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no seeker misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit

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Dear all... Allah-u-Abha!!! Namaste!!!Despite all your negativity towards SWAN and Sahaja Yoga, by clicking on your SWAN link and practicing the Baha'i Principle of the Independent Investigation of Truth, I have discovered the answer to my former question about the life of Shri Nirmala...Since some of the members of this discussion group may not be aware of these facts, I thought I'd post them here for the benefit of all involved...Although they may not give the Last Judgement and Resurrection Teachings of Adi Shakti, I believe it is very important that we mention some of the good things that the Sahaja Yoga Orgainzation offers, while remaining our Buddhist Liberty to set aside any teaching by them that any of us may individually disagree with...The following information was quoted from http://www.sahajayoga.org/shrimataji/ ********* ********* *********'Immaculate'. Later on she came to be known by the multitudes by the name of Shri Mataji Birth and Childhood Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born on March 21, 1923 to a Christian family in Chindawara, India. Her parents were Prasad and Cornelia Salve, direct descendants of the royal Shalivahana dynasty. Seeing the beauty of this child who was born with a spotless brilliance, they called her Nirmala, which means 'Immaculate'. Later on she came to be known by the multitudes by the name of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the revered

Mother who was born with her complete Self Realization and knew from a very young age that she had a unique gift which had to be made available to all mankind. Her parents played a key role in India's Liberation Movement from under British rule. Her father, a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi, was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India and helped write free India's first constitution. He was a renowned scholar, master of 14 languages, and translated the Koran in Marathi. Her mother was the first woman in India to receive an Honors Degree in Mathematics. Fighting for India's Freedom As a

child, Shri Mataji lived with her parents in the ashram of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi saw the wisdom of this child and used to appreciate her immensely, affectionately calling her Nepali due to the Nepali features of her face. Even at a young age, her deep understanding was evident to Gandhi, who frequently sought her advice on spiritual matters. Shri Mataji's involvement in the freedom struggle is extremely remarkable. She was very courageous and played a daring role as a youth leader of this campaign. In the 1942 "Quit India Movement" announced by Gandhi, she was even arrested and put in jail along with other freedom fighters for actively participating in this movement. Shri Mataji was born with a complete

understanding of the human nervous system and its energetic counterparts. In order to become acquainted with the scientific vocabulary attached to these subjects, she studied medicine and psychology at the Christian Medical College in Lahore. Sahaja Yoga is born Shortly before India achieved independence she married Sir. C.P. Srivastava, one of India's most dedicated civil servant officers, who was knighted by the Queen of England. In India it is believed that the wife brings luck to her husband - this is most certainly the case for Sir. C.P.

Srivastava. He rose in government ranks very quickly though he was an absolutely honest person. He held the post of the Joint Secretary to the Prime Minister's office of the late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri in the years 1964-66. Shastri himself was an ideal model for a Prime Minister in India's political history. Afterwards he was elected for 16 consecutive years to be the Secretary General of the United Nations International Maritime Organization. As Sir C.P. Srivastava moved in fame from the Indian history to the worldly scene, Shri Mataji, after fulfilling her familial duty of bringing up her two daughters, embarked on her spiritual mission. Although she knew about her own spiritual consciousness she did not know how to present it to the people of modern times. She was also aware of the problems encountered by the earlier spiritual personalities who came on this earth like Jesus,

Mohammed, Buddha, and others when they prophesized the truth directly to the people. As she was pondering on the many faceted problems confronting human beings, on the 5th of May, 1970, on a lonely beach of Nargol (about 150 km from Mumbai) a divine spiritual experience filled her whole being and suddenly she found an answer to her question. She discovered a historical process of en-masse Self Realisation through which thousands of people could get this connection to their Spirit and thereby their inner transformation. Sahaja (=Spontaneous) Yoga (=Union with the Self) was born. Spreading of Sahaja Yoga around the world Shri Mataji made this experiment of awakening the spiritual power of every human being (which the Hindus name the Kundalini, the Muslims as the Ruh and in the bible it is described as the Holy Ghost) and was amazed at the results. She tried it first on people near to her and noticed they were transformed physically, mentally and spiritually. Slowly she found out that only this process had the potential solution for all human problems and therefore she decided to spread it on an en-masse level. She invested her own time and money to talk to people and give them the key to their own spiritual power. Those few people who started feeling this spiritual power, which flowed like a cool breeze over their whole body, especially over the palms of their hands and on top of their head

