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Is there a lost generation in Sahaja Yoga?

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Dear All,


Is there a lost generation in Sahaja Yoga? This is a strange, even

puzzling question to those who have not been in Sahaja Yoga for a

sufficiently long time, preferably for the past twenty years. To

people who have been in Sahaja Yoga for more than twenty years, this

can indeed be a poignant, thought-provoking question.


Sahaja Yoga in the early eighties in the West was indeed a time of

great optimism and hope, a magical time indeed. The world was our

oyster and everything seemed possible then. The prevailing gung-ho

zeitgeist of Sahaja Yoga during that period could be summed up by

William Blake's rousing words: " I will not cease from mental fight,

nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, till we have built Jerusalem... "


Possibly the source of greatest optimism for Sahaja Yogis of that

era were the babies born to Sahaja Yogi parents. There were

occasions usually after pujas when new-born Sahaj babies were

presented to Shri Mataji to be named. Shri Mataji almost always

carried and blessed each child. It was very common for Sahaja Yogis

to speculate about the babies as to which great saints the babies

had been in the past. Sometimes Shri Mataji Herself would hint at a

particular baby's past. Apparently all the great realized souls from

the past were being reborn as little new Sahaja Yogis. There was

also, purportedly, at least one case of immaculate conception. With

such a formidable phalanx of great realized souls, there was going

to be no stopping the onward march of Sahaja Yoga!


Whenever She met small children of Sahaja Yogis at functions or

programs, Shri Mataji would frequently remark: " Wait till they grow

up... " This had the effect of heightening the sense of expectation

among the Sahaja Yogis for the new generation who were going to take

Sahaja Yoga to the next higher level. Everybody could hardly wait

for the coming generation of movers and shakers of Sahaja Yoga to

take the world by the horns and tame it for Sahaja Yoga.


Fast forward to the present. The early eighties cohort of Sahaj born-

realized babies have all come of age. But there is no sign of our

promised movers and shakers. If we look around we don't see many

Yogis from that particular generation; indeed many have disappeared

altogether from the ranks of Sahaja Yoga. To put it bluntly, the

promised new generation has become a generation of no-shows; they

are a non-event, a damp squid, as the English would put it. For

Sahaja Yogis of early eighties vintage (wino metaphor!), the failure

of that generation's Sahaj babies to manifest their annointed

potential has been a bitter disappointment, after all the hype. It

is probably also very disappointing for Shri Mataji since Her plan

to advance Sahaja Yoga with the energy and talent and the vibrations

of the new generation has apparently been frustrated.


If anyone is to be called to account over this fiasco, this betrayal

of Sahaja Yoga, then it must be the parents. In the earlier years,

the parents had generally behaved with hubris at having such

purportedly great saints as their charges. Shri Mataji regularly had

to gently remind the parents to " Take care of your children, "

and " Don't spoil your children. " There was one incident in which

Shri Mataji was very angry when, on coming back to England after a

long absence, She found some children very troublesome and spoilt,

especially one child who was reportedly the incarnation of a great

English poet and painter who had lived about two hundred years ago.

Shri Mataji gave these parents a verbal spanking when the

explanation they gave was that these children could not be touched

because they were such great souls from the past. It is obvious that

these boneheaded and knuckleheaded parents have caused the loss of

an entire generation to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga today would not be

in such a parlous state had the annointed generation been properly

nurtured by their parents to play their proper role.


Perhaps we can find some solace and wisdom from the great souls of

Sahaja Yoga's current governing world council. There is one problem

here though. Several members of the council are themselves the proud

parents of children from the absent generation. So Sahaja Yoga is

now being led by a council of somewhat embarassed and obviously

tired old daddies. Nevertheless, we could put forward the following

motion for discussion at the next big powwow of the world council,

if the irony is not too uncomfortable for everybody: Is there a lost

generation in Sahaja Yoga?



