Guest guest Posted October 11, 2006 Report Share Posted October 11, 2006 The Sunday Times October 08, 2006 Goldilocks and the riddle of the perfect universe Why is the cosmos ideally set up to support life? Physicist Paul Davies tells Stuart Wavell about the point where science meets religion Why is the universe, like the porridge in the tale of Goldilocks and the three bears, " just right " for life? Even cosmologists have said it looks like a fix or a put-up job. Is it a fluke or providence that it appears set up expressly for the purpose of spawning sentient beings? Until recently the Goldilocks question was almost completely ignored by scientists. But dramatic developments in our understanding are propelling the issue to the forefront of the agenda, according to the acclaimed British physicist and bestselling author Paul Davies. To stoke the fire, he is to chair a debate between advocates of alternative theories at Oxford on Friday. Anyone expecting Davies to recant his non-religious views and join the intelligent design lobby will be disappointed. " We can't dump all this in the lap of an arbitrary god and say we can't inquire any further, " he says. " The universe looks ingenious, it looks like a fix, and words like meaning and purpose come to mind. But it doesn't mean that we're going to have a miracle-working cosmic magician meddling with events. " What concerns him in his new book The Goldilocks Enigma is science and the universe's stringent conditions for existence, so finely tuned that even the slightest twiddle of the dials would wreck any hope of life emerging in the universe. " No scientific explanation of the universe can be deemed complete unless it accounts for this appearance of judicious design, " he says. Beyond the obvious prerequisites such as water, the sun's energy and the various chemical elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc) needed to make biomass, there's the tricky stuff. If protons were a tiny bit heavier they would decay into neutrons, and atoms would disintegrate. No carbon would have been formed by nuclear reactions inside stars if the nuclear force varied by more than a scintilla. This is where the acrimony starts. Some cosmologists claim the bio-friendliness of the universe is explained by a multitude of universes, known as the " multiverse " . Lord Rees, a leading proponent and president of the Royal Society, believes the laws of physics are merely local bylaws that hold good for our universe but will be different among our neighbours. Such speculation has infuriated some particle physicists, particularly adherents of string theory, who aspire to a final theory that will unify all physical laws and tie up the loose ends. Their scorn for the multiverse theory is echoed by Frank Close, professor of theoretical physics at Oxford and a participant in Friday's debate, although he is no string theorist: " It's a cop-out. To my mind it's no different from the idea that God did it. If we cannot do any scientific experiments to prove what one of these other universes would be like, it's beyond science. It's just giving up. " Then there's the viewpoint of Richard Dawkins, the ardent Darwinist and recent author of The God Delusion, who holds that life is essentially pointless and came about by chance before natural selection took over. Close compares Dawkins to religious fundamentalists, " who know they are right in their position, just as Richard knows he is right in his position " . Davies wants to rise above such bickering. " I want to get away from this notion that something has to be accepted on faith, " he says. " That just becomes a sterile argument. These people can argue all night, but you're never going to prove or disprove the other person's position. " He is fascinated by an alternative answer to the Goldilocks question. " Somehow, " he writes, " the universe has engineered, not just its own awareness, but its own comprehension. Mindless, blundering atoms have conspired to make, not just life, not just mind, but understanding. The evolving cosmos has spawned beings who are able not merely to watch the show, but to unravel the plot. " What exactly is Davies saying? His starting point is the " highly significant " fact that the universe supports people who understand its laws. " I wanted to get away from the feeling in so many scientific quarters that life and human beings are a completely irrelevant embellishment, a side issue of no significance. I don't think we're the centre of the universe or the pinnacle of creation, but the fact that human beings have the ability to understand how the world is put together is something that cries out for explanation. " Davies's big idea goes back to the Big Bang. According to the standard picture, the laws of physics were already in place at the explosive origin of the universe. But he contends that perhaps the universe and its laws emerged together in malleable form: " We would expect that these laws were not infinitely precise mathematical statements, but they would have a certain sloppiness or ambiguity that could lead to observable effects from the earliest universe, when these laws were still congealing. " So how did compatible life and mind come into being? Davies's explanation, involving quantum mechanics and something called backwards causation, is impossible to compress without sounding " ludicrous " , he confesses. He's right: it's impenetrable. But this scenario requires an act of faith as great as that of any religious believer. So hasn't he sidestepped the God question? Science can meet religion on middle ground, he says, but a superbeing who intervenes in events is anathema to most scientists. " You have to understand that science deals with hypotheses that can be tested, and religion proceeds from acts of faith that can't be tested. " Davies has just left an academic job in Australia to delve further into the origins of things at the provisionally named Blue Sky think tank in Phoenix, Arizona. One of his first projects is to investigate the possibility that life emerged not just once on Earth, but thousands of times. The accepted wisdom is that all the planet's life derives from a common ancestor, ranged on the tree of life. " The question is whether there's just one tree in the forest. If life is easy to get going, we might expect many trees of life but maybe only one tree survived. But maybe there are members of other trees under our noses, but we don't appreciate what they are. " He conjectures a fertile phase starting four billion years ago when ferocious cataclysms caused by comets and asteroids repeatedly zapped emerging life on Earth before the present " tree " took root 3.5 billion years ago. In writing his book, Davies was struck by how " ridiculous " all the theories and options seemed. Perhaps, he muses, we have evolved to think about the world in a certain way and we are posing the wrong questions. " I wonder if we're just stuck in certain patterns of thought and we're doomed to forever have these discussions and arguments. Perhaps the real answers lie utterly beyond our ken. " The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life? by Paul Davies is published by Allen Lane, £22. A debate, Confronting the Goldilocks Enigma, will be held at the Oxford Playhouse at 5pm on Friday ( > > What concerns him in his new book The Goldilocks Enigma is science > and the universe's stringent conditions for existence, so finely > tuned that even the slightest twiddle of the dials would wreck any > hope of life emerging in the universe. " No scientific explanation > of the universe can be deemed complete unless it accounts for this > appearance of judicious design, " he says. > Ancient Light “. . . the universe began in a sort of explosion, starting from infinite density and temperature, and has been expanding, thinning out and cooling ever since. The beginning was not like an ordinary explosion, in which debris flies out into a surrounding region of nonmoving space. Instead the big bang explosion began everywhere. There was no surrounding space for the universe to move into, since any such space would be part of the universe. The concept boggles the imagination . . . .. . . the universe was about 10(-8) seconds old (0.000,000,000,1) when its material was as a temperature of 10(+14) degrees (1,000,000,000,000,000). Any further extrapolation back in time toward the big bang, towards higher temperatures, enters the realm of speculation. Yet cosmologists have been forced to speculate. Many of the properties of the universe may have been determined in the first 10(-8) seconds and much earlier. If the grand unified theories are correct, then their most interesting effects would have happened when the universe was about 10(-35) seconds old. . . . The essential feature of the inflationary universe model is that, shortly after the big bang, the infant universe went through a brief and extremely rapid expansion, after which it returned to the more leisurely rate of expansion of the standard big bang model. By the time the universe was a tiny fraction (perhaps 10[-32]) of a second, the period of rapid expansion, or inflation, was over . . . The epoch of rapid expansion could have taken a patch of space so tiny that it had already homogenized and quickly stretched it to a size larger than today’s entire observable universe . . . For the purpose of illustration, we will assume that the inflationary epoch began when the universe was 10(-35) seconds old and ended when it was 10(- 32) seconds old. At the beginning of the inflationary epoch, the largest region of space that could have homogenized would have been about 10(-35) light seconds in size, or about 10(-25) centimeters, much smaller than the nucleus of an atom. At the end of the inflationary epoch, this tiny homogenized region would have been stretched to something like 10(+400) light years. . . . Numerically the Planck density is about 10(+93) grams per cubic centimeter. The infant universe had this enormous density when it was about 10(-43) seconds old.” Allan Lightman, Ancient Light Harvard University Press 1991, p. 33-154. The universe began as an explosion from an infinite density and temperature; expanding, thinning and cooling since. It was an extra- extraordinary explosion. Unlike normal blasts, where debris fly into the surrounding nonmoving space, this was totally different. In fact it’s conception staggers the imagination: there was no surrounding space for it to move into as all the universe was compressed into the subatomic sized origin — all existing space being part of it. Nothing existed before the Big Bang! The universe was only about 0.000,000,001 seconds old when its material temperature was 100,000,000,000,000 degrees. Most of the properties of this universe was determined during this period and earlier still. Any attempt to go back into time would entail speculation. However, if the grand unified theories are correct then their most fascinating effects would have taken place when the universe was .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old! The essence of the inflationary universe model is that, immediately after the big bang, the newly born universe underwent a very brief and extremely rapid expansion, before slowing down to the pace of the standard big bang model. By the time the universe was about .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old, expansion was over. Within this extremely short period it had already expanded and stretched from an infinitesimal small pinpoint to a size much larger than today’s observable universe. To illuminate this fact we will assume that the expansion began when the universe was exactly .