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A much more meaning-full letter from Alan to Viktor...

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Dear All,


i should have said this before i posted my interpretation of Alan's letter to

Viktor: -


" i wish to tell that behind Alan's words to Viktor, that this is what i read

between-the-lines as the basis for Alan's need to " even write such an email " to

Viktor in the " first " place!


As i say... i have written what i believe to be behind the need to even write

such an email in the first place. There is much that is not upfront and very

evasive in those who are organising Shri Mataji's Truth for SY's to follow,

rather than doing the right thing, and just allowing SY's to follow the

unadulterated Truth of Shri Mataji Herself, which does not need to be

re-interpreted, but just needs to be put into practice.


i have felt compelled to write in order to reveal what i think is hidden to SY's

by using the tool of parody, or comedy. If any of it seems so believable that it

seems like Alan actually " did write it " ... maybe what i read-between-the-lines

might be pretty close to the truth???!!!


love and best wishes to all,




(P.S. the original email from Alan to Viktor is also attached below, with some





" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> A much more " meaning-full " letter from Alan to Viktor...



> Our Dear Viktor,


> (c.c. our 'not-so-dear Jagbir)


> We want you to know that our Very Dear John Noyce of Australia has

been keeping an eye on our `not-so-dear' Jagbir and his website: -


> (/)


> Our 'not-so-dear-Jagbir' used to be in our organisation (of Sahaja

Yoga) and was most helpful in that... until the mystical experiences

of his children interfered with that. These mystical experiences got

in Jagbir's way when he actually believed in them, and even said that

they confirmed the fact of the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti (Holy

Spirit) on Earth.


> That " definitely " made him 'not-so-dear' to us anymore; i am sure

you will understand where we are coming from. For the protection of

all the yogis, we decided that we had to make his life, his wife's

life, and their children's lives a 'bit difficult for them' in their

local collective. We felt by doing so, and also informing SY's to do

the same... that they would reform and get rid of those mystical

experiences, but unfortunately these right-sided mystical experiences

of the future, in themselves, " booted " the family out of Sahaj Yoga.

So... you can clearly see that we had " absolutely nothing " ... to do

with that! It is just the way the Divine works things out.


> Anyway... we certainly did not want that outcome. " We " did not want

them to leave the collective! We just wanted them to see things from

the real Sahaj perspective of things. That is why John Noyce is on

his forum (per URL above) and John lovingly and beseechingly has

asked Jagbir why he does not come back: -


> " Why are you not in the collective, dear Jagbir? " John asks.


> So... we must inform you that even 'our dear John' whom we entrust

to sort people out, is at a 'complete odds' to understand why Jagbir

and his family have permanently left our organisation. Then... to our

great sorrow, John also informed us that Jagbir was actually turning

against the prevailing leadership. It is unbelievable, but he called

us " hypocrites " and " blind leaders of the blind " . How could a real

Sahaja Yogi do this to another Sahaja Yogi?!


> It is our " collective belief " therefore, that Jagbir does not

answer 'our dear John's' question, because he and his whole family

have obviously become very unbalanced because of these mystical

experiences that have infected the whole family. That is all we can

'put it down to'. It is most tragic, of course! Because... they have

now left the protection of their collective, and are like a loose

canon 'gone astray', who will end up... " nobody knows where! "


> Really... Viktor... these mystical experiences " just cannot " be

condoned by us. It will cause " all sorts " of problems of jealousy in

SY's, which will just upset the whole collective and unbalance it. We

just cannot have that! We just can't run an organisation, based on

mystical experiences, now can we?! Therefore, the best thing is for

yogis to just listen to us... their leaders... just like Shri Mataji

said they should do. They should just forget that She also told them

that they were to be their own masters, gurus, and teachers. That was

a mistake that Shri Mataji said. Shri Mataji really meant to say that

" we " ... the " leaders " ... are their " masters, gurus, and teachers " ...

because that is what She actually was implying. (i don't know how

Jagbir gets these things so confused... like " black " becomes " white "

and " white " becomes " black " . i think he might have some sort of

'dyslexia' or something)!


> All we really desire is to have " good " Sahaja Yogis in our

organisation, not someone that calls us hypocrites, or blind leaders

of the blind. Other than the " problem " of Jagbir, generally we have

no other problems that we can see. SY's know that they must try and

please us, and when they do, they know that we will be very happy

with them. And we will do our best to ensure that they get good Sahaj

wives and husbands, too!...:)


> We also keep SY's greatly focussed on their clearing and cleansing

treatments, because that will give them less time to " think " and

" thinking " is not good for them... especially about such subjects as

the Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, which

Jagbir keeps on carrying-on-about. What is this Divine Message

business, anyway? We are Sahaja Yogis... not Muslims, Hindus,

Christians, Taoists, Jews, and Sikhs! The thing is... Mother promised

She will work everything out. We just don't need to go into so much

detail! All we have to do is " give Self-Realisation " ! We do not have

to explain anything about any Divine Message... or whatever (at least

not officially, anyway!)


