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Why are Muslims ignoring questions that destroys their false beliefs?

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> Mr Ramadan asks rhetorically whether it was wise of Muslims to

> feel offended by the Pope's quotation from a 14th Century

> Christian emperor while they continue to ignore questions they

> have faced over the past five years about the meaning of the

> term " jihad " and the legitimate use of force.



There are many serious, strongly-worded allegations and hard-hitting questions

that challenges the conscience and integrity of the Ummah at

http://al-qiyamah.org. Despite this provocative paragraph on the homepage no

Muslim has responded till today:


" But, alas, over the centuries the Thieves of Truth numbering in the hundreds

and thousands first molested, then raped, and finally mutilated the revelation

of Al-Qiyamah beyond recognition, before leaving it pregnant with distortion,

delusion and deceit. Till today the Ummah still recoils at it in fear and

terror. From the wanton seed of their unforgivable collective orgy was born the

satanic lie that the wrath of Allah (SWT) will descend suddenly on humankind

without warning, and punish the sinners in a murderous rage of death and

destruction - thus fulfilling Iblis' promise to Allah that he will mislead

Adam's descendents till the Day of Resurrection. "





And there are so many other pages all over www.al-qiyamah.org begging for a

response. i give a sampling of the questions asked:


" How have Muslims concealed " God's revelations in the scripture " though they

claim it was never ever adulterated?


How do they hide " God’s revelation in the scripture " though they swear that

every utterance of Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad was recorded?


Do they twist, turn and corrupt the Holy Qur'an by using hundreds and thousands

of hadiths to disguise Allah's Truth?


Do they lie, falsify and fabricate the essence of Revelation with human hadiths

to deface Khudda's Truth?


Do they invent, devise and concoct the nature of Revelation with countless

hadiths to distort God’s Truth?


Why should God again make the True Believers (Al-Mu’minun) holy if they are

already fit for heaven, as the Ummah believe they exclusively are?


Why should God again make humans free from sin if they are already qualified for



Why should God again purify the ‘chosen ones’ if the guardians of the Idols have

already certified them pure?


Why should God again initiate a spiritual cleansing if the religious shepherds

have already scrubbed their herd clean?


Or is it that no human is qualified for salvation as all are stained by

falsehood, delusion, hate, pride, arrogance, ego, anger, agitation, lust and

other defects?


Or is it that only fundamentalists, fanatics, and zealots believe they are

religiously clean and spiritually enlightened to enter Paradise?


Are they the ones to whom Allah will not speak during Qiyamah?


Are they the ones who will reject Allah's Baptism during Qiyamah?


Are they the ones who will suffer painful retribution instead of spiritual



Are they the ones who will " choose straying instead of guidance " ?


Are they the ones who will " choose . . . retribution instead of forgiveness " ?


Are they the ones who will " purchase error at the price of guidance " ?


Are they the ones who will choose " torment at the price of pardon " ?


Are they the ones who will " find (a cause of) disagreement in the Scripture " ?


Are they the ones who will " buy error for the right direction " ?


Are they the ones who will prefer " chastisement for forgiveness " ?


Are they the ones who will be " those who go against the Book " ?


Thus, is Qiyamah the Age of Divine Blessing or the Day of Sorting Out?


Thus, is Qiyamah the Serene Journey to Eternity or the Dreaded Nightmare of



Thus, is Qiyamah the Promised Period to enter His Kingdom or the Sudden Snare of



Thus, is Qiyamah the Awakening of the True Believers (Al-Mu’minun) or the

Delusion of the Deceived?


You strayed ones, for concealing the Truth you will not be addressed by Allah's

Ruh during the Resurrection!


You deceived ones, for believing in Error you will not be purified by Allah's

Holy Spirit during Qiyamah!


You fanatical ones, for transgressing His Word you will be forsaken Allah's Adi

Shakti during the Last Judgment!


You disbelieving ones, for corrupting Truth you will not be enter Paradise

during the Resurrection!


