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Shri Mataji's teachings about the Holy Spirit...

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Dear All,


I have not really realized until now... the " extent " with which our innate

spiritual understanding is based upon the spiritual tradition with which we have

grown up. It happened to me... that when i wrote (Message #6482)in Christian

terminology, such as for example writing the " Holy Spirit " (a Christian term)

instead of " Adi Shakti " (a Hindu term)... that the Universal Truths of Shri

Mataji's teachings resonated in an even greater way for me.


This took me quite by surprise and this in turn, has made me realise the need to

give Shri Mataji's teachings of Universal Truth in the spiritual terminology

with which readers of the Christian (and other) spiritual traditions are

familiar. i really cannot do the same for all spiritual traditions, however,

other readers of non-Hindu spiritual background might " also " , hopefully gain

some added insight into Shri Mataji's spiritual teachings, given in 'christian



i would proffer that those from non-Christian spiritual traditions, could

likewise substitute their equivalent word for the " Holy Spirit " ... such as the

" Ruh of Allah " for Muslims, the " Shekinah " or Ruach " for Jews, the " Mai Treya "

for Buddhists, the " Eykaa Mayee " for Sikhs and the " Great Mother " for Taoists.


As will always be the case... the original quoted material from which i have

drawn the above... is attached below.







Here are Recollections given by a yogi (anonymous) in an Australian Sahaja

Newsletter, dated 31 May, 1997, in regards to what Shri Mataji said on the

Occasion of the Holy Spirit Day of Celebration and Worship. This SY also

presented flowers to Shri Mataji on behalf of Australia: -


Shri Mataji began to talk of the creation but said that to just talk of the

creation would take at least seven lectures, so She would talk of the Earth. She

also stated that the {Power of God Almighty, Sadashiva is the " Holy Spirit " and

that the Holy Spirit is " His Complete Desire " . She is His Breath, and the

" Complete Desire of the Holy Spirit " is revealed by way of the Primordial Energy

of the Universe. This is how it works: -


When the Earth was created... the " Coiled Intelligent Energy of the Divine "

(a.k.a. Kundalini) was placed there... together with the " Coiled Intelligent

Energy Centres of the Divine " (a.k.a. Earth's Chakras). You can see the relation

between the " Whole Cosmos " (a.k.a. the Virata) and the Earth. There is a subtle

relationship between the " Coiled Intelligent Energy Centres of the Divine "

(Earth's Chakras) and the " Coiled Intelligent Energy Itself " (the Kundalini).


The Earth is just mud, but see how humble it is and what are its qualities. See

what the Mother Earth does. You put a seed into the Earth and it just sprouts.

It looks after and organises life. It is intelligent. It is living. It acts.


" Gravity " is the manifestation of the " Coiled Intelligent Energy of the Divine "

(the Kundalini). There are magnetic lines of force, which extend over the

surface of the Earth. Scientists do not understand the Earth.


Mohammed was not a worshipper of idols or of images from the Earth, but at Mecca

there is a Shiva Swayambhu………… (a swayambhu is a natural Rock-Earth Formation

that the Mother Earth erupts to the surface... some of which are known to have

great spiritual significance because of their spiritual vibrations. In Christian

terms, this would most closely approximate to what is called " Holy Ground " . Shri

Mataji continues by saying that there are spiritual vibrations emitting from

these swayambhus, and that is why he (Mohammed) told people to go there. But

many of the people going there, are just doing ritualistic practices. She says

that by just doing this ritualistic practice of the Haj (pilgrimage), a person

does not grow or ascend spiritually. Many people have died there. Shri Mataji

related the incidents where people were killed following a stampede, and also

the recent fire.


Shri Mataji also cited a " Holy Place " (Holy Ground) in India, called

" Jandarnan " , where a recent earthquake killed many people. The Pakistani

newspapers questioned why people would die in a place that is considered to be

" Holy Ground " . (The answer Shri Mataji seems to be proferring is that God

Almighty does not want worship that is based on ritual alone. If it is not in

one's heart also, then God Almighty does not like it.)


