Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 Shri Adi Shakti Forum Forum Topic: Sahaj Global Chat Yogi does not want to do treatments for the rest of his life Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:06 pm Dear All, I have received an email from a SY (whose name I will keep confidential) and this yogi expresses great concern that the continual treatments by yogis in his collective never seem to result in a permanent cure, but seem to be ongoing, perhaps for the rest of their lives. Here then is an excerpt of this yogi's message: - " I don't understand why everything is about treatments, treatments, treatments, I need them so I use them, but I don't want to be 25 years down the road still foot soaking everyday, and doing matkas and stuff. Ideally I would like to not do any treatments at all, unless something serious pops up, but simply meditate using my hands on my chakras, mantras and affirmations only. Every person I talked to at the ashram in Vancouver here, even people who have come from Columbia and other places to live in the ashram, have been to Belapur and helped build it etc, are always talking about bhoots in the ashram, bhoots in their chakras and how they are stiff suffering from nahbi problems, or a bad swadisthan. I mean what of the miraculous healing of the kundalini in people so well versed in SY and by all outward appearances very devout and this and that? I mean what it makes all this stuff seem so pointless is if you are forever plagued with problems of the soul subtle system etc. Every time I talk to people at the ashram my hope fades because they paint a picture where " you just live life the best you can, meditate, do treatments and just deal with life as it happens/hope for the best " ; no different from what an unrealized person would tell you about life. I mean I see you and Jagbir and others who have been in SY many years less, but have none of these pesky problems with bhoots or chronic problems, and I hope to be like you guys one day, but like I said, when I talked to anyone in real time, those I would expect based on years of meditation to be maybe not perfect in character, but at least thoughtless and not chronically catching, I'm shown a painted picture of a future of meditation and puja and havan to remove all these unseen negativities plaguing people until I die. I don't see that as living heaven on earth and experiencing it; I see that as cleaning your chakras till you die, at which time because of such clean chakras you will enter heaven then. I'm not waiting if I can help it.......What is the difference between them and yogis/yoginis like you. " (name withheld) Dear Yogi, It is not necessarily true that I have been in Sahaja Yoga fewer years than many yogis, since i came to Sahaja Yoga in 1993, which is 13 years ago. However, having success in Sahaja Yoga (the experience, that is) does not depend on the number of years that a person attends the organization of Sahaja Yoga, anyway. Rather, it depends on the Sahaja Yogi's surrender to the Divine Within. (If you follow the Way that Shri Mataji has shown to achieve the spiritual liberation, it will happen). The reason everything is about `treatments' is because the leadership have pretty exclusively focussed on treatments, and they have also generally neglected to inform that once the kundalini is established and flowing well, then our enlightened attention and our kundalini become like one, and where our attention goes, there goes our kundalini too. Then the kundalini/attention combined automatically clear. i hope more yogis are experiencing this, and if they are not, i would just say, to surrender, surrender, and surrender everything, because it will happen. It is absolutely fine if you just use the treatments as you need them. When the kundalini is flowing OK, you will know it, for your catches will diminish. However, if you also continually `get mentally involved' in what could be called a type of `catch consciousness obsession', then it backfires on you, and you will never improve. The same situation goes for the `bhoot consciousness'. If your mind is continually on `bhoots', then that is what you will manifest in your life. If your mind is on the Holy Spirit/Comforter that Jesus spoke about, then you will manifest the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti in your life. You need to use your intelligence and discretion. I have used the treatments and found them most helpful when I started, because I had a lot of gross matter to clear out. Once the gross physical aspect was cleared out (because I did have a possession of some sort and quite a dramatic clearout).... then I was fine physically, and I was able to really concentrate on the introspection, and meditation of course, all the time as well. Introspection is very important for chakra cleansing. Often, the cause of the 'catch' is some conditioning idea we have harbouring in our mind, or some ego attachment to 'some' thing. These 'ideas' and 'attachments' need to be seen in the light of the Spirit, for the falsehoods that they are. Introspecting and realizing the false ideas and attachments that we cling to, means we become aware of them harbouring there, and we can then release other words, surrender them to the Divine. That is very essential to becoming 'catch-free'. So.... i introspected and became aware of where my thoughts were going, and if it was a bad thought, I forgave that thought, and continually surrendered myself to the Divine/the Holy Spirit/the Comforter/My Spiritual Mother within me. (You have to turn to your Spiritual Mother within you. That is most important, by the way. You have to ask Her for