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Shri Mataji agreed puja be held in Montreal where evidence of Her incarnation would be given

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, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:

> >

> > " However, the adverse reactions from almost all quarters

> > regarding the experiences of Kash experiences were disturbing.

> > After a few months of writing his father began deleting evidence

> > of Kash and Lalita's spiritual identities. To officially reveal

> > to the Sahaja Yogis that they were indeed angels would only make

> > matters worse. "

> >

> > (That was sad that SYs were so adverse against you, that you even

> > had to delete Kash and Lalita's spiritual identities as " angels " ,

> > however obviously things are changing now, and you feel more free

> > to express what needs to be told. The spiritual eschatology needs

> > to be known to be fulfilled. Shri Mataji told SYs many times that

> > all the deities/devas/ganas/angels had accompanied Her and were

> > here with Her, witnessing with great interest everything She was

> > doing and also protecting Her. She also told at Her Visit to

> > Australia in 1994 (and not in 1993 as i mistakenly 'put' as the

> > year of Her Visit) that " special personalities " (which we now

> > know are " angels " ) would be born in Montreal, Canada who

> > would " give evidence " (proof) of Her Incarnation.)

> >


> Yes, not only did Shri Mataji prevent me from deleting their true

> identities but more than a decade later this month made it known

> that She had already talked about them in 1994. Violet, your

> confirmation that Shri Mataji informed the SYs in Australia that

> special personalities from Montreal, Canada will give evidence of

> Her incarnation is a most crucial and empowering statement. It

> could not have come at a better time, confirming beyond any shadow

> of doubt that Shri Mataji is the cause of all that my children have

> witnessed and i have written over the years.


> So Shri Mataji did declare around the end of March 1994 that

> special personalities from Montreal, Canada will give evidence.

> That is the reason why a few weeks later the first and only

> national puja was held at Camp Interval in Quebec on June 24,

> 1994. At that time i was wondering why the tiny Montreal

> collective was given the honor of hosting the North American Guru

> Puja, and not Toronto or Vancouver or New York. So the existing

> 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's predictions about

> Montreal and must have requested a grand puja. In fact i heard the

> local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil telling SYs that

> Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga will spread. It

> all makes sense now Violet.


> This was our first puja and most memorable. Of all the spiritual

> knowledge revealed to the children, perhaps the most priceless of

> all is the one posed by Kash to the Great Adi Shakti on June 23,

> 1994, the eve of the Guru Puja. On that day Kash meditated and

> confirmed that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's original name was Shri

> Lalita Devi! :


> Kash: " Shri Mataji, what was Your original name? "


> Shri Mataji: " Shri Lalita Devi. "


> Shri Lalita Devi

> Camp Interval, Quebec, Canada — July 23, 1994


> It is for this reason that the 1,000 esoteric names throughout Shri

> Adi Shakti: The Kingdom of God are taken from the Shri Lalita

> Sahasranama and attributed to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the

> incarnation of Shri Lalita Devi, the Great Goddess.



, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> i refer to your words:


> " So the existing 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's

> predictions about Montreal and must have requested a grand puja.

> In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil

> telling SYs that Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga

> will spread. It all makes sense now Violet. " (END QUOTE)


> Jagbir, your remarks are most prescient: " Why indeed???... would

> there be a North American Puja in Montreal... when it could have

> been in Vancouver, Toronto, or New York! i decided to recall that

> day in 1994 once again in order to ascertain if Shri Mataji had

> mentioned anything about a puja in Montreal:


> So... just to summarize... Shri Mataji had revealed that " special

> personalities " would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation and that

> these personalities would come from Montreal, Canada. i remember

> us all being " stunned into complete Silence " at hearing Shri

> Mataji's Revelations. We had never heard anything like this

> before! However... Shri Mataji, True to Her Self... was as calm

> and unperturbed as ever, as if there was nothing unusual about Her

> Revelation.


> i noticed however, somewhat of a flurry of quiet conversation

> among a few SYs and leadership. Then the SY leader responded to

> Shri Mataji's Revelations. He requested of Shri Mataji on behalf

> of all Sahaja Yogis... to have the North American Puja in

> Montreal, Canada... since this was to be the place where Sahaja

> Yoga would be given Evidence of Her Incarnation, which in turn...

> would spread Sahaja Yoga around the world. Shri Mataji happily

> gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place

> in Montreal.


> So... Jagbir, you are absolutely right when you say that a special

> puja must have been requested inspite of the fact that SYs did not

> know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know the

> " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> However, they had been informed that these " special personalities "

> would come from " Montreal, Canada! "


> And like you also say, Jagbir... it " was unprecedented " to have a

> North American Puja in Montreal, Canada. Normally, these would be

> in the large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or New York.

> Therefore we can take great comfort from the fact that the reason

> the North American Puja was held in Montreal, Canada... was

> because of Shri Mataji's Revelations of what was to come out of

> Montreal... that would give a great blessing to the world!


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> violet




Dear Violet,


So it is indeed true that that a special puja was requested for

Montreal, Canada in 1994. This was done inspite of the fact that SYs

did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know

the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

Except for Shri Mataji neither did myself nor anyone else knew what

was actually taking place at that early stage in March 1994. So

there was actually no awareness that the mystical nature of the

evidence that would be forthcoming from special personalities would

provide evidence of Her incarnation. And Lalita, yet to be born on

Easter in April, plays a pivital role in the revelations.


So i have to talk about Lalita to underpin one of the reasons why

i am so driven to summon great ancient souls to stand up and battle

for the victory of the Divine Mother. Deep in my heart i know she is

the one whose birth is most significant even though Kash was the

first to meet the Adi Shakti within and provided the bulk of the

evidence. i have always felt that it is Lalita who will one day rise

to the challenge and perform her sacred duty to spread the Divine

Message of the Adi Shakti. (Kash has already asked and been granted

permission by Shri Mataji to be relieved as he is not ready for such

a task, and wants to lead a normal life for the time being.) Among

reasons Lalita's birth is special is the fact that Shri Mataji, just

after confirming that special personalities will give evidence of

Her incarnation, held the Easter Puja in Sydney, Australia on April

3, 1994 i.e., the day Lalita was born.


And even before birth Lalita had started giving irrefutable evidence

that Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the Divine Mother. i refer to

the original notes written in the third person to prove that it was

just the beginiing, and that it would take years to complete

the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

(The recent revelations by Arwinder about his experiences of being

the Spirit has cast some doubts if Her revelations are complete.)


So here are the notes made in 1994:


Your Wish Will Come True


Kash's mother had for years yearned for a daughter as she already

had two sons. Kash had heard her on many occasions telling her

spouse, sisters, and close friends that she would be the happiest

woman is ever blessed with a daughter. The prediction of a Chinese

fortune-teller that she would be extremely lucky if ever a girl was

born only intensified this desire. (Mrs. Ann, Kash's neighbor in

SS3/28, P.J., Malaysia, had taken his mother to see this fortune-

teller who, reading the extreme necessity of having a girl in the

family, even suggested that they should try to adopt one, preferably

of another race.)


She then had Arwinder, another son from her third pregnancy in

Canada. Another pregnancy four years later did not brighten hopes

and there was resignation to the fact that fate would not favor her.

One day Kash, seeing the plight and deep genuine desire of his

mother, decided to secretly seek the help of the Great Divine Mother

without his parent's knowledge. He meditated and emerged through the

clouds into the Kingdom of Sadashiva within. The Primal Light shone

ever so brightly from behind the Supreme Throne of the Great

Celestial Mother as the Ruh of Allah sat in Bliss and Joy.


After bowing down and exchanging greetings he asked if Shri Maha

Avatar Shri Nirmala Devi could grant his mother a daughter as she

had been waiting for years for this dream to come true. Shri Satya-

Sandha Devi smiled and told him that his wish will be fulfilled.

(Satya-Sandha (693rd): The abode of Truth or one who never belies

Her word.)


On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks. She

then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

Kingdom Of God, an awesome reminder by the Great Adi Shakti to all

humanity that " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened from the

very day of My birth. " (Sivankari (408th): Harbinger of good



Note: Although Dr. Parvin had determined that Kash's mother would

deliver on March 23, 1994, it was hoped that it would be on March

21, the spring equinox and Shri Mataji's birth date. There were

numerous false calls but that day passed uneventfully. These calls

continued till April 2, 1994. On that day Kash's mother delivered at

the Lakeshore General Hospital, Montreal, Canada. It was a baby

girl! The prophecy of the Great Adi Shakti that Kash's mother would

be granted a daughter had come true precisely at 11:44 p.m. This

birth falls within Easter Sunday for in 16 minutes the clocks had to

be adjusted an hour ahead, being the first Sunday of April. The

Great Holy Spirit not only granted Kash his wish but also made sure

his sister would be born on a very auspicious day and hour. Neither

he nor his father were aware at that time that the Divine Drizzle of

the Great Adi Shakti was about to turn into a massive downpour, and

deluge them with the Rains of Revelation!


