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Wonderful visions of our Golden Millennium...

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Dear All,


Prophecies have been foretold about our Time, which is actually the " Last

Judgment and Resurrection Time " . Ultimately... the identity of who told it is

not as important as the " telling of it " ... in itself. People can judge for

themselves whether the prophesied events come true or not... whether that

prophet is a true prophet... or not. (Of course, if a prophet makes a warning

for people to change their ways... or else... and the people " do listen " , then

the prophecy may not come true... of the calamity to come, because the people

turned to God, and therefore that changed things. Some prophesies are like that

(for warning) so hopefully any 'not really nice' prophesies actually do not come



The purpose of a prophet's prophecies is to tell the Truth and to pass this on

to humanity for their information, warning and edification. It most often

involves important information being passed on in regards to future events that

will have a great impact on the people to whom the prophecy is given. There were

many such prophets of the Truth in the Bible... such as Isaiah, Jeremiah,

Zechariah, and Ezekiel and Daniel, too.


We are living in the millennium that the prophet (mentioned below) predicted

about in his prophecies. I would say that this prophet's prophecies are pretty

well coming true. Also... when the Dark Side confiscates those prophecies, and

puts the prophet in a jail (gulag)... you can pretty well guess that what he

told was the Truth, which the Dark Side always tries to hide, of course...

because they do not want people to be spiritually liberated; they want to

maintain the 'masses' under their domination and control.


Yes... we " are " having a worldwide spiritual evolution in human consciousness,

whereby... through the Light of the Spirit... the rise of the feminine qualities

of the Spirit are awakening in the consciousness of human beings. Also... a

Woman… " Who " is the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit/Comforter " has come " to

Earth. Sahaja Yogis know all about Her. Not only has She given Her Teachings of

Comfort, but She has also given us the sweetness of a Most Divine and Loving



I can say... without any doubt whatsoever... that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

the " Mother of the Millennium " that this prophet was talking about. Kash,

Arwinder, and Lalita have given the evidence and proof of the Veracity of Her

Incarnation as the Hindu Adi Shakti, the Christian Holy Spirit/Comforter, the

Buddhist Mai Treya, the Sikh Aykaa Mayee, the Jewish Shekinah, the Islamic Ruh

of Allah and the Taoist Great Mother. Astrologers have also confirmed it.


We " are " having our Second Birth of the Spirit around the world. It is known by

some as the " second birth " , by others as " self-realisation " , by others as

" salvation or moksha " , and by others as " collective consciousness " (only the

terminology differs but they refer to the same spiritual experience).


Yes... humanity is embracing the Spirit and rising up to transform the barbarity

and tyranny of the past with the spiritual qualities of the sweetness of the

Mother/Holy Spirit Within. Many realised souls are also involved in making

changes in the spheres of religion, politics, economics, law... in fact, in each

and every aspect of society. It is Man, who through the " Spirit possessing the

mass of men " as this prophet says... that the world will be spiritually

transformed into a Golden Age that is entering within ourselves, and therefore

being reflected outside (externally) as well. It always comes from the Inner

Grace of the Spirit to the world-at-large.


Many people are already concerning themselves with renewing the Earth also, and

are putting full efforts into that. Diseases are being cured through the

Spiritual Enlightenment of human beings. We have had the wars and the fires. We

have had the terrible Twin Towers calamity, (which this prophet startlingly

appears to refer to in the words): " All this will arise from the ashes of the

burnt towers of Babel " . And yes... a strong hand is needed to set everything in

place to make our Earth free from the tyranny that has beset it for so long.


Of course we all have to do our part in whichever way we find a hand to help by

passing on the Light of the Spirit in whatever endeavour we take. We must also

remember that not only do we have the help of the Adi Shakti Within (the Holy

Spirit within), but we also have the help of all the angels and the heavenly

hosts of God Almighty. I think Shri Mataji referred to them as ganas and

deities, but in any case... even though we cannot see them, Shri Mataji said

they had come with Her and were helping in the evolutionary process of humanity.

As far as I can see it... we are already in this Golden Age if we are " The

Spirit " , and if this is reflected out to others. We are in for a new Golden

Millennium for sure. All we have to do is stick-to-it... meaning... we each have

to do our part to get over all the spiritual hurdles... each one of us needs to

do that for ourselves, and in turn... for others.


Please enjoy the words of the prophecy below.


P.S. (P.S. BTW, Jagbir... i wrote this before you revealed that Kash and Lalita

are " angels " . i just thought you should know that. i wrote it approximately two

days ago, however, we were on another topic then, and this topic did not seem

appropriate to post then.)


love and best wishes,





Hermes, August `97


Vision of the Golden Millennium

By John of Jerusalem


" When the millennium that follows this millennium ends,

men will have finally opened their eyes.

They will no longer be imprisoned in their head and their cities,

but will be able to see from one end of the Earth to another and

understand each other.

They will know that what makes one suffer hurts another.

Men will form one huge body of which each one will be a tiny part.

Together they will form the heart of this body.

There will be a common language spoken by everybody

and thus, finally, a glorious humanity will come into existence...


.... because Woman will arrive to reign supreme;

She will govern the future and decree Her philosophy to man.

She will be the Mother of this millennium that follows the


She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle sweetness

of a mother.

She will, after the days of barbarity, embody beauty.


The millennium that follows the millennium will metamorphose into an

Age of Lightness:

Men will love each other, share everything, dream...

and the dreams will turn into reality...

Thus man will have his Second Birth.

