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WCASY and SYs, do you who they are and why they can meet the Shakti within?

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Dear All,


i received an email that yet again confirms what i know to be the

real reason behind years of attack against my children:


" There was someone really nice who has been in SY for quite some

time that I spoke to about the forums, and I wanted to know what

this person thought of Jagbir's forum, and about there being no link

to it on the official website. This person told me that Jagbir's

children have high vibrations, and that people are very jealous. I

think that there are a lot of people who do appreciate and

understand what Jagbir is doing. Jealousy is behind a lot of

behaviour that hurts people. " (end)


i just want to ask WCASY and SYs, would you have labelled them

possessed and demonic if they were your children? Have any of you

any idea how critical is their testimony to advance Shri Mataji's

Divine Message? Do you really know who they really are and why they

have been chosen to bear witness to the Adi Shakti? Do you know who

the Qur'an demands must accompany the Spirit who declares the

Resurrection? Does my previous post given you the common sense and

caution to cease and desist in your attacks?


Paraclete will enlarge range and understandimng of Jesus' teaching




So let me tell you a bit more of what is recorded in the 2200-paged


jealous and against the children/websites/forum/book that there is

no power on Earth to suppress the Truth of the Adi Shakti, and the

more you fight it the stronger it will get:



" Now You Have Entered Into The Kingdom Of God "


It was out of unrestrained Joy and Bliss brought by the knowledge of

their identities and the priceless boons of the Great Spiritual

Mother that this news was poured out. There was just innocence in

the hearts of Kash's parents for only fools would be proud of such

divine blessings. It was thought that all humankind could share and

rejoice in these Celestial Gifts and be filled with Hope, Vision and

Joy. Millions of spiritual seekers were waiting in eager

anticipation, convinced that the Conscious Universe is on the brink

of bestowing supreme enlightenment on the human species. They had

the right to know what had transpired and judge the Truth of SHRI

ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD with their own heart, mind and soul.


This Good News of the birth of angels and the existence of His

Kingdom was told to some Sahaja Yogis, and there were great

expectations of collective bliss. After all it was the Great Adi

Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Herself, who had made such miracles

possible and presented irrefutable evidence to the human race that

the Creator, His Kingdom and angels does exist.


However, that was not to be. The initial attempts in 1994,

undertaken with only a genuine desire to advance the Truth, met with

adverse reaction even from childhood friends. To all of them it was

an outrageous assertion and the work of evil spirits. The strongest

opposition came from the 'senior' Sahaja Yogis who denounced it

outright. The chorus of negativity kept on swelling like mighty

tidal waves, cresting, and crashing down relentlessly to subdue and

silence the Truth. In the end the whole family became spiritual

outcasts for daring to utter a Truth so radical that even the most

enlightened Sahaja Yogi rejected it. They were the first heretics of

the New Millennium, ridiculed by each and every soul to whom the

father spoke.


Kash's mother was the most affected and just wanted no one be told

of her son's experiences anymore. She began to insist that whatever

the Great Divine Feminine was revealing were solely for the family

to realize and attain liberation. It was not to be told to anyone

else, not even the devotees of the Great Adi Shakti. However, his

father felt otherwise. Such priceless Knowledge could never be just

for his selfish use but the benefit of the Human Family.


Unknown to all, the very Truth that Kash witnessed is so explosive

that the Qur'an prophesied 1,400 years ago it will rock the whole

world during the Resurrection! That was precisely what was

happening. Even Sahaja Yogis who knew that the Resurrection was

taking place refused to believe what they were hearing. This

eruption of Truth was too astounding and far-fetched, even for the

very messengers of Resurrection!


" Now you have entered into the Kingdom of God. And once you are

there then automatically, as the citizens of God's Kingdom, you are

blessed and as you become the Lotuses. Then you start spreading your

fragrance all around. Now you do not keep this Joy to yourself but

you become generous about it, and you go all out to give it to

others. Generosity at another level, at a lower level, is

transformed into this Universal Love. Whatever you gain, whatever

Joy, satisfaction, vibrations, knowledge all that, you want to give

it to others. You want to spread it because now you got the Reality

and you don't want to keep it to yourself. You think it is very

important that everyone in the world should know about Reality. "


Shri Udyad-bhanu-sahasrabha Shri Nirmala Devi

Shri Laxshmi, Diwali Puja, Romania — October 25, 1992


But then:


* How was it possible for him, just meditating in Montreal, Canada,

to identify that Shri Antarmukha-samaradhya Shri Nirmala Devi is

the One in his Thousand Petal Lotus; not as the plus 70-year-old

corporeal form that all humans were seeing on Earth, but as the

internal, eternal, extremely beautiful 30-35 year-old Shri Lalita?


* How was it possible for him to irrefutably confirm that whatever

Shri Nitya-yauvana Shri Nirmala Devi was telling humans was the

Truth, though he never talked to HER physical form as Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi even once?


* How was it possible for him to describe in great detail and

accuracy of the Kingdom of God and their Heavenly Hosts, something

absolutely beyond even the most enlightened dalai lama, pope or



Antarmukha-samaradhya (870th): Can be worshipped only by those with

inner vision or introspection.


Nitya-yauvana (430th): Ever young, untouched by time as it is Her




The First Permission In The Sahasrara


Kash's father knew that such an unprecedented opportunity for all

humanity to examine and validate the Truth of God almighty might not

come again. In his mind he was convinced that he had to perform his

duty even if everybody — his parents, friends, relatives, and fellow

Sahaja Yogis — ridiculed, criticized, or ostracized him. " Some have

said that no answer can be found to the mystery, for humans have

created it and no suprahuman or supernatural answer exists. " This

centuries-old dilemma that had allowed religious regimes to

conjecture contradicting dogma could now be solved.


