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Our leaders are guilty of genetically modifying SY mice to roar in private and squeak in public.

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> i have added another paragraph about mythological eschatology

> extracted from Encyclopedia Britannica onto www.adishakti.org. (It

> is the second paragraph.)


> Just reading the post below will give us an idea of the unsurpassed

> beauty and awesome serenity of Her Divine Message. It will take us

> years to grasp and envision its vastness, grandeur and power - and

> that also if we understand and view in Silence.


> Her Divine Message to humanity is the heart and soul of every

> religion, holy scripture and messenger. It embraces all and

> excludes none, a collective and harmonious triumph unlike anything

> humanity have known or experienced or were taught in organized

> religions. It is an eschatological message of divine intervention,

> renewed faith, boundless hope, great joy, and a long-awaited

> fulfillment by God Almighty as pledged over millennia to all

> humankind — the promised Age of the Last Judgment and Resurrect to

> evolve from the temporary physical body to the eternal spiritual

> self and everlasting life.


> Today Sahaja Yoga is like a massive beautiful boulder that SYs are

> trumpeting to all the world to see. It is the very foundation of

> their faith and conviction that it will bring all seekers to marvel

> and share their joy.


> But the Adi Shakti is infinitely far more vast, grandeur and

> powerful than this beautiful boulder. She is comparable to the

> unsurpassed beauty and awesome complexity of the Universe. Her

> incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is comparable to Mount

> Everest. Yet SYs foolishly continue advertising and asking seekers

> to visit and view their massive subtle system boulder. When will

> they realize that humans have more common sense than them, and

> prefer marvelling far more majestic mountains than Sahaja Yoga's

> revered boulder?


> Let me put it another way. Shri Mataji has over the decades given

> us a priceless Book of Enlightenment. All 108 chapters are filled

> with unsurpassed knowledge unravelling the mysteries and parables

> of holy scriptures, their messengers and promise of eschatological

> fullfilment. SYs initially took the first chapter " The Subtle

> System " and made it into a booklet to be distributed to all

> humankind. Over the years and decades they added all sorts of

> innovation cures to a myriad of catches and spiritual diseases, and

> made it into a revered book titled " Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> Religion " . Today few SYs want to talk about the remaining 107

> chapters. The mantra is " Just give realization. Mother will take

> care of the rest. "


> But Shri Mataji has taken care of the rest. Only problem is WCASY

> does not want anyone to read, understand and spread the remaining

> 107 chapters. As far as they are concerned only the SYSSR is kosher

> and palatable enough for the ignorant masses. Their reasoning is

> that seekers are just not ready or enlightened enough to understand

> and accept the remaining chapters, and will flee....never to

> return. Despite this conservative and cautious approach SYs have

> constantly experienced year after year of countless repeated

> failures. No one dares admit that it is due to the missing 107

> chapters. That will be just too humiliating an admission, both for

> leaders and their egos. It will be a clear admission that all the

> brainstorming done by the entrenched Woodstock generation leaders

> amounted to little, and that all efforts were a collossal waste of

> time, talent, energy and money.


> But it is still not late to proclaim that Her Divine Message to

> humanity is the heart and soul of every religion, holy scripture

> and messenger. It is so sad when you see devotees of false gurus

> boldly declaring the divinity and teachings of their bhagwans and

> devis.


> Only SY mice roar in private and squeak in public,




World & Australia Council Speech

21st. March 2006 - Sydney, Australia


On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of Sydney,

on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja Celebration of

our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi; to-

night we the Sahaja Yogis of the world offer our heartfelt praises

to Shri Mataji, Who incarnated on this day eighty-three years ago,

in order to save the world, and to help mankind find the path to the

true meaning of his existence.


Shri Mataji, may You, the immaculate Queen of Heaven, may You always

reign supreme over us all, now and forever. Shri Mataji, You are the

Goddess of all creation. You are the Primordial Power of the

universe. All praises to You, Shri Mataji, from all Your children

gathered here from all over the world, live around the world; to

You, Shri Mataji, the Immaculate One. You are the Goddess of all

Power, the Goddess of all Love, the God of all humanity, of all

spiritual salvation, Parampuja Shri Mataji. With Your Love all our

souls are filled. Your Almighty Power has made this universe, which

is less than a speck of dust upon Your Blessed Feet. Your gracious

Mercy keeps us within Your Heart. By morning's glow or evening's

shade Your watchful Eye never sleeps, and ever guards over us all.