Spirit will possess the mass of men who will be united in


So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity.


It will be the era of a new strength of belief.

The dark days at the beginning of the millennium that follows the


will be ensued by days of jubilation:

Man will once more find the righteous path of humanity

and Earth will find harmony once more...

There will be roads that connect one end of the Earth and sky to the


The woods will once more be dense,

the desert will once more be irrigated

and the water will once more be pure.


The Earth will be like a garden:

Man will take care of every living thing

and he will clean everything he has dirtied.

He will understand that the whole of Earth is his home

and he will think with wisdom of the morrow.

Man will know everything on Earth and his own body.


Diseases will be cured before they are manifested

and everybody will cure themselves and each other.

Man will have understood that he has to help himself to stay upright;

And after the days of reticence and avarice,

Man will open his heart and his purse to the poor;

He will define himself curator of the human species

and so, finally, a new era will begin.


When man has learnt to give and share,

The bitter days of solitude will be at an end.

He will once more believe in the Spirit,

And barbarians will be unheard of...

But all this will happen after the wars and the fires

All this will arise from the ashes of the burnt towers of Babel.

And a strong hand will be needed

to bring order to the chaos

and to put man on the right path.


Man will learn that all creatures are bringers of light

And all creatures must be respected.

Man, in his lifetime, will live more than one life

and will learn that the light never goes out... "



(For centuries John of Jerusalem's " Secret Register of Prophecies " from which

the quotations above were taken, was considered to be a forbidden text until,

recently, it reappeared. The church, who couldn't find any mention of their

victory and triumph in it, considered the work to be " dictated by the devil " !

John of Jerusalem was a Benedictine monk who, in 1100, had lived for about

twenty years in Jerusalem. It was the time of the Crusades and John of Jerusalem

probably represented the " moral and prophetic guide " of the " Order of the

Templars " of which he was the founder. When he died in 1120 one of the seven

volumes of the " Secret Register of Prophecies " in circulation after his death

was in the possession of the " Order of the Knights of the Temple " in Paris. In

1307 John of Jerusalem's register was confiscated in Paris, together with the

entire property of the " Order of the Templars " to serve as evidence of a

presumed " devil's pact " of the " Knights of the Temple " accused of being " Devil's

soldiers " and " Knights of Evil " .


With the capture of the Knights of the Temple, the shroud of Christ that they

also had in their possession, mysteriously disappeared. In order to seize their

legendary patrimony, more than 60 knights were executed.


It is presumed that there is a copy of the " Secret Register " in the Vatican,

while another was probably taken to Mt. Athos. Yet another copy disappeared from

the Zagorak monastery near Moscow amidst the confusion of the October

Revolution. This copy is thought to have been destroyed because instead of

predicting the triumph of Communism, it predicted the total annihilation of man.

After the collapse of Communism, when it was finally possible to get access to

the KGB archives, the Russian professor, Galvieski, found a copy of the famous

text. Being an expert in Oriental and Ancient languages, he was the ideal person

to translate the ancient text into French, so that the Western world, too, could

read it.


After the Second World War Professor Galvieski was, for a short time, head of

the Department of Historical Manuscripts at Kiev University. Since the

professor, in a private letter, dared to contradict Stalin, he was arrested and

deported to a gulag (Kolyma) where he stayed for seven years (1946-1953). After

his rehabilitation under Destalinization, the professor became Director of the

Paleography section of the National Library of Leningrad, today St. Petersburg.

Among his works, Professor Galvieski published a vast description of Turkistan

culture consisting in eight volumes and published by the Doubanché Science



John of Jerusalem's " Secret Register of Prophesies " contains, among other

things, a short biography of a monk who, during the Crusades, traveled to the

Holy City. John, whose parents were unidentified, grew up in the care of the

Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Vézely in the Burgundy district of France.

During the period of time he spent in Jerusalem, he worked as a doctor or more

simply as a healer. His register contains 40 prophecies all written in verse

forum. The most distressing of his prophecies which describes the obscure period

before the Golden Century is so terrible that it is almost impossible to read

closely. For this reason the German newspaper " Rhein-Main-Tageblatt " wrote

" Everything the monk predicted in the eleventh century is horrifying, but

unfortunately, from today's point of view, at the same time convincing: child

prostitution, drug abuse, overpopulation, hatred towards foreigners, ethnic

cleansing and religious wars " . In his visions, John knew of the existence of the

American continent as well as atomic power and even the terrible effects

produced by the current hole in the ozone layer. Moreover John foresaw the

scenario in Israel in the year 2000 announcing " Knights " forced to protect

Christian pilgrims traveling to visit the tomb of Christ. In the face of all

these prophecies, newspapers are either taciturn or dismissive. The German daily

newspaper " Bild Zeitung " referred only to the prophecy about the planet Pluto.

Reading certain passages of John's " Secret Register " some parallels to the film

" Meat for Dr. Jackson " emerge: there is a detailed description of the abuse of

genetics and illusions about the capacity of modern electronics: " Man will no

longer be able to distinguish between what exists and what doesn't " . The man of

the future will not be worth anything. Everything will have its price. Man's

megalomania and profanity will know no limits. He will be afflicted by

indescribable catastrophes. Professor Galvieski called John's register " a

merciless accusation " .




1. John of Jerusalem: The Book of Prophecies – A great 3rd century prophet's

visions of the future, Monaco di Baviera 1995

2. Message from the publishers " Heine-Verlag " , Monaco di Baviera



(Australian Sahaja Newsletter – 25 December, 1997)

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