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Part B - Introduction to Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ...

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Dear All,


Here is the continuing Introduction by Eva S. Dowling (wife of Levi), in regards

to " The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age " . Eva answers

the anticipated question of: " What is meant by " the Christ " as the word is used

in this book? "


Please enjoy,





What is Meant by " the Christ " , as the Word is Used in This Book?


The word Christ is derived from the Greek word Kristos and means anointed. It is

identical with the Hebrew word Messiah. The word Christ, per se, does not refer

to any particular person; every anointed person is christed. When the definite

article “the” is placed before the word christ, a definite personality is

indicated, and this personality is none other than a member of the Trinity, the

Son who had a glory with the Father-Mother before the worlds were formed.


According to the teachings of all ancient masters this Son is Love; so the

Christ is Love, and Love is God, since God is Love.


Another remarkable manuscript found in Levi’s Akashic portfolio gives the

clearest possible ideal of the Christ, or Love of God. It is presumed that this

manuscript is a direct transcription from the Akashic Records and its importance

demands its reproduction here in full.





" Before creation was, the Christ walked with the Father God and Mother God in



" The Christ is son, the only son begotten by Almighty God, the God of Force and

God omniscient, God of thought; and Christ is God, the God of Love.


" Without the Christ there was no light. Through Christ all life was manifest;

and so through him all things were done, and naught was done in forming worlds

or peopling worlds without the Christ.


" Christ is the Logos of Infinities and through the word alone are Thought and

Force made manifest.


" The Son is called the Christ, because the Son, the Love, the universal Love,

was set apart, ordained to be creator, Lord, preserver and redeemer of all

things, of everything that is, or evermore will be.


" Through Christ, the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man, the

angel and the cherubim took up their stations on their planes of life.


" Through Christ they are preserved; and if they fall it is the Christ who lifts

them up; and if they sell themselves to sin the Christ redeems.


" Now Christ, the universal Love, pervades all spaces of infinity, and so there

is no end to Love.


" From the great heart of Love un-numbered spirits were sent forth to demonstrate

the height, the depth, the width, the boundlessness of Love.


" To every world and star and moon and sun a master spirit of this Love divine

was sent; and all were full anointed with the oil of helpfulness, and each

became a Christ.


" All glorious in his majesty is Christ, who spreads the pure white robe of Love

o’er all the planes of earth – The Christ of earth, its heaven, its graves.


" In course of time the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man sold

out their birthrights unto sin; but Christ was present to redeem.


" Hid in the holiest place in all infinities is locked the scroll that bears the

record of the purposes of God, the Triune God, and there we read:


" Perfection is the ultimate of life. A seed is perfect in its embryotic life,

but it is destined to unfold, to grow.


" Into the soil of every plane these seeds, which were the Thoughts of God, were

cast – the seeds of protoplast, of earth, of plant, of beast, of man, of angel

and of cherubim and they who sowed the seeds, through Christ, ordained that they

should grow, and should return at last, by effort of unnumbered years, to the

great granary of thought, and each to be a perfection of its kind.


" And in the boundless blessedness of Love the man was made the Lord of

protoplast of earth, of plant, of beast; and Christ proclaimed: Man shall have

full dominion over everything that is upon these planes of life; and it was so.


" And he who gave the lordship unto man declared that he must rule by Love.


" But men grew cruel and they lost their power to rule, and protoplast, and

earth, and plant and beast became at enmity with man; he lost his heritage; but

Christ was present to redeem.


" But man had lost his consciousness of right; he could no longer comprehend the

boundlessness of Love; he could see naught but self, and things of self; but

Christ was there to seek the lost and save.


" So that he might be close to man in all the ways of life, that man might

comprehend the mighty spirit of the Love, the Christ of earth made manifest to

human eyes and ears by taking his abode in some pure person, well prepared by

many lives to be a fit abiding place of Love.


" Thus Christ made manifest Love’s power to save; but men forgot so soon, and so

Christ must manifest again, and then again.


" And ever since man took his place in form of flesh the Christ has been manifest

in flesh at first of every age.”


(Introduction to “The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ” by Levi)




" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> Btw, the copy of the Aquarian Gospel i am getting this info from

was published in 1964. i have another bit of info on Levi H. Dowling

which is given on the back of the book cover, and i thought it would

explain about Levi really well (so i should have included this in the

last post, but do so now instead.)


