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So John... you do spy and report on Sahaja Yogis!!!

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Dear All,


It seems that the religious leaders who really love to dominate and be in charge

also do not want others to possess what they themselves lack. i am talking about

the mystical experience.


'Our John' has a most avid fascination with the mystical experiences of the

saints of the past (meaning those who have already died and gone to heaven). He

has gathered information about these for Sahaja Yogis to read and enjoy. You

could say that he has kind of put himself in charge of the Mystical Department

of Sahaja Yoga.


Yet... " most curiously " ... his avid fascination does not extend itself to the

mystical experiences of Kash, Arwinder, and Lalita (well not in the positive

sense, anyway)... because at every turn he has basically 'pooh-poohed' their

mystical experiences. Once... when i made reference to it on this forum... he

warned me off with a personal email. That is how i know this.)


Since John is so interested in mystical experiences, i wonder if he has ever had

one himself. Mystical experiences are really just " inner knowing " or " gnosis " .

It is a knowledge that is given from within by our Spirit. Shri Mataji has said

that Sahaja Yoga is a gnostic experience... a " within " experience. So... how can

John make that judgment about Kash, Arwinder and Lalita... when he was not

there. What makes John an expert in this field? Not unless he has had a mystical

experience himself, can he have any real knowledge of such things.


So... when John is " pooh-poohing " these Sahaja Yogis, who are giving evidence

through that... that Shri Mataji on Earth is the Incarnation of the Adi

Shakti/Holy Spirit/Comforter... it is a grave error he is committing to 'knock'

that mystical experience. It is okay if he disbelieves it himself but he did not

leave it 'at that'. He has gone to extreme lengths to make sure that all Sahaja

Yogis will also disbelieve... what " he " cannot accept is possible.


He does not even want anyone to read about these and judge for themselves. That

is the thing. He does not agree with it, and has correspondingly kind of made

himself a judge, jury, and executioner, with a well-organised and worldwide

murmuring campaign against these innocent Sahaja Yogis. (Of course... if you are

only following orders from higher up, John... we will be happy to have your

evidence). In that case you are still following the `blind leaders of the blind'

though. I could really envision a much better role for you, dear John. You have

many organisational talents and they could be used for positive purposes of

promotion rather than this 'negative non-promotion' of the Holy Spirit within

the Sahasrara.


John has also been instrumental in preventing knowledge of this forum and

Jagbir's websites. As already stated... these websites are based upon the

mystical experiences of children. (It is obvious that this has happened through

children, because children are usually more innocent than adults, and I believe

it was not expected that children would be as likely to be disbelieved, because

children tend to be most truthful; even embarrassing their parents with their

truthfulness at times.) Therefore, you should have allowed SY's to have the

benefit that you had, John... and that was for them to decide for themselves and

judge for themselves... whether 'what Kash, Arwinder and Lalita have contributed

to Sahaja Yoga'... is beautiful and beneficial... or whether it is not. We on

this forum know it is beautiful and beneficial, although you do not know this.

Sahaja Yogis do have the spiritual vibrations and intuition to decipher these

things for themselves, you know. Why are you then trying to do this for them?

That is not your job!


Of course... if SY's succumb to your dominating opinion (and those of other

dominating Sahaja Yogis) who have gained power administratively and therefore

can dictate these opinion as " Gospel Truth " to be accepted by others... 'hook,

line, and sinker'... well then... that is obviously an " organisational tragedy

and travesty of spiritual justice " of major proportions, especially when Shri

Mataji is revealing something that is vital to know. It is persons like your

self who have been instrumental in this.


This is not going to continue. We have now set up this Information Department,

so that yogis can be warned, once they find us. Many things will become

comprehensible to them once they read what is written on these forums. Readers

of this forum agree that what we write on this forum... is true. When they are

not sure... like Kyyan, they find out for themselves, and are surprised that

what we write... " is truth " . You see you just cannot run away from the Truth of

Shri Mataji and the truth that surrounds each one of us. You cannot suppress,

gag, and dominate Sahaja Yogis. It will not work... in the long run. You will

not be successful at the end of the day in what you are doing... for whatever

motive you are doing it.


I also think that you have been a little bit greedy and selfish, too, John...

when you have been on this forum for so long and imbibed the spiritual

nourishment for yourself... yet prevented others from enjoying the same.

(Remember... when we talked on the telephone, and you told me you were on the

forum not for the purpose of `keeping an eye on us'?) I " know " you enjoyed being

there! We are brothers and sisters and that is why you enjoyed being there. Lets

face it. You actually do like us, which is why you could also called Jagbir

'Jagbirji' at times.


With the fact that i have seen you write " Jagbirji " on occasion... which is a

term of affection or endearment, i have something to say. How can you... on the

one hand address him affectionately as " Jagbirji " ... and on the other hand work

against his work for Shri Mataji? Especially, when you are doing one thing

upfront, and the other thing behind his back? You seem to be in a double mind or

double identity or something like that. Your words and your actions just don't

gel. Two and Two are just not making " Four " .


And what about all those multiple I.D.'s? Why did you need so many of them? What

was their purpose? You have definitely led a most interesting and secretive

double Sahaj Life... I must say! You even had me 'going a bit' with that

" Rkarya " I.D. (or something like that, anyway)... on the Shri Adi Shakti Forum

which is not operational anymore. i really thought you were some Academic

Professor and i was going to get in trouble for publishing that beautiful

" Mother of the Millennium " piece that i got from the Sahaja Yoga Newsletter...

which i think you were responsible for getting there in the first place. And

then you played a 'cat and mouse' game with me, and i did not know you were John

Noyce. That was funny. i kind of enjoyed that... i guess. Except when you know

who i am, but i don't know who you are... it is not really a level 'playing

field'... is it?!


