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Day His Spirit/Shakti/Ruh is poured will coincide with day of Messiah.

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" Even the word " Spirit " describes something intangible, powerful,

yet fleeting. The Hebrew word for spirit is ruach, which also

means " wind " . You can almost hear the wind in the word: Ruach.

Sudden breath of wind exhaled in a rushing determination that

rattles the leaves and bends the tall grass as it blows past.

Ruach. When Abraham heard the word ruach, he imagined wind. He

imagined breath. He imagined spirit. The word ruach described them

all for the Hebrews recognized that the act of breathing -- sucking

wind into our lungs and expelling air again in a gust -- gives us

life. Our breath, the movement of air in and out, our spirit, our

lives are all intertwined and so one word described it all: ruach.

Paul would have read often of the ruach of God in his Hebrew

upbringing, in the stories of Genesis when the ruach rushed across

the primordial waters and in the stories of the Judges -- of Gideon

and Deborah and Samson -- when God's ruach came upon them and led

them to do great things in the saving of the people. And while the

Greek language of Paul's Roman citizenship may not have held the

poetry of the Hebrew, even in Greek Paul would have heard the

connection between spirit, breath, and life. In fact, we can still

hear it today since our most common English cognate of the Greek

word for spirit, pneumos, is " pneumonia " , a disease that steals

breath away. The Spirit of God could just as rightly be translated

as the Breath of God, or the wind of God. The Spirit of God is God on

the move like the wind and breathing life into our world.


In most of the Hebrew scriptures, people speak simply of the Spirit

of God but by the time we reach the years of Jesus and Paul, we hear

just as often this phrase -- the Holy Spirit. The ancient people

believed that there were many spirits dwelling in the world and not

all of those spirits were good, so when they talked about the Spirit

coming upon a person -- Moses or Elijah -- they wanted to make sure

that people understood that they were referring to the spirit of the

Holy One. The Holy Spirit was that spirit specifically emanating

from God and from no other.


And so we come back to the question -- what is the Holy Spirit? Very

simply, the Holy Spirit is God on the move. There is God who is

beyond us, greater than all we know and see, incomprehensible,

eternal, mysterious. And there is God incarnated in the life of

Christ who made God's love real for us in a person that we could see

and hear so that we could know a bit of the ultimately unknowable

God. And then there is the Holy Spirit: God at work in each of us and

when the Holy Spirit moves through people of faith, God is no longer

limited to something way out there or way in the past but is still

alive and present among us. The Reverend James Forbes says that the

Holy Spirit is God experienced on the frontier of human experience

and relationship; it is the ruach of God -- the breath of God which

fills us, comforts us, anoints us -- chooses us -- and sends us



That is what the Holy Spirit is by definition. "



Reverend Laurie DeMott




> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "


> wrote:

> >

> > Dear S.,

> >

> > Most SYs do feel the 'breeze'. The same goes for almost all

> > seekers at Shri Mataji's public programs or self-realization

> > given by SYs.

> >

> shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> So what will the ignorant masses make out of the Adi Shakti's most

> secret and precious message to Her disciples regarding the

> Christian Kingdom of God, which is nothing else than the Islamic

> Niche of Lights, the Buddhist Sahasrarapadma, the Hindu Sahasrara

> and Sikh Dsam Duar? Isn't human liberation (moksa) occurring right

> now not through actual events in history, but through internal

> transformation? Then, again, isn't this internal transformation

> occurring through actual events in history - the promised Last

> Judgment and Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)? Are those taking part

> in this Great Event ordained for humankind not feeling the Cool

> Vibrations of the All-Pervading Power of God Almighty, the Divine

> Wind that will be felt by all born of the Spirit during the Last

> Judgment (Bible) and taking part in The Resurrection (Qur'an)? And

> for what other reason - other than the commencement of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection - has this All-Pervading Power that is

> the source of this Divine Wind started acting?




" 1. The term: «Spirit» translates the Hebrew word «Ruah»

which in its primary sense means breath, air, wind. «Jesus indeed

uses the sensory image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus the

transcendent newness of him who is personally God's breath the

divine Spirit» (Catechism of the Catholic Church 691). The spirit

as irruption and as transcendence: working in history but other

than history, who cannot be reduced to history's logic but who

installs another logic, that of responsibility and love for others;


2. Ordering power: «In the beginning God created the heavens and

the earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness

over the deep and God's spirit hovered over the water» (Gn 1,1).