By Your Grace all is just, all is made right, and to You, the

Almighty Goddess, we give You all our humble praises, glory and



Shri Mataji, on this day of Your Advent, we ask that You may never

be far away, but through all this life and all of our lives to come,

please be ever-present with us. Please be our everlasting peace and

joy, as with a Mother's tender Hand, please gently lead us, please

save us, please guide us, and please protect us ever, Shri Mataji.

For all our life we sing aloud Thy praises, that the Earth and the

peoples of all nations may hear the grateful song of our voices, and

our unwearied praises to You, joyfully singing within our heart.


On this day of the celebration of Your Birthday, Shri Mataji, in the

land of Your Son, Shri Ganesha, we proclaim to the world that let

all mankind come to You in Your Holy Name, and to join this holy

Family, and to give You praise and glory. Let all Sahaja Yogis who

have felt Your Love and Power on this day proclaim also to the world

the wondrous story of Your Advent.


Parampuja Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has ascended Her Throne, for She

is the Lord, above all, the supreme Power of this universe.


Jai Shri Mataji!

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Dear All,


Please note these words of Collective Affirmation, Assurance, and Promise given

to Shri Mataji on Her Birthday this year:-


> On this day of the celebration of Your Birthday, Shri Mataji, in the

> land of Your Son, Shri Ganesha, we proclaim to the world that let

> all mankind come to You in Your Holy Name, and to join this holy

> Family, and to give You praise and glory. Let all Sahaja Yogis who

> have felt Your Love and Power on this day proclaim also to the world

> the wondrous story of Your Advent.


(These are beautiful heartfelt words from the World and Australia Council on

behalf of Sahaja Yogis to Our Mother. It sounds like these words were being

proclaimed to the world, but in fact, they were only being proclaimed in front

of Shri Mataji and SY's. The 'world' was not actually there to hear it. i hope

this is not an example of how WCASY plan to get Word of Shri Mataji's Advent out

to the world, because the world will never hear the Message if it is given only

in private, and not in public as well!


i want to say though, that, at least here is some evidence that the WCASY line

of " All you have to do is give self-realisation " ... is not altogether true. They

are also suggesting in this speech that there is more that SY's will do.

However, it does seem that there are mixed messages here. One message, given to

SY's alone is: " All you have to do is give self-realisation " . Another message,

given by WCASY on behalf of SY's to Shri Mataji is: " Let all Sahaja Yogis who

have felt Your Love and Power on this day proclaim also to the world the

wondrous story of Your Advent. "


Do WCASY " really " think that they are fooling the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit). She

knows that SY's are getting mixed messages. " Telling the story of Shri Mataji's

Advent " ... is definitely more than " just giving Self-Realisation " . Of course

telling the " Story " of Shri Mataji's event only, is like telling the " Story of

Jesus's Birth of Bethlehem " only. What about the Message of Shri Jesus? What

about the continuing Message of the Christian Comforter, who Shri Mataji " is " ?

Why did WCASY at least not commit to Shri Mataji to proclaim that She is the Adi

Shakti, like Shri Mataji asked them too?


It seems that the WCASY can only give Her pretty words, but otherwise they seem

to give Her crumbs; they are not really telling the Truth of Shri Mataji. They

are not really telling the Truth of Her salvation, spiritual liberation and

moksha that the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit came to give and asked us to

tell. People deserve to hear what is their spiritual birthright to hear. Shri

Mataji is more than just a meditation/subtle system teacher.)


> For all our life we sing aloud Thy praises, that the Earth and the

> peoples of all nations may hear the grateful song of our voices, and

> our unwearied praises to You, joyfully singing within our heart.


