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Shri Mataji informed seekers of religious roots of subtle system and self-realization

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> So in Part One i conclude there are two things that over the years/

> decades have hindered or destroyed the progress of Sahaja Yoga:


> i) advertising Sahaj Yoga as the subtle system;

> ii) exposing seekers to the endemic collective diseases of gossip,

> non-collective interaction and behavior, ritualism, egoism,

> fanaticism, fear mongering, superstitions and jealousy.


> /message/6643



Shri Mataji never wanted Sahaja Yoga to degenerate into what we have

today. Time and again She pleaded with SYs not to indulge in all the

above and especially about judging others through chakras. But many

SYs still continue, as is evident from the first-hand experience of

a new SY in the Vancouver collective. Maybe this post may remind the

contrasting ways Shri Mataji and SYs use the subtle system knowledge

to spread Her Message.


Just in case it is overlooked, i want to emphasize that the subtle

system is a double-edged sword that cuts both ways .........

resulting is numerous accidental self-inflicted injuries. SYs use

the subtle system 'knowledge' both to heal themselves and malign,

label or back-stab others. You will forever hear murmuring souls

accusing fellow SYs having a/being " left/right-sided " , " hot liver " ,

" bad vishuddi catch " , " horrible mooladhara " , " need working on

Void " , " Agnya problem " , " no vibrations " and 1001 other catch

curses. Every SY is cursed by some catch that, like a depressing

nickname, becomes common public knowledge.


i have heard all this judging of others through their chakras all too

often and would like to quote from Kyyan's classic " Vancouver

Collective, Others Part 2 " why SYs should not react to this public

washing of dirty laundry as it seems that no amount of footsoaking

and treatments can eradicate a common disease that afflicts many who

regards themselves as self-realized:


" I'm not sure if people are still opposed and angry with regards to

what I have posted on this forum (as its been days since this all

went down) or if people have read the " part one " of this two part

email, but if anyone is still angry, then please ask yourself why.

Is it because I have said something which is not the truth, which

has not happened and is not happening currently, or because I have

twisted the truth, over exaggerated the problems within our

collective just to cast a bad light on the collective and side with

a man you deem and many in the organization of SY deem off? Or

rather, is it because you feel betrayed that someone from your own

collective, who has eaten with you, talked with you, laughed with

you and enjoyed your company has decided to air out the dirty

laundry, and the innermost workings and issues of the collective to

the public for all to see and hear? Basically what I mean is, is the

real reason you are upset and angry is because you feel betrayed by

me for telling private/personal collective matters to the public,

thus making " our own business " very public and our problems very

apparent; hence embarrassment? Please introspect and make sure any

anger, hurt, or hostile feelings you may or may not have for me now

because of what I have written is coming from a justified stance,

rather then a challenge to the ego or feelings of betrayal. I say

this because everything I have written over the months on this

forum, as I have stated in part one, are all things I have

personally experienced, seen and heard first hand. I have heard the

same from other yogis and yoginis in the collective, so I know

others have seen, heard and experienced the very same things, though

maybe have not said it openly. " (end)





Even the elite re/presenters of Her Will indulge in this collective

cursing. According to Alan Wherry i am supposed to be a

" supraconscious " non-SY. Viktor Bondar claims i am a sort

of " possessed false guru " . The Montreal coordinator and former ex-

leader of France, Patrick Lantoin, regards me " right-sided " . Booted

ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan thought we all had " Agnya problems. " (i

have yet to receive evidence of what John Noyce, an aspiring Will-

wannabe and former close aide of Shri Mataji, has labeled me.) And i

was under the impression that senior SYs and 'chosen' ones, given

the years and decades doing Sahaja Yoga and footsoaks, were highly

evolved humans on the verge of liberation. Thus i have now serious

doubts of their moksa since liberated beings are very, very humble

souls who do not resort to such maligning murmurs.


(MALIGN: from Latin malignus: to utter injuriously misleading or

false reports about: speak evil of synonyms MALIGN, TRADUCE,


speaking ill of.) Merriam-Webster Online


The list of curses for me is rather long, and we are only talking

about those closest to Shri Mataji. What about ordinary SYs - like

those in Vancouver, the headquarters of the Inquisytion - who take

the cue and orders from WCASY? Can anyone imagine the amount of

collective negativity directed against the few who refuse to

acknowledge the authority of those who hijacked Her Will, or do not

toe the official line and directives that everyone must at all times

use the subtle system method to spread Sahaja Yoga?


But let's get back to the main topic.


Since SYs are forever sick and need constant treatments this hurtful

gossip pervades all collectives, resulting in further injuries of

non-collective interaction and behavior. After all, there must be a

reason for what ails you. There is nothing better than saying

that " Next time I will not sit near ------ because he has this

horrible ------- catch. " Or how about: " This strong tea that Jagbir

made will mess up my liver. "


Mix all this with ritualism, egoism, fanaticism, fear mongering,

superstitions and jealousy, and you have a festering collective sore

that never heals. SYs take turns scratching it, instead of biting

nails or tongues to check themselves.


So which balanced and sane seeker wants to join Sahaja Yoga to learn

about this petty subtle system and the 1001 catches waiting to

disease them at our local collectives? ....... and then be further

exposed to other infectious diseases such as gossip, non-collective

interaction and behavior, ritualism, egoism, fanaticism, fear

mongering, superstitions and jealousy?


This Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is destroying us. SYs are

still stuck at this first chapter, as over the years and decades

they have been induced to forget the remaining 107 chapters of the

Divine Message given by Shri Mataji. SYs need to remember the early

speeches of Shri Mataji were radical, revolutionary and rallying

seekers to Her openly proclaim Her Advent and Divine Message to

humanity. Over the years She realized that SYs just could not do so,

and thus toned down according to their abilities. That is how and

why the subtle system was (and is now overwhelmingly) used by

leaders to first substitute and, later, replace Her Divine Message.

They think they are following Shri Mataji who not only uses the

subtle system chart at public programs to teach the first letter " A "

but also to turn human attention within. SYs have forgotten that She

has often used words like " Cool Breeze of Holy Ghost " , " Last

Judgment " , " Qiyamah " , " Bible " , " Koran " to inform complete strangers

attending public programs of the religious roots of the subtle

system and self-realization. That is the only way for them to LATER

understand and grasp the initial self-realization i.e., follow-up

programs. SYs were supposed to then explain in comprehensive detail

over the weeks how the subtle system and Self-realization is related

to the " Cool Breeze of Holy Ghost " , " Last Judgment " , " Qiyamah " ,

" Bible " , " Koran " - all important aspects of spirituality, religion,

scriptures, messengers, prophecies and eschatology. This is the vast

scope of knowledge, Her Divine Message to humanity that was to be

given to seekers so that those believing would stay on. Sahaja Yoga

was to be synonymous with God's Plan for all humans, the promised

Golden Age of the Last Judgment, a global spiritual awakening and

preparation to return Home. There would have been no need to lie and

pretend, as SYs have been doing for more than two decades on a

colossal collective scale, since seekers would have known it is

about the Adi Shakti and Her Divine Message.


So why are SYs still being dishonest and deceitful about the very

topics that Shri Mataji openly spoke at public programs - " Cool

Breeze of Holy Ghost " , " Last Judgment " , " Qiyamah " , " Bible " , " Koran "

and others? They will twist and turn to give you deviant readings

that have never ceased to amaze or convince me.


To only talk about the subtle system has never been Shri Mataji's

intention or reason for Her Advent. She never took birth just to

teach the subtle system, which Kyyan brilliantly pointed out would

just take a short time. I again quote from Kyyan's classical

" Vancouver Collective, Others Part 2 " :


" Shri Mataji has said that we should become experts in the field of

SY. That means become experts about " Spontaneous Union With The

Divine " , not about the subtle system alone or about SY- the

organization. That sentence never held any weight or even crossed my

mind after I read it, but now the depth and relevance of it has

become apparent to me after many months in the collective and slowly

finding out what is required of us by the Adi Shakti in comparison

to what I have been doing and what I have seen others doing. If you

take her words to mean experts about Sahaja Yoga, then what would

you be becoming experts about? How to run an ashram? How to perform

a Puja? . How to do clearing of the chakras? How to sing bahjans?

How to decode the subtle system? If that was the case, then we would

all be experts after about 2-3 months in SY at most. Do you think

the divine incarnated herself at all, but especially in such

terrible times to teach us about how the subtle body works and how

we can correct it to enjoy a more peaceful balanced life? If that

was the case Shri Mataji would have finished her work in early

1971, as it doesn't take much more then that amount of time to learn

all these external things. But no, She was teaching and giving such

in-depth speeches for more then three decades, and from the ones I

have seen, none of them mentioned pujas (even though they were at

pujas, less then a mention of what puja it was and why it was

auspicious) but rather such in depth information about every aspect

of life and the after life, past, present and future, all of which

is way over my head and probably will be for most of my life. Why

would she give more then 2000 speeches to teach the subtle system

and external rituals? It doesn't make any sense. " : (end)





Kyyan is absolutely right. Since opening the Sahasara in 1970 Shri

Mataji has spent the remaining years encircling the globe and giving

thousands of talks and speeches which touch on all aspects of

spirituality, religion, scriptures, messengers, prophecies and

eschatology. This priceless trasure of Divine Knowledge is suppossed

to be for the benefit of all humanity. It was never meant to scare

off people, as SYs believe will happen. Only SYs believe the Truth

will frighten seekers, and thus need to lie to eventually attract

people to it. It is an enigma peculiar only to SYs, a phenomena

that is unprecedented in history.


The few of us who now want to give courage and faith to SYs by

bringing them to remembrance of all She has spoken are instead

cursed and ex-communicated for daring to encroach the sacred ground

of WCASY and challenge their Will and SYSSR message.


But Shri Mataji told SYs in the 90s in Sydney, Australia that

certain personalities from Montreal, Canada will complete the job of

vouching Her Advent and Message ............... and that there was no

need for them at that time to know more as it will take place on its

own in future.


That has come true. All SYs need to do is advance from Chapter 1:

Subtle System and read the remaining 107 at www.adishakti.org and

this forum. Shri Mataji promised that She will complete the task of

spreading Sahaja Yoga. By that did She mean the " subtle system "

or " Divine Message " to humanity? As Kyyan asked, did She need

" 2000 speeches to teach the subtle system and external rituals? It

doesn't make any sense " .


It never made sense to me too.



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