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Kash's Cruel Treatment by YM.....

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


Dear Jagbir,


i am shocked at hearing all the details of Kash's treatment at the school.

Nobody gets such an attack of negativity against them unless there is a very

good reason why negativity wants to stop such a person 'in their tracks'. That

such a young person who was completely innocent should have been subject to such

vile treatment by 'so-called' Sahaja Yogis is pitiful... to say the least.


i know there are good SY's who would never act like this. However, there are

horrible SY's as well, who could treat a child so cruelly. i hope that one day

good SY's will be able to make up for what this horrible man perpetrated on Kash

and his brother. i am sure no true SY would ever want to continue YM's legacy,

and those who do... well, they must have become totally spiritually blinded by

the leadership of this 'fallen star' who also 'hit the dust' of the stage.


Ahhhh....but what bliss it is to air our dirty laundry in public, and finally

'come clean' whereas these things should have been dealt with in the SY

Organization years ago. Instead... they got 'swept under the carpet'. (But

everyone knows that is not the way to clean the house. One day, someone will

pick up the rug and see all the dirt that has not been cleared.)


So... now we have the opportunity to have as many " Truth-Telling " Sessions (for

the good health and healing of our SY Souls) as we jolly-well please... and Our

Mother won't mind one little bit, because " confession " is so good for the soul.

" Lordy knows " ... we were never able to do that when we were together with other

SY's for some unfathomable reason, and i am sure it had to do with the poor

calibre of leadership, who discouraged the Truth and made everyone 'turn a blind

eye' instead. Of course... 'turning a blind eye' can only work for so long,

until the Truth finally comes out. Nobody can hide anything 'under a rug'

anymore, because this is the Satya Yuga, which is the Time of Truth, when

everything that is corrupt and wrong will be exposed.


Previously we did not have computers to keep in touch when we got made unwelcome

by corrupt religious leaders. Now we do. So.....the Truth can come out and it

will keep coming out, and it will prevail, along with every Truth that Shri

Mataji also taught!


(Btw. how is Kash coping with all that happened now? Has he been able to put it

behind him in such a way that he realizes that 'everything works out for good to

those who love God? " )


warmest regards,





> , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sohniya and everybody,

> >

> > I can empathize with you concerning your problems with the

> > leadership in your Sahaj center. It is a very common problem

> > indeed in the ascent of Sahaja Yogis - what with the internal

> > obstacles they have to overcome and then they have more headaches

> > in the form of the local Sahaj mafia hoods.

> >

> > More often than not, even the wives and children of the leaders

> > can get into the act. In the mid nineties, on the India Tour, some

> > Sahaja Yogis might have met a little girl, probably aged about

> > eleven, who used to get everything her way with a " Do you know

> > that my father is YM? " Truth to tell, even apparently senior SYs

> > were checkmated and laid low with the do-you-know-who-my-father-is

> > gambit of this pesky kid.

> >

> > Shri Mataji has been aware of this problem among the leaders even

> > from the earliest days. I append below an excerpt from a Puja

> > speech where She speaks about the problem: " If we appoint somebody

> > as a leader, the leader may start thinking that he's really the

> > leader. And then it becomes really a problem for him because he

> > starts losing everything that is leadership. But the worst is,

> > their wives start thinking they're the leaders; and sometimes the

> > children also think that way and I won't be surprised even if

> > their dogs and pets behave that way. "

> >

> > Yes, even their dogs start behaving as if they have become the

> > leaders. Then perhaps we can conclude that such Sahaj leaders have

> > really and deservedly gone to the dogs.

> >

> > Chandra

> >


> And YM is that infamous ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan who ruled like

> a despot on the land the International Sahaja Yoga school was built.

> The corrupting power of being both landlord and director of the

> school is known to the few like Kash who crossed his path. Yogi

> Mahajan was a scheming dictator and propaganda minister the likes of

> which i hope never to come across. His word (and web of lies and

> deceit) uttered on his estate in Dharamsala, India was law unto all

> mortals under his jurisdiction, even prevailing over that of Shri

> Mataji thousands of miles away in Cabella, Italy.


> Thus when Shri Mataji overruled his decision to expel my son as Yogi

> Mahajan believed Kash was demonic - since YM believed only Satan

> could empower this child to daily meet Her within his Sahasrara at

> will - Yogi Mahajan schemed with his crony Mrs. Chitnavis, the

> headmistress appointed by his royal decree, to rid his estate of

> such satanic souls. Their plot more than fits the required Bollywood

> script mix of abusive, corrupt and nonsensical leaders who are evil

> incarnate in human bodies.


> To cut a long story short, after Shri Mataji refused to agree to

> YM's recommendations that my children be removed from Dharamsala,

> Kash was suddenly accused of committing the following crimes in

> quick succession:


> 1) that he was a gangster and leader of the school gang (after a few

> of his friends, inspired by the movie, got together and formed the

> Dead Poets Society);


> 2) was showing porn to grade 6 girls (but no victim, witness or

> smut was produced as evidence);


> 3) was possessed by demons (and had to spend one month in solitary

> confinement to rid him of his demonic ability to meet and converse

> with the Adi Shakti and other messengers of God Almighty);


> 4) a silhouette was judged by the bespectacled principle Mrs.