(around the fontanel bone area) were quite astonished that it worked. Though they argued and disputed over it they could not disbelieve their own experience. Under the instructions of Shri Mataji they tried giving this power to others, which really gave them the faith that this was the true spiritual experience that was being prophesized in every religion. Amazingly, without any financial support from any person, Shri Mataji neither charges for Her lectures nor for Her ability to give Self Realisation, nor does one have to become a member of this organisation. She insists that you cannot pay for your enlightenment and to-date she continues to denounce the false, self-proclaimed "gurus" who are more interested in the seekers' purse than their spiritual ascent. Since

1970, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has kept a busy schedule, travelling around the world to teach the techniques of Sahaja Yoga meditation. She has demonstrated her capacity to trigger the awakening of the spiritual power in human beings (Kundalini) at an "en masse" level. Large numbers of people, without distinction of race, religion, age or social status have acknowledged the value of her teachings by establishing Sahaja Yoga centers in over 75 nations. These people who live a normal family life, tap to their inner spiritual power through daily Sahaja Yoga meditation and have achieved a complete balance of their lives on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. They understand the integration of all religions and spiritual paths not at a mental level, but through their direct, tangible experience on the central nervous system. Thousands of years ago, the Blossom Time was prophesized to come when, in

these modern times of crisis, thousands of seekers of Truth are going to experience this connection with their Spirit. International achievements and recognition An official guest in the former Soviet Union, she enabled over 100,000 people to experience their Self-Realization. She regularly speaks to audiences of 10,000 to 20,000 in the former Eastern bloc nations and has filled year after year the Royal Albert Hall in London for her conference on Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji has delivered thousands of lectures, given many television and radio interviews, and been the subject of hundreds of newspaper articles around the world. An articulate speaker, Shri Mataji is the founder and sole director of Sahaja Yoga or "Vishwa Nirmala Dharma", which is an

established non-profit organization in many countries worldwide. Shri Mataji has been recognized worldwide by several prestigious institutions for her selfless work and for the powerful results of her spiritual teachings. In 1994, the Mayor of Brazil's capital welcomed Shri Mataji at the airport, presenting her with the key to the city, and sponsored all of her programs. In 1995, the Indian Government granted Shri Mataji a one hour primetime television series, broadcast nationally. During the same year, Shri Mataji was an official guest of the Chinese government and was invitied to speak at the International Women's Conference in Beijing. Also in 1995, she was awarded by the Romanian Ecological University an Honorary Doctorate in Cognitive and Parapsychological Sciences. She has been recognized and greeted by the mayors of several cities in North America (Yonkers, NY, 1994 & 1996, Los

Angeles, 1993 and 1994, British Columbia, 1994, Cincinnati 1992, Philadelphia 1993, Berkeley, 1997). She was given a Proclamation by the US Congress in 1997 which was submitted to the Congressional Records. Shri Mataji was declared "Personality of the Year" in 1986 by the Italian Government.NGOs created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi In her tremendous compassion and concern to alleviate human sufferings, Shri Mataji has been able to create a number of NGOs (Non Governmental Organisations) to solve the most immediate problems of the world in the last 25 years. To mention a few: An international hospital in Mumbai to help patients all over the world to get a chance to cure themselves through Sahaja Yoga methods. This hospital has been producing quite

successful results in curing a number of incurable diseases like cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis etc. An international cancer research centre in Mumbai in order to study the effects of Sahaja Yoga methods on curing various illnesses, including psychosomatic diseases. An international music school in Nagpur to promote classical music. A charity house for the poor people in Delhi, to provide shelter to destitute and homeless people. Also to help them through the process of Sahaja Yoga to become better individuals. Conclusion Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has dedicated her life to triggering the spiritual ascent of mankind through Self Realization, reclaiming the role of women in the spiritual evolution, and guiding humanity to correct today's moral dilemmas. It seems that the light of Gandhi's vision is being brought to fulfilment by this great lady who is revered as the compassionate Divine Mother by her followers, as the "Messenger of peace" by Ayatollah Rouhani, an Avatar of the modern era by Claes Nobel, grandnewphew of Albert Nobel (the creator of the Nobel foundation) and Chairman of United Earth.********* ********* *********Thanks again for providing the means whereby I could find the answer to my question...Since I come from the pro-guardianship nucleus of the Baha'i Faith led by Jaqcques Soghomonian, the 4th Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, who the organized believers in Baha'u'llah call a

