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We need spiritual understanding and discernment...

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Dear Jagbir,


i would like to explore some spiritual subjects and make comments also. i have

re-edited my previous post as i felt i should make myself clearer with my

questions and comments in some cases. So, could you please answer to this post

rather than the one i have deleted. Thanks.





" The First Permission In The Sahasrara… "


You said:


" Kash's father knew that such an unprecedented opportunity for all humanity to

examine and validate the Truth of God almighty might not come again. In his mind

he was convinced that he had to perform his duty even if everybody — his

parents, friends, relatives, and fellow Sahaja Yogis — ridiculed, criticized, or

ostracized him. " Some have said that no answer can be found to the mystery, for

humans have created it and no suprahuman or supernatural answer exists. " This

centuries-old dilemma that had allowed religious regimes to conjecture

contradicting dogma could now be solved. " END QUOTE


(Jagbir, could you please clarify what unprecedented opportunity you are

referring to? Is this the opportunity to validate the Incarnation of Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi as the Adi Shakti/Holy Spirit/Ruh of Allah? Also... what is the

'mystery' you are referring to? What is the answer that has been revealed that

dispels this previous 'mystery' that faced all religious regimes?)


You said:


" Kash's father became resolute. He reiterated that he would announce this

Ultimate Reality, given the vast weight of unquestionable evidence, no matter

how ridiculous others thought of his claims. It was imperative that he did so

and allow the entire human race and history to judge him, and not a few

skeptical individuals. "


(What are the main details of this " Ultimate Reality " that you wanted to



You said:


" He knew that " there are more than half a billion New Age advocates on the

planet at this time, working among various religious groups, " waiting for the

first glimmer of Light that the dawning of the Age of Aquarius had predicted to

bring, where " no one is ruled or ruler, where no promise of Heaven offers us

false compensation for our present pain, but where we tend together the earth's

living, fruitful flesh. " These Revelations, precisely for these type of New Age

seekers who rejected the authoritarian, suppressive religious institutions,

would free humanity from their suffocating custody and allow every individual to

seek their spiritual union " with the Supreme Spirit within, transforming them in

the process into the new race destined to heal all nations. These Truths had to

be told no matter what the consequences. It was a moral duty that any

conscientious human would most willingly do. " END QUOTE


(It seems to me that the New Age seekers do reject any authoritarian,

suppressive religious institutions, regardless of what religious groups they are

involved in. This is an interesting description you give about the new race that

will heal all nations. Shri Mataji talked about it too. Can you (in your own

words) give us the vision that you have... that you briefly describe. Are you

talking about world transformation in all areas of human life such as religion,

politics, economics, law. Everything! Because we all know that there are great

problems in all these institutions now because of the greed and selfishness of

materialistically and egotistically-minded human beings. Shri Mataji spoke on

this subject many times. She even asked us, for example to have movements where

we bring about positive humanitarian change. This must be the way that life on

Earth will change. We have to 'enlighten' all facets... all human endeavours,

and humanity must become " collectively conscious " .)



You said:


" In the end, after weeks of disturbance in the family, there was a compromise.

The father agreed to maintain silence and let things take their course, as

required by his spouse, provided he be allowed to question Kash in detail and

record all of his mystical experiences. He would then wait for the appropriate

time to release them for the benefit of others. "


(i certainly can understand how much personal disturbance there must have been

for all family members, and i regret that. Some workable solution had to be

found, which only could be achieved through common sense and compromise. In

fact, the ability to compromise seeming 'contradictory elements' that surround

the spiritually discerning person... shows their ability, tests their ability.

These are spiritual qualities that are very important in doing any spiritual

work whatsoever. Nothing is ever as easy as 'black' and 'white'. Nothing is ever

simplistic when dealing with 'complicated human beings'. Especially when new

enlightenment comes. Shri Mataji often spoke about the difficulties She faced to

try and 'get through' to human beings. Love is the only answer, and the power of

Love melts the hardest hearts. i find it interesting also that on one hand you

you have been put into a place whereby you " have to " deal with the mystical, and

on the other hand you have been put in a place whereby " you have " to do the job

of what you describe as a " night-soil-carrier " .)



