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Neither Shri Mataji nor Jesus, but followers falsely claimed them to be God Almighty

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Dear Violet,


i am appalled at the recent joint statement by WCASY and Australian



" On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of

Sydney, on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja

Celebration of our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi " (End Quote)


It is fraught with the same falsehood, fundamentalism, exclusivity

and division that our 'chosen ones' accuse organized religions of

fermenting. The above quote cannot be defended because it does not

agree with the holy scriptures and eschatology ...... wait a minute,

what an idiot like me is saying? Why don't i just say that Shri

Mataji has NEVER claimed to be God Almighty! She has ALWAYS claimed

Herself to be the Adi Shakti which agrees perfectly with the holy

scriptures and eschatology.


And just yesterday this article The Wheel of Religion Looking Beyond

the Tragedy was posted and i quote:


" Religion percolates from above downwards - from a Seer (Incarnation,

Prophet, Saint, Man of God or the Founder) to ordinary masses. While

the Seer speaks from the transcendental standpoint (the state He has

experienced in his life) the masses, who receive his message and

teachings, are immersed in ordinary human consciousness. Thus, the

original knowledge and teachings get diluted, and even distorted, in

flow of time for want of requisite qualifications in the receivers.

While experiences of the Seer are at superconscious plane, his words

are at ordinary life consciousness.


The second important problem relates to the disciples and followers

of such a Seer who erroneously think they have fully understood and

acquired the knowledge from their Teacher. An occasional disciple

might have had attained to such exalted state as his preceptor had,

agreed, but such disciples are exceptions rather than the rule. The

Seer has not one or ten, but thousands of followers and devotees.

All these people, out of faith and devotion, claim to have

understood the principles of religion. But is it really so?


Here comes the main difficulty. The Seer is like the ocean, and his

followers come to the shore of this ocean to take away whatever

little knowledge they can carry in their small vessels. Thus,

everyone gains at least something, but at the same time leaves a

large portion behind! Knowledge gained by the followers remains

incomplete. Over a period of time, the decreasing stores of

knowledge trickles down from one disciple to a group, getting

further diminished at every stage.


Ultimately what remains is a caricature of original religious

truths. Decline in religion (Dharma Glani) manifests ... "



i have heard SYs claiming Shri Mataji is God Almighty many years

ago, and was taken aback. i never knew Shri Mataji made that claim

(and still have not). Now we know that former leaders and the

present chosen ones have made this falsehood official. WCASY has

already watered down, corrupted and organized Her teachings into the

official SYSSR while Shri Mataji is still on Earth. Tens of

thousands of SYs, by helping and empowering those who corrupt the

Truth, are partners in this crime against humanity. It can only get

worse in future for those who neither collectively speak the Truth

nor practice dharma.


i will like to take this opportunity to remind subtle system SYs the

meaning and utmost importance and need to Sathyamvada, Dharmam chara:


“Sathyamvada, Dharmam chara (speak the truth and practise dharma).


This is also one of the important aphorisms enunciated by the

ancient gurus of India. It emphasises the importance of sathya and

dharma. Sathya is the eternal, absolute and unchanging truth. Dharma

is often translated as righteousness, but it is much more than that.

Dharma is a power-packed term epitomising an entire philosophy and a

way of life. It is the summum bonum of Indian ethics. Asishya or

disciple, is one who has grasped the content of sathya and dharma

by constant sadhana or spiritual practice. Sathya and dharma sum up

the code of conduct and scale of values explicated in the immortal

scriptures of India.


If you want to grow paddy, you have to take a good deal of trouble.

You have to plough the land and enrich it with manure and

fertilisers. You have to use good seeds for sowing. You must put up

a fence around your land to protect the plants from men and cattle.

You should also remove the weeds periodically and irrigate the land

properly. You must take all these steps to grow paddy. But, for

growing grass you need not make any special effort. Harmful weeds

grow by themselves. In a similar manner, adharma or unrighteousness

grows like poisonous weeds without any special effort. But the

delicate plant of dharma or righteousness should be carefully tended

and looked after for its survival among the wild and poisonous weeds

of adharma or unrighteousness.


