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A Self Realization experience that is 100% verifiable.

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" A Self Realization experience that is 100% verifiable. "




M.M., Washington, 10/1/1994


" Well put. I have been practicing Sahaja Yoga for the last two years

and have most definitely gained knowledge through direct experience.

However, it is the only yoga I know that actually provides union

(yoga) with the Divine from the very first day. And via a Self

Realization experience that is 100% verifiable.


In years past, a true Master of Yoga (of which there have been very

few) would work on his disciple(s) chakras (energy centers) until they

were cleansed and balanced. He would then give him his Realization by

raising the Kundalini. The Kundalini is the residual life force left

over from our creation and resides in the sacrum bone which is located

at the base of the spine. This Kundalini energy is a reflection of the

Primordial Mother which is the Power of God that does all the living

work and creation. She is like your own individual Mother and when

awakened, will heal and enlighten your chakras, your brain and fully

awaken your spirit, which resides in the heart, and is a reflection of

God Almighty.


In Christianity, Kundalini is known as the Holy Ghost (yes, the

trinity is actually the Father, the Son and the Mother). The Father is

the source of all, but is the witness. The Mother is the creative

aspect of God, while the Son is the object of the creation. Hence we

are all children of God.


I realize I'm digressing from the point of this newsgroup, knowledge

through experience, but I would like to say just a couple of things

about Sahaja Yoga before I share my own experiences, which I'm sure

many of you will find hard to believe - and yet they happened!


First of all, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

has devised a method whereby seekers of truth can get their Self

Realization en masse, spontaneously; meaning you don't have to do

anything for it, e.g. penances, pay money, study scriptures to no end,

etc. I think the following quote of Shri Mataji sums it up best:


" You cannot understand the meaning of your life until you connect with

the power that created you. It's my job to help human beings make that

connection - then they will do the rest. "


And once you have established the Self Realization (a.k.a. second

birth, resurrection) through daily meditation and cleansing of the

chakras, you can give the Realization to others - like one candle

lighting another.


And now for my own experiences.


It all started by a very earnest prayer to God for a change in my

life. I had been seeking and studying religion, philosophy and

metaphysics, but nothing seemed to " stick " and really make a

noticeable change in lifestyle or behavior.


The very next day I saw a posting on the Internet that Shri Mataji was

coming to Seattle to talk about Self Realization and meditation. I

guess seeing this posting the very next day was the first of many

" coincidences " that I would experience over the next few months.


Shri Mataji gave Self Realization that night in a process that took

about 10 minutes. As usually only a few strands of the Kundalini

actually make it through all the (usually clogged) chakras, the

experience for most people is somewhat subtle or maybe even non-

existant. For those that do experience Kundalini awakening, you can

feel a cool breeze on top of the head just above the fontanale bone or

on the hands. Sometimes it is hot, especially if the chakras are

damaged. The chakras (means wheels in sanskrit) start to spin off

negativity once they have been pierced by the Kundalini. This feeling

of the cool breeze is what Christ meant when he said first you must be

born of the water (womb) and then of the wind (Self Realization).


In my case, I felt intermittent cool breeze and hot. Shri Mataji also

said our shoulders may hurt if we are feeling guilty (a catch of the

Vishudhi, or throat chakra). Well, as I left the hall, my shoulders

were really aching but the soreness left after about 20 minutes. This

is a typical clear out of the chakra.


I continued to meditate every day, twice a day for about 15-20 minutes

as recommended. However, I wasn't really sure if I was feeling

anything until about 4-5 weeks later. It is really difficult to

describe, but during the meditation that night, I felt like a tornado

of energy circulating on top of my head! I was overcome with a feeling

of joy, satisfaction and bliss like I never knew existed.


The seven chakras are also mapped via our hands, e.g. the five

fingers, palm and heel of the hand. Once you start the cleansing

techniques, the chakra " catches " manifest themselves as tingling on

the fingertips which are then decoded so you know which chakra needs

to be attended to. The causes of these catches as well as the

techniques for cleansing and clearing them are taught through the

Sahaja Yoga centers.


In the Koran, Mohammed Sahib said at the resurrection time (right now)

the lips will be sealed and the hands will speak. It is all built in.

We will judge ourselves. We will not go before God like a magistrate

and plead our case.


The beautiful thing about Sahaja Yoga is it happens spontaneously, it

is all built in each and every one of us, it costs absolutely nothing

to do it, and other than the initial Self Realization experience, you

are dependent on no one to ascend spiritually. However, I'd like to

add that as you become aware of being part of the collective

consciousness, you realize that the spiritual ascent is happening

collectively, you just aren't dependent on what human beings do

" externally " to yourself to achieve spiritual growth.


I've had some pretty amazing experiences on a physical level as well,

but they are a byproduct of being connected. The first " experiment " I

tried was when I had a sore throat. I circled the throat chakra seven

times and held my right had there, with my left hand towards Shri

Mataji's photograph. I felt a cool breeze on my left hand and heat

coming from my right. After about 5 or 10 minutes, my sore throat was

completely gone.


I've had a severe hay fever allergy, which I've had for 24 years clear

up instantaneously using Sahaj cleansing techniques. I've had two

sinus infections cleared using the cleansing techniques. In the past I

had only been able to get rid of sinus infections using antibiotics. I

must emphasize that Sahaja Yoga is not a health clinic, but your

health improves as a byproduct of meditation and cleansing.


