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“We are yet to go deep into this knowledge”…

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Dear All,


All that is given... is so that those who were not there, may also feel that

they are sitting at the Comforter's Feet, and learning about all that She has

taught over the last thirty years or so. What She has taught... is momentous, to

say the least. It is " no less " than the complete transformation of humanity on

all levels. What i have heard from Her... no mere man has taught. i have only

heard similar myself from the Words of Jesus Christ, as i have learned these

from the Scriptures (and i acknowledge that others have learned similar from the

Incarnations and prophets of other spiritual traditions, too.)


However, to actually be in the " Presence " and Hear the Words of the Incarnation

of the Holy Spirit " in person " ... well, there can be nothing better. We have

heard it... (proverbially speaking)... from the 'horse's mouth'. No one will be

able to alter Her Words or Her Teachings. We know them, and we write about them.

No Perennial Priests and Pharisees will " now " be able to " organize them " so that

only some teachings of Shri Mataji are followed, and some are rejected. Her

Words and Teachings... " will go out and clarify the spiritual understandings of

all the spiritual traditions. " In fact... that is part and parcel of the job

that the " Christian Comforter " has come on Earth for. Here are Shri Jesus's

Words to that effect: -


" But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name... S/He

will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to

you. " (John 14:26)


The " Summary, Comments, and Insights " below are mainly based on a Report of the

Teachings given by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on 30 July, 1999 at Cabella, on the

Occasion of the Guru Puja. It was the 10th Anniversary of Sahaja Yogis coming to



When we did Puja to Shri Mataji, we were really worshipping the Holy Spirit

Within Ourselves. She came to introduce us to the Divine Mother, who is the

" Holy Spirit Within Each of Us " . Shri Mataji says of Herself... that She " does

nothing " . She has told us that it is the Power Manifesting in Her that " does all

the Work " . Another name for this Power is " the Paramchaitanya " .


Shri Mataji has also said that the " Whole Nature " is working with us for our

spiritual transformation... which consists of nothing less than a " Complete

Spiritual Rebirth " (while still in our physical bodies)... whereby we become our

Higher Self, which is our Spirit. This is also foreshadowed/prophesied of in the

Scriptures: -


" For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a

building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For

indeed in this house (physical body) we groan, longing to be clothed with our

dwelling from heaven; inasmuch as we, having put it on shall not be found naked.

For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do

not want to be unclothed, but to be clothed, in order that what is mortal may be

swallowed up by life. Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who

gave to us the " Spirit " as a pledge. " (2 Corinthians 5:1-5)


The Good News is that Shri Mataji, a.k.a. " the Christian Comforter " ... has

enabled us to have our spiritual rebirth while yet in our physical bodies. We do

not have to die a physical death, but our whole body is transformed by the

Spirit Within. That is our bodily resurrection, which can only occur while we

are still in our physical bodies. It cannot occur if we are not in our physical

bodies. It can also be called the 'the death of the Lower Self' and the

'Resurrection to become the Higher Self…. the Spirit.'


This Power of the Holy Spirit... " is " the Power of God Almighty Himself. In

regards to " God Almighty Himself " ... He is Spirit and we have never seen Him.

The only way we can commune with Him ... is to worship Him in Spirit and in

Truth: -


" No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten God, who is in the bosom of

the Father, He has explained Him. " (John 1:18)


" God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. "

(John 4:24)


.... And " NOW " , the " Comforter " that Jesus promised would come and teach us all

things... " HAS COME " ! ... and She has taught us a lot of things, which we need

to share with everyone. One of Her main concerns is that we should meet the

" Mother Within Us " of whom She is a Reflection. Shri Mataji has come to

introduce us to the Loving Holy Spirit, who is also our " Eternal Mother " . This

means that... though our physical mothers may change from incarnation to

incarnation... yet our " Spiritual Mother Within " remains constantly with us

throughout each and every incarnation. We can turn to Her in joy... or in

sorrow. She is there to hold us in Her Arms. She is there to guide and direct us

when we turn to Her. She loves and protects those who turn to Her. She loves and

protects the whole humanity, but if they turn away from that love and

protection, what can She do?


i hope this helps.


love to all,





NOTE: - (Please note that the Original Report of Shri Mataji's teachings on

which the " Summary, Commentaries, and Insights " are based... is attached below.