Special sadhana and concentrated efforts are essential for the

establishment and protection of dharma. We should constantly remind

ourselves of the sacred statement: “Dharmo rakshati rakshitah”

(Dharma protects those who protect dharma). We should, however, also

bear in mind a corollary of the foregoing statement: “Dharma eva

hatohanti” (Dharma destroys those who try to destroy dharma). Thus,

dharma is not only a metaphysical concept, but also a powerful moral

force to be reckoned with. One who deviates from the path of dharma

will have to pay a price for it in the long run. Dharma protects the

world (Dharayateeti dharmaha). Dharma is permanent and everlasting.

The sun rises and sets causing day and night, we say. But in

reality, the sun neither rises nor sets. The sun is always there,

eternally effulgent. Similarly, dharma is eternal, immutable and

imperishable. In the sloka “Yada yadahi dharmasya glanir bhavati

Bharata...”, the word glani is used in relation to dharma. Glani

means attenuation, atrophy and decline. Dharma is never really

subject to glani or decline. It is only the practice of dharma that

suffers from glani. Bhagavan emerges as an Avatar for the revival of

the practice of dharma and not for the protection, because it is

eternal and absolute. It is only the practice of dharma that needs a



The Ramayana proclaims, “‘Ramo vigrahavan dharmah” (Rama is the

embodiment of dharma). As God Himself is dharma, the dereliction of

dharma is tantamount to the neglect of God.”


Sathyam Vada Dharmam Chara




i want to continue but i have a headache (catch) trying to prove

that it is not Shri Mataji or Jesus but their followers who falsely

claimed them to be God Almighty. So i will just quote Wayne Greeson

to confirm what i think of WCASY and SYs who corrupt the Truth and

subject Dharma to dereliction, all the more so since the Adi Shakti

is still on Earth:


" Of Dogs, Pigs And Pearls

by Wayne Greeson


Jesus came into this world to reveal and speak the Truth. Often the

truth He spoke was painful. One of the more painful truths spoken by

Christ is found in the Sermon on the Mount. " Do not give what is

holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they

trample them under their feet, and turn and rend you " (Matt. 7:6).


Jesus paints a vivid picture of a cornered person confronted by a

hungry pack of snarling dogs and vicious boars. In fear and

desperation the person throws into the mud in front of the beasts

his most valuable possession, a bag full of pearls. The animals

lunge forward anticipating food for their bellies only to discover

the precious pearls are hard and tasteless. In their anger, the

entire pack of animals turn on the person before them and drag him

down into the mud where they tear him to pieces.


To the Jews dogs and swine were unholy and unclean animals fit

neither for sacrifice nor food. However, Jesus is not warning about

animals but people! There are numerous places throughout the Bible

where unfit and worthless persons are called dogs or swine (See, 1

Sam. 17:43; 2 Sam. 16:9; 2 Ki. 8:13; 2 Pet. 2:18-22).


Jesus instructs His disciples not to waste the holy and precious

instruction and rebuke of God's Word to those who are unfit and

unworthy, for not only will they abuse and reject it, but they also

abuse and reject you.


It is a sad but painful truth that there are those who lower

themselves to the level of vicious snarling junkyard dogs and

brutish boars in their rejection of God's wisdom. Get out of their

way for if they have no respect for God or His Word they will

certainly despise those who try to proclaim God's Truth. Jesus warns

about such characters and teaches that we should be discriminating

in our teaching and preaching less we fall victim to them.