God's spirit came down on the formless world and this descent

produced the miracle of creation: the transformation of chaos into

cosmos, of disorder into order;


3. Vivifying power: «The Lord God fashioned man out of dust from

the soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life and

thus man became a living being» (Gn 2, 7). The spirit of God is

breathed onto the human being of dust and, because of this breath,

the human being is transformed into a living being: no longer an

animal being but a partner with whom and to whom God speaks and

entrusts responsibility for the world;


4. Guiding power: «On him the spirit of the Lord rests, a spirit

of wisdom and insight, a spirit of counsel and power, a spirit of

knowledge and the fear of the Lord» (Is 11,2). The Spirit of the

Lord takes hold of certain persons (patriarchs, matriarchs, judges,

kings, prophets, wise men etc.,) and by bestowing on them special

powers, enables them to act as guides and master interpreters in

the world, of the will of God;


5. Healing power: «I shall give you a new heart and put a new

spirit in you… I shall put my spirit in you, and make you keep my

laws and sincerely respect my observances» (Ez 36,27). Entering

into the human being, the spirit recreates and heals him,

overcoming his sin and making him once more a partner of God in

the covenant and in the observance of the Torah.


6. Universal dimension: «I will pour out my Spirit on all mankind.

Their sons and daughters shall prophesy Even on my slaves men and

women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit» (Jl 3f 1-2). There

will come a day when every human being will be possessed by the

spirit and this day will coincide with the day of the messiah. "



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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> " Even the word " Spirit " describes something intangible, powerful,

> yet fleeting. The Hebrew word for spirit is ruach, which also

> means " wind " . You can almost hear the wind in the word: Ruach.

> Sudden breath of wind exhaled in a rushing determination that

> rattles the leaves and bends the tall grass as it blows past.

> Ruach. When Abraham heard the word ruach, he imagined wind. He

> imagined breath. He imagined spirit. The word ruach described them

> all for the Hebrews recognized that the act of breathing -- sucking

> wind into our lungs and expelling air again in a gust -- gives us

> life. Our breath, the movement of air in and out, our spirit, our

> lives are all intertwined and so one word described it all: ruach.

> Paul would have read often of the ruach of God in his Hebrew

> upbringing, in the stories of Genesis when the ruach rushed across

> the primordial waters and in the stories of the Judges -- of Gideon

> and Deborah and Samson -- when God's ruach came upon them and led

> them to do great things in the saving of the people. And while the

> Greek language of Paul's Roman citizenship may not have held the

> poetry of the Hebrew, even in Greek Paul would have heard the

> connection between spirit, breath, and life. In fact, we can still

> hear it today since our most common English cognate of the Greek

> word for spirit, pneumos, is " pneumonia " , a disease that steals

> breath away. The Spirit of God could just as rightly be translated

> as the Breath of God, or the wind of God. The Spirit of God is God

> on the move like the wind and breathing life into our world.


> In most of the Hebrew scriptures, people speak simply of the Spirit

> of God but by the time we reach the years of Jesus and Paul, we

> hear just as often this phrase -- the Holy Spirit. The ancient

> people believed that there were many spirits dwelling in the world

> and not all of those spirits were good, so when they talked about

> the Spirit coming upon a person -- Moses or Elijah -- they wanted

> to make sure that people understood that they were referring to

> the spirit of the Holy One. The Holy Spirit was that spirit

> specifically emanating from God and from no other.


> And so we come back to the question -- what is the Holy Spirit?

> Very simply, the Holy Spirit is God on the move. There is God who

> is beyond us, greater than all we know and see, incomprehensible,

> eternal, mysterious. And there is God incarnated in the life of

> Christ who made God's love real for us in a person that we could

> see and hear so that we could know a bit of the ultimately

> unknowable God. And then there is the Holy Spirit: God at work in

> each of us and when the Holy Spirit moves through people of faith,

> God is no longer limited to something way out there or way in the

> past but is still alive and present among us. The Reverend James

> Forbes says that the Holy Spirit is God experienced on the

> frontier of human experience and relationship; it is the ruach of

> God -- the breath of God which fills us, comforts us, anoints us --

> chooses us -- and sends us forth.


> That is what the Holy Spirit is by definition. "



> Reverend Laurie DeMott



> >

> > shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org>

> > wrote:

> >

> > Dear S.,

> >

> > Most SYs do feel the 'breeze'. The same goes for almost all

> > seekers at Shri Mataji's public programs or self-realization

> > given by SYs.

> >

> > shriadishakti , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org> wrote:


> So what will the ignorant masses make out of the Adi Shakti's most

> secret and precious message to Her disciples regarding the

> Christian Kingdom of God, which is nothing else than the Islamic

> Niche of Lights, the Buddhist Sahasrarapadma, the Hindu Sahasrara

> and Sikh Dsam Duar? Isn't human liberation (moksa) occurring right

> now not through actual events in history, but through internal

> transformation? Then, again, isn't this internal transformation

> occurring through actual events in history - the promised Last

> Judgment and Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)? Are those taking part

> in this Great Event ordained for humankind not feeling the Cool

> Vibrations of the All-Pervading Power of God Almighty, the Divine

> Wind that will be felt by all born of the Spirit during the Last

> Judgment (Bible) and taking part in The Resurrection (Qur'an)? And

> for what other reason - other than the commencement of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection - has this All-Pervading Power that is

> the source of this Divine Wind started acting?