You said:


" On April 2, 1995, at 11:20 a.m. Kash was told to obtain permission from the

Great Universal Mother to reveal the Truth. He meditated and emerged through the

clouds into the Land of Eternal Life. The Primal Light shone ever so brightly

from above as the Holy Spirit of God sat in Bliss and Joy. After bowing down and

exchanging greetings, he asked the Great Mater Purissima (Purest Mother) if She

would grant permission. She gave Her blessings with a reminder that this

intuitive Knowledge was especially for Her devotees. "


(So... is this knowledge for " Her Devotees " outside as well as inside the

organisation of SY? Would you say that whether Her Devotees are inside or

outside the organisation of SY, that it would be those who devote themselves in

the following way?:


" You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja Yoga, but to me.

Sahaja Yoga is only one of my aspects. Leaving everything you have to dedicate.

Complete dedication - otherwise you cannot ascend any further. Without

questioning, without arguing. Complete dedication is the only way you can

achieve it. " )


(i always find interesting the words " Land of Eternal Life " . Is this a spiritual

state and place combined. Shri Jesus describes what i understand as not only a

'spiritual state' but also a 'spiritual place' and these seem to be combined as

One Thing... for example:


" In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have

told you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and

receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the

way where I am going. I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to

the Father, but through me. "

John 14:2-4; 6b)


(i also have a question about Kash and Lalita. Did they incarnate especially

just because of this Special Time, and would not have needed to do otherwise? Is

it possible that there are many such people in the world today, who are

spiritually liberated souls that have just come from this Special Time also?)


You said:


" It was at this point that the actual compilation of his spiritual journeys

began in earnest. Kash was questioned practically every day, sometimes

repeatedly, to clarify and confirm what he saw, heard, thought, spoke, smelled,

touched, and tasted. Often questions were asked suddenly when he least expected

just to get him off-guard to confirm consistency. All answers came with a calm

and nonchalant attitude, without contradiction. "


(i would have done the same. Such astounding mystical knowledge had to be

questioned and cross-examined for the benefit of humanity. However, it must have

been a bit 'tricky' at times to get this knowledge from them. Because in my

experience sometimes children just do not want to talk and will wonder why

adults need to know everything. Did you find this sometimes too? And yet again,

you may have had to 'straddle' these perhaps 'contradictory elements' yet again.

Life is never easy, but always a challenge. Kash, for example had obviously

incarnated to " give spiritual evidence " as a child. Spiritually liberated souls

do incarnate for special tasks... even as children.)


You said:


" However, the adverse reactions from almost all quarters regarding the

experiences of Kash experiences were disturbing. After a few months

of writing his father began deleting evidence of Kash and Lalita's

spiritual identities. To officially reveal to the Sahaja Yogis that

they were indeed angels would only make matters worse. "


(That was sad that SYs were so adverse against you, that you even had to delete

Kash and Lalita's spiritual identities as " angels " , however obviously things are

changing now, and you feel more free to express what needs to be told. The

spiritual eschatology needs to be known to be fulfilled. Shri Mataji told SYs

many times that all the deities/devas/ganas/angels had accompanied Her and were

here with Her, witnessing with great interest everything She was doing and also

protecting Her. She also told at Her Visit to Australia in 1994 (and not in 1993

as i mistakenly 'put' as the year of Her Visit) that " special personalities "

(which we now know are " angels " ) would be born in Montreal, Canada who would

" give evidence " (proof) of Her Incarnation.)


You said:


" This assertion would be regarded as blatant self-advertisement, a shameless bid

for grandiose fame. It would be better for everyone if such a preposterous claim

be withdrawn. Kash's spiritual abilities could be ascribed to him being just a

jivanmukti, a liberated soul. Lalita could be briefly mentioned as the

fulfillment of the Adi Shakti's promise to Kash that his wish for a sister would

come true. "


(It is difficult for people to understand spiritual things. However, things are

changing, due to the spiritual vibrations that have come on Earth. A

materially-minded-person cannot discern 'the spiritual'. They believe that even

'the spiritual manifestation' has to be for selfish purposes of

self-advertisement and fame. This is because that is how they themselves think

with their " own " materialistic and egotistical minds. One day they will also

become spiritually discerning, and they will also realise that truly spiritual

souls give and expect nothing in return. Their spiritual reward comes from

within themselves, and God gives and rewards abundantly with truth, joy and

sheer bliss that is beyond any 'worldly (mental) understanding'.)







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