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Shri Mataji's Completion of Work She came to do...

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Dear Jagbir and All,


Here is an excerpt from the Horoscope of Shri Mataji, given by Lalit Bhandari in

October 1991. i am referring specifically to the date of 15 August, 2006: -


" This is further confirmed from the horoscope of 5.5.1970 (Sahaja horoscope),

which is almost identical with Shri Mataji's horoscope, having Gajkesri with

Jupiter in Libra, Saturn aspecting Sahaja Lagna, Sun exalted. From this we see

that from 15 August 1990 Sun's period is up until 15 August 1996 during which

all great souls will be attracted to Sahaja Yoga and have their inner (spiritual

ascent) purification and then from 15 August 1996 for 10 years the Moon's Dasa

is starting… that is it goes to the Masses, and the work is completed up until

15th August 2006. " (End Quote)........


If you read the excerpt above closely, it will be seen that the date of 15th

August, 2006 is the 'work completed' date of the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti.


It may be of interest to others, that about two months ago, another SY and I had

a very similar dream (although it varied in small details) that signified that

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has indeed completed Her Work. (I am sure that many

other SY's have also had similar dreams as these dreams are often conveyed

collectively to Her Bhaktas.)


In this dream i was going through the Ashram at Burwood in Sydney, Australia.

This is the ashram where Shri Mataji has visited and resided at quite a number

of times, and where i have also attended at many pujas to Her. (Please note that

what is viewed in dreams, usually looks slightly different than what is viewed

purely from the physical dimension and with physical eyes): -


i found myself inside Burwood Ashram in Sydney. i just walked past these rooms

to my right. It appeared like a 'glass showcase effect' whereby a person could

look into the rooms, and see what was inside. This 'glass showcase effect', also

gave the feeling of viewing what is now a part of spiritual history which has

been completed.


The puja room was full of paraphernalia, but it was deserted now (on display)

with nobody in the room. There was no music and no dancing, however, the yogis

were in a room further away, eating and enjoying themselves, as per the norm.


(Room 1: first room to my right)


Many SY's seemed unaware or oblivious to the presence of Shri Mataji in the

first room to my right, where i saw Her in solitary contemplation, and wearing a

simple sari. She wore no puja adornments; not even one bracelet was to be seen

on Her Wrist. As i stood at the door, and took in the scene, i wondered why She

was dressed so simply, without the usual puja adornment, especially when the

yogis were right next door, and the puja paraphernalia was there too. The room

was also spotless and unadorned, just like Shri Mataji Herself. The only

ornamentation in the room was one photograph: -


It was a photo of Her Red 'KumKumed Feet'.



(Room 2):


i passed along the hallway and peered into the second room to my right. All i

saw in this completely unadorned room was another unadorned photograph: -


It was a photgraph of Shri Mataji's 'blue feet'.



(Room 3):


Then i passed along the hallway, and peered into the third room to my right. The

third room was also unadorned. Here again, there was only one unadorned

photograph: -


It was a photograph of Shri Mataji's 'Red Bindi'.


(How we love you, dear Mother of Mothers; i am in tears relating this dream





It has become obvious to me, that this dream has shown to me that Shri Mataji is

indicating that Her Work is completed. The other SY (who had the same dream, but

with minor variatons) told me that 'they' actually spoke to Shri Mataji in the

first room. This SY had asked Shri Mataji why She was alone in the room, and

completely unadorned?!


Apparently, Shri Mataji had then replied to this SY: -


" I have finished My Work. i have left all that behind. "





Her Work is being carried on, and it will spread throughout the world, as we

witness the Kalki (Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. Lalit

Bhandari mentions this Kalki Manifestaton of " Mercury Power " as happening by 21

February, 2013, which is only seven (7) years from now: -


" Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years when it will spread Sahaja Yoga in

the Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the Virata and Shri Mataji will

witness Kalki (Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. + 19 21 – 02 -

2013. "


(Btw. " Mercury " is also known as the " Messenger " , and " Mercury Power " is the

power of mass communication.)