You swindled ones, for listening to Satan's Lies you will forsake Guidance

during Qiyamah.


You misled ones, you will defy the Resurrection as prophesied in the Qur’an.


You arrogant ones, you will dispute the Great News (78:1-5) as proclaimed in the



That is why the Ruh of Allah Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has bluntly told that the

Muslims will not believe Her. On the contrary, they will reject Revealed Truth

and turn away, stalking back to their families in full conceit - just as

prophesied in the Qur'an! Be forewarned, Rejecters of Revelation, be

forewarned! "





Till today none have taken up the challenge and refute Shri Mataji's

declaration that Al-Qiyamah has begun. It is hypocritical of them to

vent so much collective anger at the sligtest perceived insult to

their religion while ignoring facts that it is they who have for

centuries desecrated the Quran against clear injunctions not to

interfere with Surah 75 (Al-Qiyamah), the heart and soul of Islam.


Of all the chapters in the Qur'an, surah 75 Al-Qiyamah (The

Resurrection) must have clearly confronted them with so frightening

a prophecy and promise of Divine intervention to collect,

promulgate, recite and explain in detail the only Surah entirely

devoted to Al-Qiyamah, that it could only be explained away by

vagueness, briefness, distortion, misinformation, untruth and

outright deceit. But Allah (SWT) warned humans not to move " thy

tongue concerning the (Resurrection), to make haste therewith "

since " it is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it. " Then, after

having announced it they were to follow " its recital " And last, but

not the least, the Resurrection is " for Us to explain " - leaving

absolutely no ambiguity as to Allah's (SWT) Intention. This is

referred as the Great News or Great Event in the Qur'an and was to

coincide with specific Sure Signs absolutely beyond human

manipulation or duplication. Thus it is obvious that the

announcement and detailed narration of the Resurrection to the

entire human race was Allah's (SWT) sole and explicit prerogative.


But mere mortals with puny minds and huge egos have blabbed their

tongues about this Surah for the last 1400 years. They collectively

erased the mercy of the blessed Resurrection (Al Qadr or the Night

of Power) for all humankind, substituting it with the nightmare of a

Doomsday End (Al Qariah or the Day of Noise and Clamor)!


Now the question of making such serious allegations against so

established a faith arises. How is it possible that so obvious and

fundamental Truths be hidden from so many by so few for so long?

Perhaps it must be asked: How was the Ummah deceived into

speculating about Al-Qiyamah, despite Allah's (SWT) explicit, simple

and clear Warning not to do so? This Al-Qiyamah website exposes the

depth of deception that the Ummah has been indoctrinated over the

centuries by their ulama, imams, ayatollahs, amirs, caliphs,

mu'attilah, aalims, mujtahids, mullahs and muftis on this central

theme of the Holy Qur'an.


i quote Shri Mataji:


" Of course there are some absurd things which grew with

misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are

common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims

believe that when they die their bodies will come out of their

graves and they will all be resurrected at the Time of Resurrection,

at the Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is

illogical to think what will remain inside those graves after five

hundred years. Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not

the body but the soul that will come out of these bodies, be born

again as human beings and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection at all

because they want to frighten people with the Doomsday. They don't

want to talk about the Resurrection Time which is going to come -

which is the intermediary time - because they want to use the time

which will frighten people by saying that: " Now your Doomsday is

coming! Now your Doomsday is coming! " Everyone is frightened about

God and they think, " Now we should just wait for our doom. Nothing

at all in between. " "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Los Angeles, USA - 18 August 1983



" I hope all of you will get your realization tonight. It is your

freedom, I respect. If you don't want to have your realization, you

may go. I cannot force on you. As I told you this is the Last

Judgment. Mohammed Sahib has said: " When Qiyamah will come " , means

when the Resurrection time will come then " your hands will

speak " , " they will give evidence against you " , means they will tell

you what centers are wrong in you. "