> Chitnavis as evidence he was lurking at night around the girls'

> dormitories (even though anyone with poor vision would find it next

> to impossible to recognize any shadow from i) a few hundred yards on

> ii) a moonless night at iii) an impossible angle from her office);


> There are other minor charges - like snacking after meals, talking

> with girls (while playing), coming late for havan (by a few

> minutes) - that made Ted Bundy turn green with envy and raging-red

> jealous of Kash's rap sheet. Kash's brown skin was also a

> disadvantage. According to Mrs. Chitnavis, his Indian genes should

> always behave better than those scheduled class Caucasians who were

> innocent by reason of pardesi color and spirituality-deficient

> births for committing the same 'crimes'. (As i have said before, all

> of us have had too much of Sahaj love and too much of it can kill.)


> So with all these new charges Shri Mataji was overruled despite Her

> explicitly confirming that under no circumstance were any of them to

> be sent back. Despite a second stay confirmation from Shri Mataji

> both brothers were exiled from the despot's kingdom. To maximize

> insult to injury both brothers had to spend the last few days in a

> run-down Dharamsala hotel, before being unceremoniously dumped in

> New Delhi.


> As these events in Dharamsala were unfolding and Kash kept in

> isolation, Shri Mataji was on Her way to North America. i prepared a

> letter before proceeding to Toronto on September 18, 1997, with the

> intention of delivering it to Her.


> The next day i was warned by the Canadian leader Jay Chudasama at

> the Toronto ashram that i was in danger of being thrown out of

> Sahaja Yoga if i persisted in accusing the school board of

> wrongdoing. i replied that i was prepared to leave Sahaja Yoga, but

> under no circumstances will i withdraw my letter.


> It was in this state of mind that i walked into Shri Mataji's hotel

> suite in Toronto on September 19, 1996, at about 4:15 p.m. and

> prostrated completely (Ashtanga Namaskar) at Her Lotus Feet. Shri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi had summoned me (without even opening the letter

> which i had handed Her at Toronto's Pearson Airport) to discuss

> about my children at Her school in Dharamsala, India. SY Jay

> Chudasama and Dr. Mishra were also present.


> Shri Mahamaya asked me the most mundane of questions: " Are you a

> Sikh? " . . . " When did you join Sahaja Yoga? " . . . " What were you

> doing all the while? " . . . " Are you alright with your wife? " There

> was not a single query on Kash's spiritual journeys or any related

> topic.


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi then requested Kash and his younger brother

> be brought back to Canada. There was somehow not even the slightest

> ripple of reaction from me. For some reason, in my thoughtless

> state, the most ridiculous of charges sounded like music to my ears.

> Shri Mataji had done Her best to keep Kash in Dharamsala (twice for

> the matter), but the despot Yogi Mahajan was determined and

> overturned even Her final decision. She had to defer to the landlord

> of Her school.


> When Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi had finished talking about the school

> board charges the issue of publishing this book was again raised —

> for the third time. i had accepted all allegations with complete

> calmness and was prepared for a negative answer. This would be the

> best opportunity for the Great Divine Mother to stop its

> publication. Kash, the very child to whom Shri Maha Avatar Shri

> Nirmala Devi had revealed Her Ultimate Reality, was facing serious

> charges; accusations that he and his brother vehemently denied.

> (Their mother had already crumbled under the onslaught of recent

> events. It was she who reminded me to make sure that Shri Mataji's

> permission to publish Her book be again obtained. In her mind these

> revelations were still for the family only, and the Great Primordial

> Mother might terminate publication of this book — and finally give

> her family some peace of mind from the relentless onslaught of

> negativity.) As far as i was concerned this would be the best reason

> and opportunity for Shri Mataji to cease work on the book based on a

> child whom world leader Yogi Mahajan claimed to be a gangster and

> demon-possessed porn-peddler.


> Shri Mataji told those present that permission had already been

> granted previously, and there was no need to ask again.


> i spontaneously raised my folded hands high above my head in

> Namaskar and exclaimed, " Jai Shri Mataji! " (Victory to the Mother!)

> The Great Divine Mother ended the meeting with Her blessings of

> Anant Ashirvad (Everlasting Blessings) in my endeavor.


> After that i waited for years before Shri Mataji expelled Yogi

> Mahajan. As far as my family is concerned this is sweet justice

> meted upon the most powerful, abusive, corrupt and nonsensical of SY

> leaders trying to destory Her Truth.


> Allan Wherry and his WCASY pals and Will-wannabee cronies like John

> Noyce, Ed Suagstad, Raj and others have since taken over where Yogi

> Mahajan left. So all of you just stay on the battlefield and stand

> your ground with all your murmurings, gossips, accusations, lies and

> slanderings against my children and me. Allan Wherry, i will see how

> many of your kind are left standing when the dust finally settles.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


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Dear Sohniya,


My pranaam to you for this giant leap. After entering and wondering

in the storm for months/years you have at last found it's secret -

the calm of the eye. Remain there at all times now and witness in

peace and serenity all the avidya, hypocrisy, untruth, lies,

ignorance, power struggles and what not that continues to rage all

around. Absorb all the pain without reaction. Continue merging your

consciousness with the Adi Shakti within and ease your attachment

with the physical Shri Mataji who is just Her incarnation. You have

many years ahead and your spiritual journey will only get better.


warmest regards,





, " indiblonde "

<indiblonde wrote:


> JSM,


> It was Violets words in the post below, that struck a cord in me…


> I've never seeked being a " whistle blower " …but perhaps, the times

> have changed, and perhaps because of Satya Yuga, where everything

> gets exposed somehow eventually, even if completely unwillingly, I

> find myself drawn into situations. Simple acts like helping

someone or asking for some sy forms snowball into bigger issues

leaving me no choice but to lift the rug up and expose the dirt.


> In all this, I just see that it teaches me things about myself I

> didn't even realize yet. Its like the more worse external

> situations become, the more stronger I become from within.