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000, 000,001 seconds old, and ended when it was only .000,000,000, 000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old. At the beginning of expansion the largest area was about .000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,01 centimeters, a size far smaller than the nucleus of an atom. Within that nano-second it had expanded to something like 1,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000 0000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000 0000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000000 0,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000000,00 0000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000 0000,0000000000,0000000000 light years! And one light year covers about 6,000,000,000,000 miles! And this is just a fraction of the area that the most advanced telescopes can detect from ancient light still coming from the initial Big Bang. The universe is infinitely larger than is visible. In fact humans will never know the actual size of the universe as it is still expanding 15,000,000,000,000 years later! The Planck density, a measure of weight, is about 10000000000, 0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000 kilos per cubic centimeter. Our universe had this enormous density when it was precisely .0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000,0000000 000,0001 seconds old! It should be noted that the maximum size of the universe at this time was .000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,01 centimeters. This tiny fraction of an atom was already weighing billions of trillions of quadrillions of quintillions of tons! It takes a while for the sheer enormousness of this astounding Truth to sink in. It defies logic and eludes comprehension. The more the mind ponders the less it comprehends. The brilliant scientists, whom the civilized world cherished for their hair-splitting, or we could say, atom-splitting accuracy, have hit a colossal cosmic Reality. They have now to prove how did the pinpoint produce a universe that is now found to be vastly larger. The ubiquitous questions of this century: How, why and what was that primeval atom that formed an entire universe within a split second? The question of the next millennium: “Who made this awesome atom?” The more the human mind visualizes this brain-boggling nature and awesome grandeur of creation the more humble it will become. There will never be any scientific explanation to the origin of the universe and if there is going to any at all, it will be preposterous, to say the least. Science’s finest atheist minds are already beginning to whisper ever so softly that there is something else — the Almighty Creator! Others are beginning to believe that humanity’s quest for Truth through science is over. John Horgan, a 43-year-old senior writer with Scientific American magazine is one of them. His book The End of Science caused a commotion among scientists for its essence that “pure science, the quest for knowledge about what we are and where we came from, has already entered an area of diminishing returns.” For those who have depended on science to disprove the myths of the scriptures it is time to turn back at these very early stages of admission that science cannot enlighten anymore. It has reached its natural limits. Now only the Spirit can take Homo sapiens beyond — far, far beyond — the limitations of their minds. And it has begun to do so! Humans have done enormous damage to Nature in this blind pursuit of materialism. Science bears a disappropriately larger responsibility in trying to establish the superiority and dominance of humans over all Nature, and placed a premium on mastering matter. This scientific search began when Copernicus peered through his telescope and found that the Earth was not the center of the universe, in stark contrast to the holy, perfect symmetry that the Church had, in its ignorance, infallibly asserted. Ever since then there has been a relentless rape of the divine origin of creation and Western civilization has been wandering in the maze of mathematics and matter. The cold, calculating core of science (not scientists) lacks the human qualities of love, compassion, tenderness, and emotion. Science is all mental, mathematical, material, logic and tangibility. Science cannot detect Spirit, vibrations, chakras, consciousness, thoughtless awareness, the Kingdom of Sadashiva. All the laws of matter, physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics are devoid of divinity and lead humankind further and further from the Absolute Truth. For decades they have stripped away the masks of this mysterious universe, expecting to find the mathematical mantra that would have etched their names in atheist eternity. Instead they have hit a colossal celestial Truth. Some of the greatest scientific minds on Earth are now beginning to hint that the answer to the origin of the universe will never ever be found or proven by their grandest theories. They are also admitting that there has to be a Creator! The search for the origin of the universe has ended for science: the Truth lies elsewhere. As more and more theories flounder and crash in their quest to prove an atheist origin, the Ultimate Truth of the Almighty Creator will slowly but surely be recognized by His atheist adversaries. Even Stephen Hawkings, probably the most eminent theoretical physicist in the world today, while recalling his childhood fantasy on why the universe came into being, could only say, “But I still do not understand why.” As long as he denies that he lives in His creation there will be no answer. Humans have probed and peered far enough into the universe. For millennia they have projected all their senses outwards and yet found no answer to the fundamental mysteries of life. Isn’t it time to separate scientific facts from spiritual Reality, and try a new approach by seeking from within? Simple logic and the law of averages point to that direction. “Atoms are so small that the full-stop at the end of this sentence contains more than one billion of them. Tiny as it is, an atom is entirely made up of empty space. The rest consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are found clustered together in a minute, extremely dense nucleus at the very centre of the atom. Little bundles of energy called electrons whiz around this nucleus at the speed of light. It is the presence of electrons that make the atom behave like a solid, in the same way that a fan blade spinning rapidly looks and behaves as if it were solid.” Dr. Trevor Day, Nicholas Harris, The Incredible Journey to the Centre of the Atom, Orpheus Books Ltd., 1996. “Most of the atomic mass is concentrated in a tiny nucleus, only a thousand-billionth of a centimeter in size. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of lighter particles — the electrons — extending out to a distance of perhaps a hundred-millionth of a centimeter. Thus, by far the greater part of the atom is empty space.” Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physic, Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 146.) “The exponential factor implies that the odds against randomly- generated order increase astronomically. For example, the probability of a litre of air rushing spontaneously to one end of a box is of the order 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeros to one! Such figures indicate the extreme care with which low-entropy states must be selected from the vast array of possible states. Translated into a cosmological context, the conundrum is this. If the universe is simply an accident, the odds against it containing any appreciable order are ludicrously small. If the big bang was just a random event, then the probability seems overwhelming that the emerging cosmic material would be in thermodynamic equilibrium at maximum entropy with zero order. As this was clearly not the case, it appears hard to escape the conclusion that the actual state of the universe has been ‘chosen’ or selected somehow from the huge number of available states, all but an infinitesimal fraction of which are totally disordered. And if such an exceedingly improbable initial state was selected, there sure had to be a selector or designer to ‘choose’ it.” Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physic, Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 167-68.) “The accumulated gravity of the universe operates to restrain the expansion, causing it to decelerate with time. In the primeval phase the expansion was much faster than it is today. The universe is thus the product of a competition between the explosive vigour of the big bang, and the force of gravity which tries to pull the pieces back together again. In recent years, astrophysicists have come to realize just how delicately this competition has been balanced. Had the big bang been weaker, the cosmos would have fallen back on itself in a big crunch. On the other hand, had it been stronger, the cosmic material would have dispersed so rapidly that galaxies would not have formed. Either way, the observed structure of the universe seems to depend very sensitively on the precise matching of explosive vigour to gravitating power. Just how sensitively is revealed by calculation. At the so-called Planck time 10-43 seconds (which is the earliest moment at which the concept of space and time has meaning) the matching was accurate to a staggering one part in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000. That is to say, had the explosion differed in strength at the outset by only one part in 10 (-60) (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000, 000, 000, 000,000,000,000,000) the universe we now perceive would not exist.” Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physic, Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 179.) " Adi In the beginning, to be sure, nothing existed, neither the heaven nor the earth nor space in between. So Nonbeing, having decided to be, became spirit and said: “Let me be!'' He warmed himself further and from this heating was born fire. He warmed himself still further and from this heating was born light. TB II, 2, 9, 1-2 Numerous texts are to be found in the Vedic scriptures, of extraordinary diversity and incomparable richness, which seek unweariedly to penetrate the mystery of the beginnings and to explain the immensity and the amazing harmony of the universe. We find a proliferation of speculations, doubts, and descriptions, an atmosphere charged with solemnity, a sense of life lived to the full — all of which spontaneously bring to mind the landscape of the Himalayas. These texts seem to burst forth impetuously like streams issuing from glaciers. Within this rushing torrent may be discerned a certain life view, deep and basic, an evolving life view that can yet be traced unbroken from the Rig Veda, through the Atharva Veda and the Brahmanas, to the Upanishads. What is fascinating about the experience of the Vedic seers is not only that they have dared to explore the outer space of being and existence, piercing the outskirts of reality, exploring the boundaries of the universe, describing being and its universal laws, but that they have also undertaken the risky and intriguing adventure of going beyond and piercing the being barrier so as to float in utter nothingness, so to speak, and discover that Nonbeing is only the outer atmosphere of Being, its protective veil. They plunge thus into a darkness enwrapped by darkness, into the Beyond from which there is no return, into that Prelude of Existence in which there is neither Being nor Nonbeing, neither God nor Gods, nor creature of any type; the traveler himself is volatilized, has disappeared. Creation is the act by which God, or whatever name we may choose to express the Ultimate, affirms himself not only vis-à- vis the world, thus created, but also vis-à-vis himself, for he certainly was neither creator before creation nor God for himself. The Vedic seers make the staggering claim of entering into that enclosure where God is not yet God, where God is thus unknown to himself, and, not being creator, is “nothing.” ” Professor Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience, “Mr. Horgan contends that science is a victim of its own success. Astronomers have seen as much of the universe as they ever will. Physicists have probed as deeply into the nature of matter as practical experiments will allow. And biologists have been finished since Darwin conceived of evolution in the 1850s . . . Mr. Horgan says scientists are just fooling themselves . . . We’ll never know what existed before the universe began, what processes give rise to consciousness, or what physical rules lie beyond the ones that are currently understood, he argues. Those things simply lie beyond the reach of scientific investigation, so any theorizing or speculating about them is what he labels “ironic” science. “It’s ironic in the sense that real science can be taken as literally true,” Mr. Horgan said. “They have gone beyond what science can do . . . It is meaningless in human terms . . . It doesn’t tell us about the purpose of the universe and our place in it, and all those sorts of things.” The Globe and Mail, August 13, 1996 “In recent times there has been a proliferation of literature drawing parallels between holonomis theories of light, quantum physics, and the mystics’ view of integral wholeness. As a culture we have looked primarily to Western science to alleviate human suffering and to understand our purpose in the scheme of things. But is science capable of freeing us from all suffering? Can science guide us to a direct mystical experience through the bliss of integrating with the One Light? Is there a parallel between modern physics and the yoga of sacred art regarding the nature of light and consciousness? . . . The mechanistic parameters of Western science have permeated our perceptions, our thinking, our emotions, and even our ways of relating to one another. The result had been nothing less than a total fragmentation of our collective consciousness. The scientific worldview has led to the neglect of our intuitive spiritual perceptions and the creative developments of our souls — which, according to the sages of the East, are there to lead to greater understanding and release us from ignorance, laws of duality, and suffering. Because it is constrained within the laws of polarities, science by itself cannot help us to achieve wholeness. As Yogananda says: “The entire phenomenal world is under the inexorable sway of polarity; no law of physics, chemistry, or any other science is ever found free from inherent opposite or contrasted principles. Physical science, then, cannot formulate laws outside of maya: the very fabric and structure of creation . . . Future scientists can do no more than probe one aspect after another of her varied infinitude. Science thus remains in a perpetual flux, unable to reach finality . . .” ” Judith Cornell, PH. D. Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing, Theosophical Publishing, 1994 p. 27-29. “We are all literally made up of stardust,” said astronomer George Smoot of the University of California's Space Sciences Laboratory and author of Wrinkles in Time. This much we know. But where that first pinpoint of intense energy came from — what unleashed its force to explode outward over billions of light-years of space; what set that power loose to evolve over the billions of years since into the intricately interconnected system of planets and stars; what brilliant design could set forth the pattern of development that could bring as complex a structure as humans into being — the scientists cannot explain or are uncomfortable explaining because it requires them to suddenly trade their theories and facts for the possibility that a supreme force beyond their explanations set it all in motion for a purpose. “Facing this, the ultimate question challenges our faith in the power of science to find explanations of nature,” Smoot wrote. “Is this then where scientific explanation breaks down and God takes over?” ” Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon, A Time Warner Company, 1997 p. 51-2. “The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifests itself as the highest wisdom, and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in the most primitive form — this knowledge, this feeling, is at the centre of true religiousness. The Cosmic religious experience is the strongest and oldest mainspring of scientific research. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slightest details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of the superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God. Religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame . . . The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms — this knowledge, this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness.” Albert Einstein “We must first know what is Absolute Truth. We have human awareness. We also have freedom to form our own mental ideas. But Truth cannot be known through human awareness . . . Any type of mental projection or ideology ultimately will recoil back because it has to be substantiated by Reality.” Shri Nirmama Devi Moscow, Soviet Union — June 25, 1990 Nirmama (164th): Without selfishness. “What has gone wrong with the West is that they have never worried about their Spirit. They have negated all that is Spirit, all that is subtler life and have thought that it is better to master the matter, master all these things which they master . . . Whatever you master is lower than you, is not higher than you . . . If you want to be higher then you have to be useful to that higher goal . . . we should allow the Higher thing to rule us. So in ancient times so many people, we can call as seers and saints, went into the forest to find out what is the basis of human beings? What is the meaning of human life? What is the ultimate goal of human beings. And they found out that it is the Spirit. And they based all the Indian laws and Indian philosophies, music, art, dance, drama — every aspect of life — on the basis that we have to become the Spirit. But when we have the western influence and western education put on to us, everyone decided that give up whatever was traditional, whatever was old, and take to this.” Shri Sanakadi-samaradhya Devi Importance Of Self-Realization, Delhi, India — February 8, 1983 Sanakadi-samaradhya (726th): Worshipped by sages like Sanaka. . . She appears as Guru to the seekers because She is the source of all Knowledge. “The other type of people are who think no end of their intelligence. They have denied God. They say, " Where is God? There is no God. We don’t believe in God. This is all nonsense. Science is everything. " What has science done so far, let’s see that? Science has done nothing so far. It has only done all dead work. It has only made you ego-oriented.” Shri Panca-tanmatra-sayaka Devi Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979 Panca-tanmatra-sayaka (11th): She has in the fourth hand an arrow symbolic of the sense elements. By shooting with the mind as bow the arrow of the five sense elements, She creates the Universe, a projection of the mind through the senses. “There are three questions which science cannot answer — How are we here? what are we here for? and what are we going to do? These three questions can be answered in Sahaja Yoga after Self-Realization . . Science is not conclusive. It does not give you Absolute Truth. It goes on changing from this to that . . . we don’t know the Absolute Truth.” Shri Manorupeksu-kodanda Devi United Nations Public Program, New York, USA — September 9, 1992 Manorupeksu-kodanda (10th): In the left lower hand She has the sugar- cane bow which symbolises the Samkalpa (power of desire) of the mind which creates the phenomenal Universe. “The only thing we can enjoy is the Play of the Spirit . . . Till the Knowledge of this Science does not come within us, the outside science is absolutely useless because there is very little of science that can explain about the material things outside. There is no comparison of this outside science — no collectivity, no humanity, no love, no art, no poem, no respect. There is nothing alive in it. It becomes like a machine.” Shri Sadasad-rupadharini Devi Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India — February 23, 1990 Sadasad-rupadharini (661st): She assumes the form of existence and non-existence. She is the source of this universe of name and form and the unseen cause behind it. ‘Satyam Canrtam Ca, Satyamabhavat’ (Taittiriya Upanishad) Both Reality and unreality emanated from the Ultimate reality. The power of illusion i.e. Maya-Saktii who creates the illusion of the Universe. “And He can do anything that He feels like and we are nothing. We are nothing. There should be no rationality about it; about understanding God’s miracles. How can it be? How could it be? You can’t explain . . . we are limited people. We have limited powers. We cannot understand how God could be All Powerful because we haven’t got the capacity. So this God who is our Creator, who is our Preserver, the One who desired that we should exist, who is our existence itself, is All-Powerful God.” Shri Nijaruna-prabha-pura-majjad-brahmanda-mandala Devi Mahashivaratri Puja, Pandarpur, India — February 29, 1984 Nijaruna-prabha-pura-majjad-brahmanda-mandala (12th): Her red brilliance engulfs all the Universes. It means all the created Universe is only Her radiance. “Thus this mind is created like bubbles on the Ocean of Reality, but that’s not Reality. With this mind whatever we decide we know its very limited, illusive and sometimes shocking. The mind always moves in a linear direction and because there is no Reality in it, it recoils and boomerangs. Thus all the enterprises, all the projections so far we have done it seems come back to us. Whatever they discover comes back to us as a big destructive Power or a very big shock. So one has to decide what to do, how to be out of this trap of our mind — Kundalini is the solution . . . With the awakening She takes you beyond your mind.” Shri Pada-dvaya-prabha-jala-parakrta-sororuha Devi The Witnessing State: To Know God, Shivaratri Puja, Sydney, Australia — March 3, 1996 “It was such a solace and such a hope that people who apparently appear to be in the charge of helm-of-affairs, are also in charge of the helm-of-affairs of God. A day will come when they will take up their new roles, when they will become aware that it is God who rules them. It is He who does it, it is He who has created everything, and it is He who enjoys everything. For this awareness . . . the seeking ultimately has to come to human beings because all that is done through mental projections and conceptions has one good point — that it is always exposed and comes to an end. Every set enterprise of human beings only moves in a linear way and at a point it drops down. That is why all our conceptions and all our ideas are challenged after some time.” Shri Ksetra-Svarupa Devi Ksetra-Svarupa (341st): The highest consciousness to the grossest matter and space consists of Ksetra. It is Her form. Nirmama (164th): Without selfishness. Sanakadi-samaradhya (726th): Worshipped by sages like Sanaka. . . She appears as Guru to the seekers because She is the source of all Knowledge. Panca-tanmatra-sayaka (11th): She has in the fourth hand an arrow symbolic of the sense elements. By shooting with the mind as bow the arrow of the five sense elements, She creates the Universe, a projection of the mind through the senses. Manorupeksu-kodanda (10th): In the left lower hand She has the sugar- cane bow which symbolises the Samkalpa (power of desire) of the mind which creates the phenomenal Universe. Sadasad-rupadharini (661st): She assumes the form of existence and non-existence. She is the source of this universe of name and form and the unseen cause behind it. ‘Satyam Canrtam Ca, Satyamabhavat’ (Taittiriya Upanishad) Both Reality and unreality emanated from the Ultimate reality. The power of illusion i.e. Maya-Saktii who creates the illusion of the Universe. Nijaruna-prabha-pura-majjad-brahmanda-mandala (12th): Her red brilliance engulfs all the Universes. It means all the created Universe is only Her radiance. Ksetra-Svarupa (341st): The highest consciousness to the grossest matter and space consists of Ksetra. It is Her form. , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org wrote: > > > " The follower of Sakthism, the worshipper of Shakti, is called > Shakta. His conception of the Goddess is described in the Shakti > Tantra Shastras, i.e., the holy scriptures of Sakthism, often in a > very poetical way. Whereas we speak of Mother Nature only in a > comparative manner, for the Shakta it is absolute reality. Nature > is Her body. Her presence is personally felt by him, when he is > standing on the fertile ground of the earth; he touches Her life in > the blossoms of the pure lotus-flower. She animates all living > creatures. His own body is a part of Her great body. Worshipping > Her in all Her different forms, he will find Her light, too, > within his mind and consciousness. Thus, to the Shakta the whole > universe of mind and matter reveals itself in its unity; he see > before him Her great body which he adores; Her sacred feet, Her > heart, Her mind. > > It might be useful to describe this poetical view, which is at once > physical and transcendental, by means of another diagram. We may > for this purpose represent matter and mind by two circles , which > intersect each other. > > Where they intersect, there is Shakti, so to speak, in Herself. But > Her influence, Her being spreads into the whole realm of matter as > well as that of mind. Nowhere is She absent, but Her presence is > less distinct, is somehow veiled in those parts, which are further > from the centre, where She is in Herself. Thus, for the sake of > linear explanation, the mineral world--the solid matter--would have > to be situated the furthest from Her, because there, as for > instance in stone, she--Life Herself--is, much veiled, stone to > the ordinary human view appearing to be dead. Nearer to Her is the > realm of plants, where, with their growing and blossoming, She > already becomes more apparent. I need hardly remind you of the > well-known researches by Sir Jagadish Bhose of the University of > Calcutta, who is endeavouring to make visible the actual heartbeat > of plant life. Then, in due order with regard to Her would come > the world of animals, which being animated have within their life-- > although perhaps still unconsciously--some access to Her. Lastly, > within the highly developed organism of man She, for the first > time, is inherent in her essential being. There She finds the > possibility of being consciously awakened, so that she appears to > him, who is looking and striving for her, in Her true nature as > Shakti herself. The other side--the mind circle--comprises the > mental faculties of man such as consciousness, will, feeling and > logical perception, which, with regard to their aptitude for Her > realisation, may be put in such order. The directions of > development therefore go in the matter-circle from left to right-- > from stone, vegetable, animal to man, where Shakti will be > realised; in the mind-circle, from right to left--from mere > logical thinking to feeling, will-power, consciousness to man-- > where Shakti may be realised. Thus, as you can see from this > diagram, everywhere there is Shakti. She is inherent in everything > and at the same time transcends every thing; by meditation and > religious ceremonies She may be realized everywhere, being > inherent in the whole physical universe as it is given to us. And, > moreover, above this we may touch Her in Her transcendental aspect > as well. When She appears in Her true nature, then there is no > more mind or matter, but only She Herself, in no sense bounded by > such limitations. As such a one She may well be represented by a > circle, the universe in its true aspect. > > To the European it may perhaps at first sight appear to be a mere > poetical presentment and but little different from the theory of > vitalism of modern natural science or from ancient animism in the > religious aspect. But with regard to Vitalism, even if there be > similarities the essential difference seems to me, that the > Vitalism of the natural sciences is based principally upon the > conception of a material world which is regarded as being animated > by, for instance, the " lan vitale " of Bergson. But Sakthism holds > its standpoint entirely on the spiritual side. She, the great > mother, exists, and what in the material world is vitalised or > animated, certainly comes from Her, but is only a veiled > appearance of Her, who in Her true being can be