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Kundalini Within More Powerful Than Any Energy Without

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Shri Adi Shakti Forum

Category: Guidance for the Online Meditation Workshop

Kundalini Within More Powerful Than Any Energy Without

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006


Dear All,


The Kundalini, according to Shri Mataji, is much more powerful than any energy

from outside. Attached is Shri Mataji's teachings on the Kundalini. i especially

note that She says: -


" So please remember; those who try to bring in assertions and conditioning and

ego and all that, are not going to grow because they are not getting the energy

from kundalini (btw. the kundalini is within each of us), but from the outside

which which is absolutely useless. " (btw. 'outside' are all sorts of rituals and

cleansing practices).


It seems to me that SY's in general have relied on the external rituals and

treatment rather than depending on the energy of the Kundalini. That is why

there seem to be Lifetime Rituals self-imposed on yogis, who are now involved in

this Lifelong Treadmill, that is not necessary if they turn to the Kundalini for

the energy instead....just like Shri Mataji advised. Just like Shri Mataji said,

they do not seem to be getting anywhere and all these rituals are absolutely






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


i have a talk of Shri Mataji regarding the Adi Kundalini that may help new SYs

never ever to resort to any external rituals. What cleansing-obsessed SYs do not

tell you about is the futility of getting cleansing energy from external

rituals. This is what Shri Mataji has to say, though not mentioning it by name:


Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


" So please remember, those who try to bring in assertions and conditioning and

ego and all that are not going to grow because they are not getting the energy

from the Kundalini but from outside which is absolutely useless. " …..



..... So lemons, chillies, salt, matka, strings, candles etc., is not going to

make you grow/heal unless one learns to get energy from the Kundalini. Thus this

explains why many SYs are in daily cleansing, and want others to be subject too

to the burden of a life-long yoke.


And trying to understand the subtle system will not help either. You are only

falling into the trap that have ensnared most SYs by trying to comprehend the

three channels. Ask 10 SYs the same questions and you will get different, even

contradictory replies. It is so confusing and disheartening to realize

months/years later that what you learnt is not true. Then the doubts come that

the next SY may also give you information that may later turn to be only half

true. i learnt this defect many years ago while still new and decided to find it

myself, that is, from Shri Mataji within. It is indeed a blessing to be able to

seek the Inner Guru.


You will be a better balanced personality if you understand and follow the

wisdom and enlightenment of Shri Mataji's talk about the Adi Kundalini. i am

saying that your Mother Kundalini is absolutely able to destroy all your catches

and subtle system problems. She also helps you stabilize yourself for the

thoughtless state where you need not know or read anything, as the Silence will

teach you. Your own Guru within will enlighten you of whatever is desired or

need to be known. It will not bring instant results. If you are to taught by

Silence then your learning curve will be a gradual, easy ascent. Listening to

Shri Mataji's tapes help but it is the silent introspection that accelerates



Some may question why SYs give all these facts and knowledge here. The main

purpose is to explain Shri Mataji's Divine Message and give evidence that She

indeed is the incarnation of the Shakti within sent to deliver it. Secondary

purpose is to throw an unforgivingly harsh spotlight on serious issues that have

been nonchalantly swept under the management carpet, diseased dirt that was not

allowed to be removed even for the sake of assured eventual good health for all

SYs. The issues include reminding SYs of their duty to TELL ALL THE NATIONS;

making newcomers realize that spiritual advancement has nothing to do with

seniority (or getting advise from them); ridding SYs of cleansing conditionings

and rituals; teaching them to become their own masters (instead of being slaves

to ignorant SYs); emphasizing the importance of surrendering all to Mother

Kundalini within; and confirming accusations that the brahminical management

team have time and again failed to spread Shri Mataji's message, and that it is

now up to the majority sudra caste to rise and fulfil Her Vision for humanity.





Shri Adi Kundalini Puja

Germany, August 11, 1991


This is the Puja of Adi Kundalini as well as your own Kundalini.

