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The Higher Law of the Spirit, the Virata Shakti...

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Dear All,


Just imagine that you are seeing the wheel of a cart, with its many spokes

radiating out from the hub. We could say that when we are in Virata Shakti, that

we are at the point of closest connection to the hub of the wheel, where we are

also in closest connection with the Divine and the All That Is, which includes

all others.


It is about collective consciousness which is a quality of the Virata. Virata

has to do with communication worldwide by way of the ether waves. This happens

in radio and TV transmission and it also happens within human beings, as we are

inbuilt receivers for the Truth (intelligence), Consciousness, and Bliss of the



The Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss just flow due to that connection with the

Virat... " The All That Is " . At that point of Divine Connection... 'at the Hub'

(figuratively speaking)... whenever or wherever we put our attention... things

just work out in what seems to be a miraculous way. It is actually a Higher Law

of the Spirit that is working things out. It is not an accident; it is a Higher

Law of the Spiritual Plane, as opposed to the Lower Law of the Physical Plane.

Things work out very much quicker on the Spiritual Level, because of the higher

spiritual vibrations... of the Spirit that is working and is in connection with

the Virata Shakti Itself.


The only way to test and find out if there is such a Law of Spirit that works

things out (seemingly miraculously) is to try it. However, it is not an

objective Law... such as... " if I do so and so " ... " this and that will happen. "

In other words, it is not like an objective experiment, where there is the

object that is distinct from us, so that the person stands outside of the

experiment. It is, in fact, the opposite in that this Law of Spirit that works

things out is actually part and parcel of the whole Virata Shakti... the " All

That Is " ... and our Spirit Itself is a part of that. Things work out for us,

because we (our Spirit) has become connected to the whole Virata Shakti (the

whole communicative power) that works things out. We consciously work with that

Virata Shakti. Things work out because we realise that we are a part and parcel

of the All That Is.


How can we experience that?


This place at the Hub, is also a place of surrender to the Spirit. That happens

in a person's life as they desire that to happen. It can happen a bit at a time,

and it needs to be a conscious thing. In other words, we need to be aware that

we are surrendering to urgings of the Spirit that lets us know exactly where we

stand and 'what is what'.


The Spirit reveals Itself through our conscience... only it is greater than what

the ego itself perceives as our conscience, because while the ego is in charge,

the Spirit's Conscience cannot shine. As we turn more and more to the Inner

Wisdom, Knowledge, and Guidance of our Spirit, we have more understanding of the

nature of this Conscience, which is actually the Spirit... urging, warning,

advising, and guiding us from within ourselves.


Whatever is happening in our lives, we can surrender each individual thing to

the Divine's Way, the best way, the Spirit's way. This does not mean that we are

left with less than what we had. I know that is a fear that people have with

regards to the subject of surrender. We think that if we have to give something

up, that we are going to be the loser. However, this is a very shortsighted view

of Ego that does not see past its nose... (past its limited vision.)


The Ego believes that our universe is what we actually see with our eyes, ears,

sense of smell, and so forth. However, if we introspect, we will notice that our

reality actually originates from our own inner being itself, and that is the

reason why each person will see, hear, and smell things differently. We think

that we are subject to the external reality around us... as if these external

things we see around us... are things we have to be 'subject to'. This is not

true. We do not have to be subject to anything... but to Our Spirit!


However, each person has to work that out for themselves. For most people, it

becomes a gradual process of surrender, and for a minority it might be an

ability to surrender all immediately (however i think that is quite rare.) i do

believe that over a period of time of daily surrender to one's Spirit, that

there is actually a point at which a person " does become " their Spirit. It is at

this point where there is no problem surrendering; in fact that becomes the

natural way of being. A person will know that they have reached that point when

they do not have conflict in themselves in regards to which way to respond. As

they respond according to the wishes of their Spirit all the time... or at least

most of the time (the majority of the time)... the conflict is not there. It is

only when there is still a battle between the Ego and the Spirit that there is

conflict within.


Once a person starts to respond and be in tune with their Spirit, they operate

from the higher spiritual frequency. It is a great joy to be in that place,

because there is no conflict. There is peace, joy, love, faith, hope, charity,

compassion, etc. At this spiritual frequency where we " Are The Spirit " ...

whatever we get involved in... receives our vibrations, our ideas, our ambitions

of the Spirit, and everything changes for the better.


As more people operate from their Spiritual Centre Within... from their

Spirit... we will see the whole world transform as well. We will see brothers

and sisters accepting each other, regardless of external differences of culture,

race, or religion. Every human being reflects outwardly what they are on the

inside. As more and more people operate from the level of Spirit, this will be

reflected more and more on the outside as well. We are talking of the complete

expansion of the Human Spirit 'En Masse'... to realise Itself and to become Part

and Parcel of Each Other in a Conscious Way.


Here are Shri Mataji's Teachings on this subject. Please enjoy.





Teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi…


The power of Virata is that it can penetrate into the subtle side of human

beings in such a manner that... everyone... we are connected to. We are not

separate and every drop is connected with the ocean. We are connected with the

whole universe, and when you become a citizen of Virat, then all the things with

which you are connected also get your vibrations, your ideas, your ambitions,

everything passes through that, and it works. It works.


You have seen how many miracles have taken place in your lives. It is the Virata

Shakti that works. Now for that, we have to know how to do worship of Virat.

First of all, you have to rise above your ego, very important. Otherwise, how

can you worship? There is your ego standing in between and how can you rise up

to the point of Virat? You have to pass through that.


Once you rise above your ego, you enter into the kingdom of Virat. There the

King is Virata and you are the subjects who are looked after completely by

Virata Shakti, by the power of Virat. But at that stage you become really a

universal personality in a way, because whatever are problems universally – now

not necessarily that they should be attached to you or connected to you.

Supposing a person is at that level – there may be a war in some other country –

it can stop. Somebody who is being oppressed can be helped. Anywhere your

compassion moves, it can work out. Anywhere your attention goes, it can work…


H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

(Virata Puja, Cabella Ligure – 1999)

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