(Again, these are very beautiful and heartfelt words, similar to the Psalms

(Songs) in the Bible. The WCASY outpouring of grateful hearts continue and they

hope to be heard by the world, but still they are only heard by Shri Mataji and

SY's. Proclaiming these beautiful words in front of Shri Mataji and fellow SY's

is most edifying, but it is not the same as proclaiming this to the world. So...

for those Seekers who did not know that Sahaja Yoga was not just about

meditation/subtle system/chakras, but most importantly about spiritual

liberation and moksha (salvation), please read and enjoy the Collective

Affirmation, Assurance, and Promise given to Shri Mataji on Her Birthday this

year, which also confirms that Shri Mataji is not just a meditation teacher. You

just were not told, unfortunately.


What is surprising is that none of this great knowledge seems to leak out into

the world-at-large. It would seem that it is a Sahaj State Secret or something!

The way things are going, the world will be breaking down (figuratively

speaking) the doors of Sahaj Enclaves and demanding them to tell the Truth,

because they will have heard it from Outside the Organisation of Sahaja Yoga.

(Don't say we didn't warn you!)





> World & Australia Council Speech

> 21st. March 2006 - Sydney, Australia


> On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of Sydney,

> on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja Celebration of

> our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi; to-

> night we the Sahaja Yogis of the world offer our heartfelt praises

> to Shri Mataji, Who incarnated on this day eighty-three years ago,

> in order to save the world, and to help mankind find the path to the

> true meaning of his existence.


> Shri Mataji, may You, the immaculate Queen of Heaven, may You always

> reign supreme over us all, now and forever. Shri Mataji, You are the

> Goddess of all creation. You are the Primordial Power of the

> universe. All praises to You, Shri Mataji, from all Your children

> gathered here from all over the world, live around the world; to

> You, Shri Mataji, the Immaculate One. You are the Goddess of all

> Power, the Goddess of all Love, the God of all humanity, of all

> spiritual salvation, Parampuja Shri Mataji. With Your Love all our

> souls are filled. Your Almighty Power has made this universe, which

> is less than a speck of dust upon Your Blessed Feet. Your gracious

> Mercy keeps us within Your Heart. By morning's glow or evening's

> shade Your watchful Eye never sleeps, and ever guards over us all.

> By Your Grace all is just, all is made right, and to You, the

> Almighty Goddess, we give You all our humble praises, glory and

> supplication.


> Shri Mataji, on this day of Your Advent, we ask that You may never

> be far away, but through all this life and all of our lives to come,

> please be ever-present with us. Please be our everlasting peace and

> joy, as with a Mother's tender Hand, please gently lead us, please

> save us, please guide us, and please protect us ever, Shri Mataji.

> For all our life we sing aloud Thy praises, that the Earth and the

> peoples of all nations may hear the grateful song of our voices, and

> our unwearied praises to You, joyfully singing within our heart.


> On this day of the celebration of Your Birthday, Shri Mataji, in the

> land of Your Son, Shri Ganesha, we proclaim to the world that let

> all mankind come to You in Your Holy Name, and to join this holy

> Family, and to give You praise and glory. Let all Sahaja Yogis who

> have felt Your Love and Power on this day proclaim also to the world

> the wondrous story of Your Advent.


> Parampuja Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has ascended Her Throne, for She

> is the Lord, above all, the supreme Power of this universe.


> Jai Shri Mataji!



, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > i have added another paragraph about mythological eschatology

> > extracted from Encyclopedia Britannica onto www.adishakti.org. (It

> > is the second paragraph.)

> >

> > Just reading the post below will give us an idea of the


> > beauty and awesome serenity of Her Divine Message. It will take us

> > years to grasp and envision its vastness, grandeur and power - and

> > that also if we understand and view in Silence.

> >

> > Her Divine Message to humanity is the heart and soul of every

> > religion, holy scripture and messenger. It embraces all and

> > excludes none, a collective and harmonious triumph unlike anything

> > humanity have known or experienced or were taught in organized

> > religions. It is an eschatological message of divine intervention,

> > renewed faith, boundless hope, great joy, and a long-awaited

> > fulfillment by God Almighty as pledged over millennia to all

> > humankind — the promised Age of the Last Judgment and Resurrect to

> > evolve from the temporary physical body to the eternal spiritual

> > self and everlasting life.

