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Paraclete will enlarge range and understandimng of Jesus' teaching to the world

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“The People of the " poor " — those who, humble and meek, rely solely

on their God’s mysterious plans, who await the justice, not of men

but of a Messiah — are in the end the great achievement of the Holy

Spirit’s hidden mission during the time of the promises that prepare

for Christ’s coming. It is this quality of heart, purified and

enlightened by the Spirit, which is expressed in the Psalms. In

these poor, the Spirit is making ready " a people prepared for the

Lord. " ”


J.C. Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church





“The proclamation of the Kingdom of God


543 Everyone is called to enter the kingdom. First announced to the

children of Israel, this messianic kingdom is intended to accept men

of all nations. [9] To enter it, one must first accept Jesus’ word:


The word of the Lord is compared to a seed which is sown in a field;

those who hear it with faith and are numbered among the little flock

of Christ have truly received the kingdom. Then, by its own power,

the seed sprouts and grows until the harvest. [1]. . .

(1. LG 5; cf. Mk 4:14, 26-29, Lk 12:32.)


546 Jesus’ invitation to enter his kingdom comes in the form of

parables, a characteristic feature of his teaching. [10] Through his

parables he invites people to the feast of the kingdom, but he also

asks for a radical choice: to gain the kingdom, one must give

everything. [11] Words are not enough; deeds are required.[12] The

parables are like mirrors for man: will he be hard soil or good

earth for the word?[13] What use has he made of the talents he has

received?[14] Jesus and the presence of the kingdom in this world

are secretly at the heart of the parables. One must enter the

kingdom, that is, become a disciple of Christ, in order to " know the

secrets of the kingdom of heaven. " [15] For those who stay " outside, "

everything seems enigmatic.[16]”


(9. Mt 26:28, 10. Cf. Mk 4:33-34, 11. Cf. Mt 13:44-45; 22:1-14, 12.

Cf. Mt 21:28-32, 13. Cf. Mt 13:3-9, 14. Cf. Mt 25:14-30, 15. Mt.

13:11, 16. Mk 4:11; cf. Mt 13:10-15.)


J.C. Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church





“This mission of the Paraclete, like that of Jesus Himself, is two-

sided; for to the world which has rejected Christ it brings

judgement. . . . This cannot take place until Jesus has been exalted



Dictionary of the Bible





Kingdom of God


" According to the New Testament, the central message of Jesus was

the kingdom of God. He called for repentance in preparation for the

kingdom that was " at hand. " The kingdom of God referred to the reign

or rule of God, and in Jesus' ministry that reign of God was

announced as present. The presence of the kingdom, however, was not

full and complete, and, therefore, was often referred to as a future

event. Students of the New Testament have argued over whether Jesus

and his followers expected the kingdom of God to be fully present in

their generation. The unresolved state of that debate is registered

in the two expressions often used to characterize the New Testament

teaching about the kingdom: " already " and " not yet.”


MSN Encarta Encyclopedia







Dear All,


As i said before, two thousands years Jesus tried to get His message

through. When He failed due to the priestly class in charge of the

masses and opposed to His mystical, esoteric and supraconscious

teachings of the Kingdom of God within, Jesus promised to send the

Comforter (Paraclete) who will bring humans to reminder about all

the things that the Savior wanted to preach. It is obvious that it

meant a future divine human personality who will have to spend years

amongst humans to achieve that objective. It is also obvious that

irrefutable evidence must be openly presented confirming both

identity and authenticity of the Comforter. This has been done!


Let me quote in order to elaborate:


" The Paraclete, " the one who is to come, " is mentioned in the Bible

in the Gospel of John. The term is used in two ways: First, the

author of the book uses it in reference to Christ's ministry on

Earth (both before and after his death) and second, Christ himself

uses the term to describe a mysterious figure that will be sent to

the disciples after his death to " be with them always. " ...


So why all of the variations upon one word that attempts to describe

a person? There is no individual expression for spirit in the

languages of the Bible. The idea was used symbolically with words

that are interpreted to mean literally wind and breath. In fact the

English word spirit is simply an Anglicized version of the Latin

word spiritus for breath. None of the prophets of Israel before the

exile attribute their vocation to the action of the spirit or even

have much to say about the spirit at all. It wasn't until Ezekiel

and the climax of his prophecy during his vision of the valley of

dry bones over which he was commanded to invoke the life giving

breath, or wind, or spirit of God. Ezekiel's hope is so radically

visualized that it becomes a key premise in later biblical

prophesies. Realizing that the renewal of God's people could only

come from God, the prophets began to seek a broad outpouring of his

spirit. While Ezekiel doesn't mention an anticipated messianic king

the rendering of this figure in the prophecy of Isaiah discloses

that he is to be the everlasting bearer of the spirit.