experienced > spiritually. And Sakthism is also not animism, if by animism may > be understood the primitive idea of everything being ghost-like, > being animated by " Phi " or spirits, resulting in as many ghostly > spirits as there are different things. Sakthism represents a > spiritual unity, all different things being united within Her > always-greater aspect. > > The principal doctrine of " Sakthism " , that the whole Universe of > mind and matter is created by Her, the Powerful Goddess Shakti, is > described in full detail, with Indian accuracy in spiritual > matters, in the Cosmogony of Sakthism. It must be understood that > every great Indian philosophical system has its own Cosmo-Genesis, > that is, its special conception of the evolution of the world and > its beginning. As a matter of fact, every conception of life and > the Universe requires such a foundation to give it the necessary > firm hold. For Sakthism this source, out of which the Universe as > mind and matter has evolved, is the female spiritual Power, > Shakti, who is the Great Mother of the Universe. In Her most > concentrated form, when Her Power is just ready to expand, She is > represented by a point called Bindu. This Bindu Point is mere > Spirit. Everything manifested and created in this Universe has > Spirit. Everything manifested and created in this Universe has > Spirit as its source and essence. In the Christian Cosmo-Genesis > of the Gospel of St. John it is called " logos " or " the word " . By > expansion the Spiritual Power Shakti becomes, going through many > different stages, Mind, Life, and Matter. She--the Goddess--is > contained, in all the manifestations of the universe, but She > remains, so to speak, unexhausted by being the material cause of > the Universe. She in Her essence remains unaffected and greater > than all the created world. > > In a diagrammatic way this cosmogenetic evolution can be > represented like this. The active, most concentrated Point Bindu > is red, the colour of activity. From this point the lines of > evolution expand through the stages of mind and life towards > matter, the mineral world. So the material world stands not first > but last in the evolution of the Universe. > > According to the general doctrine of Indian metaphysics, this whole > created universe is not everlasting but will one day be dissolved. > The life or appearance of the universe lasts, as it is figuratively > expressed, one day of Brahma, the Almighty, that is, millions and > millions of years. After that the whole expansion contracts again > in the opposite direction; first, matter will be dissolved, then > life and mind will disappear till it reaches the state of the > beginning, the spiritual Point, Bindu, where it will find its > rest; until the dawn of a new day of Brahma, when a new creation > will start. This Bindu Point is the great Goddess, the universal > mother--womb--yoni--the creator and receiver of the Universe, > which, as Shakti, is worshipped by the followers of Sakthism. > > The Indian Religion of the Goddess Shakti > DR. HANS KOESTER > THE JOURNAL OF THE SIAM SOCIETY > Vol.23, part 1 > 1929 July > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 21, 2006 Report Share Posted October 21, 2006 Is There Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God? How the Recent Discoveries Support a Designed Universe Dr. Walter L. Bradley Introduction -- What is implied by the concept of " an intelligently designed universe " ? What does it mean on a grand scale to assert that the universe is the product of an intelligent designer? In a scientific age that exalts rationalism and chance, what empirical evidence could possibly support such a claim? As humans contemplating the immense complexity of the cosmos, might certain features of the universe suggest that our " home " has in fact been carefully crafted for our benefit? Can our own human experiences of creativity and design illuminate the concept of a cosmic designer? These questions underlie the discussion of intelligent design theory, a resurgent area of inquiry by both Christian and secular scientists in search of a reasonable explanation for the marvelous complexity of the universe. In his classic, Natural Theology (1802),{1} eighteenth-century English philosopher and theologian William Paley marshaled evidence for a designed universe from both the physical and biological sciences. However, his argument for design was called into question by Darwin's theory of evolution. But new discoveries in the latter half of the twentieth century in the fields of astronomy, cosmology, and abiogenesis (the origin of life) have provided extremely compelling evidence for a designed universe. These findings have been publicized in the popular print media (Time, December 1992 and Newsweek, July 1998), featured in television specials on PBS and BBC, and disseminated through a wide variety of popular and scholarly books, including entries from prestigious academic publishing houses such as Oxford and Cambridge University Presses. My personal experience as a lecturer supports the growing openness to intelligent design theory in the academic world. Having given over 135 talks on this subject to more than 65,000 students and professors at over 65 major university campuses from 1986 to 2002, I have observed a dramatic change in audience receptivity to the idea that an intelligent designer of the universe may exist. I have noted a widespread acceptance (albeit begrudging in some quarters) that this growing body of scientific evidence demands an intellectually honest reckoning, as no exclusively naturalistic explanation seems capable of rising to the occasion.... Blueprint for a Habitable Universe: The Criticality of Initial or Boundary Conditions As we already suggested, correct mathematical forms and exactly the right values for them are necessary but not sufficient to guarantee a suitable habitat for complex, conscious life. For all of the mathematical elegance and inner attunement of the cosmos, life still would not have occurred had not certain initial conditions been properly set at certain critical points in the formation of the universe and Earth. Let us briefly consider the initial conditions for the Big Bang, the design of our terrestrial " Garden of Eden, " and the staggering informational requirements for the origin and development of the first living system. The Big Bang The " Big Bang " follows the physics of any explosion, though on an inconceivably large scale. The critical boundary condition for the Big Bang is its initial velocity. If this velocity is too fast, the matter in the universe expands too quickly and never coalesces into planets, stars, and galaxies. If the initial velocity is too slow, the universe expands only for a short time and then quickly collapses under the influence of gravity. Well-accepted cosmological models{34} tell us that the initial velocity must be specified to a precision of 1/10(60). This requirement seems to overwhelm chance and has been the impetus for creative alternatives, most recently the new inflationary model of the Big Bang. Even this newer model requires a high level of fine-tuning for it to have occurred at all and to have yielded irregularities that are neither too small nor too large for the formation of galaxies. Astrophysicists originally estimated that two components of an expansion-driving cosmological constant must cancel each other with an accuracy of better than 1 part in 10(50). In the January 1999 issue of Scientific American, the required accuracy was sharpened to the phenomenal exactitude of 1 part in 10(123).{35} Furthermore, the ratio of the gravitational energy to the kinetic energy must be equal to 1.00000 with a variation of less than 1 part in 100,000. While such estimates are being actively researched at the moment and may change over time, all possible models of the Big Bang will contain boundary conditions of a remarkably specific nature that cannot simply be described away as " fortuitous " . The Uniqueness of our " Garden of Eden " Astronomers F. D. Drake{36} and Carl Sagan{37} speculated during the 1960s and 1970s that Earth-like places in the universe were abundant, at least one thousand but possibly as many as one hundred million. This optimism in the ubiquity of life downplayed the specialness of planet Earth. By the 1980s, University of Virginia astronomers Trefil and Rood offered a more sober assessment in their book, Are We Alone? The Possibility of Extraterrestrial Civilizations.{38} They concluded that it is improbable that life exists anywhere else in the universe. More recently, Peter Douglas Ward and Donald Brownlee of the University of Washington have taken the idea of the Earth's unique place in our vast universe to a much higher level. In their recent blockbuster book, Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe,{39} they argue that the more we learn about Earth, the more we realize how improbable is its existence as a uniquely habitable place in our universe. Ward and Brownlee state it well: If some god-like being could be given the opportunity to plan a sequence of events with the expressed goal of duplicating our 'Garden of Eden', that power would face a formidable task. With the best of intentions but limited by natural laws and materials it is unlikely that Earth could ever be truly replicated. Too many processes in its formation involve sheer luck. Earth-like planets could certainly be made, but each would differ in critical ways. This is well illustrated by the fantastic variety of planets and satellites (moons) that formed in our solar system. They all started with similar building materials, but the final products are vastly different from each other . . . . The physical events that led to the formation and evolution of the physical Earth required an intricate set of nearly irreproducible circumstances.{40} What are these remarkable coincidences that have precipitated the emerging recognition of the uniqueness of Earth? Let us consider just two representative examples, temperature control and plate tectonics, both of which we have alluded to in our " needs statement " for a habitat for complex life. Temperature Control on Planet Earth In a universe where water is the primary medium for the chemistry of life, the temperature must be maintained between 0° C and 100° C (32° F to 212° F) for at least some portion of the year. If the temperature on earth were ever to stay below 0° C for an extended period of time, the conversion of all of Earth's water to ice would be an irreversible step. Because ice has a very high reflectivity for sunlight, if the Earth ever becomes an ice ball, there is no returning to the higher temperatures where water exists and life can flourish. If the temperature on Earth were to exceed 100°C for an extended period of time, all oceans would evaporate, creating a vapor canopy. Again, such a step would be irreversible, since this much water in the atmosphere would efficiently trap all of the radiant heat from the sun in a " super-greenhouse effect, " preventing the cooling that would be necessary to allow the steam to re- condense to water.{41} This appears to be what happened on Venus. Complex, conscious life requires an even more narrow temperature range of approximately 5-50° C.{42} How does our portion of real estate in the universe remain within such a narrow temperature range, given that almost every other place in the universe is either much hotter or much colder than planet Earth, and well outside the allowable range for life? First, we need to be at the right distance from the sun. In our solar system, there is a very narrow range that might permit such a temperature range to be sustained, as seen in Fig. 1. Mercury and Venus are too close to the sun, and Mars is too far away. Earth must be within approximately 10% of its actual orbit to maintain a suitable temperature range.{43} Yet Earth's correct orbital distance from the sun is not the whole story. Our moon has an average temperature of -18° C, while Earth has an average temperature of 33° C; yet each is approximately the same average distance from the sun. Earth's atmosphere, however, efficiently traps the sun's radiant heat, maintaining the proper planetary temperature range. Humans also require an atmosphere with exactly the right proportion of tri-atomic molecules, or gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor. Small temperature variations from day to night make Earth more readily habitable. By contrast, the moon takes twenty-nine days to effectively rotate one whole period with respect to the sun, giving much larger temperature fluctuations from day to night. Earth's rotational rate is ideal to maintain our temperature within a narrow range. Most remarkable of all, the sun's radiation has gradually increased in intensity by 40 percent over time--a fact that should have made it impossible to maintain Earth's temperature in its required range. This increase, however, has been accompanied by a gradual decrease in the Earth's concentration of carbon dioxide. Today although the Earth receives more radiation, the atmosphere traps it less efficiently, thus preserving approximately the same temperatures that the Earth experienced four billion years ago. The change in the concentration of carbon dioxide over four billion years has resulted first from plate tectonics (by which carbon dioxide has been converted to calcium carbonate in shallow waters), and more recently through the development of plant life. Such good fortune on such a grand scale must be considered a miracle in its own right. But there is still more to the story. Mercury, Venus, and Mars all spin on their axes, but their axis angles vary chaotically from 0 to 90 degrees, giving corresponding chaotic variations in their planetary climates. Earth owes its relative climatic stability to its stable 23-degree axis of rotation. This unique stability is somehow associated with the size of Earth's large moon. Our moon is one-third the size of Earth--rare for any planet. To have such a large moon is particularly rare for planets in the inner regions of the solar system, where a habitable temperature range can be sustained. The most current theories explaining this proposition lead us again to the suspicion that such a remarkable and " fortuitous accident " occurred specifically for our benefit.