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Know ye not ... that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> i regard the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad's narration of the nature of

> The Indweller (Antharayamin) to be a most important revelation and

> realization. After years i have finally found the most lucid and

> intelligible explanation the holy scriptures have come to

> confirming and identifying The Indweller (Antharayamin). It is the

> very proof i needed to vindicate that a most profound reality

> Kash, Arwinder and Lalita have been experiencing for years is the

> flawless witnessing of The Indweller (Antharyamin).


> > Esa ta atma: In short, this is the Atman. What we call the

> > Antaryamin, or the Immanent Reality, is the Atman, the Self. When

> > we say it is the Self, we mean it is Consciousness. We mean both

> > things in the same, sense. It is an awareness which cannot be the

> > object of another awareness. Therefore, it is not capable of

> > being seen. Adrsto drasta: This Reality is the unseen Seer of all

> > beings. You cannot see it, but it sees you. It sees everyone, but

> > no one can see it - adrsto drasta. Asrutah srota: It can hear

> > everything, but no one can hear it. Amato manta: You cannot think

> > it, but it can think you. Avijnato vijnata: You cannot understand

> > it, but it can understand you. Nanyo'to'sti drasta: There is no

> > other Seer but that. Nanyo'to'sti srota: There is no hearer other

> > than that. Nanyo'to'sti manta. There is no thinker but that.

> > Nanyo'to'sti vijnata: There is no understander but that. So, if

> > anyone thinks, it is that which thinks; if anyone hears, it is

> > that which hears; if anyone sees, it is that which sees. If

> > anyone understands anything, it is not you or I that understand,

> > it is that which understands. If anyone does anything, it is

> > that whic does.

> >

> > Esa ta atmantaryamy amrtah: " This is the Self; this is the

> >internal Ruler; this is the Reality. This is immortal, O'

> > Uddalaka. Everything else is useless. Other than this, nothing

> > has any sense or meaning - ato nyad artam. This is the only

> > Being that is worthwhile considering and approaching and

> > realizing. "

> >

> > /message/6662

> >


> Of even greater significance is that this priceless gem of moksa

> also shines it liberating light on the Divine Feminine pervading

> all the holy scriptures - Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Aykaa Mayee -

> and confirms She is One and the same. It does not matter what

> religion you previously belonged. The Indweller (Antharayamin)

> exist in all and Her incarantion Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi, bearing

> the Divine Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection, makes

> humans embrace all religions, holy scriptures and messengers

> unconditionally. The incarnation of the Indweller (Antharayamin)

> is the biblical Paraclete who has glorified Shri Jesus and

> commenced the Last Judgment; as the Islamic Ruh She has explained

> and declared that Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) has begun; as

> Shakti She has given evidence of being The Indweller

> (Antharayamin) within humans.


> Now the unity and harmony of Her Divine Message becomes apparent,

> that " the Spirit is associated with contemplation and devotion and

> acts of liberation rather than exclusively with one kind of

> religious expression over against another ... Spirit christology

> suggests an openness of approach to people of other faiths and a

> willingness to affirm what is good and true in other faiths on the

> grounds that the mission of the Spirit precedes and goes beyond the

> incarnation. "


> As the Divine Feminine entrenched in the holy scriptures She grants

> both bodily resurrection (kundalni awakening/self-realization/

> second birth) and spiritual immortality (moksa/eternal life). The

> Indweller (Antharayamin) is Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Eykaa Mayee.

> Esa ta atmantaryamy amrtah: " This is the Self; this is the internal

> Ruler; this is the Reality. This is immortal, O' Uddalaka.

> Everything else is useless. Other than this, nothing has any sense

> or meaning - ato nyad artam. This is the only Being that is

> worthwhile considering and approaching and realizing. "


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir





Know ye not that ye are the temple of God,

And that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you.


1 Corinthians 3:16



Just as God fills the whole world, so the soul fills the body.

