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Sohniya.............. about the SYSSR....

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Dear Sohniya (and others, too),


It is true what Shri Mataji has said. Those who are subtle, keep getting

subtler, but those who are gross, keep getting more gross in their spiritual

understanding. (Please understand here that 'gross' has the meaning of 'not

subtle at all').


If a person follows the external SYSSR, then they will become progressively more

gross in their spiritual understanding. However, if they follow the Teachings of

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (which amounts to following the Teachings of the

Incarnation of the Adi Shakti (Hindus), the Holy Spirit (Christians), the Ruh of

Allah (Muslims), the Maitreya (Buddhists), the Eykaa Mayee (Sikhs), the Ruach

(Jews) and the Great Mother (Taoists)....then they will become progressively

'subtler' in their spiritual understanding.


Today, is the Time we all have to make a spiritual choice to follow the Divine

Within (which can only be done by the person within their 'own temple made

without human hands', as Shri Jesus described it, or they have the alternative

choice, which is to follow an external religion, such as the SYSSR.)


In any case, THIS is the Time that was prophesied whereby we have to make the

choice that will affect all of humanity 'en masse'. It is not a Time, whereby we

can sit on the proverbial 'fence'. We actually do have to get out of our usual

comfort zone of 'following the crowd' and we also have to get out of our usual

comfort zone of 'following the leader of the crowd'.


That is why Shri Mataji has given so many teachings and instructions that will

enable each who has the courage to tread this path.... to become their Own

Master, their Own Teacher, and their Own Guru. This is also the Time, whereby we

need to stand up and speak what is the Truth. 'Watering down' what is the Truth,

or hiding what is the Truth, will not do for this Time. Shri Mataji has given us

the " Absolute Truth " which we have to give to the world-at-large. People are

wanting to know the " Absolute Truth " . They are spiritually hungry for it.


Just as religions in general have lost the original essence of many of the

teachings of the Incarnations and Prophets, likewise has this happened to Shri

Mataji's teachings. That is why SYSSR and their followers, are fiercely

protecting the SYSSR, because as it is not the essence of what Shri Mataji

taught originally, it does not have the protection that Her Pure Teachings have.

That is why WCASY have had to go to extreme lengths to protect their SYSSR,

also. This just makes sense, because as Shri Mataji Herself said, The Truth

Itself will destroy all that is 'not Truth'.


Many SYSSR followers are now taking only certain Words of Shri Mataji and

following them. However, if a person 'runs' with certain Words only that Shri

Mataji has spoken, and does not take into consideration ALL HER OTHER WORDS, TOO

(which amount to Her Teachings In Full).... then it is very easy to

misunderstand and therefore misconstrue Her spiritual teachings. This is exactly

what happened to all the other Incarnations and Prophets. It is never a blatant

misunderstanding and misconstruance. It happens very gradually and very subtly

that an Incarnation's Teachings are misunderstood, misconstrued, and finally,



Knowledge of this fact is also easily suppressed from within. If you don't want

to 'face something', you suppress it. You think that 'the majority are going

that way, so i will too'. (This person will suppress the knowledge of the fact

that the 'majority' are actually ignoring what Shri Mataji taught, it preference

to what the 'leaders' now teach.) .......However, the blatant Truth is.......if

a person conscientiously and sincerely contemplates and meditates and follows

Shri Mataji's teachings, they will realize that She never meant for Her

Teachings to be made into the SYSSR.


The reason we have no problems on this forum, (and i appreciate that insight,

Sohniya)... is because we are only upholding the Truths that Shri Mataji and

other Incarnations and Prophets taught. These are Universal Truth, unlike the

SYSSR, which are not universal truths. We do not follow 'deviant readings' of

Shri Mataji's teachings as do the SYSSR. The SYSSR could never be backed up by

all the Incarnations and Prophets. However, once the SYSSR reverts back to

following ONLY Shri Mataji's teachings, then they won't have problems either.

But for now, their problems are endless, in the same way as their lifelong

subtle system rituals are endless.


On these websites and forums, we also do take into consideration all of Shri

Mataji's Teachings, and do not just take certain Words separately, without also

understanding these in the context of everything else She has taught. We also

take into account the Essence of the Teachings of all the other Incarnations and

Prophets. That way....a person cannot go wrong, because there are so many

'checks and balances'. At the risk of repeating myself, because i say this so

often, but: -


" That is why Shri Mataji told us we must study all the Scriptures " .