Shri Adi Shakti Forum

Forum: The Message of Sahaja Yoga:

The Spontaneous Union with the Divine

Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - by Lalit Bhandari

(Given during Tour of Australia – 22 October 1991)

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:25 pm


Shri Ganeshaya Namah, I seek the blessings of Lord Shri Ganesha...


While making the comparative study and analysis of horoscopes of different

Divine personalities a very pleasant and astounding observation has been made.

This study has been described in great detail with specific analysis of the

horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The Divine personalities studied are Lord

Krishna, Lord Buddha,Lord Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak Dev, Shri

Chaitanya Maha-Prabhu, Advi Shankarancharya and Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The

data on the horoscopes for all others is taken from notable horoscopes by Shri

B.V. Raman, the world famous astrologer.


It is observed from the various planetary combinations that the following

combinations are very rare and are indicative of the Divinity of the person.

These are:


1. Gajkesari Yoga or 5th, 9th position of the Moon and Jupiter This indicates

past Punyas, Punya Sanchaya or highly religious past lives.


2. Saturn aspects the Lagna, it shows the concern for the Masses and the ability

for Tapasya – Penance.


3. Ketu the Mokshakarak planet should be in the 9th Dharmasthana showing the

Dharma that is established within and not outwardly… and the truthfulness. This

planet gives the capacity to go all alone.


4. Lagna being aspected by Jupiter and Lagnesh aspected by Jupiter is an added

strength giving one the capacity to become world Guru (Jagatguru).


5. Venus or Mercury is the ruling planet in all the cases. If both are there it

is excellent because both the planets are Dnyan Karak.


It may be noted that these combinations are present in the horoscopes of all the

abovementioned personalities in different quantums (Ansha).In case of Shri

Mataji all these combinations are present in full strength. No.4 combination and

No.5 combination is particularly observed to be very strong in case of Shri

Mataji as compared to others. Shri Mataji is born in Gemini Lagna (whose Lord is

Mercury) with Moon in Bharani Nakshatra (whose Lord is Venus), which means She

is under the ruling aspect of Mercury and Venus.



Shri Mataji is born, 21 – 03 – 1923

13 years and 11 month balance of Venus Dasha.

Meaning Pleasant and Happy Childhood + 11. 13

21- 02 – 1937


Thereafter Sun's period for 6 years

Indicates Tapa-Period; spiritual and

Political activity of Intense Nature + 6

21 - 02 - 1947


Thereafter Moon Period for 10 years

Indicating clear headedness and deep

Contemplation of Mass enlightenment + 10

(Political and Spiritual Activity)

21 - 02 - 1953


Then Mars period of 7 years

Indicating Travelling and lot of Changes + 7

21 - 02 - 1960


Then Rahu's period of 18 years

Rahu is a Divine planet giver of Intricate + 18

Knowledge of Brahma. Inner soul searching,

Search for En Masse awakening

21 – 02 - 1978



Then Jupiter's period of 16 years

Spreading of Sahaja Yoga – the Guru + 16

Principle throughout the world

21 - 02 - 1994


Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years

When it will spread Sahaja Yoga in the

Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the

Virata and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki

(Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. + 19

21 – 02 - 2013



According to the birth horoscope and Sahaja Horoscope of 5-5-1970 Jupiter passed

through Libra. Jupiter will again pass through Libra in 1993 and Sahaja Yoga

will blossom in the entire world.


Shri Mataji is born with Rahu Nakshatra in Ascendant – Mercury (Gemini) and Moon

in Bharanj (Venus) Nakshatra, clearly indicates that Rahu means Films, TV,

Radio, (that is either principle) and Venus means Music, file personalities,

artists can help. Mercury is the ruling planet of the present day politics

(Sahaja can enter through present political system).


In the early Indian Politics at the time of Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mahatma

Gandhi, the ruling planet was Venus. Thereafter the ruling planet of Indian

politics has been Mercury as all the important events took place on Wednesday.

It may be noted here that Shri Mataji has both Venus and Mercury as Her ruling

planets. Thus She has full sway over the past and future of Indian Politics.


