but i do not apologize for what i say,

because i say what needs to be heard, and what needs to be heard, is not

necessarily what people want to hear. However, by being thus informed, SY's will

not be able to say in future that: -


" We did not know; we had no idea " .


kindest regards,





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Gautam,


> You should know that cancer is a very dangerous and often fatal

> disease. If detected early the chances of survival are better.


> The same goes for Sahaja Yoga. The faster you know where the cancer

> is the quicker the cure. Further delay due to us arguing about the

> petty details of the prognosis will just hasten disaster. The clear

> evidence of this cancerous organ must be urgently checked and

> vigorously removed by aggressive surgery. That is the only hope and

> option for survival.


> The quote below is from the latest Friday, June 16, 2006 11:23 PM

> email from a SY who is only hanging on because s/he read Shri

> Mataji's Divine Message on www.adishakti.org and joined Sahaja Yoga:


> " I don't go to the collective very much anymore at all because i

> just feel boxed in by SY culture and not able to live a " normal "

> life learning about my spirit through experience and trial and

> error, instead of following the book so to speak. Also the catch,

> cure, opinions this and that is too much for me. I don't even feel

> like going at all to meetings or anything, less to be worked on

> becauce there is also that element which trivializes SY the organizm

> and all that is discussed is " sy " culture in a way that seems

> like " real " life is outside this bubble of SY stuffs. Anyways its

> too much. I will say that ---- lives at the ashram and has told me

> that people there are terrified because i am becoming my own guru,

> and that he supports my ascent 100%. Basically he said people are

> talking about why i dont go to the ashram or collective meetings or

> whatever anymore and basically that they are not in agreeance with

> it or think there is something wrong with me. He said he doesnt

> support their blind hypocrisy and that most yogis " yoga " is dry and

> fanatical and that the people who grow are those who don't do by the

> book, but apply it scientifically to live experieces, good or bad,

> to find the truth and more out about themselves. I find that

> comforting to know that even amongst the household of book thumping

> SY, there are those who dont become part of the book which the

> others are " thumping " so to speak. "


> Gautam, please do not think the above is the cancer. It is but a

> small advanced tumour in the diseased organ. Perhaps you do not know

> the causes that continue to aggravate the cancerous cells.


> i am also a bit surprised at your statement about Guido, that " even

> hell will not forgive him " . How can that be when, just like other

> WCASY members, he was a re/presenter of Shri Mataji's Will? How can

> anyone become so evil overnight? Did Shri Mataji personally chose

> him to re/present Her Will to humanity in 2004/5? Why choose him in

> the first place? Can we blame Shri Mataji also?


> Gautam, i believe you do not properly understand the depth of

> deception taking place. Perhaps there is a blind spot that blocks a

> clear vision. And evidence seems to suggest that most subtle system

> SYs have this inherent defect. As an outsider i am able to think and

> see much better.


> After reading your email i felt guilty of urging SYs to demand that

> the Truth be announced. This negativity is so satanic!


> But i am optimistic that destruction of this satanic negativity is

> taking place. It is so comforting to know that those who have read

> www.adishakti.org do not " support their blind hypocrisy and that

> most yogis " yoga " is dry and fanatical " . We will remove the cancer

> that is threatening to destroy the Organism. And just in case,

> please be advised it is going to be a painful process with a long

> recovery period to attain full health again. So be prepared for more

> pus and pain. It is not going to be a pretty sight for the sqeamish

> or weak-hearted ............... or those who have made hypocrites

> and liars and cowards out of so-called self-realized souls.


> regards,


> jagbir



> , gautam thapa

> <sahajgautam@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Brother Jagbir and Sister Voilet,

> > My Apology to both of u and to all the members of the forum, if

> the mail of mine would touch the sentiments of any brothers and

> sisters.

> > When I first joined this forum it was full of fragrance. The

> mails used to be full of information about sahaja yoga and many

> more. I regularly used to forward to my fellow sahaj brothers and

> sisters and the best feed back I used to get. But today there is

> very very less eagerness to go through the mail because the content

> today is full of criticism.

> > There is no charm in the mails. Jagbir ji where are those

> beautiful articles u used to post. Today out of hundred mails, 99

> mails are against WCASY. Don't we think that the fragmentation is

> happening before our eyes? I think it is not alys good to criticize

> the council. Every thing they are doing is not bad. May be few are

> not tracked but they are working to make it a better way. I know the

> pain you and violet has undergone.

> > In the recent post u had written regarding Gregoire de

> Kalbermatten. I think u are not doing good job to criticize him…and

> u are comparing with GUIDO. Even though I stay in Bhutan Very far

> away from them but I think I have better information about them…Do

> not dare to compare the wishes of Uncle Gregoire de Kalbermatten

> with Guido. You had written about the will of Guido. U Know even

> hell will not forgive him. You haven't heard his True coloured


> do u know any thing about his business in Ivory coast? Let me not

> dig more about it.

> > Brother Jagbir, u are not happy with the treatments. It is true

> what u say " surrendering to shakti will clear every thing " but apart

> from that some times to reach a height u must have to use a ladder

> to reach a height. Do not alys object the process of treatments

> taught by Mother. U are true, not to be conditioned with it. but in

> many times treatments help is clearing out.

> > U have written that ur friends have dropped u. They are not

> afraid of WCASY. It is because the site is loosing its worth.

> Because there is nothing that is useful other then criticism.

> > We do have to criticize but not alys.There fore dear brother

> jagbir let us make this forum a better like before. With this mail

> am not discouraging or blaming you. You have been doing superb job

> in handling this site and spreading the message of sahaja yoga.

> > let us not alys pull the legs of other fellow yogi. Mother is

> there and every thing will be fine. This a Kaliyuga and many has to

> be filtered out. So when she is the shakti it is not our job to

> correct any one.

> > I am very sorry if my mail has hurt you all. But that is the

> fact.

> >

> >

> >

> > With Nirmal Love,

> > Gautam

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> Click here

> > Send free SMS to your Friends on Mobile from your

> Messenger Download now

> >


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