" Diwali ... that is the time when Christ was born. ... at 12 o'clock

in the night. "


Shri Virad-Rupa Devi

The Mahalakshmi Power, Hampstead, U.K. — November 9, 1980


" Shri Krishna was born in the night about 12 o'clock. Nanaka was

born 12 o'clock in the night. All the Gurus mostly took their birth

at 12 o'clock in the night. "


Shri Mandara-Kusuma-Priya Devi

Self-Mastery, Guru Nanak Puja, London, U.K. — November 1, 1982



Kashwinder was born at the Sentosa Clinic, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on

October 19, 1980, the day the new moon was sighted to confirm Id al-

Ahda for all Muslims. This day is known as Hari Raya Haji (Malaysian

Muslim term for Id Al-Adha.) Id al-Adha is the most holiest day in

Islam calendar. This day is specially remembered as a Muslim

colleague, Ahmad bin Seliddin, working at Tengku Abdul Rahman

College, Setapak, informed the father over the walkie-talkie that he

had received a call from the Sentosa Clinic confirming that his wife

had delivered a baby boy. This co-worker then added these words,

" You are a blessed soul. Your son has been born on a very auspicious

day. " At that time the first-time father had not even the slightest

awareness of the Divine Drama of the Great Adi Shakti, priceless

boons bestowed by Her on him for having defended Dharma time and

again, life after life, age after age.



" Papa, Mother Said . . . "


(On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks. She

then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

Kingdom Of God)


Kash came back and broke the news to his father. The very moment he

said these words, " Papa, Mother said that my sister is an angel ..., "

his father instantly and unconsciously gripped the heart with his

right hand and wept uncontrollably. There was no stopping him as the

colossal Truth hit him like a mighty mantra. Again and again this

Truth kept reverberating from the center of his heart, and its

Cosmic Waves resonated through the entire universe within him!


In this life She had armed him with the greatest weapon in the

Cosmos — Truth! It was time to blow the conch and summon all

righteous beings to Her Lotus Feet. Each and every one of them is

absolutely assured of Her blessings, protection and liberation.

Forever She will rescue and save them, unconditionally, in any age

or universe. Forever they will be ascending up the Great Spiritual

Spiral of Life, and forever descend, if they so desire, to defend

worlds on the verge of spiritual annihilation. Eternal Life is an

endless adventure for liberated souls. This all seekers of Truth

must know!


Nevertheless, why did he cry so profusely on such a divine blessing?


On December 17, 1997, at 10.24 a.m., more than 3 ½ years later,

Kash's father found the reason why he had clutched his heart and

wept so uncontrollably. He had to again control himself from

bursting forth again.


I will give you the Word all the scriptures glorify, all spiritual

disciplines express,

To attain which aspirants lead a life of sense-restraint and self-


It is OM. This symbol of the Godhead is the highest.

Realizing it one finds complete fulfillment of all one's longings.

It is of the greatest support to all seekers.

Those in whose heart OM reverberates unceasingly, are indeed blessed

and deeply loved as one who is the Self


Katha Upanishad Part 1, 2:15-17, p. 86.



Shri Bhavani Will Name Her


Later Kash explained that the Great Cosmic Mother had also told him

that his newborn sister was very pure and innocent. His father

decided that it was only proper to ask the Great Adi Shakti to name

her. He drew out a list of seven names for Her selection in deep

appreciation and gratitude for Her priceless boon. Kash took the

piece of paper and went into meditation.


The Kundalini of the Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) engulfed his body and

took him to the Mansion of God within — this was the Supreme Truth

that Guru Nanak had preached to the ignorant Hindus and Muslims in

India five hundred years ago. The Clear White Light shone ever so

brilliantly from above the Golden Throne as Shri Yogada Shri Devi

sat in Bliss and Joy. The priceless preaching of Shri Jesus' rebirth

by water (Kundalini) and spirit (Holy Spirit within) had become a

stunning Reality. Kash was inside the Kingdom OF God.


Kash bowed deeply to the Great Sancta Dei Genitrix (Holy Mother of

God) and exchanged greetings. He then asked if She would do the

honor of choosing the name of his sister, and unfolded the piece of

paper to show Her. She smiled in agreement to this simple request

and asked him to read the names. When it came to " Shri " Shri Mataji

said: " That's nice. " However, when he mentioned " Lalita " Shri Para

Devi said: " That's a better name. " The Holy Spirit of God then

requested Kash to meditate. Both raised their Kundalinis three times

in succession, did the bhandan, and instantly attained Nirvana.


When it was over Kash bowed again to Her and asked permission to

return. He then closed his spiritual eyes and descended back to this

violent world of Cali cartels and Mafia mobs.


He explained to his father what the Ancient Spiritual Mother had

told him. Kash's sister was thus named Lalita Kaur.


The grandparents and other family members in Malaysia immediately

reacted to the choice. It was a Hindu name! Calls were received

from Malaysia expressing displeasure and disapproval. The most

outspoken was Madame Jeswant Kaur who minced no words when she

poured her feelings to Lalita's mother (her daughter). None could

understand why, after so many years of yearning for a daughter, the

name Lalita was chosen — a sort of anti-Hindu anticlimax. They were

not told the reason behind this selection for the Truth would not

have been believed. Only Dr. Balwinder was told about what was going

on and he accepted the explanation.



The Divine Unity Acknowledge


Lalita's father bought a great quantity of barfi (Indian milk

candies) and told his son to distribute it among the Universal

Beings. Kash meditated and took the offerings along. He met Shri

Yajna-priya Devi and told Her of his intention. The Great Primordial

Goddess gladly agreed to help him distribute the milk candies. Both

picked up the boxes of candies and Shri Mataji levitated Kash a few

inches. They then traveled across the vast endless clouds to see the

Ancient Beings one by one as they sat in meditation.


Kash bowed before each Immortal Being with folded hands in Namaskar,

thanking them for bestowing the gift of Lalita on his family. Upon

hearing the name " Lalita " they opened their eyes, bowed back and

conveyed their congratulations in Sanskrit, their felicitations

translated into English by Shri Mataji.


Kash had been visiting these Divine Beings for about six months and

had never seen them opening their eyes while in meditation. Normally

they would listen, answer, bow back, and continue meditating but on

this very special occasion they responded to the birth of Lalita by

coming out of meditation to convey their congratulations.


A box of ladoos, a type of sweetmeat for special joyous occasions,

were exclusively bought for Shri Ganesha. Kash gave his respects and

greetings to the Son of Shri Gauri and presented Him with the

ladoos. The Joy of Shri Ganesha was overflowing, and He responded by

giving Kash a dazzling smile for bringing His favorite candy.


Note: On April 14, 1994, Kash again went into Sahaj Samadhi and took

the Shahi Nadi (Royal Vein.) He pierced the clouds of the Land of Al

Nur and attained the Wahad-ul-Wajud that the Sufis strive for.


After bowing down and exchanging greetings with Shri Adhiparasakthi

Shri Nirmala Devi he asked Her to take him to see Shri Krishna. They

traveled by levitation and met the Blue Lord. Kash bowed down to Him

and conveyed his regards. Shri Krishna bowed back and returned the

greetings. Kash then had a small conversation with Him as Shri

Mataji translated Sanskrit into English and vice versa. The topic of

discussion was again Lalita, and Kash told the Lord of Vaikunta that

his family would never forget His gift of Lalita to his mother. Shri

Krishna congratulated him and said, " You are welcome. " All three of

them then meditated. Before leaving, he again bowed down to Shri

Krishna and left with Shri Mataji. (End)



In 1994 this was without question Shri Mataji's commencement of the

Truth that would confirm Her Incarnation. That is why She happily

gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place in

Montreal, a puja that was just as awesome in detail and splendor.

Maybe the time has come to collectively enjoy the mystical nature of

the evidence and openly spread the glory of Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi, sakshat the incarnation of the Divine Mother ..... the great

Shri Lalita Devi! After all, it is the Divine Feminine who said that

She manifested it specifically for Her devotees. My job is only to

make sure the truth is narrated without fear or favor ...... or edit!



Jai Ganapathi,



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, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


Dear Jagbir,


i would like to respond to all that you have said, so i will just quote you and

respond to that:


> So it is indeed true that that a special puja was requested for

> Montreal, Canada in 1994. This was done inspite of the fact that SYs

> did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know

> the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> Except for Shri Mataji neither did myself nor anyone else knew what

> was actually taking place at that early stage in March 1994. So

> there was actually no awareness that the mystical nature of the

> evidence that would be forthcoming from special personalities would

> provide evidence of Her incarnation. And Lalita, yet to be born on

> Easter in April, plays a pivital role in the revelations.


(Jagbir, when Shri Mataji gave Her Revelations about special personalities who

would give evidence of Her Incarnation from Montreal, Canada... there had to be

" some response " to that. It could not be ignored or left up in the air. It had

to be acknowledged in some way... even though SM said SYs didn't have to do

anything about that at that time but would hear about these 'personalities' at a

later date. From what i can recall, it was quite an 'emotional thing' for SYs to

hear such an announcement/revelation from Shri Mataji. She had never (to my

knowledge) ever made such a stupendous announcement/revelation before! i don't

believe anyone was expecting such 'miracles'... if you know what i mean. i

believe everyone thought that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is here; that is all we



(In fact... now that we are on that subject: Why do we need someone else... like

Lalita? (i think this is an important point to understand. Why did Shri Mataji

need someone else to confirm evidence of Her Incarnation? Couldn't She have done

it Herself? Be Her Own Evidence? Or is it to do with the 'eschatology' having to

be fulfilled? Or is it to do with the fact that not only self-realised souls,

but also ancient liberated souls all have to help out with this Divine Message

of Shri Mataji's of the Last Judgment and Resurrection?)


Therefore, what She said that day somehow 'struck very deep into the heart'...