help. She loves and cares for you.) Physical cleansing or chakra cleansing, as it is known, works from the outside to get the `machinery' (for want of a better word) of the kundalini flowing. Once that `machinery' of the kundalini (which is really the " living energy " ) is flowing well, that is great! From my experience, i found that most SY's learned to work with the awakened kundalini energy manually with their hands, but as they got more proficient, they found that they could use their enlightened attention to do the same thing, that is, they could direct their attention to where the cleansing/clearing was needed, and the energy would go there and do it for them. The only difference is that in the first instance, the hands physically move that energy, and in the second instance, it is the 'attention' that moves that energy. It is still the same energy we are talking about. I have to say this now, and I have to say this clearly. Shri Mataji never meant for us to stay `stuck' at the manual clearing stage. She meant for us to discover once we were proficient, that our enlightened attention could do the job. There is a problem in the collectives today, though. The negativity within the Sahaja Yoga Organization has been instrumental in making yogis believe that they shall be `stuck' at the stage of having to clear manually for all their lives. They have focussed on the manual and physical clearing practices, and just 'stuck' to that, as if you cannot evolve further than that. It is like a doctrine now in Sahaja Yoga that you have to MANUALLY CLEAR for the rest of your life. This is not true. i know, because i experience the kundalini clearing me daily, and therefore do not have to do it manually. Occasionally, i will use some of the treatment when i need it. However, while the kundalini is successfully doing the job, i don't need to also do it manually. i do hope more yogis can believe that this is true. Maybe, they have been brainwashed by leaders into believing that it is not possible for the kundalini to do this job. Unfortunately, the negativity does not want yogis to evolve spiritually. If it can get SY's to concentrate only on the manual clearing and think that they have to do that for the rest of their lives, then these yogis are `sunk' already. They will grow spiritually no further, because in the same way as when you put your attention on `problems' in your life, and `mull' over that, in the same way if you keep putting your attention on `chakra problems' or even `bhoots' then that is what you will get…chakra problems and bhoots! That is what sounds like is happening in your collective. To get out of that neverending cycle, yogis need to wake up and realize that they have been given an inaccurate picture of the whole of Shri Mataji's teachings. Selecting only certain Words of Shri Mataji, without understanding the whole of Her Teachings, actually leads to incorrect understanding. That's why many SY's today believe they have to do manual clearing of chakras for the rest of their lives. This belief in itself is actually a false belief, but many don't realize it. Mind you, the question needs to be asked: Who benefits from that false belief? SY Management do, because they benefit from yogis staying `stuck' where they are, because they can form a religion out of the subtle system and chakras and gain power over yogis in that way. However, the truth is that... once your kundalini power is flowing, clearing you, and you are having your spiritual liberation, nobody can manage you, but yourself, your Spirit Within. The way to get out of the neverending cycle of chakra problems is to introspect and to surrender any conditionings, ego, and anything else that prevents spiritual growth. You also said: - " I mean I see you and Jagbir and others who have been in SY many years less, but have none of these pesky problems with bhoots or chronic problems, and I hope to be like you guys one day, but like I said, when I talked to anyone in real time, those I would expect based on years of meditation to be maybe not perfect in character, but at least thoughtless and not chronically catching, I'm shown a painted picture of a future of meditation and puja and havan to remove all these unseen negativities plaguing people until I die. I don't see that as living heaven on earth and experiencing it; I see that as cleaning your chakras till you die, at which time because of such clean chakras you will enter heaven then. I'm not waiting if I can help It.…What is the difference between them and yogis/yoginis like you and all the other little questions placed throughout the third inquiry? " ......... ... The difference is as described above. I don't put my attention on 'catches' but rather on the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti within. The kundalini energy is flowing unobstructedly, because the attention is on the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti. If there is a catch, the kundalini/enlightened attention goes there immediately and clears it. Its quite simple, really. i hope this helps. violet _________________ " Your power itself will show that this power is really of love, affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganesha Puja, 10 May 1995, Cabella Italy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 6, 2006 Report Share Posted July 6, 2006 Dear believers of the Resurrection and Last Judgment, i read Violet's post about the Vancouver ashram and, after comparing it with the sad emails i have received from those staying/visiting it, i am truly appalled and deeply saddenned by their firsthand experiences at SY ashrams, the creme de la creme showpieces