This prophetic hope passed down through the ages was clearly claimed

by Jesus in his sermon at Nazareth. He is not only the everlasting

bearer of the Holy Spirit but also the one who will dispense the

gift of the Holy Spirit to others. The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is

the third member of the Christian trinity, along with God the Father

and God the Son. There is a clear interval between the epiphany of

Jesus and the general distribution of the Holy Spirit. John relates

early on in his gospel that the gift of the spirit could not be

bestowed before Jesus was glorified or in other words, not before he

had completed his work. John utilizes the Paraclete sayings to

stress that the departure of Jesus, after his resurrection, must

take place first no matter how much it saddens the disciples.


There's little doubt that the word was used well before the Bible

and Qur'an were written. Before the author John collected them into

his Gospel the five sayings about the Paraclete were in all

probability a separate set of ideas. In the New Testament John

applies it directly to Jesus himself 13 and implies a likeness

between the Paraclete and Jesus when he writes that the coming of

the Paraclete will be the same as the coming of Jesus himself. In

addition to the chronological relationships, there are other

significant distinctions. The instructions of the Paraclete will be

focused on Jesus and his teaching. The Paraclete will enlarge the

range of Jesus' teaching to the world, as well as, press forward the

disciple's understanding of " the truth " which is equaled with Jesus.

The presence of the Paraclete will be permanent, in contrast to that

of Jesus, which had to be withdrawn and lastly the existence of the

Paraclete will be invisible and inward. Christian theologians

surmise that John was personifying the Holy Spirit on a level that

the people of his times would understand. Some scholars also

interpret this passage as an allusion to the return of Jesus to the

disciples after the Resurrection.


No matter what the essence is of the Paraclete or its exact

etymological orthography, there still remains the legacy of truth

that Jesus left behind him as an unfinished religion to be completed

and perfected by what Isaiah and John described, as well as Lou,

whose life was a living model of a true Paraclete. "







Paraclete. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English:




lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/ b-greek/1999-November/008316.html


The Holy Spirit in the Church - Scripture From Scratch:



Metzger, Bruce M., and Coogan, Michael D. The Oxford Companion To

The Bible. Oxford University Press, New York, 1993.p.288.



i have given evidence that WCASY members Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondhar

and their cronies like John Noyce, Ed Saugstad, Kuntal Sood, Raj and

others are actively engaged in preventing the Divine Message of the

Comforter from reaching SYs, and spread to all humanity. After two

thousand years the priestly class in charge of SYs are opposed to

the same mystical, esoteric and supraconscious teachings of Jesus

and the Kingdom of God within. It seems like déjà vu all over again.

This has been going on for years and now WCASY is actively engaged.

That is the reason i say a satanic negativity has overpowered WCASY

to prevent the unfinished teachings of the Savior from reaching the

common people, just as it happened two millennia ago. So who are

these council members and why are they repeating it?


It is extremely important to understand this:


" John relates early on in his gospel that the gift of the spirit

could not be bestowed before Jesus was glorified or in other words,

not before he had completed his work. John utilizes the Paraclete

sayings to stress that the departure of Jesus, after his

resurrection, must take place first no matter how much it saddens

the disciples. "


As the promised Paraclete, Shri Mataji has spent decades glorifying

Jesus, His Kingdom (Sahasrara) and message of the Last Judgment. The

gift of the spirit can now be bestowed since Jesus is glorified and

of far more significant, He has completed His work through the

Paraclete. That is why, without any exception or error of past

manifestations, the Spirit is ONLY NOW bestowed en masse on all who

are taking part in the Last Judgment. That is why ONLY NOW

participating humans are feeling the Wind of the (internal) Spirit,

the Wind of (internal) Resurrection.


Moreover, and this is extremely important to thoroughly understand,

the " Paraclete will enlarge the range of Jesus' teaching to the

world, as well as, press forward the disciple's understanding

of " the truth " which is equaled with Jesus. The presence of the

Paraclete will be permanent, in contrast to that of Jesus, which had

to be withdrawn and lastly the existence of the Paraclete will be

invisible and inward.... No matter what the essence is of the

Paraclete or its exact etymological orthography, there still remains

the legacy of truth that Jesus left behind him as an unfinished

religion to be completed and perfected " .


The above paragraph means that, beyond any shadow of doubt, the

following must manifest:


i) The Paraclete must enlarge the range of Jesus' teaching to the

world, which Shri Mataji clearly has;


ii) The Paraclete must press forward the disciple's understanding

of " the truth " which is equaled with Jesus, which again Shri Mataji

has fulfilled over three decades;


iii) The Paraclete must complete the Christian religion (as She has

done to Islam, and other religions too) so that the legacy of truth

that Jesus left behind him as an unfinished religion be completed

and perfected. Shri Mataji has brilliantly done so.


iv) The Paraclete must be SIMULTANEOUSLY both human and divine,

visible and invisible, outward and inward, temporary and permanent.