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Dear Chandra,


It does seem like there is a lost generation in Sahaja Yoga. i think there were

so many things being worked out in Sahaja Yoga, that it was perhaps a difficult

thing for many growing up in it. i don't think Sahaja Yoga has been a

particularly easy path to create, nor an easy path to walk on, but Shri Mataji

has had to create it, and we have had to walk on that path. It has been a real

feat that She has accomplished, that would boggle any mind, to even think about



i think that one day... when things have been more sorted out... when the dirty

laundry has been aired out, and when the dirt has been swept from under that

carpet, and when people generally have a better understanding of Shri Mataji's

teachings, rather than just a Subtle-System-Version of it... that this " lost

generation " will be attracted back to Sahaja Yoga. After all, " Sahaja Yoga " is a

" movement of Love " . Why would they not be attracted to it. However, it may not

be in terms of the 'organization of it', though. It will probably be in more

Universal Terms, next time.


You must have heard Kyyan's story. He is a young man who went to the Ashram, is

eager spiritually, but got 'turned off'. He did not believe Jagbir's

descriptions of what is happening in collectives, until he found out for

himself. Now that he knows, he has had enough. However, he is following " Sahaja

Yoga " in Universal Terms.


As you know, it is predicted that there are going to be momentous times ahead,

with a lot of changes in the world leading up to 2012. A lot of great things are

expected to fall into place. Perhaps, then the " lost generation " that you refer

to, will rise up to the roles that they have incarnated to play. (Btw... we have

a " lost generation " in society as well, who are involved in drugs, alcohol, and

other self-destructive things). That also needs " working out " . Many are

spiritual seekers and cannot stand the way society is today.


Getting back to the SY children, it must be disappointing for some parents to

not see this 'literally happening' now. But... i always found this thing about

SY parents thinking that their children are " too special " ... that it had a bit

of a " sting " in the tail. For example, if you think that your children are " too

special " , aren't they going to get a bit spoiled by you. That is what would have

concerned me.


We know the children are special, but perhaps this " specialness " was taken too

" specially " ... to the extent that SY Parents did not fully face the problems

confronting them, believing that their children were going to be there to step

in and 'put the world right'. Perhaps, the organizational aspect of Sahaja Yoga

has been a complete microcosmic working out of all the ills in the world, just

as Shri Mataji said...of the organization of " Sahaja Yoga " .





, " my2pai " <my2pai



> Dear All,


> Is there a lost generation in Sahaja Yoga? This is a strange, even

> puzzling question to those who have not been in Sahaja Yoga for a

> sufficiently long time, preferably for the past twenty years. To

> people who have been in Sahaja Yoga for more than twenty years, this

> can indeed be a poignant, thought-provoking question.


> Sahaja Yoga in the early eighties in the West was indeed a time of

> great optimism and hope, a magical time indeed. The world was our

> oyster and everything seemed possible then. The prevailing gung-ho

> zeitgeist of Sahaja Yoga during that period could be summed up by

> William Blake's rousing words: " I will not cease from mental fight,

> nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, till we have built Jerusalem...



> Possibly the source of greatest optimism for Sahaja Yogis of that

> era were the babies born to Sahaja Yogi parents. There were

> occasions usually after pujas when new-born Sahaj babies were

> presented to Shri Mataji to be named. Shri Mataji almost always

> carried and blessed each child. It was very common for Sahaja Yogis

> to speculate about the babies as to which great saints the babies

> had been in the past. Sometimes Shri Mataji Herself would hint at a

> particular baby's past. Apparently all the great realized souls from

> the past were being reborn as little new Sahaja Yogis. There was

> also, purportedly, at least one case of immaculate conception. With

> such a formidable phalanx of great realized souls, there was going

> to be no stopping the onward march of Sahaja Yoga!


> Whenever She met small children of Sahaja Yogis at functions or

> programs, Shri Mataji would frequently remark: " Wait till they grow

> up... " This had the effect of heightening the sense of expectation

> among the Sahaja Yogis for the new generation who were going to take

> Sahaja Yoga to the next higher level. Everybody could hardly wait

> for the coming generation of movers and shakers of Sahaja Yoga to

> take the world by the horns and tame it for Sahaja Yoga.