> violet



> " This is a unique book; practically a complete record of the words

and works of Jesus of Nazareth, from his birth in Bethlehem to his

ascension from the Mount of Olives some thirty three years later. It

includes the eighteen years not recorded in the New Testament, when

Jesus travelled in Tibet, Egypt, India, Persia, and Greece, talking

with monks and wise men.


> The Gospel was transcribed by Levi H. Dowling from the Akashic

Records, the absolute and imperishable records of all time and all

life. It took forty years of study and meditation for Levi to attain

a level of spiritual consciousness necessary to attune to the

distinct tones and rhythms of Jesus of Nazareth. The results of his

work has provided an enriching spiritual experience for four



> It was only with the opening of the Aquarian Age, from which the

Gospel takes its name, could the transcription have taken place; for

it is written: -


> " And when the world is ready to receive, lo, God will send a

messenger to open up the book and copy from its sacred pages all the

messages of purity and love. Then every man of earth will read the

words of life in the language of his native land, and men will see

the light.... And man again will be at one with God.


> (Aquarian Gospel 7:25, 28) (end quote)



> i have known about this book since the 1970's, and to read it is to

know that this is an absolutely extraordinary book, which reveals

much more about Jesus, the Christ, especially about all his extensive

travels where He met many many spiritual teachers, etc. from all the

different spiritual traditions, too.


> This should tell us something, should it not! That he made friends

with people from all spiritual traditions and studied their spiritual

knowledge with them; then He in turn would explain their Scriptures

to them, but they did not always understand either! Of course, He got

into trouble with the priestly classes on a number of occasions,

because He would explain things which they either would not, or could

not accept!


> i would encourage you to get your own copies. You will never regret

it, because there is much to read and imbibe which will be of

spiritual benefit that you will derive from reading about the hidden

years of Jesus, the Christ of the Piscean Age.


> violet



> ,

> " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > As promised, I will be posting (and exploring) the spiritual

> knowledge that is contained in the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the

> Christ, which according to the writer, Levi H. Dowling is a

> philosophical and practical basis for religion in the new Age of

> Aquarius.

> >

> > First, is some info on " Who was Levi? " followed by an Introduction

> by Eva S. Dowling (his wife) where she answers some questions, which

> she anticipates readers will have, such as " What is an Age " ?, etc.

> She also includes a delightful description given by Levi where the

> Piscean Age transfers in a ceremonial way to the Aquarian Age. I


> included it for your enjoyment, as it is quite beautiful.

> >

> > Then in subsequent instalments, I would like to explore together

> with forum readers, some chapters from this book. Maybe we will go

> through all chapters; maybe not... depending on how it all works


> and if we are enjoying it.

> >

> > The main thing is that we learn a bit more than we knew before,


> thereby increase our spiritual knowledge and understanding. It is

> important to have an understanding of spiritual things, which many

> yogis (and others maybe too) do not seem to have. It is not

> surprising as this very past Kali Yuga was not exactly what is known

> as a " spiritual age " , folks!

> >

> > So, don't feel bad. Many are in the same boat. i believe that the

> Aquarian Gospel is forthright and clear and is a great help in that

> it does give a philosophical and practical basis for religion in the

> new Age of Aquarius.

> >

> > love and best wishes to all,

> >

> > Violet

> >

> >

> > Who was Levi? (by the Publishers)

> >

> > In response to inquiries from many friends of " The Aquarian Gospel

> of Jesus the Christ " for some information regarding the transcriber,

> we herewith give a short sketch. It was his great desire that each

> one should have the message regardless of the messenger.

> >

> > LEVI (Levi H. Dowling), was born Friday morning, May 18, 1844 at

> Belleville, Ohio. His father, Scotch-Welsh descent, was a pioneer

> preacher among the Disciples of Christ. Levi was always a student of

> the deeper things of life. At the age of thirteen, in his first

> public debate, he took the negative side against a Presbyterian


> on " The Everlasting Punishment of the Wicked. "

> >

> > He began preaching at the age of sixteen; and at the age of

> eighteen was pastor of a small church. He entered the United States

> Army at the age of twenty as Chaplain, and served in this capacity


> the end of the Civil War. In 1866-7 he was a student at Northwestern

> Christian University at Indianapolis, Indiana. The next year he


> publishing Sunday School Literature, issuing Sunday School Lesson

> Papers, Song Books, and a Children's Sunday School Paper. Much of


> time was devoted to the cause of Prohibition. He was a graduate of

> two medical colleges and practised medicine for a number of years.