Just as God sees, but is not seen, so the soul sees, but is not

itself seen.

Just as God feeds the whole world, so the soul feeds the whole body.

Just as God is pure, so the soul is pure.

Just as God dwells in the innermost precincts,

So also the soul dwells in the innermost part of the body.


Talmud, Berakot 10a



The Man-Spirit as the seed of God carries in his depth the same

attributes that are found in every part of God.


The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ



I have said, Ye are gods;

And all of you are children of the most High.


Psalms 82:6



" The medulla, principal entrance for the body's supply of universal

life energy (Aum), is directly connected by polarity with the Christ

Consciousness centre (kutastha chaitanya) in the single eye between

the eyebrows: the seat of man's power of will. Cosmic energy is then

stored up in the seventh centre, in the brain, as a reservoir of

infinite potentialities (mentioned in the Vedas as the " thousand-

petaled lotus of light. " ) The Bible refers to Aum as the Holy Ghost

or invisible life force that divinely upholds all creation. " What?

Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is

in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? " — 1

Corinthians 6:19. "        


Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi



“They say that Jesus is still living in the body and that he will appear just

before the Final Day, after the coming of the Mahdi, when the world will be

purified of sin and unbelief.


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an



" The first section (of part III) constitutes from start to finish an

extraordinary hymn to Light, here no longer viewed as an exclusive

possession of God or as something purely external which is the

source of reflected light in Man, but as an all-embracing and all-

penetrating quality that illumines the whole of reality from within

and without. This Light is first and foremost a feature of the

heavenly world, but this same cosmic splendor is to be found also,

in an immediate fashion, in Man. In a word, Man discovers his own

personal, divine, and, of course, human dignity. . . .


Man discovers himself as Man, or rather as fully Man, as a center of

the cosmos, fellow with the Gods, and partner of God himself.

Between the two poles of reality Man discovers a link, an

unbreakable relation, and the burden of this consciousness leads him

to discover not only the laws of sacrifice, but also its nature. Man

is going to lose his own life in the experiment, for the discovery

that he too is God, that he may enter into the mystery of reality,

not by an epistemic act of his mind, but by an existential and total

involvement of his being, is going to consume him in the very fire

of the sacrifice that he himself discovers and prepares. All he can

do is to throw himself fully into this adventure and, heedless of

all else, trust that the experiment will succeed. The one who

emerges will not, of course, be the innocent individual of the

beginning, but the risen person, the purusottama, a new being. This

fullness is a plenitude that cannot be encompassed by human nature

or by any individualistic embrace. "        


Prof Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience



" Only spiritual realization and experience can achieve the change of

the mental being into a spiritual being. But none of these [first]

three lines of approach can by themselves entirely fulfill the

greater and ulterior intention of Nature; they cannot create in

mental man the spiritual being, unless and until they open the door

to spiritual experience. It is only by an inner realization of what

these approaches are seeking after, by an overwhelming experience or

by many experiences building up an inner change, by a transmutation

of the consciousness, by a liberation of the spirit from its present

veil of mind, life and body that there can emerge the spiritual

being. That is the final line of the soul's progress towards which

the others are pointing . . .


Religion and its thought and ethics and occult mysticism in ancient

times produced the priest and the image, the man of piety, the just

man, the man of wisdom, many high points of mental manhood; but it

is only after spiritual experience through the heart and mind began

that we see arise the saint, the prophet, the Rishi, the Yogi, the

seer, the spiritual sage and the mystic, and it is the religions in

which these types of spiritual manhood came into being that have

endured, covered the globe and given mankind all its spiritual

aspiration and culture. "        


Sri Aurobindo, The Future Evolution of Man



The Indweller (Antharayamin) is the only Being worth realizing



The Indweller (Antharayamin) is Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh/Eykaa Mayee



The Indweller (Antharayamin) - Liberation consists in realizing this



The Indweller of Granth drawn from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.



There were no religions when rishis proclaimed these Truths


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