(well for me, anyway.) However, i imagine the 'SY leadership' must have felt

that way too and therefore responded in such a spontaneous heartwarming way to

what SM had revealed to us all. As there was already a North American Guru Puja

going to be happening... the most natural response was to request that the Guru

Puja be held in Montreal, Canada. From what i recall, it was said that we did

not yet know who these 'personalities' were, but that we wanted this puja to be

there in order to bring good vibrations to the place where this evidence of the

Incarnation of Shri Mataji would be forthcoming. From what i can recall, the SY

leadership also assured SM that they would " smooth things over " with the North

Americans as regards to the venue change for the Guru Puja of 1994. People do

not generally like puja venue changes, and i doubt that this had ever happened

previously with such short notice.)


> So i have to talk about Lalita to underpin one of the reasons why

> i am so driven to summon great ancient souls to stand up and battle

> for the victory of the Divine Mother. Deep in my heart i know she is

> the one whose birth is most significant even though Kash was the

> first to meet the Adi Shakti within and provided the bulk of the

> evidence. i have always felt that it is Lalita who will one day rise

> to the challenge and perform her sacred duty to spread the Divine

> Message of the Adi Shakti. (Kash has already asked and been granted

> permission by Shri Mataji to be relieved as he is not ready for such

> a task, and wants to lead a normal life for the time being.) Among

> reasons Lalita's birth is special is the fact that Shri Mataji, just

> after confirming that special personalities will give evidence of

> Her incarnation, held the Easter Puja in Sydney, Australia on April

> 3, 1994 i.e., the day Lalita was born.


(Yes... you do have to talk about Lalita in order to underpin the facts

concerning her birth. The facts are that Shri Mataji told Sahaja Yogis at Sydney

Airport in 1994 that Lalita is a special personality, and Shri Mataji has also

revealed to you that Lalita is an angel. You have also explained that by " angel "

is meant an " ancient liberated soul " . Now you feel that it will be mainly Lalita

who will one day rise to the challenge and perform her sacred duty to spread the

Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. The thing is... as Lalita can talk about the

Sahasrara (the Kingdom of Heaven within)... she is therefore eminently

suitable/qualified to do this task. And of course... there is the fact that she

was obviously chosen to do it. Then the fact that she was born on Easter (a holy

day). Then the fact that she has already " given evidence " about Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi. Not many SYs have those qualifications for the job... i would say!


Then as you say also... that Kash wants to lead a 'normal life' for the 'time

being' and he has gained permission from Shri Mataji to be relieved of this task

for now. So... all things taken into consideration, i believe you are right in

what you feel that Lalita will be the one who will rise to the challenge of

spreading the Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. i remember when Lalita wrote on

the forum that one post... that she was very articulate, intelligent, and

warm-hearted in what she wrote... and for a child, her insight was amazing! i

sense some amazing things coming forth from Lalita. Of course, Shri Mataji

revealed that anyway. She said that Lalita (we now have a name... folks... which

we did not have in 1994!) would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation. That is such

wonderful news! And it is a wonderful thing altogether. i don't care how many

skeptics there might be; i know this in my heart about Lalita too.)


> And even before birth Lalita had started giving irrefutable evidence

> that Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the Divine Mother. i refer to

> the original notes written in the third person to prove that it was

> just the beginiing, and that it would take years to complete

> the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> (The recent revelations by Arwinder about his experiences of being

> the Spirit has cast some doubts if Her revelations are complete.)


> So here are the notes made in 1994:


> Your Wish Will Come True


> Kash's mother had for years yearned for a daughter as she already

> had two sons. Kash had heard her on many occasions telling her

> spouse, sisters, and close friends that she would be the happiest

> woman is ever blessed with a daughter. The prediction of a Chinese

> fortune-teller that she would be extremely lucky if ever a girl was

> born only intensified this desire. (Mrs. Ann, Kash's neighbor in

> SS3/28, P.J., Malaysia, had taken his mother to see this fortune-

> teller who, reading the extreme necessity of having a girl in the

> family, even suggested that they should try to adopt one, preferably

> of another race.)


> She then had Arwinder, another son from her third pregnancy in

> Canada. Another pregnancy four years later did not brighten hopes

> and there was resignation to the fact that fate would not favor her.

> One day Kash, seeing the plight and deep genuine desire of his

> mother, decided to secretly seek the help of the Great Divine Mother

> without his parent's knowledge. He meditated and emerged through the

> clouds into the Kingdom of Sadashiva within. The Primal Light shone

> ever so brightly from behind the Supreme Throne of the Great

> Celestial Mother as the Ruh of Allah sat in Bliss and Joy.


> After bowing down and exchanging greetings he asked if Shri Maha

> Avatar Shri Nirmala Devi could grant his mother a daughter as she

> had been waiting for years for this dream to come true. Shri Satya-

> Sandha Devi smiled and told him that his wish will be fulfilled.

> (Satya-Sandha (693rd): The abode of Truth or one who never belies

> Her word.)


> On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

> went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks. She

> then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

> Kingdom Of God, an awesome reminder by the Great Adi Shakti to all

> humanity that " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened from the

> very day of My birth. " (Sivankari (408th): Harbinger of good

> auspices.)


(Jagbir... in reference to the words: " She then revealed to him the identity of

his celestial sister in the Kingdom of God " . Did She reveal She was just an

" angel " or did She reveal the " actual identity " ? Who is being referred to in the

words: " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened from the very day of My birth " ?

i am not quite clear on this point. Could you possibly make this more clear to

me, Jagbir? You must be leading up to something. Surely, we must know the

identity of Lalita in the Kingdom of God. Is your daughter Lalita the same

" Lalita " , because that would be wonderful news if she was. And yet... i thought

you said you did not know her identity. i guess i am a 'bit confused' here.

Maybe... you can help me out.)


> Note: Although Dr. Parvin had determined that Kash's mother would

> deliver on March 23, 1994, it was hoped that it would be on March

> 21, the spring equinox and Shri Mataji's birth date. There were

> numerous false calls but that day passed uneventfully. These calls

> continued till April 2, 1994. On that day Kash's mother delivered at

> the Lakeshore General Hospital, Montreal, Canada. It was a baby

> girl! The prophecy of the Great Adi Shakti that Kash's mother would

> be granted a daughter had come true precisely at 11:44 p.m. This

> birth falls within Easter Sunday for in 16 minutes the clocks had to

> be adjusted an hour ahead, being the first Sunday of April. The

> Great Holy Spirit not only granted Kash his wish but also made sure

> his sister would be born on a very auspicious day and hour. Neither

> he nor his father were aware at that time that the Divine Drizzle of

> the Great Adi Shakti was about to turn into a massive downpour, and

> deluge them with the Rains of Revelation!


(Jagbir, i would just like to say here that the timing is incredible. Obviously

Lalita must be an incarnation of someone special to be born at a time 'when

special incarnations get born'. Remember when i said that Shri Mataji said that

they will be " special personalities " ... that the 'thought' also crossed my mind

that they could be 'special incarnations'... therefore? i did not know whether

this would be so or not when Shri Mataji referred to them as " special

personalities " at Sydney Airport in 1994. Shri Mataji did not tell us except to

call them " special personalities " . However... what can special personalities be?

Surely ancient liberated souls that get born on Holy Days... (well... not all

ancient liberated souls get born on Holy Days... if you get my meaning)... but

surely some ancient liberated souls that get born on Holy Days are " special

incarnations " . i don't know Lalita's identity in the Kingdom of God, but when i

first became aware of her, i felt a lot of joy in the area of my Lalita Chakra,

which is the chakra (energy centre) located on the left side between the heart

and vishuddhi chakras. i felt so much joy i could not comprehend. Could Lalita

and the 'Lalita Chakra' be related somehow? i know that Shri Mataji said not to

worry about the Lalita Chakra (left) or the Shri Chakra (right) because we were

'not there' yet... or something like that. Maybe... i am on the wrong track

though, but you seem to be giving a lot of hints, or am i misreading you?


Oh yes... just to get back to the timing of the birth. Well, if Lalita had been

born at 12:00 midnight, then she would have been born at 11pm because at

midnight the time reverted to 11:00pm due to the 'time change'. The fact that

she was therefore born 16 minutes before midnight 'made sure' that she was

actually born on the Christian Holy Day of Easter... it still only being 16

minutes to 12 midnight before the time reverted to 11:00pm exactly at midnight.

That is incredible!)


> " Diwali ... that is the time when Christ was born. ... at 12 o'clock

> in the night. "


> Shri Virad-Rupa Devi

> The Mahalakshmi Power, Hampstead, U.K. — November 9, 1980


> " Shri Krishna was born in the night about 12 o'clock. Nanaka was

> born 12 o'clock in the night. All the Gurus mostly took their birth

> at 12 o'clock in the night. "


> Shri Mandara-Kusuma-Priya Devi

> Self-Mastery, Guru Nanak Puja, London, U.K. — November 1, 1982



> Kashwinder was born at the Sentosa Clinic, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on

> October 19, 1980, the day the new moon was sighted to confirm Id al-

> Ahda for all Muslims. This day is known as Hari Raya Haji (Malaysian

> Muslim term for Id Al-Adha.) Id al-Adha is the most holiest day in

> Islam calendar. This day is specially remembered as a Muslim

> colleague, Ahmad bin Seliddin, working at Tengku Abdul Rahman

> College, Setapak, informed the father over the walkie-talkie that he

> had received a call from the Sentosa Clinic confirming that his wife

> had delivered a baby boy. This co-worker then added these words,

> " You are a blessed soul. Your son has been born on a very auspicious

> day. " At that time the first-time father had not even the slightest

> awareness of the Divine Drama of the Great Adi Shakti, priceless

> boons bestowed by Her on him for having defended Dharma time and

> again, life after life, age after age.