"Covenant-Breaker," I fully understand your discomfort with the organized re-presenters of Shri Nirmala's Divine Will... Nonetheless, I feel inspired to pass on the following quote by the Guardian writen in 1999 to the international leadership council violating the Administrative Guardianship of the Baha'i Faith who embodies the integrity of the Covenant by the infallibile inspiriation of the Holy Spirit..."This administrative order must not be a substitute for the spiritial values [in our Faith], but must rather be[come] the vechicle for Baha'i [Enlightened] Thought - born from the spirituality released from the teachings of Baha'u'llah [the Divine Incarnation] in all their profundity, in all their loftiness. You have, and we have; supported in totality all that ... has [been] translated, written and given [to us] as counsels, commands and references..."

-Jacques Soghomonian, 1999 to the International Spiritual Assembly in Haifa...Creatively applied to the complete collective of Shri Nirmala's devotees, this would mean that we must consider the combined efforts of the Sahaja Yoga Administration along with the efforts of those of us who broadcast online Shri Nirmala's Message of the Last Judgement and Resurrection and Her True Station as the Adi Shakti Manifestation of the Holy Spirit Mai Treya Promised to come as the Unity, even the very Heart of every Divine Religion...In other words, our efforts plus their efforts together fulfill all of Shri Nirmala's teachings... Sahaja Yoga is like Shri Nirmala's Yoga Bible, while Adi Shakti Org is the Holy Spirit's Last Judgement and Flame of Resurrection... Neither can be a substitute for the other, nor for the Individual Inner Leading of the Living Holy Spirit within not only us, but in every member of all the beautiful living religious traditions of the

planet Earth...Adi Shakti Org is like the Pineal Gland and Creative Hemisphere of the Sangha Brain... Sahaja Yoga is like spine, global spiritual nervous system and the Logical Hemisphere of the Sangha Brain... And all of the now international Spiritual Traditions founded on every continent of Planet Earth are like the inner organs, muscles and skin of the Global Sangha Body...I shall quote from the Apostle Paul's writing to the Corinthians, presently commonly known as First Corinthians Chapter 12, from the Jehovah's Witness New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures..." 12 For just as the body is one but has many members, and all the members of that body, although being many, are one body, so also is the Christ. 13 For truly by one spirit we were all baptized into one body..., whether slaves or free, and we were made to drink one spirit." 14 For the Body, indeed, is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot should say : 'Because I am not a hand I am no part of the body.' it is not for this reason no part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the [sense of ]hearing be? If all hearing, where would the smelling be? 18 But now God has set the members in the body, each one of them, just as he pleased." 19 If they were all one member, where would the body be? 20 But now they are many menbers, yet one body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand: 'I have no need of you'; or, again, the head [cannot say] to the feet: 'I have no need of you.' But much

rather is it the case that the members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary. 23 and the parts of the body which we think to be less honorable, these we surround with more abundant honor, and so our unseemly parts have the more abundant comliness, 24 whereas our comely parts do not need any-thing. Nevertheless, God compounded the body, giving honor more abundant to the part which had a lack, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its members should have the same care for one another."Unity of Thought, as is on AdiShakti.Org, must as soon as possible be embodied by the Unity of Action of a reformed Sahaja Yoga Administration... Otherwise, the devotees of Shri Nirmala's will once again divide, either into numerous independant groups as the devotees of Buddha did, or into a few separtely organized groups as the Catholic and Gnostic followers of Christ did...What's the point of a Divine Incarnation even

