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A long standing, unanswered question.

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Dear Kyyan,


, " v_koa " <v_koa



" Now im sure these questions may not be appropriate, but i have been wondering

for somtime, and if they are inappropriate for this forum, i can be emailed

directly " ...


(i don't believe that a genuine question is inappropriate. Shri Mataji has asked

us to be like a scientist... to ask questions... to go deeply into spiritual



" The term devils comes up alot in reference to certain people in the

world, past and present. I take that to mean a person who is evil, or

has no sense of rightiousness and actually enjoys the opposite " ...


(Any person that follows their Ego instead of their Spirit is

essentially of the 'd'evil' (of 'evil'). Until they surrender to the Holy

Spirit... " Ego " can become in charge of their lives, and following Ego is not

" following Spirit " . There are degrees of 'ego-ness' (degrees of 'evil-ness') and

even if a person has a sense of righteousness... but does not follow their sense

of righteousness which is really their conscience, then they will be subject to

Ego (Evil).


i believe it is incorrect to assume that 'd'evils' have no sense whatsoever of

righteousness, because there is what is called 'honour even among thieves'. Evil

does not appear in an obvious 'black-and-white' way, but it often appears

covered by righteousness. For example, consider the SY Leaders who would rather

follow their Ego and declare that they " are now Shri Mataji's Will " for others

to follow... instead of themselves and others following the Absolute Truth

Within as Shri Mataji has taught! (Truth never had to be defined by these WCASY

Leaders because Truth is completely intact. It just has to be followed; not

defined; nor differently interpreted. To redefine what is intact is to tamper

with it... to edit it... to change it!


So... do you think the above example comes from Ego or from Spirit? (rhetorical

question). It can only be one of the two. You see... Ego or 'evil' is really

very subtle and sly and its darkness appears as righteousness, but it is only a

" form " of righteousness. If you dig beneath the outer form, there is no real

substance underneath, but only a hollow shell.)


" But a yogi friend of mine often says stuff like " i had this thought in my head,

but it may just be the devil trying to confuse or distract you " and much talk of

the Devil " ...


(We each have a spiritual duty to our Selves... to our Spirit within, to learn

to distinguish between the Voice of Spirit and the Voice of Ego in our head. The

way to distinguish the difference is: If there is a conflict going on in our

head, that means that the Ego and the Spirit are at loggerheads. That gives us

an indication. Once we are surrendered to Spirit (which happens bit by bit

through knowledge and understanding of the difference between ego and Spirit)

then this conflict resolves into great peace within.


Once a person is surrendered to the Spirit within, whatever comes... is of the

Spirit. Even though we defer to the Spirit instead of to the ego, we can still

have conditionings, though. These also can be addressed and they generally take

more time to address. However, when we surrender to our Spirit Within, She helps

us to see these conditionings. Others also can help us to see these

conditionings by being like 'mirrors' to us. None of us is perfect. We all make

mistakes sometimes, and that is how we learn. " If you don't make any mistakes,

you haven't done anything " ... is a true saying.


When we follow our conscience... our Spirit, we will then be correctly guided,

because She will give us Her Pure Knowledge from within. If we listen to our

Ego, we can never receive this pure knowledge, because the ego remains blind,

dumb, ignorant and conditioned).


" So my first question is, does the " devil " exist. Really? I know there are evil

people, and deamons, and evil spirit, but one supreme source of all evil, all

demons etc who runs the entire underworld; does he exist? If so, why? " ...


(No. He does not exist as one supreme source. The only Supreme Source in the

Universe is God Almighty. Even 'ego-dominated-beings' in other words...

'd'evils'... get their power from God and to answer a question of yours..

'd'evils' are not totally ignorant... they know that God made them, and that

they have no power except through God. Let me explain:


God made everything and without Him there is nothing made that was made. 'That

what God made' ends up following their Ego instead of their Spirit does not

change the fact that it was God who gave them Life in the first place. We are

all spirits, but a lot of people do not know that, because they have been taught

wrongly that we are a body only. Spirits have a choice to follow the Spirit

within, or to follow their own will which is the Ego. Like Shri Mataji has

said... the spiritual battleground is within our spiritual being itself!