1. Three planets, Saturn, Sun, Moon are ucch abhilashi – Exaltation

2. Saturn, Jupiter are retrograde (Vakri) – Double strength


Venus is totally free from any malefic aspects giving her the name of

Nishklankavtar with (10-5 deg.) Divine combinations. Just pointing to us who She




I bow to the Almighty God Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the Nishklank Avtar

which our Puranas are speaking from centuries.



Lalit Bhandari



This is further confirmed from the horoscope of 5.5.1970 (Sahaja horoscope),

which is almost identical with Shri Mataji's horoscope,having Gajkesri with

Jupiter in Libra, Saturn aspecting Sahaja Lagna,Sun exalted. From this we see

that from 15 August 1990 Sun's period is up until 15 August 1996 during which

all great souls will be attracted to Sahaja Yoga and have their inner (spiritual

ascent) purification and then from 15 August 1996 for 10 years the Moon's Dasa

is starting… that is it goes to the Masses, and the work is completed up until

15th August 2006.


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 February, 1995)



" Your power itself will show that this power is really of love,

affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganesha Puja,

10 May 1995, Cabella Italy

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Guest guest

Dear Violet,


It is obvious that Shri Mataji has completed Her work and She has

said so in various ways, including dreams and direct confirmation in

the Sahasrara. There is no way WCASY or their Propaganda Ministry

extract a deviant reading. Even Shri Mataji's horoscope is agreeable

and we should see Her Divine Message spreading around the world by



But why are they so silent about all this? Where is the usual hype

and charts to show WCASY is well on the way to achieve that 2013

target? Why are the Will-hijackers not trumpeting that their powers

will ensure the horoscope of Shri Mataji comes true? How come are

these thieves of the Shakti's Will still thousands of years from

just reaching 1% of humanity?


The answer is that under no circumstance whatsoever have they been

handed the task of spreading Her Divine Message of the Last Judgmnet

and Resurrection. This job was given to outsiders in 1993 when SYs

did not respond to Her request they spread Her Divine Message.


As i have said before, this stubborn camel will have to drink in the

end ............... or die of thirst by 2013. i can wait patiently

since it does not matter if the camel drinks or dies, or dies after

drinking. Only the foolish, ignorant and illiterate will believe in

a stubborn camel with a Divine Will.





, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> Here is an excerpt from the Horoscope of Shri Mataji, given by

Lalit Bhandari in October 1991. i am referring specifically to the

date of 15 August, 2006: -


> " This is further confirmed from the horoscope of 5.5.1970 (Sahaja

horoscope), which is almost identical with Shri Mataji's horoscope,

having Gajkesri with Jupiter in Libra, Saturn aspecting Sahaja

Lagna, Sun exalted. From this we see that from 15 August 1990 Sun's

period is up until 15 August 1996 during which all great souls will

be attracted to Sahaja Yoga and have their inner (spiritual ascent)

purification and then from 15 August 1996 for 10 years the Moon's

Dasa is starting… that is it goes to the Masses, and the work is

completed up until 15th August 2006. " (End Quote)........


> If you read the excerpt above closely, it will be seen that the

date of 15th August, 2006 is the 'work completed' date of the

Incarnation of the Adi Shakti.


> It may be of interest to others, that about two months ago,

another SY and I had a very similar dream (although it varied in

small details) that signified that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has

indeed completed Her Work. (I am sure that many other SY's have also

had similar dreams as these dreams are often conveyed collectively

to Her Bhaktas.)


> In this dream i was going through the Ashram at Burwood in Sydney,

Australia. This is the ashram where Shri Mataji has visited and

resided at quite a number of times, and where i have also attended

at many pujas to Her. (Please note that what is viewed in dreams,

usually looks slightly different than what is viewed purely from the

physical dimension and with physical eyes): -


> i found myself inside Burwood Ashram in Sydney. i just walked past

these rooms to my right. It appeared like a 'glass showcase effect'

whereby a person could look into the rooms, and see what was inside.

This 'glass showcase effect', also gave the feeling of viewing what

is now a part of spiritual history which has been completed.