Anyway... going back to 1999 in Burwood, Sydney... I just want it known that the

very fact that Jagbir's information was published in the Australian Newsletter

meant that Sahaja Yogis felt no bad vibrations regarding Jagbir and accepted his

lovely contributions as loving brothers and sisters do. So here is an excerpt

from the Australian Newsletter on 10 December 1999, where Jagbir shares with

Sahaja Yogis. (It is obvious that at this time... that John Noyce, Ed Saugstaad

and Alan Wherry had not yet taken charge of the Mystical Department of Sahaja

Yoga, but most probably were making plans to do so, including John making a

substitute 'Mystical Experiences of

Past Saints' information available to the rank and file SY's. I am not saying

this was consciously done, but it happened... nonetheless. So here is the

excerpt that I have taken from the Australian Sahaja Newsletter from Burwood,

Sydney in 1999. (i did not know who Jagbir was then.): -



(Excerpt – Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 10 December, 1999)


Dear Sahaja Yogis,


Jai Shri Mataji!


Our American leader Manoj at the Virata Puja, Cabella, gave Shri Mataji the text

of this book. She was very pleased and said that it will help to spread Sahaja

Yoga. We have now Her blessings for its publishing, which is already in

progress, and a limited number of copies may be available by the end of

December. We are thus offering this spiritual research over the Internet to all

the devotees of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi for a collective examination since it

will take quite a while for everyone to have their own copies.


For those with access to the internet, the address online is

http://www.afreehome.com/adishakti/book.html (not current email



SHRI ADI SHAKTI: THE KINGDOM OF GOD is based on actual events, and every single

one of its 2,200 pages validates the Truth that our Great Divine Mother Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi has manifested on Earth. It is imperative that all Sahaja

Yogis receive this book online simultaneously, before the New Millennium begins,

so that they may be able to grasp the subtle working of the Paramchaitanya over

the past six years. May all our brothers and sisters in Sahaja Yoga bear witness

to this Truth as the Millennium of Light sheds its first faint ray. (Please

check the fulfilment of 37 major prophecies from pages 296-383).





The Dawn of the Divine Millennium



And the Arrival of the Kingdom of God



The Morning of the Spiritual Monsoon



Lord Jesus Christ, The Universal Saviour

The Antichrist And The Prince of Carnal Life

The Book of Revelation



Shri Buddha, The Awakened One

The Tao of Shri Tao-Tzu

The Aykaa Mayee of Guru Nanak



Prophet Muhammad, The Messenger of God

The Holy Qur'an, Revelation Par Excellence

The Sure Signs of Allah

The Good News of Qiyamah

Iblis The Great Deceiver



The Missing Years

The New Age Pimps

The Prophecies of Nostradamus


" Once this book is out all over the world, it will be known about our Work.

We'll not be challenged any more. But still we have to see for ourselves, that

if we have this kind of recognition or not... our capabilities should be up to

that. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

You Must Develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja

Cabella, Italy – May 21, 1998



Welcome to the Millennium of the Spirit, the Millennium of the Great Adi Shakti

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth.


Jagbir Singh



Things went wrong somehow... though. i don't know what year it was but I heard

murmurings and rumours in Burwood Ashram by only " certain yogis " that this

" Jagbir fellow " had a `bit of an ego'. Also... there was mention made about

fighting some anti-Sahaja Yogis, and somehow 'this Jagbir fellow' was involved

too, but " they " were saying that they wanted John to take charge over Jagbir.

(At that time, i knew nothing; i was an 'innocent' in Sahaj Politics).


Then John Noyce was somehow brought forward to be the Advance Guard for Sahaja

Yogis. He would fight all the negativity of the anti-Sahaja Yogis and he was

given the `green light' to use whatever methods he could to put a stop to their

negative attacks. This forum is inactive today. Somehow, though... in all this

`millieu'... Jagbir, Kash, Arwinder and Lalita also became the `bad guys' of

Sahaja Yoga instead of the 'good guys' (which they really are).


One thing I do know about John, and this is that he has a bad Right Vishuddhi

catch. This has been reported to me by other yogis, and i have felt it from John

myself... especially when i was a victim of his 'Kyyan treatment'...(the

" Inquisition Treatment " )... Jagbir calls it. There are an increasing number of

Sahaja Yogis now John... who are rising up and putting a stop to what you are

doing. We reckon that transparency and truth will do the job, rather than hiding

behind various I.D.'s as you have been doing.


So now i have come to the real reason for this email, and it is a message to

John: -


" John when I asked you over the telephone if you are on this forum to keep an

eye on Sahaja Yogis, you laughed at me and denied it. Now... Kyyan has provided

evidence and therefore proof that you have been doing that all along. You have

done it to me too, John. How could you do this? Don't you know that you are

torturing and persecuting your brother and sister Sahaja Yogis? i love your

" real you... your Spirit " , but i do not like nor approve of your actions. i am

asking you as a Sahaj Sister to please!... " in the Name of God Almighty " ... stop

these wrong actions of yours. These actions are not good for you or anyone else.

They achieve absolutely nothing at all, and only cause problems. It will

definitely not be good for your spiritual ascent to continue in this manner (and

i mean this most sincerely and send you my Sahaja love, and i know this love is

not a particularly pleasant form of it... but i do care and i do hope that you

will see that your actions are wrong, and change them. That would make me very

happy. You can be a part of us here again, if you change your ways. We forgive

you. You do have a beauty in your Spirit. Please strive for that, and forget

everything else.)


love and best wishes to all,



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