> Fast forward to the present. The early eighties cohort of Sahaj


> realized babies have all come of age. But there is no sign of our

> promised movers and shakers. If we look around we don't see many

> Yogis from that particular generation; indeed many have disappeared

> altogether from the ranks of Sahaja Yoga. To put it bluntly, the

> promised new generation has become a generation of no-shows; they

> are a non-event, a damp squid, as the English would put it. For

> Sahaja Yogis of early eighties vintage (wino metaphor!), the failure

> of that generation's Sahaj babies to manifest their annointed

> potential has been a bitter disappointment, after all the hype. It

> is probably also very disappointing for Shri Mataji since Her plan

> to advance Sahaja Yoga with the energy and talent and the vibrations

> of the new generation has apparently been frustrated.


> If anyone is to be called to account over this fiasco, this betrayal

> of Sahaja Yoga, then it must be the parents. In the earlier years,

> the parents had generally behaved with hubris at having such

> purportedly great saints as their charges. Shri Mataji regularly had

> to gently remind the parents to " Take care of your children, "

> and " Don't spoil your children. " There was one incident in which

> Shri Mataji was very angry when, on coming back to England after a

> long absence, She found some children very troublesome and spoilt,

> especially one child who was reportedly the incarnation of a great

> English poet and painter who had lived about two hundred years ago.

> Shri Mataji gave these parents a verbal spanking when the

> explanation they gave was that these children could not be touched

> because they were such great souls from the past. It is obvious that

> these boneheaded and knuckleheaded parents have caused the loss of

> an entire generation to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga today would not be

> in such a parlous state had the annointed generation been properly

> nurtured by their parents to play their proper role.


> Perhaps we can find some solace and wisdom from the great souls of

> Sahaja Yoga's current governing world council. There is one problem

> here though. Several members of the council are themselves the proud

> parents of children from the absent generation. So Sahaja Yoga is

> now being led by a council of somewhat embarassed and obviously

> tired old daddies. Nevertheless, we could put forward the following

> motion for discussion at the next big powwow of the world council,

> if the irony is not too uncomfortable for everybody: Is there a lost

> generation in Sahaja Yoga?


> Chandra


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Dear All,


i may have missed the golden years of Shri Mataji on Earth with all

the intoxicating excitement and boundless energy of great

expectations of a global spiritual rennaisance. When i joined in

1993 i was momentarily caught-up in the lingering hype of every

imaginable event - from the rain clearing to a successful job

interview to securing a downtown parking lot on Friday - being the

blessing of the Divine bestowed to SYs.


But i was neither impressed nor a believer of these mini-miracles.

Despite my poor Maths i could calculate the embarrassing small size

of the molehill of mini-miracles against the backdrop of a huge

divine mountain of requests. i kept wondering which dumb deity would

want to wait on the most ridiculous SY requests. (Remember a few

months ago how our Woodstock generation hero and fearsome spiritual

warrior Ed Saugstad sought Divine intervention to chase away

Vancouver municipal workers off his favorite parking lot? On the

flip side, i heard he is sh*t scared of bhoots, UPIs and other

invisible pests but please don't quote me as he has friends in high

places ............................... WCASY.)


After some time i realized, despite the subtle system distractions,

that the real reason why the Adi Shakti incarnated Herself wss to

deliver the Divine Message to humanity. In it i saw all that was

expected the day Shri Mataji opened the Sahasrara ... :


" Sahaja Yoga in the early eighties in the West was indeed a time of

great optimism and hope, a magical time indeed. The world was our

oyster and everything seemed possible then. The prevailing gung-ho

zeitgeist of Sahaja Yoga during that period could be summed up by

William Blake's rousing words: " I will not cease from mental fight,

nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, till we have built Jerusalem... "


so that those seeking the eternal afterlife could take part in the

Last Judgment and Resurrection by meditating on Her within.