> The puja room was full of paraphernalia, but it was deserted now

(on display) with nobody in the room. There was no music and no

dancing, however, the yogis were in a room further away, eating and

enjoying themselves, as per the norm.


> (Room 1: first room to my right)


> Many SY's seemed unaware or oblivious to the presence of Shri

Mataji in the first room to my right, where i saw Her in solitary

contemplation, and wearing a simple sari. She wore no puja

adornments; not even one bracelet was to be seen on Her Wrist. As i

stood at the door, and took in the scene, i wondered why She was

dressed so simply, without the usual puja adornment, especially when

the yogis were right next door, and the puja paraphernalia was there

too. The room was also spotless and unadorned, just like Shri Mataji

Herself. The only ornamentation in the room was one photograph: -


> It was a photo of Her Red 'KumKumed Feet'.



> (Room 2):


> i passed along the hallway and peered into the second room to my

right. All i saw in this completely unadorned room was another

unadorned photograph: -


> It was a photgraph of Shri Mataji's 'blue feet'.



> (Room 3):


> Then i passed along the hallway, and peered into the third room to

my right. The third room was also unadorned. Here again, there was

only one unadorned photograph: -


> It was a photograph of Shri Mataji's 'Red Bindi'.


> (How we love you, dear Mother of Mothers; i am in tears relating

this dream now).


> .......


> It has become obvious to me, that this dream has shown to me that

Shri Mataji is indicating that Her Work is completed. The other SY

(who had the same dream, but with minor variatons) told me

that 'they' actually spoke to Shri Mataji in the first room. This SY

had asked Shri Mataji why She was alone in the room, and completely



> Apparently, Shri Mataji had then replied to this SY: -


> " I have finished My Work. i have left all that behind. "



> HOWEVER.....


> Her Work is being carried on, and it will spread throughout the

world, as we witness the Kalki (Mercury) Power manifesting over the

whole World. Lalit Bhandari mentions this Kalki Manifestaton

of " Mercury Power " as happening by 21 February, 2013, which is only

seven (7) years from now: -


> " Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years when it will spread

Sahaja Yoga in the Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the Virata

and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki (Mercury) Power manifesting over

the whole World. + 19 21 – 02 - 2013. "


> (Btw. " Mercury " is also known as the " Messenger " , and " Mercury

Power " is the power of mass communication.)


> violet



> Shri Adi Shakti Forum

> Forum: The Message of Sahaja Yoga:

> The Spontaneous Union with the Divine

> Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - by Lalit Bhandari

> (Given during Tour of Australia – 22 October 1991)

> Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:25 pm


> Shri Ganeshaya Namah, I seek the blessings of Lord Shri Ganesha...


> While making the comparative study and analysis of horoscopes of

different Divine personalities a very pleasant and astounding

observation has been made. This study has been described in great

detail with specific analysis of the horoscope of Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi. The Divine personalities studied are Lord Krishna,

Lord Buddha,Lord Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak Dev, Shri

Chaitanya Maha-Prabhu, Advi Shankarancharya and Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi. The data on the horoscopes for all others is taken from

notable horoscopes by Shri B.V. Raman, the world famous astrologer.


> It is observed from the various planetary combinations that the

following combinations are very rare and are indicative of the

Divinity of the person. These are:


> 1. Gajkesari Yoga or 5th, 9th position of the Moon and Jupiter

This indicates past Punyas, Punya Sanchaya or highly religious past



> 2. Saturn aspects the Lagna, it shows the concern for the Masses

and the ability for Tapasya – Penance.


> 3. Ketu the Mokshakarak planet should be in the 9th Dharmasthana

showing the Dharma that is established within and not outwardly… and

the truthfulness. This planet gives the capacity to go all alone.


> 4. Lagna being aspected by Jupiter and Lagnesh aspected by Jupiter

is an added strength giving one the capacity to become world Guru



> 5. Venus or Mercury is the ruling planet in all the cases. If both

are there it is excellent because both the planets are Dnyan Karak.