> The feeling of intense calm and peace within…perhaps the strongest

> I've felt in a while right when there is intense turmoil, noise

and confusion on the outside. Intensely focused on the matter yet

> absolutely calm. The feeling of intense strength, courage and

faith just when there is " negativity " attacking. When I go into

> meditation in times like these, I find I go straight right within,

> all external sounds/thoughts/distractions are immediately cut off

> like going into a vaccum in a split second and just feeling

intense peace, security and love. No feelings of anger, bitterness

or worry stay. Even if something comes up suddenly, with the

potential to emotionally hurt, or upset me, I felt it for a few

seconds and then it just like " evaporated " . All that was left was

the focus, drive, faith, courage and strength, the feeling of being

in the strongest state I've been in a while. Its like nothing could

hurt/upset me. Its like they all just vanish. All I can feel then is

what is within.


> This I take as a sign that there is my Holy Mother watching and

> helping me. Even thoughts of " now what will happen " are answered

> intrinsically as " don't worry, it will be solved (somehow) " . It's


> BIG change from when I would get upset easily and stay upset. Now

> it feels like…all the emotions of anger/upset/sadness

are " external " … somehow outside me and prevented from affecting me

by some invisible wall around me. All I feel within is calm and

that everything will be " solved " . And that I can feel upset ONLY if

I choose to. It not something I've known for ages…these

feelings..these experiences are relatively new and surprise me.

They show me a side I didn't acknowledge existed in me. Its like I

stop in my tracks and ask myself, what am I feeling now? Iam not

upset? Iam fine? Geez! Yes iam!


> I guess experiences happen in my life to " open my eyes " , make me

> grow. But its been easier because of SY. I feel a sense of

> gratitude towards Shri Mataji for her guidance that gets woven

into my life and guides me…and offer my pranam to her.


> Should I end on a musical note?


> yay! Its musical Monday!


> Song – warriors in peace


> http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?

> action=download & ufid=798CE60D18D1BB52



> From the heavens up above

> The only road to peace and love

> Trust in your heart see your dreams unfold

> Though u know not how the story goes


> Walk with me into the sun

> No more battles to be won

> Take my hand you're nearly home again


> Time is gently passing by

> Though u weep I ask not why

> Searching the emptiness of your soul

> Lost in visions of the past

> Memories they seldom last

> Silence is all that remains the same


> Because your life is not disguised

> Alone you stand

> Look at me through my mothers eyes

> See who iam

> Forever free


> Call me when u need a friend

> To be with you until the end

> As the mountains crumble to the sea

> Share your loneliness with me


> Trouble always finds a way

> To keep you further everyday

> If only the end justify the means

> Brothers lost and yet they be as

> free in your eyes tears I see

> Courage is reaching your destiny


> Because your life is not disguised

> Alone you stand

> Look at me through my mothers eyes

> See who iam

> Forever free



> Love,

> Sohniya



> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > > Ahhhh....but what bliss it is to air our dirty laundry in

> public, and finally 'come clean' whereas these things should have

> been dealt with in the SY Organization years ago. Instead... they

> got 'swept under the carpet'. (But everyone knows that is not the

> way to clean the house. One day, someone will pick up the rug and

> see all the dirt that has not been cleared.)

> >

> > So... now we have the opportunity to have as many " Truth-

Telling "

> Sessions (for the good health and healing of our SY Souls) as we

> jolly-well please... and Our Mother won't mind one little bit,

> because " confession " is so good for the soul. " Lordy knows " ... we

> were never able to do that when we were together with other SY's


> some unfathomable reason, and i am sure it had to do with the poor

> calibre of leadership, who discouraged the Truth and made

> everyone 'turn a blind eye' instead. Of course... 'turning a blind

> eye' can only work for so long, until the Truth finally comes out.

> Nobody can hide anything 'under a rug' anymore, because this is


> Satya Yuga, which is the Time of Truth, when everything that is

> corrupt and wrong will be exposed.

> >

> > Previously we did not have computers to keep in touch when we


> made unwelcome by corrupt religious leaders. Now we do. So.....the

> Truth can come out and it will keep coming out, and it will


> along with every Truth that Shri Mataji also taught!

> >

> > (Btw. how is Kash coping with all that happened now? Has he been

> able to put it behind him in such a way that he realizes

> that 'everything works out for good to those who love God? " )

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >


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> (Btw. how is Kash coping with all that happened now? Has he been

> able to put it behind him in such a way that he realizes

> that 'everything works out for good to those who love God? " )



Both Kash and Shahwin only have great memories of the school at

Dharamsala, India. Like his brother Kash will never forget the

immense fun he had with all his close Dead Poets Society friends.

Both Kash and Shahwin have a great sense of humor, soft heart and a

very forgiving nature. One day they hope to just return there for a

visit. i wonder what would have happened if Yogi Mahajan and Mrs.

Chitnavis had not given them a horrid time because they believed

Kash to be possessed by some evil spirits and had to be rid of.


But they have also told me some disturbing things that have been

swept under the carpet and not discussed. It is not a picture

postcard that many think so. i will not advise anyone to send their

children there. Maybe things have improved but still i believe

parents can give the best guidance and education to their children

at home. We need fearless spiritual warriors and not kids petrified

of bhoots and UPIs .............. and many other invisible enemies

for life. Do i need to say more?





, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> Dear Jagbir,


> i am shocked at hearing all the details of Kash's treatment at the

school. Nobody gets such an attack of negativity against them unless

there is a very good reason why negativity wants to stop such a

person 'in their tracks'. That such a young person who was

completely innocent should have been subject to such vile treatment

by 'so-called' Sahaja Yogis is pitiful... to say the least.