of SY spirituality that is suppossed to attract seekers worldwide. i quote from an email a few days ago from Vancouver: " Finally i wanted to say that my friend is moving out of the ashram, which i can say i am happy to hear. He spilled his guts to me this past week when we hung out on all the nonsence that has been going on since he moved in, all the pettiness and other extreme negativity he has been experincing from other yogis since he moved in. He has said its seem likes it becoming a church or something . Not only that but he said that another yoginis mother(who also does not come to the collective very often) said the same thing. So its very apparent to him now SY is not what it appears on the surface and that it is becoming like a church with blind followers; hence he feels he is losing himself in the collective...his individual self (for lack of a better term)and his ability to discover the spirit on his own in his own way, making mistakes, without people questioning him, or scolding him etc. He asked me to extent his gratitude to you for the email you wrote me (which i read to him) about not being scared to leave the collective and that there is nothing wrong with being on your own etc. He asked me to photo copy it and give it to him as he needs to have that close. SO again, he says thank you so much. I mean shoot, people were telling him that if he moves out and/or leave the collective and goes it alone or doesnt come to meetings or take part that he will suffer from diseases (not just him but anyone) and have a rough time of it as he will not have the power or protection of the vibration within the ashram. Can you believe that? He also said that he realized that everyone has an opinion on this and that, or and idea or a spice to throw on a treatment or teaching of Shri Mataji, that he just listens only to what Mother has said and to no one else, as everyone else is messing with the purity of her teaching, either by misunderstanding or by " this person, said that this is so because ......)etc. I mean people telling him spiders are bhoots and all this stupid stuff it really blows my mind. I found it hard to believe it was really as bad as jagbir said it was, and at time even thought he was being a lil harsh on people, but i see now that it is very true what he has been saying 100% and that it is such a sad, sad thing. We also were talking about in the video (Supreme source of love) how mother said " dedicate yourself to me, not to Sahaja it is only one of her aspects " and began to see that maybe she was giving us this warning knowing full well SY the organization would fall completely and that the only way to make it through the strom of lies, and twisted truths and surface meanings of her teaching was to dedicate yourself to her only and her words only. We also began to see that maybe what she was saying was that she was only one we could and only one we should trust, as everything else will become great deciet. Its strange but i wouldnt put it past her, as she has said many time that she knows everything though she may not show it. " (end) i was just telling my wife yesterday the sad state of affairs at our collectives that cause most newcomers to flee. Now i am determined never to ever go back to any SY collective even if they start announcing the Divine Message. i assure all that you will never grow much by following the SYSSR. It is indeed difficult to gauge the immense loss of souls over the decades that have left due to the Madness - the ceaseless chatter of catches, cures and bhoots plaguing our collectives that borders on insanity. This 'insanity' may suit the old-timers fine but the vast majority of modern-day seekers just do not want to become spiritual cripples and retards like them. Just like me, they too cannot take the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion indoctrination and rituals. Again i assure all that you will hardly grow in the subtle system collectives. Your best chance of self-realization and salvation lies in your fleeing those who are so diseased by bhoots and what not that they need to spend the rest of their lives just trying to heal. All you need is answer this - why are outsiders like us free from all the catches and negativity that ails the majority of SYs? Why are individuals like us not suffering from the lies spun by so- called self-realized souls who claim that anyone who " moves out and/or leave the collective and goes it alone or doesnt come to meetings or take part that he will suffer from diseases (not just him but anyone) and have a rough time of it as he will not have the power or protection of the vibration within the ashram. " ? Why is the love and affection and loyalty of SYs as fleeting as morning dew? It is so, so sad to watch indoctrinated SYs destroy Shri Mataji's Vision and Divine Message. The most frightening is that they are not even aware that they are participating in a collective destruction, that their obsession with bhoots and catches and cures is a cancerous negativity that is now in its advanced stage. i invite all to witness the death throes when Shri Mataji attains Mahasamadhi. This is just the beginning of the end of all collectives, WCASY and their SYSSR. It is way too late to cure a collective disease that went unchecked for decades. The prognosis is irreversible impending death due to the lies, deceit and hypocrisy of an organization. So to those now outside the organization - stand resolutely with firm conviction and faith in Her Divine Message, and announce that Truth at all times. That is all that will survive Her Mahasamadhi and thrive till the End. You are already bearing witness to Her