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Ignorant Jewish and SY priests: Woe unto you! Ye entered not in yourselves, and them that

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Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


Today we are facing the same struggles that Lord Jesus faced 2,000

years ago when He confronted the Jewish priests of the official

religion who were not only corrupting His teachings but also keeping

the masses in ignorance. i believe it is worse today since tens of

thousands of so-called realized souls have allowed the corruption of

Her Divine Message right under their noses. In fact most SYs are

guilty by reason of agreement and association with the priesthood

spreading the official Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion. For

instance, the sentence " The kingdom of heaven is within you, " has

absolutely no connection whatsoever with the official SYSSR and

entirely refers to the experiences of yogis and mystics regarded as

demonic, possessed and merely craving attention.


But the Divine Message of the Last Judgement is also about the Kingdom

of Heaven that is within all humans. That is where the Adi Shakti

(Holy Spirit/Ruh) resides, together with all the deities - the

Sahasrara. This Kingdom of God within is the Divine Sanctuary for all

taking part in the Last Judgment. Lord Jesus, by sending the

Comforter, fullfilled His promise that future disciples and seekers of

truth will be taught all that He was unable 2,000 years ago.


i regard the revelation of Jesus' Kingdom of God within to be the

greatest gift bestowed on humanity by the Adi Shakti - that is exactly

what the ignorant SY priests are trying to destroy by labelling those

who revealed it as " demonic " " possessed " children of parents seeking

attention. " Woe unto you! Ye entered not in yourselves, and them that

were entering ye prevented. "


So what did the Jewish priests do 2,000 years ago that their SY

counterparts are following today? ............ read on.


" A careful perusal of the New Testament sections will show that

although most of them may conveniently be classified as first

degree, i.e., purely religious matter, there is also a thin vein of

mysticism of the second degree running right through them. For

instance, the sentence " The kingdom of heaven is within you, " has

absolutely no connection whatsoever with official religion and

entirely refers to the experiences of yogis and mystics. The

explanation why such a mixture of concepts exists, is twofold.


Firstly, the compilation of these records in a single volume did not

occur until a few hundred years after Jesus is believed to have

passed away. The obscure Council of Nicea found numerous gospels

extant when it sat to make the compilation, consisting of a mixed

collection of religious books intended for the masses and mystical

ones intended for the elect few. The immense number of bishops who

constituted this council had quite a fight over the nature of

Christ, they naturally made their selections and rejections

according to their personal temperaments and outlook. Hence the

somewhat uneven selection of authentic gospels and unjustifiable

rejection of certain apocrypha.


Secondly, Jesus was in revolt against the stiff orthodoxy of the

Jewish priests most of whom were not only ignorant of the higher

degree themselves but deliberately persecuted those who were

mystically inclined. His indignation expressed itself in the

words, " Woe unto you! Ye entered not in yourselves, and them that

were entering ye prevented. " It is evident that his sympathy with

the ignorant helpless masses was so large and overwhelming that he

deliberately opened the doors of higher mystical teaching to a

little extent for them, although only his full associates were fully

initiated. Buddha was undoubtedly actuated by precisely the same

feelings and opened the same doors even wider than did Jesus. "


Paul Brunton, Ph.D., The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga,

E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1966, p. 79-80.




> But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by

> the faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has

> little to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers,

> prophecies and eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs

> dear to billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message

> rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when

> this deception becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to

> be known as SYs. They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate

> on the Adi Shakti and openly uphold Her Divine Message.



For the last three decades the following crucial wishes of Shri

Mataji have never been fulfilled by SY leaders/management, and the

rank and file now have have permanently condemned themselves as

hypocrites, liars and cowards:


a) Announce the Last Judgment to all the seekers of truth, to all

the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the



" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that

nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning,

their absolute, their spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



b) Declare to all that it is the Resurrection Time;


" Declare to all the nations now that I ... have come for this

special time, that is the Resurrection Time. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



c) Declare to all the nations that She is the Holy Ghost (Spirit);


" Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have

come for this special time. that is the Resurrection Time. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



d) SYs to prove to all that She is indeed the Adi Shakti;


" I am the Adi Shakti. I am the one who has come on this earth for

the first time in this form to do this tremendous task. The more

you'll understand this the better it would be. You will change

tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we

have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it, that

I'm that. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



And those who are doing exactly what Shri Mataji has deeply desired

for years are condemned, excommunicated and shunned by rank and file

SYs, leaders and WCASY members.


Yes, by deliberately suppressing Her deepest desires to emancipate

humanity rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. The officially

supplanted Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is a sacrilegious act

that has no comparison in history. It is an evil possession, a

powerful negativity like no other.


