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The Goal is Collective Consciousness; not 'Catch' Consciousness...

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" It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and 'diseased' by " the

subtle Power of God, the Power of His Love, what we call the All-Pervading

Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya. " How can this be when the Mother Kundalini

and Chaitanya are supposed to heal with love and gentleness? i have no idea what

is causing them all these catches that require so much shoe-beating,

footsoaking, candling, chilli, lemon and matka treatments, to name the major

treatments. " (Jagbir Singh)



Dear All,


At first glance, SYs might dismiss Jagbir's quote above as an indictment against

the subtle system knowledge that Shri Mataji gave. However, Jagbir is only

expressing his most genuine concern that SYs who are 'steeped to the eyeballs'

in external treatments and rituals... actually start to to " go deeper " and

discover the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit that Shri Mataji also taught about.


The truth about all these external clearings and cleansings is... that the more

attention SYs put on all these external things, the less attention they are

going to use to " go within " . Self-realisation is not the end, because after

self-realisation comes God-realisation and for this... one has definitely to

take the attention from all externals to the One Eternal Internal Brahman who

can only be realised from within.


Therefore... as Jagbir has said:


" It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and 'diseased'!


So... what is the answer?


i really believe we need to have another look at what exactly " vibratory

awareness " is. Reason being because it is only since SYs have also received this

spiritual biofeedback system of vibratory awareness that they also seem to be

" constantly 'sick' and 'diseased' by " the subtle Power of God " ... as Jagbir

'puts it. There really must be an answer to this dilemma. As Jagbir also 'puts

it': " How can this be when the Mother Kundalini and Chaitanya are supposed to

heal with love and gentleness? "


Yes... " how can it be? "


i offer that it can be due to a limited... rather than a wholistic understanding

of what vibratory awareness is and how it works. If a SY only has a limited

understanding of what vibratory awareness is... they will literally 'get caught

up in it'... and that is what seems to have happened to those Jagbir refers to

as " constantly 'sick' and 'diseased' by " the subtle Power of God " . (i mean...

with the subtle Power of God a person should get less sick... if anything.)


Okay! Lets get down to basics then!


When a person has their Self-realisation, their kundalini has arisen and raised

that person's individual spirit to the Kingdom of God within (at the Sahasrara).

That person can then (to the surprise of the person usually) expect to

experience subtle physical sensations on their fingertips, head, or on their

body. Especially, they can expect to feel the cool breeze that emits from the

top of the head though often this is initially attended with some heat coming

out of the head too, which is generated by the kundalini as it clears, cleanses,

balances and heals the psychosomatic system from within. When things settle

down, it is the cool breeze that emits from the head and around the person...

that Jesus spoke about when He said:


" The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know

where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is " born of the

Spirit " . (John 3:8)


Before being 'born of the Spirit' a person will not experience this vibratory

awareness nor these subtle sensations that are a sign of your connection to the

Divine within. It is actually a boon to have this new awareness, as it is a

spiritual biofeedback system that informs you of your spiritual state/condition.

Also... whether you realise it or not, this spiritual biofeedback system is the

only Spiritual Judge and Jury that you will have at this Time of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection.


That is why it says in the Koran that " your hands will speak and testify against

you " . It is amazing that it was spoken of so long ago about this vibratory

awareness; this new step up in human conscious awareness that was to come. Shri

Mataji did in fact inform SYs that this vibratory awareness is an unprecedented

leap in human evolutionary consciousness. So... the prophesies are coming true

NOW as this is the Last Judgment and Resurrection Time, whereby your Spirit is

raised to the Kingdom of God within (Resurrection) and your vibratory awareness

is the biofeedback system within yourself that judges your spiritual condition

or state (Last Judgment).


So... please bear with me as i explain in some detail about " vibratory

awareness " ... with the aid of anecdotal evidence. (i feel this way it will be

most easily understood even by those who have yet to experience it.)


i will start with a prelude about guilt, because " feeling guilty " is one of the

most prevalent and pernicious of emotions that can affect a person's

psychosomatic system (subtle system). When a person feels guilty or has a low

sense of self-esteem caused through guilt, this pyschosomatic ailment registers

on the subtle system of a self-realised person in the form of tingling, burning,

pain or a numb sensation. The feeling of guilt registers on the finger next to

the thumb on the Left Hand. (i know this is amazing and incredible but there is

a definite decoding involved here... folks! Every digit on the hand counts for a

different energy centre or chakra.)


Getting back to this 'guilt' however... feeling guilty about everything has

largely been a problem of people from the West... from the Judeo-Christian

background. It does not figure so much in the spiritual equation of people from

the East. Therefore, it was inevitable that many SYs from the West had to deal

with the problem of guilt. (We are talking about an 'unnaturally instilled

guilt' here. This is not the same as a naturally guilty conscience due to some

spiritual transgression. We are talking about a " conditioning of guilt " over a

period of a child's life with which it has been brainwashed by the religion and

the society.)


For example the Judeo-Christian background taught me that i was a " born sinner " .

(i will bet that not many people from the East had that kind of unnatural

indoctrination as children!!!) Shri Mataji taught us SYs that this doctrine of

" being born in sin " is a devilish doctrine that has caused a lot of damage. She

taught that we are " born innocent " , which is the truth. Shri Jesus bears out

this fact when He answers a question that His disciples asked... which was 'Who

then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' (So... Shri Jesus called a child

to Himself and set the child before His disciples and told them):


" Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you

shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this

child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one

such child in My name receives Me. " (Matthew 18:3-5)


Therefore it is obvious that Jesus did not consider this child to be " born

guilty " . If He had... He would not have said what He said. My!... how the

priests, ministers and rabbis have twisted the beauty of Truth into the ugliness

of a lie for their perennial need for power over people! This twisting of the

truth has caused immeasurable harm, and that is why we now have to hold up the

Light of Truth as given by Shri Mataji and other Incarnations and understand

that in many instances it is the opposite of what our priests, ministers and

rabbis have been teaching us for the last millennium. (However... even good old

common sense will tell you that it is the guileless innocence, wisdom and beauty

of children that draws us in; that captivates us.)


However... getting back to this institutionalised guilt of Western Societies, it

was therefore one of the major problems that showed up for SYs in their newly

awakened vibratory awareness that had 'kicked in' with the connection to the

Divine Within (self-realisation).


For me too, i experienced my spiritual biofeedback system telling me that i must

get rid of this pernicious guilt. i would feel a registration on the finger next

to the thumb on my Left Hand pretty permanently for a while. It took me a long

time to deal with this conditioning.


This 'guilt' and many other conditionings i had to face up to. The way i was

able to de-conditon these was through the use of meditation, introspection and

the kundalini's ability to clear, cleanse, balance and heal me. Shri Mataji also

gave us spiritual affirmations (which were real positive conditionings) and

mantras (prayers) which awakened all the qualities of the Spirit in us, because

the mantras awaken the Deities Within who reside on each energy centre (each



You did not know that? Well... that is why it is says in the Bible:


" Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you? (1

Cor. 6:19a)


Therefore, i was very grateful that this vibratory awareness that was bestowed

on me through kundalini awakening... would indiciate to me where in my

pschosomatic system i was having energy blocks. The kundalini enlightened my

attention. From that time onwards in conjunction with my kundalini and

enlightened attention, i was able to meditate, introspect, acquaint myself with

the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit, and eventually surrender to the Wisdom of the

Divine very effectively... enabling me to have the spiritual victory over any

negativity that came my way. In fact all permanent energy blocks (as indicated

by my spiritual biofeedback system) completely released over time... allowing

the unobstructed flow of the kundalini energy.


It was at the point when all permanent energy blocks were gone through all the

spiritual work i did (of meditation, introspection, imbibing spiritual

knowledge, surrender to the Divine, and working together with my kundalini and

enlightened attention) that i realised that my kundalini was flowing freely and

in unobstructed manner. It was a new day for me when i realised this! All my

work had come to fruition and now i just needed to stay in thought-'less'

awareness and heed the biofeedback of my 'early warning system' and stay in

balance moment by moment, hour by hour and day by day. The surrender to the

Divine makes this a facile process.


i am talking of the present now:


The surrender to the Divine makes this a facile process because as soon as i

feel a 'catch' i heed the early warning of this spiritual biofeedback system

within me and i introspect and witness whatever mistake i have made in thought,

word or deed. Then i forgive myself and/or others (whichever is appropriate).

Guess what happens? The 'catch registration' simply resolves and is gone. This

is because i have heeded its warning to me and adjusted my thoughts, words or

action. That is how is works folks! The vibratory awareness is my most intimate

friend because it is my Higher Self, my Spirit (who is Brahman) that is helping



So... what is really the problem with so many SYs? As Jagbir puts it: " i have no

idea what is causing them all these catches that require so much shoe-beating,

footsoaking, candling, chilli, lemon and matka treatments, to name the major

treatments. "


i am sure the answer is... there is not a wholistic spiritual understanding and

an all-rounded spiritual work being done. Rather than having a balanced

cleansing and clearing system of all aspects of spiritual work that include

meditation, introspection, imbibing spiritual knowledge, surrender to the

Divine, and working together with the kundalini and enlightened attention...

there is too much of a focus of the attention on " the catch " ... resulting in

what Jagbir calls " The Catch Consciousness " . We all know how it is in SY. We

have been there. We know how an " inordinate amount of attention " is placed on

the 'catch' and the " inordinate amount of attention " is placed on external

clearing and cleansing. But where is the person in all of this?


The focus has to be " within " .


Until the focus is within, all the external focus will make no permanent

changes, because the external treatments only work until the next day, when they

have to be done all over again. However, when the focus is " within " then

permanent change for the better starts to occur.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Kyyan (and All),


Shri Mataji gave all the external clearing and cleansing techniques as a part

and parcel of the wholistic spiritual approach. She never made all the external

treatments into a religion, as the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religionists

(SYSSRists) have done. It is the first time i am aware that a religion can even

be made out of external treatments. Most religions have the teachings of the

Incarnations/prophets as their main focus/thrust.