So this process is only for ten minutes that you will feel this Cool

Breeze but those who do not want should leave the hall.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Kyiv, Russia, Public Program - September 18, 1994



" Muhammad Sahib has written very clearly that " when your

Resurrection will take place then " your hands will speak " , and will

give witness against you. " That is what that they will tell you

what's wrong with you. Your hands will tell clearly and that to know

the Truth you will feel it in the palm here (center of palm.) When

you ask the question to the real One you will get your answer here

(center of palm.) All these things can only happen in Sahaja Yoga -

in no other way. Whether you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Jew

we have to know that we have to still step one step forward. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cabella, Italy - Sep. 15, 1996



So why are Muslims ignoring questions that destroys their false

beliefs? Answer: It is simply because they have no answers! The

declaration to witness the Resurection destroys the falsehood

Muslims have cherished for more than 14 centuries.


Concerning what are they disputing?

Concerning the Great News (5889) about which they cannot agree.

Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!

Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know! . . .


surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)


" 5889. Great News: Usually understood to mean the News or Message of the

Resurrection. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an



The Great News is the declaration by Shri Mataji that Al-Qiyamah

(Resurrection) has begun, that it is the present Night of Power (Al

Qadr) that precedes the dreaded Doomsday or the Day of Noise and

Clamour (Al Qariah).


Question: So for how long can Muslims continue ignoring questions

that destroys their centuries-old false belief and flawed dogma?


Answer: On 28 February 1990 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, on Her way to

Australia, stopped at Changi Airport, Singapore. She informed the

Sahaja Yogis who had gathered to meet Her that " in Islam there was a

complete surah written about Her. In this surah it was stated that

the Sent One will give Realization, will make you Pirs and give

Collective Consciousness. But you will be non-believers. " (Divine

Cool Breeze Revelations 1989-90, Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, p. 141.)


Yes, the Muslims will dispute the Great News and will be the non-

believers. They will not believe the very revered scripture they are

even willing to die or kill in its defence!







> Will Muslim clerics apologise for believing Islam is one and only

> true religion?


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Muslims debate Pope's speech reaction


> By Magdi Abdelhadi

> Arab Affairs Analyst, BBC

> Monday, 25 September 2006, 15:18 GMT 16:18 UK


> Despite the predominantly emotional and angry response to the

> Pope's controversial remarks about Islam, some Muslim writers and

> intellectuals have been extremely critical of the way Muslims have

> responded so far.


> The angry reactions to the Pope's original remarks included the

> killing of an Italian nun in Somalia and attacks on Christian

> churches in Palestinian territories.


> But several Muslim writers argued that such violent reactions

> appeared to confirm the very things that Muslims have been seeking

> to refute.


> Some concluded that it would have been better to engage in a

> rational debate with the Pope.


> The European Muslim scholar, Tarik Ramadan, blamed Muslim leaders

> and scholars for such violent responses.


> 'Let off steam'


> Leaders who deny their people freedom of expression, he wrote,

> find it convenient to allow their people to let off some steam as

> long as it is about Danish cartoons or words uttered by the Pope.


> Mr Ramadan asks rhetorically whether it was wise of Muslims to

> feel offended by the Pope's quotation from a 14th Century

> Christian emperor while they continue to ignore questions they

> have faced over the past five years about the meaning of the

> term " jihad " and the legitimate use of force.


> Khaled Hroub, a Jordanian-born academic, wrote that the aggressive

> and intolerant reactions failed to live up to the ideals Muslims

> believe in.


> The Muslim reaction to the Pope's apology has also come in for a

> lot of criticism.


> Mr Hroub wondered whether Muslim clerics can ever be asked to

> apologise for believing that Islam is the one and only true

> religion.


> One columnist, Abdelwahab Al Affendi, ridiculed those who demanded

> a retraction of the Pope's original remarks.


> Mr Al Effendi wrote saying that nothing short of the Pope's

> converting to Islam will ever assuage the anger of those people!


> Muslims debate Pope's speech reaction

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/5378606.stm


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