> " Papa, Mother Said . . . "


> (On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

> went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks. She

> then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

> Kingdom Of God)


> Kash came back and broke the news to his father. The very moment he

> said these words, " Papa, Mother said that my sister is an angel

..., "

> his father instantly and unconsciously gripped the heart with his

> right hand and wept uncontrollably. There was no stopping him as the

> colossal Truth hit him like a mighty mantra. Again and again this

> Truth kept reverberating from the center of his heart, and its

> Cosmic Waves resonated through the entire universe within him!


> In this life She had armed him with the greatest weapon in the

> Cosmos — Truth! It was time to blow the conch and summon all

> righteous beings to Her Lotus Feet. Each and every one of them is

> absolutely assured of Her blessings, protection and liberation.

> Forever She will rescue and save them, unconditionally, in any age

> or universe. Forever they will be ascending up the Great Spiritual

> Spiral of Life, and forever descend, if they so desire, to defend

> worlds on the verge of spiritual annihilation. Eternal Life is an

> endless adventure for liberated souls. This all seekers of Truth

> must know!


> Nevertheless, why did he cry so profusely on such a divine blessing?


> On December 17, 1997, at 10.24 a.m., more than 3 ½ years later,

> Kash's father found the reason why he had clutched his heart and

> wept so uncontrollably. He had to again control himself from

> bursting forth again.


> I will give you the Word all the scriptures glorify, all spiritual

> disciplines express,

> To attain which aspirants lead a life of sense-restraint and self-

> naughting.

> It is OM. This symbol of the Godhead is the highest.

> Realizing it one finds complete fulfillment of all one's longings.

> It is of the greatest support to all seekers.

> Those in whose heart OM reverberates unceasingly, are indeed blessed

> and deeply loved as one who is the Self


> Katha Upanishad Part 1, 2:15-17, p. 86.



> Shri Bhavani Will Name Her


> Later Kash explained that the Great Cosmic Mother had also told him

> that his newborn sister was very pure and innocent. His father

> decided that it was only proper to ask the Great Adi Shakti to name

> her. He drew out a list of seven names for Her selection in deep

> appreciation and gratitude for Her priceless boon. Kash took the

> piece of paper and went into meditation.


> The Kundalini of the Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) engulfed his body and

> took him to the Mansion of God within — this was the Supreme Truth

> that Guru Nanak had preached to the ignorant Hindus and Muslims in

> India five hundred years ago. The Clear White Light shone ever so

> brilliantly from above the Golden Throne as Shri Yogada Shri Devi

> sat in Bliss and Joy. The priceless preaching of Shri Jesus' rebirth

> by water (Kundalini) and spirit (Holy Spirit within) had become a

> stunning Reality. Kash was inside the Kingdom OF God.


> Kash bowed deeply to the Great Sancta Dei Genitrix (Holy Mother of

> God) and exchanged greetings. He then asked if She would do the

> honor of choosing the name of his sister, and unfolded the piece of

> paper to show Her. She smiled in agreement to this simple request

> and asked him to read the names. When it came to " Shri " Shri Mataji

> said: " That's nice. " However, when he mentioned " Lalita " Shri Para

> Devi said: " That's a better name. " The Holy Spirit of God then

> requested Kash to meditate. Both raised their Kundalinis three times

> in succession, did the bhandan, and instantly attained Nirvana.


> When it was over Kash bowed again to Her and asked permission to

> return. He then closed his spiritual eyes and descended back to this

> violent world of Cali cartels and Mafia mobs.


> He explained to his father what the Ancient Spiritual Mother had

> told him. Kash's sister was thus named Lalita Kaur.


> The grandparents and other family members in Malaysia immediately

> reacted to the choice. It was a Hindu name! Calls were received

> from Malaysia expressing displeasure and disapproval. The most

> outspoken was Madame Jeswant Kaur who minced no words when she

> poured her feelings to Lalita's mother (her daughter). None could

> understand why, after so many years of yearning for a daughter, the

> name Lalita was chosen — a sort of anti-Hindu anticlimax. They were

> not told the reason behind this selection for the Truth would not

> have been believed. Only Dr. Balwinder was told about what was going

> on and he accepted the explanation.



> The Divine Unity Acknowledge


> Lalita's father bought a great quantity of barfi (Indian milk

> candies) and told his son to distribute it among the Universal

> Beings. Kash meditated and took the offerings along. He met Shri

> Yajna-priya Devi and told Her of his intention. The Great Primordial

> Goddess gladly agreed to help him distribute the milk candies. Both

> picked up the boxes of candies and Shri Mataji levitated Kash a few

> inches. They then traveled across the vast endless clouds to see the

> Ancient Beings one by one as they sat in meditation.


> Kash bowed before each Immortal Being with folded hands in Namaskar,

> thanking them for bestowing the gift of Lalita on his family. Upon

> hearing the name " Lalita " they opened their eyes, bowed back and

> conveyed their congratulations in Sanskrit, their felicitations

> translated into English by Shri Mataji.


> Kash had been visiting these Divine Beings for about six months and

> had never seen them opening their eyes while in meditation. Normally

> they would listen, answer, bow back, and continue meditating but on

> this very special occasion they responded to the birth of Lalita by

> coming out of meditation to convey their congratulations.


> A box of ladoos, a type of sweetmeat for special joyous occasions,

> were exclusively bought for Shri Ganesha. Kash gave his respects and

> greetings to the Son of Shri Gauri and presented Him with the

> ladoos. The Joy of Shri Ganesha was overflowing, and He responded by

> giving Kash a dazzling smile for bringing His favorite candy.


> Note: On April 14, 1994, Kash again went into Sahaj Samadhi and took

> the Shahi Nadi (Royal Vein.) He pierced the clouds of the Land of Al

> Nur and attained the Wahad-ul-Wajud that the Sufis strive for.


> After bowing down and exchanging greetings with Shri Adhiparasakthi

> Shri Nirmala Devi he asked Her to take him to see Shri Krishna. They

> traveled by levitation and met the Blue Lord. Kash bowed down to Him

> and conveyed his regards. Shri Krishna bowed back and returned the

> greetings. Kash then had a small conversation with Him as Shri

> Mataji translated Sanskrit into English and vice versa. The topic of

> discussion was again Lalita, and Kash told the Lord of Vaikunta that

> his family would never forget His gift of Lalita to his mother. Shri

> Krishna congratulated him and said, " You are welcome. " All three of

> them then meditated. Before leaving, he again bowed down to Shri

> Krishna and left with Shri Mataji. (End)



> In 1994 this was without question Shri Mataji's commencement of the

> Truth that would confirm Her Incarnation. That is why She happily

> gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place in

> Montreal, a puja that was just as awesome in detail and splendor.

> Maybe the time has come to collectively enjoy the mystical nature of

> the evidence and openly spread the glory of Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, sakshat the incarnation of the Divine Mother ..... the great

> Shri Lalita Devi! After all, it is the Divine Feminine who said that

> She manifested it specifically for Her devotees. My job is only to

> make sure the truth is narrated without fear or favor ...... or



(Jagbir, again i am asking you. Is Lalita an incarnation of the Divine Mother? i

am just not understanding. Is this what you are hinting at... Jagbir? If it

is... then that is the most wonderful news! If it is not... then we still have

ancient liberated souls who can give evidence of the Incarnation of Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi, and that is wonderful too! Either way... it is just wonderful news

and the identity does not matter. It is the spiritual work to be done that

matters most... perhaps.)


Jai Shri Mataji!





> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > " However, the adverse reactions from almost all quarters

> > > regarding the experiences of Kash experiences were disturbing.

> > > After a few months of writing his father began deleting evidence

> > > of Kash and Lalita's spiritual identities. To officially reveal

> > > to the Sahaja Yogis that they were indeed angels would only make

> > > matters worse. "

> > >

> > > (That was sad that SYs were so adverse against you, that you


> > > had to delete Kash and Lalita's spiritual identities as

" angels " ,

> > > however obviously things are changing now, and you feel more


> > > to express what needs to be told. The spiritual eschatology


> > > to be known to be fulfilled. Shri Mataji told SYs many times


> > > all the deities/devas/ganas/angels had accompanied Her and were

> > > here with Her, witnessing with great interest everything She was

> > > doing and also protecting Her. She also told at Her Visit to

> > > Australia in 1994 (and not in 1993 as i mistakenly 'put' as the

> > > year of Her Visit) that " special personalities " (which we now

> > > know are " angels " ) would be born in Montreal, Canada who

> > > would " give evidence " (proof) of Her Incarnation.)

> > >

> >

> > Yes, not only did Shri Mataji prevent me from deleting their true

> > identities but more than a decade later this month made it known

> > that She had already talked about them in 1994. Violet, your

> > confirmation that Shri Mataji informed the SYs in Australia that

> > special personalities from Montreal, Canada will give evidence of

> > Her incarnation is a most crucial and empowering statement. It

> > could not have come at a better time, confirming beyond any shadow

> > of doubt that Shri Mataji is the cause of all that my children


> > witnessed and i have written over the years.