There is one external cleansing ritual that i am aware of which i experienced in

the Christian Denomination that i was raised in. We washed each other's feet

twice a year... as Jesus had requested this as a sign of loving humble service

to each other. (In Jesus's time, people's main mode of travel was walking on

sandalled feet... and by the time they arrived at their destination, they badly

needed to wash them.)


Here is the recounting of Jesus in relation to this external ritual:


" And so when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments, and reclined at

the table again, He said to them, " Do you know what I have done to you? You call

Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. If I then, the Lord and the

Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I gave

you an example that You should do as I did to you. (John 13:12-15)


(That is one of the traditions that Jesus gave, so there really is very little

external cleansing practices that Christians follow, as there is very little

that has been given in the Christian Bible.)


Shri Mataji has given somewhat more, but " in comparison " to the very large

amount of Spiritual Teachings that She has given... there is " really very

little " on external treatments. (i remember Her saying She was not too happy to

have it written down, because each person is different and needs to be treated

slightly differently... however SYs insisted that they needed standardised basic

guidelines to follow. SM (as mothers do) finally relented to the repeated

requests of Her children and the result is the " Sahaja Yoga Treatments Book " .)


The Sahaja Yoga Treatments Book... for all practical purposes... " is " the

'Bible' of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religionists (SYSSRists). i say this

because from what i have witnesse... " it " is more read, studied and imbibed than

any Scriptures of all the Incarnations and prophets.


Yes... the 'early SYs' relied most heavily on the external treatments and

external treatments was what they had the " most faith in " . (That SYs in general

now have more faith in external treatments than anything else... is now an

endemic problem in the organisation of Sahaja Yoga. Kyyan has witnessed and

given evidence very recently that this is still the case.)


SY leaders/followers are still treading the well-worn path of the early SYs...

many of whom " had to be so externally focused each day " ... because their

psychosomatic systems were just so badly damaged that the kundalini just could

not do Her job properly. And it is this very scenario that still holds 'sway' in

the SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion) with its preferred focus on

externals. It is this condition in all the collectives that has resulted in the

all-pervasive 'Catch-Consciousness'. (Yet... the ultimate Goal is

Collective-Consciousness, but how can SYs attain this unless they " go within "

and " go deeper " !


Any knowledgeable person will tell that any kind of healing (and this includes

the use of external treatments) is dependant upon a person's faith in the

treatment. Not only did Shri Jesus state that 'a person's faith will make them

whole'; Shri Mataji did likewise. She often stated that we must have the

confidence/faith in ourselves. We have to have the faith/confidence in our



The truth is that there can be no permanent cure with external treatments. They

are only a band-aid solution and that is why this 'band-aid' has to be applied

every day. It is due to the fact that external treatments are only temporary

alleviations... that they have to be done all over again the next day!


Jagbir has mentioned this too... 'that all external treatments are based on the

faith a person has in them.' The same goes for doctors and medicines dispensed.

The person themselves is always a part of the 'healing equation'. (If a person

has the confidence and faith that they will get better, research has shown that

this is a major factor in their health/healing.)


It is the factor of the mind working together with the body. The psychosomatic

system is the mind/body system. And permanent healing " always includes " the

spiritual as well as the physical. That is why Jesus said to the woman who had

haemorrhaged for 10 years, and who touched the hem of Jesus's garment and was



" Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace. " (Luke 8:48)


i have found through experience that for relatively healthy people who have not

overly damaged their psychosomatic systems (subtle systems)... that meditation,

introspection, the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit, and kundalini/enlightened

attention spiritual work... is the answer to spiritual liberation (moksha)...

just as SM also taught!


i have no doubt that Shri Mataji obviously could see what was coming and that is

why She hesitated to approve the 'SYSSR Bible' (The Sahaja Yoga Treatments

Book). SM could obviously see the 'writing on the wall'. She could obviously see

the exclusive focus of SYs on the 'externals' of:


Treatments ! Treatments! Treatments!

Cleansings! Cleansings! Cleansings!

Clearings! Clearings! Clearings!

Rituals! Rituals! Rituals!


i am certain She saw it to the point of: " Where is the person left in all of

this? " . At the end of the day... the person themselves gets lost in all of these

external rituals. People will start to tell you... " you better do this or that.

If you don't do this or that, you are going against the religion! "


" The Spirit " ... dear folks... " is within " . It can never be found in external

rituals. You can clear, cleanse and treat until God's Kingdom comes on Earth,

but until you " go within " you will not have your Spiritual Liberation/Moksha!


i would like to say at this point that i am not against Subtle System Workshops.

The information is most helpful and i derived a lot of benefit from them.

However... i knew what the `score' was. i knew that my salvation was not 'in

externals'. i knew my salvation had everything to do with the Eternal Spirit

within me!


That is where the SYSSRists 'fall down'. Instead of their primary focus being

the upfront and open declaration of the identity of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as

the " Promised Comforter " ... along with a wholistic eschatological understanding

of Her Teachings... there is this overwhelming emphasis on 'externals'. What is

really needed is a Spiritual Model (a spiritual view on things.) At the moment,

there is only a Subtle System Model (a subtle system view on things).


Which is why many people's 'self-realisation' has been largely wasted... because

without the Spiritual Model to base it on, it is not clearly understood as being

the Vital Key to Spiritual Liberation! Also... without that inherent

meaning/understanding... the SYSSR is just not the same Sahaja Yoga that Shri

Mataji has taught all these years!


In conclusion, i would like to stress the fact that the greatest negativity is

" ignorance " , and there is no greater spiritual ignorance than believing that

spiritual liberation will happen through external rituals and treatments. In

order to be in " Collective Consciousness " a person has to go much deeper. They

have to go beyond the externals and become acquainted with the Divine within

(which is their Higher Self, their Spirit... which is Brahman within!)





, " v_koa " <v_koa



> Violet,


> This is an excellent post. Jagbir and yourself have been batting


> out left, right, and center over the last few days. It's great!


> This post has really helped me to see how one can balance the

> cleansing and actually have it work instead of being a daily


> that only works for the day. If we do not introspect and try to


> what we learn from that, as well as Shri Mataji's teachings, and

> attmept to live them as best we can, then change is only temporary


> opposed to one foot higher on the mountain of transformation.


> Thank you muchly :-)


> Kyyan




" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> " It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and

'diseased' by " the subtle Power of God, the Power of His Love, what

we call the All-Pervading Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya. " How

can this be when the Mother Kundalini and Chaitanya are supposed to

heal with love and gentleness? i have no idea what is causing them

all these catches that require so much shoe-beating, footsoaking,

candling, chilli, lemon and matka treatments, to name the major

treatments. " (Jagbir Singh)



> Dear All,


> At first glance, SYs might dismiss Jagbir's quote above as an

indictment against the subtle system knowledge that Shri Mataji gave.

However, Jagbir is only expressing his most genuine concern that SYs

who are 'steeped to the eyeballs' in external treatments and

rituals... actually start to to " go deeper " and discover the Pure

Knowledge of the Spirit that Shri Mataji also taught about.


> The truth about all these external clearings and cleansings is...

that the more attention SYs put on all these external things, the

less attention they are going to use to " go within " . Self-realisation

is not the end, because after self-realisation comes God-realisation

and for this... one has definitely to take the attention from all

externals to the One Eternal Internal Brahman who can only be

realised from within.


> Therefore... as Jagbir has said:


> " It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and



> So... what is the answer?


> i really believe we need to have another look at what exactly

" vibratory awareness " is. Reason being because it is only since SYs

have also received this spiritual biofeedback system of vibratory

awareness that they also seem to be " constantly 'sick' and 'diseased'

by " the subtle Power of God " ... as Jagbir 'puts it. There really must

be an answer to this dilemma. As Jagbir also 'puts it': " How can this

be when the Mother Kundalini and Chaitanya are supposed to heal with

love and gentleness? "


> Yes... " how can it be? "


> i offer that it can be due to a limited... rather than a wholistic

understanding of what vibratory awareness is and how it works. If a

SY only has a limited understanding of what vibratory awareness is...

they will literally 'get caught up in it'... and that is what seems

to have happened to those Jagbir refers to as " constantly 'sick' and

'diseased' by " the subtle Power of God " . (i mean... with the subtle

Power of God a person should get less sick... if anything.)


> Okay! Lets get down to basics then!


> When a person has their Self-realisation, their kundalini has

arisen and raised that person's individual spirit to the Kingdom of

God within (at the Sahasrara). That person can then (to the surprise

of the person usually) expect to experience subtle physical

sensations on their fingertips, head, or on their body. Especially,

they can expect to feel the cool breeze that emits from the top of

the head though often this is initially attended with some heat

coming out of the head too, which is generated by the kundalini as it

clears, cleanses, balances and heals the psychosomatic system from

within. When things settle down, it is the cool breeze that emits

from the head and around the person... that Jesus spoke about when He



> " The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but

do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone

who is " born of the Spirit " . (John 3:8)


> Before being 'born of the Spirit' a person will not experience this

vibratory awareness nor these subtle sensations that are a sign of

your connection to the Divine within. It is actually a boon to have

this new awareness, as it is a spiritual biofeedback system that

informs you of your spiritual state/condition. Also... whether you

realise it or not, this spiritual biofeedback system is the only

Spiritual Judge and Jury that you will have at this Time of the Last

Judgment and Resurrection.


> That is why it says in the Koran that " your hands will speak and

testify against you " . It is amazing that it was spoken of so long ago

about this vibratory awareness; this new step up in human conscious

awareness that was to come. Shri Mataji did in fact inform SYs that

this vibratory awareness is an unprecedented leap in human

evolutionary consciousness. So... the prophesies are coming true NOW

as this is the Last Judgment and Resurrection Time, whereby your

Spirit is raised to the Kingdom of God within (Resurrection) and your

vibratory awareness is the biofeedback system within yourself that

judges your spiritual condition or state (Last Judgment).


> So... please bear with me as i explain in some detail about

" vibratory awareness " ... with the aid of anecdotal evidence. (i feel

this way it will be most easily understood even by those who have yet

to experience it.)