So what can be done? i can only quote Shri Mataji:


" The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment

today. We are not aware of it. And all the Satanic Forces have come

out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to

attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge

the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started. "



They are trying to attract you with the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion. You do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the

Reality (Truth). The Last Judgment has started, it is a fact. It has

started. You will be judged harshly if you ever prevented seekers

from knowing that the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh) is on Earth, that

it is the promised Last Judgment and Resurrection - i know 99% of

SYs have in one way or another never told that to those attending

their public programs .... even after months of their attendance!


And over the decades hundreds of thousands have left for good

without realizing how close they were to salvation. Despite Shri

Mataji's plea that no seeker " misses the blessings of the Divine to

achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit " , the vast

majority were most unfortunate as no SY followed Shri Mataji's

explicit desire. Instead they were told about the subtle system,

kundalini, chakras and benefits of meditation which every Osho,

Muktananda and Yogi Bhajan also tell their followers. The similar

teachings of false gurus and SYs collude to deceive the masses.


All preachers and followers of the SYSSR have come out like the

wolves in sheep's clothes. They are deceiving the seekers and have

removed all traces of these explicit orders of Shri Mataji from

their websites, phamplets, public programs and conscience. This is

the greatest satanic force that prevents humanity from knowing about

the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


i am standing on what i say. It is all in black and white. The WCASY

and SY leaders/management/ranks are invited to present this post to

Shri Mataji or whoever they feel is capable of confronting me. i

give them my written assurance that i will NEVER back out of what i

believe in heart, mind and soul. Take this offer while Shri Mataji

is still on Earth. i am giving you my word - i will repeat all that

i have accused WCASY and SY leaders/management/ranks of. In fact i

will add that the entire Sahaja Yoga organization has wilfully

committed, and still continues to commit, a collective crime against

humanity. So show Her this post while there is still time. Thanks.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,







, " jagbir singh "




> Dear Violet,


> The best approach would be no name at all, just those who believe

> in the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

> Resurrection. That would be an all-inclusive approach that welcomes

> all religious traditions. You can be a Christian and believe in the

> Holy Spirit/Comforter's message of the Last Judgment. Or you may be

> a Muslim comfortable with His Ruh delivering the Great Announcement

> of Al-Qiyamah. Or as a Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist you would be at ease

> with the Adi Shakti granting moksa through kundalini awakening.


> In the process of learning about the Adi Shakti and Her Divine

> Message one is bound to accept the other religious traditions, or

> at least be rid of considerable ignorance. There is nothing on

> Earth as harmonious and uniting as the Divine Message to humanity.

> (i still keep telling my wife that after more than a decade.) The

> Divine Message compels respect and acceptance of all the major

> religions that is unprecedented in history.


> But the SYSSR and its external rituals will never be accepted by

> the faithful of various traditions. Moreover, the niche SYSSR has

> little to do with the religions, scriptures, messengers,

> prophecies and eschatological expectations - centuries-old beliefs

> dear to billions. By deliberately suppressing Her Divine Message

> rank and file SYs have permanently condemned themselves as

> hypocrites, liars and cowards who neither had the dharma nor

> conviction nor common sense to tell the Truth. In future, when

> this deception becomes common knowledge, seekers will not want to

> be known as SYs. They will prefer, just like me, to just meditate

> on the Adi Shakti and openly uphold Her Divine Message.


> Moreover, labeling oneself SY will be rejected by many, especially

> Muslims. In the first place why must they be associated with tens

> of thousands who never upheld their Qur'an and the Great News of

> the Resurrection? (The same reasoning goes for other religions.)

> Shri Mataji has never said that you must be a SY to take part in

> the Last Judgment and Resurrection. But i know that today one must

> be a SY in order to worship the SYSSR.


> So a SY is one who daily cleanses his chakras with external rituals

> as required by the priesthood. The vast majority of religious folk

> want nothing of that. Shri Mataji has instead invited all to take

> part in the Last Judgment and Resurrection. The SYSSR in turn want

> nothing of that. This catch-22 situation leaves me with no

> alternative but cease being SYs. It is better i just meditate on

> the Adi Shakti and spread Her Divine Message. i cannot possibly be

> a SY any longer because i am what they are obviously not. This sad

> conclusion would never had risen if Truth, the most dearest of all

> spiritual requirements, had been upheld and sustain over the years.

> That tens of thousands of SYs have been willingly taking part in

> this collective deception for decades has slowly compelled me to

> disassociate myself from them. i just cannot call myself a SY any

> longer since i vehemently disagree with their collective deception.


> i have reached a level of consciousness where it does not matter if

> 0.0001% of humanity (the SYs) strongly disagree and want nothing to

> do with me, websites or forum. Over the years i will do all that is

> necessary to reach out to the remaining 99.9999%. i am sure the

> vast majority of them will overwhelmingly appreciate my honesty and

> transparency about Shri Mataji's Divine Message, a public stand She

> has always taken and sustained to emancipate humanity.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


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