Solomon explained why one must be discriminating in whom he entrusts

precious pearls of instruction and wisdom. He taught that " fools

despise wisdom and instruction " (Prov. 1:7) and a " scoffer does not

love one who reproves him " (Prov. 15:12). Therefore, " Do not speak

in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your

words " (Prov. 23:9). Like Jesus, Solomon recommended a

discriminating attitude toward those one tries to teach: " He who

reproves a scoffer gets shame for himself, And he who rebukes a

wicked man gets himself a blemish. Do not reprove a scoffer, lest he

hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction

to a wise man, and he will be still wiser. Teach a just man, and he

will increase in learning. " (Proverbs 9:7-9).


Of Dogs, Pigs And Pearls




So is WCASY and many SYs against the Truth that is proclaimed at the

www.adishakti.org site and this forum? Are they trampling it under

their feet, turning and rending against those who uphold it? Do we

need to give what is holy to them? i have to agree wholeheartedly

with Shri Jesus:


" Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before

swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and rend

you " (Matt. 7:6).






> In , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> " Bhagvadgita, (7.25), declares that the ignorant think that the

> Supreme Being has a birth. "


, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> This one point is very interesting:


> " Bhagvadgita, (7.25), declares that the ignorant think that the

> Supreme Being has a birth. "


> Going by the Scriptures (Bhagvadgita in this case)... it is

obviously not 'scriptural' when WCASY or Sahaja Yogis call Shri

Mataji " The Almighty God " ... since it is clear from the Bhagvadgita,

that the Supreme Being Whom we know to be " The God Almighty " , does

not have a birth, and that it is ignorance to even 'think so'.

Neither then, for similar reasons, can it be correct for Christians

to call Shri Jesus " The God Almighty " !


> So... it is a bit comical, that as it stands between Christianity

and the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion (SYSSR)... that we now

have two (2) " The God Almighties " ... one being Shri Jesus and one

being Shri Mataji. (That is... if we are prepared to believe that

the Supreme Being who is " The God Almighty " actually takes human



> Here is evidence to show that WCASY is purveying such ignorance,

and not only that; they are also proclaiming that " this God

Almighty " is " our God Almighty " (in other words, One Who belongs

exclusively to WCASY and Sahaja Yogis!):


> " On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of

Sydney, on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja

Celebration of our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi " (End Quote)


> (/message/6642)


> What WCASY are proclaiming is in contradiction to the truths in

the Bhagvadgita and there are two distinct disadvantages for WCASY

followers and for Christian followers in believing such non-

scriptural ignorance, although there is no particular disadvantage

for the priestly classes themselves.


> The two distinct disadvantages to the mass of humanity is:


> 1. There is no advantage in calling Shri Jesus or Shri Mataji " The

God Almighty " ... except to serve as a clever psychological ploy to

augment priestly power over the masses. As the mass of humanity have

tended to rely on leaders to tell them the truth... in return, they

remain as spiritually uninformed and ignorant as the 'blind leaders

of the blind' themselves!


> 2. If Jesus attained his resurrection because he was " The God

Almighty " ... that would not give any hope for humanity to attain the

same... because being " The God Almighty " means he would not have

needed to be spiritually resurrected in the first place! It is

precisely because Jesus " was a man " who however became the " God-man

of the ages " ... which is why we too can have confidence that we can

also become spiritually resurrected. This is because, as a man,

Jesus suffered and endured all the temptations and the trials of the

flesh like every other human being has to do. He had to overcome all

that. Therefore, if one man can do it, so can we! That is Jesus, the

Christ's Message to us. We too... can have our spiritual liberation,

our salvation, or our moksha. We too... can experience the Divine

Within, the Indweller or the Antaryamin; just like Jesus did!