Shri Mataji continued... explaining that there is a " line " which connects Mecca

and Chindwara (Chindwara being the place of Shri Mataji's birth). She stated

that in India there is a festival, where the statue of Shri Ganesha is put into

the sea… (Shri Ganesha, is actually of great significance to Christians, and

that is that Jesus is actually a reincarnation of Shri Ganesha). In any case,

people were putting this statue of Shri Ganesha into the sea. During that time,

people were also drinking and wandering around drunk. The Mother Earth did not

like this. Shri Mahalakshmi (the Presence of the Godhead) does not like it. As a

reaction, there was an earthquake. Not a single Sahaja Yogi (Born of the Spirit

person) was hurt. All the places they live, were untouched. Mother Earth

recognises the feet of saints... (Shri Mataji has told Sahaja Yogis that those

who have their Second Birth of the Spirit... become " saints " , because their

spiritual garments are washed and become as " white as snow " ).


Shri Mataji continued.... saying that in India... there is a custom whereby when

someone wakes up in the morning... before placing their feet on the Earth, they

say to Mother Earth: -


" Mother Earth, I am going to put my feet on you - please forgive me " .


At this time, the Holy Spirit has taken us into Herself… into Her Body. It is

like an injection. It is the choice of the Holy Spirit Herself. She took the

challenge to do this. Now... " we " are all inside the Holy Spirit. (Remember how

it says in the Bible that the Holy Spirit is " with " you, and shall be " in " you?

(refer to John 14:17) Well... not only is She in us, but we are also in Her.

This is similar to saying that God carries us in His Everlasting Arms. We are in

Him, through the Holy Spirit's Power).


We are put into the `ocean', and the `ocean' cleans us, but the problems are

still lingering in the 'ocean'. The Holy Spirit takes this on because She is our

Mother. Some people jump in quickly. Others do not go deep... maybe due to

habit-forming conditionings, or conditionings relating to family, education or

psychology. Others jump in slowly... they reach a plateau: then stop.

Eventually, with time, they get better.


The " closer " you get to Me the more I can be hurt. So... cleanse yourself by

introspection, which is not thinking, but meditating at least 15 minutes a day.

Shri Mataji said that She loves the good and the bad yogis, but She asked us to

be good because it impacts on Her. She does not want to be crucified everyday.


(The last statement where Shri Mataji says that She does not want to be

" crucified " every day very likely needs a bit of clarification for those who

have not been there): -


Shri Mataji literally took on the negative energy of those who attended Her

Public Programs, as well as at all other times, as well. This often resulted in

Her feeling the pains that She took on. However, She got rid of that negative

energy by transforming it with the Power of the Holy Spirit. Yogis also helped

Shri Mataji when She was in pain by massaging Her feet for Her, which She

greatly appreciated. The yogis always felt the spiritual energy flowing in

themselves, when they offered this loving attention to their Spiritual Mother.

She was clearing " them " all the while they were massaging Her feet!


Another point of interest, is that when a person is 'connected', and spiritually

transformed, they also can feel the 'literal pain' of " negative energy " . The

more negative that energy is, the worse can be the pain that is felt. Shri

Mataji has taught SY's how to clear and transform any negativity, and there are

many ways, however all methods only work if one is also using one's enlightened

attention. Any action performed as a ritual only, is useless.


The other point of interest is that when a person is " spiritually connected "

they can also feel the Cool Breeze of the Wind of the Holy Spirit: -


" The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know

where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the

Spirit. " (John 3:8)









(Here are the recollections of Adi Shakti Puja sent by (anonymous) who presented

flowers on behalf of Australia)


Shri Mataji began to talk of the creation but said that to just talk of the

creation would take at least seven lectures so She would talk of the Earth. The

power of God Almighty Sada Shiva is Adi Shakti – She is His complete desire –

She is like His breath.