Another thing that happens, is that people take Her Words literally,

without understanding their deeper spiritual meaning.


For example, 'to be collective', many people believe that you have to

attend a local Sahaj Centre. So, how can a person become collective

when they live in Timbucktu, and there is no Sahaj Centre? Does that

mean they cannot become collective?


The words " Collective " , " collectivity " , and " collective consciousness "

have been interminably used in various ways by Shri Mataji. She told

SY's that they need to be collective, however, She also said that this

did not mean that they had to be 'stuck together like glue'.

'Collective consciousness', She said was a quality, whereby a person

could live in Canada for instance, or in Australia, and they could

still be in collectivity with that person, because 'collective

consciousness' is a very subtle thing. It has a much deeper meaning

than being in the same building (local SY Centre for instance).

The best thing is to take into consideration all of Shri Mataji's Teachings,

imbibe them, meditate and contemplate on them, and then, LIVE THEM.


In regards to those you mentioned at your local sahaj centre, just keep your

attention on the Adi Shakti Within, and remain centred within yourself. Whatever

you feel, channel it through your Sahasrara and the Divine will look after all

the situations you encounter. Surrender yourself to the Divine, who works

everything out together with you. You will be amazed how things work out for

good to those who love the Divine Within.


If you also feel led to speak up about things, so be it. Shri Mataji always

spoke up about wrongs being committed. She is our example. This is not the same

as speaking 'bad' about others, which SY's often misconstrue. It is not the same

as gossip, in other words. It is not the same as 'putting others down, to make

oneself feel better'. It is about standing up for what is right. It is about

standing up for the Truth.


As you have also related, is IS true that people usually feel much more

comfortable 'following the crowd. People are usually more comfortable following

the largest number of people. This is an inbuilt human trait. It was important

when human survival depended upon large numbers of people. However, when it

comes to 'spirituality', it is a different matter. When it comes to

spirituality, we have to 'go within our own spiritual temple', ultimately. We

have to go within our own spiritual temple in order to get in touch with our

spiritual Source.


Some of us have left off 'following the crowd'. Some of us have also left off

'following the leaders of the crowd'. It is not an easy thing to do. It is a

painful thing to do, because we enjoy being part of the crowd. However, i can

also tell you the immense joy i have within, which no external voice of any

person can hinder. i experience the collectivity within my being,

nevertheless.... just as Shri Mataji said we could. We can also connect with

each other over the websites and forums, which are part of the 'Kalki

Communications' of this New Age of Aquarius, wherein all who seek their Spirit

will find it.


And this will never need religious leaders like WCASY want to be. They had

perennial control over people in past incarnations, and they want it again. Shri

Mataji has told that it is these same characters over and over again, wanting

control over people, money, possessions (whatever they can get their hands on).

They are not spiritually discerning people, as you yourself have witnessed,



So Sohniya, just ignore the stares. Do not put your enlightened attention there,

but put in on the Adi Shakti Within, who will look after you.


'That said', it is proper to speak up and state the truth of what is happening.

Too much has been swept under the carpet. Too many of Shri Mataji's Teachings

have been misconstrued and misunderstood.


However, it may also affect you spiritually to keep attending, because most now

follow the SYSSR, instead of following the Divine Within. Most now follow the

SYSSR, when Shri Mataji stated that a religion was not to be made out of Her



Just shine your Light wherever you go. You can help others. Try to become

detached about the local collective mentality and problems. It might even be

best, because of the SYSSR that has now been instituted, to stay away from them,

however, that is your choice. Only you know what is best for you. Alternatively,

you could stay and help those who are struggling with the SYSSR.


It is such a shame that what Shri Mataji envisioned in regards to the SY

Organization, has not come to fruition. It is such a tragedy what is happening

now. But, we have to therefore do the best we can and carry on with Her

Teachings to the world-at-large.


And we can do it.


We can also do it, fully being our own Masters, Gurus, and Teachers, just as

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has taught us. By being our own masters, teachers, and

gurus, we need never ever be subject to the words of man and the words of their

man-made religions, ever again!


love and best wishes,






, " indiblonde "

<indiblonde wrote:


> JSM,


> Dear Uncle Jagbirji and all,


> It saddens me greatly to read what has been done by WCASY in terms

of hijacking Shri Mataji's will and then going against Her wishes for

not being hospitalized. The feelings Uncleji has expressed are the

same as mine really. I feel really hurt about this.




> They do not treat the sahaja yogi's with respect. The way they

function is an insult to the average sy's intelligence. But that they

would go as far as to even go against Shri Mataji's wishes, is

appalling to say the least.