> i will start with a prelude about guilt, because " feeling guilty "

is one of the most prevalent and pernicious of emotions that can

affect a person's psychosomatic system (subtle system). When a person

feels guilty or has a low sense of self-esteem caused through guilt,

this pyschosomatic ailment registers on the subtle system of a self-

realised person in the form of tingling, burning, pain or a numb

sensation. The feeling of guilt registers on the finger next to the

thumb on the Left Hand. (i know this is amazing and incredible but

there is a definite decoding involved here... folks! Every digit on

the hand counts for a different energy centre or chakra.)


> Getting back to this 'guilt' however... feeling guilty about

everything has largely been a problem of people from the West... from

the Judeo-Christian background. It does not figure so much in the

spiritual equation of people from the East. Therefore, it was

inevitable that many SYs from the West had to deal with the problem

of guilt. (We are talking about an 'unnaturally instilled guilt'

here. This is not the same as a naturally guilty conscience due to

some spiritual transgression. We are talking about a " conditioning of

guilt " over a period of a child's life with which it has been

brainwashed by the religion and the society.)


> For example the Judeo-Christian background taught me that i was a

" born sinner " . (i will bet that not many people from the East had

that kind of unnatural indoctrination as children!!!) Shri Mataji

taught us SYs that this doctrine of " being born in sin " is a devilish

doctrine that has caused a lot of damage. She taught that we are

" born innocent " , which is the truth. Shri Jesus bears out this fact

when He answers a question that His disciples asked... which was 'Who

then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' (So... Shri Jesus

called a child to Himself and set the child before His disciples and

told them):


> " Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like

children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then

humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of

heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives

Me. " (Matthew 18:3-5)


> Therefore it is obvious that Jesus did not consider this child to

be " born guilty " . If He had... He would not have said what He said.

My!... how the priests, ministers and rabbis have twisted the beauty

of Truth into the ugliness of a lie for their perennial need for

power over people! This twisting of the truth has caused immeasurable

harm, and that is why we now have to hold up the Light of Truth as

given by Shri Mataji and other Incarnations and understand that in

many instances it is the opposite of what our priests, ministers and

rabbis have been teaching us for the last millennium. (However...

even good old common sense will tell you that it is the guileless

innocence, wisdom and beauty of children that draws us in; that

captivates us.)


> However... getting back to this institutionalised guilt of Western

Societies, it was therefore one of the major problems that showed up

for SYs in their newly awakened vibratory awareness that had 'kicked

in' with the connection to the Divine Within (self-realisation).


> For me too, i experienced my spiritual biofeedback system telling

me that i must get rid of this pernicious guilt. i would feel a

registration on the finger next to the thumb on my Left Hand pretty

permanently for a while. It took me a long time to deal with this



> This 'guilt' and many other conditionings i had to face up to. The

way i was able to de-conditon these was through the use of

meditation, introspection and the kundalini's ability to clear,

cleanse, balance and heal me. Shri Mataji also gave us spiritual

affirmations (which were real positive conditionings) and mantras

(prayers) which awakened all the qualities of the Spirit in us,

because the mantras awaken the Deities Within who reside on each

energy centre (each chakra).


> You did not know that? Well... that is why it is says in the Bible:


> " Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who

is in you? (1 Cor. 6:19a)


> Therefore, i was very grateful that this vibratory awareness that

was bestowed on me through kundalini awakening... would indiciate to

me where in my pschosomatic system i was having energy blocks. The

kundalini enlightened my attention. From that time onwards in

conjunction with my kundalini and enlightened attention, i was able

to meditate, introspect, acquaint myself with the Pure Knowledge of

the Spirit, and eventually surrender to the Wisdom of the Divine very

effectively... enabling me to have the spiritual victory over any

negativity that came my way. In fact all permanent energy blocks (as

indicated by my spiritual biofeedback system) completely released

over time... allowing the unobstructed flow of the kundalini energy.


> It was at the point when all permanent energy blocks were gone

through all the spiritual work i did (of meditation, introspection,

imbibing spiritual knowledge, surrender to the Divine, and working

together with my kundalini and enlightened attention) that i realised

that my kundalini was flowing freely and in unobstructed manner. It

was a new day for me when i realised this! All my work had come to

fruition and now i just needed to stay in thought-'less' awareness

and heed the biofeedback of my 'early warning system' and stay in

balance moment by moment, hour by hour and day by day. The surrender

to the Divine makes this a facile process.


> i am talking of the present now:


> The surrender to the Divine makes this a facile process because as

soon as i feel a 'catch' i heed the early warning of this spiritual

biofeedback system within me and i introspect and witness whatever

mistake i have made in thought, word or deed. Then i forgive myself

and/or others (whichever is appropriate). Guess what happens? The

'catch registration' simply resolves and is gone. This is because i

have heeded its warning to me and adjusted my thoughts, words or

action. That is how is works folks! The vibratory awareness is my

most intimate friend because it is my Higher Self, my Spirit (who is

Brahman) that is helping me.


> So... what is really the problem with so many SYs? As Jagbir puts

it: " i have no idea what is causing them all these catches that

require so much shoe-beating, footsoaking, candling, chilli, lemon

and matka treatments, to name the major treatments. "


> i am sure the answer is... there is not a wholistic spiritual

understanding and an all-rounded spiritual work being done. Rather

than having a balanced cleansing and clearing system of all aspects

of spiritual work that include meditation, introspection, imbibing

spiritual knowledge, surrender to the Divine, and working together

with the kundalini and enlightened attention... there is too much of

a focus of the attention on " the catch " ... resulting in what Jagbir

calls " The Catch Consciousness " . We all know how it is in SY. We have

been there. We know how an " inordinate amount of attention " is placed

on the 'catch' and the " inordinate amount of attention " is placed on

external clearing and cleansing. But where is the person in all of



> The focus has to be " within " .


> Until the focus is within, all the external focus will make no

permanent changes, because the external treatments only work until

the next day, when they have to be done all over again. However, when

the focus is " within " then permanent change for the better starts to



> violet


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" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


" The truth is that there can be no permanent cure with external treatments. They

are only a band-aid solution and that is why this 'band-aid' has to be applied

every day. It is due to the fact that external treatments are only temporary

alleviations... that they have to be done all over again the next day! "


Dear Kyyan and All,


Yes... the truth is that these external treatments only last for one day and

have to be done all over again the next day! They are there as a 'stop gap'

until the person learns to use their kundalini energy and enlightened attention.


'That SYs now believe that these treatments need to be ritualistically followed

for life'... is a false mental concept and not what Shri Mataji taught. Granted

that if SYs do not learn to use the kundalini energy/enlightened attention (as

Shri Mataji taught)... then of course, they will " have to keep using external

methods " and they will have to use them daily.


However, if they learn to use their kundalini energy/enlightened attention...

which is meant to happen, then they will see for themselves that the external

'stop-gap' is not needed because the kundalini energy/enlightened attention is

doing this 24/7.


However, SYs in SY Organisation are now being taught never to expect that to

happen! Do we realise that this is a negative conditioning that is being

accepted as 'gospel truth'? Do we realise it is also against Shri Mataji's

teachings of " spiritual liberation " ?


i can tell you it is not the 'gospel truth' because like a scientist... i have

applied Shri Mataji's teachings, and i have discovered that my kundalini

energy/enlightened attention is doing the job very well and it is doing it 24/7!

(And if i want to indulge in an external treatment like a footsoak on a hot day,

or something like that...it is only a sheer enjoyment! It is never a ritual, or

something i " have to do " !






" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Kyyan (and All),


> Shri Mataji gave all the external clearing and cleansing techniques

as a part and parcel of the wholistic spiritual approach. She never

made all the external treatments into a religion, as the Sahaja Yoga

Subtle System Religionists (SYSSRists) have done. It is the first

time i am aware that a religion can even be made out of external

treatments. Most religions have the teachings of the Incarnations/

prophets as their main focus/thrust.


> There is one external cleansing ritual that i am aware of which i

experienced in the Christian Denomination that i was raised in. We

washed each other's feet twice a year... as Jesus had requested this

as a sign of loving humble service to each other. (In Jesus's time,

people's main mode of travel was walking on sandalled feet... and by

the time they arrived at their destination, they badly needed to wash



> Here is the recounting of Jesus in relation to this external ritual:


> " And so when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments, and

reclined at the table again, He said to them, " Do you know what I

have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right,

for so I am. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet,

you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I gave you an example

that You should do as I did to you. (John 13:12-15)


> (That is one of the traditions that Jesus gave, so there really is

very little external cleansing practices that Christians follow, as

there is very little that has been given in the Christian Bible.)


> Shri Mataji has given somewhat more, but " in comparison " to the

very large amount of Spiritual Teachings that She has given... there

is " really very little " on external treatments. (i remember Her

saying She was not too happy to have it written down, because each

person is different and needs to be treated slightly differently...

however SYs insisted that they needed standardised basic guidelines

to follow. SM (as mothers do) finally relented to the repeated

requests of Her children and the result is the " Sahaja Yoga

Treatments Book " .)


> The Sahaja Yoga Treatments Book... for all practical purposes...

" is " the 'Bible' of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religionists

(SYSSRists). i say this because from what i have witnesse... " it " is

more read, studied and imbibed than any Scriptures of all the

Incarnations and prophets.


> Yes... the 'early SYs' relied most heavily on the external

treatments and external treatments was what they had the " most faith

in " . (That SYs in general now have more faith in external treatments

than anything else... is now an endemic problem in the organisation

of Sahaja Yoga. Kyyan has witnessed and given evidence very recently

that this is still the case.)


> SY leaders/followers are still treading the well-worn path of the

early SYs... many of whom " had to be so externally focused each

day " ... because their psychosomatic systems were just so badly

damaged that the kundalini just could not do Her job properly. And it

is this very scenario that still holds 'sway' in the SYSSR (Sahaja

Yoga Subtle System Religion) with its preferred focus on externals.

It is this condition in all the collectives that has resulted in the

all-pervasive 'Catch-Consciousness'. (Yet... the ultimate Goal is

Collective-Consciousness, but how can SYs attain this unless they " go

within " and " go deeper " !


> Any knowledgeable person will tell that any kind of healing (and

this includes the use of external treatments) is dependant upon a

person's faith in the treatment. Not only did Shri Jesus state that

'a person's faith will make them whole'; Shri Mataji did likewise.

She often stated that we must have the confidence/faith in ourselves.