> >

> > So Shri Mataji did declare around the end of March 1994 that

> > special personalities from Montreal, Canada will give evidence.

> > That is the reason why a few weeks later the first and only

> > national puja was held at Camp Interval in Quebec on June 24,

> > 1994. At that time i was wondering why the tiny Montreal

> > collective was given the honor of hosting the North American Guru

> > Puja, and not Toronto or Vancouver or New York. So the existing

> > 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's predictions about

> > Montreal and must have requested a grand puja. In fact i heard the

> > local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil telling SYs that

> > Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga will spread. It

> > all makes sense now Violet.

> >

> > This was our first puja and most memorable. Of all the spiritual

> > knowledge revealed to the children, perhaps the most priceless of

> > all is the one posed by Kash to the Great Adi Shakti on June 23,

> > 1994, the eve of the Guru Puja. On that day Kash meditated and

> > confirmed that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's original name was Shri

> > Lalita Devi! :

> >

> > Kash: " Shri Mataji, what was Your original name? "

> >

> > Shri Mataji: " Shri Lalita Devi. "

> >

> > Shri Lalita Devi

> > Camp Interval, Quebec, Canada — July 23, 1994

> >

> > It is for this reason that the 1,000 esoteric names throughout


> > Adi Shakti: The Kingdom of God are taken from the Shri Lalita

> > Sahasranama and attributed to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the

> > incarnation of Shri Lalita Devi, the Great Goddess.

> >


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > i refer to your words:

> >

> > " So the existing 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's

> > predictions about Montreal and must have requested a grand puja.

> > In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil

> > telling SYs that Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga

> > will spread. It all makes sense now Violet. " (END QUOTE)

> >

> > Jagbir, your remarks are most prescient: " Why indeed???... would

> > there be a North American Puja in Montreal... when it could have

> > been in Vancouver, Toronto, or New York! i decided to recall that

> > day in 1994 once again in order to ascertain if Shri Mataji had

> > mentioned anything about a puja in Montreal:

> >

> > So... just to summarize... Shri Mataji had revealed that " special

> > personalities " would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation and that

> > these personalities would come from Montreal, Canada. i remember

> > us all being " stunned into complete Silence " at hearing Shri

> > Mataji's Revelations. We had never heard anything like this

> > before! However... Shri Mataji, True to Her Self... was as calm

> > and unperturbed as ever, as if there was nothing unusual about Her

> > Revelation.

> >

> > i noticed however, somewhat of a flurry of quiet conversation

> > among a few SYs and leadership. Then the SY leader responded to

> > Shri Mataji's Revelations. He requested of Shri Mataji on behalf

> > of all Sahaja Yogis... to have the North American Puja in

> > Montreal, Canada... since this was to be the place where Sahaja

> > Yoga would be given Evidence of Her Incarnation, which in turn...

> > would spread Sahaja Yoga around the world. Shri Mataji happily

> > gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place

> > in Montreal.

> >

> > So... Jagbir, you are absolutely right when you say that a special

> > puja must have been requested inspite of the fact that SYs did not

> > know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know the

> > " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> > However, they had been informed that these " special personalities "

> > would come from " Montreal, Canada! "

> >

> > And like you also say, Jagbir... it " was unprecedented " to have a

> > North American Puja in Montreal, Canada. Normally, these would be

> > in the large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or New York.

> > Therefore we can take great comfort from the fact that the reason

> > the North American Puja was held in Montreal, Canada... was

> > because of Shri Mataji's Revelations of what was to come out of

> > Montreal... that would give a great blessing to the world!

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > violet

> >

> >


> Dear Violet,


> So it is indeed true that that a special puja was requested for

> Montreal, Canada in 1994. This was done inspite of the fact that SYs

> did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know

> the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> Except for Shri Mataji neither did myself nor anyone else knew what

> was actually taking place at that early stage in March 1994. So

> there was actually no awareness that the mystical nature of the

> evidence that would be forthcoming from special personalities would

> provide evidence of Her incarnation. And Lalita, yet to be born on

> Easter in April, plays a pivital role in the revelations.


> So i have to talk about Lalita to underpin one of the reasons why

> i am so driven to summon great ancient souls to stand up and battle

> for the victory of the Divine Mother. Deep in my heart i know she is

> the one whose birth is most significant even though Kash was the

> first to meet the Adi Shakti within and provided the bulk of the

> evidence. i have always felt that it is Lalita who will one day rise

> to the challenge and perform her sacred duty to spread the Divine

> Message of the Adi Shakti. (Kash has already asked and been granted

> permission by Shri Mataji to be relieved as he is not ready for such

> a task, and wants to lead a normal life for the time being.) Among

> reasons Lalita's birth is special is the fact that Shri Mataji, just

> after confirming that special personalities will give evidence of

> Her incarnation, held the Easter Puja in Sydney, Australia on April

> 3, 1994 i.e., the day Lalita was born.


> And even before birth Lalita had started giving irrefutable evidence

> that Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the Divine Mother. i refer to

> the original notes written in the third person to prove that it was

> just the beginiing, and that it would take years to complete

> the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> (The recent revelations by Arwinder about his experiences of being

> the Spirit has cast some doubts if Her revelations are complete.)


> So here are the notes made in 1994:


> Your Wish Will Come True


> Kash's mother had for years yearned for a daughter as she already

> had two sons. Kash had heard her on many occasions telling her

> spouse, sisters, and close friends that she would be the happiest

> woman is ever blessed with a daughter. The prediction of a Chinese

>; fortune-teller that she would be extremely lucky if ever a girl was

> born only intensified this desire. (Mrs. Ann, Kash's neighbor in

> SS3/28, P.J., Malaysia, had taken his mother to see this fortune-

> teller who, reading the extreme necessity of having a girl in the

> family, even suggested that they should try to adopt one, preferably

> of another race.)


> She then had Arwinder, another son from her third pregnancy in

> Canada. Another pregnancy four years later did not brighten hopes

> and there was resignation to the fact that fate would not favor her.

> One day Kash, seeing the plight and deep genuine desire of his

> mother, decided to secretly seek the help of the Great Divine Mother

> without his parent's knowledge. He meditated and emerged through the

> clouds into the Kingdom of Sadashiva within. The Primal Light shone

> ever so brightly from behind the Supreme Throne of the Great

> Celestial Mother as the Ruh of Allah sat in Bliss and Joy.


> After bowing down and exchanging greetings he asked if Shri Maha

> Avatar Shri Nirmala Devi could grant his mother a daughter as she

> had been waiting for years for this dream to come true. Shri Satya-

> Sandha Devi smiled and told him that his wish will be fulfilled.

> (Satya-Sandha (693rd): The abode of Truth or one who never belies

> Her word.)


> On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

> went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks. She

> then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

> Kingdom Of God, an awesome reminder by the Great Adi Shakti to all

> humanity that " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened from the

> very day of My birth. " (Sivankari (408th): Harbinger of good

> auspices.)


> Note: Although Dr. Parvin had determined that Kash's mother would

> deliver on March 23, 1994, it was hoped that it would be on March

> 21, the spring equinox and Shri Mataji's birth date. There were

> numerous false calls but that day passed uneventfully. These calls

> continued till April 2, 1994. On that day Kash's mother delivered at

> the Lakeshore General Hospital, Montreal, Canada. It was a baby

> girl! The prophecy of the Great Adi Shakti that Kash's mother would

> be granted a daughter had come true precisely at 11:44 p.m. This

> birth falls within Easter Sunday for in 16 minutes the clocks had to

> be adjusted an hour ahead, being the first Sunday of April. The

> Great Holy Spirit not only granted Kash his wish but also made sure

> his sister would be born on a very auspicious day and hour. Neither

> he nor his father were aware at that time that the Divine Drizzle of

> the Great Adi Shakti was about to turn into a massive downpour, and

> deluge them with the Rains of Revelation!


> " Diwali ... that is the time when Christ was born. ... at 12 o'clock

> in the night. "


> Shri Virad-Rupa Devi

> The Mahalakshmi Power, Hampstead, U.K. — November 9, 1980


> " Shri Krishna was born in the night about 12 o'clock. Nanaka was

> born 12 o'clock in the night. All the Gurus mostly took their birth

> at 12 o'clock in the night. "


> Shri Mandara-Kusuma-Priya Devi

> Self-Mastery, Guru Nanak Puja, London, U.K. — November 1, 1982



> Kashwinder was born at the Sentosa Clinic, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on

> October 19, 1980, the day the new moon was sighted to confirm Id al-

> Ahda for all Muslims. This day is known as Hari Raya Haji (Malaysian

> Muslim term for Id Al-Adha.) Id al-Adha is the most holiest day in

> Islam calendar. This day is specially remembered as a Muslim

> colleague, Ahmad bin Seliddin, working at Tengku Abdul Rahman

> College, Setapak, informed the father over the walkie-talkie that he

> had received a call from the Sentosa Clinic confirming that his wife

> had delivered a baby boy. This co-worker then added these words,

> " You are a blessed soul. Your son has been born on a very auspicious

> day. " At that time the first-time father had not even the slightest

> awareness of the Divine Drama of the Great Adi Shakti, priceless

> boons bestowed by Her on him for having defended Dharma time and

> again, life after life, age after age.