> i know there are good SY's who would never act like this. However,

there are horrible SY's as well, who could treat a child so cruelly.

i hope that one day good SY's will be able to make up for what this

horrible man perpetrated on Kash and his brother. i am sure no true

SY would ever want to continue YM's legacy, and those who do...

well, they must have become totally spiritually blinded by the

leadership of this 'fallen star' who also 'hit the dust' of the



> Ahhhh....but what bliss it is to air our dirty laundry in public,

and finally 'come clean' whereas these things should have been dealt

with in the SY Organization years ago. Instead... they got 'swept

under the carpet'. (But everyone knows that is not the way to clean

the house. One day, someone will pick up the rug and see all the

dirt that has not been cleared.)


> So... now we have the opportunity to have as many " Truth-Telling "

Sessions (for the good health and healing of our SY Souls) as we

jolly-well please... and Our Mother won't mind one little bit,

because " confession " is so good for the soul. " Lordy knows " ... we

were never able to do that when we were together with other SY's for

some unfathomable reason, and i am sure it had to do with the poor

calibre of leadership, who discouraged the Truth and made

everyone 'turn a blind eye' instead. Of course... 'turning a blind

eye' can only work for so long, until the Truth finally comes out.

Nobody can hide anything 'under a rug' anymore, because this is the

Satya Yuga, which is the Time of Truth, when everything that is

corrupt and wrong will be exposed.


> Previously we did not have computers to keep in touch when we got

made unwelcome by corrupt religious leaders. Now we do. So.....the

Truth can come out and it will keep coming out, and it will prevail,

along with every Truth that Shri Mataji also taught!


> (Btw. how is Kash coping with all that happened now? Has he been

able to put it behind him in such a way that he realizes

that 'everything works out for good to those who love God? " )


> warmest regards,


> violet



> > , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Sohniya and everybody,

> > >

> > > I can empathize with you concerning your problems with the

> > > leadership in your Sahaj center. It is a very common problem

> > > indeed in the ascent of Sahaja Yogis - what with the internal

> > > obstacles they have to overcome and then they have more


> > > in the form of the local Sahaj mafia hoods.

> > >

> > > More often than not, even the wives and children of the leaders

> > > can get into the act. In the mid nineties, on the India Tour,


> > > Sahaja Yogis might have met a little girl, probably aged about

> > > eleven, who used to get everything her way with a " Do you know

> > > that my father is YM? " Truth to tell, even apparently senior


> > > were checkmated and laid low with the do-you-know-who-my-


> > > gambit of this pesky kid.

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji has been aware of this problem among the leaders


> > > from the earliest days. I append below an excerpt from a Puja

> > > speech where She speaks about the problem: " If we appoint


> > > as a leader, the leader may start thinking that he's really the

> > > leader. And then it becomes really a problem for him because he

> > > starts losing everything that is leadership. But the worst is,

> > > their wives start thinking they're the leaders; and sometimes


> > > children also think that way and I won't be surprised even if

> > > their dogs and pets behave that way. "

> > >

> > > Yes, even their dogs start behaving as if they have become the

> > > leaders. Then perhaps we can conclude that such Sahaj leaders


> > > really and deservedly gone to the dogs.

> > >

> > > Chandra

> > >

> >

> > And YM is that infamous ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan who ruled


> > a despot on the land the International Sahaja Yoga school was


> > The corrupting power of being both landlord and director of the

> > school is known to the few like Kash who crossed his path. Yogi

> > Mahajan was a scheming dictator and propaganda minister the

likes of

> > which i hope never to come across. His word (and web of lies and

> > deceit) uttered on his estate in Dharamsala, India was law unto


> > mortals under his jurisdiction, even prevailing over that of Shri

> > Mataji thousands of miles away in Cabella, Italy.

> >

> > Thus when Shri Mataji overruled his decision to expel my son as


> > Mahajan believed Kash was demonic - since YM believed only Satan

> > could empower this child to daily meet Her within his Sahasrara


> > will - Yogi Mahajan schemed with his crony Mrs. Chitnavis, the

> > headmistress appointed by his royal decree, to rid his estate of

> > such satanic souls. Their plot more than fits the required


> > script mix of abusive, corrupt and nonsensical leaders who are


> > incarnate in human bodies.

> >

> > To cut a long story short, after Shri Mataji refused to agree to

> > YM's recommendations that my children be removed from Dharamsala,

> > Kash was suddenly accused of committing the following crimes in

> > quick succession:

> >

> > 1) that he was a gangster and leader of the school gang (after a


> > of his friends, inspired by the movie, got together and formed


> > Dead Poets Society);

> >

> > 2) was showing porn to grade 6 girls (but no victim, witness or

> > smut was produced as evidence);

> >

> > 3) was possessed by demons (and had to spend one month in


> > confinement to rid him of his demonic ability to meet and


> > with the Adi Shakti and other messengers of God Almighty);

> >

> > 4) a silhouette was judged by the bespectacled principle Mrs.