Founding a new Divine Religion to begin with, if their devotees are always ever going to divide into organized orthodoxies and unorganized heterodoxies??? There must come a reconciliation between orthodoxy and the Gnostic/Tantrik branches of every Divine Religion!!! By Shri Nirmala temporarily retiring, while not appointing an individual successor, She has seemingly deliberately precepitated this very inevitable division before her physical death so that She could Inspire Her devotees into a Divine Solution to these again and again-recurring prime divisions of every Divine Religion!!!The All-Pervading Last Judgement, as infallibly expressed by the Spiritually Inspired Sacred Head of the New Abha Faith, is: "The Baha'i Faith is the synthesis of all the religions." As compatibally expressed by the New Jerusalem International Baha'i Council, this same Last Judgement is: "Religion Must be a Source of Unity. If it is not, its non-being were

better than its being."The All-Pervading Resurrection, as Divinely Expressed by the Spiritually Inspired, living Messengers of the Ascended Masters, is... "The Truth is that you,in your outer self... are only a partial expression of a much greater, far more magnificent, individual Divine Being... This Individual Presence, the real you, is a glorious, living, self-conscous, omnipotent, creative Being, full of Love, Joy and Boundless Optimism about your future together. It uses a body in appearence much like your own physical body, only composed of Sacred Fire... Having purified the majority of [past] negative karma and mastered time and space [become enlightened], we can return to the Oneness of our Presence, ascending as Jesus demonstrated, and experiencing throughout Eternity the Joys of Divine Creativity as Ascended Beings. This is the ... Divine Plan

of your life!"Further divine spiritual teachings include those of "Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God, ...one of the foremost advocates of spiritual dreaming in the world today... The dream teachings of Eckankar define the nature of Soul. You are Soul, a particle of God sent into the worlds (including earth) to gain spiritual experience. The goal in Eck is spiritual freedom in theis lifetime, after which you bedcome a Co-worker with God, both here and in the next world... Purified by the practice of the Spiritual Exercises... which lifts you spiritually into the Light and Sound of God, the ECK (Holy Spirit)... you are then able to accept the full love of God in this lifetime." -Harold Klemp, the Art of Spiritual Dreaming...Other Baha'i Teachings say that although the administrative and creedal teachings of various religions (logically including

SYSSR and AdiShakti amongst all others) may differ, that all of their fundamental spiritual teachings and values are supremely compatible, ultimately harmonious, even absolutely synergistic!!! If the Subtle System Yoga were viewed as an OPTIONAL practice that was originally taught by Her Holiness Nirmala Devi, and spiritual teachings of SahajaYogaOrg that we agree upon are focussed upon, rather than their flawed ignorance of two or three central teachings, I think we shall eventually find that we all have the common Divine Goal of Spiritually attaining the Ultimate Enlighenment of the Unity of Religion within!!!"In our civilization, material and spiritual conflicts are obvious, but the civilization described by Bah'u'llah is one where spirituality is a common denominator. He gives the means." -Jacques Soghomonian, 4th Guardian of the Baha'i Faith

"Baha'u'llah is the founder of the Baha'i Faith. He fulfills prophecy as the Second Coming of Christ (Mark 8:38)... who has appeared in the Glory of the Father, Baha'u'llah." -the New Jerusalem International Baha'i Council"Baha'u'llah appeared in order that a general reconciliation be had among Jews, Christians, Moslems, Buddhists and hundreds who until then followed exclusively the name of a former Manifestation." -Donald Harvey, 3rd Guardian of the Baha'i FaithBased on this kind of terminology, I can say that the leaders of SYSSR are attempting to make that religion to be exclusively about Shri Nirmala and Sahaja Yoga, and delegate the Unity of Religion to a personal experience, rather than the goal of all mankind to achieve a harmoniously global civilization with the Incarnated Adi Shakti

Holy Spirit as their One Heart and One Life... In that case, Baha'u'llah could not be recognized as anything more than a name of one of the divinities within someone...But lo Baha'u'llah is the Father of the Unity of all Religion in the Earth...And Shri Nirmala is the Mother of the Unity of all Religion in the Earth...Many Christians elevate the Son (Christ) to the point of replacing the Father!!!Many Wiccans elevate the Tripple Goddess to the degree of denying the Trinity!!!The organized believers in Baha'u'llah want a Father but not a Mother!!!.The organized believers in Shri Nirmala want a Mother but no Father!!!But if the Christian Holy Ghost is the same as the Native American Grandfather Spirit then a balanced Tao of Trinity can be synthesized as follows, that is theoretically assuming that the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit could refer to two separate divine realities...Grandfather Spirit and Grandmother