However the " Summary, Commentaries, and Insights " also discuss other points than

just what is discussed in the Original report, and not all points in the

Original Report are remarked upon. Please enjoy.)



Summary, Commentaries and Insights Surrounding the 30 July 1999 Guru Puja

Teachings of Shri Mataji


" We are yet to go deep into this knowledge " …


Through " Sahaja Yoga " (Spontaneous Union with the Divine), we have achieved

" absolute knowledge " but we are yet to reach the stage where this absolute

knowledge can be assimilated. In other words, " we are yet to go deep into this

knowledge " . One of the reasons that we have been unable to assimilate this

knowledge is due to a heritage that we share with the animal kingdom which still

lingers in is. It is often referred to as the " Lower Self " . These are such

traits as aggressiveness and peevishness. (Btw… the word " peevishness "

encompasses a lot of different traits. The dictionary describes " peevishness "

with such descriptive words as: foolish, vexatious, perverse, wayward, fretful,

and " to irritate " )


Human beings have an ability to think and work things out. However, this human

`ability to think' also comes with its 'sting in the tail' if it is incorrectly

used. For instance... because of the ability to think, human beings can also

become jealous, be egotistical, and develop many habits and conditionings.


The worst thing that happens is that when we react to... and rationalise

everything, then it just " snowballs " into a big reaction that is not related to

reality. We actually deceive our selves in that way. We actually enter an

illusionary world in our minds when we do that, which the Hindus call " maya " .


We can enter the Reality, by " seeing ourselves " clearly. It helps to become the

Spirit... our Higher Self, so this is possible. The way to become our Higher

Self is to have our Second Birth of the Spirit, whereby we become

" self-realised " . We realise " Who " we really are. We are not this body (for the

body dies). We are not our mind, for thoughts come and go. We are not our

emotions, because these change too. However... what we " really are " remains

constant! That is our Spirit.


Shri Mataji desires for all of us to become our own guru, master, and teacher.

When we become our own guru, master, and teacher... we enjoy our Spirit.

However, it is not until we become our Spirit (our Higher Self)... that we can

truly become our own guru, master, and teacher.


Shri Mataji wants us to " break free " from religious domination by religious

leaders. How many of us give ourselves the priveledge of such a luxury, which

btw. is also our birthright? If the Spirit is our guru, master, and teacher,

then there " is no room " for us to follow a human being, even if he or she is a

leader. In Sahaja Yoga they are now saying: -


" If you do A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.... you will be a good Sahaja Yogi " That is

just not how spirituality really works. You will " know " when you are a 'good

Sahaja Yogi'. You will be a good Sahaja Yogi, when you are following the bidding

of the Adi Shakti Within you, and not some external voice of man.


God Almighty never gave religious leaders the " green light " to dominate people.

God Almighty Himself gives spiritual liberty. He instituted it, so why should

man not give it to his 'fellow man'? Is it because once they become

leaders...they think that does not apply to them anymore! It is a Spiritual Law

that has been set down for the Human Race, and even Shri Mataji does not break

that law, but She gives so much spiritual liberty (especially to leaders who

trip over their feet so much) until they hang themselves with that 'rope of



We already know that many Old-Time Pharisees and also Modern-Time Pharisees

attempt to break this Spiritual Law, and one day, the " first " shall be " last " …

and the " last " shall be " first " . They will find this out, one day. In any

case... just as Shri Jesus " told the Pharisees off " for their hypocrisy and

lies... likewise has Shri Mataji told the " modern Pharisees off too " . She did it

through Her Vehicle of Sahaja Yoga, which is Her " Spontaneous Union with the

Divine " , whereby, no domination by any entity whatsoever must be allowed. The

only thing that is healthy is surrender to the Divine Within Ourselves, and not

surrender to any external personality.


So... here are the Words and Teachings that Shri Mataji has given in regards to

any Pharisees that are around... and it matters not which spiritual tradition

they come from: -


" Leaders (modern day Pharisees) should be very careful. They should become free

of all arrogance. They are only a communication link, like I have to put a

letter in the envelope and post it. " (Excerpt from Australian Sahaja Newsletter

10 February, 1996 – Words Spoken by Shri Mataji at Gudi Padwa, 24 March 1993)


(BTW... please note that " leaders " have a place, administratively... however

they are not give the Divine Right of Priests to Rule (over others). They are

only asked to help with the administration... as in a " communicaton link, like I

have to put a letter in the envelope and post it " . Those are Shri Mataji's

Words....not mine!)