> > Chitnavis as evidence he was lurking at night around the girls'

> > dormitories (even though anyone with poor vision would find it


> > to impossible to recognize any shadow from i) a few hundred

yards on

> > ii) a moonless night at iii) an impossible angle from her


> >

> > There are other minor charges - like snacking after meals,


> > with girls (while playing), coming late for havan (by a few

> > minutes) - that made Ted Bundy turn green with envy and raging-


> > jealous of Kash's rap sheet. Kash's brown skin was also a

> > disadvantage. According to Mrs. Chitnavis, his Indian genes


> > always behave better than those scheduled class Caucasians who


> > innocent by reason of pardesi color and spirituality-deficient

> > births for committing the same 'crimes'. (As i have said before,


> > of us have had too much of Sahaj love and too much of it can


> >

> > So with all these new charges Shri Mataji was overruled despite


> > explicitly confirming that under no circumstance were any of

them to

> > be sent back. Despite a second stay confirmation from Shri Mataji

> > both brothers were exiled from the despot's kingdom. To maximize

> > insult to injury both brothers had to spend the last few days in


> > run-down Dharamsala hotel, before being unceremoniously dumped in

> > New Delhi.

> >

> > As these events in Dharamsala were unfolding and Kash kept in

> > isolation, Shri Mataji was on Her way to North America. i

prepared a

> > letter before proceeding to Toronto on September 18, 1997, with


> > intention of delivering it to Her.

> >

> > The next day i was warned by the Canadian leader Jay Chudasama at

> > the Toronto ashram that i was in danger of being thrown out of

> > Sahaja Yoga if i persisted in accusing the school board of

> > wrongdoing. i replied that i was prepared to leave Sahaja Yoga,


> > under no circumstances will i withdraw my letter.

> >

> > It was in this state of mind that i walked into Shri Mataji's


> > suite in Toronto on September 19, 1996, at about 4:15 p.m. and

> > prostrated completely (Ashtanga Namaskar) at Her Lotus Feet. Shri

> > Mataji Nirmala Devi had summoned me (without even opening the


> > which i had handed Her at Toronto's Pearson Airport) to discuss

> > about my children at Her school in Dharamsala, India. SY Jay

> > Chudasama and Dr. Mishra were also present.

> >

> > Shri Mahamaya asked me the most mundane of questions: " Are you a

> > Sikh? " . . . " When did you join Sahaja Yoga? " . . . " What were


> > doing all the while? " . . . " Are you alright with your wife? "


> > was not a single query on Kash's spiritual journeys or any


> > topic.

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi then requested Kash and his younger


> > be brought back to Canada. There was somehow not even the


> > ripple of reaction from me. For some reason, in my thoughtless

> > state, the most ridiculous of charges sounded like music to my


> > Shri Mataji had done Her best to keep Kash in Dharamsala (twice


> > the matter), but the despot Yogi Mahajan was determined and

> > overturned even Her final decision. She had to defer to the


> > of Her school.

> >

> > When Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi had finished talking about the


> > board charges the issue of publishing this book was again

raised —

> > for the third time. i had accepted all allegations with complete

> > calmness and was prepared for a negative answer. This would be


> > best opportunity for the Great Divine Mother to stop its

> > publication. Kash, the very child to whom Shri Maha Avatar Shri

> > Nirmala Devi had revealed Her Ultimate Reality, was facing


> > charges; accusations that he and his brother vehemently denied.

> > (Their mother had already crumbled under the onslaught of recent

> > events. It was she who reminded me to make sure that Shri


> > permission to publish Her book be again obtained. In her mind


> > revelations were still for the family only, and the Great


> > Mother might terminate publication of this book — and finally


> > her family some peace of mind from the relentless onslaught of

> > negativity.) As far as i was concerned this would be the best


> > and opportunity for Shri Mataji to cease work on the book based

on a

> > child whom world leader Yogi Mahajan claimed to be a gangster and

> > demon-possessed porn-peddler.

> >

> > Shri Mataji told those present that permission had already been

> > granted previously, and there was no need to ask again.

> >

> > i spontaneously raised my folded hands high above my head in

> > Namaskar and exclaimed, " Jai Shri Mataji! " (Victory to the


> > The Great Divine Mother ended the meeting with Her blessings of

> > Anant Ashirvad (Everlasting Blessings) in my endeavor.

> >

> > After that i waited for years before Shri Mataji expelled Yogi

> > Mahajan. As far as my family is concerned this is sweet justice

> > meted upon the most powerful, abusive, corrupt and nonsensical

of SY

> > leaders trying to destory Her Truth.

> >

> > Allan Wherry and his WCASY pals and Will-wannabee cronies like


> > Noyce, Ed Suagstad, Raj and others have since taken over where


> > Mahajan left. So all of you just stay on the battlefield and


> > your ground with all your murmurings, gossips, accusations, lies


> > slanderings against my children and me. Allan Wherry, i will see


> > many of your kind are left standing when the dust finally


> >

> > Jai Shri Ganapathi,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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Dear Jagbir and All,


It is good to know that Kash and Shahwin are not suffering. There must be

something that needed " working out " in the world-at-large, too, beyond what we

can comprehend. Of course, that does not excuse the people from doing wrong.


Obviously, anything that is " Sahaja Yoga " does not mean it is " perfect " . Maybe,

we were all made to believe that everything would be a " rose garden " when it was

not. It was " life " with all the " spiritual lessons " it brought, and boy did it

ever bring more than the usual amount of life lessons, but i think it also

brought a lot of quick spiritual lessons as well, probably more than we would

have encountered normally.


One thing i know for sure, is that it has certainly brought us all a lot closer,

from every spiritual tradition in the world-at-large. That is a great feat in






, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:



> > (Btw. how is Kash coping with all that happened now? Has he been

> > able to put it behind him in such a way that he realizes

> > that 'everything works out for good to those who love God? " )

> >


> Both Kash and Shahwin only have great memories of the school at

> Dharamsala, India. Like his brother Kash will never forget the

> immense fun he had with all his close Dead Poets Society friends.