But all i saw around were parents/leaders scaring the cr*p out of

their children with stories of bhoots, UPIs and invisible entities

ever ready to attack self-realized SYs. And the gates of heaven

would only open to those with squeaky clean catchless chakras who

footsoaked daily and did their daily treatments. There was no need

to be thoughtless, attain nirvikalpa or merge with the Shakti

within. As long as you did your daily subtle system rituals there

was no need to learn, or teach, anything else. What a neat package!


" Whenever She met small children of Sahaja Yogis at functions or

programs, Shri Mataji would frequently remark: " Wait till they grow

up... " This had the effect of heightening the sense of expectation

among the Sahaja Yogis for the new generation who were going to take

Sahaja Yoga to the next higher level. Everybody could hardly wait

for the coming generation of movers and shakers of Sahaja Yoga to

take the world by the horns and tame it for Sahaja Yoga. "


So instead of a new generation of confident and inspired souls

enlightening humanity about Her Divine Message, we have a lost

generation of bhoot-conscious souls trying to attract seekers with

all that knowledge of 1001 diseases of the subtle system waiting to

infect them and how to spend a lifetime healing. Instead of enduring

the embarrassment of insulting the intelligence of modern seekers,

most generation X children of SYs have left. Some, like mine, have

seen enough hypocrisy and lies from their peers and chosen ones to

lose all respect for them.


" If anyone is to be called to account over this fiasco, this

betrayal of Sahaja Yoga, then it must be the parents. In the earlier

years, the parents had generally behaved with hubris at having such

purportedly great saints as their charges. Shri Mataji regularly

had to gently remind the parents to " Take care of your children, "

and " Don't spoil your children. " There was one incident in which

Shri Mataji was very angry when, on coming back to England after a

long absence, She found some children very troublesome and spoilt,

especially one child who was reportedly the incarnation of a great

English poet and painter who had lived about two hundred years

ago. Shri Mataji gave these parents a verbal spanking when the

explanation they gave was that these children could not be touched

because they were such great souls from the past. It is obvious

that these boneheaded and knuckleheaded parents have caused the loss

of an entire generation to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga today would not

be in such a parlous state had the annointed generation been

properly nurtured by their parents to play their proper role. "


For five years or so weekly collective meditations and official

pujas were held at my place. The two brats of the aspiring leader of

Montreal/Quebec always tormented the collective without fail. All of

us endured the loud tantrums that were timed to detonate at crucial

moments with deadly accuracy - just before aarti or when listening

to Shri Mataji's tape. These brats were confident that their worst

behavior would only result in a horrendous " Sweetie, you have to go

to your room " ........ and that also after many pleas to behave

better. My advise that the parents should be firm only exposed my

ignorance and insensivity - the parents regarded them as great

realized souls on the way to emancipate humanity. Under no

circumstance were those born unrealized, elderly and sinful i.e.,

souls like me, to disturb their delicate innocent nature. (BTW, it

is the father of these terror kids who wanted to tape Lalita's mouth

because she was crying, and probably hungry. Perhaps she was too

young and not advanced enough to be regarded self-realized. Masking

tape was necessary to silence breastfed babies like Lalita, and

grovelling pleas for their children.)


i told you guys i have had lots of Sahaj Love, and an overdose can

kill. But please don't feel guilty or embarassed by the dirty linen.

Please save them for another year - this is just another piece from

my washing machine! Just wait for the time when others decide to

also wash in public. That time will come and it will be easier to

see how both parents and their children are nowhere the high

standard of discipline and enlightenment envisioned by Shri Mataji.


So where are those who read " I will not cease from mental fight,

nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, till we have built Jerusalem " ?

Neither the early eighties cohort of SYs nor their born-realized

babies, who have all come of age, can give an answer since it has

nothing to do with the subtle system.


Then is it true that there is a lost generation in Sahaja Yoga? No,

that is not true. We actually have two.