> " 1. The term: «Spirit» translates the Hebrew word «Ruah»

> which in its primary sense means breath, air, wind. «Jesus indeed

> uses the sensory image of the wind to suggest to Nicodemus the

> transcendent newness of him who is personally God's breath the

> divine Spirit» (Catechism of the Catholic Church 691). The spirit

> as irruption and as transcendence: working in history but other

> than history, who cannot be reduced to history's logic but who

> installs another logic, that of responsibility and love for others;


> 2. Ordering power: «In the beginning God created the heavens and

> the earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness

> over the deep and God's spirit hovered over the water» (Gn 1,1).

> God's spirit came down on the formless world and this descent

> produced the miracle of creation: the transformation of chaos into

> cosmos, of disorder into order;


> 3. Vivifying power: «The Lord God fashioned man out of dust from

> the soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life and

> thus man became a living being» (Gn 2, 7). The spirit of God is

> breathed onto the human being of dust and, because of this breath,

> the human being is transformed into a living being: no longer an

> animal being but a partner with whom and to whom God speaks and

> entrusts responsibility for the world;


> 4. Guiding power: «On him the spirit of the Lord rests, a spirit

> of wisdom and insight, a spirit of counsel and power, a spirit of

> knowledge and the fear of the Lord» (Is 11,2). The Spirit of the

> Lord takes hold of certain persons (patriarchs, matriarchs, judges,

> kings, prophets, wise men etc.,) and by bestowing on them special

> powers, enables them to act as guides and master interpreters in

> the world, of the will of God;


> 5. Healing power: «I shall give you a new heart and put a new

> spirit in you… I shall put my spirit in you, and make you keep my

> laws and sincerely respect my observances» (Ez 36,27). Entering

> into the human being, the spirit recreates and heals him,

> overcoming his sin and making him once more a partner of God in

> the covenant and in the observance of the Torah.


> 6. Universal dimension: «I will pour out my Spirit on all mankind.

> Their sons and daughters shall prophesy Even on my slaves men and

> women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit» (Jl 3f 1-2). There

> will come a day when every human being will be possessed by the

> spirit and this day will coincide with the day of the messiah. "


> http://www.vatican.va/jubilee_2000/magazine/documents/



Vatican recognizes Jewish expectations of a Messiah

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:12 pm


On January 18, 2002 the Vatican issued what some Jewish scholars are

calling an important document that explicitly says, " The Jewish wait

for the Messiah is not in vain. "


The scholarly work, effectively a rejection of and apology for the

way some Christians have viewed the Old Testament, was signed by the

pope's theologian, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.


A number of Jewish scholars and leaders said they were pleased but

stunned and would have to take some time to digest fully the

complicated, 210-page study, published in French and Italian.


" This is something altogether new, especially compared with the

earlier document from Ratzinger that was so controversial, " said

Rabbi Alberto Piattelli, a professor and leader of the Jewish

community in Rome. " This latest declaration is a step forward " in

closing the wounds opened by that earlier document, Rabbi Piattelli

said. " It recognizes the value of the Jewish position regarding the

wait for the Messiah, changes the whole exegesis of biblical studies

and restores our biblical passages to their original meaning. I was

surprised. " "


It is interesting to note that according to Jewish belief the

Messiah is expected to be a mortal person who, through charisma,

background and power, proves to be the actual redeemer. By

experiencing the Ruach, a Jew can finally experience Judaism as a

living force that nourishes, heals and gives evidence of His Spirit

during the End Times:


Ruach, the breath of God experienced daily as cool breeze/wind 1




Ruach, the breath of God experienced daily as cool breeze/wind 2




All-Pervading Power (cool breeze, divine vibrations, God's breath)





Divine flowing out of those born of the Spirit within




The connections between various spiritual traditions and Judaism are

vast. Not only that, the experience that Shri Mataji can bring to

Jews, or anybody else for that matter, goes far beyond the

expectations that any Jew (with the exception of the Jewish mystics,

known as Kabbalists) has ever entertained.


This experience of the direct perception and sensation of Ruach has

become commonplace with those meditating on the Messiah. Hundreds of

thousands and even perhaps millions of people from every corner of

the Earth are feeling for the first time the existence of God on

their central nervous systems. This experience transcends all

religious and cultural boundaries. Shri Mataji shows its

practitioners the universality of all the religions of the world.

This experience is described in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam,

Christianity, Greek Mythology, as well as most other spiritual

paths. This experience is also perfectly described in Judaism. So we

can say that Sahaja Yoga is not a religion, but a tool to shed light

on religion. And when we bring the Light of Truth into Judaism, we

can see how fantastic it is.