" She (Shri Mataji) talked a lot about " dominating personalities " , people who

think they are controlling everything and feel responsible all the time...how

they hurt and torture others...and specifically about leaders in Sahaja Yoga

(the organization) who think they can tell others what to do and make people

afraid of them by saying that Mother has said this or Mother has said that and

threatening to tell Mother if the people do anything wrong. Shri Mataji said She

is never angry with us only sometimes for the " play " She appears angry but that

a Mother can never be angry...She only loves. She said these people who dominate

others get some kind of cruel joy from treating others like this. And that some

people are always in the front and She knows who they are...that they think they

are important and must always be there...but really they are not so really happy

people... that is why they do it. She said that animals are aggressive to each

other but that they have a hierarchy, a structure...it is not random

cruelty...but that human beings can be cruel for no reason. She said some people

think that to be a leader is to be something...they call Her and ask to be

leader, so what can She do. " (Excerpt from Australian Sahaja Newsletter 25

April, 1998 re Report of What Shri Mataji said at the Easter Puja in Istanbul -



" There should be no fear in Sahaja Yoga (in " Spontaneous Union with the Divine).

Throw out all fear. If anyone tries to intimidate you he will be thrown out of

Sahaja Yoga (they will be thrown out of that Union with the Divine). No one

should try to control you but your Spirit. " (Words Spoken by Shri Mataji at

Leningrad, 14 May 1990)


Shri Mataji also revealed that there is no separate " Spontaneous Union with the

Divine " Group)... in other words, there is no separate Sahaja Yoga Group once we

become the Self. She says that all these identifications with " groups " are

actually misidentifications, and they are useless when we become the Self.

(However, those are not my words. They are Shri Mataji's Words so it will pay to

read and go deep into that knowledge): -


" Now you are no more belonging to any group now. You have become your Self. All

these mis-identifications are useless. They give you angularities. They do not

give you individuality. They give you 'angularities' and these angularities are

troublesome to the society and to your Self. They have given you 'bends'. Your

normal life has become extremely abnormal or subnormal. So normalize yourself

with Sahaja Yoga (the experience) and you will be amazed you are no longer

belonging to any country, no more belonging to any group, any democracy,

bureaucracy, or communism, or anything. But you become a human being who is on

absolute values as a human being. This is a tremendous thing. " (Words Spoken by

Shri Mataji on " Being Born Again " at Caxton Hall, London, U.K., May 12, 1980)


At this point... let me just say... that it must be remembered that Shri Mataji

has also stated many times... that all the " World's Ills " were going to be

worked out with the " Tool of Sahaja Yoga " (with the " Tool of the Spontaneous

Union with the Divine " ).


This includes working out the " Pharisee Problem " also. On our forums, we carry

on with Shri Mataji's Legacy in this regard. We do point out if we find any

" pharisaical-type-domination " which we will not tolerate anymore. If we do not

stand up to the Pharisaical Tricks of Old, then they will just keep on with

those " same-old-tricks " to dominate anyone and everyone who comes under their

ambitions for power.


Spiritual domination is the worst thing. Can you imagine Shri Jesus dominating

someone? Can you imagine Buddha dominating someone? Can you imagine Shri Mataji

dominating someone? Is dominating someone a loving thing to do? I know of no

instance recorded where any Incarnation dominated someone. Shri Mataji never

dominated anyone. She always gave " free will " to everyone. She gave so much

" free will " that She has even been accused of " wrong things " going unchecked in

the External Physical Organization of Sahaja Yoga. However (and i know i am

repeating what i have said... but it is important)... it must be known that She

has always stated very clearly that She gives enough `rope to leaders and

others, until they hang themselves with their own rope'… (meaning that She gives

everyone the spiritual liberty, and it is up to them whether they use their

spiritual liberty wisely or foolishly).