> Eva Dowling says it most clearly, when in her Intro to the

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ, she says that:


> " We recognise the facts that Jesus was man and that Christ was

God, so that in very truth Jesus the Christ was the God-man of the

ages. "


> /message/6679


> That makes a lot of sense to me too, and it gives us all hope that

we too can attain the Christ Spirit Within (a.k.a. the Indweller or

the Antaryamin, depending upon which spiritual tradition you come



> best wishes,


> violet



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Fantastic piece Jagbir. It's clear and concise. Thanks for bringing this all together for us. Furthermore, I've recently listened to a tape of Shri Mataji explaining the work of the Adi Shakti. She makes a very clear distinction from God Almighty and Adi Shakti. Love, Suzy jagbir singh <adishakti_org wrote: Dear Violet,i am appalled at the recent joint statement by WCASY and Australian

Council:"On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of Sydney, on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja Celebration of our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi" (End Quote)It is fraught with the same falsehood, fundamentalism, exclusivity and division that our 'chosen ones' accuse organized religions of fermenting. The above quote cannot be defended because it does not agree with the holy scriptures and eschatology ...... wait a minute, what an idiot like me is saying? Why don't i just say that Shri Mataji has NEVER claimed to be God Almighty! She has ALWAYS claimed Herself to be the Adi Shakti which agrees perfectly with the holy scriptures and eschatology.And just yesterday this article The Wheel of Religion Looking Beyond the Tragedy was posted and i quote:"Religion percolates from above downwards - from a Seer (Incarnation,Prophet, Saint,

Man of God or the Founder) to ordinary masses. Whilethe Seer speaks from the transcendental standpoint (the state He hasexperienced in his life) the masses, who receive his message andteachings, are immersed in ordinary human consciousness. Thus, theoriginal knowledge and teachings get diluted, and even distorted, inflow of time for want of requisite qualifications in the receivers.While experiences of the Seer are at superconscious plane, his wordsare at ordinary life consciousness.The second important problem relates to the disciples and followersof such a Seer who erroneously think they have fully understood andacquired the knowledge from their Teacher. An occasional disciplemight have had attained to such exalted state as his preceptor had,agreed, but such disciples are exceptions rather than the rule. TheSeer has not one or ten, but thousands of followers and devotees.All these people, out of faith and

devotion, claim to haveunderstood the principles of religion. But is it really so?Here comes the main difficulty. The Seer is like the ocean, and hisfollowers come to the shore of this ocean to take away whateverlittle knowledge they can carry in their small vessels. Thus,everyone gains at least something, but at the same time leaves alarge portion behind! Knowledge gained by the followers remainsincomplete. Over a period of time, the decreasing stores ofknowledge trickles down from one disciple to a group, gettingfurther diminished at every stage.Ultimately what remains is a caricature of original religioustruths. Decline in religion (Dharma Glani) manifests ..."i have heard SYs claiming Shri Mataji is God Almighty many years ago, and was taken aback. i never knew Shri Mataji made that claim (and still have not). Now we know that former leaders and the present chosen ones have made this falsehood

official. WCASY has already watered down, corrupted and organized Her teachings into the official SYSSR while Shri Mataji is still on Earth. Tens of thousands of SYs, by helping and empowering those who corrupt the Truth, are partners in this crime against humanity. It can only get worse in future for those who neither collectively speak the Truth nor practice dharma.i will like to take this opportunity to remind subtle system SYs the meaning and utmost importance and need to Sathyamvada, Dharmam chara:“Sathyamvada, Dharmam chara (speak the truth and practise dharma). This is also one of the important aphorisms enunciated by the ancient gurus of India. It emphasises the importance of sathya and dharma. Sathya is the eternal, absolute and unchanging truth. Dharma is often translated as righteousness, but it is much more than that. Dharma is a power-packed term epitomising an entire philosophy and a way

of life. It is the summum bonum of Indian ethics. Asishya or disciple, is one who has grasped the content of sathya and dharmaby constant sadhana or spiritual practice. Sathya and dharma sum up the code of conduct and scale of values explicated in the immortal scriptures of India.If you want to grow paddy, you have to take a good deal of trouble. You have to plough the land and enrich it with manure and fertilisers. You have to use good seeds for sowing. You must put up a fence around your land to protect the plants from men and cattle. You should also remove the weeds periodically and irrigate the land properly. You must take all these steps to grow paddy. But, for growing grass you need not make any special effort. Harmful weeds grow by themselves. In a similar manner, adharma or unrighteousness grows like poisonous weeds without any special effort. But the delicate plant of dharma or righteousness should be