The complete desire of Adi Shakti is the Adi Kundalini. When the Earth was

created a Kundalini was put there together with the Chakras. You can see the

relation between the Virata and the Earth, there is subtle relation between the

Chakras and the Kundalini.


The Earth is just mud but see how humble it is and what are its qualities. See

what the Mother Earth does, you put a seed into the Earth and it just sprouts,

it looks after and organises life. It is intelligent, it is living, it acts.

Gravity is the manifestation of the Kundalini. There are magnetic lines of

force, which extend over the surface of the Earth. Scientists do not understand

the Earth.


Mohammed was not a worshipper of idols or of images from the Earth, but at Mecca

there is a Shiva Swayambhu, there are vibrations that is why he told people to

go there. But the people going there are just doing ritualistic practices. By

doing this Haj (pilgrimage) you do not grow or ascend. Many people have died

there (Shri Mataji related the incidents where people were killed following a

stampede, and after the recent fire). In India there is a Holy place called

Jandarnan where a recent earthquake killed many people. The Pakistani newspapers

wrote that how can people die if the place is Holy? But when the same thing

happens in Mecca they say nothing, they do not question its Holiness.


There is a line, which connects Mecca and Chindwara (the place of Shri Mataji's

birth). In India there is festival where the statue of Shri Ganesha is put into

the sea. During that time the people there were drinking and wandering around

drunk. The Mother Earth did not like this; Shri Mahalakshmi does not like it.

Shri Adi Shakti does not like it. As a reaction there was an earthquake, but not

a single Sahaja Yogi was hurt, all the places they live were untouched. Mother

Earth recognises the feet of saints. In India there is a custom when someone

wakes up in the morning before placing his feet on the Earth he says to Mother

Earth – " Mother Earth I am going to put my feet on you – please forgive me " .


At this time Shri Adi Shakti has taken us into Herself, into Her body, it is

like an injection. It is the choice of Adi Shakti Herself, She took the

challenge to do this, it was to be at this time. Now we are all inside Adi

Shakti, we are put into the ocean and we are cleansed by the ocean – but the

problems are still in the ocean lingering.


Adi Shakti takes this on because She is our Mother. Some people jump in quickly,

others do not go deep, maybe due to conditionings, family, education or

psychology. Others jump in slowly, they reach a plateau then stop, eventually

with time they get better.


The more closer you get to Me the more I can be hurt, so you cleanse yourself by

introspection which is not thinking but meditating, at least 15 minutes a day.

She said that She loves the good Yogis and the bad Yogis, but asks us to be very

good Yogis because She does not want to be crucified everyday.


(The Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 31 May, 1997)

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Guest guest

Dear All,


Here are some excerpts from Shri Mataji's Words/Teachings on the Occasion of the

Mahamaya Puja in Auckland in 1994. i am sure you will enjoy this enlightening

information from the Christian Comforter in relation to us being in Her Body,

the Holy Spirit's body.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, is an Incarnation of the Holy Spirit, that Jesus

promised would come to teach us all things: - " But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,

whom the Father will send in My name, S/he will teach you all things, and bring

to your remembrance all that I said to you. " (John 14:26)





" The third thing was that you have to be identified into My Body, into My cells

of My body, but this is a more difficult task because supposing one of you

becomes stupid, becomes foolish, quarrelsome... anything you do, any small

thing, it hurts Me.


It has to... but I don't think about Myself. I always think about you. So it's

an indication to Me that something has gone wrong somewhere. Somebody is doing

wrong to somebody. Some Sahaja Yogis are being tortured... some are sick.


Anything like that... I work it out very intensely and intimately. Recently,

today only, they told Me that somebody has got meningitis in Australia.

Immediately I gave bandhan (A Bond of Love-In-Action of Shri Mataji's



I am sure such a person should be cured if she has any faith in Me, and (if) she

is in My being. They call it a miracle. It is not a miracle. It's again the

Mahamaya's blessing (Presence of the Godhead's blessings)... are like this. You

can't see how you are inside Me. This is a Mahamaya (a Great Illusion). This is

the secret part of it... that you " don't know " ... and then when I feel the pain

and if I look at it... because I have powers to cure... so you get cured.