> " Papa, Mother Said . . . "


> (On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

> went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks. She

> then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

> Kingdom Of God)


> Kash came back and broke the news to his father. The very moment he

> said these words, " Papa, Mother said that my sister is an angel

..., "

> his father instantly and unconsciously gripped the heart with his

> right hand and wept uncontrollably. There was no stopping him as the

> colossal Truth hit him like a mighty mantra. Again and again this

> Truth kept reverberating from the center of his heart, and its

> Cosmic Waves resonated through the entire universe within him!


> In this life She had armed him with the greatest weapon in the

> Cosmos — Truth! It was time to blow the conch and summon all

> righteous beings to Her Lotus Feet. Each and every one of them is

> absolutely assured of Her blessings, protection and liberation.

> Forever She will rescue and save them, unconditionally, in any age

> or universe. Forever they will be ascending up the Great Spiritual

> Spiral of Life, and forever descend, if they so desire, to defend

> worlds on the verge of spiritual annihilation. Eternal Life is an

> endless adventure for liberated souls. This all seekers of Truth

> must know!


> Nevertheless, why did he cry so profusely on such a divine blessing?


> On December 17, 1997, at 10.24 a.m., more than 3 ½ years later,

> Kash's father found the reason why he had clutched his heart and

> wept so uncontrollably. He had to again control himself from

> bursting forth again.


> I will give you the Word all the scriptures glorify, all spiritual

> disciplines express,

> To attain which aspirants lead a life of sense-restraint and self-

> naughting.

> It is OM. This symbol of the Godhead is the highest.

> Realizing it one finds complete fulfillment of all one's longings.

> It is of the greatest support to all seekers.

> Those in whose heart OM reverberates unceasingly, are indeed blessed

> and deeply loved as one who is the Self


> Katha Upanishad Part 1, 2:15-17, p. 86.



> Shri Bhavani Will Name Her


> Later Kash explained that the Great Cosmic Mother had also told him

> that his newborn sister was very pure and innocent. His father

> decided that it was only proper to ask the Great Adi Shakti to name

> her. He drew out a list of seven names for Her selection in deep

> appreciation and gratitude for Her priceless boon. Kash took the

> piece of paper and went into meditation.


> The Kundalini of the Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) engulfed his body and

> took him to the Mansion of God within — this was the Supreme Truth

> that Guru Nanak had preached to the ignorant Hindus and Muslims in

> India five hundred years ago. The Clear White Light shone ever so

> brilliantly from above the Golden Throne as Shri Yogada Shri Devi

> sat in Bliss and Joy. The priceless preaching of Shri Jesus' rebirth

> by water (Kundalini) and spirit (Holy Spirit within) had become a

> stunning Reality. Kash was inside the Kingdom OF God.


> Kash bowed deeply to the Great Sancta Dei Genitrix (Holy Mother of

> God) and exchanged greetings. He then asked if She would do the

> honor of choosing the name of his sister, and unfolded the piece of

> paper to show Her. She smiled in agreement to this simple request

> and asked him to read the names. When it came to " Shri " Shri Mataji

> said: " That's nice. " However, when he mentioned " Lalita " Shri Para

> Devi said: " That's a better name. " The Holy Spirit of God then

> requested Kash to meditate. Both raised their Kundalinis three times

> in succession, did the bhandan, and instantly attained Nirvana.


> When it was over Kash bowed again to Her and asked permission to

> return. He then closed his spiritual eyes and descended back to this

> violent world of Cali cartels and Mafia mobs.


> He explained to his father what the Ancient Spiritual Mother had

> told him. Kash's sister was thus named Lalita Kaur.


> The grandparents and other family members in Malaysia immediately

> reacted to the choice. It was a Hindu name! Calls were received

> from Malaysia expressing displeasure and disapproval. The most

> outspoken was Madame Jeswant Kaur who minced no words when she

> poured her feelings to Lalita's mother (her daughter). None could

> understand why, after so many years of yearning for a daughter, the

> name Lalita was chosen — a sort of anti-Hindu anticlimax. They were

> not told the reason behind this selection for the Truth would not

> have been believed. Only Dr. Balwinder was told about what was going

> on and he accepted the explanation.



> The Divine Unity Acknowledge


> Lalita's father bought a great quantity of barfi (Indian milk

> candies) and told his son to distribute it among the Universal

> Beings. Kash meditated and took the offerings along. He met Shri

> Yajna-priya Devi and told Her of his intention. The Great Primordial

> Goddess gladly agreed to help him distribute the milk candies. Both

> picked up the boxes of candies and Shri Mataji levitated Kash a few

> inches. They then traveled across the vast endless clouds to see the

> Ancient Beings one by one as they sat in meditation.


> Kash bowed before each Immortal Being with folded hands in Namaskar,

> thanking them for bestowing the gift of Lalita on his family. Upon

> hearing the name " Lalita " they opened their eyes, bowed back and

> conveyed their congratulations in Sanskrit, their felicitations

> translated into English by Shri Mataji.


> Kash had been visiting these Divine Beings for about six months and

> had never seen them opening their eyes while in meditation. Normally

> they would listen, answer, bow back, and continue meditating but on

> this very special occasion they responded to the birth of Lalita by

> coming out of meditation to convey their congratulations.


> A box of ladoos, a type of sweetmeat for special joyous occasions,

> were exclusively bought for Shri Ganesha. Kash gave his respects and

> greetings to the Son of Shri Gauri and presented Him with the

> ladoos. The Joy of Shri Ganesha was overflowing, and He responded by

> giving Kash a dazzling smile for bringing His favorite candy.


> Note: On April 14, 1994, Kash again went into Sahaj Samadhi and took

> the Shahi Nadi (Royal Vein.) He pierced the clouds of the Land of Al

> Nur and attained the Wahad-ul-Wajud that the Sufis strive for.


> After bowing down and exchanging greetings with Shri Adhiparasakthi

> Shri Nirmala Devi he asked Her to take him to see Shri Krishna. They

> traveled by levitation and met the Blue Lord. Kash bowed down to Him

> and conveyed his regards. Shri Krishna bowed back and returned the

> greetings. Kash then had a small conversation with Him as Shri

> Mataji translated Sanskrit into English and vice versa. The topic of

> discussion was again Lalita, and Kash told the Lord of Vaikunta that

> his family would never forget His gift of Lalita to his mother. Shri

> Krishna congratulated him and said, " You are welcome. " All three of

> them then meditated. Before leaving, he again bowed down to Shri

> Krishna and left with Shri Mataji. (End)



> In 1994 this was without question Shri Mataji's commencement of the

> Truth that would confirm Her Incarnation. That is why She happily

> gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place in

> Montreal, a puja that was just as awesome in detail and splendor.

> Maybe the time has come to collectively enjoy the mystical nature of

> the evidence and openly spread the glory of Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, sakshat the incarnation of the Divine Mother ..... the great

> Shri Lalita Devi! After all, it is the Divine Feminine who said that

> She manifested it specifically for Her devotees. My job is only to

> make sure the truth is narrated without fear or favor ...... or




> Jai Ganapathi,


> jagbir


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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> i would like to respond to all that you have said, so i will just

> quote you and respond to that:


> > So it is indeed true that that a special puja was requested for

> > Montreal, Canada in 1994. This was done inspite of the fact that

> > SYs did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they

> > know the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be

> > forthcoming " . Except for Shri Mataji neither did myself nor

> > anyone else knew what was actually taking place at that early

> > stage in March 1994. So there was actually no awareness that the

> > mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming from

> > special personalities would provide evidence of Her incarnation.

> > And Lalita, yet to be born on Easter in April, plays a pivotal

> > role in the revelations.


> (Jagbir, when Shri Mataji gave Her Revelations about special

> personalities who would give evidence of Her Incarnation from

> Montreal, Canada... there had to be " some response " to that. It

> could not be ignored or left up in the air. It had to be

> acknowledged in some way... even though SM said SYs didn't have to

> do anything about that at that time but would hear about these

> 'personalities' at a later date. From what i can recall, it was

> quite an 'emotional thing' for SYs to hear such an announcement/

> revelation from Shri Mataji. She had never (to my knowledge) ever

> made such a stupendous announcement/revelation before! i don't

> believe anyone was expecting such 'miracles'... if you know what i

> mean. i believe everyone thought that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

> here; that is all we need.



Violet, once we are convinced Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti then all

other miracles or personalities pale in comparison and expectation.

i probably too would have had a similar reaction, that Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi is here; that is all we need. Moreover, the vagueness

of what to expect somewhere in the future must have dimmed memory

over time. Yes, there had to be some response from the existing

leadership when Shri Mataji made this stupendous announcement. So

they asked for a puja in Montreal.



> (In fact... now that we are on that subject: Why do we need

> someone else... like Lalita? (i think this is an important point

> to understand. Why did Shri Mataji need someone else to confirm

> evidence of Her Incarnation? Couldn't She have done it Herself? Be

> Her Own Evidence? Or is it to do with the 'eschatology' having to

> be fulfilled? Or is it to do with the fact that not only self-

> realised souls, but also ancient liberated souls all have to help

> out with this Divine Message of Shri Mataji's of the Last Judgment

> and Resurrection?)



Anyone can claim to be divine and this world has its fair share of

false gurus and fake incarnations. i want to ask:


i) Has any of false gurus and fake incarnations have had third-

party, independent witness(es) confirming their divinity?


ii) Can the third-party witness(es) in turn confirm their own

credibility by providing extraordinary proof eg., by being born on

holy days or having supernatural abilities?


iii) Are the credentials of gurus claiming divinity backed by even a

single scripture, let alone ALL?


iv) Have any of the false gurus and fake incarnations manifested the

eschatological expectations and Sure Signs of the Avatar/Messiah?


v) Does the evidence displayed for open cross-examination subject

the religious fanatics into utter silence and sobering exit?