> It may be noted that these combinations are present in the

horoscopes of all the abovementioned personalities in different

quantums (Ansha).In case of Shri Mataji all these combinations are

present in full strength. No.4 combination and No.5 combination is

particularly observed to be very strong in case of Shri Mataji as

compared to others. Shri Mataji is born in Gemini Lagna (whose Lord

is Mercury) with Moon in Bharani Nakshatra (whose Lord is Venus),

which means She is under the ruling aspect of Mercury and Venus.



> Shri Mataji is born, 21 – 03 – 1923

> 13 years and 11 month balance of Venus Dasha.

> Meaning Pleasant and Happy Childhood + 11. 13

> 21- 02 – 1937


> Thereafter Sun's period for 6 years

> Indicates Tapa-Period; spiritual and

> Political activity of Intense Nature + 6

> 21 - 02 - 1947


> Thereafter Moon Period for 10 years

> Indicating clear headedness and deep

> Contemplation of Mass enlightenment + 10

> (Political and Spiritual Activity)

> 21 - 02 - 1953


> Then Mars period of 7 years

> Indicating Travelling and lot of Changes + 7

> 21 - 02 - 1960


> Then Rahu's period of 18 years

> Rahu is a Divine planet giver of Intricate + 18

> Knowledge of Brahma. Inner soul searching,

> Search for En Masse awakening

> 21 – 02 - 1978



> Then Jupiter's period of 16 years

> Spreading of Sahaja Yoga – the Guru + 16

> Principle throughout the world

> 21 - 02 - 1994


> Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years

> When it will spread Sahaja Yoga in the

> Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the

> Virata and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki

> (Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. + 19

> 21 – 02 - 2013



> According to the birth horoscope and Sahaja Horoscope of 5-5-1970

Jupiter passed through Libra. Jupiter will again pass through Libra

in 1993 and Sahaja Yoga will blossom in the entire world.


> Shri Mataji is born with Rahu Nakshatra in Ascendant – Mercury

(Gemini) and Moon in Bharanj (Venus) Nakshatra, clearly indicates

that Rahu means Films, TV, Radio, (that is either principle) and

Venus means Music, file personalities, artists can help. Mercury is

the ruling planet of the present day politics (Sahaja can enter

through present political system).


> In the early Indian Politics at the time of Jawahar Lal Nehru and

Mahatma Gandhi, the ruling planet was Venus. Thereafter the ruling

planet of Indian politics has been Mercury as all the important

events took place on Wednesday. It may be noted here that Shri

Mataji has both Venus and Mercury as Her ruling planets. Thus She

has full sway over the past and future of Indian Politics.


> 1. Three planets, Saturn, Sun, Moon are ucch abhilashi – Exaltation

> 2. Saturn, Jupiter are retrograde (Vakri) – Double strength


> Venus is totally free from any malefic aspects giving her the name

of Nishklankavtar with (10-5 deg.) Divine combinations. Just

pointing to us who She is.



> I bow to the Almighty God Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the

Nishklank Avtar which our Puranas are speaking from centuries.



> Lalit Bhandari



> This is further confirmed from the horoscope of 5.5.1970 (Sahaja

horoscope), which is almost identical with Shri Mataji's

horoscope,having Gajkesri with Jupiter in Libra, Saturn aspecting

Sahaja Lagna,Sun exalted. From this we see that from 15 August 1990

Sun's period is up until 15 August 1996 during which all great souls

will be attracted to Sahaja Yoga and have their inner (spiritual

ascent) purification and then from 15 August 1996 for 10 years the

Moon's Dasa is starting… that is it goes to the Masses, and the work

is completed up until 15th August 2006.


> (Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 February, 1995)


> _________________

> " Your power itself will show that this power is really of love,

> affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganesha Puja,

> 10 May 1995, Cabella Italy


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Guest guest

Dear Jagbir,


What you say is so true, especially about this 'stubborn camel' who refuses to

drink, but instead proceeds to vociferously 'claim' that he now possesses a

Divine Will.