> finally retired from the medical profession to resume literary work.

> >

> > Early in life, when but a mere lad, he had a vision in which he


> told that he was to " build a white city. " This vision was repeated

> three times with years intervening. The building of the " white city "

> was " The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. " This book was

> transcribed between the early morning hours of two and six - the

> absolutely " quiet hours. "

> >

> > Levi passed from earth-life August 13, 1911.

> >

> > The Publishers.

> >

> > ………………..

> >

> > Introduction

> >

> > By

> >

> > Eva S. Dowling, A.Ph.D.

> >

> > Scribe to the Messenger

> >


> >

> > The full title of this book is " The Aquarian Age Gospel of Jesus,

> the Christ of the Piscean Age, " and the critical reader is apt to


> a number of pertinent questions concerning it. Among the many

> anticipated questions, these are perhaps the most important:

> >

> > What is an Age?

> > What is the Piscean Age?

> > What is the Aquarian Age?

> > What is meant by the Christ as the word is used in this book?

> > What relationship existed between Jesus of Nazareth and the


> > Who is Levi, the transcriber of this book?

> > What are the Akashic Records?

> >

> > What is an Age?

> >

> > Astronomers tell us that our sun an his family of planets revolve

> around a central sun, which is millions of miles distant, and that


> requires something less than 26,000 years to make one revolution.


> orbit is called the Zodiac, which is divided into twelve signs,

> familiarly known as Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,


> Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. It requires


> Solar System a little more than 2,100 years to pass through one of

> these signs, and this time is the measurement of an Age or

> Dispensation. Because of what Astronomers call " the precession of


> Equinoxes " the movement of the sun through the signs of the Zodiac


> in order reverse from that given above.

> >

> > Exact Time of the Beginning of an Age

> >

> > Regarding this matter there is a disagreement among astronomers;

> but in this Introduction we are not called upon to give the reasons

> of the various investigators for their opinions; there are enough

> well authenticated facts for our present purposes. It is conceded by

> all critical students that the sun entered the zodiacal sign Taurus

> in the days of our historic Adam when the Taurian Age began; that

> Abraham lived not far from the beginning of the Arian Age, when the

> sun entered the sign Aries. About the time of the rise of the Roman

> empire the sun entered the sign Pisces, the Fishes, and the Piscean

> Age began, so that early in this Age Jesus of Nazareth lived.

> >

> > What is the Piscean Age?

> >

> > This question requires further consideration. The Piscean Age is

> identical with the Christian Dispensation. The word Pisces means

> fish. The sign is known as a water sign, and the Piscean Age has


> distinctly the age of the fish and its element, water.

> >

> > In the establishment of their great institutions, John the

> Harbinger and Jesus both introduced the rite of water baptism, which

> has been used in some form in all the so-called Christian Churches

> and cults, even to the present time. Water is the true symbol of

> purification. Jesus himself said to the before he was baptised: " All

> the men must be washed, symbolic of the cleansing of the

> soul. " (Aquarian Gospel

> > 64:7.)

> >

> > Fish was a Christian Symbol

> >

> > In the earlier centuries of the Christian Dispensation, the fish

> was everywhere used as a symbol. In his remarkable book, " Christian

> Iconography, " Didron says:

> >

> > " The fish, in the opinion of antiquarians generally, is the symbol

> of Jesus Christ. The fish is sculptured upon a number of Christian

> monuments, and more particularly upon the ancient sarcophagi. It is

> also upon medals, bearing the name of our Saviour and also upon

> engraved stones, cameos and intaglios. The fish is also to be

> remarked upon the amulets worn suspended from the necks by children,

> and upon ancient glasses and sculptured lamps.

> >

> > " Baptismal fonts are more particularly ornamented with the fish.

> The fish is constantly exhibited placed upon a dish in the middle of

> the table, at the Last Supper, among the loaves, knives and cups


> at the banquet. "

> >

> > In the writings of Tertullian we find this statement: " We are

> little fishes in Christ our great fish. "

> >

> > The last two thousand years, comprising the Piscean Age, has

> certainly been one of water and the many uses of that element have

> been emphasised, and sea and lake and river navigation has been

> brought to a high degree of efficiency.