If a person (who is really a spirit) uses their spiritual power through the Ego

by egoic actions, then their spiritual power is being misused. Of course, there

are degrees to this starting from simple spiritual ignorance. The conscience of

the person informs the person of the righteousness. If a person continually

defies their conscience, it becomes 'seared' (like meat is seared, you could

say... in other words, the conscience is hardened). The person does not want to

listen to their conscience... their Spirit within. As this hurts the Spirit, the

spiritual power of the person is withdrawn from them (in Sahaj terms... the

Deities recede). When people no longer have access to their Spirit... to their

own spiritual power, the only way to get it is from others who do have it.


" Domination " of others is the way people can accumulate spiritual power from

others, which they themselves do not have. Religious leaders (behind a very holy

facade) first gain material advantage and control. Then they entice followers

with specific advantages to follow them. People give them persmission to be in

charge of them. They therefore forfeit their spiritual birthright which is for

the Spirit of the person to be in control of them. From then on, once a person

gives over their spiritual birthright (control) to a religious (or secular)

leader, it is a sad day for that person's spirit indeed!


Next... leaders start to require that their followers listen to " them " instead

of to their own Spirit within! Fear is always a tactic used to gain a person's

spiritual energy. If you make a person afraid, then you have power over them.

That person with the fear gives up their energy to the person causing them to

fear. It is unbelievable 'd'evilish-ness' behind a religious facade... and this

has been occurring for millenniums. The sad thing is that people give their

power to these usurpers willingly and often in ignorance too. That is why Shri

Jesus and Shri Mataji have spoken against them so frequently... at their cruel

and dominating tactics, etc.


So... that is how 'd'evils' work. They accumulate ever greater power over people

and use that energy to create great illusions in people's minds. Anything of Ego

or of D'evil is not the Reality; it is an illusion. However, all illusions are

still a negative force that can have power in our lives if we let them... if we

believe in them. It is absolutely 'satanic'... we could call it. In that sense

then, we could say that these " dominators " actually become " personifications " of

evil or 'd'evil'. However, there is no separate person or identity as such as

" the devil " . It just refers to evil (ego) within human beings who follow Ego

instead of Spirit. It is anti-God instead of " for God " .)


" Also i want to know exactly what is a demon or as it is said a rakshasa? What

is there purpose? Why do they exist or are allowed to exist? " ...


(They are any people who follow the Ego instead of the Spirit. Rakshasas, from

what i understand of what Shri Mataji has taught have been particularly focussed

on Ego and Evil Practices over many incarnations, but they are still subject to

God, although they do not get their power from God anymore. As already

explained, they are particularly known to use tactics of domination and power

over other people in most evil undescribable ways.)


" Is it just to make things more interesting for the ascent of humans or

something like this? " ...


(There was Lucifer (meaning Angel of Light). Apparently he was great in the

Kingdom of God, until he thought that he was even more knowledgable and greater

than God Himself. The Ego had taken over. Then he amassed his followers. Then

they became the Rulers of the darkness of this world (the Earth). It all has to

do with Ego... with not turning to the Divine Within and realising that it is

God alone that has the Honour, Glory, and Power, and He works his power through

His Instruments, but it is The Divine's Power to use; it belongs to the Divine

and not for the Ego, which just misuses and abuses it!


A lot of human beings were apparently blinded (egoically) by this fallen angel

and still are today. However, Shri Mataji has come to give us the Light

('enlightenment') again. We know that there is the Light and the darkness.

However, those who turn to the Light have nothing to fear, except perhaps if we

allow our Ego to take charge of us or even our conditionings to do that.


Ego and conditionings are a " maya " ... an " illusion " that separates us from

God... that separates us from our Spirit. However, it seems that we are reborn

on the Earth to overcome this Maya... this Illusion. It seems we have to

overcome and face the Reality that we are the Spirit. i guess it could be said

that by having the dark around, the light is more valued and appreciated. By

having experience with the darkness, we know that it can only lead to spiritual

destruction and not to the Life Abundant in God.)


" I mean even Shiva has hoards or can command demons(so i have read) if

necessary, and even demons worship the devi and have meditated on the devi, so

why do they not just get wiped out? " ...


