Guest guest Posted September 27, 2006 Report Share Posted September 27, 2006 " After Peter, the centuries roll by, full of controversies, any one of which today would involve immediate recourse to Rome for a decision . . . We have already noted that not a single Father can find any hint of a Petrine office in the great biblical texts that refer to Peter. Papal supremacy and infallibility, so central to the Catholic church today, are simply not mentioned. Not a single creed, nor confession of faith, nor catechism, nor passage in patristic writings contains one syllable about the pope, still less about faith and doctrine being derived from him. " Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Bantam Press, 1988, p. 206. " The Pope and the Council contained aspects of papal history completely unknown to me. I had been brought up as a Catholic, had gone through the usual six-year seminary course prior to ordination, had graduated from a Catholic university, the Gregorianum in Rome, and had never come across such ideas. This is partly to be explained by the partisan nature of seminary education and the fact that in such establishments history is a Cinderella subject. The misbehaviour of popes is lightly dwelt or even excised, rather in the way that Trotsky was cut out of all Soviet history by Stalin . . . My ignorance must also be set down to the preference Catholics have for a history of the papacy that can be read with white gloves on. It is not easy to admit that one's leaders were often barbarians, or that the good popes sometimes did far more harm than good. Thus, quite late in my career, I felt obliged to examine the history of Catholic ideas and institutions, the later of course including the papacy. It was a long and sometimes painful form of a self- education. " Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, Bantam Press, 1988, p. 455-56.) (Peter de Rosa is author of many books including Bless Me, Father, Christ and Original Sin, and Jesus Who became Christ. In Vicars of Christ he dispels myths about the papacy in favor of hard facts, and provides everyone, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, with the true, alarming story of the dark origins of the Church.) " Fifty-eight million American Roman Catholics call him " Holy Father " (in violation of Matthew 23:9). He is revered as the head of the church on earth (though Christ possesses all authority, in heaven and on earth, and is the exclusive head of the church - Matt. 28:18; Col. 1:18). Devotees of the Catholic religion assert that he is the successor of " Saint Peter, " and they contend that his authority is derived from the fact that the church was founded upon Peter. World leaders drool at his feet. The United States has an ambassador (supported with tax revenues) to his little " state " of 108 acres, the Vatican. We are speaking, of course, of the Roman pontiff, John Paul II. The doctrine of the primacy of Peter, and the papal authority supposedly derived from the Lord's apostle, is the very foundation of Roman Catholicism. The system, however, is barren of any semblance of biblical support... As a matter of fact, the term " pope " is not even in the New Testament! " Reflections on the Pope, Christian Courier: Archives, Wednesday, December 20, 2000 " Although a devout Catholic himself, Nostradamus' prophecies do not bode well for the Vatican. In his letter to Henry II of France on June 27, 1558, Nostradamus wrote that the " great Vicar of the Cope (the Pope) shall be put back to his pristine state; but, desolated and abandoned by all, will return to the sanctuary destroyed by Paganism, when the Old and New Testament will be thrust out and burnt. " Nostradamus is not the only prophet to foresee the collapse of the papacy. St. Malachy's predictions about the succession of popes from 1143 to the present have proven correct, even though he died in 1148 ... Malachy's prophecies were supposed to extend from 1143 to " the end of the world. " And, according to them, there are but two popes remaining. Malachy called the last " Petrus Romanus, " or Peter of Rome, and said he " will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the Judge will judge the people. " Further evidence of the coming collapse of the Catholic Church is also believed to have been foretold by no less than the Virgin of Fatima ... The third prophecy was kept hidden until 1942. The children refused to reveal what they had been told, but one of them forwarded it to the Vatican, where it was kept secret. Even now, only the part concerning the war has been released, despite the Lady's instruction that it should be fully disclosed in 1960. There is reason to belief that the remainder deals with the destruction of the Church somewhere around the year 2000. On October 15, 1963, a German newspaper printed what it said was the text of the prophecy: " For the Church too, the time of its greatest trial will come. Cardinals will oppose cardinals and bishops against bishops. Satan will march in their midst and there will be great changes in Rome. What is rotten will fall, never to rise again. The church will be darkened and the world will shake in terror. " La loy du Sol, & Venus contendens. " Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium Church removes Zambia archbishop BBC, Tuesday, 26 September 2006, 14:35 GMT 15:35 UK Pope Benedict XVI has excommunicated a Zambian archbishop, Emmanuel Milingo, two days after he ordained four married men as bishops. A Vatican statement said he had been automatically excommunicated under church law because of his actions. Archbishop Milingo, 76, who now lives in the US, performed the ordination ceremony in Washington DC on Sunday. The Catholic diocese in Washington immediately declared the installations to be invalid. Correspondents say that Archbishop Milingo has long been a controversial figure in the Roman Catholic Church. Six years ago, he married a South Korean woman at a mass wedding in New York organised by the Korean-based Unification Church - the so- called " Moonies " . He was later persuaded by the Vatican to renounce the marriage, but has since rejoined his wife. Mass exorcisms The Zambian preacher was nominated archbishop of Lusaka at age 39, a post he held for 14 years before a disagreement with the Vatican over his activities as a healer and an exorcist. He was recalled to Rome in 1983 but managed to keep his rank of archbishop. Archbishop Milingo then gained a strong following in a Church where he had been stationed near Rome because of his reputation as an exorcist. But Catholic officials accused him of promoting African indigenous beliefs by performing mass exorcisms and healing ceremonies. Mr Milingo announced earlier this year that his new