" Self-realization is self-knowledge, and the one who gives you self- knowledge

is your own Kundalini because when She rises She points out the problems on your

chakras. " Kundalini is pure desire, which means that it has no lust or greed. lt

is the power of your own Mother who knows everything about you, like a tape

recorder. " Whatever chakras She touches She also knows what's wrong with that

chakra beforehand, so She's quite prepared and She adjusts Herself fully so that

you do not get a problem by Her awakening. If any chakra is constricted She

waits and goes on slowly opening that chakra. "


Kundalini is the primordial power, which is reflected within you like many

strands of energy twisted together-like a rope. " In a human being these strands

are 3 into 7 that is 21 raised to the power 108. When your Kundalini rises, one

or two strands out of this come up and pierce the fontanel bone area. " It's a

spiral, which has to pass through the innermost Nadi, known as the Brahma Nadi,

which is also a spiral. " The outermost Nadi is the right side and the second

innermost is the Ida Nadi. " When the Kundalini passes through the Brahma Nadi,

the sympathetic nervous system starts relaxing, and when it goes to the Agnya

chakra, then the eyes start relaxing, the pupils dilate, and they can become

very black like Shri Mataji's. This is a way to easily see how far the Kundalini

has risen in a person.


The Kundalini energy is absolutely pure light of knowledge, love compassion and

attention. It is the living energy which knows how to handle Itself and think.

It is like the tip of a sprouting seed that knows how to go around all the soft

places, to encircle the stones, then find its way to the source. " But within you

is a tremendous force of Kundalini, " ... a storehouse of love, compassion and

knowledge and ocean of forgiveness which can be enlightened by the Spirit. " When

people get realization, they do not understand that they have to now grow, " and

the reason they don't grow is they do not ask for these energies-to be more

compassionate, more loving, more generous, and not to exploit others. " But if

you do not want to be growing in your awareness then She says, 'All right . He's

a half-baked Sahaja Yogi. Let it be.' She doesn't supply that energy which is

stored within you. " Mundane desires , such as asking for a job or for cures for

relatives, are impure because they are not satiable.


" This Kundalini that is your Mother She is there to supply you, nourish you, to

look after you, to make you grow by giving you a higher personality, wider

personality, deeper personality. " But our ideas about people who have higher

personalities are wrong. " People are higher because they are spiritually

evolved; otherwise they are not. "


This Puja is taking place in Germany, and " germ " actually means Kundalini.

Germs, or seeds, are usually encased in a hard shell for protection. But the

delicate germ has the capacity to break the hard shell. " In the same way, when

we become really delicate like a germ and grow in our delicacy and in our beauty

of compassion, love and knowledge, which makes you humble, then these shells

will break.... So what we should ask for is that beautiful, soft, compassionate

nature and then the Kundalini will supply--because She only has that.... All Her

power is of love, nothing but love, so how can She give you something She

doesn't, have? Supposing you hate someone, what can She, do? She can't do

anything because She cannot give you powers to hate. " If you hate someone, She

gives you the power to forgive. In order to grow, " We have to see how softly we

talk, how kindly we talk, how considerate we are. Now this is externally, but

when you start doing that externally the energy starts coming internally... So

please remember, those who try to bring in assertions and conditioning and ego

and all that are not going to grow because they are not getting the energy from

the Kundalini but from outside which is absolutely useless . "


" So the power of Kundalini is absolute purity, auspiciousness, holiness,

chastity, self-respect, pure love, detachment, concern, enlightened attention to

give you… joy " To grow, we need to introspect. " What do l want in this, life? l

should be able to love many more people without any lust or greed or

expectations. " The Kundalini gives the witness state, She gives peace, security

and wisdom, which make us so powerful that no one can trouble us. If we go

against our Kundalini it is very easy to jump on the left or right side, where

we can become anything uncontrollable. Whatever we want--bhoots, diseases,

filthy things-we can have them, nobody can stop us. Discussing the bad points of

others is also not going to help us, especially the ladies.