We have to have the faith/confidence in our Spirit!


> The truth is that there can be no permanent cure with external

treatments. They are only a band-aid solution and that is why this

'band-aid' has to be applied every day. It is due to the fact that

external treatments are only temporary alleviations... that they have

to be done all over again the next day!


> Jagbir has mentioned this too... 'that all external treatments are

based on the faith a person has in them.' The same goes for doctors

and medicines dispensed. The person themselves is always a part of

the 'healing equation'. (If a person has the confidence and faith

that they will get better, research has shown that this is a major

factor in their health/healing.)


> It is the factor of the mind working together with the body. The

psychosomatic system is the mind/body system. And permanent healing

" always includes " the spiritual as well as the physical. That is why

Jesus said to the woman who had haemorrhaged for 10 years, and who

touched the hem of Jesus's garment and was healed:


> " Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace. " (Luke 8:48)


> i have found through experience that for relatively healthy people

who have not overly damaged their psychosomatic systems (subtle

systems)... that meditation, introspection, the Pure Knowledge of the

Spirit, and kundalini/enlightened attention spiritual work... is the

answer to spiritual liberation (moksha)... just as SM also taught!


> i have no doubt that Shri Mataji obviously could see what was

coming and that is why She hesitated to approve the 'SYSSR

Bible' (The Sahaja Yoga Treatments Book). SM could obviously see the

'writing on the wall'. She could obviously see the exclusive focus of

SYs on the 'externals' of:


> Treatments ! Treatments! Treatments!

> Cleansings! Cleansings! Cleansings!

> Clearings! Clearings! Clearings!

> Rituals! Rituals! Rituals!


> i am certain She saw it to the point of: " Where is the person left

in all of this? " . At the end of the day... the person themselves gets

lost in all of these external rituals. People will start to tell

you... " you better do this or that. If you don't do this or that, you

are going against the religion! "


> " The Spirit " ... dear folks... " is within " . It can never be found in

external rituals. You can clear, cleanse and treat until God's

Kingdom comes on Earth, but until you " go within " you will not have

your Spiritual Liberation/Moksha!


> i would like to say at this point that i am not against Subtle

System Workshops. The information is most helpful and i derived a lot

of benefit from them. However... i knew what the `score' was. i knew

that my salvation was not 'in externals'. i knew my salvation had

everything to do with the Eternal Spirit within me!


> That is where the SYSSRists 'fall down'. Instead of their primary

focus being the upfront and open declaration of the identity of Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi as the " Promised Comforter " ... along with a

wholistic eschatological understanding of Her Teachings... there is

this overwhelming emphasis on 'externals'. What is really needed is a

Spiritual Model (a spiritual view on things.) At the moment, there is

only a Subtle System Model (a subtle system view on things).


> Which is why many people's 'self-realisation' has been largely

wasted... because without the Spiritual Model to base it on, it is

not clearly understood as being the Vital Key to Spiritual

Liberation! Also... without that inherent meaning/understanding...

the SYSSR is just not the same Sahaja Yoga that Shri Mataji has

taught all these years!


> In conclusion, i would like to stress the fact that the greatest

negativity is " ignorance " , and there is no greater spiritual

ignorance than believing that spiritual liberation will happen

through external rituals and treatments. In order to be in

" Collective Consciousness " a person has to go much deeper. They have

to go beyond the externals and become acquainted with the Divine

within (which is their Higher Self, their Spirit... which is Brahman



> violet



> , " v_koa " <v_koa@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Violet,

> >

> > This is an excellent post. Jagbir and yourself have been batting

> them

> > out left, right, and center over the last few days. It's great!

> >

> > This post has really helped me to see how one can balance the

> > cleansing and actually have it work instead of being a daily

> treatment

> > that only works for the day. If we do not introspect and try to

> take

> > what we learn from that, as well as Shri Mataji's teachings, and

> > attmept to live them as best we can, then change is only temporary

> as

> > opposed to one foot higher on the mountain of transformation.

> >

> > Thank you muchly :-)

> >

> > Kyyan



> ,

> " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > " It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and

> 'diseased' by " the subtle Power of God, the Power of His Love, what

> we call the All-Pervading Brahma, what we call the Chaitanya. " How

> can this be when the Mother Kundalini and Chaitanya are supposed to

> heal with love and gentleness? i have no idea what is causing them

> all these catches that require so much shoe-beating, footsoaking,

> candling, chilli, lemon and matka treatments, to name the major

> treatments. " (Jagbir Singh)

> >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > At first glance, SYs might dismiss Jagbir's quote above as an

> indictment against the subtle system knowledge that Shri Mataji


> However, Jagbir is only expressing his most genuine concern that SYs

> who are 'steeped to the eyeballs' in external treatments and

> rituals... actually start to to " go deeper " and discover the Pure

> Knowledge of the Spirit that Shri Mataji also taught about.

> >

> > The truth about all these external clearings and cleansings is...

> that the more attention SYs put on all these external things, the

> less attention they are going to use to " go within " . Self-


> is not the end, because after self-realisation comes God-realisation

> and for this... one has definitely to take the attention from all

> externals to the One Eternal Internal Brahman who can only be

> realised from within.

> >

> > Therefore... as Jagbir has said:

> >

> > " It is indeed sad to see so many SYs constantly 'sick' and

> 'diseased'!

> >

> > So... what is the answer?

> >

> > i really believe we need to have another look at what exactly

> " vibratory awareness " is. Reason being because it is only since SYs

> have also received this spiritual biofeedback system of vibratory

> awareness that they also seem to be " constantly 'sick' and


> by " the subtle Power of God " ... as Jagbir 'puts it. There really


> be an answer to this dilemma. As Jagbir also 'puts it': " How can


> be when the Mother Kundalini and Chaitanya are supposed to heal with

> love and gentleness? "

> >

> > Yes... " how can it be? "

> >

> > i offer that it can be due to a limited... rather than a wholistic

> understanding of what vibratory awareness is and how it works. If a

> SY only has a limited understanding of what vibratory awareness


> they will literally 'get caught up in it'... and that is what seems

> to have happened to those Jagbir refers to as " constantly 'sick' and

> 'diseased' by " the subtle Power of God " . (i mean... with the subtle

> Power of God a person should get less sick... if anything.)

> >

> > Okay! Lets get down to basics then!

> >

> > When a person has their Self-realisation, their kundalini has

> arisen and raised that person's individual spirit to the Kingdom of

> God within (at the Sahasrara). That person can then (to the surprise

> of the person usually) expect to experience subtle physical

> sensations on their fingertips, head, or on their body. Especially,

> they can expect to feel the cool breeze that emits from the top of

> the head though often this is initially attended with some heat

> coming out of the head too, which is generated by the kundalini as


> clears, cleanses, balances and heals the psychosomatic system from

> within. When things settle down, it is the cool breeze that emits

> from the head and around the person... that Jesus spoke about when


> said:

> >

> > " The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but

> do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is


> who is " born of the Spirit " . (John 3:8)

> >

> > Before being 'born of the Spirit' a person will not experience


> vibratory awareness nor these subtle sensations that are a sign of

> your connection to the Divine within. It is actually a boon to have

> this new awareness, as it is a spiritual biofeedback system that

> informs you of your spiritual state/condition. Also... whether you

> realise it or not, this spiritual biofeedback system is the only

> Spiritual Judge and Jury that you will have at this Time of the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection.

> >

> > That is why it says in the Koran that " your hands will speak and

> testify against you " . It is amazing that it was spoken of so long


> about this vibratory awareness; this new step up in human conscious

> awareness that was to come. Shri Mataji did in fact inform SYs that

> this vibratory awareness is an unprecedented leap in human

> evolutionary consciousness. So... the prophesies are coming true NOW

> as this is the Last Judgment and Resurrection Time, whereby your

> Spirit is raised to the Kingdom of God within (Resurrection) and


> vibratory awareness is the biofeedback system within yourself that

> judges your spiritual condition or state (Last Judgment).

> >

> > So... please bear with me as i explain in some detail about

> " vibratory awareness " ... with the aid of anecdotal evidence. (i feel

> this way it will be most easily understood even by those who have


> to experience it.)

> >

> > i will start with a prelude about guilt, because " feeling guilty "

> is one of the most prevalent and pernicious of emotions that can

> affect a person's psychosomatic system (subtle system). When a


> feels guilty or has a low sense of self-esteem caused through guilt,

> this pyschosomatic ailment registers on the subtle system of a self-

> realised person in the form of tingling, burning, pain or a numb

> sensation. The feeling of guilt registers on the finger next to the

> thumb on the Left Hand. (i know this is amazing and incredible but

> there is a definite decoding involved here... folks! Every digit on

> the hand counts for a different energy centre or chakra.)

> >

> > Getting back to this 'guilt' however... feeling guilty about

> everything has largely been a problem of people from the West...


> the Judeo-Christian background. It does not figure so much in the

> spiritual equation of people from the East. Therefore, it was

> inevitable that many SYs from the West had to deal with the problem

> of guilt. (We are talking about an 'unnaturally instilled guilt'

> here. This is not the same as a naturally guilty conscience due to

> some spiritual transgression. We are talking about a " conditioning


> guilt " over a period of a child's life with which it has been

> brainwashed by the religion and the society.)

> >

> > For example the Judeo-Christian background taught me that i was a

> " born sinner " . (i will bet that not many people from the East had

> that kind of unnatural indoctrination as children!!!) Shri Mataji

> taught us SYs that this doctrine of " being born in sin " is a


> doctrine that has caused a lot of damage. She taught that we are

> " born innocent " , which is the truth. Shri Jesus bears out this fact

> when He answers a question that His disciples asked... which was


> then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' (So... Shri Jesus

> called a child to Himself and set the child before His disciples and

> told them):

> >

> > " Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like

> children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then

> humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of

> heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives

> Me. " (Matthew 18:3-5)

> >

> > Therefore it is obvious that Jesus did not consider this child to

> be " born guilty " . If He had... He would not have said what He said.

> My!... how the priests, ministers and rabbis have twisted the beauty

> of Truth into the ugliness of a lie for their perennial need for

> power over people! This twisting of the truth has caused


> harm, and that is why we now have to hold up the Light of Truth as

> given by Shri Mataji and other Incarnations and understand that in

> many instances it is the opposite of what our priests, ministers and

> rabbis have been teaching us for the last millennium. (However...

