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How simply meditating on the silence within helps...

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji has revealed that simply meditating on the " silence within " helps us

to " see ourselves " . Meditation gives us clarity... reduces our agitations...

soothes us... removes all our negative thoughts such as discouragement... and

also removes any confusion.


It also gives us creativity... security... and complete confidence in our

divinity. All our problems get solved in the meditative moment, because this is

when we are with the truth... with the reality... and with the joy.


It is because we are with the Truth, with the Reality, and with the Joy that

meditation is such a soothing thing. It is a beautiful way of connecting with

the Divine, whereby all our problems get solved in that meditative moment. They

get solved " from within " and then this gets reflected externally.


So why not try it 'like a scientist'... and have faith that the Divine will give

you the Light and Guide you along your Spiritual Path.




P.S. (Oh, i forgot one thing. Please 'try not to make some sort of a function

out of it'. Those aren't my words. Shri Mataji said it! However, i agree with

Shri Mataji. If too much of a function is made out of it, it becomes a ritual

rather than a spontaneous and loving meeting with the Divine Within one's heart

and mind and soul.)




Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Diwali Puja, November 2, 2002, Los Angeles, USA)


Have faith that the Divine will give you the light, will guide your path, will

take you to the right place, to do the right thing....


We are collective, we are nice to each other, we don't tell lies, we don't try

to destroy anyone. That means we are much above human failings and this is only

because of the light. You can see where you are faltering. It's just you see for

yourself. For that, I think meditation is the most important thing.


Every day you should do meditation. Those who do not do meditation are capable

of falling down because meditation is like putting oil into the lamp. Those who

do not meditate, think they can do without it, are sadly mistaken. They have to

meditate morning and evening. The problem is everything comes so handily, so

simple that they don't understand that meditation is very important.


Not you, but there are many I know who get Realization, who don't meditate and

their style is different. Their nature is different.


Meditation is such a soothing thing ... a beautiful way of connection with the

Divine, that all your problems get solved in that meditative moment.


If you are not meditating, you are not following meditation, then maybe your

light will go down. It won't give sufficient light. It's important, very

important to find out about yourself, about others in the meditation.


How to do meditation, many people ask. Don't do anything, just go into

thoughtless awareness. Try to go to the thoughtless awareness. If you can get

into that condition of thoughtless awareness, you can do your job because that's

the point where you are with the truth, with the reality, with the joy.


When you meditate try not to make some sort of a function out of it - no.

Meditation is something silent in yourself, silence in your thoughts and going

to that deep ocean which is within you, itself. But supposing you don't do that,

if you don't meditate I can make out immediately those who are meditating and

those who are not. It's not difficult for Me.


Those who do not meditate are always hesitating. They are confused. They can't

understand. And that's why meditation is the most important thing.


Just like a light burns with the electricity flowing in it, in the same way

meditation is a continuous availability of the Divine Force. that will reduce

all your agitations. Not only that, but it takes out all the negative thoughts.

It takes out all the discouraging things. And when you are meditating like that,

thoughtless awareness, then you will be amazed how you are helped from within

and without. It's a terrible power that works, this thoughtless awareness.


So those who do not meditate cannot go very much far with the advantage of Sahaj

Yoga. If you are in thoughtless awareness, what happens to you is that you get

the confidence, complete confidence of divinity. You know you have it.


Meditation will give you security.... it will give you are a real enlightenment

and a complete connection with the Divine. Without the connection of the Divine,

what's the use of doing Sahaj Yog?...


I've talked so much about meditation before, but today when I see all these

candles burning, I think they are all meditating. They are all in meditation and

that's how they're growing. In the same way, Sahaja Yogis who meditate, I know.

And those who don't, I know. And if they have problems, I know why the problems

are there.


It's very important to become thoughtlessly aware because then there are no

thoughts coming from the left or the right, from the [past] or the future. Just

in the present you are there. It's something you all have. It's not that I'm

saying that to you, but all of you have this, but steady yourself. You have to

steady yourself at thoughtless awareness. How long - that's not the point. The

point is once you've touched it, you'll go on touching it.... It is always

described in all the great books, but not so clearly as I am telling you.


Even for a second, if you get it, it's a very good idea. Then you go on

increasing that second. I think it's a reflecting mind. When you look at

something, you can become thoughtlessly aware and then your mind deflects to the

depth of what you see. That's how you all will become really very creative

Sahaja Yogis.


Many people are here who will say, 'Mother, we don't get that state.' Try. Try

that. I don't believe you cannot get it. All of you can get that thought that 'I

can get it.' And you will get it. In that, you don't have to discard anything,

you don't have to see anything, just go into meditation and you will be amazed

how it will work out. Of course, you are very much there, most of you, but

still, I would say, increase that thoughtless awareness, that area.


So today's message is that while you are meditating, go into thoughtless

awareness. No thought is important because it's your own creation. But if you

have to become one with the Divine creation, you have to get to that state of

thoughtless awareness, minimum of minimum. And that comes to you gradually if

you grow and you'll be amazed how you'll be able to grow into Sahaja Yoga in a

very big way.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Diwali Puja, November 2, 2002, Los Angeles, USA)

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