" So when we talk of the light of the Kundalini we have to understand that this

light spreads in your life, outside your life and expresses itself in a very,

very beautiful manner. Everyone says that Sahaja Yogis look very different from

others. There's a glow on their face, they look like flowers. " The simple

village people of Cabella were impressed by the collective behaviour of the

Sahaja Yogis. We have to just have " pure desire to get to that greater

personality of love and beautiful relationships. "


When you worship the Adi Kundalini, " the reflection in you which is your own

Kundalini feels very happy, also the Deities feel happy, In that happy mood you

can achieve a very much deeper experience…. But to keep it up you have to

meditate; otherwise all these strands will go back, slip down, which have come

out in the Puja. Try to get out of this every day-to-day nonsensical life. If

you want you can do it--it's again a question of your wanting. "


" So in your introspection, in your Pujas, in your meditation if you see for

yourself why are you mediating, it is for pure desire of compassion and love to

be awakened within us, You're already in the meditation, you're already growing.

The growth has started and you'll grow so fast that this shell which is this

human conditioning and ego will break open. And then this small little thing,

which is only in the triangular bone... manifests and can save the whole world. "


When we sing together, clapping and feeling the joy in very simple music, the

joy we feel is because our Kundalini dances and is happy when we ask for nothing

but the enjoyment of collectivity. " Collectivity doesn't mean we all should be

stuck together with some glue or something or we all become like rock of

Gibraltar.... it means wherever you are, you are connected…. the connecting line

is of love, and not of hatred.... But people will live together and everyday

break each others' heads. " Collectivity is " where there's not the other, there's

no other personality. These personalities are separated from you because of left

and right or could be both. But you are your Self fully when you are absolutely

detached and your Kundalini's dancing. You're alone and never alone. This

oneness with the whole gives you all the security that you want, all the joy you

want, and that's why Kundalini awakening means collectivity. Unless and until

you want pure collectivity in your being, Kundalini won't rise, " When we become

so detached that we don't want anything with anyone, the detachment becomes

really enjoyable, and in that detachment we enjoy others. " That means you enjoy

the spirit of another person through your spirit. "


So the relationship with the Adi Kundalini is that it is the reflection of the

Adi Kundalini. In the Turya state, the reflection of our personality is

four-dimensional. " The reflector is the desire and the reflection is complete. "

When we worship the Adi Kundalini, what we are trying to do is to cleanse the

Kundalini as well as please the Deities. The object doesn't change but the

reflection can change. " The movement of Kundalini also depends on the

temperament of the person, what sort of a desire he has for his Kundalini to

rise. " When our desires are pure, then our desires work out. " When it works the

whole thing out you develop that faith within your Self... [which] nobody can

challenge. " It is not blind faith, but an open eyes, experienced faith, which is

established within and cannot be challenged . " If you have the faith, it will be

done. "


" l have been telling Sahaja Yogis not to say something offhand because you must

know you are connected now. Your pure desire is now being fulfilled and you are

now connected, now you are divine, you are realized souls, you are very

different from others.... l can't talk like this to anyone.... It is beyond

their mind, but for you all this subtle knowledge is just being absorbed because

your Kundalini is absorbing it. Now as it is, you know l always perspire too

much because l go on absorbing your heat. l absorb so much that l perspire. So

despite the fact that you people are having a nice cool breeze and I am feeling

hot. So this your Kundalini also absorbs. Whatever you absorb is absorbed by

Me.... Your Kundalini is a barometer, and She tells you what is wrong with

others, with yourself…. The Kundalini is purity, is the reflector, and the more

you become a better reflector the more Kundalini shows. "


We all have our own separate Kundalini, which is " different from others in a way

that Her awareness about us is different, but in Her function, in Her methods

She is just the same in everyone.... She knows you very well, out and out.

Remember this. You cannot cheat Her " . We worship our Kundalini to give Her all

the credit, that " Oh, Mother, You have given us these great powers, You have

given us this subtle knowledge within ourselves, you have given us the love

which encompasses the whole world, and the more you become aware of Her

connections-very, very delicate connections then you will be amazed. " To develop

ourselves and grow, we have to ask and desire for something very beautiful. But

if our attention is moving on nonsensical things, how will we grow'? " That's why

I said we have to meditate so we get into thoughtless awareness by which we

allow the Kundalini to grow. I hope after today's program people will pay

attention to their own Kundalini and not to the defects of other people. First

you must grow and develop a personality of that compassion and love and

everything.Then you will grow into " a beautiful picture of perfection as a human

being. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Shri Adi Kundalini Puja, Germany , August 11, 1991

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