The www.adishakti.org gives incontrovertible evidence that Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi is also the incarnation of the Paraclete (Adi

Shakti) within, One and the same - both SIMULTANEOUSLY human and

divine, visible and invisible, outward and inward, temporary and

permanent. The present slow physical demise of Shri Mataji is but a

calm, serene prelude to awaken and enable all believers to begin

seeking the divine, invisible, inward and permanent Paraclete who

will be with them forever. (Please understand that " forever " is not

just in the Sahasarara within till physical death on Earth, but

" forever " as in the eternal afterlife.)


i quote a few of the Paraclete's numerous teachings over three

decades to enlarge the range and understandimng of Jesus' teaching

to the world:



“In between Jesus Christ and His destroying incarnation of

Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to

rectify themselves; for them to enter into the Kingdom of God which

in the Bible is called as Last Judgment — that you will be judged,

all of you will be judged on this Earth... This is the most

important times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is

fantastic to hear this but that’s the fact it is the Truth. "


Shri Cidagni-Kunda-sambhuta Devi


(Cidagni-Kunda-sambhuta [4th]: Born from the pit of the fire of

consciousness. The word ‘Agni’ denotes in Vedic literature ‘force’—

power or energy. She is the power of consciousness (Sokamayata)

manifested as ‘Will’ to create. . . . " Vidyayamrtamasnute " ; with

Vidya thou shalt become immortal. [This Vidya is the true knowledge

that takes the devotee to the highest state, the Brahma Pada itself

which is Herself.] This Vidya is the outcome of the fire of

consciousness or Cidagni which burns out ignorance i.e., death and

confers immortality.)





" So the nourishment comes to you from the Mother Earth represented

within you as the Holy Ghost; is the Power that is called as

Kundalini in the ancient times. It is the most ancient Knowledge of

our country . . .


It is placed in your sacrum bone and sacrum means sacred. The Greeks

knew the bone is sacred and has something sacred in it. Now this was

also known to Muhammad Sahib because he called it asas. In the Bible

it is described as the Tree of Life . . .


By this Power we become the Spirit that is described by Christ.

Christ didn't say that, " I am the Destination. " He said, " I'll send

you the Holy Ghost; I'll send you a Comforter; I'll send you a

Redeemer; I'll send you a Councilor. " He talked about the future. "


Shri Sarvamayi Devi


(Sarvamayi [203rd]: Immanent in all)





" He always talked about the future. He said you have to enter into

the Kingdom of God; Holy Ghost has to come.


He said that, " You have to get somebody who will counsel you; who

will redeem you; who will comfort you " and that is the Holy Ghost.


Of course He did not say it was a Lady because He thought that if I

say, " It's a Mother " , then they will be all towards His Mother to

attack Her. And He did not want to lose all the Drama of



So He didn't say that, " It was My Mother who is one of the Powers of

God " but He just kept quiet about it. "


Shri Brahma-janani Devi


(Brahma-janani [822nd & 823rd]: Brahma here means ‘Jagat’ or ‘Veda.’

She is its Mother. Or the name is divided into ‘Brahma’ and ‘Janani’

meaning the Ultimate and the Mother of all.)





" If we follow Him then we cannot be conditioned by anything because

He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned, conditioned

by anything. . . .


I am here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell,

and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All those things I am saying to



Shri Rajatkrpa Devi


(Rajatkrpa [687th]; Effulgent with kindness.)





" After Shri Krishna, Christ took the lead and talked about

spirituality. Even Abraham and Moses did not talk of it. They talked

about God but not spirituality. Till Christ came, nobody said that

you are to be born again.”


Shri Kundalini Devi


(Kundalini [110th]: She is coiled like a serpent. She is stated to

assume 31/2 coils — The form in which Sri-Lalita resides in each

individual in the potential state.)






So please introspect deeply and profoundly understand what is at

stake. We need more Violets, Kyyans and Chucks to spearhead the

enlargement of the range of Jesus' teaching to the world, as well as

press forward the disciple's understanding of " the truth " which is

equaled with Jesus. We need many more disciples unconditionally

dedicated to the Paraclete and Jesus, not WCASY. The truth and

teachings of the Paraclete are in direct contrast and confrontation

with that of WCASY. You just cannot serve both. So if you have to

go against, disagree or part with those who support WCASY or their

Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion, then regard it as a divine

blessing to re-establish the fearless faith in your heart absolutely

necessary for dedication to Truth and upholding of the Eternal

Dharma. Always remember Shri Krishna's directive to Arjuna!


Jai Shri Ganapathi!




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