You don't know how it happens!


Collectively, whatever you feel, I get it in My body. For example, collectively

if you have a left Vishuddhi, (negative energy block in the throat area of human

beings)... I get it. Any chakra (energy centre) that you " catch " (term referring

to a psychosomatic block in an energy centre)... I get that problem and I have

to solve it because it troubles Me... so i solve it.


Now in doing so... you might think: 'Mother, we are troubling'. You are not.

It's My doing. I have taken you into Myself. " You haven't " . It's My own work.

It's My own responsibility. And if I have done it... it's done. I am supposed to

do it. That's the job I have to do. So there's nothing to feel bad about it.


My attention is such that it penetrates into everything, and I remember each and

every thing very well. My memory is very good... even at this age. So you see...

this attention itself is very penetrating and when it penetrates, it carries

with it all the powers that are required... and acts. It's a tremendous

machinery which is very subtle and works wonders.


So you start telling Me there is a miracle that has happened. Nothing is a

miracle because if you are all in My body and if My body is Divine, then what is

a miracle? As this hand can communicate with this hand, I communicate with you. "


H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Mahamaya Puja, Auckland - 1994


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 6 March, 1999)



-in , " Violet " <violet.tubb@.

...> wrote:


> Dear All,


> I have not really realized until now... the " extent " with which our

innate spiritual understanding is based upon the spiritual tradition

with which we have grown up. It happened to me... that when i wrote

(Message #6482)in Christian terminology, such as for example writing

the " Holy Spirit " (a Christian term) instead of " Adi Shakti " (a Hindu

term)... that the Universal Truths of Shri Mataji's teachings

resonated in an even greater way for me.


> This took me quite by surprise and this in turn, has made me realise

the need to give Shri Mataji's teachings of Universal Truth in the

spiritual terminology with which readers of the Christian (and other)

spiritual traditions are familiar. i really cannot do the same for all

spiritual traditions, however, other readers of non-Hindu spiritual

background might " also " , hopefully gain some added insight into Shri

Mataji's spiritual teachings, given in 'christian terms'.


> i would proffer that those from non-Christian spiritual traditions,

could likewise substitute their equivalent word for the " Holy Spirit "

.... such as the " Ruh of Allah " for Muslims, the " Shekinah " or Ruach "

for Jews, the " Mai Treya " for Buddhists, the " Eykaa Mayee " for Sikhs

and the " Great Mother " for Taoists.


> As will always be the case... the original quoted material from

which i have drawn the above... is attached below.


> violet





> Here are Recollections given by a yogi (anonymous) in an Australian

Sahaja Newsletter, dated 31 May, 1997, in regards to what Shri Mataji

said on the Occasion of the Holy Spirit Day of Celebration and

Worship. This SY also presented flowers to Shri Mataji on behalf of

Australia: -


> Shri Mataji began to talk of the creation but said that to just talk

of the creation would take at least seven lectures, so She would talk

of the Earth. She also stated that the {Power of God Almighty,

Sadashiva is the " Holy Spirit " and that the Holy Spirit is " His

Complete Desire " . She is His Breath, and the " Complete Desire of the

Holy Spirit " is revealed by way of the Primordial Energy of the

Universe. This is how it works: -


> When the Earth was created... the " Coiled Intelligent Energy of the

Divine " (a.k.a. Kundalini) was placed there... together with the

" Coiled Intelligent Energy Centres of the Divine " (a.k.a. Earth's

Chakras). You can see the relation between the " Whole Cosmos " (a.k.a.

the Virata) and the Earth. There is a subtle relationship between the

" Coiled Intelligent Energy Centres of the Divine " (Earth's Chakras)

and the " Coiled Intelligent Energy Itself " (the Kundalini).


> The Earth is just mud, but see how humble it is and what are its

qualities. See what the Mother Earth does. You put a seed into the

Earth and it just sprouts. It looks after and organises life. It is

intelligent. It is living. It acts.