> Both Kash and Shahwin have a great sense of humor, soft heart and a

> very forgiving nature. One day they hope to just return there for a

> visit. i wonder what would have happened if Yogi Mahajan and Mrs.

> Chitnavis had not given them a horrid time because they believed

> Kash to be possessed by some evil spirits and had to be rid of.


> But they have also told me some disturbing things that have been

> swept under the carpet and not discussed. It is not a picture

> postcard that many think so. i will not advise anyone to send their

> children there. Maybe things have improved but still i believe

> parents can give the best guidance and education to their children

> at home. We need fearless spiritual warriors and not kids petrified

> of bhoots and UPIs .............. and many other invisible enemies

> for life. Do i need to say more?


> jagbir



> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > i am shocked at hearing all the details of Kash's treatment at the

> school. Nobody gets such an attack of negativity against them unless

> there is a very good reason why negativity wants to stop such a

> person 'in their tracks'. That such a young person who was

> completely innocent should have been subject to such vile treatment

> by 'so-called' Sahaja Yogis is pitiful... to say the least.

> >

> > i know there are good SY's who would never act like this. However,

> there are horrible SY's as well, who could treat a child so cruelly.

> i hope that one day good SY's will be able to make up for what this

> horrible man perpetrated on Kash and his brother. i am sure no true

> SY would ever want to continue YM's legacy, and those who do...

> well, they must have become totally spiritually blinded by the

> leadership of this 'fallen star' who also 'hit the dust' of the

> stage.

> >

> > Ahhhh....but what bliss it is to air our dirty laundry in public,

> and finally 'come clean' whereas these things should have been dealt

> with in the SY Organization years ago. Instead... they got 'swept

> under the carpet'. (But everyone knows that is not the way to clean

> the house. One day, someone will pick up the rug and see all the

> dirt that has not been cleared.)

> >

> > So... now we have the opportunity to have as many " Truth-Telling "

> Sessions (for the good health and healing of our SY Souls) as we

> jolly-well please... and Our Mother won't mind one little bit,

> because " confession " is so good for the soul. " Lordy knows " ... we

> were never able to do that when we were together with other SY's for

> some unfathomable reason, and i am sure it had to do with the poor

> calibre of leadership, who discouraged the Truth and made

> everyone 'turn a blind eye' instead. Of course... 'turning a blind

> eye' can only work for so long, until the Truth finally comes out.

> Nobody can hide anything 'under a rug' anymore, because this is the

> Satya Yuga, which is the Time of Truth, when everything that is

> corrupt and wrong will be exposed.

> >

> > Previously we did not have computers to keep in touch when we got

> made unwelcome by corrupt religious leaders. Now we do. So.....the

> Truth can come out and it will keep coming out, and it will prevail,

> along with every Truth that Shri Mataji also taught!

> >

> > (Btw. how is Kash coping with all that happened now? Has he been

> able to put it behind him in such a way that he realizes

> that 'everything works out for good to those who love God? " )

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> > > , " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Sohniya and everybody,

> > > >

> > > > I can empathize with you concerning your problems with the

> > > > leadership in your Sahaj center. It is a very common problem

> > > > indeed in the ascent of Sahaja Yogis - what with the internal

> > > > obstacles they have to overcome and then they have more

> headaches

> > > > in the form of the local Sahaj mafia hoods.

> > > >

> > > > More often than not, even the wives and children of the


> > > > can get into the act. In the mid nineties, on the India Tour,

> some

> > > > Sahaja Yogis might have met a little girl, probably aged about

> > > > eleven, who used to get everything her way with a " Do you know

> > > > that my father is YM? " Truth to tell, even apparently senior

> SYs

> > > > were checkmated and laid low with the do-you-know-who-my-

> father-is

> > > > gambit of this pesky kid.

> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji has been aware of this problem among the leaders

> even

> > > > from the earliest days. I append below an excerpt from a Puja

> > > > speech where She speaks about the problem: " If we appoint

> somebody

> > > > as a leader, the leader may start thinking that he's really


> > > > leader. And then it becomes really a problem for him because


> > > > starts losing everything that is leadership. But the worst is,

> > > > their wives start thinking they're the leaders; and sometimes

> the

> > > > children also think that way and I won't be surprised even if

> > > > their dogs and pets behave that way. "

> > > >

> > > > Yes, even their dogs start behaving as if they have become the

> > > > leaders. Then perhaps we can conclude that such Sahaj leaders

> have

> > > > really and deservedly gone to the dogs.

> > > >

> > > > Chandra

> > > >

> > >

> > > And YM is that infamous ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan who ruled

> like

> > > a despot on the land the International Sahaja Yoga school was

> built.

> > > The corrupting power of being both landlord and director of the

> > > school is known to the few like Kash who crossed his path. Yogi

> > > Mahajan was a scheming dictator and propaganda minister the

> likes of

> > > which i hope never to come across. His word (and web of lies and

> > > deceit) uttered on his estate in Dharamsala, India was law unto

> all

> > > mortals under his jurisdiction, even prevailing over that of


> > > Mataji thousands of miles away in Cabella, Italy.

> > >

> > > Thus when Shri Mataji overruled his decision to expel my son as

> Yogi

> > > Mahajan believed Kash was demonic - since YM believed only Satan

> > > could empower this child to daily meet Her within his Sahasrara

> at

> > > will - Yogi Mahajan schemed with his crony Mrs. Chitnavis, the

> > > headmistress appointed by his royal decree, to rid his estate of

> > > such satanic souls. Their plot more than fits the required

> Bollywood

> > > script mix of abusive, corrupt and nonsensical leaders who are

> evil

> > > incarnate in human bodies.

