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Dear moderators, Since we are non-sectarian scientists, we don't

conform to any single religion to the exclusion of all the others. We

herein present scriptural and scientific evidence to support the

General Theory of Rasa Tantra or Hermetic Science. According to

Scientific Method, this mountain of scriptural quotes and medical

case histories comprise our " Secondary Analysis " , which is the

Evidence Warranting Experimental Research, in order to ascertain the

veracity of these claims, presented in the scriptures of these many



Faith is a two-edged sword: It enables us to have what we imagine,

but, if our understanding is incorrect, it also can deceive us into

imagining we have what we really in fact don't! After reading the

entire Tantrayudha, I can only wonder about the " faith " of those who

oppose this golden opportunity to enjoy a longer and happier life.

Please be open-minded, and let's thoroughly investigate what is

presented in the many volumes of The Tantrayudha, which is about the

Science of Salvation from Suffering.


The remarkable thing is that the world's major religious

interpretations have less evidence to substantiate their claims than

does Salvation Science! One must have the intelligence to know that

the long tradition, great wealth and enormous numbers of followers of

the world's major fundamentalist sectarian religions, do not verify,

in any scientific way, their vague claims of Salvation, from what

they haven't even yet thought about. Those who won't give, find it

hard to receive. Like Jesus said: " Those who save their lives (by

conforming to erroneous norms) will lose their lives. But those who

lose their lives in saving lives, will save their lives " . There is no

security in falsehood.


You who refuse to learn new things and can't tolerate change - This

is not for you. To all the others, we send blessings in new chances

to deciper and discover old mysteries, with a significant possibility

for self-improvement and a general uplifting of society. The mind-set

of the masses, determines what is written in the annals of history.

God help the world which despises the Righteous Human Attributes of:

Knowledge, Reason, Honesty, and Compassion, for such maniacs will

write only horror scripts to be enacted on the stage of life, thus

denegrating our history and ourselves. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha






Whether we know it or not, the absence of this Holy Gnosis throughout

the world, is the prime cause of unhappiness in our lives. To live

without this Revealed Gospel of Salvation from Suffering, is

a " throw-away " body in a disposable world! Like the Bible says: The

devils, knowing their time is short, will " raise hell " ! If our lives

were healthier and longer, and satisfied by Higher Consciousness

instead of by the hoarding of paltry possessions, then we might find

the Salvation from Suffering, promised by the great masters, such as

Our Beloved Lord Jesus.


Our dear Elder has expressed the very highest desire, to preserve the

Sanatana (Eternal) Dharma, so that souls will no longer be

incarnating into a troublesome and unhappy world of the cheaters and

the cheated. Take pity on the poor babies being born into this den of

demons, devils hell-bent to dupe the new-born with false doctrines,

which will only bring suffering. First, save the Message, and ensure

it will continue on into the future, by saving it, copying it,

publishing it, and distributing it.


We must also revert to our pre-computer tactics of " hard copies " -

paper copies which can survive an attack by Electro-Magnetic Pulse,

or any other diminution in electronics and technology. Second, unless

you are very wealthy, you must band together in groups, for the

purpose of separating yourselves from the attacks of the unworthy, so

that you might attain unto the long-sought Rebirth of Bioplasma and

Spirit by Meiosis of a New Genome - to be " Born Again of water and

Spirit " , as Jesus called it.


Like the Holy Bible promises: " I give you a white (philosopher's)

stone (a purified body) with a new name (a new Genetic Code Genome),

and nobody will know that Name but you " . Ekongcar Sat Nam (One Om

Body is the True Name or True Nature of God). As always, we speak not

in the words which the ignorant don't understand and rhetoric whereby

liars deceive, but we speak in terms of the Holy Gnosis, which is the

actual meaning of the words. The label of the thing is not the thing

itself. The Subjective God Within, is the longer and happier life,

which must manifest within us, in order to attain Salvation from

Suffering. Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha






Please save the website to disc for us, so that we can order a copy

if needed. Thanks! - Elder





I apologize to those of you who went to our website, only to be

turned away by a sign saying we had exceeded our bandwidth. What that

means is that you, the readers, have been entering the website in

such numbers, we had to pay an additional fee, in order to handle the

enormous traffic in there. And it is all free. It only costs me my

time and money, and I am glad to do it, because it is the right thing

to do. You should be able to get into the website now, to do some

very serious reading.


Some said they didn't like our Message. It doesn't matter if you like

it or not. When presented with an opportunity to overcome so many

sufferings, the only question should be: Does it work or not? Our

Message is scripturally based, but was previously unknown to most of

us. Therefore, this Knowledge re-emerges as several Experimental

Theories. " Don't knock it till you have tried it. " In other words,

speculation about what would be the outcome of such experimental

research, is often but a " foot-dragging " stalling tactic of those who

don't want any of us to know if the Marriage Supper of the Lamb of

God works or not.


Such questions can only be answered by rational minds, using

Scientific Method and Experimental Research. We all realize that some

of our experimental therapies are difficult at best and distasteful

at worst. We all agree about that. But only science can answer as to

the benefits and efficacy of our Experimental Protocols - not idle

armchair speculation. If any are offended by our message, I apologize

in advance, but there was no other way to make this non-commercial

public service announcement. I am an ascetic, reclusive sadhu, and I

am not trying to recruit you or get your money.


I apologize I cannot answer every post directed to me. All comments

and queries should be emailed to me. Thank you, and I hope you

benefit from the knowledge provided in the library at

SalvationScience.com. We are completely non-sectarian, and quote

from all scriptures of all the world's religions, without preference

or prejudice. Any moderator who does not wish to post such a

messages as this, might kindly and lovingly me from the

group. Although we are a new competitior for the minds and hearts of

the people, we are not trying to interfere with their free choice.

Blessings to all! Jai Om. - Sw. Tantrasangha



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