Only now we are beginning to realize how important and crucial a

role these personalities play. It is easy to sum and put all in a

nutshell - without Kash, Arwinder and Lalita declaring all they

daily witnessed effortlessly (for years) i would never have

believed Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the Adi Shakti. But that

would pale into insulting insignificance if compared to the

uncompromising eschatological evidence and Sure Signs absolutely

required to manifest the Divine Message to humanity.


We should also not forget what Shri Mataji wanted us to do:


" I am the Adi Shakti. I am the One who has come on this Earth for

the first time in this form to do this tremendous task . The more

you understand this the better it would be. You will change

tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we

have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it that I

am that! "


Shri Adi-Shakti Devi

Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983



> Therefore, what She said that day somehow 'struck very deep into

> the heart'... (well for me, anyway.) However, i imagine the 'SY

> leadership' must have felt that way too and therefore responded in

> such a spontaneous heartwarming way to what SM had revealed to us

> all. As there was already a North American Guru Puja going to be

> happening... the most natural response was to request that the

> Guru Puja be held in Montreal, Canada. From what i recall, it was

> said that we did not yet know who these 'personalities' were, but

> that we wanted this puja to be there in order to bring good

> vibrations to the place where this evidence of the Incarnation of

> Shri Mataji would be forthcoming. From what i can recall, the SY

> leadership also assured SM that they would " smooth things over "

> with the North Americans as regards to the venue change for the

> Guru Puja of 1994. People do not generally like puja venue

> changes, and i doubt that this had ever happened previously with

> such short notice.)



My pranaam Violet for this important information. By bearing witness

and confirming past events you have handed me a powerful weapon to

use against all the negativity. Shri Mataji has Her own ways of

manifesting the Truth and fulfilling Her promise to establish Sahaja

Yoga before She leaves. i believe She will awaken more souls to

respond to the Call of the Conch and serve Her unflinchingly.


> >

> > So i have to talk about Lalita to underpin one of the reasons why

> > i am so driven to summon great ancient souls to stand up and

> > battle for the victory of the Divine Mother. Deep in my heart i

> > know she is the one whose birth is most significant even though

> > Kash was the first to meet the Adi Shakti within and provided

> > the bulk of the evidence. i have always felt that it is Lalita

> > who will one day rise to the challenge and perform her sacred

> > duty to spread the Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. (Kash has

> > already asked and been granted permission by Shri Mataji to be

> > relieved as he is not ready for such a task, and wants to lead a

> > normal life for the time being.) Among reasons Lalita's birth is

> > special is the fact that Shri Mataji, just after confirming that

> > special personalities will give evidence of Her incarnation,

> > held the Easter Puja in Sydney, Australia on April 3, 1994 i.e.,

> > the day Lalita was born.


> (Yes... you do have to talk about Lalita in order to underpin the

> facts concerning her birth. The facts are that Shri Mataji told

> Sahaja Yogis at Sydney Airport in 1994 that Lalita is a special

> personality, and Shri Mataji has also revealed to you that Lalita

> is an angel. You have also explained that by " angel " is meant

> an " ancient liberated soul " . Now you feel that it will be mainly

> Lalita who will one day rise to the challenge and perform her

> sacred duty to spread the Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. The

> thing is... as Lalita can talk about the Sahasrara (the Kingdom of

> Heaven within)... she is therefore eminently suitable/qualified to

> do this task. And of course... there is the fact that she was

> obviously chosen to do it. Then the fact that she was born on

> Easter (a holy day). Then the fact that she has already " given

> evidence " about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Not many SYs have those

> qualifications for the job... i would say!



i believe that in future, with all the evidence at her disposal,

Lalita can collectively help to manifest faith, conviction and joy

in seekers accepting Shri Mataji and Her Divine Message. This can

only take place if Her devotees - after first ridding themselves of

all the past ugly rumors, false allegations and character

assassinations against these personalities - begin to openly and

actively promote the Truth. Part and parcel of this Truth is Shri

Mataji’s declaration of a great blessing to mankind that would

confirm Her Incarnation. Don't allow the negativity to attack you.


i have to admit that over the last few months the negativity has

decreased substantially. Perhaps SYs are beginning to realize the

truth and are helping with their healing consciousness. The reason i

am convinced is that the three coconuts with swastikas have finally

stopped cracking after years. Even my wife noticed that and

confirmed it this morning. She said that the negativity is much less

now and knew for some time that the coconuts had stopped cracking.

That is indeed welcome news.



> Then as you say also... that Kash wants to lead a 'normal life'

> for the 'time being' and he has gained permission from Shri Mataji

> to be relieved of this task for now. So... all things taken into

> consideration, i believe you are right in what you feel that

> Lalita will be the one who will rise to the challenge of spreading

> the Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. i remember when Lalita wrote

> on the forum that one post... that she was very articulate,

> intelligent, and warm-hearted in what she wrote... and for a

> child, her insight was amazing! i sense some amazing things coming

> forth from Lalita. Of course, Shri Mataji revealed that anyway.

> She said that Lalita (we now have a name... folks... which we did

> not have in 1994!) would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation. That

> is such wonderful news! And it is a wonderful thing altogether. i

> don't care how many skeptics there might be; i know this in my

> heart about Lalita too.)



i must yet again emphasize that neither Lalita, Arwinder, Kash or

any family member is interested in any sort of recognition, fame,

fortune or leadership role. Those who know us will confirm how much

we value privacy and simplicity, and take great lengths to shun

glamour and recognition. We are only interested in announcing the

Truth that Shri Mataji Herself has manifested for all. Therefore,

why should anyone feel offended or jealous or hurt for whatever

reason? Why not support and spread the Truth of the Divine Mother on

whom you are daily meditating and seeking moksa (liberation)?


> >

> > On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

> > went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks. She

> > then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

> > Kingdom Of God, an awesome reminder by the Great Adi Shakti to

> > all humanity that " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened from

> > the very day of My birth. " (Sivankari (408th): Harbinger of good

> > auspices.)


> (Jagbir... in reference to the words: " She then revealed to him

> the identity of his celestial sister in the Kingdom of God " . Did

> She reveal She was just an " angel " or did She reveal the " actual

> identity " ? Who is being referred to in the words: " in this world

> Brahma Shakti was awakened from the very day of My birth " ? i am

> not quite clear on this point. Could you possibly make this more

> clear to me, Jagbir? You must be leading up to something. Surely,

> we must know the identity of Lalita in the Kingdom of God. Is your

> daughter Lalita the same " Lalita " , because that would be wonderful

> news if she was. And yet... i thought you said you did not know

> her identity. i guess i am a 'bit confused' here. Maybe... you can

> help me out.)



Violet, Shri Mataji on Her own revealed that Lalita was an angel. Over the years

i never asked for more specific information as i never saw any need to go into



You asked about the quote " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened

from the very day of My birth " . Well, it was made by Shri Mataji

during a puja. i am just quoting Her to emphasize that this Brahma

Shakti had manifested the birth of angels too i.e., Shri Mataji is

telling the truth when She claims Herself to be the incarnation of

Shri Lalita Devi.


But my daughter is definitely NOT the same " Lalita " and cannot be

compared in any way to the Devi. There are very goods reasons Shri

Mataji manifested angels on Earth and revealed their identities.

They are absolutely necessary to authenticate Her Divine Message of

the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


“Angels: The Magnificent Servants of God


What are angels?


An angel is a pure spirit created by God. The Old Testament theology

included the belief in angels: the name applied to certain spiritual

beings or intelligences of heavenly residence, employed by God as

the ministers of His will.


How do we know angels exist?


The Scriptures give us no indication of the precise time of the

creation of angels; their existence is assumed at the earliest

times. Our Lord often spoke of angels; in the New Testament they are

numerous and seven orders are mentioned: Angels, Powers,

Principalities, Dominions (ations), Thrones and Archangels the Old

Testament specifically mentions two others Seraph (im) and Cherub

(im). God bestowed upon angels great wisdom, freedom, and power,

and their many appearances in the New Testament are indication of

the lead role assigned to them. . . .


Angels are purely spiritual or bodiless persons (Mt 11:30), some of

whom behold the face of God and thus are in bliss (Mt 18:10). These

spiritual beings comprise the celestial court and are called angels

(from the Greek for " messenger " ) because, according to the Bible,

they carry out missions at God's command. In order to complete these

missions, they can at times assume bodily form. According to the

Bible, their missions are sometimes of great importance - eg, the

Annunciation (Lk 1:26; 2:9-14).


Like us , the angels are the objects of God's grace and love. But

because, unlike us they are non-bodily creatures, their response to

God's love did not require time and reflection to grow and mature.

As soon as they were created and received grace, they had the

opportunity to respond to God's love and thus be welcomed into

bliss. While many did so, some did not. Perhaps the most significant

continuing activity of the good angels is to be the agents of God's

particular providence for mankind.”


Catholic Online, http://saints.catholic.org/angels.html



“Nothing is hidden from the face of God. No act of an angel or

human, good or bad, is hidden from Him. The angels know that God is

always present in the heavens, the cosmos, and on Earth. Nothing

escapes His Gaze. Suffering and bliss, war and peace, riches and

poverty, sickness and health are permitted by God to exist side by

side. When we are able to bless every act and circumstance of our

lives, as God has asked us all to do, we acknowledge His Presence

and His Lordship. When we curse any person, place, or thing, we

ourselves become profane. We are not living in truth.