carefully tended and looked after for its survival among the wild and poisonous weeds of adharma or unrighteousness.Special sadhana and concentrated efforts are essential for the establishment and protection of dharma. We should constantly remind ourselves of the sacred statement: “Dharmo rakshati rakshitah” (Dharma protects those who protect dharma). We should, however, also bear in mind a corollary of the foregoing statement: “Dharma eva hatohanti” (Dharma destroys those who try to destroy dharma). Thus, dharma is not only a metaphysical concept, but also a powerful moral force to be reckoned with. One who deviates from the path of dharma will have to pay a price for it in the long run. Dharma protects the world (Dharayateeti dharmaha). Dharma is permanent and everlasting. The sun rises and sets causing day and night, we say. But in reality, the sun neither rises nor sets. The sun is always there, eternally

effulgent. Similarly, dharma is eternal, immutable and imperishable. In the sloka “Yada yadahi dharmasya glanir bhavati Bharata...”, the word glani is used in relation to dharma. Glani means attenuation, atrophy and decline. Dharma is never really subject to glani or decline. It is only the practice of dharma thatsuffers from glani. Bhagavan emerges as an Avatar for the revival of the practice of dharma and not for the protection, because it is eternal and absolute. It is only the practice of dharma that needs a renaissance.The Ramayana proclaims, “‘Ramo vigrahavan dharmah” (Rama is the embodiment of dharma). As God Himself is dharma, the dereliction of dharma is tantamount to the neglect of God.”Sathyam Vada Dharmam Charawww.sssbpt.info/summershowersi want to continue but i have a headache (catch) trying to prove that it is not Shri Mataji or Jesus but their followers who falsely claimed them

to be God Almighty. So i will just quote Wayne Greeson to confirm what i think of WCASY and SYs who corrupt the Truth and subject Dharma to dereliction, all the more so since the Adi Shakti is still on Earth:"Of Dogs, Pigs And Pearlsby Wayne GreesonJesus came into this world to reveal and speak the Truth. Often the truth He spoke was painful. One of the more painful truths spoken by Christ is found in the Sermon on the Mount. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and rend you" (Matt. 7:6).Jesus paints a vivid picture of a cornered person confronted by a hungry pack of snarling dogs and vicious boars. In fear and desperation the person throws into the mud in front of the beasts his most valuable possession, a bag full of pearls. The animals lunge forward anticipating food for their bellies only to discover the

precious pearls are hard and tasteless. In their anger, the entire pack of animals turn on the person before them and drag him down into the mud where they tear him to pieces.To the Jews dogs and swine were unholy and unclean animals fit neither for sacrifice nor food. However, Jesus is not warning about animals but people! There are numerous places throughout the Bible where unfit and worthless persons are called dogs or swine (See, 1 Sam. 17:43; 2 Sam. 16:9; 2 Ki. 8:13; 2 Pet. 2:18-22).Jesus instructs His disciples not to waste the holy and precious instruction and rebuke of God's Word to those who are unfit and unworthy, for not only will they abuse and reject it, but they also abuse and reject you.It is a sad but painful truth that there are those who lower themselves to the level of vicious snarling junkyard dogs and brutish boars in their rejection of God's wisdom. Get out of their way for if

they have no respect for God or His Word they will certainly despise those who try to proclaim God's Truth. Jesus warns about such characters and teaches that we should be discriminating in our teaching and preaching less we fall victim to them.Solomon explained why one must be discriminating in whom he entrusts precious pearls of instruction and wisdom. He taught that "fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Prov. 1:7) and a "scoffer does not love one who reproves him" (Prov. 15:12). Therefore, "Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words" (Prov. 23:9). Like Jesus, Solomon recommended a discriminating attitude toward those one tries to teach: "He who reproves a scoffer gets shame for himself, And he who rebukes a wicked man gets himself a blemish. Do not reprove a scoffer, lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will