> >

> > Today Sahaja Yoga is like a massive beautiful boulder that SYs are

> > trumpeting to all the world to see. It is the very foundation of

> > their faith and conviction that it will bring all seekers to


> > and share their joy.

> >

> > But the Adi Shakti is infinitely far more vast, grandeur and

> > powerful than this beautiful boulder. She is comparable to the

> > unsurpassed beauty and awesome complexity of the Universe. Her

> > incarnation Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is comparable to Mount

> > Everest. Yet SYs foolishly continue advertising and asking seekers

> > to visit and view their massive subtle system boulder. When will

> > they realize that humans have more common sense than them, and

> > prefer marvelling far more majestic mountains than Sahaja Yoga's

> > revered boulder?

> >

> > Let me put it another way. Shri Mataji has over the decades given

> > us a priceless Book of Enlightenment. All 108 chapters are filled

> > with unsurpassed knowledge unravelling the mysteries and parables

> > of holy scriptures, their messengers and promise of eschatological

> > fullfilment. SYs initially took the first chapter " The Subtle

> > System " and made it into a booklet to be distributed to all

> > humankind. Over the years and decades they added all sorts of

> > innovation cures to a myriad of catches and spiritual diseases,


> > made it into a revered book titled " Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

> > Religion " . Today few SYs want to talk about the remaining 107

> > chapters. The mantra is " Just give realization. Mother will take

> > care of the rest. "

> >

> > But Shri Mataji has taken care of the rest. Only problem is WCASY

> > does not want anyone to read, understand and spread the remaining

> > 107 chapters. As far as they are concerned only the SYSSR is


> > and palatable enough for the ignorant masses. Their reasoning is

> > that seekers are just not ready or enlightened enough to


> > and accept the remaining chapters, and will flee....never to

> > return. Despite this conservative and cautious approach SYs have

> > constantly experienced year after year of countless repeated

> > failures. No one dares admit that it is due to the missing 107

> > chapters. That will be just too humiliating an admission, both for

> > leaders and their egos. It will be a clear admission that all the

> > brainstorming done by the entrenched Woodstock generation leaders

> > amounted to little, and that all efforts were a collossal waste of

> > time, talent, energy and money.

> >

> > But it is still not late to proclaim that Her Divine Message to

> > humanity is the heart and soul of every religion, holy scripture

> > and messenger. It is so sad when you see devotees of false gurus

> > boldly declaring the divinity and teachings of their bhagwans and

> > devis.

> >

> > Only SY mice roar in private and squeak in public,

> >



> World & Australia Council Speech

> 21st. March 2006 - Sydney, Australia


> On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of Sydney,

> on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja Celebration of

> our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi; to-

> night we the Sahaja Yogis of the world offer our heartfelt praises

> to Shri Mataji, Who incarnated on this day eighty-three years ago,

> in order to save the world, and to help mankind find the path to the

> true meaning of his existence.


> Shri Mataji, may You, the immaculate Queen of Heaven, may You always

> reign supreme over us all, now and forever. Shri Mataji, You are the

> Goddess of all creation. You are the Primordial Power of the

> universe. All praises to You, Shri Mataji, from all Your children

> gathered here from all over the world, live around the world; to

> You, Shri Mataji, the Immaculate One. You are the Goddess of all

> Power, the Goddess of all Love, the God of all humanity, of all

> spiritual salvation, Parampuja Shri Mataji. With Your Love all our

> souls are filled. Your Almighty Power has made this universe, which

> is less than a speck of dust upon Your Blessed Feet. Your gracious

> Mercy keeps us within Your Heart. By morning's glow or evening's

> shade Your watchful Eye never sleeps, and ever guards over us all.

> By Your Grace all is just, all is made right, and to You, the

> Almighty Goddess, we give You all our humble praises, glory and

> supplication.


> Shri Mataji, on this day of Your Advent, we ask that You may never

> be far away, but through all this life and all of our lives to come,

> please be ever-present with us. Please be our everlasting peace and

> joy, as with a Mother's tender Hand, please gently lead us, please

> save us, please guide us, and please protect us ever, Shri Mataji.

