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Comforter's commencement of Jesus' Last Judgment is the historical good news for which people have been waiting for centuries.

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> " After Shri Krishna, Christ took the lead and talked about

> spirituality. Even Abraham and Moses did not talk of it. They

> talked about God but not spirituality. Till Christ came, nobody

> said that you are to be born again. "


> Shri Kundalini Devi


> (Kundalini [110th]: She is coiled like a serpent. She is stated to

> assume 31/2 coils — The form in which Sri-Lalita resides in each

> individual in the potential state.)





" So why all of the variations upon one word that attempts to describe

a person? There is no individual expression for spirit in the

languages of the Bible. The idea was used symbolically with words

that are interpreted to mean literally wind and breath. In fact the

English word spirit is simply an Anglicized version of the Latin

word spiritus for breath. None of the prophets of Israel before the

exile attribute their vocation to the action of the spirit or even

have much to say about the spirit at all. It wasn't until Ezekiel

and the climax of his prophecy during his vision of the valley of

dry bones over which he was commanded to invoke the life giving

breath, or wind, or spirit of God. Ezekiel's hope is so radically

visualized that it becomes a key premise in later biblical

prophesies. Realizing that the renewal of God's people could only

come from God, the prophets began to seek a broad outpouring of his

spirit. While Ezekiel doesn't mention an anticipated messianic king

the rendering of this figure in the prophecy of Isaiah discloses

that he is to be the everlasting bearer of the spirit. "






Dear Kyyan,


Thank you for your honesty. I have been studying Shri Mataji for a

year now and have been meditating within and seeking all answers

from within since that time. I have never met anyone else in Sahja

Yoga in person. I do not use any external means to seek the divine

who is within me. I read and received realization from over the

internet. I began to realize what it meant for me to become my

Spirit as that is who I am. I also understand what she meant when

she explains, I am my own master. I have my own spiritual journey to

go through, no one else can do this for me. I seek foremost and

first of all things to become myself which is the Spirit. The Spirit

which I seek has no understanding of emotions or feelings but only

to become in union with God the Creator. That is the state in which

I understand when Shri Mataji explains as thoughtless awareness.

That is where I want to be and the only way for me to achieve this

is from within. The cool breeze is the proof that I am participating

in the final days of judgement and she is the comfortor sent here to

give everyone this realization.


I beleive we are going through a very great change which is

comencing as I write this. Our vibrational levels must rise as we go

through these final days of judgement. Shri Mataji has helped me

understand this as this is only possible by becoming myself which is

my Spirit.


I believe you also understand this and you are speaking out this

truth and I greatly commend you for this. It is people like you who

will spread the true meaning of Sahja Yoga which is Union with God.

By your honesty you will help others understand this also and I

truly admire you for this.


Thank you so much Kyyan for your honesty and seeking the truth which

is within you.








" Thereafter, at the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no discussion

on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints

and honoured gentlemen . . . at that time the Lord will appear as

the Supreme Chastiser. "


Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Ch. 7 Text 38

(A.C. B. Swami Prabhupada, Srimad Bhagavatam, BTT, 1987, p. 422.)



" When the Work will be finished, when We will see that there is no

more chance of having any more people in this line, Kalki will come

down. Let us see how many will come in but there is also a limit of

that . . . So be very careful. Be very, very careful. Today is the

Day of Warning you because you have asked Me to talk about Kalki. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — Sep. 28, 1979



" Shri Kalki is the Redeemer and the Destroyer, the White Rider of

the Christian and Hindu eschatologies, His Coming is actualised by

Sahaja Yoga's implementation of collective consciousness on

earth . . .The Rider is the Destroyer. That was made perfectly clear

in the Gospels and the Kalki Purana. When He will come, He will

neither argue or listen, neither save nor forgive. We should clearly

understand one thing: HH Mataji is the Saviour because She is the

compassionate One to grant us emancipation before the coming of Shri

Kalki. She is the Comforter that Christ has promised. Therefore, all

our attention should be on Her, on the Now, and on self-realsation

that She grants. Shri Kalki is not to be expected now. We are not

ready for Him. He is the beloved and most obedient Son of HH Mataji.

He listens to Her and delays His coming because the Divine Mother

wants us to get our realisation first. "


Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent




" And (Jesus) will be A Sign (for the coming Of) the Hour (of

Judgement): Therefore have no doubt About the (Hour), but Follow ye

Me: this Is a Straight Path. "


surah 43:61-2 Al Zukhruf (The Gold Adornments)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)





" A world of peace and security in which abundance will replace

poverty and justice will prevail instead of cruelty, conflict, and

tension - this is the longing of humanity. Due to all of the

twentieth century's misery and pain, not to mention the ongoing

problems all over the world today, this longing has become even more

intense. A great majority of people desperately hope for a helping

hand and wait for a savior who will save them from this misery, a

person who will eliminate the negativite elements of the current

system; ensure justice, peace, and security; and guide people to the

truth and all that is good.