Maybe the lack of water is affecting his brain, thus giving him 'delusions of

grandeur'???. i have heard of such things happening. At least this camel is

fortunate that nobody is going to give him the risperidone treatment, because i

am sure that would finish him off for sure!


In any case, i imagine that one day he will be forced to drink water out of

sheer desperation to stay alive. (However, like you, i think it will be too late

by then; he will probably die after drinking it, after not having drunk any

water for soooooooooooooo looooooooooong.)






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> It is obvious that Shri Mataji has completed Her work and She has

> said so in various ways, including dreams and direct confirmation in

> the Sahasrara. There is no way WCASY or their Propaganda Ministry

> extract a deviant reading. Even Shri Mataji's horoscope is agreeable

> and we should see Her Divine Message spreading around the world by

> 21-02-2013.


> But why are they so silent about all this? Where is the usual hype

> and charts to show WCASY is well on the way to achieve that 2013

> target? Why are the Will-hijackers not trumpeting that their powers

> will ensure the horoscope of Shri Mataji comes true? How come are

> these thieves of the Shakti's Will still thousands of years from

> just reaching 1% of humanity?


> The answer is that under no circumstance whatsoever have they been

> handed the task of spreading Her Divine Message of the Last Judgmnet

> and Resurrection. This job was given to outsiders in 1993 when SYs

> did not respond to Her request they spread Her Divine Message.


> As i have said before, this stubborn camel will have to drink in the

> end ............... or die of thirst by 2013. i can wait patiently

> since it does not matter if the camel drinks or dies, or dies after

> drinking. Only the foolish, ignorant and illiterate will believe in

> a stubborn camel with a Divine Will.


> jagbir



> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > Here is an excerpt from the Horoscope of Shri Mataji, given by

> Lalit Bhandari in October 1991. i am referring specifically to the

> date of 15 August, 2006: -

> >

> > " This is further confirmed from the horoscope of 5.5.1970 (Sahaja

> horoscope), which is almost identical with Shri Mataji's horoscope,

> having Gajkesri with Jupiter in Libra, Saturn aspecting Sahaja

> Lagna, Sun exalted. From this we see that from 15 August 1990 Sun's

> period is up until 15 August 1996 during which all great souls will

> be attracted to Sahaja Yoga and have their inner (spiritual ascent)

> purification and then from 15 August 1996 for 10 years the Moon's

> Dasa is starting… that is it goes to the Masses, and the work is

> completed up until 15th August 2006. " (End Quote)........

> >

> > If you read the excerpt above closely, it will be seen that the

> date of 15th August, 2006 is the 'work completed' date of the

> Incarnation of the Adi Shakti.

> >

> > It may be of interest to others, that about two months ago,

> another SY and I had a very similar dream (although it varied in

> small details) that signified that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has

> indeed completed Her Work. (I am sure that many other SY's have also

> had similar dreams as these dreams are often conveyed collectively

> to Her Bhaktas.)

> >

> > In this dream i was going through the Ashram at Burwood in Sydney,

> Australia. This is the ashram where Shri Mataji has visited and

> resided at quite a number of times, and where i have also attended

> at many pujas to Her. (Please note that what is viewed in dreams,

> usually looks slightly different than what is viewed purely from the

> physical dimension and with physical eyes): -

> >

> > i found myself inside Burwood Ashram in Sydney. i just walked past

> these rooms to my right. It appeared like a 'glass showcase effect'

> whereby a person could look into the rooms, and see what was inside.

> This 'glass showcase effect', also gave the feeling of viewing what

> is now a part of spiritual history which has been completed.

> >

> > The puja room was full of paraphernalia, but it was deserted now

> (on display) with nobody in the room. There was no music and no

> dancing, however, the yogis were in a room further away, eating and

> enjoying themselves, as per the norm.

> >

> > (Room 1: first room to my right)

> >

> > Many SY's seemed unaware or oblivious to the presence of Shri

> Mataji in the first room to my right, where i saw Her in solitary

> contemplation, and wearing a simple sari. She wore no puja

> adornments; not even one bracelet was to be seen on Her Wrist. As i

> stood at the door, and took in the scene, i wondered why She was

> dressed so simply, without the usual puja adornment, especially when

> the yogis were right next door, and the puja paraphernalia was there

> too. The room was also spotless and unadorned, just like Shri Mataji

> Herself. The only ornamentation in the room was one photograph: -

> >

> > It was a photo of Her Red 'KumKumed Feet'.