CroneFather God and Mother Goddess (Holy Ghost)Christ the Son and the Maid of HeavenBut who am I but a lowly devotee of the Last Judgement as "the synthesis of all the religions"??? Qh well... As it is written, "If God is for me, who can stand against me?" Therefore, if God is for Unity, then who can stand against Unity???Like I've said before... The Hare Krishna devotees are like the Jehovah's Witnesses of Hinduism... So wouldn't it be divinely wonderful if the Hare Krisna's beautiful artistic representations of the Celestial Paradises were combined with the Jehovah's Witnesses' beautiful artistic representations of the future Earthly Paradise??? And what if both of those were also combined with the beautiful Cosmic Art inspired by the Ascended Master literature??? And if all of that was combined with the beautiful Nirvanian Art in some Tantric Buddhist literature and the best and most beautiful art and

spiritual teachings of Fantasy and Sci-fi, we would have almost a complete spectrum of Spiirtual Art, Spiritual Teachings and Spiritual Light... And who knows what could become of that??? As I've learned from Baha'u'llah, "Recognize the light in whatever lantern it shines..."But these kinds of development would require not only the synthesis of the TEACHINGS of all the religions, but cooperation amongst all of the ORGANIZATIONS of those same religions!!!Jehovah El Shaddai, the Infinite I AM, the All-Person, the One True GOD Help us all, with the help of each and every Divine Incarnation!!! May the Blessings, Favor, Peace of Abba Abha and Athena Grant Enlightenment to all and Everlasting Life Abundant!!!Om Shri Adi Shakti Devi; Abha Presence, Eck Infuse us... Jnana Dakini, Ya Baha-u'l-Abha'i!!!Sincerely, Eli. J. R... a child of dear Baha'u'llah and of our Mother, Shri Nirmala... a devotee of the Transformed, Ascended and Celestial Immortals... a Citizen of Earth, the Milky Way, our Universe of Brahman, and the Existential Civilization of the Omniverse...jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: , "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org wrote: > > For the last three decades the following crucial wishes of Shri > Mataji have never been fulfilled by SY leaders/management, and the > rank and file now have have permanently condemned themselves as > hypocrites, liars and cowards: > > a) Announce the Last Judgment to all the seekers of truth, to all > the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of > the Divine; > > "Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en- > masse evolution

manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga > Dharma. It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce > it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, > so that nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their > meaning, their absolute, their spirit." > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi > > > b) Declare to all that it is the Resurrection Time; > > "Declare to all the nations now that I ... have come for this > special time, that is the Resurrection Time." > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi > > > c) Declare to all the nations that She is the Holy Ghost (Spirit); > > "Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have > come for this special time. that is the Resurrection Time." > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi > > > d) SYs to prove to all that She is

indeed the Adi Shakti; > > "I am the Adi Shakti. I am the one who has come on this earth for > the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. The more > you'll understand this the better it would be. You will change > tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we > have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it, that > I'm that." > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi > > > And those who are doing exactly what Shri Mataji has deeply desired > for years are condemned, excommunicated and shunned by rank and > file SYs, leaders and WCASY members. > > Yes, by deliberately suppressing Her deepest desires to emancipate > humanity rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as > hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor > conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. The

officially > supplanted Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a sacrilegious act > that has no comparison in history. It is an evil possession, a > powerful negativity like no other. > > So what can be done? i can only quote Shri Mataji: > > "The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment > today. We are not aware of it. And all the Satanic Forces have come > out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to > attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge > the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started." > > > They are trying to attract you with the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System > Religion. You do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the > Reality (Truth). The Last Judgment has started, it is a fact. It > has started. You will be judged harshly if you ever prevented > seekers

from knowing that the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh) is on > Earth, that it is the promised Last Judgment and Resurrection - i > know 99% of SYs have in one way or another never told that to > those attending their public programs .... even after months of > their attendance! > > And over the decades hundreds of thousands have left for good > without realizing how close they were to salvation. Despite Shri > Mataji's plea that no seeker "misses the blessings of the Divine > to achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit", the vast > majority were most unfortunate as no SY followed Shri Mataji's > explicit desire. Instead they were told about the subtle system, > kundalini, chakras and benefits of meditation which every Osho, > Muktananda and Yogi Bhajan also tell their followers. The similar > teachings of false gurus and SYs collude to deceive the