> > >

> > > To cut a long story short, after Shri Mataji refused to agree to

> > > YM's recommendations that my children be removed from


> > > Kash was suddenly accused of committing the following crimes in

> > > quick succession:

> > >

> > > 1) that he was a gangster and leader of the school gang (after a

> few

> > > of his friends, inspired by the movie, got together and formed

> the

> > > Dead Poets Society);

> > >

> > > 2) was showing porn to grade 6 girls (but no victim, witness or

> > > smut was produced as evidence);

> > >

> > > 3) was possessed by demons (and had to spend one month in

> solitary

> > > confinement to rid him of his demonic ability to meet and

> converse

> > > with the Adi Shakti and other messengers of God Almighty);

> > >

> > > 4) a silhouette was judged by the bespectacled principle Mrs.

> > > Chitnavis as evidence he was lurking at night around the girls'

> > > dormitories (even though anyone with poor vision would find it

> next

> > > to impossible to recognize any shadow from i) a few hundred

> yards on

> > > ii) a moonless night at iii) an impossible angle from her

> office);

> > >

> > > There are other minor charges - like snacking after meals,

> talking

> > > with girls (while playing), coming late for havan (by a few

> > > minutes) - that made Ted Bundy turn green with envy and raging-

> red

> > > jealous of Kash's rap sheet. Kash's brown skin was also a

> > > disadvantage. According to Mrs. Chitnavis, his Indian genes

> should

> > > always behave better than those scheduled class Caucasians who

> were

> > > innocent by reason of pardesi color and spirituality-deficient

> > > births for committing the same 'crimes'. (As i have said before,

> all

> > > of us have had too much of Sahaj love and too much of it can

> kill.)

> > >

> > > So with all these new charges Shri Mataji was overruled despite

> Her

> > > explicitly confirming that under no circumstance were any of

> them to

> > > be sent back. Despite a second stay confirmation from Shri


> > > both brothers were exiled from the despot's kingdom. To maximize

> > > insult to injury both brothers had to spend the last few days in

> a

> > > run-down Dharamsala hotel, before being unceremoniously dumped


> > > New Delhi.

> > >

> > > As these events in Dharamsala were unfolding and Kash kept in

> > > isolation, Shri Mataji was on Her way to North America. i

> prepared a

> > > letter before proceeding to Toronto on September 18, 1997, with

> the

> > > intention of delivering it to Her.

> > >

> > > The next day i was warned by the Canadian leader Jay Chudasama


> > > the Toronto ashram that i was in danger of being thrown out of

> > > Sahaja Yoga if i persisted in accusing the school board of

> > > wrongdoing. i replied that i was prepared to leave Sahaja Yoga,

> but

> > > under no circumstances will i withdraw my letter.

> > >

> > > It was in this state of mind that i walked into Shri Mataji's

> hotel

> > > suite in Toronto on September 19, 1996, at about 4:15 p.m. and

> > > prostrated completely (Ashtanga Namaskar) at Her Lotus Feet.


> > > Mataji Nirmala Devi had summoned me (without even opening the

> letter

> > > which i had handed Her at Toronto's Pearson Airport) to discuss

> > > about my children at Her school in Dharamsala, India. SY Jay

> > > Chudasama and Dr. Mishra were also present.

> > >

> > > Shri Mahamaya asked me the most mundane of questions: " Are you a

> > > Sikh? " . . . " When did you join Sahaja Yoga? " . . . " What were

> you

> > > doing all the while? " . . . " Are you alright with your wife? "

> There

> > > was not a single query on Kash's spiritual journeys or any

> related

> > > topic.

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi then requested Kash and his younger

> brother

> > > be brought back to Canada. There was somehow not even the

> slightest

> > > ripple of reaction from me. For some reason, in my thoughtless

> > > state, the most ridiculous of charges sounded like music to my

> ears.

> > > Shri Mataji had done Her best to keep Kash in Dharamsala (twice

> for

> > > the matter), but the despot Yogi Mahajan was determined and

> > > overturned even Her final decision. She had to defer to the

> landlord

> > > of Her school.

> > >

> > > When Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi had finished talking about the

> school

> > > board charges the issue of publishing this book was again

> raised —

> > > for the third time. i had accepted all allegations with complete

> > > calmness and was prepared for a negative answer. This would be

> the

> > > best opportunity for the Great Divine Mother to stop its

> > > publication. Kash, the very child to whom Shri Maha Avatar Shri

> > > Nirmala Devi had revealed Her Ultimate Reality, was facing

> serious

> > > charges; accusations that he and his brother vehemently denied.

> > > (Their mother had already crumbled under the onslaught of recent

> > > events. It was she who reminded me to make sure that Shri

> Mataji's

> > > permission to publish Her book be again obtained. In her mind

> these

> > > revelations were still for the family only, and the Great

> Primordial

> > > Mother might terminate publication of this book — and finally

> give

> > > her family some peace of mind from the relentless onslaught of

> > > negativity.) As far as i was concerned this would be the best

> reason

> > > and opportunity for Shri Mataji to cease work on the book based

> on a

> > > child whom world leader Yogi Mahajan claimed to be a gangster


> > > demon-possessed porn-peddler.

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji told those present that permission had already been

> > > granted previously, and there was no need to ask again.

> > >

> > > i spontaneously raised my folded hands high above my head in

> > > Namaskar and exclaimed, " Jai Shri Mataji! " (Victory to the

> Mother!)