{44} Figure 4. In our solar system (drawn to scale), notice that the habitable zone is the region within ~10 percent of the orbital radius for planet earth, a very small part of our large, solar system.{43} Plate Tectonics - Continent Builder, Temperature Controller, Cosmic Radiation Protecter How does plate tectonics contribute to our planet's becoming habitable for complex life? First, plate tectonics have produced a landmass on an earth that would otherwise have remained a smooth sphere covered by 4000 feet of water. Second, plate tectonics on Earth formed regions of shallow water just beyond the landmass. In these shallows, carbon dioxide chemically reacts with calcium silicate to form calcium carbonate and silicon oxide (or sand). This process removes sufficient carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to avoid overheating as the sun's radiant energy increases. Third, plate tectonics allows for sufficiently large thermal gradients to develop the convective cells in the Earth's core that generate our magnetic field, which in turn protects us from cosmic radiation. It is reasonable to assume that without plate tectonics, no planet could be habitable.{45} Of the 62 satellites in our solar systems, only Earth has plate tectonic activity--a fact that reflects the difficulty to meet the conditions required for this transformational process. Plate tectonics requires just the right concentration of heavy, radioactive elements in a planet or moon's core, in order to produce the proper amount of heat through radioactive decay. Furthermore, the core must be molten, with a solid, but viscous crust. The viscosity of the crust must be carefully calibrated to the heat generation in the core. The total volume of surface water present on a planet is also critical (on Earth, it is 0.5 percent by weight).{46} Too much water will yield a planet with only oceans. Too little water or too much plate tectonic activity will produce a planet with almost all land mass and very small oceans. This imbalance would leave the Earth with a water cycle that could not aerate the landmass adequately to sustain life. The oceans also buffer temperature fluctuations, helping to keep the Earth's surface temperature in a viable range. Earth's current proportion of 30 percent landmass to 70 percent oceans is biologically ideal. However, this complex end result arises from a myriad of factors that appear to be independent. Again, an explanatory model based on " accidents of nature " seems insufficient to account for yet another remarkable feature of our planet. Blueprint for Life: Information and The Origin of Life We have not yet touched on the greatest " miracle " in our terrestrial narrative of origins. While we have noted the remarkable provision of a suitable universe with a local habitat that is ideal for life, the most remarkable artifact in our universe is life itself. While biological evolution, including macroevolution, continues to have a larger constituency than is justified by the evidence (in my opinion), all major researchers in the field of chemical evolution (i.e., the origin of life) acknowledge the fundamental mystery of life's beginnings from inanimate matter. The enigma of the origin of life comes in the difficulty of imagining a simply biological system that is sufficiently complex to process energy, store information, and replicate, and yet at the same time is sufficiently simple to have just " happened " in a warm pond, as Darwin suggested, or elsewhere. Complex molecules, such as proteins, RNA, and DNA, provide for essential biological functions. These biopolymers are actually long chains of simpler molecular building blocks such as amino acids (of which there are 20 different types--see Figure 5), sugars and bases. Their biological function is intimately connected to their precise chemical structure. How, then, were they assembled with such perfect functionality before the origin of life itself? If I stand across the street and throw paint at my curb, I am not very likely to paint " 204, " which is my house number. On the other hand, if I first place a template with the numbers " 204 " on my curb and then sling paint, I can easily paint " 204 " on my curb. Living systems contain their own templates. However, such templates did not guide the process before life began (i.e., under prebiotic conditions). How, then, did the templates and other molecular machinery originate? To illustrate the staggering degree of complexity involved here, let us consider a typical protein that is composed of 100 amino acids. Amino acids are molecules that can have two mirror image structures, usually referred to as " left-handed " and " right-handed " variants, as seen in Figure 6. A functional protein requires the amino acids from which it is built to be (1) all left-handed; (2) all linked together with peptide bonds (Figure 7), and (3) all in just the right sequence to fold up into the three-dimensional structure needed for biological function, as seen in Figure 8. The probability of correctly assembling a functional protein in one try in a prebiotic pond, as seen in Figure 8, is 1/10(190).{48} If we took all of the carbon in the universe, converted it into amino acids, and allowed it to chemically react at the maximum permissible rate of 10(13) interactions per second for five billion years, the probability of making a single functioning protein increases to only 1/10(60). For this reason, chance explanations for the origin of life have been rejected. Some non-random process or intelligent designer must be responsible. However, there are no apparent nonrandom processes (such as natural selection is claimed to be in evolution) that would seem to be capable of generating the required complexity and information for the first living system. Is There Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God? How the Recent Discoveries Support a Designed Universe Dr. Walter L. Bradley {35} Lawrence M. Krauss, " Cosmological Antigravity, " Scientific American, 280 (January 1999): 53-59. {36} F. D. Drake and Dava Sobel, Is Anyone Out There? (New York : Delacorte Press, 1992) 62. {37} I. S. Shklovskii and C. Sagan, Intelligent Life in the Universe (New York: Dell, 1966). {38} Robert Rood and James S. Trefil, Are We Alone? The Possibility of Extraterrestrial Civilizations (New York: Scribner, 1981). {39} Peter B. Ward and Donald Brownlee, Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe (New York: Copernicus, 2000). {40} Ibid, 37. {41} W. Broecker, How to Build a Habitable Planet (Palisades, NY: Eldigio Press, 1985) , 197-229. {42} Ward and Brownlee, Rare Earth, 19-20. {43} Ibid, p. 15-33. {44} J. Kasting, " Habitable Zones Around Stars: An Update, " in Circumstellar Habitable Zones, ed. L. Doyle (Menlo Park, CA: Travis House, 1996), 17-28. {45} Ward and Brownlee, Rare Earth, 208. {46} Ward and Brownlee, Rare Earth, 264-65. {47} Walter L. Bradley and Charles B. Thaxton, " Information and the Origin of Life " , in The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer, ed. J.P. Moreland (Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1994), 190. {48} Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph Levine, Biology: The Living Science (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall), 1998, p.406- 407. , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org wrote: > > The Sunday Times October 08, 2006 > Goldilocks and the riddle of the perfect universe > > Why is the cosmos ideally set up to support life? Physicist Paul > Davies tells Stuart Wavell about the point where science meets > religion > > Why is the universe, like the porridge in the tale of Goldilocks and the three bears, " just right " for life? Even cosmologists have said it looks like a fix or a put-up job. Is it a fluke or providence > that it appears set up expressly for the purpose of spawning > sentient beings? > > Until recently the Goldilocks question was almost completely ignored by scientists. But dramatic developments in our understanding are propelling the issue to the forefront of the agenda, according to the acclaimed British physicist and bestselling author Paul Davies. To stoke the fire, he is to chair a debate between advocates of alternative theories at Oxford on Friday. > > Anyone expecting Davies to recant his non-religious views and join > the intelligent design lobby will be disappointed. " We can't dump > all this in the lap of an arbitrary god and say we can't inquire any further, " he says. " The universe looks ingenious, it looks like a > fix, and words like meaning and purpose come to mind. But it doesn't mean that we're going to have a miracle-working cosmic magician meddling with events. " > > What concerns him in his new book The Goldilocks Enigma is science > and the universe's stringent conditions for existence, so finely > tuned that even the slightest twiddle of the dials would wreck any > hope of life emerging in the universe. " No scientific explanation of the universe can be deemed complete unless it accounts for this > appearance of judicious design, " he says. > > Beyond the obvious prerequisites such as water, the sun's energy and the various chemical elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc) > needed to make biomass, there's the tricky stuff. If protons were a > tiny bit heavier they would decay into neutrons, and atoms would > disintegrate. No carbon would have been formed by nuclear reactions > inside stars if the nuclear force varied by more than a scintilla. > > This is where the acrimony starts. Some cosmologists claim the > bio-friendliness of the universe is explained by a multitude of > universes, known as the " multiverse " . Lord Rees, a leading proponent and president of the Royal Society, believes the laws of physics are merely local bylaws that hold good for our universe but will be different among our neighbours. > > Such speculation has infuriated some particle physicists, > particularly adherents of string theory, who aspire to a final > theory that will unify all physical laws and tie up the loose ends. > > Their scorn for the multiverse theory is echoed by Frank Close, > professor of theoretical physics at Oxford and a participant in > Friday's debate, although he is no string theorist: " It's a cop- out. To my mind it's no different from the idea that God did it. If we cannot do any scientific experiments to prove what one of these > other universes would be like, it's beyond science. It's just giving up. " > > Then there's the viewpoint of Richard Dawkins, the ardent Darwinist > and recent author of The God Delusion, who holds that life is > essentially pointless and came about by chance before natural > selection took over. Close compares Dawkins to religious fundamentalists, " who know they are right in their position, just as > Richard knows he is right in his position " . > > Davies wants to rise above such bickering. " I want to get away from > this notion that something has to be accepted on faith, " he > says. " That just becomes a sterile argument. These people can argue > all night, but you're never going to prove or disprove the other > person's position. " > > He is fascinated by an alternative answer to the Goldilocks question. " Somehow, " he writes, " the universe has engineered, not just its own awareness, but its own comprehension. Mindless, blundering atoms have conspired to make, not just life, not just mind, but understanding. The evolving cosmos has spawned beings who are able not merely to watch the show, but to unravel the plot. " > > What exactly is Davies saying? His starting point is the " highly > significant " fact that the universe supports people who understand > its laws. " I wanted to get away from the feeling in so many > scientific quarters that life and human beings are a completely > irrelevant embellishment, a side issue of no significance. I don't > think we're the centre of the universe or the pinnacle of creation, > but the fact that human beings have the ability to understand how > the world is put together is something that cries out for > explanation. " > > Davies's big idea goes back to the Big Bang. According to the > standard picture, the laws of physics were already in place at the > explosive origin of the universe. But he contends that perhaps the > universe and its laws emerged together in malleable form: " We would > expect that these laws were not infinitely precise mathematical > statements, but they would have a certain sloppiness or ambiguity > that could lead to observable effects from the earliest universe, > when these laws were still congealing. " > > So how did compatible life and mind come into being? Davies's > explanation, involving