, " my2pai " <my2pai



> Dear All,


> Is there a lost generation in Sahaja Yoga? This is a strange, even

> puzzling question to those who have not been in Sahaja Yoga for a

> sufficiently long time, preferably for the past twenty years. To

> people who have been in Sahaja Yoga for more than twenty years,

this can indeed be a poignant, thought-provoking question.


> Sahaja Yoga in the early eighties in the West was indeed a time of

> great optimism and hope, a magical time indeed. The world was our

> oyster and everything seemed possible then. The prevailing gung-ho

> zeitgeist of Sahaja Yoga during that period could be summed up by

> William Blake's rousing words: " I will not cease from mental

fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand, till we have built

Jerusalem... "


> Possibly the source of greatest optimism for Sahaja Yogis of that

> era were the babies born to Sahaja Yogi parents. There were

> occasions usually after pujas when new-born Sahaj babies were

> presented to Shri Mataji to be named. Shri Mataji almost always

> carried and blessed each child. It was very common for Sahaja

Yogis to speculate about the babies as to which great saints the

babies had been in the past. Sometimes Shri Mataji Herself would

hint at a particular baby's past. Apparently all the great realized

souls from the past were being reborn as little new Sahaja Yogis.

There was also, purportedly, at least one case of immaculate

conception. With such a formidable phalanx of great realized souls,

there was going to be no stopping the onward march of Sahaja Yoga!


> Whenever She met small children of Sahaja Yogis at functions or

> programs, Shri Mataji would frequently remark: " Wait till they grow

> up... " This had the effect of heightening the sense of expectation

> among the Sahaja Yogis for the new generation who were going to

take Sahaja Yoga to the next higher level. Everybody could hardly

wait for the coming generation of movers and shakers of Sahaja Yoga

to take the world by the horns and tame it for Sahaja Yoga.


> Fast forward to the present. The early eighties cohort of Sahaj

born-realized babies have all come of age. But there is no sign of

our promised movers and shakers. If we look around we don't see many

> Yogis from that particular generation; indeed many have

disappeared altogether from the ranks of Sahaja Yoga. To put it

bluntly, the promised new generation has become a generation of no-

shows; they are a non-event, a damp squid, as the English would put

it. For Sahaja Yogis of early eighties vintage (wino metaphor!), the

failure of that generation's Sahaj babies to manifest their

annointed potential has been a bitter disappointment, after all the

hype. It is probably also very disappointing for Shri Mataji since

Her plan to advance Sahaja Yoga with the energy and talent and the

vibrations of the new generation has apparently been frustrated.


> If anyone is to be called to account over this fiasco, this

betrayal of Sahaja Yoga, then it must be the parents. In the earlier

years, the parents had generally behaved with hubris at having such

> purportedly great saints as their charges. Shri Mataji regularly

had to gently remind the parents to " Take care of your children, "

> and " Don't spoil your children. " There was one incident in which

> Shri Mataji was very angry when, on coming back to England after a

> long absence, She found some children very troublesome and spoilt,

> especially one child who was reportedly the incarnation of a great

> English poet and painter who had lived about two hundred years

ago. Shri Mataji gave these parents a verbal spanking when the

> explanation they gave was that these children could not be touched

> because they were such great souls from the past. It is obvious

that these boneheaded and knuckleheaded parents have caused the loss

of an entire generation to Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga today would not

be in such a parlous state had the annointed generation been

properly nurtured by their parents to play their proper role.


> Perhaps we can find some solace and wisdom from the great souls of

> Sahaja Yoga's current governing world council. There is one

problem here though. Several members of the council are themselves

the proud parents of children from the absent generation. So Sahaja

Yoga is now being led by a council of somewhat embarassed and

obviously tired old daddies. Nevertheless, we could put forward the

following motion for discussion at the next big powwow of the world

council, if the irony is not too uncomfortable for everybody: Is

there a lost generation in Sahaja Yoga?


> Chandra


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