destruction of all that is against the Truth. Never be fooled by their hype or Will certificates. Jai Shri Ganapathi, jagbir , " Violet " <violet_tubb wrote: > > Shri Adi Shakti Forum > Forum Topic: Sahaj Global Chat > Yogi does not want to do treatments for the rest of his life > Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:06 pm > > Dear All, > > I have received an email from a SY (whose name I will keep confidential) and this yogi expresses great concern that the continual treatments by yogis in his collective never seem to result in a permanent cure, but seem to be ongoing, perhaps for the rest of their lives. Here then is an excerpt of this yogi's message: - > > " I don't understand why everything is about treatments, treatments, treatments, I need them so I use them, but I don't want to be 25 years down the road still foot soaking everyday, and doing matkas and stuff. Ideally I would like to not do any treatments at all, unless something serious pops up, but simply meditate using my hands on my chakras, mantras and affirmations only. > > Every person I talked to at the ashram in Vancouver here, even people who have come from Columbia and other places to live in the ashram, have been to Belapur and helped build it etc, are always talking about bhoots in the ashram, bhoots in their chakras and how they are stiff suffering from nahbi problems, or a bad swadisthan. I mean what of the miraculous healing of the kundalini in people so well versed in SY and by all outward appearances very devout and this and that? > > I mean what it makes all this stuff seem so pointless is if you are forever plagued with problems of the soul subtle system etc. Every time I talk to people at the ashram my hope fades because they paint a picture where " you just live life the best you can, meditate, do treatments and just deal with life as it happens/hope for the best " ; no different from what an unrealized person would tell you about life. > > I mean I see you and Jagbir and others who have been in SY many years less, but have none of these pesky problems with bhoots or chronic problems, and I hope to be like you guys one day, but like I said, when I talked to anyone in real time, those I would expect based on years of meditation to be maybe not perfect in character, but at least thoughtless and not chronically catching, I'm shown a painted picture of a future of meditation and puja and havan to remove all these unseen negativities plaguing people until I die. > > I don't see that as living heaven on earth and experiencing it; I see that as cleaning your chakras till you die, at which time because of such clean chakras you will enter heaven then. I'm not waiting if I can help it.......What is the difference between them and yogis/yoginis like you. " > > (name withheld) > > > Dear Yogi, > > It is not necessarily true that I have been in Sahaja Yoga fewer years than many yogis, since i came to Sahaja Yoga in 1993, which is 13 years ago. However, having success in Sahaja Yoga (the experience, that is) does not depend on the number of years that a person attends the organization of Sahaja Yoga, anyway. Rather, it depends on the Sahaja Yogi's surrender to the Divine Within. (If you follow the Way that Shri Mataji has shown to achieve the spiritual liberation, it will happen). > > The reason everything is about `treatments' is because the leadership have pretty exclusively focussed on treatments, and they have also generally neglected to inform that once the kundalini is established and flowing well, then our enlightened attention and our kundalini become like one, and where our attention goes, there goes our kundalini too. Then the kundalini/attention combined automatically clear. i hope more yogis are experiencing this, and if they are not, i would just say, to surrender, surrender, and surrender everything, because it will happen. > > It is absolutely fine if you just use the treatments as you need them. When the kundalini is flowing OK, you will know it, for your catches will diminish. However, if you also continually `get mentally involved' in what could be called a type of `catch consciousness obsession', then it backfires on you, and you will never improve. The same situation goes for the `bhoot consciousness'. If your mind is continually on `bhoots', then that is what you will manifest in your life. If your mind is on the Holy Spirit/Comforter that Jesus spoke about, then you will manifest the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti in your life. > > You need to use your intelligence and discretion. I have used the treatments and found them most helpful when I started, because I had a lot of gross matter to clear out. Once the gross physical aspect was cleared out (because I did have a possession of some sort and quite a dramatic clearout).... then I was fine physically, and I was able to really concentrate on the introspection, and meditation of course, all the time as well. Introspection is very important for chakra cleansing. Often, the cause of the 'catch' is some conditioning idea we have harbouring in our mind, or some ego attachment to 'some' thing. These 'ideas' and 'attachments' need to be seen in the light of the Spirit, for the falsehoods that they are. Introspecting and realizing the false ideas and attachments that we cling to, means we become aware of them harbouring there, and we can then release other words, surrender them to the Divine. That is very essential to becoming 'catch-free'. > > So.... i introspected and became aware of where my thoughts were going, and if it was a bad thought, I forgave that thought, and continually surrendered myself to the Divine/the