Kash's father became resolute. He reiterated that he would announce

this Ultimate Reality, given the vast weight of unquestionable

evidence, no matter how ridiculous others thought of his claims. It

was imperative that he did so and allow the entire human race and

history to judge him, and not a few skeptical individuals. He knew

that " there are more than half a billion New Age advocates on the

planet at this time, working among various religious groups, "

waiting for the first glimmer of Light that the dawning of the Age

of Aquarius had predicted to bring, where " no one is ruled or ruler,

where no promise of Heaven offers us false compensation for our

present pain, but where we tend together the earth's living,

fruitful flesh. " These Revelations, precisely for these type of New

Age seekers who rejected the authoritarian, suppressive religious

institutions, would free humanity from their suffocating custody and

allow every individual to seek their spiritual union with the

Supreme Spirit within, transforming them in the process into the new

race destined to heal all nations. These Truths had to be told no

matter what the consequences. It was a moral duty that any

conscientious human would most willingly do.


In the end, after weeks of disturbance in the family, there was a

compromise. The father agreed to maintain silence and let things

take their course, as required by his spouse, provided he be allowed

to question Kash in detail and record all of his mystical

experiences. He would then wait for the appropriate time to release

them for the benefit of others.


On April 2, 1995, at 11:20 a.m. Kash was told to obtain permission

from the Great Universal Mother to reveal the Truth. He meditated

and emerged through the clouds into the Land of Eternal Life. The

Primal Light shone ever so brightly from above as the Holy Spirit of

God sat in Bliss and Joy. After bowing down and exchanging

greetings, he asked the Great Mater Purissima (Purest Mother) if She

would grant permission. She gave Her blessings with a reminder that

this intuitive Knowledge was especially for Her devotees.


It was at this point that the actual compilation of his spiritual

journeys began in earnest. Kash was questioned practically every

day, sometimes repeatedly, to clarify and confirm what he saw,

heard, thought, spoke, smelled, touched, and tasted. Often questions

were asked suddenly when he least expected just to get him off-guard

to confirm consistency. All answers came with a calm and nonchalant

attitude, without contradiction.


However, the adverse reactions from almost all quarters regarding

the experiences of Kash experiences were disturbing. After a few

months of writing his father began deleting evidence of Kash and

Lalita's spiritual identities. To officially reveal to the Sahaja

Yogis that they were indeed angels would only make matters worse.

This assertion would be regarded as blatant self-advertisement, a

shameless bid for grandiose fame. It would be better for everyone if

such a preposterous claim be withdrawn. Kash's spiritual abilities

could be ascribed to him being just a jivanmukti, a liberated soul.

Lalita could be briefly mentioned as the fulfillment of the Adi

Shakti's promise to Kash that his wish for a sister would come true.


The Five Divine Days


On December 27, 1995, at about 4:30 p.m. preparations to perform

Christmas Puja were in progress. The house was dusted, vacuumed and

mopped, the altar decorated with flowers and offerings, eating

utensils washed, dried and arranged, and food for Sahaja Yogis laid

on the dining table. Christmas carols uplifted the spirits, and made

work light.


Kash was alone in his room, deep in meditation. Shri Adhiparasakthi

Shri Nirmala Devi spoke to him for about 10 minutes, inquiring about

his state of mind. Kash told the Great Primordial Guru that he was

still not ready spiritually. She replied that this was normal and he

should lead an ordinary life, and that this book was not be

published yet.


The Great Devi then revealed to him that there were five special

occasions, among his hundreds of encounters with Her in his

Sahasrara, that SHE appeared in Her actual form of Adi Shakti and

not as Mahamaya (Illusion.) By this She meant that Kash witnessed

Her purest Being only five times, a Reality beyond the Sahasrara!

Few people understand the immensity of this Revelation. We can only

say that it is extremely difficult to see Her illusionary form in

the Sahasrara, but not beyond. But why did She have to stoop to

allow Her genuine Self to be revealed to a mere child? Maybe She had

to for the sake of Truth as there will always be narrow-minded

humans who will argue that She appeared as Mahamaya, not Adi Shakti,

and had fooled both father and son. SHE had foreseen various

obstacles and provided against this human vanity, leaving no room

for future doubt or dissent.


The five occasions were:


i) The very first day he saw HER. This was on the Diwali of November

1993, the Hindu New Year.


ii) The day he came to request from HER for a baby sister. This day

is unknown as Kash had done it on his own initiative, without

informing anyone.


iii) April 3, 1994, the day SHE revealed that Lalita, born on the

Christian holy day of Easter Sunday (April 3, 1994), was an angel.


iv) April 18, 1994, the day SHE revealed that Kash, born on the

Muslim holy day of Id Al-Adha (October 19, 1980), was an angel.


v) July 26, 1995, the day SHE revealed that they had completed their

Job on this Earth and ended his mystical journeys into his own




“This Is The First Time In History . . .”


Actually this was the fourth time that their identities were

emphasized. The Great Holy Spirit had previously confirmed their

identities on April 3rd, 23rd, and again on Sept. 8th, 1994, when

during meditation SHE told Kash:


“This is the first time in history that there are two angels in one



Shri Ksipra-prasadini Shri Nirmala Devi

Montreal, Canada — September 8, 1994


Ksipra-prasadini (869th): Who showers Her Grace on Her devotees very

quickly. " (end)



Despite all my effort and desire, for years i have been unable to

begin and complete the remaining 20% of the website that is the

jewel in the crown. i know is is because of the intense jealousy and

negativity from SYs and WCASY. Sooner or later this last remaining

obstacle will be removed by HER. i will just have to wait till that

is accomplished. Time is on my side.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,




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