> >

> >

> > (Room 2):

> >

> > i passed along the hallway and peered into the second room to my

> right. All i saw in this completely unadorned room was another

> unadorned photograph: -

> >

> > It was a photgraph of Shri Mataji's 'blue feet'.

> >

> >

> > (Room 3):

> >

> > Then i passed along the hallway, and peered into the third room to

> my right. The third room was also unadorned. Here again, there was

> only one unadorned photograph: -

> >

> > It was a photograph of Shri Mataji's 'Red Bindi'.

> >

> > (How we love you, dear Mother of Mothers; i am in tears relating

> this dream now).

> >

> > .......

> >

> > It has become obvious to me, that this dream has shown to me that

> Shri Mataji is indicating that Her Work is completed. The other SY

> (who had the same dream, but with minor variatons) told me

> that 'they' actually spoke to Shri Mataji in the first room. This SY

> had asked Shri Mataji why She was alone in the room, and completely

> unadorned?!

> >

> > Apparently, Shri Mataji had then replied to this SY: -

> >

> > " I have finished My Work. i have left all that behind. "

> >

> >

> > HOWEVER.....

> >

> > Her Work is being carried on, and it will spread throughout the

> world, as we witness the Kalki (Mercury) Power manifesting over the

> whole World. Lalit Bhandari mentions this Kalki Manifestaton

> of " Mercury Power " as happening by 21 February, 2013, which is only

> seven (7) years from now: -

> >

> > " Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years when it will spread

> Sahaja Yoga in the Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the Virata

> and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki (Mercury) Power manifesting over

> the whole World. + 19 21 – 02 - 2013. "

> >

> > (Btw. " Mercury " is also known as the " Messenger " , and " Mercury

> Power " is the power of mass communication.)

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> > Shri Adi Shakti Forum

> > Forum: The Message of Sahaja Yoga:

> > The Spontaneous Union with the Divine

> > Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - by Lalit Bhandari

> > (Given during Tour of Australia – 22 October 1991)

> > Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:25 pm

> >

> > Shri Ganeshaya Namah, I seek the blessings of Lord Shri Ganesha...

> >

> > While making the comparative study and analysis of horoscopes of

> different Divine personalities a very pleasant and astounding

> observation has been made. This study has been described in great

> detail with specific analysis of the horoscope of Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi. The Divine personalities studied are Lord Krishna,

> Lord Buddha,Lord Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak Dev, Shri

> Chaitanya Maha-Prabhu, Advi Shankarancharya and Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi. The data on the horoscopes for all others is taken from

> notable horoscopes by Shri B.V. Raman, the world famous astrologer.

> >

> > It is observed from the various planetary combinations that the

> following combinations are very rare and are indicative of the

> Divinity of the person. These are:

> >

> > 1. Gajkesari Yoga or 5th, 9th position of the Moon and Jupiter

> This indicates past Punyas, Punya Sanchaya or highly religious past

> lives.

> >

> > 2. Saturn aspects the Lagna, it shows the concern for the Masses

> and the ability for Tapasya – Penance.

> >

> > 3. Ketu the Mokshakarak planet should be in the 9th Dharmasthana

> showing the Dharma that is established within and not outwardly… and

> the truthfulness. This planet gives the capacity to go all alone.

> >

> > 4. Lagna being aspected by Jupiter and Lagnesh aspected by Jupiter

> is an added strength giving one the capacity to become world Guru

> (Jagatguru).

> >

> > 5. Venus or Mercury is the ruling planet in all the cases. If both

> are there it is excellent because both the planets are Dnyan Karak.