> even good old common sense will tell you that it is the guileless

> innocence, wisdom and beauty of children that draws us in; that

> captivates us.)

> >

> > However... getting back to this institutionalised guilt of Western

> Societies, it was therefore one of the major problems that showed up

> for SYs in their newly awakened vibratory awareness that had 'kicked

> in' with the connection to the Divine Within (self-realisation).

> >

> > For me too, i experienced my spiritual biofeedback system telling

> me that i must get rid of this pernicious guilt. i would feel a

> registration on the finger next to the thumb on my Left Hand pretty

> permanently for a while. It took me a long time to deal with this

> conditioning.

> >

> > This 'guilt' and many other conditionings i had to face up to. The

> way i was able to de-conditon these was through the use of

> meditation, introspection and the kundalini's ability to clear,

> cleanse, balance and heal me. Shri Mataji also gave us spiritual

> affirmations (which were real positive conditionings) and mantras

> (prayers) which awakened all the qualities of the Spirit in us,

> because the mantras awaken the Deities Within who reside on each

> energy centre (each chakra).

> >

> > You did not know that? Well... that is why it is says in the


> >

> > " Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who

> is in you? (1 Cor. 6:19a)

> >

> > Therefore, i was very grateful that this vibratory awareness that

> was bestowed on me through kundalini awakening... would indiciate to

> me where in my pschosomatic system i was having energy blocks. The

> kundalini enlightened my attention. From that time onwards in

> conjunction with my kundalini and enlightened attention, i was able

> to meditate, introspect, acquaint myself with the Pure Knowledge of

> the Spirit, and eventually surrender to the Wisdom of the Divine


> effectively... enabling me to have the spiritual victory over any

> negativity that came my way. In fact all permanent energy blocks (as

> indicated by my spiritual biofeedback system) completely released

> over time... allowing the unobstructed flow of the kundalini energy.

> >

> > It was at the point when all permanent energy blocks were gone

> through all the spiritual work i did (of meditation, introspection,

> imbibing spiritual knowledge, surrender to the Divine, and working

> together with my kundalini and enlightened attention) that i


> that my kundalini was flowing freely and in unobstructed manner. It

> was a new day for me when i realised this! All my work had come to

> fruition and now i just needed to stay in thought-'less' awareness

> and heed the biofeedback of my 'early warning system' and stay in

> balance moment by moment, hour by hour and day by day. The surrender

> to the Divine makes this a facile process.

> >

> > i am talking of the present now:

> >

> > The surrender to the Divine makes this a facile process because as

> soon as i feel a 'catch' i heed the early warning of this spiritual

> biofeedback system within me and i introspect and witness whatever

> mistake i have made in thought, word or deed. Then i forgive myself

> and/or others (whichever is appropriate). Guess what happens? The

> 'catch registration' simply resolves and is gone. This is because i

> have heeded its warning to me and adjusted my thoughts, words or

> action. That is how is works folks! The vibratory awareness is my

> most intimate friend because it is my Higher Self, my Spirit (who is

> Brahman) that is helping me.

> >

> > So... what is really the problem with so many SYs? As Jagbir puts

> it: " i have no idea what is causing them all these catches that

> require so much shoe-beating, footsoaking, candling, chilli, lemon

> and matka treatments, to name the major treatments. "

> >

> > i am sure the answer is... there is not a wholistic spiritual

> understanding and an all-rounded spiritual work being done. Rather

> than having a balanced cleansing and clearing system of all aspects

> of spiritual work that include meditation, introspection, imbibing

> spiritual knowledge, surrender to the Divine, and working together

> with the kundalini and enlightened attention... there is too much of

> a focus of the attention on " the catch " ... resulting in what Jagbir

> calls " The Catch Consciousness " . We all know how it is in SY. We


> been there. We know how an " inordinate amount of attention " is


> on the 'catch' and the " inordinate amount of attention " is placed on

> external clearing and cleansing. But where is the person in all of

> this?

> >

> > The focus has to be " within " .

> >

> > Until the focus is within, all the external focus will make no

> permanent changes, because the external treatments only work until

> the next day, when they have to be done all over again. However,


> the focus is " within " then permanent change for the better starts to

> occur.

> >

> > violet

> >


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Jai Shri Mataji Violet and Jagbir,


Violet your post described little(which was at the end) about the

heading " The Goal is Collective Consciousness; not 'Catch'

Consciousness... "

Please elaborate this topic, I would really like to know in detail

regarding this thing, coz I myself have not been able to understand

what exactly collective conciousness means/is ? How can it be

understood and realised..? What is our shortcoming in realising it?


With thanks & regards


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, " saarthak_vats "

<saarthakvats wrote:


> Jai Shri Mataji Violet and Jagbir,


> Violet your post described little(which was at the end) about the

> heading " The Goal is Collective Consciousness; not 'Catch'

> Consciousness... "

> Please elaborate this topic, I would really like to know in detail

> regarding this thing, coz I myself have not been able to understand

> what exactly collective conciousness means/is ? How can it be

> understood and realised..? What is our shortcoming in realising it?


> With thanks & regards

> Saarthak



Dear Saarthak,


The overwhelmingly 'Catch' consciousness of SYs is part and parcel

of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion. Our leaders swear by it,

WCASY enforces it, and those SYs who follow them are in a permanent

state of daily catches (subtle system blocks/diseases). Like

the 'born sinners' of Christianity our priesthood condition SYs to

believe they will always be 'catching' .......... and this utterly

false belief perpetuates the catch consciousness that forms deep

guilt groves in the mind. .... thus the need for miracle cures.


Over the years and decades this has spawned a hugely successful

enterprise of innovative treatments that have nothing to do with

Shri Mataji's teachings or approval. The sheer stupidity of so-

called self-realized souls indulging in fanatical, useless rituals

boggles the intelligent and balanced mind. For SYs blessed (as they

believe or want to despite knowing they will be diseased for life)

or cursed (as i know for a fact by being catch-free for years) by

the 'Catch' Consciousness of the SYSSR, the Physics of Collective

Consciousness will make little sense. How can anyone suffering from

acute ADD of ceaseless chatter of catches and cures constantly

tormenting them ever hope to attain the Silence and attention needed

to understand a far deeper and liberating knowledge?





The Physics of Collective Consciousness

by Attila Grandpierre

Attila Grandpierre, Ph.D. Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian

Academy of Sciences

H-1525 Budapest P. O. Box 67., Hungary

February 6, 1996



ABSTRACT: It is pointed out that the organisation of an organism

necessarily involves fields which are the only means to make an

approximately simultaneous tuning of the different subsystems of the

organism-as-a-whole. Nature uses the olfactory fields, the acoustic

fields, the electromagnetic fields and quantum-vacuum fields. Fields

with their ability to comprehend the whole organism are the natural

basis of a global interaction between organisms and of collective

consciousness. Evidences are presented that electromagnetic

potential fields mediate the collective field of consciousness. This

result offers for the first time experimental access to the study of

collective consciousness by measuring the field-related information-

carrying potentials and their derivatives, the electric and magnetic

fields between different individuals. The electrodynamic interaction

of different brains/minds generates induction and in this way

excitement, enhancement in the baseline of the interacting brains'

activity. A list of empirical evidences is presented here proving

the existence of this `interactive excitement' effect in the known

phenomenon of collective consciousness. The fundamental phenomenon

of the collective consciousness is known as `social facilitation'

or `group effect'. The character and completion of consciousness are

outlined in the frame of this picture, and the role of the `group

effect' or `social facilitation' as a primary factor in developing

consciousness is described. A quantum-physical model of a multi-

layered consciousness is presented, where the layering is expressed

by the subsequent subtlety of the masses of the material carriers of

information. I show that as the mental levels get deeper and more

sensitive the couplings are on more and more global scales of their

environment. I point out that direct, immediate action in distance

actually exists in the electromagnetic field, which is the coupling,

mediator field between waves and particles. I show how the

environmental, natural and cosmic fields are determinative sources

of our consciousness. The results presented point out that the

Collective Field of Consciousness is a significant physical factor

of the biosphere. I show that the morphogenetic field has an

electromagnetic (EM) nature. EM fields are vacuum fields. Different

basic forms of vacuum fields exist, and all kinds of fields,

including the particle-mediated fields as well, when overlapping

each other, seem to be in a direct resonant coupling, and form a

complex, merged biofield. The vacuum model of consciousness

presented here points to the inductive generation of consciousness,

and to its self-initiating nature. Individual and collective

methods, as well as the experimental possibilities of a global

healing and improving the consciousness field of mankind are



1. Introduction


It is generally accepted that consciousness evolved parallel to the

biological and social complexity of the living systems. This

observation suggests that the basic nature of consciousness is

related to collective influences, and therefore consciousness

is 'per se' a collective phenomenon. Endre K. Grandpierre (1996) in

his essay " Cosmic Systems of Consciousness, Their Development, Two

Principal Branches and Evolution from the Golden Age until the

Present " has shown that consciousness is the manifestation of

interactions. Ervin Laszlo (1995) has shown that a holographic

information field is responsible for the physical, biological and

paranormal phenomena. This holographic field is actually a non-

linear vacuum field. The information field in biology is termed as

biological or morphogenetic field and it appears in society as a

collective field. Unfortunately, the presence and nature of social

fields have not been explored yet to a degree when it is clear how

they are related to the biological fields. If the nature of

consciousness is based on elementary interactions, as suggested by

Endre K. Grandpierre (1996), then we have to explore whether the

interactions of known physical fields may serve as mediators of

consciousness and may produce the fundamental phenomena of

consciousness, the 'group effect'.