quantum mechanics and something called > backwards causation, is impossible to compress without > sounding " ludicrous " , he confesses. He's right: it's impenetrable. > > But this scenario requires an act of faith as great as that of any > religious believer. So hasn't he sidestepped the God question? > Science can meet religion on middle ground, he says, but a > superbeing who intervenes in events is anathema to most > scientists. " You have to understand that science deals with > hypotheses that can be tested, and religion proceeds from acts of > faith that can't be tested. " > > Davies has just left an academic job in Australia to delve further into the origins of things at the provisionally named Blue Sky think > tank in Phoenix, Arizona. One of his first projects is to > investigate the possibility that life emerged not just once on > Earth, but thousands of times. The accepted wisdom is that all the > planet's life derives from a common ancestor, ranged on the tree of > life. > > " The question is whether there's just one tree in the forest. If > life is easy to get going, we might expect many trees of life but > maybe only one tree survived. But maybe there are members of other > trees under our noses, but we don't appreciate what they are. " He > conjectures a fertile phase starting four billion years ago when > ferocious cataclysms caused by comets and asteroids repeatedly > zapped emerging life on Earth before the present " tree " took root > 3.5 billion years ago. > > In writing his book, Davies was struck by how " ridiculous " all the > theories and options seemed. Perhaps, he muses, we have evolved to > think about the world in a certain way and we are posing the wrong > questions. " I wonder if we're just stuck in certain patterns of > thought and we're doomed to forever have these discussions and > arguments. Perhaps the real answers lie utterly beyond our ken. " > > > The Goldilocks Enigma: Why is the Universe Just Right for Life? by > Paul Davies is published by Allen Lane, £22. A debate, Confronting > the Goldilocks Enigma, will be held at the Oxford Playhouse at 5pm > on Friday ( > > > > > > What concerns him in his new book The Goldilocks Enigma is science and the universe's stringent conditions for existence, so finely tuned that even the slightest twiddle of the dials would wreck any hope of life emerging in the universe. " No scientific explanation of the universe can be deemed complete unless it accounts for this appearance of judicious design, " he says. > > > > Ancient Light > > " . . . the universe began in a sort of explosion, starting from > infinite density and temperature, and has been expanding, thinning > out and cooling ever since. The beginning was not like an ordinary > explosion, in which debris flies out into a surrounding region of > nonmoving space. Instead the big bang explosion began everywhere. > There was no surrounding space for the universe to move into, since > any such space would be part of the universe. The concept boggles > the imagination . . . > > . . . the universe was about 10(-8) seconds old (0.000,000,000,1) > when its material was as a temperature of 10(+14) degrees > (1,000,000,000,000,000). Any further extrapolation back in time > toward the big bang, towards higher temperatures, enters the realm of speculation. Yet cosmologists have been forced to speculate. Many > of the properties of the universe may have been determined in the first 10(-8) seconds and much earlier. If the grand unified theories > are correct, then their most interesting effects would have happened when the universe was about 10(-35) seconds old. . . . > > The essential feature of the inflationary universe model is that, shortly after the big bang, the infant universe went through a brief > and extremely rapid expansion, after which it returned to the more > leisurely rate of expansion of the standard big bang model. By the time the universe was a tiny fraction (perhaps 10[-32]) of a second, > the period of rapid expansion, or inflation, was over . . . The > epoch of rapid expansion could have taken a patch of space so tiny > that it had already homogenized and quickly stretched it to a size larger than today's entire observable universe . . . For the purpose > of illustration, we will assume that the inflationary epoch began > when the universe was 10(-35) seconds old and ended when it was 10 (- > 32) seconds old. At the beginning of the inflationary epoch, the > largest region of space that could have homogenized would have been > about 10(-35) light seconds in size, or about 10(-25) centimeters, > much smaller than the nucleus of an atom. At the end of the > inflationary epoch, this tiny homogenized region would have been > stretched to something like 10(+400) light years. . . . > > Numerically the Planck density is about 10(+93) grams per cubic > centimeter. The infant universe had this enormous density when it > was about 10(-43) seconds old. " > > Allan Lightman, Ancient Light > Harvard University Press 1991, p. 33-154. > > > The universe began as an explosion from an infinite density and temperature; expanding, thinning and cooling since. It was an extra- > extraordinary explosion. Unlike normal blasts, where debris fly into the surrounding nonmoving space, this was totally different. In fact it's conception staggers the imagination: there was no surrounding space for it to move into as all the universe was compressed into the subatomic sized origin — all existing space being part of it. Nothing existed before the Big Bang! > > The universe was only about 0.000,000,001 seconds old when its > material temperature was 100,000,000,000,000 degrees. Most of the > properties of this universe was determined during this period and > earlier still. Any attempt to go back into time would entail speculation. However, if the grand unified theories are correct then > their most fascinating effects would have taken place when the > universe was .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 > seconds old! > > The essence of the inflationary universe model is that, immediately > after the big bang, the newly born universe underwent a very brief > and extremely rapid expansion, before slowing down to the pace of > the standard big bang model. By the time the universe was > about .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old, > expansion was over. Within this extremely short period it had > already expanded and stretched from an infinitesimal small pinpoint > to a size much larger than today's observable universe. > To illuminate this fact we will assume that the expansion began when > the universe was exactly .000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000, > 000,001 seconds old, and ended when it was only .000,000,000, 000, > 000,000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds old. At the beginning of > expansion the largest area was about .000,000,000,000,000,000,000, > 000,01 centimeters, a size far smaller than the nucleus of an atom. > Within that nano-second it had expanded to something like 1,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000 0000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000 0000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000000 0,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000000,00 0000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,000000 0000,0000000000,0000000000 light years! > And one light year covers about 6,000,000,000,000 miles! And this is > just a fraction of the area that the most advanced telescopes can > detect from ancient light still coming from the initial Big Bang. > The universe is infinitely larger than is visible. In fact humans > will never know the actual size of the universe as it is still > expanding 15,000,000,000,000 years later! > > The Planck density, a measure of weight, is about 10000000000, > 0000000000,0000000000,0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000,0000000000, > 0000000000 kilos per cubic centimeter. Our universe had this > enormous density when it was precisely .0000000000,0000000000, 0000000000,0000000 000,0001 seconds old! It should be noted that the > maximum size of the universe at this time was .000,000,000,000, > 000,000,000,000,01 centimeters. This tiny fraction of an atom was > already weighing billions of trillions of quadrillions of quintillions of tons! It takes a while for the sheer enormousness of > this astounding Truth to sink in. It defies logic and eludes > comprehension. The more the mind ponders the less it comprehends. > The brilliant scientists, whom the civilized world cherished for their hair-splitting, or we could say, atom-splitting accuracy, have > hit a colossal cosmic Reality. They have now to prove how did the > pinpoint produce a universe that is now found to be vastly larger. The ubiquitous questions of this century: How, why and what was that > primeval atom that formed an entire universe within a split second? > The question of the next millennium: " Who made this awesome atom? " > > The more the human mind visualizes this brain-boggling nature and > awesome grandeur of creation the more humble it will become. There > will never be any scientific explanation to the origin of the > universe and if there is going to any at all, it will be > preposterous, to say the least. Science's finest atheist minds are > already beginning to whisper ever so softly that there is something > else — the Almighty Creator! > > Others are beginning to believe that humanity's quest for Truth > through science is over. John Horgan, a 43-year-old senior writer > with Scientific American magazine is one of them. His book The End > of Science caused a commotion among scientists for its essence > that " pure science, the quest for knowledge about what we are and > where we came from, has already entered an area of diminishing > returns. " > > For those who have depended on science to disprove the myths of the > scriptures it is time to turn back at these very early stages of > admission that science cannot enlighten anymore. It has reached its > natural limits. Now only the Spirit can take Homo sapiens beyond — > far, far beyond — the limitations of their minds. And it has begun > to do so! > > Humans have done enormous damage to Nature in this blind pursuit of > materialism. Science bears a disappropriately larger responsibility > in trying to establish the superiority and dominance of humans over > all Nature, and placed a premium on mastering matter. This scientific search began when Copernicus peered through his telescope > and found that the Earth was not the center of the universe, in stark contrast to the holy, perfect symmetry that the Church had, in its ignorance, infallibly asserted. Ever since then there has been a > relentless rape of the divine origin of creation and Western > civilization has been wandering in the maze of mathematics and > matter. > > The cold, calculating core of science (not scientists) lacks the > human qualities of love, compassion, tenderness, and emotion. > Science is all mental, mathematical, material, logic and > tangibility. Science cannot detect Spirit, vibrations, chakras, > consciousness, thoughtless awareness, the Kingdom of Sadashiva. All the laws of matter, physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics are > devoid of divinity and lead humankind further and further from the > Absolute Truth. For decades they have stripped away the masks of > this mysterious universe, expecting to find the mathematical mantra that would have etched their names in atheist eternity. Instead they have hit a colossal celestial Truth. Some of the greatest scientific > minds on Earth are now beginning to hint that the answer to the > origin of the universe will never ever be found or proven by their > grandest theories. They are also admitting that there has to be a > Creator! > The search for the origin of the universe has ended for science: the > Truth lies elsewhere. As more and more theories flounder and crash in their quest to prove an atheist origin, the Ultimate Truth of the Almighty Creator will slowly but surely be recognized by His atheist > adversaries. Even Stephen Hawkings, probably the most eminent > theoretical physicist in the world today, while recalling his > childhood fantasy on why the universe came into being, could only > say, " But I still do not understand why. " As long as he denies that > he lives in His creation there will be no answer. > > Humans have probed and peered far enough into the universe. For > millennia they have projected all their senses outwards and yet > found no answer to the fundamental mysteries of life. Isn't it time > to separate scientific facts from spiritual Reality, and try a new > approach by seeking from within? Simple logic and the law of > averages point to that direction. > > " Atoms are so small that the full-stop at the end of this sentence > contains more than one billion of them. Tiny as it is, an atom is > entirely made up of empty space. The rest consists of protons, > neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are found clustered > together in a minute, extremely dense nucleus at the very centre of the atom. Little bundles of energy called electrons whiz around this > nucleus at the speed of light. It is the presence of electrons that > make the atom behave like a solid, in the same way that a fan blade > spinning rapidly looks and behaves as if it were solid. " > > Dr. Trevor Day, Nicholas Harris, The Incredible Journey to the > Centre of the Atom, Orpheus Books