To that end... Shri Mataji also gave the advice... `not to react' and 'not to

try and suppress others'. She stated that instead of anger, there should be love

and compassion. We need to `walk a mile in another's shoes' (figuratively

speaking). To know a person is to love a person. Shri Mataji knew us. That is

why She loved us all equally, and had no favourites. " Love " , She said... is the

only way to solve problems. To do things with love and compassion, requires us

keeping a close eye on ourselves though... so that we do not operate from our

Lower Self (our animal inheritance), but that we act from our Higher Self or

Spirit (our spiritual inheritance).


The Holy Spirit within also enables us to forgive and forget any personal

misdeeds against us. 'This', of course, does not mean we turn a " blind eye " to

wrong things, which happens when people try and organize the Truth. WCASY are

trying to organize the Truth. We all know that now. We did not know that years

ago. However, Shri Mataji clearly said " You cannot Organize the Truth... so why

do they persist in doing exactly what Shri Mataji said, " YOU CANNOT DO " ! In that

case, when it is against Sahaja Yoga (when it is against the " Spontaneous Union

with the Divine), we have to speak up about that. Like Krishna advised Arjuna…

we also must be spiritual warriors. We must stand up for the Dharma… which is

the Truth!


According to Shri Mataji's teaching, which is the Dharma, the Truth... we do not

need to punish anyone... not " emotionally " nor " physically " . This is another

thing that the WCASY (the organizers of Truth) need to learn. They need to learn

that there is no necessity to punish people physically or emotionally. There is

just no necessity for it. (I remember a yogini informing me that another Sahaja

Yogini had been slapped by a leader on an India Tour, because he did not like

what she said to him. i was very shocked that 'supposed realized souls' who

happened to also be 'leaders' could do that. i had never heard of such a thing

happening before. Here we were supposed to be the enlightened ones, and yet this

sort of thing is happening? i became aware, then, that not all who claim to be

Sahaja Yogis... actually " are " Sahaja Yogis. It is just the same with

Christians. Not all who claim to be " Christians " are sincere God-following



Shri Mataji explains that after receiving our Self-Realisation, we also receive

the Power of Love and Compassion. She also states that it is because of our

" love " in the first place… that we were able to receive our Self-Realisation.

Apparently the Kundalini does not come up for self-centred or cruel people: -


" The Kundalini does not come up for self-centred or cruel people. She is not

stupid. She knows it is a waste if someone is selfish. The Kundalini comes up if

we spread Sahaj. " (Words of Shri Mataji at Shri Kundalini/Adi Shakti Puja,

Cabella Ligure, Italy - 4 June, 1995...and reported in Australian Newsletter -

30 June, 1995)


(In reference to the above quote, those with spiritual discernment will realise

that " Sahaj " is not an " organization " of any Truth; rather Sahaj " is " the Truth

Itself. " Sahaj " is the Truth of the ability of human beings to have their

" Spontaneous Union with the Divine " at this Time of the Last Judgment and



Shri Mataji explained that in all things we must be detached. This state of

detachment does not translate as being indifferent and ignoring others. It is

actually a state of mind... a meditative state of mind. It is a state of mind

that is free flowing and not stuck on to something. It is a state of mind where

inspiration, intuition and spiritual intelligence flow freely... unhindered. It

involves an enlightened attention, which Shri Mataji describes as both

" attached " and " detached " . In other words, a person's attention is free to move

in a dynamic way. It is not bound and restricted by external circumstances. A

person could be in prison (metaphorically speaking)… yet their spiritual

attention would be free and unrestricted.


Shri Mataji declared that " Love " is " Truth " … and " Truth " is " Love " . In all our

dealings, we should endeavour to be extremely truthful, and to have pure love,

which is not directed towards some personal gain or reward. Shri Mataji ended

Her discourse by explaining that the meditative state emits vibrations which

bestow upon us the Powers to do our Spiritual Work. The state of meditation also

enables us to be completely surrounded with Love and Compassion. (END)


NOTE: (The bracketed clarifications in the Original Report below... are for the

benefit of Christian and other Spiritual Tradition's Understanding)



ORIGINAL REPORT of the 30 July 1999 Guru Puja Teachings of Shri Mataji given at

Cabella, Italy...