On a mental level, I have a clarity of thinking like never before. My

performance at work is at another level. Sounds somewhat arrogant I

know, but I have received so much recognition from those I work with

it is almost embarrassing.


Emotionally, I am practically stress free. I feel a level of joy and

satisfaction like I never new existed. I am so very fortunate to have

a profound spiritual experience, everyday - twice! At least.


Once you start to bring down your ego and let go your conditionings,

you start to experience absolute Truth. It is our ego and our

conditionings that blind us from Truth. The ego and superego

(conditionings) are what medical science calls as the left and right

side of the brain. We bring down the ego by forgiving others absolutely.


When Christ said, through the narrow gate you must pass to enter the

kingdom of God, he was talking about the channel between our over-

inflated ego and superego. Christ is the deity that looks over the

agnya charka (at the optic chiasma) and by his dying on the cross for

our sins or karmas, he opened the cosmic agnya chakra, and he

collapses the ego and superego so the Kundalini passes up to and

beyond the sahasrara chakra (limbic nerve area of the brain) so we can

have our yoga with the Divine All Pervading Power.


While I have talked a little about Christ and Mohammed, the teachings

in Sahaja Yoga include and respect ALL the holy scriptures. Truth is

truth, nobody owns it, there is only one source of it (God), so why

fight over whose truth is best?


One important thing to note, and I cannot emphasize this enough:

Spiritual awakening and subsequent growth is NOT a mental process. I'm

not saying don't read and study scriptures, but you will never acheive

your intended purpose for being here at this auspicious time in human

evolution, which is quite simply to become The Spirit, by doing

anything on a physical or mental level. You can only perceive the

Spirit, your true eternal Self, in a state of thoughtless awareness

after the thoughts drop out and the physical sensory inputs are ignored. "


M.M., Washington, 10/1/1994




The Self-realization experience of the Ruach as evidence of

eschatological salvation


According to Aaron-Golan in The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, " The

coming eschatological salvation is envisaged in transcendent and

universal terms.... in the form of both bodily resurrection and of

spiritual immortality. "


In the Tanakh, the word ruach generally means wind, breath, mind,

spirit. In a living creature (nephesh chayah), the ruach is the

breath, whether of animals (Gen 7:15; Psa 104:25, 29) or mankind (Isa

42:5; Ezek 37:5). God is the creator of ruach: " The ruach of God (from

God) is in my nostrils " (Job 27:3). In God's hand is the ruach of all

mankind (Job 12:10; Isa 42:5). In mankind, ruach further denotes the

principle of life that possesses reason, will, and conscience. The

ruach imparts the divine image to man, and constitutes the animating

dynamic which results in man's nephesh as the subject of personal

life. When applied to God, the word Ruach indicates creative activity

(Gen 1:2) and active power (Isa 40:13). The Spirit of God also works

in providence (Job 33:4; Psa 104:30), in redemption (Ezek 11:19; Ezek

36:26-27), in upholding and guiding his chosen ones (Neh 9:20; Psa

143:10; Hag 2:5), and in the empowering of the Messiah (Isa 11:2; Isa

42:1; Isa 61:1).


<a href= " http://adishakti.org/images/vibrations_1.JPG " >


Please note that the person bending down to hand or talk with someone

has the cool breeze (Ruach) still suspended at its original position

i.e., when he was still standing straight. The rest is trailing off

their bodies as they move forward. All who are taking part in the Last

Judgment and Resurrection are being purified by this Ruach.


This Divine Wind (rûah) is proof that you are now taking part in the

Last Judgment and Resurrection, the promised eschatological salvation

which promises both bodily resurrection (kundalini awakening) and

spiritual immortality (moksa).


Now that time has come. The long-awaited eschatological coming of the

Messiah precedes the " Last Day, " before the " End " comes, prior to when

" God " decides. The Messiah has delivered the Good News of His Kingdom.

The Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection), the ultimate test

of validity and truth of organized religions, has been declared by the

Shakti. Those who believe and take part in the Great Event ordained

for all humanity are promised both bodily resurrection (kundalini

awakening) and spiritual immortality (moksa). They will feel the Cool

Breeze of the Spirit (Mother Kundalini) flowing out of the hands and

head (Brahmarandhra) upon Self-realization. This Ruach (Breath of God)

will be felt daily for the rest of your life, a constant reminder to

those taking part in the Great Event to act righteously and remain on

the Straight Path while on Earth. (Please check links below)



href= " http://adishakti.org/_/ruach_the_breath_of_god_experienced_daily_as_cool_b\

reeze_wind_by_sys_1.htm " >

Ruach, the breath of God experienced daily as cool breeze/wind 1


2. <a

href= " http://adishakti.org/_/ruach_the_breath_of_god_experienced_daily_as_cool_b\

reeze_wind_by_sys_2.htm " >

Ruach, the breath of God experienced daily as cool breeze/wind 2


3. <a

href= " http://adishakti.org/_/all-pervading_power_cool_breeze_divine_vibrations_g\

od's_breath_air_wind.htm " >

All-Pervading Power (cool breeze, divine vibrations, God's breath)


4. <a

href= " http://adishakti.org/_/divine_wind_(ruach)_flowing_out_of_those_born_of_th\

e_spirit_within.htm " >

Divine flowing out of those born of the Spirit within


5. <a

href= " http://www.europeanrealisationday.org/2006/experience-selfrealisation/ " >

European Realisation Day

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