2. The Evolution of Consciousness


It is widely believed, that the way evolution manifest is from parts

to the whole, from the inorganic matter through the unicellular

organism towards the multicellular ones until the appearance of

consciousness. This process is accompanied by a growing degree of

complexity. This direction of the evolution of consciousness is

naturally extrapolated towards the appearance of collective

consciousness and the Consciousness Field of Mankind (Grandpierre,

A., 1995). But why complexity is a necessary condition of a higher

form of consciousness? I suggest a plausible answer: because the

sensitivity to any stimulus may be increased through the

interconnectedness of the constituents of the organism. The

increased degree of sensitivity in groups is available through the

interactive creation of collective states having energetic states

with smaller net energy differences between each other than within

the constituents themselves. Therefore they may interact with more

subtle stimuli. According to my theory, this basic phenomenon works

effectively when the energetic states of the constituents are close

to each other. The maximal sensitivity of a system consisting of a

fixed number of elements may be reached when the system builds up

from almost identical constituents. Examples of this 'collective

effect' are multicellular organisms, societies of insects, animals,

and humans, and celestial bodies. The Earth, the Sun, the stars, and

the galaxies are also systems consisting of similar components.

Their organic nature has not been revealed in a scientific context,

but now the new research shows that planets and stars do show

fundamental life-phenomena and signs of sensitive interconnectedness

(Grandpierre, A. 1996a, b, c, d). Regarding the large number of

their constituents, the degree of attainable consciousness of these

cosmic systems has to be enormously larger than that of humans. As

Endre K. Grandpierre (1996a, b) showed, the evolution of the

consciousness of cosmic systems divides into a cosmic and a

biological branch.


This chain of thought places collective phenomena into the centre of

evolution and the generation of consciousness. Our argumentation is

substantiated by wide-range observations, e.g. that of L. Thomas

(1974): " A solitary ant, afield, cannot be considered to have much

of anything on his mind; indeed, with only a few neurones strung

together by fibres, he can't be imagined to have a mind at all, much

less a thought. He is more like a ganglion on legs. Four ants

together, or ten, encircling a dead moth on a path, begin to look

more like an idea. They fumble and shove, gradually moving the food

toward the Hill, but as though by blind chance. It is only when you

watch the dense mass of thousands of ants, crowded together around

the Hill, blackening the ground, that you begin to see the whole

beast, and now you observe it thinking., planning, calculating. It

is an intelligence, a kind of live computer, with crawling bits for

its wits. " On the other hand, the 'group effect', a phenomenon of

psychology which I suggest has a fundamental significance, arises in

the same circumstances. Ants work three times more effectively if

nearby co-working ants are present (Chen, 1937). Not only the

presence of co-working partners, but also, the mere presence of

passive 'observers' facilitates their activity (Dashiell,

1930). 'Social facilitation' is a general phenomenon accompanied by

an enhanced level of brain activity appearing in the whole range of

social animals, including humans as well (Triplett, 1898; see a

review of the phenomenon in Atkinson et al., 1993).


To establish the proper context and assess the significance of the

phenomenon, I gathered here a whole list of collective consciousness

effects. Allport (1961) noted, that among developing children, the

sense of other humans develops much earlier than the sense of self-

identity. I suggest that this 'social primacy' is related to the

frequently observed " emotional fertilisation " in kindergartens.

Children cry and laugh even if they do not have any motive except

that in their close environment somebody else acts in the same way.

The phenomenon of " noise-ecstasy " usually appears among adolescent

people, in classrooms. " In the age of adolescence whole classrooms

become involved in the 'mass state', which is a state which

developing through mutual emotional infection. On these occasions

the whole classroom become crazy, they make incredible noises, dance

wild dances, rhythmically move, or simply produce a wild chaos.

Every pupil participates in the orgy of the upheaval, even those

ones, who are not inclined to behave that way within normal

conditions and who immediately after the event regret having acted

so " (Clauss, Hiebsch, 1964 ). Kurt Tepperwein notes that hypnosis

becomes more effective if it is applied in groups, as a consequence

of " spiritual infection " and imitation of the others (Tepperwein,

1977). The increase in the number of already hypnotised people

facilitates the hypnosis of the next one. This phenomenon suggests

the existence of a collective field. Large number of people (tens of

thousands of people) were involved in epidemics of psychoses on

several occasions and for long times (years) (Farkaslaki, 1939) in

the medieval age. Similar occasions took place in the modern era,

such as tarantism, demonopathy, dancing mania, mass hysteria

(Smelser, 1962), mental epidemics, 'mass psychogenic illnesses' (see

the recent review of Bartholomew, 1994). The transference of the

anomalous behaviour was described as when the number of people

showing the anomalous behaviour reached a certain threshold, the

behaviour spread much more easily (Turner and Killian, 1972; Miller,

1985). The " Reutler-effect " shows that the contraction of the

muscles of a person may enhance the contraction of the muscles of

another person from a distance (Reutler, 1928). Stefán Figar (1959)

showed that bodily changes related to special mental activities may

easily be transferred to other people independently of their

knowledge about each others' actions....


18. The Physics of the Evolution of Consciousness


The evolution of consciousness - as the evolution of the Universe

shows us - actually is in contrast to the presently accepted

evolutionary theories, which want to build up the whole from the

parts. In reality, evolution started from the whole and

progressively differentiated into parts, from the timeless-spaceless

form (e.g. the 'implicit order', or 'pre-space' of D. Bohm and J. A.

Wheeler), through galaxies, through the development of the Solar

System and the Earth, the appearance of the biosphere and mankind,

until the development of smaller and smaller subsystems of

consciousness, until the human individual. 'Cosmologies of

wholeness' are emerging (see Laszlo, E., 1993; Harris, 1988). All of

the cosmic evolution formed sub-systems within systems. Evolution

begins with 'systems', 'elements' develop only later on. Every

system originates as a subsystem of a larger, inclusive system. The

organisation of the sub-system is made by the creator system, and

the organisational factor acts from within, as well. This fact

assumes that the creator system is in a certain way transformed into

the to-be-created subsystem, the 'whole' is transformed to

the 'part'. This global-local transformation is a necessary

condition of the generation of the new system. Therefore the

Universe acted continuously as an agent with organisation ability,

and is progressively transformed from the largest of its subsystems

into the smallest ones. The trend of evolution is simultaneously

going towards a higher complexity and this way towards more and more

complex subsystems, and in this way the real evolution is also

accompanied by the state of becoming more and more complex and

towards higher and higher forms of consciousness. Ervin Laszlo

remarked: " Evolution acts on species and populations and not only -

or even mainly - on individual reproducers. Individual variations do

not contribute significantly to the emergence of new species. " This

trend, the primacy of 'global' over 'local' appears in the history

of mankind (Grandpierre, E. K. this volume), starting with cosmic

consciousness in the Golden Age of mankind. Later a break set up in

the trend of human evolution, attempting to cut down the 'whole'

from the 'part', the Cosmos from the living beings. The complex

subsystem of human collectives preferred only one side of this

cosmic trend, the more and more divided and separate complexity, the

specification to individual human being, at the expense of general

context and cosmic laws, drawing away and retiring from the growing

collective order, loosing the connections to the larger, embracing

levels of existence. As Andras Angyal expresses it the autonomous,

self-maintaining tendency dominates over its dual brother, the

homonymous, self-completing tendency (1941), the basic need for

direct, sensual, artistic life-experiences. According to my

research, the three inevitable motivating, life-long motivational

instincts in our lives are the life-instinct, sustaining our

individual life, the species-instinct, sustaining the life of our

species, and the world-instinct, sustaining the life-functions of

the Universe. The world-instinct is the basis of the other two, and

it involves the imagination, intuition, curiosity, the desire for a

meaningful life, to form healthy, alive communities, to correspond

to larger units, to the Nature and the Universe (Grandpierre, A.,

1991), therefore it is the world of the primary perception.


If we do not want to leave the road of cosmic evolution for ever, we

may find again the path how to reveal our natural completion, the

already hidden powers which the all-embracing cosmic evolution

generated in our genes and basic constitution. Unfortunately, it has

not been explored until now, how far we reached from our first-

handed, natural drives, and what is the meaning that the Universe

mediates to us. In order to form again a human, collective society,

in which every individual sees the meaning of her/his activity and

life, a meaning which is able to give an ultimate, lifelong

satisfaction, we should recover the destination of mankind, and,

besides it, the destination of the Universe. There is not any other

task, which may be able to give a common perspective to all of us,

than to explore and regain our destiny, to regain the harmony with

the Nature and the Universe. Only this elevating and touching task

may give back our harmony with ourselves. To do this, first we have

to explore the nature of the Universe and understand the super-

organism called biosphere - an organism with a collective



21. On the Destination of the Universe


There are experiences for reaching the completion of our personal

lives, for recognising our special talents and working on their

developments. Nevertheless, when we reach a special emotional state,

filled with galvanising powers, sometimes we experience a one-to-one

correspondence to the genuine, original content of our personal

life, when whole worlds being born inside us and getting flame with

the lights of Eternity. Cosmic pathways open up in us only when our

motivations are alive in a rate behind a certain threshold, and when

a natural force develops them into a higher form of existence.

Emotions are at the core of the existence, and behind their accepted

role of colouring the fixed forms of reality, they have the power to

shoot up the reality into a much more complete, fresh, nascent,

creative and natural state. Emotions are creative, and creative

imagination is the basic principle which forms and drives our lives,

as well as the Universe as a whole (Petocz, 1838; Froschammer,

1878). Emotions, like a field, have a nature to be shared by others,

to extend to landscapes and enter into other consciousness. When

emotions are alive and vital, they driving us to share them with the

others. The material universe is only a skin of a much more alive,

filled Universe, the body of which is constituted of emotions which

are much more real than the known forms of reality. This reality is

an intense, free, sparkling river of natural forces of emotions. We

can conceive that the known material Universe is only a far side-

descendant of the core Reality, of the real Universe, of which the

fundamental nature is emotional, therefore much more free,

inductive, self-fulfilling and human. Losing this real Universe

generates a schism and an emotional emptiness, and the void is

filled - as history teaches us - with brutality, hate, power and



The experience of the deeper, alive Universe still survives on the

rare occasions of the sparks of inspirations. Regarding the fact

that social influences have a propensity to accumulate and amplify

each other, high forms of states of consciousness, if widespread,

could serve as a basis of a more human reality. If we have a

realistic picture of the present, it helps in maintaining this

reality, but the exploration of a deeper, more real reality is

easily able to surface and resurrect when more and more people and

collective shares the proper experiences and attitudes. When

awakening the alive green universes within us, mankind may reach a

stage in its evolution when above a critical threshold, these alive

green universes become interactive, and begin to form a basis of a

new type of reality, a much more human and much more conscious one.