> For all our life we sing aloud Thy praises, that the Earth and the

> peoples of all nations may hear the grateful song of our voices, and

> our unwearied praises to You, joyfully singing within our heart.


> On this day of the celebration of Your Birthday, Shri Mataji, in the

> land of Your Son, Shri Ganesha, we proclaim to the world that let

> all mankind come to You in Your Holy Name, and to join this holy

> Family, and to give You praise and glory. Let all Sahaja Yogis who

> have felt Your Love and Power on this day proclaim also to the world

> the wondrous story of Your Advent.


> Parampuja Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has ascended Her Throne, for She

> is the Lord, above all, the supreme Power of this universe.


> Jai Shri Mataji!


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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> Please note these words of Collective Affirmation, Assurance, and

Promise given to Shri Mataji on Her Birthday this year:-


> > On this day of the celebration of Your Birthday, Shri Mataji, in

> > the land of Your Son, Shri Ganesha, we proclaim to the world

> > that let all mankind come to You in Your Holy Name, and to join

> > this holy Family, and to give You praise and glory. Let all

> > Sahaja Yogis who have felt Your Love and Power on this day

> > proclaim also to the world the wondrous story of Your Advent.




There are four type of Council Members who can make such speeches:


1) the hypocrites (who are pretending they are doing just that);


2) the ignorant (who do not know they are not doing just that);


3) the confused (who do not know they are not doing just that but

believe they are);


4) the liars (who know they are not doing just that but want others

to believe they are).




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Dear Jagbir and All,


i appreciate Kyyan telling the truth. i appreciate Jagbir telling the truth. i

appreciate all SY's who tell the truth and are not afraid to tell the truth.


However, it appears that SY's have been genetically modified not to hear the

truth from truth-bringers. The truth seems to be a new negativity to add to the

long list of negativities that affect the chakras. There is a lot of fear in

hearing the truth about one's 'collective condition'... the " health " of one's

local collective, especially when the symptoms have been ignored for so long...

and have, instead... been swept under the carpet.


But dear Vancouver yogis, and i know some of you agree with Kyyan but are afraid

to do so openly for fear of leaders coming down on you. In any case, the truth

is that Kyyan is only reflecting to the collective, what the 'collective

condition' is. Kyyan is only reflecting to you, what you have shown him; he is

only reflecting like a mirror, so you can see your 'collective condition' more

clearly. Like i said before, i can tell you that Kyyan is " painfully " truthful

at times... (and Kyyan knows i am saying that in a nice way and not a bad way.)

Therefore, you should welcome that. It is actually a great boon for your

spiritual health, much like a doctor having a close look (introspection) to see

what is actually going wrong in the body (going wrong in the collective.)


Having seen the evidence on this forum, and also from my own experience, i hold

entrenched SYSSR leadership to be responsible for infecting their collectives,

so that they cannot face the truth. They have genetically modified SY's so that

they cannot face the dire state of their 'collective condition'. They have

genetically modified SY's so they are afraid to face the truth. They have

genetically modified SY's to believe that the truth is actually a lie. They have

now genetically modified SY's to believe that to even read the truth on this

forum, is a " negativity in and of itself " .


How can i say this?!


Kyyan's experience seems to confirm that. When he is upfront, honest, and open,

and wants fellow SY's to be likewise... and he is asking honest heartfelt and

very important questions based on his experiences in the collective, the

inquisitionary elements in SY come down upon him. It seems that the

inquisitionary elements (leaders) would rather sweep the truth of what Kyyan is

saying under the carpet. Perhaps the truth is too difficult to face for them and

they are living under an illusionary truth which they have created for

themselves, which is not the reality.


Jesus also was a Truth-Bringer, and we can examine what He said about the " truth

that shall make you free " . It comes from John 8:31-59 and with (comments in

brackets): -


The Truth Shall Make You Free...


Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, " If you abide in

My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you shall know the truth, and

the truth shall make you free. "


(Please note that the Jews " had " believed in Him, but obviously did not believe

in Him anymore. They did not believe in what Jesus had to say. Some of it they

believed; but other things they did not believe.


'Are there SY's who even now don't really believe what Shri Mataji has said.

They will believe some of it, but will not believe the 'other' of it?'


