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Cool Breeze and Candle Flame

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Dear Sohniya,


That was a very interesting, delightful and unpremeditated experiment. These

experiences seem to happen spontaneously and when we least expect them. The Wind

of the Holy Spirit that flowed from your fingertips also blew the flame away

from you. This is a Sure Sign that you are " born of the Spirit " : - " The wind

blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it

comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit. "

(John 3:8)


Your experiment also reminds me that i have read from some eastern spiritual

teachings that persons who have the protection of the Divine... that fire will

not burn him... and soforth. i just do not have that info at my fingertips;

maybe someone else does. With your candle... for instance... it actually bent

away from you, because you had the Cool Breeze of the Holy Spirit flowing. It is

a microcosmic example of how a person actually might be protected... and fire

would not burn him.


i have also had some interesting spontaneous and unexpected experiences with the

flame of a candle, while in meditation. i have seen the flame grow higher and

higher... up to at least 7 inches or more... which i have never seen a normal

lighted candle do. i just looked in amazement as i never knew that the flame

from a mere candle could rise so high! It just seemed to stretch higher and

higher and higher. i also felt like the Spirit within me was in touch with the

Spirit within that flame. i got this feeling of... " Love Flowing To Me From the

Flame. " It felt like the flame and i were as one. This feeling i got many times

in meditation.


Once... i really desired to see the Spirit within that Flame that seemed to

exude so much love towards me... and much to my surprise and delight, it

revealed it's Self to me for just a few memorable seconds. What i saw was a

miniature figure of a human form in the lotus position who appeared to be in

meditation. This reminds me of the fact that Shri Mataji has taught that the

Spirit resides in all things created.


On the 29th of February, at Pandharpur, India... Shri Mataji stated that the

Spirit of a molecule or an atom... resides in the Nucleus of that molecule or

atom. She also stated that it is the " Spirit " that resides in a nucleus... which

is what controls that nucleus within the atom or molecule.


Here is what Shri Mataji said: -


" The nucleus inside every atom or molecule has the Spirit of that molecule. We

can say that the nucleus of a molecule and an atom is like a brain... but that

which controls the nucleus itself is the Spirit that resides within that

nucleus. "


(Extract from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in Pandharpur, India on the

29th Feburary, 1984.)




(P.S. i will post more on that interesting and informative " Extract from a talk

by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in Pandharpur, India soon)




" Nirvakalpa " <nirvakalpa wrote:


> Dear All,


> I had this experience sometime last year, and I thought I'd share

> it. It happened when I was meditating with candle and about to get

> up. My attention was drawn to the candle flame and I was admiring

> its beautifully glowing blue, yellow and orange hues, when I


> something. My left hand was near the candle flame, and the flame

> was " reacting " as if wind was blowing towards it from my fingers.


> For example, I someone were to blow gently towards a flame, the

> flame would " lean " in the opposite direction by the force of the


> blowing, in the same way, the flame was " leaning " in the opposite

> direction from my fingers. Intrigued, I drew my left hand back and

> the flame was steady again, and I looked at my fingers, but didn't

> see or feel anything different than usual. I put my hand towards

> the flame again and it started leaning in the opposite direction as

> if it were being blown by air from my fingers, and I moved my hand

> in circles around the flame and it kept moving in the opposite

> direction, and I got lost in this delightful play like a child,

> smiling and played with the flame for a while. It was probably for

> the first time in my life, I experienced, that I could keep my

> fingers completely near the flame and instead of burning my


> it would just go in the other direction.


> Then I wondered if I bought my hand close to the wick, if I would

> extinguish the flame completely, so that's what I did – I joined


> my finger tips and bought them completely on top of the wick and

> the flame was reduced to its blue core, on the verge of being

> extinguished. I drew my hand back and it was steady again with its

> blue, yellow, and orange hues.


> Till then I had experienced the vibrations and cool breeze all time

> generally and in meditation as my own feeling, and on my own

> senses. This was probably the first time I noticed something

> external like a candle flame reacting to the cool breeze. Since

> then, I've noticed this experience one more time while meditating,

> and, though, its caught me unawares.


> Jai Shri Mataji,

> Sohniya


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