Guest guest Posted September 13, 2006 Report Share Posted September 13, 2006 Dear All, Here is a Challenge given to all Sahaja Yogis (Born of the Spirit persons) from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on the Occasion of Her Birthday Puja in Delhi in 1999: " I was really very much touched because now the New Year is coming with a new challenge for all of us, which we have to accept... that the Kali Yuga is over, and we have to establish the Sat Yuga, for which all of you from every country should be thinking how you can do it in your country and other countries. What are the problems in another country? (NOTE: " See... yogis! Here it is is in black-and-white. Shri Mataji doesn't want us to just give self-realisation! That is just a start! She wants us to do much more! Why do you listen to silly leaders who shut their eyes and ears to what " Shri Mataji " wants?) " Put your attention outside, not inside – this way that you should say that " I need this, I need that " . We should know what OTHER people need. What is their need? What the people in our society, in our nation, in our world... require. Better write them down: " What do they require? " It's better... it will work... might be! It might be corrected! It's very important for Sahaja Yogis to sit down and write down what the world needs and what is to be done. It will be a nice idea for all of you to really aspire for that kind of a homogenous society that we have here today. And we will... one day... you will be surprised that we will be the ones who'll guide and lead the rest of the people with our love, attention and care. (Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 2 July, 1999) Shri Mataji always encouraged SY's to establish the Sat Yuga, which really is the Age of the Satisfaction of the Spirit. It is only our Spirit that can satisfy us. A person can have all the material benefits, but if they do not have the Spirit as well, they can never be truly satisfied. A human being has to have their basic needs met though, before they can happily pursue spiritual things. Maslow's Chart of Hierarchy of Needs shows this really well: In relation to the supply of people's basic needs, there are enough material resources for everyone if people are only willing to share these, instead of hogging them. That has to change if we are to have the Satya Yuga. The Satya Yuga can only really come about when there is an overall understanding... a consciousness... that Mother Earth's Resources need to be shared fairly and equally. That is the best way for prosperity for all in the Satya Yuga. A lot of people are beginning to realise that materialism is not the answer. Shri Mataji taught that " material-ism " is one of those " isms " ... one of those negative forces that actually work against the spiritual evolution of humanity. Therefore it has to go in the Satya Yuga! What is really in the best interests of humanity is generosity of Spirit. i remember reading in the Aquarian Gospel that Joachim, the father of Mary (Mother of Jesus) had a feast in honour of Mary, however he did not invite the rich, honoured and great, but he invited the poor, halt, lame and blind instead! He even gave them some food and clothing! Joachim is an example that could be followed today, because it is the spiritual love that comes from an open heart that will transform our society. Shri Mataji says that: " Put your attention outside, not inside – this way that you should say that " I need this, I need that " . We should know what " other " people need. What is their need? What the people in our Society, in our Nation, in our World... require. " (Birthday Puja, Delhi – 1999) Shri Mataji also envisions what She calls a " homogenous society " : " It will be a nice idea for all of you to really aspire for that kind of a " homogenous society " that we have here today. And we will... one day... you will be surprised that we will be the ones who'll guide and lead the rest of the people with our love, attention and care. " (Birthday Puja, Delhi – 1999) So... what could a " homogenous society " be? The word " homogenous " may sound rather boring and mundane, but implicit in it... is actually the complete transformation of the society, including complete changes in structures and institutions, so that... the Lord's Prayer can come true... and God's Kingdom can come on Earth, as it is in Heaven. The Higher Way of Spirit and not the lower way of ego will be followed by the mass of humanity. 'Simply put'... it is a society in which we share on all Levels of Life... whereby if a person is in any kind of need, the other person is only too happy to help out in whatever way he can. It will be a consciousness that we are Part and Parcel of One Human Spiritual Family. It will be a society where we will all be close to... and work hand-in-hand with the evolving Mother Earth. Shri Mataji has taught that we need to be close to the Mother Earth, as She is our Mother too. Without Her, we would have no food, shelter, or clothing. Coming back to Shri Mataji's reference to the " homogenous society " ... i know that there are still many ambitious and self-seeking leaders in all walks of life. They do not fit the description of Shri Mataji's 'homogenous society' though. The `homogenous society' that Shri Mataji describes, is in fact... a society where we are " One in Spirit " and where the Spirit is... there is Unity. So... how does that work? It works because the Spirit in one person is in agreement with the Spirit in another person, because the Universal Spirit in both is One and the Same. Therefore, there will be spiritual agreement. 