Shri Mataji says it is OKAY to tell Who She is upfront. She has asked us to do

so (in our own special comfortable way that we have to work out for ourselves.)


So... if SY's are not agreeing to what Shri Mataji has asked, are they still

believing in Her Word ... or are they " not believing " in Her Word?)


Please do not feel guilty and shut yourself off to the truth, because of the

collective maya that has overcome SY's. A symptom of that maya is that nobody

wants to face the truth (well some do!) but most don't because, for a start you

will get in trouble with your leaders, as Kyyan has done. The leaders are most

at fault in this. They will reap their reward; don't worry about that. However,

this is your opportunity to stand up and face the truth, and not worry if

someone does not want you to stand up and face the truth.


It is only when a person does not face up to the truth, that they will start to

feel guilty. (One of the causes of imbalance in the Vishuddhi Chakra is a lack

of self-esteem. If you are not being truthful, you will not respect yourself

very much... your self-esteem will go down and you will have a Left Vishuddhi



It is important to be truthful. You must realise that leaders have conditioned

SY's to not accepting the truth " as it is " . It " will " be a struggle to come out

from under all that maya. Do not be hard on yourself, when you pick yourself up

and out of that maya. Be very gentle on yourself. We are here to help you.')....


They answered Him, " We are Abraham's offspring, and have never yet been enslaved

to anyone; how is it that You say, 'You shall become free'? "


Jesus answered them, " Truly, truly, I say to you... everyone who commits sin...

is the slave to sin. And the slave does not remain in the house forever; the son

does remain forever. If therefore the Son shall make you free; you shall be free

indeed! I know that you are Abraham's offspring; yet you seek to kill Me,

because My word has no place in you.


I speak the things which I have seen with My Father; therefore you also do the

things which you heard from 'your father.' They answered and said to Him,

" Abraham is our father. " Jesus said to them, " If you are Abraham's children, do

the deeds of Abraham! " .... ( " If you are the spiritual children of Shri Mataji,

" do " the deeds of Shri Mataji!)


" But as it is, you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth,

which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do. "


" You are doing the deeds of your father. " They said to Him " We were not born of

fornication; we have one Father, even God. "


Jesus said to them, " If God were your Father, you would love Me; for I proceeded

forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My own initiative; but

He sent Me. Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you cannot

hear My word..... (Why do 'our leaders' not understand what Shri Mataji is

saying? It is because they cannot hear Her word.)


Jesus said to them, " You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the

desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand

in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he

speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies. But

because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me. Which one of you convicts me

of sin? If I speak truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of God hears the

words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God. "


The Jews answered and said to Him, " Do we not say rightly that You are a

Samaritan and have a demon? (NOTE: Jagbir i thought you would especially

appreciate this bit where even Jesus gets accused of being " possessed " by a

demon, and Jesus has to defend himself): -


Jesus answered: " I do not have a demon; but I honor My Father, and you dishonor

Me. But I do not seek My glory; there is One who seeks and judges. Truly, truly

I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death. "


The Jews said to Him, " Now we (really) know that You have a demon. Abraham died

and the prophets also; and You say, 'If anyone keeps My word, he shall never

taste of death.'.


Surely You are not greater than our father Abraham, who died? The prophets died

too; whom do You make Yourself out to be? "


Jesus answered, " If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father who

glorifies Me....


(Shri Mataji never really glorified Herself either. God Almighty glorified Her;

the deities glorified Her. Shri Mataji thought nothing of Herself; it was always

about pleasing God Almighty, which is whom She pleased; otherwise we would be in

dire straits, She said... because just like our earthly fathers, the Divine

Father who Witnesses, is the Father who is also more stern with discipline, and

it is the Divine Mother, who is All-Compassion, who like our birth mothers, has

the Compassion of a Mother, which overrides the disciplinary aspect, because the

father generally listens to the mother, when it comes to the children, unless of

course, he is authoritarian, which God Almighty is not. He is not

authoritarian... he is not overbearingly disciplinary.)


Just to repeat the above...