> > > The Great Divine Mother ended the meeting with Her blessings of

> > > Anant Ashirvad (Everlasting Blessings) in my endeavor.

> > >

> > > After that i waited for years before Shri Mataji expelled Yogi

> > > Mahajan. As far as my family is concerned this is sweet justice

> > > meted upon the most powerful, abusive, corrupt and nonsensical

> of SY

> > > leaders trying to destory Her Truth.

> > >

> > > Allan Wherry and his WCASY pals and Will-wannabee cronies like

> John

> > > Noyce, Ed Suagstad, Raj and others have since taken over where

> Yogi

> > > Mahajan left. So all of you just stay on the battlefield and

> stand

> > > your ground with all your murmurings, gossips, accusations, lies

> and

> > > slanderings against my children and me. Allan Wherry, i will see

> how

> > > many of your kind are left standing when the dust finally

> settles.

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Ganapathi,

> > >

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >


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Thank you so much Sohniya for sharing your experience with us. This is so beautiful. Preeti indiblonde <indiblonde wrote: JSM, It was Violets words in the post below, that struck a cord in me…I've never seeked being a "whistle blower"…but perhaps, the times have changed, and perhaps because of Satya Yuga, where everything gets exposed somehow eventually, even if completely unwillingly, I find myself drawn into situations. Simple acts like helping someone

or asking for some sy forms snowball into bigger issues leaving me no choice but to lift the rug up and expose the dirt.In all this, I just see that it teaches me things about myself I didn't even realize yet. Its like the more worse external situations become, the more stronger I become from within. The feeling of intense calm and peace within…perhaps the strongest I've felt in a while right when there is intense turmoil, noise and confusion on the outside. Intensely focused on the matter yet absolutely calm. The feeling of intense strength, courage and faith just when there is "negativity" attacking. When I go into meditation in times like these, I find I go straight right within, all external sounds/thoughts/distractions are immediately cut off like going into a vaccum in a split second and just feeling intense peace, security and love. No feelings of anger, bitterness or worry stay. Even if something

comes up suddenly, with the potential to emotionally hurt, or upset me, I felt it for a few seconds and then it just like "evaporated". All that was left was the focus, drive, faith, courage and strength, the feeling of being in the strongest state I've been in a while. Its like nothing could hurt/upset me. Its like they all just vanish. All I can feel then is what is within.This I take as a sign that there is my Holy Mother watching and helping me. Even thoughts of "now what will happen" are answered intrinsically as "don't worry, it will be solved (somehow)". It's a BIG change from when I would get upset easily and stay upset. Now it feels like…all the emotions of anger/upset/sadness are "external"…somehow outside me and prevented from affecting me by some invisible wall around me. All I feel within is calm and that everything will be "solved". And that I can feel upset ONLY if I choose to. It not

something I've known for ages…these feelings..these experiences are relatively new and surprise me. They show me a side I didn't acknowledge existed in me. Its like I stop in my tracks and ask myself, what am I feeling now? Iam not upset? Iam fine? Geez! Yes iam! I guess experiences happen in my life to "open my eyes", make me grow. But its been easier because of SY. I feel a sense of gratitude towards Shri Mataji for her guidance that gets woven into my life and guides me…and offer my pranam to her.Should I end on a musical note?yay! Its musical Monday!Song – warriors in peacehttp://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download & ufid=798CE60D18D1BB52From the heavens up aboveThe only road to peace and loveTrust in your heart see your dreams unfoldThough u know not how the story goesWalk with me

into the sunNo more battles to be wonTake my hand you're nearly home againTime is gently passing byThough u weep I ask not whySearching the emptiness of your soulLost in visions of the pastMemories they seldom lastSilence is all that remains the sameBecause your life is not disguisedAlone you standLook at me through my mothers eyesSee who iam Forever freeCall me when u need a friendTo be with you until the endAs the mountains crumble to the seaShare your loneliness with meTrouble always finds a way To keep you further everydayIf only the end justify the meansBrothers lost and yet they be as free in your eyes tears I seeCourage is reaching your destinyBecause your life is not disguisedAlone you standLook at me through my mothers eyesSee who iam Forever freeJSMLove, Sohniya , "Violet" <violet.tubb wrote:>> > Ahhhh....but what bliss it is to air our dirty laundry in public, and finally 'come clean' whereas these things should have been dealt with in the SY Organization years ago. Instead... they got 'swept under the carpet'. (But everyone knows that is not the way to clean the house. One day, someone will pick up the rug and see all the dirt that has not been cleared.)> > So... now we have the opportunity to have as many "Truth-Telling" Sessions (for the good health and healing of our SY Souls) as we jolly-well please... and Our Mother won't mind one little bit, because "confession" is so good for the soul. "Lordy knows"... we were never able to do that when we were together with other SY's for some unfathomable reason, and i am sure it had to do with

the poor calibre of leadership, who discouraged the Truth and made everyone 'turn a blind eye' instead. Of course... 'turning a blind eye' can only work for so long, until the Truth finally comes out. Nobody can hide anything 'under a rug' anymore, because this is the Satya Yuga, which is the Time of Truth, when everything that is corrupt and wrong will be exposed.> > Previously we did not have computers to keep in touch when we got made unwelcome by corrupt religious leaders. Now we do. So.....the Truth can come out and it will keep coming out, and it will prevail, along with every Truth that Shri Mataji also taught!> > (Btw. how is Kash coping with all that happened now? Has he been able to put it behind him in such a way that he realizes that 'everything works out for good to those who love God?")> > warmest regards,> >


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