Holy Spirit/the Comforter/My Spiritual Mother within me. (You have to turn to your Spiritual Mother within you. That is most important, by the way. You have to ask Her for help. She loves and cares for you.) > > Physical cleansing or chakra cleansing, as it is known, works from the outside to get the `machinery' (for want of a better word) of the kundalini flowing. Once that `machinery' of the kundalini (which is really the " living energy " ) is flowing well, that is great! > > From my experience, i found that most SY's learned to work with the awakened kundalini energy manually with their hands, but as they got more proficient, they found that they could use their enlightened attention to do the same thing, that is, they could direct their attention to where the cleansing/clearing was needed, and the energy would go there and do it for them. The only difference is that in the first instance, the hands physically move that energy, and in the second instance, it is the 'attention' that moves that energy. It is still the same energy we are talking about. > > I have to say this now, and I have to say this clearly. Shri Mataji never meant for us to stay `stuck' at the manual clearing stage. She meant for us to discover once we were proficient, that our enlightened attention could do the job. > > There is a problem in the collectives today, though. The negativity within the Sahaja Yoga Organization has been instrumental in making yogis believe that they shall be `stuck' at the stage of having to clear manually for all their lives. They have focussed on the manual and physical clearing practices, and just 'stuck' to that, as if you cannot evolve further than that. It is like a doctrine now in Sahaja Yoga that you have to MANUALLY CLEAR for the rest of your life. > > This is not true. i know, because i experience the kundalini clearing me daily, and therefore do not have to do it manually. Occasionally, i will use some of the treatment when i need it. However, while the kundalini is successfully doing the job, i don't need to also do it manually. > > i do hope more yogis can believe that this is true. Maybe, they have been brainwashed by leaders into believing that it is not possible for the kundalini to do this job. Unfortunately, the negativity does not want yogis to evolve spiritually. If it can get SY's to concentrate only on the manual clearing and think that they have to do that for the rest of their lives, then these yogis are `sunk' already. They will grow spiritually no further, because in the same way as when you put your attention on `problems' in your life, and `mull' over that, in the same way if you keep putting your attention on `chakra problems' or even `bhoots' then that is what you will get…chakra problems and bhoots! That is what sounds like is happening in your collective. > > To get out of that neverending cycle, yogis need to wake up and realize that they have been given an inaccurate picture of the whole of Shri Mataji's teachings. Selecting only certain Words of Shri Mataji, without understanding the whole of Her Teachings, actually leads to incorrect understanding. That's why many SY's today believe they have to do manual clearing of chakras for the rest of their lives. This belief in itself is actually a false belief, but many don't realize it. Mind you, the question needs to be asked: > > Who benefits from that false belief? SY Management do, because they benefit from yogis staying `stuck' where they are, because they can form a religion out of the subtle system and chakras and gain power over yogis in that way. > > However, the truth is that... once your kundalini power is flowing, clearing you, and you are having your spiritual liberation, nobody can manage you, but yourself, your Spirit Within. The way to get out of the neverending cycle of chakra problems is to introspect and to surrender any conditionings, ego, and anything else that prevents spiritual growth. > > You also said: - > > " I mean I see you and Jagbir and others who have been in SY many years less, but have none of these pesky problems with bhoots or chronic problems, and I hope to be like you guys one day, but like I said, when I talked to anyone in real time, those I would expect based on years of meditation to be maybe not perfect in character, but at least thoughtless and not chronically catching, I'm shown a painted picture of a future of meditation and puja and havan to remove all these unseen negativities plaguing people until I die. I don't see that as living heaven on earth and experiencing it; I see that as cleaning your chakras till you die, at which time because of such clean chakras you will enter heaven then. I'm not waiting if I can help It.…What is the difference between them and yogis/yoginis like you and all the other little questions placed throughout the third inquiry? " ......... > .. > > > The difference is as described above. I don't put my attention on 'catches' but rather on the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti within. The kundalini energy is flowing unobstructedly, because the attention is on the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti. If there is a catch, the kundalini/enlightened attention goes there immediately and clears it. Its quite simple, really. > > i hope this helps. > > violet > > _________________ > " Your power itself will show that this power is really of love, > affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. " > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganesha Puja, > 10 May 1995, Cabella Italy > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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