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World Council

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What do you think about the following?

Sir CP:"One thing I want to mention - World Council - is that She (Shri Mataji) desires for me to convey to you that the World Council is the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will. And this will be, the World Council, will be the final deciding authority in Sahaja Yoga collectives. There should be no doubt about that. That is Her will, and on behalf of Her, the World Council will be acting. Is that clear to everyone? That is Her will and She asked me to convey this, and I am conveying it to you."Shri Mataji:"Of course."Sir CP:"The final authority is the World Council. Everything else emanates from the World Council. Whatever decision is to be taken, the World Council takes, because that is Her will. The Council represents Her will. Alright? So there should be no confusion in future. That has been decided. Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the World Council to decide. We have now to move forward, carry forward the message and act on that basis."

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Allah-u-Abha, dear Friends in Adi Shakti!!! Namaste!!!1) re: "One thing I want to mention - World Council - is that She (Shri Mataji) desires for me to convey to you that the World Council is the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will."So, Shri Mataji isn't the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga...And God isn't the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga...None of the Divine Incarnations are the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga...The Lord of the Universe isn't the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga...The Mother of the Universe isn'tthe highest authority in Sahaja Yoga...And the Brahman, Tao or Infinite I AM isn't the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga...The highest possible conceivable authority in the entire Universe of Sahaja Yoga is the World Council!!!"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala...2) re: "And this will be,

the World Council, will be the final deciding authority in Sahaja Yoga collectives."No decisions based on Scripture!!!No decisions based on Prayer or Meditation!!!No decisions based on Visions or Dreams!!!No decisions based on convictions!!!No decisions based on Angelic Communications!!!No decisions based on Lord Buddha's Dharma!!!No decisions based on considering the Ascended Master Teaching!!!No decisions based on Guidance of any Divine Incarnation!!!And finally no decisions based on the Divine Guidance from the Living Adi Shakti!!!"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala...3) "There should be no doubt about that."No doubt about that!!!No prayers about that!!! No thinking about that!!!No asking Shri Nirmala about that!!!There should be no questions about that.There should be no discussions about that.There

should be no meditations about that!!! There should be no investigations about that.Absolutely no possible doubt about that!!! "Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala...4) re: "That is Her will, and on behalf of Her, the World Council will be acting."So is that HER will???Or ON BEHALF OF Her???Is this kind of self-contradiction any kind of sign of Enlightenment???And what kind of "acting" will come of this???Is the censorship of the Last Judgement Her will or on behalf of Her??? Is the censorship of the the Last Resurrection Her will or on behalf of Her??? Is the censorship of Shri Nirmala's Divine Titles Her will or on behalf of Her???Baha'u'llah gave us a Written Will...His Heir, Abdu'l-Baha also gave us a Written Will...So I guess this is Shri Nirmala's Video-taped Will..."Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala5) re: "Is that clear to everyone?"Is that clean to everyone???Is that Holiness to everyone???Is that pure intention to everyone??? Is that transparent goodness to everyone???Or is that selfish expectation to everyone???Or is that blind authority to everyone???Or is that corruption to everyone???Or is that ugly to everyone???"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala...6) re: "That is Her will and She asked me to convey this, and I am conveying it to you."So that is HER will???SHE asked ME to convey THIS to you???So why AM I conveying it to you???WHOSE will IS it???Who REALLY asked it to be conveyed???Why IS he conveying it to you???Is it the will of Evil???Is Evil asking to convey this???So why are WE conveying this to each

other???And what is the will of the Holy Spirit???And what does Mai Treya ask us to convey???So why don't we conveying THIS to each other???"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala...7) re: "Of Course." -Shri Mataji"Really...""Why not...""Sure thing...""No problem...""Ohhh Kaaay...If you say so...""Whatever you say...""EXACTLY what I was thinking...""You took the words right out of my mouth...""Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala...8) re: "The final authority is the World Council."The final authority in Sahaja Yoga is the World Council???The final authority on Earth is the World Council???The final authority in the Galaxy is the World Council???The final authority in the Universe is the World Council??? The final

authority in all of Existence is the World Council??? "Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!!9) re: "Everything else emanates from the World Council."So all healing emanates from the World Council!!!And every angel and demon emanates from the World Council!!! And the entire Earth emanates from the World Council!!! And the whole Solar System emanates from the World Council!!! And the whole Galaxy emanates from the World Council!!! And the whole Universe emanates from the World Council!!! And all of Existence emanates from the World Council!!!"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!! 10) re: "Whatever decision is to be taken, the World Council takes, because that is Her will."So isn't taking without asking really STEALING???So WHEN did they ASK Shri