be still wiser. Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning." (Proverbs 9:7-9).Of Dogs, Pigs And Pearlswww.padfield.com/1995/dogspigs.htmlSo is WCASY and many SYs against the Truth that is proclaimed at the www.adishakti.org site and this forum? Are they trampling it under their feet, turning and rending against those who uphold it? Do we need to give what is holy to them? i have to agree wholeheartedly with Shri Jesus:"Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and rend you" (Matt. 7:6).jagbir>> In , "jagbir> singh" <adishakti_org@> wrote:> > "Bhagvadgita, (7.25), declares that the ignorant think that the > Supreme Being has a birth.">

, "Violet" <violet.tubb wrote:> > Dear Jagbir and All,> > This one point is very interesting:> > "Bhagvadgita, (7.25), declares that the ignorant think that the > Supreme Being has a birth."> > Going by the Scriptures (Bhagvadgita in this case)... it is obviously not 'scriptural' when WCASY or Sahaja Yogis call Shri Mataji "The Almighty God"... since it is clear from the Bhagvadgita, that the Supreme Being Whom we know to be "The God Almighty", does not have a birth, and that it is ignorance to even 'think so'. Neither then, for similar reasons, can it be correct for Christians to call Shri Jesus "The God Almighty"!> > So... it is a bit comical, that as it stands between Christianity and the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion

(SYSSR)... that we now have two (2) "The God Almighties"... one being Shri Jesus and one being Shri Mataji. (That is... if we are prepared to believe that the Supreme Being who is "The God Almighty" actually takes human birth!)> > Here is evidence to show that WCASY is purveying such ignorance, and not only that; they are also proclaiming that "this God Almighty" is "our God Almighty" (in other words, One Who belongs exclusively to WCASY and Sahaja Yogis!):> > "On this day, the twenty-first of March, 2006, in the city of Sydney, on the occasion of the most auspicious Birthday Puja Celebration of our Divine Mother, our God Almighty, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi" (End Quote)> > (/message/6642)> > What WCASY are proclaiming is in

contradiction to the truths in the Bhagvadgita and there are two distinct disadvantages for WCASY followers and for Christian followers in believing such non-scriptural ignorance, although there is no particular disadvantage for the priestly classes themselves.> > The two distinct disadvantages to the mass of humanity is:> > 1. There is no advantage in calling Shri Jesus or Shri Mataji "The God Almighty"... except to serve as a clever psychological ploy to augment priestly power over the masses. As the mass of humanity have tended to rely on leaders to tell them the truth... in return, they remain as spiritually uninformed and ignorant as the 'blind leaders of the blind' themselves!> > 2. If Jesus attained his resurrection because he was "The God Almighty"... that would not give any hope for humanity to attain the same... because being "The God Almighty" means he would not have needed

to be spiritually resurrected in the first place! It is precisely because Jesus "was a man" who however became the "God-man of the ages"... which is why we too can have confidence that we can also become spiritually resurrected. This is because, as a man, Jesus suffered and endured all the temptations and the trials of the flesh like every other human being has to do. He had to overcome all that. Therefore, if one man can do it, so can we! That is Jesus, the Christ's Message to us. We too... can have our spiritual liberation, our salvation, or our moksha. We too... can experience the Divine Within, the Indweller or the Antaryamin; just like Jesus did!> > Eva Dowling says it most clearly, when in her Intro to the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ, she says that:> > "We recognise the facts that Jesus was man and that Christ was God, so that in very truth Jesus the Christ was the God-man of the

ages."> > /message/6679> > That makes a lot of sense to me too, and it gives us all hope that we too can attain the Christ Spirit Within (a.k.a. the Indweller or the Antaryamin, depending upon which spiritual tradition you come from.)> > best wishes,> > violet> >

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, Suzy Creamcheese

<suzyogi wrote:


> Fantastic piece Jagbir. It's clear and concise. Thanks for

> bringing this all together for us.