The basic experience of the universal pure religion (as described by

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi) is a very simple, yet powerful

evolutionary process that initially takes place on the central

nervous system. Through pure desire and the Divine Compassion of

God, the dormant spiritual energy in a person is awakened, creating

an enlightened personality. The Torah clearly describes this in the

Book of Numbers, Chapter 11, verses 16-17 and 25:


-- 16: And the Lord said unto Moses: " Gather unto Me seventy men of

the elders of Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the

people, and officers over them; and bring them unto the tent of

meeting, that they may stand there with thee.

-- 17: And I will come down and speak with thee there; and I will

take of the spirit which is upon thee, and put it upon them; and

they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear

it not thyself alone.

-- 25: And the Lord came down to the tent in the cloud; and spoke

unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and put it upon

the seventy elders; and when it came to pass, that, when the spirit

came upon them, they prophesied. "


This spirit which is described is a reflection of the pure desire of

God in a human being. It is an innate energy which lies in the

sacrum bone, or the triangular shaped bone at the base of the spinal

column. The word sacrum comes from the word sacred, because the

ancient Greeks, of whose language so much English is based, knew

that the sacrum bone was a sacred bone, and that it housed this

sacred energy. The spirit spoken of is actually the Shechina, or the

Divine Presence that protects a human being from evil. The word

spirit means wind. It is important to note that this energy is

described as a wind, for when it is flowing, it feels like a cool

breeze emitting from the body. The word Shechina comes from the

Hebrew word shochem, which means to reside. The Shechina is the One

who resides in the sacrum bone.


In Her upward journey, the Shechina (or Kundalini) passes through a

number of centers which are expressed in the human anatomy as the

nerve plexuses of the central nervous system. In Sahaja Yoga, these

centers have been called chakras for thousands of years. There are

numerous ancient drawings that exhibit these chakras, and they are

rendered with complete anatomical accuracy. This was all done

without any knowledge of human physiology, so it is quite obvious

that the source of this knowledge must be spiritual in nature. The

word chakra means wheel in Sanskrit, and indeed, they spin like

wheels. They contain the pure qualities as designed by God that

every being possesses. The chakras and their Divine energy were

envisioned by the Jewish prophet Ezekiel, in Chapter 1, Verses 19-



-- 19: And when the living creatures went, the wheels went hard by

them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the bottom,

the wheels were lifted up.

-- 20: Whither so ever the spirit was to go, as spirit was to go

thither, so they went; and the wheels were lifted up beside them;

for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.

-- 21: When those went, these went; and when those stood, and these

stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were

lifted up beside them; for the spirit of the living creature was in

the wheels.


In Judaism we find the same knowledge of Sahaja Yoga was found

through spiritual pursuit and serves the same purpose. The Kabbalah,

which is the core of the Law as taught by Moses, describes the

Sefirot. The Sefirot are the centers of divine qualities in the

spiritual body of a person. They are ten in number, and they

correspond perfectly to the chakras in their location and their

qualities. When one considers the discrepancy in the number of

chakras and sefirot, one finds that it is merely an instance of two

slightly different interpretations of the same system. A few sefirot

are viewed in there different aspects as separate sefirot, where as

the chakra model establishes a connection, and therefore views them

as one. Furthermore, while the Sefirot are numbered as ten, they are

described as residing on seven different levels.


But the result is the same. When the Shechina is awakened, it

nourishes these centers which are the milestones of our evolution.

In doing so, we begin to feel and emit the true qualities that every

human being possesses. The joy and peace of this experience is a

deeply profound one, and one that can carry the practitioner to an

entirely new and ascendant level of consciousness, the consciousness

of the Spirit.


This is clearly expressed in many areas of the Torah, but especially

in Solomon's Proverbs, Chapter 3, Verses 13-18:


-- 13: Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that

obtaineth understanding.

-- 14: For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of

silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.

-- 15: She is more precious than rubies; and all the things thou

canst desire cannot be compared unto Her.

-- 16: Length of Days are in Her right hand; in Her left hand are

riches and honour.

-- 17: Her ways are ways of pleasantness; and all Her paths are


-- 18: She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon Her, and

happy is everyone that holdeth Her fast.


That tree is the Shechina. That tree is the Kundalini. And that tree

is growing in humanity now. As a Jew is " the One who knows', so is a

Sahaja Yogi " the one who has become " . Truly, they are meant to be

one and the same.


Millennia ago it was said that all who believe in the Messiah will

busy themselves trying to know the Lord. Therefore, they will be

great sages, knowing things hidden from the vast majority. They will

obtain a knowledge of their Creator as far as possible by human

understanding; " For the earth shall be full with the knowledge of

the Lord as the waters cover the sea. " (Isaiah 11:9).


Jai Shri Mataji



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