22. The Deformation of Consciousness in the Western Civilisation


The well-known historian, Collingwood (1938) remarks, that " the art

is the treatment of the community to the most horrible illness of

the mind, the degeneration of consciousness " . Tamas Vekerdy (1974)

makes an attempt to solve the schism of our mind: " Consciousness,

when turning against its roots, becomes an idol destructing and

degenerating every life; but, when connected with the unconscious,

becomes a vital factor. Intensifying consciousness may liberate

almost the whole range of the unconscious " . As Allport (1961)

observed, " the self of the western people sticks out (from its inner

world) as a thumb put up. " The roots of this rectangular dysfunction

go back to the absolutization of the self from the selves of the

others, from the environment, Nature and the Universe. None can

count as 'normal adult', or 'full-right warrior', if he/she does not

accept the dogma of perfect alienation of men from each other.


Western culture, in aiming to domesticate consciousness, assumes the

a priori degeneration of the human mind, which if undomesticated,

shows an evil, rotten, natural born killer face. This way western

culture degraded consciousness with a terror to a largely inert,

practical, narrow-minded slave, full of fear (Endre K. Grandpierre,

this volume). This is why consciousness compensates itself also with

his own terror and domination over every other factor of life,

including the 'unconscious mind' and the other fellow people,

generating hostility, criminality and down-to-hell thinking.


23. Super-Organisms and Planetary Consciousness


The evolution of consciousness is related to the social co-

operation, to the collective consciousness. Collective consciousness

itself may reach its completion through a co-operation supra-social.

In this context, it is important to consider that the existence of

super-colonies in Nature has been studied recently (Higashi,

Yamauchi, 1979). They observed super-colonies of red Japanese ants

Formica yessensis. Their super-colonies consists of 45 000 colonies

occupying 270 hectares, with 300 millions of workers and 1.1 million

queens. These colonies are interconnected with a web of 100 km long

paths. There is a permanent exchange of workers and queens between

the groups. There is no aggression between the members of the super-



According to my theory outlined above, larger aggregates of

individual units, when forming a group, with a global organisation

background, may turn to be more sensitive to subtle outer, natural

and cosmic influences. This result is consistent with the view of

Goldberg, who points out that nations are not products of a lately

evolution, but are primary facts of life. It is a universal,

spiritual form of life to form a community (Hamvas, 1943).

Interactions between the members of a healthy, well-organised

society involve the possibility to easily reach information from all

the members of the society. In optimal case, when the organisational

activity of the society is well developed, all the information is

processed and exchanged, shared and 'sacred' by sharing, therefore

forming a Common Field of Consciousness of the society. Perceiving

the nature of the Common Field of Consciousness of the society is a

substantial part of a healthy society, as being a condition of the

individual participation in the life functions of the society as a

whole. Perceiving the natural and cosmic informations is again a

substantial function, which is a condition of the harmonious

relation of the society to its immediate and cosmic environment. The

physical conditions to this refined sensing are given just by the

cohered tuning and co-operation of individuals, acting as a larger

whole, sensitive to radiation with larger wavelengths. Planetary

consciousness may be approached when global-scale activity is in

development. The presence of Schumann waves, and their direct

interaction with the individual's brain activity give an additional,

natural basis for the development of consciousness of mankind into a

planetary consciousness.


24. Healing of the Collective Consciousness Field of Mankind


The formation of a group is not automatic at humans. Spontaneous

targeting - e.g. when finding the proper members of a group to form -

seems to be sporadic. The 'group' as a higher level entity is the

envelop which keeps together the individuals. Until this envelope is

not formed, one can find the peoples to be an aggregate and not in a

group. But what is the nature of this 'envelop'? As Didier Anzieu

expresses, the most important factors are the network of implicit

and explicit rules, the established habits, the rites, the facts and

actions with accepted values, which contribute to the formation of

an inner space and a proper timeliness (Anzieu, 1984). I have to add

as a substantial characteristic of any group a similar sensitivity,

sharing some basic elevating or interest-expressing ideas,

conceptions and motives to act, and propensity to similar emotional

states and emotional drives. Being in a faceless mass, in an

atomised society, in the absence of communities, without emotions to

be shared, sooner or later will generate stress, anxiousness and

tension, deforming the natural states of consciousness, degenerating

our mind, which may enhance aggression and destruction. The

formation of a real community, giving the frame to a meaningful

life, is the task of the present societies.


To do this, it would be helpful to explore the physical conditions

and physical forms of consciousness, and determine the proper

conditions of the natural states of consciousness fields, therefore

being able to create physical conditions which may generate

favourable conditions to regain our physical and mental health.

Learning that consciousness is basically an EM field (which is

resonantly coupled to the vacuum field), and its sources are the

cosmic systems of Sun, Earth and the Moon (Grandpierre, 1996d),

together with the natural sources of the biosphere, especially the

natural fields into which we can tune most easily, the physical

field emitted by the human organisms, we may be able to measure and

broadcast wave fields which heal the stress, intensify, galvanise,

correcting the distortions of the natural fields, like stress and

alienation, and then to broadcast fields which induce in us urge to

participate in the collective forms of consciousness. Measuring the

healing spectra of special sites like water-springs, nascent

forests, solar and lunar oscillations of the earthly magnetosphere,

we may be able to sample them and re-radiate them in forms of



Searching the conditions of the tuning of the individuals to the

natural healing EM fields has the same importance as the possible

explorations of changes in our EM environment, which do have a

healing effect. Psychological research shows that the efficiency of

tuning in between different people is determined largely by

emotional connections, i.e. transpersonal connections are the most

effective between lovers, parents and children, friends tuned to

each other. This result suggests that mankind may heal itself if we

are able to tune us more effectively to the natural sources of

consciousness, to the natural powers living in us, revealing the

natural beings behind the manipulated masks which are developed by

an unnatural society's norms, and when our emotional bounds are

strengthened towards the wider ranges of our personal existence,

towards Nature and the Universe.


It is suggested that new types of mental techniques may be developed

to explore the subjective effects of mental intensification

(Grandpierre, 1995c). If Vekerdy (1974) is right and the cathartic

effect of the theatre is based on the extrasensory transference of

the emotions generated in the actors, we can imagine a theatre in

which everybody participates simultaneously. The idea of

the 'telepathic theatre' suggests a play in total darkness and

silence. The actors play the real drama on stage, intensifying their

emotions and consciousness, and the participants are measured

simultaneously through EM detectors positioned in the performance

hall. The facilitation effect of the large number of harmoniously

tuned participants could be detected directly.


Moreover, in recognising the hidden social drives of human beings,

we could mobilise these immense inner natural forces, and as a new

form of art, we may invent socio-mental group therapy, when people

meet and form a community to inspire each other not with de-

intensifying meditation, but strengthening the opposite tendency,

the vitality, flexibility, mental intensity and freshness.

Certainly, the whole society could got a vital lightning by becoming

aware of its real, socio-natural-cosmical nature.


Neural mind is connected to executive functions of bodily changes,

an already fixed form of the mental processes. Consciousness, as

understood by mainstream science, is an extremely small part of this

executive neural mind. Our calculations and arguments strongly

suggest, that consciousness may be and, by nature, has to be of a

much wider range. Beside the quantitative intensification of the

neural mind, we can develop and improve the quality of our brains'

activity, spontaneity, tuning in to the much faster and subtler

electronic, EM and quantum-vacuum minds. Consciousness may regain

its natural functions only when finding a partnership with his

parental, subtler minds, with human communities, with Nature and the



The Physics of Collective Consciousness





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-- In ,

" saarthak_vats " <saarthakvats wrote:


> Jai Shri Mataji Violet and Jagbir,


> Violet your post described little (which was at the end) about the

> heading " The Goal is Collective Consciousness; not 'Catch'

> Consciousness... "

> Please elaborate this topic, I would really like to know in detail

> regarding this thing, coz I myself have not been able to understand

> what exactly collective conciousness means/is ? How can it be

> understood and realised..? What is our shortcoming in realising it?


> With thanks & regards

> Saarthak



Dear Saarthak and All,


You said:


" Violet your post described little (which was at the end) about the heading " The

Goal is Collective Consciousness; not 'Catch' Consciousness... " (END QUOTE)


You are right about that. There is concern about SYs getting out of the

'pervasive-catch-consciousness' that is endemic in the SYSSR as instituted by

WCASY. It is not the same Wholistic Vision and Teachings that Shri Mataji gave,

which if followed... lead to spiritual liberation.


i have a few more things to add to the 'pervasive-catch-consciousness' bit, but

i realise that it is also most desirable to explore the meaning of " collective

consciousness " too. Both things require in-depth contemplation in order to

provide clear answers for myself... which i can then share. So i will answer

your questions about collective consciousness further on, but just have a few

things to say first.


i would like to say that i have enjoyed and spiritually grown from all of the

various writings of Jagbir. These writings come through contemplation. The

answers/writings come from his Spirit within. Jagbir's example of courage in

speaking truthfully, honestly, and openly has also given me the courage to write

from my 'heart' and not worry about religious pundits who work hard at

preventing truth, honesty, openness and freedom of spiritual expression.


However, we all have these 'heart-thoughts' that are different to

'mind-thoughts'. Heart-thoughts come from the Spirit whereas mind-thoughts come

from the mind. Heart-thoughts will tell you the truth, even though the mind may

not like what the Spirit says. Often a person's 'heart-thoughts' go against what

religious leaders teach. In other words... heart-thoughts are not usually in

agreement with the way religious leaders say 'things should be'. Often people

shut off these heart-thoughts then... you see!


So... (funnily enough)... while most of us are most probably contemplating

similar issues/subjects, nevertheless most do not give themselves permission to

say these things 'out loud'... perhaps for fear of condemnation from others.

(Imagine then how that will all be turned around when we enter the

Spirit/Spiritual World, where our communicative thoughts are easily perceived by

all.) Is that ever 'food for thought!' i will bet that in some cases... it will

be " most amusing " . Won't mouths just gape in astonishment, when we can see

people's thoughts, because that is the way it is in the Spirit World... folks.