> " Gravity " is the manifestation of the " Coiled Intelligent Energy of

the Divine " (the Kundalini). There are magnetic lines of force, which

extend over the surface of the Earth. Scientists do not understand the



> Mohammed was not a worshipper of idols or of images from the Earth,

but at Mecca there is a Shiva Swayambhu………… (a swayambhu is a natural

Rock-Earth Formation that the Mother Earth erupts to the surface...

some of which are known to have great spiritual significance because

of their spiritual vibrations. In Christian terms, this would most

closely approximate to what is called " Holy Ground " . Shri Mataji

continues by saying that there are spiritual vibrations emitting from

these swayambhus, and that is why he (Mohammed) told people to go

there. But many of the people going there, are just doing ritualistic

practices. She says that by just doing this ritualistic practice of

the Haj (pilgrimage), a person does not grow or ascend spiritually.

Many people have died there. Shri Mataji related the incidents where

people were killed following a stampede, and also the recent fire.


> Shri Mataji also cited a " Holy Place " (Holy Ground) in India, called

" Jandarnan " , where a recent earthquake killed many people. The

Pakistani newspapers questioned why people would die in a place that

is considered to be " Holy Ground " . (The answer Shri Mataji seems to be

proferring is that God Almighty does not want worship that is based on

ritual alone. If it is not in one's heart also, then God Almighty does

not like it.)


> Shri Mataji continued... explaining that there is a " line " which

connects Mecca and Chindwara (Chindwara being the place of Shri

Mataji's birth). She stated that in India there is a festival, where

the statue of Shri Ganesha is put into the sea… (Shri Ganesha, is

actually of great significance to Christians, and that is that Jesus

is actually a reincarnation of Shri Ganesha). In any case, people were

putting this statue of Shri Ganesha into the sea. During that time,

people were also drinking and wandering around drunk. The Mother Earth

did not like this. Shri Mahalakshmi (the Presence of the Godhead) does

not like it. As a reaction, there was an earthquake. Not a single

Sahaja Yogi (Born of the Spirit person) was hurt. All the places they

live, were untouched. Mother Earth recognises the feet of saints...

(Shri Mataji has told Sahaja Yogis that those who have their Second

Birth of the Spirit... become " saints " , because their spiritual

garments are washed and become as " white as snow " ).


> Shri Mataji continued.... saying that in India... there is a custom

whereby when someone wakes up in the morning... before placing their

feet on the Earth, they say to Mother Earth: -


> " Mother Earth, I am going to put my feet on you - please forgive

me " .


> At this time, the Holy Spirit has taken us into Herself… into Her

Body. It is like an injection. It is the choice of the Holy Spirit

Herself. She took the challenge to do this. Now... " we " are all inside

the Holy Spirit. (Remember how it says in the Bible that the Holy

Spirit is " with " you, and shall be " in " you? (refer to John 14:17)

Well... not only is She in us, but we are also in Her. This is similar

to saying that God carries us in His Everlasting Arms. We are in Him,

through the Holy Spirit's Power).


> We are put into the `ocean', and the `ocean' cleans us, but the

problems are still lingering in the 'ocean'. The Holy Spirit takes

this on because She is our Mother. Some people jump in quickly. Others

do not go deep... maybe due to habit-forming conditionings, or

conditionings relating to family, education or psychology. Others jump

in slowly... they reach a plateau: then stop. Eventually, with time,

they get better.


> The " closer " you get to Me the more I can be hurt. So... cleanse

yourself by introspection, which is not thinking, but meditating at

least 15 minutes a day. Shri Mataji said that She loves the good and

the bad yogis, but She asked us to be good because it impacts on Her.

She does not want to be crucified everyday.


> (The last statement where Shri Mataji says that She does not want to

be " crucified " every day very likely needs a bit of clarification for

those who have not been there): -


> Shri Mataji literally took on the negative energy of those who

attended Her Public Programs, as well as at all other times, as well.