> Furthermore, I've recently listened to a tape of Shri Mataji

> explaining the work of the Adi Shakti. She makes a very clear

> distinction from God Almighty and Adi Shakti.


> Love,

> Suzy



" jagbir singh " <adishakti_org

Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:13 pm

Re: When did Sri Mataji say 'I am God'?


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:

> >

> > And why do SYs keep claiming She is God when Shri Mataji has

> > ALWAYS claimed She is the Adi Shakti? It is so much easier to

> > announce She is the Adi Shakti instead of God Almighty. And Shri

> > Mataji has always claimed She is the Divine Feminine. That is

> > why the following websites are being set up:

> >

> > http://www.adishakti.org/ (Divine Message of Divine Feminine)

> > http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ (Divine Message of Divine Feminine )

> > http://www.adi-shakti.org/ (Divine Feminine of Hinduism)

> > http://www.tao-mother.org/ (Divine Feminine of Taoism)

> > http://www.aykaa-mayee.org/ (Divine Feminine of Sikhsim)

> > http://www.ruh-allah.org/ (Divine Feminine of Islam)

> > http://www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/ (Divine Feminine of

> > Christianity)

> >

> > i will see how WCASY will announce Allah (SWT) was on Earth after

> > Shri Mataji leaves. The Muslims will instantly issue a fatwa on

> > such blasphemy and demand the beheading of all council members

> > supporting that declaration. That is why i have always insisted

> > that we declare Shri Mataji as His Ruh (Spirit/Shakti).

> >

> >

, Adam Simpson

<lunduner1 wrote:


> Hi Jagbir


> This makes sense to me to...I have heard many yogis say Sri Mataji

> is God and must admit the first thing I felt is that something

> doesn't seem right with them! Isn't God all knowing as our

> creator...anything we can possibly do God is always steps ahead

> as our creator...right? Well, Sri Mataji herself joked once that

> she wouldn't know how to open a milk carton! My point being she

> doesn't know everything but she knows about kundalini, that's her

> area hence just being the adi-shakti! I suggest that people going

> around saying she is God check themselves that they haven't become

> brainwashed - mind you, I am no expert in all of this by my own

> admission.


> Adam



Dear Adam,


The main reason SYs are at times puzzled and confused by the human

nature of the Adi Shakti is due to their external projection of

senses on the physical Shri Mataji. Thus they have hardly understood

Her inner nature.


But when Shri Mataji claims She knows everything it is indeed true.

However, first you have to thoroughly understand that Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi is the INCARNATION of the Shakti/Spirit/Ruh within all

humans. This is difficult to believe but true, and conforms to all

the Holy Scriptures.


The Shakti within is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.


Below are my original notes made about a decade ago that will help

you understand the difference between the temporary, external and

physical Shri Mataji and the eternal, internal and spirittual Shri

Mataji. It is aptly titled " The Case of the Double Mothers " .


After years of observations and analysis of answers obtained from

thousands of audiences with Her in the Sahasrara i have compiled

many similar topics that provide irrefutable evidence that the

Shakti within is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi is shakshat the incarnation of that Shakti. They are

One and the Same. Shakti and Brahman (God Almighty) are also One and

the Same. Brahman is Shakti, like the sun and its light. Shakti is

Brahman, like the light from the sun. All universes, incarnations

and humans spring forth from the Shakti. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

the first time ever the Shakti, not God Almighty but His Power

(Shakti), incarnated Herself. This is a really important point that

need to be understood. She is the Divine Feminine.


Shakti is the creative aspect of God Almighty that sustains and

nourishes all. She is the Power of God Almighty. Thus, ultimately,

She is God Almighty too. But Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the

Shakti within who is the Power of God Almighty. This distinction

must be defended because God Almighty is beyond anything known to

humans, and yet more.









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