> What some SY's forget and maybe therefore do not appreciate... is

how well we have organised things to make it most easy for them. You

see... all they have to do is basically follow the pattern that we

have set down for them. It is as easy as going A, B, C, D, E, F, AND

G and " you will be a good Sahaja Yogi " . By following our rules,

regulations, and patterns that we have set down, anyone can easily

become a " good " Sahaja Yogi. Then there is no problem and we will

support them in that, because they are then being genuine. (This of

course never includes any such things as " mystical experiences.

Alright... if they want them in private, they can have them... but

they shouldn't go about telling everyone about them, like Jagbir

does! " )


> So what " is " a " good " Sahaja Yogi?... you might be asking, dear

Viktor?: -


> Firstly... a " good " Sahaja Yogi will never be able to meditate on

the " Adi Shakti Within " , because that is a supraconscious thing to

do. It is far too mystical a thing (if you get my meaning). We just

don't care if the image of the Adi Shakti is actually inside the

person, in their 'so-called-temple-within'. That is not a real thing,

as far as we are concerned. That image of the " Adi Shakti Within " can

never replace the photograph of our Dear and Loving Mother who

incarnated on Earth for us Sahaja Yogis. We must " never " replace the

photograph of Shri Mataji with some " inner image " of an " Adi Shakti " .

We must keep that photo in front of us when we meditate... otherwise

we are doing the wrong thing!


> Secondly... all real and true Sahaja Yogis " will " footsoak every

day, even if they have no problems, and do not need it. (The fact

is... Sahaja Yogis " will have chakra problems " for the rest of their

lives. We know that from experience. That is just how it works.

Besides... there is just no way that the kundalini can ever clear

those chakra problems, without the help of a bucket of water with

salt in it and as many chillis and lemons as you can get hold of!

There is just no way!


> Now that we have told you this... you now know that Jagbir is

indeed " eccentric " ... just like we have told you. The word

" eccentric " means " off-centre " and Jagbir is definitely that! And

people should very definitely not go to his website, where he is

" openly " critical of our leadership. At least " we " give him the

courtesy of criticising him behind his back... not where everybody

can read about it... like on that Public Forum of his. That is why we

just cannot understand when Shri Mataji said: - " Jagbir has done

nothing wrong " !... when we complained to Her about him. We just don't

understand how Shri Mataji could have said that. Anyway... now that

She has given us Her Will, She is also allowing us to correct all the

mistakes that She made earlier on. We are sure everything will work

out, now that we are fully in charge.


> So... dearest Viktor... the real reason I wrote this was to ask you

to please tell that Yuriy Linnyk (who can't possibly be a SY when he

puts Jagbir's link before ours)... that Jagbir's site carries much

erroneous and inaccurate information. (Jagbir is so clever though...

that we just can't prove it to everyone's satisfaction,

unfortunately, and that is our great problem, and headache as well).

So... we just have to carry on this Campaign of Sahaj Love and work

hard for Shri Mataji.


> All the above are our sincere determinations, and we hope you will

comply with our wishes.


> Given in love,


> Alan


(BTW... Jai Shri Mataji!)



(The original email (attached below) which Yura received via his SY leader,

Viktor Bondar... was sent from Alan Wherry. Alan did not give Yura the courtesy

of a direct approach. To receive an email from Alan would have been intimidating

for Yura. (I hope you realise that, Alan.) And i would like to know why it was

so " bad " that Yura happened to list adishakti.org before the official Sahaja

Yoga website?


I also don't know how you can end such an intimidating email with the words

" much love and best wishes " ... Alan. If anybody is eccentric or 'off-balance'...

it must be you, who thinks that " love " and " intimidation " can actually go

together. So... i have to inform you that " perfect love casts out all fear " . It

does not intimidate like you are doing to SY's. Please stop torturing SY's...

Alan! It is not good for your soul... nor anybody else's soul, either.)



Viktor Bondar <viktorbo108

> " Yura " < inspired

> Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:23:59 +0200

> Fw: Hi Viktor


> John Noyce of Australia has been keeping a close eye on the

> activities of the owner of www.adishakti.org , who used to be in SY

> but clearly isn't a Sahaja Yogi now, and is openly critical of all

> Sahaja leadership, including, at times Shri Mataji Herself.


> He is somewhat eccentric and for example, advocates not using a

> photo of Mother when meditating, not footsoaking etc. The owner of

> this site, one Jagbir Singh of Canada is on a crusade to spread his

> own eccentric, supraconscious view of what Sahaja Yoga is, and

> where possible we should advise people not to go there - although

> of course, individuals are free to do what they like.


> John tells me that the web site http://inspired.kiev.ua/about/

> links to www.adishakti.org


> Obviously, I don't know the owner of that web site, Yuriy Linnyk,

> whether he is Sahaj or not, but in the event that he is known to

> you, is it possible that you might prevail upon him to remove the

> link as it contains much erroneous and inaccurate information.

> Yuriy lists adishakti.org before the official Sahaj Yoga website.


> Much love and best wishes


> Alan

> Jai Shri Mataji

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