> >

> > What is the Aquarian Age?

> >

> > The human race is to-day standing upon the cusp of the Piscean-

> Aquarian Ages. Aquarius is an air sign and the New Age is already

> noted for remarkable inventions for the use of air, electricity,

> magnetism, etc. Men navigate the air as fish do the sea, and send

> their thoughts spinning around the world with the speed of


> >

> > The word Aquarius is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning

> water. Aquarius is, however, the `water bearer', and the symbol of

> the sign, which is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, is a man


> in his right hand a pitcher of water. Jesus referred to the


> of the Aquarian Age in these words:

> >

> > " And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an

> arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the Son of Man will stand


> in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know

> that the redemption of the earth is near. " (Aquarian Gospel 157:29,

> 30.)

> >

> > The Aquarian Age is pre-eminently a spiritual age, and the

> spiritual side of the great lessons that Jesus gave to the world may

> now be comprehended by multitudes of people, for the many are now

> coming into an advanced stage of spiritual consciousness; so with

> much propriety this book is called " The Aquarian (or Spiritual)

> Gospel of Jesus, the Christ. "

> >

> > An Important Event. The transfer of dominion from one Age to

> another is an important event in the world of Cherubim and Seraphim.

> Among the manuscripts of Levi we have found a most remarkable paper

> describing the transfer of dominion from the Piscean Age to the

> Aquarian Age, but it is difficult to determine whether it is a

> recital of facts or a prophetic statement. We reproduce the paper in

> full: -

> >


> >

> > " In Spirit I was caught away into the realms of Akasha; I stood

> alone within the circle of the sun. And there I found the secret

> spring that opens up the door to Wisdom and an understanding heart.


> entered in and then I knew. I saw the four and twenty Cherubim and

> Seraphim that guard the circle of the sun, the mighty ones who were

> proclaimed by masters long ago `the four and twenty ancient ones.' I

> heard the names of every Cherubim and Seraphim, and learned that

> every sign in all the Zodiac is ruled by two – a Cherubim and

> Seraphim. And then I stood upon the cusp where Ages meet. The


> Age had passed; the Aquarian Age had just begun. I saw the guardian

> Spirits of the Piscean Age; Ramasa is the Cherubim; Vacabiel is

> Seraphim. I saw the guardian Spirits of the Aquarian Age, and Archer

> is the Cherubim; Sakmaquil is the Seraphim. These four great spirits

> of the Triune God stood close together on the cusp, and in the

> presence of the sacred Three – the God of Might, the God of Wisdom,

> and the God of Love – the sceptre of Domain, of Might, of Wisdom and

> of Love was there transferred. I heard the charges of the Triune


> but these I may not now reveal. I heard the history of the Piscean

> Age from Piscean Cherubim and Seraphim, and when I took my pen to

> write Ramasa said: " Not now, my son, not now; but you may write it

> down for men when men have learned the sacred laws of Brotherhood,


> Peace on earth, good-will to every living thing. And then I heard


> Aquarian Cherubim and Seraphim proclaim the Gospel of the coming


> the age of Wisdom, of the Son of Man. And when the crown was lifted

> from the head of Ramasa and placed upon the head of Archer of the

> Aquarian Age; and when the royal sceptre was transferred from

> Seraphim Vacabiel to Seraphim Sakmaquil there was deep silence in


> courts of heaven. And then the goddess Wisdom spoke, and with her

> hands outstretched she poured the benedictions of the Holy Breath

> upon the rulers of Aquarius. I may not write the words she spoke,


> I may tell the Gospel of the coming age that Archer told when he

> received the crown. And I may breathe to men the song of praise that

> Seraphim Sakmaquil sung when she received the royal sceptre of the

> newborn age. This Gospel I will tell, and I will sing this song in

> every land, to all the people, tribes and tongues of earth. "

> >

> > (The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ - by Levi)

> >

> > (Dear All... this concludes Part A of the Introduction. I hope you

> enjoyed it. The next installment will be Part B of the Introduction

> where Eva S. Dowling tells what is meant by " the Christ " , as the


> is used in this book.)

> >


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