mission was to persuade the Church to allow priests to marry. " The Holy See has patiently witnessed the evolution of the events which, unfortunately, have led Archbishop Milingo to a state of irregularity and progressive open break from communion with the Church, " the Vatican said in a statement. The Vatican statement cited his " attempted marriage " and Sunday's ordinations. The four married men he ordained on Sunday were also automatically excommunicated, it said. Church removes Zambia archbishop 1) Catholic Christianity begun with the satanic alliance between the barbaric, concubine-sired Constantine and Pope Sylvester (Bishop of Rome.) Constantine had by then already murdered Crispus (his son by his first wife) in 326, drowned his second wife in the bath, killed his eleven-year-old nephew, and then his brother-in-law. Both benefited enormously from this unholy alliance between Altar and Throne, the power of the Pulpit aligning with the terror of the Sword, a formidable foe that crushed all opposition. 2) The Prince of Carnal Life His Holiness (Sanctitas) Benedict XII throbbed for the sister of the great scholar, Petrarch, who rejected his offer of a cardinal's hat. This lusty pope still managed to bed this pretty lass by bribing her brother, Gerardo. " Petrarch described — anonymously, since he did not want to be burned — the papal court as 'the shame of mankind, a sink of vice, a sewer where is gathered all the filth of the world. There God is held in contempt, money alone is worshipped and the laws of God and men are trampled under foot. Everything there breathes a lie: the air, the earth, the houses and above all the bedrooms.' " 3) His Holiness Benedict IX was eleven years old in October 1032 when he became pope in the footsteps of his father Pope John XIX. His exploits with women brought an early puberty and by the time he was fourteen he had surpassed the exploits of all predecessors. St Peter Damain has this to say: " That wretch, from the beginning of his pontificate to the end of his life, feasted on immorality. " Another observer was more precise: " A demon from hell in the guise of a priest has occupied the Chair of Peter. " continue at: " Pope is another horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one which is of Canterbury sitting there. All of them are false gurus, know nothing about Kundalini, don't know anything of Brahman,... So they want to propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling the name of Christ, and doing all kinds of things against Him stupidly, without knowing the Divine. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Gmunden, Austria - July 6, 1986 " " People do not know what Time has come. It is the Last Chance. You won't get anymore chance. In Bible it has been described as the Last Judgment. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Delhi, India - Aug. 18, 1979 " You do not judge God from the people who talk about God. Anybody can talk about God because they think there is no law that can catch them. They can talk for Him, against Him, or they can do what they like. They can even make money by talking against God and against all the Prophets. So, first of all, we have to be a little independent to be free. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi First, Know Thyself, London, U.K. - August 1, 1989 " It's a very serious thing they have done against Christ. And still going on. Still this Catholic Church, though being exposed so much, is still going on, in India also, all over. It's stupid. This Protestant Church also is going on everywhere. What good name have they brought to Christ, one should see? The first and foremost thing He has said that you must enter into the Kingdom of God, that you must be born again. So it's all mental: You are born again. You have a certificate. We are born again. Finished. So this mental attitude of the West is responsible for killing the great Incarnation of Christ, so I think it's another crucifixion. Mentally, you cannot understand spirituality. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi " You are arriving at that point where your destruction is sure because you have to become the spirit. You have to rise in spiritual life and if your movement is downward who can help you? This is a very interesting Time as I have told you — is the Time of Judgment — and at this Time we have to be careful that we are our own judges. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — October 6, 1981 In the midst of the street of it, And on either side of the river, Was there the Tree of Life, Which bare twelve manner of fruits, And yielded Her fruit every month: And the leaves of the Tree were for the healing of all nations. Revelation 22:1-3 " You belong to a Tree of great Wisdom, Tree of great sustenance and religion, and Tree of great Mastery, the mastery that you can never know how great it is. You belong to a Tree that has complete security for you, and you belong to a very great Tree which gives you complete witnessing of the Drama, and which gives you understanding that the Whole is part and parcel of you and you are part and parcel of the Whole. . . . This is the Tree of Life that has been described in the Bible. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Switzerland — 1983 Shri Jesus Christ: " Nevertheless I tell you the truth: It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I don't go away, the Comforter won't come to you. " (John 16:7) " And Jesus spoke again unto the eleven and said, " Grieve not because I go away for it is best that I should go away. If I do not go away the Comforter will not come to you. These things I speak while with you in the flesh, But when the Holy Breath shall come in power, lo, She will teach you more and more, And bring to you remembrance all the words I have said to you. There are a multitude of things yet to be said; Things that this age cannot receive because it cannot comprehend. But, lo, I say, Before the great day of the Lord shall come, The Holy Breath will make all mysteries known - The mysteries of the soul, of life, of death, of immortality, The oneness of man with every other man, and with his God. Then will the world be led to truth, and man will be truth. When She has come, the Comforter, She will convince the world of sin, And of truth of what I speak, And of the rightness of the Judgment of the just; And then the prince of carnal life will be cast out. And when the Comforter shall come, I need not intercede for you; For you shall stand approved, and God will know you then as he knows Me. " The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ 162:411 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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