> >

> > It may be noted that these combinations are present in the

> horoscopes of all the abovementioned personalities in different

> quantums (Ansha).In case of Shri Mataji all these combinations are

> present in full strength. No.4 combination and No.5 combination is

> particularly observed to be very strong in case of Shri Mataji as

> compared to others. Shri Mataji is born in Gemini Lagna (whose Lord

> is Mercury) with Moon in Bharani Nakshatra (whose Lord is Venus),

> which means She is under the ruling aspect of Mercury and Venus.

> >

> >

> > Shri Mataji is born, 21 – 03 – 1923

> > 13 years and 11 month balance of Venus Dasha.

> > Meaning Pleasant and Happy Childhood + 11. 13

> > 21- 02 – 1937

> >

> > Thereafter Sun's period for 6 years

> > Indicates Tapa-Period; spiritual and

> > Political activity of Intense Nature + 6

> > 21 - 02 - 1947

> >

> > Thereafter Moon Period for 10 years

> > Indicating clear headedness and deep

> > Contemplation of Mass enlightenment + 10

> > (Political and Spiritual Activity)

> > 21 - 02 - 1953

> >

> > Then Mars period of 7 years

> > Indicating Travelling and lot of Changes + 7

> > 21 - 02 - 1960

> >

> > Then Rahu's period of 18 years

> > Rahu is a Divine planet giver of Intricate + 18

> > Knowledge of Brahma. Inner soul searching,

> > Search for En Masse awakening

> > 21 – 02 - 1978

> >

> >

> > Then Jupiter's period of 16 years

> > Spreading of Sahaja Yoga – the Guru + 16

> > Principle throughout the world

> > 21 - 02 - 1994

> >

> > Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years

> > When it will spread Sahaja Yoga in the

> > Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the

> > Virata and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki

> > (Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. + 19

> > 21 – 02 - 2013

> >

> >

> > According to the birth horoscope and Sahaja Horoscope of 5-5-1970

> Jupiter passed through Libra. Jupiter will again pass through Libra

> in 1993 and Sahaja Yoga will blossom in the entire world.

> >

> > Shri Mataji is born with Rahu Nakshatra in Ascendant – Mercury

> (Gemini) and Moon in Bharanj (Venus) Nakshatra, clearly indicates

> that Rahu means Films, TV, Radio, (that is either principle) and

> Venus means Music, file personalities, artists can help. Mercury is

> the ruling planet of the present day politics (Sahaja can enter

> through present political system).

> >

> > In the early Indian Politics at the time of Jawahar Lal Nehru and

> Mahatma Gandhi, the ruling planet was Venus. Thereafter the ruling

> planet of Indian politics has been Mercury as all the important

> events took place on Wednesday. It may be noted here that Shri

> Mataji has both Venus and Mercury as Her ruling planets. Thus She

> has full sway over the past and future of Indian Politics.

> >

> > 1. Three planets, Saturn, Sun, Moon are ucch abhilashi –


> > 2. Saturn, Jupiter are retrograde (Vakri) – Double strength

> >

> > Venus is totally free from any malefic aspects giving her the name

> of Nishklankavtar with (10-5 deg.) Divine combinations. Just

> pointing to us who She is.

> >

> >

> > I bow to the Almighty God Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the

> Nishklank Avtar which our Puranas are speaking from centuries.

> >

> >

> > Lalit Bhandari

> >

> >

> > This is further confirmed from the horoscope of 5.5.1970 (Sahaja

> horoscope), which is almost identical with Shri Mataji's

> horoscope,having Gajkesri with Jupiter in Libra, Saturn aspecting

> Sahaja Lagna,Sun exalted. From this we see that from 15 August 1990

> Sun's period is up until 15 August 1996 during which all great souls

> will be attracted to Sahaja Yoga and have their inner (spiritual

> ascent) purification and then from 15 August 1996 for 10 years the

> Moon's Dasa is starting… that is it goes to the Masses, and the work

> is completed up until 15th August 2006.

> >

> > (Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 February, 1995)

> >

> > _________________

> > " Your power itself will show that this power is really of love,

> > affection, compassion for the transformation of the whole world. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganesha Puja,

> > 10 May 1995, Cabella Italy

> >


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