> I recall the past months that I was visiting the sy center here in

dubai. The amount of lies spoken aloud in the name of Shri Mataji by

the " leader " suresh narayan is disgusting. He speaks things like " C.P.

called me last evening..and we had a conversation " like he and Sir CP

are the best of bossom buddies since childhood.




> Then he says things like.. " last evening I called Shri Mataji on the

phone and I told her blah blah " YEAH RIGHT! She is just waiting beside

the phone for his call.




> I wonder if this is done with the permission/knowledge of WCASY or

encouraged by them,to make the rest of new seekers fall into the trap

of thinking that leaders are something special. I see the 90% crowd in

the hall just listening to him with a sarcastic look,while his 9%

cronies clap with all gusto, and 1% new comers just look wondering

whats going on.




> Besides since suresh narayan is making a hundred million calls every

day to Shri Mataji and speaking to her for hours and hours iam sure he

has enough funds for paying the exorbitant phone bills. So iam sure he

does not need any more money to be contributed for the sy center,I'll

stop for now since he has excess of money and I urge others to do the

same. I'll start contributing once he either admits that he does Not

all those hours talking to Shri Mataji as he claims, or show us the

phone bills as proof that he does indeed and let us know how those

calls were accounted for.




> What iam reminded here is reading a while back about some sy

> center's in other countries struggling for money, and devising

> dishonest methods to gain monetary contributions. Is it not strange?

The SY centers…Shri Mataji's …..without lakshmi tattwa? Or is it

> an indication that something is going wrong in the centers which is

why they are loosing their lakshmi tattwa?




> Its amazing how those center's are struggling to stay afloat..

struggling to find new comers, and this forum without trying any

> funny tactics finds it way to new seekers?




> I know all that will happen after this post is some crony will


> suresh narayan and he will just stare and stare at me from his high

throne at the center…and his wife lalitha will start looking back from

her shoulder every 5 seconds at me with devastating looks. So much for

both of them meditating at the center. I remember with my last post..

i went to the center..i was in deep meditation..only to open my eyes..

and find suresh narayan standing afar right ahead…looking like he

wanted to 'kill me.'





> But my main point here is…after speaking all those lies about Shri

> Mataji, which I suspect is part of WCASY propaganda, this is the

really awful where they send sms's saying she is healthy as she was 20

years ago.




> Not that most sy's put their thinking caps on. I can imagine most

> just jumping in their seats reading the sms's, without bothering to

> question. They are the one's whose main hobby is to contact the

> members who post on this forum, and try to convince them to quit and

> boycott this forum. One tried that with me, so when I discussed


> him the " issues " he was left with no reply for the wrong doings

> going on in Shri Mataji's name by WCASY and sy leaders.




> When pressed for a reply, all he could say was..he would just go

with the direction in which the majority was going. When I asked him,

even if they were going in the wrong direction..he said " yes " . Oh


> can I say then? Carry on. What my heart asks is…when will they wake

> up from their blindness? When its too late? Or will they never

realize? Or still not admit even if they realize?




> I end this note with Uncle Jagbirji's words:




> " " " " i feel so hapless, as if i am witnessing a rape


> > and can do nothing much except plead with the perpetrators to



> > But they are so intoxicated with drunken pleasure and righteous


> > power that they are not even aware they are committing a most


> > henious crime. Has any council member resigned so far in protest?


> > How many SYs have voiced their utter disgust at their collectives?


> > How can they allow all this to be done to Her, their deafening


> > silence obviously confirming their indirect participation?


> >


> > i am truly ashamed that so many of Her devotees are happily going


> > about their daily lives as if nothing has happenned. That is why i


> > do not want to be ever called a Sahaja Yogi. i want to have



> > to do with them or their organization. It does not matter anymore,


> > even if the vast majority of SYs want to have nothing to do with



> > the forum or websites. My conscience is clear and i sleep in peace


> > every night knowing in my heart, mind and soul that i am standing



> > Her Truth ......... and, more importantly, defending it at all


> > times. The further i drift away from WCASY and the SY organization


> > the better i feel.


> >


> > Thank you Shri Mataji for freeing me years ago. At that time i was


> > wondering why it was taking place, even though there was no WCASY



> > Will-hijackers. Today i know better. i wish the same blessings to



> >


> > jagbir " " " "




> Yes, Uncleji' you said it all.




> Jai Shri Mataji,


> Sohniya


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