(If Shiva wants to use them he can. They are still subject to God's Law. Also...

these evil ones can still turn to the Light if they so choose. They have free

will that God has given them also. It is up to them to decide of their own free

will whether they will follow their Ego or the Spirit within. At this Last

Judgment and Resurrection Time, the forces of Light and the forces of darkness

will finally separate. Those who follow the darkness cannot stand the Light.

They have to turn to Spirit now if they want to join humnity's Leap in Spiritual

Evolution which is happening now, or they will be left behind.


These evil ones that operate from Ego, still recognise the Holy Spirit even

though they do not follow the Holy Spirit. Please be aware of this distinction.

It is just that their consciences are what is called " seared " . They have

followed the Ego for so long and the evil ways that they no longer can ascertain

the Truth anymore. There are many stories in the Bible where demons recognise

God and feel tortured because the presence of God gives them pain.


Those who do follow the Holy Spirit, however, have all power over any forces of

evil. Evil actually has no power in and of itself... if it is known for what it

really is, which is an illusion and spiritual ignorance. However, this is not to

discount the fact that evil is a force, however this force disintegrates in the

Light of the Spirit... with the Power of the Spirit.


Let me explain:


People generate energy, because we are spiritual beings. People can amass energy

with their Ego that affects those around them. We all know that, and it is not

nice to feel someone of ego accost us. It is the people's intention (their own

evil) that becomes a dark force that affects others. i hope you understand this.

That dark force dissolves in the Light of the Spirit, because it is not a True

Force. It has no power of its own. It is an illusion but still has a force.

However, any dark force or any illusion that is confronted head-on with the Holy

Spirit's Absolute Truth... will dissolve. Its force is dissipated, because it is

a finite force, not an infinite force.


When persons become the Spirit, there is no darkness in them. The darkness

leaves. This is a Spiritual Law of Life that: " Where there is Light, there can

be no darkness, for the Light dispels the dark. " (Just switch on the light in a

room and you will even see this happen on the physical level. It works just the

same on the spiritual level) through the Knowledge of the Light and Truth of



" Have we created them in our ignorance, or were they created by God

for some purpose other then to have an interesting play? " ...


(They were originally created in Beauty and Truth and Purity with Love. They

have perverted themselves through turning away from God and following their own

will... their Ego.)


" Finally why do " bhoots " torment us or try to possess us? Why are they even

allowed to possess a person? " ...


(External forces can only affect us if we let them. That is why it is so

important to turn to the Spirit Within. The Feminine Power (Shakti) of the Holy

Spirit within a person is the secret of real spiritual power. It is a power that

no dark force can stand up against, because it is the Power of the Love of God

Almighty, which is the greatest Force in the Universe. We have absolutely

nothing to fear when we have the Light ('en-light-en-ment " ). Any 'demons' and

'd'evils' fear and tremble in the Presence of that Light!)


i hope this helps, Kyyan.


love and best wishes,






, " v_koa " <v_koa



> Dear all,


> Now im sure these questions may not be appropriate, but i have been

> wondering for somtime, and if they are inappropriate for this


> i can be emailed directly.


> The term devils comes up alot in reference to certain people in the

> world, past and present. I take that to mean a person who is evil,


> has no sense of rightiousness and actually enjoys the opposite. But


> yogi friend of mine often says stuff like " i had this thought in my

> head, but it may just be the devil trying to confuse or distract

you "

> and much talk of the Devil.


> So my first question is, does the " devil " exist. Really? I know


> are evil people, and deamons, and evil psirit, but one supreme


> of all evil, all demons etc who runs the entire underworld; does he

> exist? If so, why?


> Also i want to know exactly what is a demon or as it is said a

> rakshasa? What is there purpose? Why do they exist or are allowed


> exist? Is it just to make things more interesting for the ascent of

> humans or something like this? I mean even Shiva has hoards or can

> command demons(so i have read) if neccisary, and even demons


> the devi and have meditated on the devi, so why do they not just


> wiped out? Have we created them in our ignorance, or were they

> created by God for some purpose other then to have an interesting

> play?


> Finally why do " bhoots " torment us or try to possess us? WHy are


> even allowed to possess a person?


> ANy answers would be good


> Thanks


> Kyyan


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