'Being in agreement' basically means that we are traveling together in the same spiritual direction. It does not mean that we are like same robots. In other words, it does not mean that we will think exactly the same, or feel exactly the same about everything, which " would " make life boring! Shri Mataji is also describing a society in which we are of One Mind. As our Individual Mind is Part and Parcel of the Universal Mind (the Intelligence of the Divine)... we will not be at war with each other, because the Universal Mind does not war with Itself. (Again, that does not mean that we are like same robots. It means that we are travelling in the same spiritual direction and enjoying each other's company, and there is not division or dissension caused by the Egoic Mind. Not only do we need a 'homogenous society' but Shri Mataji has also taught that the ideal political system is one that has both; the balanced ideals of communism and the balanced ideals of capitalism... with government 'of the people'... 'by the people'... and 'for the people'. Shri Mataji also taught that we need Dharmic (Moral) leaders. She encouraged Sahaja Yogis (Born of the Spirit Persons) to enter political life and make changes from within. Many times Shri Mataji spoke against all the political corruption that we see today at all levels and institutions of society-at-large. She was particular happy with the example set by Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, whom She said was a great recent example of a Dharmic (Moral) person in politics. Here is what it says about him from " A Life of Truth in Politics " by C.P. Srivastava: " The life of Lal Bahadur Shastri (1904-1966), India's second prime minister and successor to Jawaharlal Nehru, is the absorbing saga of a little man who, while suffering the rigours of poverty in early life, rose to political eminence on the strength of moral principle. When Shastri died, he left no house, no land, no money. But he did leave behind an example, which is morally inspiring. In an age riddled with political corruption, his career of exemplary integrity possesses a very special relevance for readers in contemporary India as well as abroad. " Therefore, Shri Mataji lead us Sahaja Yogis to have Havans where we would submit the negativity of all the varying worldwide corruptions and evils that human beings have done into the Holy Fire of the Havan. We named these corruptions... " one by one " in great detail as we threw the rice and other grains into the fire. We heard the `snap, crackle, and pop' of the burning away of the negative elements as they were transmuted by the Holy Flame of the Havan. We could feel the air clear and become serene and the wind would blow, and we knew that we had performed a Spiritual Work in Conjunction with Her... that we had been guided in this Great Task by the Incarnation Herself of the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit; Ruh of Allah) Herself. (i must add that we all came from different spiritual traditions also; it was very 'homogenous' that way! i also must add that Shri Mataji says that She has finished Her Work and that it is up to us now!) In Pujas with Shri Mataji, we were also guided to express our Pure Desire of the Spirit. We made requests to the Divine for Worldwide Spiritual Transformation in all areas and levels of Governance on Earth. Shri Mataji promised that our Pure Desire would work things out. It must be remembered... (especially for those who are Christians and Muslims)... that when we worshipped Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit/Ruh of Allah on Earth)... we were actually worshipping the Holy Spirit/Ruh of Allah within our own Inner Spiritual Temple. When i worshipped... it was the Holy Spirit/Ruh of Allah within me that i was worshipping. Shri Mataji taught that She had incarnated to introduce us to the Holy Spirit/Ruh of Allah. By having contact with Her in our Own Inner Spiritual Temple, the contact remains, even when Shri Mataji has Her Mahasammadhi. i found that when i put my attention on Shri Mataji on Earth, that my attention actually went up to my Sahasrara (the Kingdom of God within me). That is what a True Guru does. A True Guru always directs the Attention to the Divine Within the Individual's Temple! (Actually... probably quite a few yogis did not understand this interesting thing; i think that quite a few maybe got quite attached to Her External Form and have not yet gotten to know Her Internal Form as the Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti within!) In any case... for the purpose of World Spiritual Transformation, Shri Mataji played the Great Role of Guiding us in the Spiritual Work of all these Pujas and Havans in order to 'set the World Right Again!' She told us that She has come with all the Powers and said that the Deities, Devatas, Angels and Ganas were all working with us through our Pure Desire for World Transformation. Mostly, we could not see these Deities, Angels, and Ganas, but Shri Mataji pointed them out to Sahaja Yogis from time-to-time. I remember some yogis recounting how they were traveling with Shri Mataji in a car somewhere in Western Australia (I believe it was)... and how Shri Mataji had said to them to look outside, and She pointed out these Balls of Light that were pacing with the car. She said they were the Ganas that were protecting Her; that always traveled with Her! Who can comprehend these things? We have also seen pictures of Angels worshipping with us at Pujas! So many things have happened, that is beyond our mental comprehension! One thing we know for sure is that we are not alone! All the Spiritual Forces of the Universe are with us, and within us! Here then is how Sahaja Yogis (both Visible and Invisible) expressed Their Collective