So... better to sort ourselves out now!)


So... we really need to get into the " nitty gritty " of things, just as Shri

Mataji has asked us to do. If we do not examine carefully the " nitty gritty " of

things... anyone (anyone!) will be able to pull the wool over our eyes. Sure...

the " nitty gritty " can seem at times to be rather petty and it is definitely not

always pleasant or comfortable. However, if a person wants only what is True,

this is what is required. It is required that a person really go to the

Source... and this Source is only to be found " within " a person. It never comes

on some 'promised golden platter' by WCASY or any other religious leaders... as

they might lead you to believe. It always come from " within " ... and SM has

taught that Truth countless times!


So... " what are WCASY giving from their 'golden platter'? They are blindly

leading/encouraging SYs to do ever more external clearing and cleansing rituals

which is stalling " gnosis " for which a peron needs to go " deeper within " . The

Pure Knowledge of the Spirit is an internal knowing/knowledge that can never be

given on a golden platter by anyone... not even by Shri Mataji. If She could

have given it... would not all SYs have it by now??? Nobody can give it, because

it comes " from within " . It is an individual journey that Shri Mataji cannot do

for you. You have to do it for yourself. That is why SM encouraged everyone to

" go within " for years and years. Because... She could obviously not do that part

for you. You have to do it for yourself.


So... external 'ritualistic clearing and cleansing' is just that... " daily

external clearing and cleansing " ... which lasts really only one day... just as a

shower or a bath really only lasts for one day. However when the kundalini is

established within a person... it means that the kundalini can do the clearing

and cleansing of a person through their enlightened attention which is

established at Sahasrara (which is established in the Kingdom of God within).


An interesting thing that SM stated is that the clearing and cleansing practices

will work in a person who has had their self-realisation... even though that

person may not have faith/confidence in the clearing/cleansing treatment itself.

That SM should have said this... indicates to me that the external treatment is

a " means " of " harnessing " a person's confidence/faith in themselves... (in

particular their Spirit-Self).


i say this because what SYs often don't realise is that while they are focussing

on the external treatment and going through that process; that ritual... they

are actually harnessing on to their spiritual powers, only they aren't realising

that because it is such a subtle thing. In other words... they are harnessing

their newly-enlightened-attention in conjunction with their

newly-awakened-kundalini and working with that.


This makes sense... doesn't it!!! It makes much more sense than believing that

it is some external thing that has the spiritual power. No! It is no exernal

thing! The spiritual power is within your Spirit-Self which is Brahman! That is

where all spiritual power comes from!


And that is the " real secret " of any external clearing and cleansing. It is the

enlightened attention and kundalini all along! ONLY THEY DON'T KNOW THAT! THEY

THINK IT IS COMING FROM OUTSIDE OF THEM! And that is fine; eventually they will

realise where it is really coming from. Except that now with the SYSSR(ists)

stressing that the clearing and cleansing comes from outside the person... if

SYs continue to take that as 'gospel truth'... then they may never be able to

become " spiritually liberated " .


There is a difference between having one's self-realisation (which is connection

to the Divine) and having one's spiritual liberation (which is working with that

connection over a period of time and becoming spiritually liberated through

doing the spiritual work that leads to that 'liberation'). In other words, the

self-realisaton comes for us now if we desire it, but we have to make the

efforts to establish it, so it can liberate us from the fetters of spiritual



For those who are still indulging in external focus... it is like forever fixing

a car and never driving it. When a person drives the car, they are enjoying the

drive/ride. There is no thought about the external features of the car but the

focus is on the Joy of the Ride Itself. And that is how SYs who are still

externally focussed have to now start to 'drive their car'. Change the focus and

" go within " as Shri Mataji requested many times. The 'car' looks beautiful by

now with all the external work (clearing & cleansing treatments)... however the

'car' was made to " go somewhere " . That 'where' is " within " . The Kingdom of God

is within!


An important thing to be aware of is that the enlightened attention of a SY

cannot be established at Sahasrara without the wholistic practice of meditation,

introspection, contemplation and surrender to the Divine. All these spiritual

elements need to be there (including common sense too). In fact, common sense is

probably one of the most important things.


The knowledge of what Shri Mataji and other Incarnations have taught is also

most important to imbibe... because this knowledge is a spiritual roadmap that

keeps a person on the spiritual path/road. It also prevents being 'stuck in the

mud' on that spiritual path/road due to following 'false roadmaps' of false

spiritual guides/religious leaders. False mental concepts are the greatest

obstacles and that is why it is best to just follow the roadmaps given by the

Incarnations/prophets themselves... if a person is really serious about their

spiritual liberation.


(You see... the SYSSR... although it has a lot of Truth in it; it also has some

wrong mental concepts now, because they have 'organised' Shri Mataji's

teachings. Whenever someone tries to 'organise' an Incarnation's teachings, they

are IN FACT " editing it " .)


The best is just to follow the roadmap... right!!! Don't have others to

interpret the roadmap for you, because you will as surely as not... be lead off

your spiritual path. The thing is... you have your Spirit to be your Guide,

Teacher, Master, and Guru. That is what Shri Mataji taught.


Whereas Shri Mataji taught us to question and test everything 'like a scientist'

as She wanted nothing to do with any kind of a 'blind faith'... WCASY are now

expecting their SY followers to follow them 'blindly' and not question them at

all! Their attitude is in fact... exactly opposite to the attitude that both

Shri Mataji and Shri Jesus had. Both SM and Jesus described the result of such

an attitude as 'the blind' following the 'blind leaders of the blind'.



You said:


" Please elaborate this topic, I would really like to know in detail regarding

this thing, coz I myself have not been able to understand what exactly

collective conciousness means/is ? How can it be understood and realised..? What

is our shortcoming in realising it? " (END QUOTE)


Regardless of what has been taught/written about 'collective consciousness'

prior to Shri Mataji explaining it... it has not been very well understood. It

is not surprising that someone does not know exactly " what collective

consciousness means/is " . Even for SYs... it is a very difficult thing to

explain, so that someone can understand what it is/means.


For a start, SM taught that collective consciousness is a state of being that is

" beyond thought " and yet it is awareness. Shri Mataji also taught that contrary

to many pundits, collective consciousness only comes into human consciousness

when a person is 'plugged in' (figuratively speaking) to the Divine. Once they

are " plugged in " to the Divine, the 'current' of " collective consciousness "

flows within the psychosomatic system of the person and it brings profound

change. They are 'lit up' (enlightened) with that current. Then... for the first

time, they have the power of that connection to enact conscious change within

themselves, whereas before there was not the 'power' to do this... nor the

'light' to see one's self as clearly.


The person starts to perceive spiritual things that inform him or her. They do

not know how this information comes... but it comes. The information is not

discerned mentally, but by the Spirit that 'intuits it'. It becomes a sort of

inner guidance system. Also, a person will feel when something is right or wrong

for them to do, and they will usually feel it quite strongly. They will be able

to " go within " and find answers to questions. This does not mean that the

answers are always the answers they want to hear, but are the answers that will

keep the person progressing on their spiritual path, instead of falling down.


There are 'times and spiritual seasons' when there is emphasis on one thing at

one time... and something else at a different time. It is to do with spiritual

learning, which is always a facet of collective consciousness. Learning never

stops. It is by learning that a person overcomes the greatest negativity, which

is ignorance.


There are always more and more spiritual challenges. Once you have faced one

challenge; another one comes. That happens in collective consciousness.

Spiritual growth is a continuum that never stops. You never 'know it all'. In

fact the more you learn, the less you realise you know!


Oh yes... you definitely start to realise that you do not want to convert

people, dominate people, tell people that you are right and they are wrong. You

just want to live Truth and see the Truth in everything, and if someone wants to

know Truth, you can also help them to find it... within themselves.


All these things are a part of what i have experienced as " collective

consciousness " . (i don't know how else to describe it to you.)


You said: " How can it be understood and realised? "


On an individual basis... on the individual spiritual journey within. First has

to come self-realisation (the connection) which is an actual experience... then

it is the individual journey within, but with it also comes a greater

recognition that none of us are 'islands to ourselves' but that we are all

individual 'drops' of the Great Ocean of Spirit. We do not feel alone and

spiritually alienated therefore, because we realise that we are One in Spirit...

in reality. i am still learning this and it will be a lifetime of learning. It

can be realised and understood gradually... on a daily meditative, contemplative

and introspective basis.


You said: " What is our shortcoming in realising it? "


i think it is whether a person wants or desires that above everything else... is

the key. Sometimes... a person has to give themselves a " serious talking to " . i

know that sounds funny, but even Shri Mataji said that too...:) Sometimes we

just have to tell our ego to " get lost " because we are going to pursue our

Spirit now!


Other things can also hold a person back... for example if they are too

materialistically inclined or do not want to go through 'change'. They may

resist change. Often a person gets put into a position where they are forced to

change. i guess i am also saying that sometimes we do not know what is holding

us back (what is our shortcoming) but if we are interested in knowing... it is

usually revealed/shown to us in some way... from within or even from without by

other people.





-- In ,

" saarthak_vats " <saarthakvats wrote:


> Jai Shri Mataji Violet and Jagbir,


> Violet your post described little(which was at the end) about the

> heading " The Goal is Collective Consciousness; not 'Catch'

> Consciousness... "

> Please elaborate this topic, I would really like to know in detail

> regarding this thing, coz I myself have not been able to understand

> what exactly collective conciousness means/is ? How can it be

> understood and realised..? What is our shortcoming in realising it?


> With thanks & regards

> Saarthak


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" saarthak_vats " <saarthakvats wrote:


> Jai Shri Mataji Violet and Jagbir,


> Violet your post described little(which was at the end) about the

> heading " The Goal is Collective Consciousness; not 'Catch'

> Consciousness... "

> Please elaborate this topic, I would really like to know in detail

> regarding this thing, coz I myself have not been able to understand

> what exactly collective conciousness means/is ? How can it be

> understood and realised..? What is our shortcoming in realising it?


> With thanks & regards

> Saarthak



Dear Saarthak,


i just want you to know that i am working on your questions also.



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