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Shri Mataji: Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world

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Dear All,


Thanks Violet for bringing out the virtues of Truth that will end

Kal-Jug and usher Sat-Jug. i quote:


" We as members of the current society are largely responsible for the

Spiritual and Eternal downfall of our society, because every soul

living on this earth forms the society, the human society. We as a

society need to enlighten our souls with this Eternal Truth. We need

to eradicate the untrue elements from our daily life, and rise to

that level of Serving the Truth, that each one of us become a

completely Truthful Person – Puran Sachyara. This will eradicate the

darkness of Kal-Jug and form the advent of Sat-Jug – the Age of



What is the basis of the formation of an Age? It is the nature of the

human thoughts and conversion of these thoughts to daily actions,

reactions and deeds that form the basis of a Age. So in Sat-Jug

everyone led a completely truthful life, that is why it is known as

Sat-Jug – the Age of Truth. If each one of us becomes committed to

see, speak, hear and serve the truth and nothing but the truth then

this age of Kal-Jug will be converted in to the Sat-Jug. "


Seeing, speaking, hearing and serving the Truth and nothing but the

Truth is deeply rooted in Sikhism. In the early days of Sikhism tens

of thousands of Sikhs willingly laid down their lives to protect the

Truth. The tortures they endured to serve and protect the Truth of

their Gurus probably has no comparision in history. Truth is the

very foundation of Sikhism.


" The concept of Truth - Sach, Sat is basic and fundamental in

Sikhism. In the Japji Guru Nanak deals with the subject of Truth.

The word " Truth " has different meanings in different contexts. The

most important connotation of Truth is God. The Almighty is Truth

(Sat Kartar, Sat Nam, Ad Sach Jugad Sach, Hai Bhi Sach, Nanak Hosi

Bhi Sach, Ap Sach Keenay Sabh Sach). Another meaning of Truth is

Virtue (Apay Gun, Apay Gunkari) which includes qualities like

honesty, righteousness, justice, compassion, detachment, humility

etc. The third meaning of Truth is pure, holy, sacred (Sacha Chauka

Surat Ki Kar). The fourth meaning of Truth is that which is correct

and proper (Jo Kuchh Karay Sat Kar Man). The fifth meaning of Truth

is eternal happiness of bliss (Tatah Tut Milay Sach Paya).


But who can give the Truth? God being the source of Truth gives

truth (revelation) direct to the holy and the enlightened (Jis Tu

Deh Tis Milay Sach, Ta Tini Sach Kamaiya). Secondly the Satguru (or

Guru) can give Truth to the devotee through his teachings and

example (Satguru Milay Sach Paya, Jini Wicheu Ap Gavaiya). Thirdly

the Sadh Sangat or Holy Congregation can impart an understanding of

Truth to the disciple (Sach Sangat Pavah Sach Dhana). So God, Guru,

or Holy Gongregation can grant the gift of Truth to a devotee.


The gift of Truth comes to the deserving. The Sikh must satisfy some

requirements to be a candidate for the gift of Truth. He must follow

the Guru's teaching: he must do charitable and altruistic deeds; he

must submit to the will of God; he must do spiritual cleansing

through remembrance of the Holy Name (Mun Davah Shabad Lagau har siu

Rahau Chit Laai); finally, he must pray for God's grace (Jah Prasad

tu Pavah Sach, Ray Mun Meray Tu Ta Siu Raach).


In Sikhism greater than Truth is Truthful living. One must lead a

life of Truth. He must speak the Truth, act the Truth and think the

Truth (Sach karni Sach Taki Rahat). A noble character implies the

practice of humility, compassion, meditation and a desire to serve

and guide others on the spiritual path. Such a devotee earns the

gift of Truth and ulitmately merges with the Eternal (God) like the

rain drop losing itself in the ocean. "


Outsiders have been summoned since 1993 by the incarnation of the

Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to serve and protect the Truth

of Her Divine Message that WCASY and SYs have found ingenious ways

and deviant excuses to suppress and edit, replacing it with their

Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.


" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that

nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning,

their absolute, their spirit. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)


As a Sikh i am honored to carry that saint-warrior tradition of

Sikhism to fearlessly serve my Primordial Guru and Her Divine

Message to humanity. All who want to serve Her must " announce it to

all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that

nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning,

their absolute, their spirit. " Those serving WCASY masters and their

SYSSR need not do so since they have found creative reasons for not

committing themselves to seeing, speaking, hearing and serving the

Truth. That is the job bestowed by the Adi Shakti to outsiders. It

takes little common sense to understand that the Adi Shakti came

fully prepared and armed to destroy all obtacles and foes of Truth.


Jai Shri Mataji,






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> i came across a topic in the Third Advent regarding the Imam Mahdi.

> It is written by Gregoire de Kalbermatten and Majid Golpur, both

> council members of the WCASY. Till today none of them have stood up

> for their beliefs. It is a forgone conclusion that the explicit

> orders of Shri Mataji were ever followed by SY leaders/management/

> ranks. But when SY authors and so-called scholars - the elite

> 'chosen ones' to spearhead the advent of the Adi Shakti - flee from

> the battlefield before it has even begun, how will the foot-

> soldiers fight? When the latter see their leaders fleeing in

> fright, urgently gesticulating all to abandon the fight at

> penalty of excommunication for disobedience, who is left standing

> to protect the Truth?