Ltd., 1996. > > > " Most of the atomic mass is concentrated in a tiny nucleus, only a > thousand-billionth of a centimeter in size. The nucleus is > surrounded by a cloud of lighter particles — the electrons — > extending out to a distance of perhaps a hundred-millionth of a > centimeter. Thus, by far the greater part of the atom is empty > space. " > > Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physic, > Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 146.) > > > " The exponential factor implies that the odds against randomly- > generated order increase astronomically. For example, the > probability of a litre of air rushing spontaneously to one end of a > box is of the order 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeros to one! Such figures indicate the extreme care with which low-entropy states must > be selected from the vast array of possible states. > > Translated into a cosmological context, the conundrum is this. If > the universe is simply an accident, the odds against it containing > any appreciable order are ludicrously small. If the big bang was > just a random event, then the probability seems overwhelming that > the emerging cosmic material would be in thermodynamic equilibrium > at maximum entropy with zero order. As this was clearly not the case, it appears hard to escape the conclusion that the actual state > of the universe has been `chosen' or selected somehow from the huge > number of available states, all but an infinitesimal fraction of > which are totally disordered. And if such an exceedingly improbable > initial state was selected, there sure had to be a selector or > designer to `choose' it. " > > Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physic, > Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 167-68.) > > > " The accumulated gravity of the universe operates to restrain the expansion, causing it to decelerate with time. In the primeval phase the expansion was much faster than it is today. The universe is thus the product of a competition between the explosive vigour of the big > bang, and the force of gravity which tries to pull the pieces back > together again. In recent years, astrophysicists have come to > realize just how delicately this competition has been balanced. Had > the big bang been weaker, the cosmos would have fallen back on itself in a big crunch. On the other hand, had it been stronger, the > cosmic material would have dispersed so rapidly that galaxies would > not have formed. Either way, the observed structure of the universe > seems to depend very sensitively on the precise matching of > explosive vigour to gravitating power. > > Just how sensitively is revealed by calculation. At the so-called Planck time 10-43 seconds (which is the earliest moment at which the > concept of space and time has meaning) the matching was accurate to > a staggering one part in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, > 000,000,000,000,000,000. That is to say, had the explosion differed > in strength at the outset by only one part in 10 (-60) > (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000, 000, 000, > 000,000,000,000,000) the universe we now perceive would not exist. " > Professor Paul Davies, God and the New Physic, > Simon and Schuster, 1983, p. 179.) > > > " Adi > In the beginning, to be sure, nothing existed, neither the heaven > nor the earth nor space in between. > So Nonbeing, having decided to be, became spirit and said: " Let me > be!'' > He warmed himself further and from this heating was born fire. > He warmed himself still further and from this heating was born > light. TB II, 2, 9, 1-2 > > Numerous texts are to be found in the Vedic scriptures, of > extraordinary diversity and incomparable richness, which seek > unweariedly to penetrate the mystery of the beginnings and to > explain the immensity and the amazing harmony of the universe. We > find a proliferation of speculations, doubts, and descriptions, an > atmosphere charged with solemnity, a sense of life lived to the full — all of which spontaneously bring to mind the landscape of the > Himalayas. These texts seem to burst forth impetuously like streams > issuing from glaciers. Within this rushing torrent may be discerned > a certain life view, deep and basic, an evolving life view that can > yet be traced unbroken from the Rig Veda, through the Atharva Veda > and the Brahmanas, to the Upanishads. > > What is fascinating about the experience of the Vedic seers is not > only that they have dared to explore the outer space of being and > existence, piercing the outskirts of reality, exploring the boundaries of the universe, describing being and its universal laws, > but that they have also undertaken the risky and intriguing > adventure of going beyond and piercing the being barrier so as to > float in utter nothingness, so to speak, and discover that Nonbeing > is only the outer atmosphere of Being, its protective veil. They > plunge thus into a darkness enwrapped by darkness, into the Beyond > from which there is no return, into that Prelude of Existence in which there is neither Being nor Nonbeing, neither God nor Gods, nor > creature of any type; the traveler himself is volatilized, has > disappeared. Creation is the act by which God, or whatever name we > may choose to express the Ultimate, affirms himself not only vis-à- > vis the world, thus created, but also vis-à-vis himself, for he > certainly was neither creator before creation nor God for himself. > The Vedic seers make the staggering claim of entering into that > enclosure where God is not yet God, where God is thus unknown to > himself, and, not being creator, is " nothing. " " > > Professor Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience, > > > > " Mr. Horgan contends that science is a victim of its own success. > Astronomers have seen as much of the universe as they ever will. > Physicists have probed as deeply into the nature of matter as > practical experiments will allow. And biologists have been finished > since Darwin conceived of evolution in the 1850s . . . Mr. Horgan > says scientists are just fooling themselves . . . We'll never know > what existed before the universe began, what processes give rise to > consciousness, or what physical rules lie beyond the ones that are > currently understood, he argues. Those things simply lie beyond the > reach of scientific investigation, so any theorizing or speculating > about them is what he labels " ironic " science. " It's ironic in the > sense that real science can be taken as literally true, " Mr. Horgan > said. " They have gone beyond what science can do . . . It is > meaningless in human terms . . . It doesn't tell us about the > purpose of the universe and our place in it, and all those sorts of > things. " > > The Globe and Mail, August 13, 1996 > > > " In recent times there has been a proliferation of literature > drawing parallels between holonomis theories of light, quantum > physics, and the mystics' view of integral wholeness. As a culture > we have looked primarily to Western science to alleviate human suffering and to understand our purpose in the scheme of things. But > is science capable of freeing us from all suffering? Can science > guide us to a direct mystical experience through the bliss of > integrating with the One Light? Is there a parallel between modern physics and the yoga of sacred art regarding the nature of light and > consciousness? . . . > > The mechanistic parameters of Western science have permeated our > perceptions, our thinking, our emotions, and even our ways of > relating to one another. The result had been nothing less than a > total fragmentation of our collective consciousness. The scientific > worldview has led to the neglect of our intuitive spiritual > perceptions and the creative developments of our souls — which, > according to the sages of the East, are there to lead to greater > understanding and release us from ignorance, laws of duality, and > suffering. Because it is constrained within the laws of polarities, > science by itself cannot help us to achieve wholeness. As Yogananda > says: > > " The entire phenomenal world is under the inexorable sway of polarity; no law of physics, chemistry, or any other science is ever > found free from inherent opposite or contrasted principles. > > Physical science, then, cannot formulate laws outside of maya: the very fabric and structure of creation . . . Future scientists can do > no more than probe one aspect after another of her varied > infinitude. Science thus remains in a perpetual flux, unable to > reach finality . . . " " > > Judith Cornell, PH. D. Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing, > Theosophical Publishing, 1994 p. 27-29. > > > " We are all literally made up of stardust, " said astronomer George > Smoot of the University of California's Space Sciences Laboratory > and author of Wrinkles in Time. This much we know. But where that > first pinpoint of intense energy came from — what unleashed its force to explode outward over billions of light-years of space; what set that power loose to evolve over the billions of years since into > the intricately interconnected system of planets and stars; what > brilliant design could set forth the pattern of development that > could bring as complex a structure as humans into being — the scientists cannot explain or are uncomfortable explaining because it > requires them to suddenly trade their theories and facts for the > possibility that a supreme force beyond their explanations set it > all in motion for a purpose. > > " Facing this, the ultimate question challenges our faith in the > power of science to find explanations of nature, " Smoot wrote. " Is > this then where scientific explanation breaks down and God takes > over? " " > > Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon, > A Time Warner Company, 1997 p. 51-2. > > > " The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is > the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. > He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and > stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. > > To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifests > itself as the highest wisdom, and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in the most primitive form — this knowledge, this feeling, is at the centre of true religiousness. The > Cosmic religious experience is the strongest and oldest mainspring > of scientific research. > > My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable > superior spirit who reveals himself in the slightest details we are > able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply > emotional conviction of the presence of the superior reasoning > power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my > idea of God. > > Religion without science is blind and science without religion is > lame . . . The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can > experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all > true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no > longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as > the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull > faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms — this > knowledge, this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness. " > > Albert Einstein > > " We must first know what is Absolute Truth. We have human awareness. > We also have freedom to form our own mental ideas. But Truth cannot be known through human awareness . . . Any type of mental projection > or ideology ultimately will recoil back because it has to be > substantiated by Reality. " > > Shri Nirmama Devi > Moscow, Soviet Union — June 25, 1990 > Nirmama (164th): Without selfishness. > > > " What has gone wrong with the West is that they have never worried > about their Spirit. They have negated all that is Spirit, all that > is subtler life and have thought that it is better to master the matter, master all these things which they master . . . Whatever you > master is lower than you, is not higher than you . . . If you want to be higher then you have to be useful to that higher goal . . . we > should allow the Higher thing to rule us. > So in ancient times so many people, we can call as seers and saints, > went into the forest to find out what is the basis of human beings? > What is the meaning of human life? What is the ultimate goal of > human beings. And they found out that it is the Spirit. And they > based all the Indian laws and Indian philosophies, music, art, > dance, drama — every aspect of life — on the basis that we have to > become the Spirit. But when we have the western influence and > western education put on to us, everyone decided that give up > whatever was traditional, whatever was old, and take to this. " > > Shri Sanakadi-samaradhya Devi > Importance Of Self-Realization, Delhi, India — February 8, 1983 > Sanakadi-samaradhya (726th): Worshipped by sages like Sanaka. . . > She appears as Guru to the seekers because She is the source of all > Knowledge. > > > " The other type of people are who think no end of their > intelligence. They have denied God. They say, " Where is God? There is no God. We don't believe in God. This is all nonsense. Science is > everything. " What has science done so far, let's see that? Science has done nothing so far. It has only done all dead work. It has only > made you ego-oriented. " > > Shri Panca-tanmatra-sayaka Devi > Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India — September 28, 1979 > Panca-tanmatra-sayaka (11th): She has in the fourth hand an arrow symbolic of the sense elements. By shooting with the mind as bow the > arrow of the five sense elements, She creates the Universe, a > projection of the mind through the senses. > > > " There are three questions which science cannot answer — How are we here? what are we here for? and what are we going to do? These three > questions can be answered in Sahaja Yoga after Self-Realization . . > Science is not conclusive. It does not give you Absolute Truth. It > goes on changing from this to that . . . we don't know the Absolute > Truth. " > > Shri Manorupeksu-kodanda Devi > United Nations Public Program, New York, USA — September 9, 1992 Manorupeksu-kodanda (10th): In the left lower hand She has the sugar- cane bow which symbolises the Samkalpa (power of desire) of the mind > which creates the phenomenal Universe. > > > " The only thing we can enjoy is the Play of the Spirit . . . Till > the Knowledge of this Science does not come within us, the outside > science is absolutely useless because there is very little of science that can explain about the material things outside. There is > no comparison of this outside science — no collectivity, no > humanity, no love, no art, no poem, no respect. There is nothing > alive in it. It becomes like a machine. " > > Shri Sadasad-rupadharini Devi > Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India — February 23, 1990 > Sadasad-rupadharini (661st): She assumes the form of existence and > non-existence. She is the source of this universe of name and form > and the unseen cause behind it. `Satyam Canrtam Ca, Satyamabhavat' > (Taittiriya Upanishad) Both Reality and unreality emanated from the Ultimate reality. The power of illusion i.e. Maya-Saktii who creates > the illusion of the Universe. > > > " And He can do anything that He feels like and we are nothing. We > are nothing. There should be no rationality about it; about > understanding God's miracles. How can it be? How could it be? You > can't explain . . . we are limited people. We have limited powers. > We cannot understand how God could be All Powerful because we haven't got the capacity. So this God who is our Creator, who is our > Preserver, the One who desired that we should exist, who is our > existence itself, is All-Powerful God. " > > Shri Nijaruna-prabha-pura-majjad-brahmanda-mandala Devi > Mahashivaratri Puja, Pandarpur, India — February 29, 1984 > Nijaruna-prabha-pura-majjad-brahmanda-mandala (12th): Her red > brilliance engulfs all the Universes. It means all the created > Universe is only Her radiance. > > " Thus this mind is created like bubbles on the Ocean of Reality, but > that's not Reality. With this mind whatever we decide we know its very limited, illusive and sometimes shocking. The mind always moves > in a linear direction and because there is no Reality in it, it > recoils and boomerangs. Thus all the enterprises, all the > projections so far we have done it seems come back to us. Whatever > they discover comes back to us as a big destructive Power or a very > big shock. So one has to decide what to do, how to be out of this > trap of our mind — Kundalini is the solution . . . With the > awakening She takes you beyond your mind. " > > Shri Pada-dvaya-prabha-jala-parakrta-sororuha Devi > The Witnessing State: To Know God, Shivaratri Puja, Sydney, > Australia — March 3, 1996 > > > " It was such a solace and such a hope that people who apparently appear to be in the charge of helm-of-affairs, are also in charge of > the helm-of-affairs of God. A day will come when they will take up > their new roles, when they will become aware that it is God who > rules them. It is He who does it, it is He who has created > everything, and it is He who enjoys everything. > For this awareness . . . the seeking ultimately has to come to human > beings because all that is done through mental projections and conceptions has one good point — that it is always exposed and comes > to an end. Every set enterprise of human beings only moves in a > linear way and at a point it drops down. That is why all our > conceptions and all our ideas are challenged after some time. " > > Shri Ksetra-Svarupa Devi > Ksetra-Svarupa (341st): The highest consciousness to the grossest > matter and space consists of Ksetra. It is Her form. > > > > Nirmama (164th): Without selfishness. > > Sanakadi-samaradhya (726th): Worshipped by sages like Sanaka. . . > She appears as Guru to the seekers because She is the source of all > Knowledge. > > Panca-tanmatra-sayaka (11th): She has in the fourth hand an arrow symbolic of the sense elements. By shooting with the mind as bow the > arrow of the five sense elements, She creates the Universe, a > projection of the mind through the senses. > Manorupeksu-kodanda (10th): In the left lower hand She has the sugar- cane bow which symbolises the Samkalpa (power of desire) of the mind > which creates the phenomenal Universe. > > Sadasad-rupadharini (661st): She assumes the form of existence and > non-existence. She is the source of this universe of name and form > and the unseen cause behind it. `Satyam Canrtam Ca, Satyamabhavat' > (Taittiriya Upanishad) Both Reality and unreality emanated from the Ultimate reality. The power of illusion i.e. Maya-Saktii who creates > the illusion of the Universe. > > Nijaruna-prabha-pura-majjad-brahmanda-mandala (12th): Her red > brilliance engulfs all the Universes. It means all the created > Universe is only Her radiance. > > Ksetra-Svarupa (341st): The highest consciousness to the grossest > matter and space consists of Ksetra. It is Her form. > > > > , " jagbir singh " > <adishakti_org@> wrote: > > > > > > " The follower of Sakthism, the worshipper of Shakti, is called > > Shakta. His conception of the Goddess is described in the Shakti >Tantra Shastras, i.e., the holy scriptures of Sakthism, often in a > > very poetical way. Whereas we speak of Mother Nature only in a > > comparative manner, for the Shakta it is absolute reality. Nature > > is Her body. Her presence is personally felt by him, when he is standing on the fertile ground of the earth; he touches Her life in > > the blossoms of the pure lotus-flower. She animates all living > > creatures. His own body is a part of Her great body. Worshipping > > Her in all Her different forms, he will find Her light, too, > > within his mind and consciousness. Thus, to the Shakta the whole > > universe of mind and matter reveals itself in its unity; he see > > before him Her great body which he adores; Her sacred feet, Her > > heart, Her mind. > > It might be useful to describe this poetical view, which is at once > > physical and transcendental, by means of another diagram. We may > > for this purpose represent matter and mind by two circles , which > > intersect each other. > > > Where they intersect, there is Shakti, so to speak, in Herself. But > Her influence, Her being spreads into the whole realm of matter as > > well as that of mind. Nowhere is She absent, but Her presence is > less distinct, is somehow veiled in those parts, which are further > > from the centre, where She is in Herself. Thus, for the sake of >linear explanation, the mineral world--the solid matter--would have > > to be situated the furthest from Her, because there, as for > > instance in stone, she--Life Herself--is, much veiled, stone to >the ordinary human view appearing to be dead. Nearer to Her is the > > realm of plants, where, with their growing and blossoming, She > > already becomes more apparent. I need hardly remind you of the > > well-known researches by Sir Jagadish Bhose of the University of > Calcutta, who is endeavouring to make visible the actual heartbeat > > of plant life. Then, in due order with regard to Her would come > the world of animals, which being animated have within their life-- > > although perhaps still unconsciously--some access to Her. Lastly, > > within the highly developed organism of man She, for the first > > time, is inherent in her essential being. There She finds the > > possibility of being consciously awakened, so that she appears to > > him, who is looking and striving for her, in Her true nature as > > Shakti herself. The other side--the mind circle--comprises the > > mental faculties of man such as consciousness, will, feeling and > > logical perception, which, with regard to their aptitude for Her > > realisation, may be put in such order. The directions of >development therefore go in the matter-circle from left to right-- > > from stone, vegetable, animal to man, where Shakti will be > > realised; in the mind-circle, from right to left--from mere > > logical thinking to feeling, will-power, consciousness to man-- > > where Shakti may be realised. Thus, as you can see from this > diagram, everywhere there is Shakti. She is inherent in everything > > and at the same time transcends every thing; by meditation and > > religious ceremonies She may be realized everywhere, being > inherent in the whole physical universe as it is given to us. And, > moreover, above this we may touch Her in Her transcendental aspect > > as well. When She appears in Her true nature, then there is no > > more mind or matter, but only She Herself, in no sense bounded by > > such limitations. As such a one She may well be represented by a > > circle, the universe in its true aspect. > > > > To the European it may perhaps at first sight appear to be a mere > > poetical presentment and but little different from the theory of > > vitalism of modern natural science or from ancient animism in the > > religious aspect. But with regard to Vitalism, even if there be > > similarities the essential difference seems to me, that the > > Vitalism of the natural sciences is based principally upon the > conception of a material world which is regarded as being animated > > by, for instance, the " lan vitale " of Bergson. But Sakthism holds > > its standpoint entirely on the spiritual side. She, the great > > mother, exists, and what in the material world is vitalised or > > animated, certainly comes from Her, but is only a veiled > > appearance of Her, who in Her true being can be experienced > > spiritually. And Sakthism is also not animism, if by animism may > > be understood the primitive idea of everything being ghost-like, > > being animated by " Phi " or spirits, resulting in as many ghostly > > spirits as there are different things. Sakthism represents a > > spiritual unity, all different things being united within Her > > always-greater aspect. > > > > The principal doctrine of " Sakthism " , that the whole Universe of > mind and matter is created by Her, the Powerful Goddess Shakti, is > > described in full detail, with Indian accuracy in spiritual > > matters, in the Cosmogony of Sakthism. It must be understood that > every great Indian philosophical system has its own Cosmo-Genesis, > > that is, its special conception of the evolution of the world and > > its beginning. As a matter of fact, every conception of life and > > the Universe requires such a foundation to give it the necessary > > firm hold. For Sakthism this source, out of which the Universe as > > mind and matter has evolved, is the female spiritual Power, > > Shakti, who is the Great Mother of the Universe. In Her most > > concentrated form, when Her Power is just ready to expand, She is > > represented by a point called Bindu. This Bindu Point is mere > > Spirit. Everything manifested and created in this Universe has > > Spirit. Everything manifested and created in this Universe has > > Spirit as its source and essence. In the Christian Cosmo-Genesis > > of the Gospel of St. John it is called " logos " or " the word " . By > > expansion the Spiritual Power Shakti becomes, going through many > > different stages, Mind, Life, and Matter. She--the Goddess--is > > contained, in all the manifestations of the universe, but She > > remains, so to speak, unexhausted by being the material cause of > > the Universe. She in Her essence remains unaffected and greater > > than all the created world. > > > > In a diagrammatic way this cosmogenetic evolution can be > > represented like this. The active, most concentrated Point Bindu > > is red, the colour of activity. From this point the lines of > > evolution expand through the stages of mind and life towards > > matter, the mineral world. So the material world stands not first > > but last in the evolution of the Universe. > > > According to the general doctrine of Indian metaphysics, this whole > created universe is not everlasting but will one day be dissolved. > The life or appearance of the universe lasts, as it is figuratively > > expressed, one day of Brahma, the Almighty, that is, millions and > > millions of years. After that the whole expansion contracts again > > in the opposite direction; first, matter will be dissolved, then > > life and mind will disappear till it reaches the state of the > > beginning, the spiritual Point, Bindu, where it will find its > > rest; until the dawn of a new day of Brahma, when a new creation > > will start. This Bindu Point is the great Goddess, the universal > > mother--womb--yoni--the creator and receiver of the Universe, > > which, as Shakti, is worshipped by the followers of Sakthism. > > > > The Indian Religion of the Goddess Shakti > > DR. HANS KOESTER > > THE JOURNAL OF THE SIAM SOCIETY > > Vol.23, part 1 > > 1929 July > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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