Nirmala for PERMISSION???So is the decision of the World Council to end diversity of religion??? So is the decision of the World Council to eliminate disease and death??? So is the decision of the World Council to honor Nirmala as the Adi Shakti??? "Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!! 11) re: "The Council represents Her will."And not Being Moved by the Spirit represents Her will???And shunning Kundalini Awakening inspirations represents Her will???And not Flowing with the Tao represents Her will???And not Attaining Satori represents Her will???And not Experienceing Samadhi represents Her will???And not Ascending to Nirvana represents Her will???And not Inheriting Everlasting Life represents Her will???And not being Exaltated into Eternal Life represents Her will???"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!! 12) re: "Alright?""Is that ok with you???""You'd better not contradict us!!!""Is that ok with Her???"We'd better not contradict Her!!!""Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!! 12) re: "So there should be no confusion in future."So there should be no concerns as to whether or not this is going to work out!!! And there should be no anxiety regarding the safety of Shri Nirmala!!! And there should be no bringing unauthorized inspired ideas into our collectives!!! And there should be no coming back around of Shri Nirmala!!!"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!! 12) re: "That has been decided."That has been decided by the Infinite I AM!!!That has been decided by the

Creator of the Universe!!! That has been decided by the Lord of the Galaxy!!! That has been decided by the Great Central Sun!!! That has been decided by the Ascended Masters!!! That has been decided by the incarnated Holy Spirit!!! That has been decided by the Sahaja collectives worldwide!!! That has been decided by the Sahaja Yogis, each and every one of them!!! That has DEFINITELY been decided!!!"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!! 12) re: "Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the World Council to decide."Sahaja Yoga is a matter for the World Council to decide!!!Healing Earth of denominationalism is a matter for the World Council to decide!!!Saving the Milky Way from the Orai is a matter for the World Council to decide!!!Unveiling Universal Citizenship here is a matter for the World Council to

decide!!!Revealing Existential Citizenship is a matter for the World Council to decide!!!"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!! 13) re: "We have now to move forward, carry forward the message and act on that basis."We have now to move forward with Sahaja Yoga, Sahaja Yoga and nothing but Sahaja Yoga, so Help us Shri Mataji!!!We have now to carry forward the message of Sahaja Yoga, Sahaja Yoga and nothing but Sahaja Yoga, so Help us Shri Mataji!!! We have now to act on that basis of Sahaja Yoga, Sahaja Yoga and nothing but Sahaja Yoga, so Help us Shri Mataji!!!"Of Course!!!" -Shri Nirmala!!!Need anyone say more???May the Blessings, Favor, Peace of Abba Abha and Athena Grant Enlightenment to All and Everlasting Life

Abundant!!!Jnana Dakini, Ya Baha-u'l-Abha!!!Sincerely, a child of Baha'u'llah and Shri Nirmala!!!Jai Shri Mataji <mprgrandmaster wrote: What do you think about the following? Sir CP:"One thing I want to mention - World Council - is that She (Shri Mataji) desires for me to convey to you that the World Council is the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will. And this will be, the World Council, will be the final deciding authority in Sahaja Yoga collectives. There should be no doubt about that. That is Her will, and on behalf of Her, the World Council will be acting. Is that clear to everyone? That is Her will and She asked me to convey this, and I am conveying it to you."Shri Mataji:"Of course."Sir CP:"The final authority is the World Council. Everything else emanates from the World Council. Whatever decision is to be taken, the World Council takes, because that is Her will. The Council represents Her will. Alright? So there should be no confusion in future. That has been decided. Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the World Council to decide. We have now to move forward, carry forward the message and act on that basis."

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