masses. > > All preachers and followers of the SYSSR have come out like the > wolves in sheep's clothes. They are deceiving the seekers and have > removed all traces of these explicit orders of Shri Mataji from > their websites, pamphlets, public programs and conscience. This is > the greatest satanic force that prevents humanity from knowing > about the Last Judgment and Resurrection. > > i am standing on what i say. It is all in black and white. The > WCASY and SY leaders/management/ranks are invited to present this > post to Shri Mataji or whoever they feel is capable of confronting > me. i give them my written assurance that i will NEVER back out of > what i believe in heart, mind and soul. Take this offer while Shri > Mataji is still on Earth. i am giving you my word - i will repeat > all that i have accused WCASY and SY

leaders/management/ranks of. > In fact i will add that the entire Sahaja Yoga organization has > willfully committed, and still continues to commit, a collective > crime against humanity. So show Her this post while there is still > time. Thanks. > > Jai Shri Ganapathi, > > > jagbir > > Dear All, i believe most of you must have seen this latest SWAN post and video: "SWAN" <noreply (AT) sahajayoga (DOT) org> "jagbir singh" <adishakti_org > Mon, 19 Jun 2006 03:15:39 (GMT) SWAN for Sunday, June 18, 2006 Dear jagbir, A new announcement of SWAN is available online. Please click on the following link to view this issue: http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan Historic video affirming the role of The World Council Of Sahaja Yoga ------------July, 2005, there was a historic announcement regarding the role The World Council Of Sahaja Yoga in the presence Shri Mataji. Please below to view the video of this historic announcement. http://www.sahajayoga.org/webcast/streams.asp?vid=23 What i see is a sedated and incapacitated Shri Mataji who, without hardly speaking a word, is having Her Will distributed amongst members of WCASY. It is indeed sheer blasphemy and a satanic lie to distribute such powers. There are other ways to distribute or delegate responsibility but never can a person's will be shared by others. That is just not possible Sir C.P.!

Humans may write their wills but are never able to surrender it to others - legally, morally or medically. We are talking about the Adi Shakti, a divine incarnation sir! How is it possible to claim that Shri Mataji bequeathed Her Will to a bunch of cowards and hypocrites who have never obeyed Her explicit orders? This unprecedented claim indeed defies all logic, historical facts, consciousness, conscience and DNA! Not only have WCASY committed a crime against humanity by keeping them in the dark about Her Divine Message but are now guilty of a most sacrilegious act against God Almighty - they are now the official re/presenters of the Divine Will. This is a most satanic and blasphemous act, unprecedented in the history of humankind. After viewing it i have decided that in no way can i be part of this organization any longer, nor call myself a SY. i do not want to be guilty by reason of association. All i want to do now is meditate on the Adi Shakti within

and serve Her, and no one else. SYs may bend to the will of WCASY but my conscience is clear - i cannot be associated with an earthly organization that claims to re/present the Will of God Almighty's Shakti. One question to that so-called historical hijacking and official distribution of Her Will among WCASY members in July, 2005. How come just weeks after this announcement the destruction of WCASY commenced with the Guido bombshell that lead to the devastating leak of Shri Mataji's medical history in PDF? How come council members who shared that Will began fighting and expelling each other so soon? How come those who usurped Her Will started witnessing the immediate self-destruction of WCASY? So did the Adi Shakti really surrender Her Will or was it usurped by a most ignorant bunch? Actually it did cross my mind to ask Arwinder to pose the same question to Her in his Sahasrara. i quickly realized that i would be a fool to have any doubts, an insult to

the Primordial Mother who for years have continued to reveal the deepest of spiritual secrets. The least i could do is to divest all links with an organization that claims to be re/presenters of Her Will. That is the only way to prevent being tormented of association with WCASY or SYs, both partners in crimes against humanity and God Almighty. How can any human or organization dare claim to be re/presenter's of His Shakti's Will? jagbir

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