This often resulted in Her feeling the pains that She took on.

However, She got rid of that negative energy by transforming it with

the Power of the Holy Spirit. Yogis also helped Shri Mataji when She

was in pain by massaging Her feet for Her, which She greatly

appreciated. The yogis always felt the spiritual energy flowing in

themselves, when they offered this loving attention to their Spiritual

Mother. She was clearing " them " all the while they were massaging Her



> Another point of interest, is that when a person is 'connected', and

spiritually transformed, they also can feel the 'literal pain' of

" negative energy " . The more negative that energy is, the worse can be

the pain that is felt. Shri Mataji has taught SY's how to clear and

transform any negativity, and there are many ways, however all methods

only work if one is also using one's enlightened attention. Any action

performed as a ritual only, is useless.


> The other point of interest is that when a person is " spiritually

connected " they can also feel the Cool Breeze of the Wind of the Holy

Spirit: -


> " The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do

not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who

is born of the Spirit. " (John 3:8)


> violet


> …………………………………………………….





> (Here are the recollections of Adi Shakti Puja sent by (anonymous)

who presented flowers on behalf of Australia)


> Shri Mataji began to talk of the creation but said that to just talk

of the creation would take at least seven lectures so She would talk

of the Earth. The power of God Almighty Sada Shiva is Adi Shakti – She

is His complete desire – She is like His breath.


> The complete desire of Adi Shakti is the Adi Kundalini. When the

Earth was created a Kundalini was put there together with the Chakras.

You can see the relation between the Virata and the Earth, there is

subtle relation between the Chakras and the Kundalini.


> The Earth is just mud but see how humble it is and what are its

qualities. See what the Mother Earth does, you put a seed into the

Earth and it just sprouts, it looks after and organises life. It is

intelligent, it is living, it acts. Gravity is the manifestation of

the Kundalini. There are magnetic lines of force, which extend over

the surface of the Earth. Scientists do not understand the Earth.


> Mohammed was not a worshipper of idols or of images from the Earth,

but at Mecca there is a Shiva Swayambhu, there are vibrations that is

why he told people to go there. But the people going there are just

doing ritualistic practices. By doing this Haj (pilgrimage) you do not

grow or ascend. Many people have died there (Shri Mataji related the

incidents where people were killed following a stampede, and after the

recent fire). In India there is a Holy place called Jandarnan where a

recent earthquake killed many people. The Pakistani newspapers wrote

that how can people die if the place is Holy? But when the same thing

happens in Mecca they say nothing, they do not question its Holiness.


> There is a line, which connects Mecca and Chindwara (the place of

Shri Mataji's birth). In India there is festival where the statue of

Shri Ganesha is put into the sea. During that time the people there

were drinking and wandering around drunk. The Mother Earth did not

like this; Shri Mahalakshmi does not like it. Shri Adi Shakti does not

like it. As a reaction there was an earthquake, but not a single

Sahaja Yogi was hurt, all the places they live were untouched. Mother

Earth recognises the feet of saints. In India there is a custom when

someone wakes up in the morning before placing his feet on the Earth

he says to Mother Earth – " Mother Earth I am going to put my feet on

you – please forgive me " .


> At this time Shri Adi Shakti has taken us into Herself, into Her

body, it is like an injection. It is the choice of Adi Shakti Herself,

She took the challenge to do this, it was to be at this time. Now we

are all inside Adi Shakti, we are put into the ocean and we are

cleansed by the ocean – but the problems are still in the ocean



> Adi Shakti takes this on because She is our Mother. Some people jump

in quickly, others do not go deep, maybe due to conditionings, family,

education or psychology. Others jump in slowly, they reach a plateau

then stop, eventually with time they get better.


> The more closer you get to Me the more I can be hurt, so you cleanse

yourself by introspection which is not thinking but meditating, at

least 15 minutes a day. She said that She loves the good Yogis and the

bad Yogis, but asks us to be very good Yogis because She does not want

to be crucified everyday.


> (The Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 31 May, 1997)

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