> SYs nowadays are a disarrayed and divided bunch of faint-hearted

> hypocrites who, now hiding in their collective caves, abandoned

> their sacred duty a long time ago. As Shri Mataji warned them years

> ago that if they do not spread Her Message outsiders will. This

> prediction has indeed come true. Today it the outsiders who are

> proclaiming, among other truths, that Shri Mataji is the Imam Mahdi

> or Savior that has come at the time of the Last Judgment to save

> the world. 99% of SYs have no guts to say the same.


> My question: Since all WCASY members like Gregoire de Kalbermatten

> and Majid Golpur claim to be co-re/presenters of Her Will, what

> makes them balk at announcing the same? i mean for decades Shri

> Mataji publicly proclaimed Her advent on Earth as the Adi Shakti

> sent by God Almighty to deliver the Divine Message. How come the

> hijackers of Her Will cannot do the same? In the first place, the

> unprecedented claim to be re/presenters of Her Will just defies

> logic, historical facts, consciousness, conscience and DNA! And if

> that is not enough then compare the inconsistencies and

> contradictions between the WCASY claimants of Her Will and that of

> Shri Mataji. Only blind and ignorant SYs do not see the obvious.

> (And how come Guido's share of Her Will has been removed?)


> But i know. It is sheer blasphemy and a satanic lie to claim such

> powers. How is it possible to claim that Shri Mataji bequeated Her

> Will to a bunch of cowards and hypocrites who have never obeyed Her

> explicit orders? This unprecedented claim indeed defies all logic,

> historical facts, consciousness, conscience and DNA!


> The struggle between their SYSSR and Her Divine Message has already

> begun. In the end only Truth will survive and destroy the rest.

> That destruction has already begun. Only the blind are ignorant of

> this. And by destruction i mean your own too if you wilfully

> participate in propagating the crime against humanity i.e.,

> pretending that Sahaja Yoga is about the subtle system. Meditate

> deeply on why Shri Mataji warned SYs in 1993 at the Sydney,

> Australia airport that outisders will be summoned to do the task

> if they do not. Outsiders are carrying out Her explicit orders

> that were never followed by SY leaders/management/ranks. All Her

> devotees are most welcome to join. Devote yourself entirely and

> exclusively to Shri Mataji and Her Divine Message, not WCASY and

> their Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion. You must meditate and

> introspect as to why Shri Mataji had to warn SYs that outsiders

> will be summoned to do the task if they do not. None of us pay

> homage or are subject to the Will of WCASY and their SYSSR. That

> is indeed one of the greatest blessings of the Adi Shakti within.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:



> For the last three decades the following crucial wishes of Shri

> Mataji have never been fulfilled by SY leaders/management, and the

> rank and file now have have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards:


> a) Announce the Last Judgment to all the seekers of truth, to all

> the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of

> the Divine;


> " Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

> masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga

> Dharma. It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce

> it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world,

> so that nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their

> meaning, their absolute, their spirit. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> b) Declare to all that it is the Resurrection Time;


> " Declare to all the nations now that I ... have come for this

> special time, that is the Resurrection Time. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> c) Declare to all the nations that She is the Holy Ghost (Spirit);


> " Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have

> come for this special time. that is the Resurrection Time. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> d) SYs to prove to all that She is indeed the Adi Shakti;


> " I am the Adi Shakti. I am the one who has come on this earth for

> the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. The more

> you'll understand this the better it would be. You will change

> tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we

> have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it, that

> I'm that. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> And those who are doing exactly what Shri Mataji has deeply desired

> for years are condemned, excommunicated and shunned by rank and

> file SYs, leaders and WCASY members.


> Yes, by deliberately suppressing Her deepest desires to emancipate

> humanity rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. The officially

> supplanted Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a sacrilegious act

> that has no comparison in history. It is an evil possession, a

> powerful negativity like no other.


> So what can be done? i can only quote Shri Mataji:


> " The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment

> today. We are not aware of it. And all the Satanic Forces have come

> out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to

> attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge

> the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started. "



> They are trying to attract you with the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> Religion. You do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the

> Reality (Truth). The Last Judgment has started, it is a fact. It

> has started. You will be judged harshly if you ever prevented

> seekers from knowing that the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh) is on

> Earth, that it is the promised Last Judgment and Resurrection - i

> know 99% of SYs have in one way or another never told that to

> those attending their public programs .... even after months of

> their attendance!


> And over the decades hundreds of thousands have left for good

> without realizing how close they were to salvation. Despite Shri

> Mataji's plea that no seeker " misses the blessings of the Divine to

> achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit " , the vast

> majority were most unfortunate as no SY followed Shri Mataji's

> explicit desire. Instead they were told about the subtle system,

> kundalini, chakras and benefits of meditation which every Osho,

> Muktananda and Yogi Bhajan also tell their followers. The similar

> teachings of false gurus and SYs collude to deceive the masses.


> All preachers and followers of the SYSSR have come out like the

> wolves in sheep's clothes. They are deceiving the seekers and have

> removed all traces of these explicit orders of Shri Mataji from

> their websites, phamplets, public programs and conscience. This is

> the greatest satanic force that prevents humanity from knowing

> about the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


> i am standing on what i say. It is all in black and white. The

> WCASY and SY leaders/management/ranks are invited to present this

> post to Shri Mataji or whoever they feel is capable of confronting

> me. i give them my written assurance that i will NEVER back out of

> what i believe in heart, mind and soul. Take this offer while Shri

> Mataji is still on Earth. i am giving you my word - i will repeat

> all that i have accused WCASY and SY leaders/management/ranks of.

> In fact i will add that the entire Sahaja Yoga organization has

> wilfully committed, and still continues to commit, a collective

> crime against humanity. So show Her this post while there is still

> time. Thanks.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


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