Shri Mataji began by saying this was the 10th anniversary of Sahaja Yogis coming

to Cabella to worship Her (the Divine Mother Within, the Holy Spirit of which

Shri Mataji is an Incarnation) … as their Guru. Through Sahaja Yoga we have

achieved absolute knowledge but we are yet to reach the stage where this

absolute knowledge can be assimilated. We are yet to go deep into this



Shri Mataji defined one of the reasons that we have been unable to assimilate

this knowledge as due to a heritage we share with the animal kingdom which

lingers within us still – aggressiveness, peevishness and fear are all part of

our inheritance. Shri Mataji added to this the ability to think, to react, and

to rationalize which creates additional problems such as jealousy. These create

problems, which are not seen in the animal kingdom. " Thinking " … further perverts

these inherited tendencies, which leads to " expanded reactions " .


Shri Mataji said that... 'as gurus' (a person has to be a guru of themselves in

order to be a living example of that)... we should not react nor try to suppress

others… (adding that)... 'rather than getting angry... our methods should be of

love and compassion. If we avoid anger, this will prevent others also getting

angry and seeking revenge against that anger.'


She said that " love " is the only way to solve problems.


Shri Mataji then said that to be " good gurus " , we must keep a close watch over

our animal inheritance and develop a peaceful, loving, compassionate

temperament. Then... when we try to help another person, they may feel our love

and improve. As " Sahaja Gurus " , we should also forgive which means to forget

completely the misdeeds of others. Shri Mataji defined our first problem as

being our animal inheritance, the second, which is worse, develops from thinking

and ego. With the advent of " Sahaja Yoga " (Spontaneous Union with the Divine)...

it is not necessary to physically or emotionally punish anyone; we must know

that this will not help a person's spiritual ascent. Shri Mataji said that we

must be kind and understanding, which will help everyone's spiritual ascent.


After receiving our realisation, we have also received the power of love and

compassion: it was because of our love that we received our realisation.


Shri Mataji explained that in all things we must be detached, which is more than

just mere words; it is a state of mind that must be achieved. When it comes to

helping someone, then we must go all out. Thinking and worrying about people is

" attached attention " ; when we leave everything to the Divine, then this is

" detached attention " . As Sahaja Yogis, we should realize the extent of our

problems, then slowly these should be dissolved; this does not happen by

argument or discussion, but through love and compassion. Shri Mataji described

how the majority of people the world over value love; this is the third quality

of human beings. First is our animal inheritance, second is thinking, and the

third is that we value " love " .


Only " Sahaja Yogis " ( " Born of the Spirit persons " )... can achieve this state of

mind and are capable of " detached love " , where one is " absolutely detached " and

" absolutely attached " . If we know through vibrations that someone is alright,

then there is no need to worry about them. If the vibrations indicate that there

is a problem, then we can apply full attention to that person, not through

" attached attention " , but through " detached attention " .


Shri Mataji remarked that if we are always worrying about a person, speaking to

them, putting our attention to that person because we feel attached to them,

then our attention will not work out. Being attached to a few people means that

our attention becomes bound and useless and cannot be useful. There is so much

to do. There are so many people who want their realisation. Our attention has to

be absolutely free... so when we put our attention (somewhere) it remains

absolutely free. This is spiritual attention, which is the same as love.


Shri Mataji said that She is not talking about the mundane world, but another

world... " One " which is Higher, and where our attention works out beautifully,

and is not bound by our attachments. This can all be achieved through

introspection, whereby we can face ourselves and end all problems. They may be

left to Param-Chaitanya ( " The Loving Vibrations Surrounding us that Work All

Things Out " ). Our problems cannot be solved by worrying and thinking. They must

be left to this Power (Param-Chaitanya), which can manage everything.


Shri Mataji declared that " Love " is " Truth " ... and " Truth " is " Love " . In all our

dealings, we should endeavour to be extremely truthful, and to have pure love,

which is not directed towards some personal gain or reward. She remarked that

the subject of pure love could go on forever and ever. As Gurus, we need to know

the extent of our duties, which require of us to be meditative in order to

improve our vision and to enable it to be " clear-cut " .


Shri Mataji ended Her discourse by explaining that the meditative state emits

vibrations, which bestow upon us the powers to do our work. We do not need to

fight or to argue, but we need to meditate, whereby we achieve a state where we

are completely surrounded with love and compassion.


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 20 August, 1999)

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