Pure Desire at the Shri Buddha Puja in San Diego, California in July 1988... for the already stated purpose of World Spiritual Transformation. As always... please enjoy. violet Prayer For Shri Buddha Puja – San Diego, July 1988 (Done in front of the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti/Holy Spirit and addressed to the Adi Shakti/Holy Spirit within us all)... AUM. Shri Mataji, Salutations to Thee again and again. This is the Prayer of the Sahaja Sangha Performed at Thy Buddha Puja, in the Vishuddhi of the Planet (America) For the Collective Welfare on Mother Earth. AUM. AMEN. Shri Mataji, may all aspects of the Bodhicitta (the Enlightened Consciousness) Be awakened at Thy command. May all Bodhisattvas perform Thy Aarti (Worship). May Thy Grace prevail. AMEN. May Amoghasiddhi (the All-Accomplishing Wisdom of Becoming) Be awakened at Thy command. May Ratnasambhava (Who maintains balance in all things) Be awakened at Thy command. May Akshobhya (the Wisdom of the All-Reflecting Mirror) Be awakened at Thy command. May Amitabha (Who upholds the Eternal Light of Discrimination) Be awakened at Thy command. May Vairocana (the Universal Harmony in the Cosmos) Be awakened at Thy command. And may Avalokiteshvara (displaying the Thousand Arms of Acting Compassion) Be awakened at They command. AUM. AMEN. Shri Mataji, Salutation to Thee again and again. Thou art the Primordial Splendour of God, The Adi Shakti and Mother of the Devatas. Thou art the Roots of all Action, the Success in any Action And the Sole and Only Doer in the Countless Universes of Thy Creation. Thou art Shri Mahamaya, the Mother of the Adi Ahamkara The Primordial Ego of God, the Prince of Kapilavastu who became by Thy Grace, the Buddha. Salutation to Thee again and again. Shri Mataji, Thou art in Solitary Glory, The Creator, the Maker, the Absolute Doer. Thou art the Slayer of the Hosts of Mara And the only real Mahatahamkar. Thou only canst save us from our karma and Remove the threat of the impending doom, Called upon ourselves by our own misdeeds. Please, Shri Mataji, undo the evil that men have done. Thou art the Great Avatar of the Great Maitreya, Divine Love in human form, the Master of the White Horse. And now the plagues of this modern world will be listed: First and foremost, the Ghost of Materialism has Empowered the Rakshasi (Demons) of the Industrial Production System With the tremendous might to swallow the bodies and minds of the millions. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. As a result, the three elements of Earth, Water and Air are polluted. We are releasing chemicals, which deplete the Ozone Sphere and destroy Marine life. We are cutting down the forests that used to protect the Land, and acid rains are destroying the rest. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. We have manufactured hydrogen bombs and leave behind atomic plants and radioactive waste which represent a threat for hundreds of years to come. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Modern weaponry has transformed war into a faceless butchery of unprecedented proportion. Arms dealers are building economic empires by selling death. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. As a consequence of this, and related genocides, there are millions of bhoots (ghosts) haunting the planet. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Electronic machinery and mechanisation may transform the human brain into a collection of robotic processes. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Biotechnology and genetic manipulation may release harmful substances or lead to the creation of monstrous creatures. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. The destruction of innocence dooms our children, our families, and heralds the dissolution of society. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Violence and the perversion of sex in the media pollute the consciousness of the masses. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. The diseases of modern life such as cancer, aids and insanity are the direct result of our self-made hellish environment. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Drugs and alcohol throw people into a regression of their consciousness. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Because people can no longer feel their heart, social services are breaking down. The hospital system tries to make money on its guinea pigs, and lawyers have graduated to professional crooks. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. The banking system does not so much encourage production and useful activities as protect the unethical accumulation of wealth. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Corrupt government and politicians cannot handle the problems of the Kali Yuga but, on the contrary, can only massively add to them. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. Political dictatorship and religious fanaticism have given an official seal to mindless violence. Shri Adi Shakti, please undo the evil that men have done. And finally, Shri Mataji, in this country, which should be the Land of Integration, the Brain of the People has been atomized into little bits and fragments. Hence those brains are unable to get the Vision of the Whole, The Vision of Your Plan. These and other evils are the fruit of our karmas. May they be blown away by the Wind of the Holy Spirit. Buddham Sharanam Gacchami Dharmam Sharanam Gacchami Sangham Sharanam Gacchami Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah. (Shri Buddha Puja - San Diego, July 1988) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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