Jesus answered, " If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father who

glorifies Me, of whom you say, 'He is our God'; and you have not come to know

Him, but I know Him; and if I say that I do not know Him, I shall be a liar like

you, but I do know Him, and keep His word. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see

My day, and he saw it and was glad. "


The Jews therefore said to Him, " You are not yet fifty years old, and have You

seen Abraham? "


Jesus said to them, " Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I am. "


Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself, and went

out of the temple. "


(taken from John 8:31-59)



i hope this all helps.



love and best wishes,






, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > Please note these words of Collective Affirmation, Assurance, and

> Promise given to Shri Mataji on Her Birthday this year:-

> >

> > > On this day of the celebration of Your Birthday, Shri Mataji, in

> > > the land of Your Son, Shri Ganesha, we proclaim to the world

> > > that let all mankind come to You in Your Holy Name, and to join

> > > this holy Family, and to give You praise and glory. Let all

> > > Sahaja Yogis who have felt Your Love and Power on this day

> > > proclaim also to the world the wondrous story of Your Advent.

> >

> >


> There are four type of Council Members who can make such speeches:


> 1) the hypocrites (who are pretending they are doing just that);


> 2) the ignorant (who do not know they are not doing just that);


> 3) the confused (who do not know they are not doing just that but

> believe they are);


> 4) the liars (who know they are not doing just that but want others

> to believe they are).



> jagbir

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> World & Australia Council Speech

> 21st. March 2006 - Sydney, Australia


> On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of

> Sydney, on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja

> Celebration of our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi; to-night we the Sahaja Yogis of the world offer our

> heartfelt praises to Shri Mataji, Who incarnated on this day

> eighty-three years ago, in order to save the world, and to help

> mankind find the path to the true meaning of his existence.


> Shri Mataji, may You, the immaculate Queen of Heaven, may You

> always reign supreme over us all, now and forever. Shri Mataji,

> You are the Goddess of all creation. You are the Primordial Power

> of the universe. All praises to You, Shri Mataji, from all Your

> children gathered here from all over the world, live around the

> world; to You, Shri Mataji, the Immaculate One. You are the

> Goddess of all Power, the Goddess of all Love, the God of all

> humanity, of all spiritual salvation, Parampuja Shri Mataji. With

> Your Love all our souls are filled. Your Almighty Power has made

> this universe, which is less than a speck of dust upon Your

> Blessed Feet. Your gracious Mercy keeps us within Your Heart. By

> morning's glow or evening's shade Your watchful Eye never sleeps,

> and ever guards over us all. By Your Grace all is just, all is

> made right, and to You, the Almighty Goddess, we give You all our

> humble praises, glory and supplication.


> Shri Mataji, on this day of Your Advent, we ask that You may never

> be far away, but through all this life and all of our lives to

> come, please be ever-present with us. Please be our everlasting

> peace and joy, as with a Mother's tender Hand, please gently lead

> us, please save us, please guide us, and please protect us ever,

> Shri Mataji. For all our life we sing aloud Thy praises, that the

> Earth and the peoples of all nations may hear the grateful song of

> our voices, and our unwearied praises to You, joyfully singing

> within our heart.


> On this day of the celebration of Your Birthday, Shri Mataji, in

> the land of Your Son, Shri Ganesha, we proclaim to the world that

> let all mankind come to You in Your Holy Name, and to join this

> holy Family, and to give You praise and glory. Let all Sahaja

> Yogis who have felt Your Love and Power on this day proclaim also

> to the world the wondrous story of Your Advent.


> Parampuja Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has ascended Her Throne, for She

> is the Lord, above all, the supreme Power of this universe.


> Jai Shri Mataji!




There are seven type of SYs who believe Council Members when they

make such speeches:


1) the hypocrites (who are pretending Council Members are doing just



2) the ignorant (who do not know Council Members are not doing just



3) the confused (who do not know Council Members are not doing just

that but believe they are);


4) the liars (who know Council Members are not doing just that but

want others to believe they are);


5) the pretenders (who know Council Members are not doing just that

but claim deviantly they are);


6) the cowards (who know Council Members are not doing just that but

have no courage or conscience to say so);


7) the brainwashed (who do not know Council Members are not doing so

since being genetically modified to collectively proclaim and roar

in private, and cower and squeak in public).



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