Everyone is waiting for this salvation: the needy who wait for an

extended hand; the well-off who are in pain because of spiritual

distress; and those who long for justice, order, peace, and moral

excellence. By God's Will, this event may be very near. The

developments that we see all around us today are the signs

indicating the closeness of this salvation.


The great event that will be a means of humanity's salvation is the

second coming of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). His return to

Earth, a belief held by both Christians and Muslims, will end this

world's all-pervasive cruelty and injustice and transform it into a

place of peace, abundance, and justice.


According to the Qur'an, approximately 2,000 years ago God thwarted

the unbelievers' plots to murder Prophet Jesus (pbuh) by raising him

up to Himself. The Qur'an and the related hadiths (sayings of the

Prophet Mohammed (may God bless him and grant him peace) tell us

that he will come back to Earth again in the End Times, the times

preceding the Day of Judgment.


In this book, we will examine the signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh)

second coming from the Islamic sources and how the signs that they

provide have come true one by one. People witnessing these signs

may, by God's Will, hope that his return is close.


But before this, we need to emphasize that the world is also getting

sociologically prepared for such a great event. As we mentioned

earlier, the chain of events through which humanity has passed

during the last two centuries has, both covertly and overtly, raised

the expectation of a savior in the minds of people all over the

world. People have increasingly seen that materialistic ideologies

and lifestyles cannot save humanity; rather, they lead humanity

closer to disaster and emptiness. This situation has caused many

people to turn to the morality of religion.


Meanwhile, some secular researchers, scholars, or historians who

analyze these developments also think that the world is searching

for a Messiah and that this pursuit will deliver substantial

results. For instance, Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry

Lincoln, the British researchers who have received worldwide

attention with their book Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Dell: 1983), wrote

another book, The Messianic Legacy (Dell: 1989), in which they

examined Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and this expectation. In their book,

they make the following comment:


Different as our modern world may be from the world of two thousand

years ago, it is astonishing how much our own epoch has in common

with what Jesus and his contemporaries regarded as the Last Times.

We may, today, be technologically more adept and endowed with

considerably more knowledge. But, regrettably, we do not appear to

be any wiser, any more intelligent… We are once again living through

an acute crisis of meaning, an uncertainty about our direction and

our goals. The various systems, programmes and ideologies which,

less than a century ago, seemed to promise so much have all, to one

degree or another, proved hollow. As in Jesus's time, there is a

pervasive awareness that something is disastrously wrong. Each new

terrorist outrage, each new air crash, each new natural disaster

produces a frisson of panic. The profound and rapid changes in our

civilisation, the dissatisfaction with our systems of government,

the increase use of indiscriminate murder and terrorism as a means

of political protest - all have fostered a sense of general

collapse, a wholesale disintegration of values. Society feels

itself 'held to ransom'… And, disillusioned by materialism's failure

to answer the question, we seek, as in Jesus's time, a response in

another dimension - a spiritual one.1


The authors add the following:


As in Jesus's time, we live, quite palpably, in the shadow of an

impending apocalyptic event… We are all helpless hostages to a

reality we no longer fully control… And beneath the general anxiety,

the maddening sense of impotence, the disillusionment with inept or

irresponsible politicians, there is a profound longing for a genuine

spiritual leader… who will understand, will take charge and -

without of course violating established democratic freedoms - assume

the role of guide, conferring meaning once again on lives which have

grown increasingly empty.2


These authors, who make this important social analysis, arrive at a

conclusion for the twenty-first century: The return of Prophet Jesus

(pbuh) is also being prepared for in the sociological sense.


And yet our age appears determined to embrace on another form of

Messianic myth in order to obtain a sense of meaning.3


It is no coincidence that this sociological infrastructure has been

established at a time when the signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) second

coming appear one after another. The hadith literature provides us

with a detailed account of these signs. In addition, the signs of

this event as revealed in the New Testament have parallels with

those stated in the hadiths. The great majority of these signs have

come true in our day, one after other and within the same period.

That so many signs have come true in such a manner indicate the

closeness of Jesus' second coming. While reading this book, you will

also begin to realize this fact.


Keep in mind that, every portent examined in this book is a reminder

that we are living in a blessed period. This historical good news,

for which people have been waiting for centuries, is, by God's Will,

about to come true. This is a great source of zeal and excitement

for all believers. "





1. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln, The Messianic

Legacy (London: Gorgi Books, 1991), 171-72.

2. Ibid., 172.

3. Ibid., 451.

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