God alone is Truth. The angels, tested spirits of pure Truth, long

to draw near to us so that, through them, we may draw nearer to the

Living God. Those who draw nearer to the Living God begin to

comprehend Truth. Truth alone frees humans from bondage.”


Janice T. Connel, Angel Power, Ballantine Books, 1995 p. 185)



“Q What is your definition of an angel?


An angel is a spiritual being fundamentally different from humans. I

believe they were created by God a very long time ago before the

Earth was created. These heavenly spirits are organized in a society

whose purpose is the worship of God and the carrying out of God's

commands on Earth . . .


According to much of the ancient traditions, angels were created

long before the Earth, and they have been a part of history ever

since we've been here. The earliest writings about angels go back to

ancient Sumer some five thousand years ago, and angels have been

intertwined with our history ever since then. They have been a part

of most of the world's great religions, both the Eastern and Western

traditions. But I think they're best known through the Judeo-

Christian and Islamic traditions. In these traditions, the angels

are all servants of God, created by God to carry out God's designs

both in the heavens and on Earth . . .


They come to bring us the possibilities of change . . . They come to

men and women and children, to people of all races and all cultures,

to people who are religious or not, to people who are in distress or

to people simply beginning their day's work. And they come to tell

us that we can grow, we can change . . . angels come into our lives

to heal. Not that they wave wands over us like fairy godmothers, but

they teach us wisdom, by sharing with us the grace of God, the

enlightenment which comes from heaven. They show us ways that we can

heal our own lives, and not just our own lives, but the lives of the

people around us. And not just the lives of the people around us,

but the world itself. Angels want us to be whole, as God is whole. ”


Elias Freeman, M.A.

(Quoted in Angels: The Mysterious Messengers, Ballantine Books, 1994

p. 102-7.)



> Oh yes... just to get back to the timing of the birth. Well, if

> Lalita had been born at 12:00 midnight, then she would have been

> born at 11pm because at midnight the time reverted to 11:00pm due

> to the 'time change'. The fact that she was therefore born 16

> minutes before midnight 'made sure' that she was actually born on

> the Christian Holy Day of Easter... it still only being 16 minutes

> to 12 midnight before the time reverted to 11:00pm exactly at

> midnight. That is incredible!)



A slight correction needed here. It still is only being 16 minutes

to 12 midnight before the time jumps one hour AHEAD to 1:00am. i.e.,

at 12 midnight it becomes 1.00 am. That is why i sometimes allow

Lalita to celebrate her birthday on both the 2nd and 3rd of April.



> (Jagbir, again i am asking you. Is Lalita an incarnation of the

> Divine Mother? i am just not understanding. Is this what you are

> hinting at... Jagbir? If it is... then that is the most wonderful

> news! If it is not... then we still have ancient liberated souls

> who can give evidence of the Incarnation of Shri Mataji Nirmala

> Devi, and that is wonderful too! Either way... it is just

> wonderful news and the identity does not matter. It is the

> spiritual work to be done that matters most... perhaps.)



No, Violet, Lalita is definitely not an incarnation of the Divine

Mother. It is and will only be Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. For the

first and only time in the history of this universe the Holy Spirit

of God has taken a full physical form and incarnated with all Her

powers. Shri Mataji has revealed that the deities, ganas and angels

have accompanied Her. The precise birthdays of Lalita and Kash on

the holiest days of Christianity and Islam is evidence that Shri

Mataji is telling the truth that She has been sent by God Almighty

to deliver the Divine Message to humanity. Angels are absolutely

required to bear witness and authenticate Her divinity and message

of salvation (moksa).


“In the New Testament angels appear frequently as the ministers of

God and the agents of revelation (e.g. Matthew 1:20 (to Joseph),

4:11. (to Jesus), Luke 1:26 (to Mary), Acts 12:7 (to Peter); and

Jesus speaks of angels as fulfilling such functions (E.g. Mark 8:38,

13:27),… Angels are most prominent in the Apocalypse….


In Arabic, the language of the Qur'an, angels are called

" Malaaikah " (sing: Malak). The belief in angels is central to the

religion of Islam, beginning with the belief that the Qur'an was

dictated to the Prophet Muhammad by the chief of all angels, the

archangel Jibril (Gabriel). Angels are thus the ministers of God, as

well as the agents of revelation in Islam.”





”Angel in Greek means messenger. This word denotes mainly their

relationship to man. They, as our elder brothers, reveal to us the

will of God and assist us in reaching salvation. Man, from the

beginning of his state in paradise, knew of the existence of the

angels. This fact is reflected in many ancient religions. "


The Nature of Angels, www.fatheralexander.org/



“God Himself is capable of all kinds of miracles. We who are created

by God are doing some things, which look miraculous . . . but these

miracles come from the Power of God. So we are the creation of that

wee bit, very wee bit, of that miracle. So all the miracles of God

cannot be explained and should not be explained. They are beyond our

mind and to make people feel the presence of God, God can do

anything. He can move into all the dimensions and also into the

Fourth Dimension. He can do whatever He feels like . . .


We are to believe now, after seeing all these things for ourselves,

that He is God, that He can do anything that He feels like, and we

are nothing. We are nothing. There should be no rationality about

it, of understanding God's miracles. How can it be? How could it be?

You can't explain.


Only when you achieve that state of mind where you believe through

your experiences that God is All Powerful. It's very difficult. This

concept is very difficult because we are limited people. We have

limited powers. We cannot understand how God could be All Powerful

because we, we haven't got the capacity.


So this God who is our Creator, who is our Preserver, the One who

desires that we should exist, which is our existence itself, is an

All Powerful God. All Powerful! He can do whatever He likes. He can

create another world, He can destroy this world. It’s only if He has

to desire. "


Sri Lopamudrarcita Devi

Pandarpur, India — Feb. 29, 1984



And i will end with a quote from Rabbi Richard M. Baroff:


”I think it's very important if we could prove that there are

paranormal phenomena and if we could prove that these phenomena

point to a transcendent realm beyond ours. That would be

tremendously important as we try to chart out what is it that life

is and what we're supposed to be doing, which we don't know. Those

are big ifs, and I don't know if we can ever do that, or perhaps

belief in God, in angels, and in the afterlife is always a question

of faith . . .


I don't agree with the point of view that faith itself is the whole

point. I think if you knew for sure that there was a God, that there

was an afterlife, if these things could be proven — and I'm not at

all sure they can be, but if they could be — then we could amend our

lives, we could change and be fuller human beings because we would

have more knowledge about what the universe is and our part in it.”


Jai Shri Ganapathi,



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Dear Jagbir,


Thank you for your informative reply, which i appreciate. i have to admit that

'coming from a traditional Christian background'... that i probably do not have

the same understanding of incarnations, deities, angels, and ganas that a person

from the Hindu, Sikh or even the Islamic background might have. What i am saying

is that... 'not having come from a Hindu background'... i may have missed out on

a grounding knowledge that Hindus might take for granted. For example, i am sure

that Hindus would know the difference between " ganas " and " angels " ... but coming

from the Christian background, i don't know what the difference is. However, i

would like to know.


i also would like to say that perhaps it might have been a 'bit remiss' of me to

inquire whether Lalita could be an incarnation (partial powers) of the Divine

Mother. The only reason this question came to mind was because of the similar

names of Lalita and Shri Lalita Devi. That is why i needed to clarify this point

for myself, and possibly for others also. i knew that a Divine Mother needed the

spiritual eschatology to verify Her Incarnation, but i did not know if this was

the case for all incarnations of the Divine Mother. i don't know whether Shri

Sita, Shri Lakshmi, and other incarnations needed a spiritual eschatology to

verify their incarnations too. It is my guess that they must have had

verification, but i do not know this for a fact. (Maybe, their " Dispensational

Times " were different, and they were just accepted because it was not the Kali

Yuga then, when people would forget and reject the traditonal spiritual



i also want to say that although i have had two conscious unique personal

experiences with angels (and many people have experienced these guardian angels

at crucial times in their lives)... that i have never before been aware of what

i call the 'understanding of angels in the eschatological or biblical sense'. In

other words... the stories in the Bible about angels appearing to people...

'read' like 'fairytales' from 'bygone times'... that 'somehow' did not happen on

'the same level' today! The ministers of the Christian church really have to

answer to this, as they have always spoken of angels of the " past " or angels of

the " future " , but they never spoke of angels in the " present " ... or as some

Gnostic Texts have stated it: " Angels of the Presence " .


Therefore... in Christian terms... " angels " were not part of the Modern Times or

the modern context. On the practical level, this made angels rather extinct

then. And not only that... interest in angels was kind of 'forbidden' as some

kind of 'occult thing' to be avoided. There was " no problem whatsoever " with the

angels appearing to Mary, the Mother of Jesus... or to some of the other

biblical characters... but that is where we were told... " it stays! " Therefore,

i believe we need " angelic messengers " in our " present " again, so we can be

reminded of God and His Kingdom... and also to help us to understand what we

have not understood spiritually... before.





, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > i would like to respond to all that you have said, so i will just

> > quote you and respond to that:

> >

> > > So it is indeed true that that a special puja was requested for

> > > Montreal, Canada in 1994. This was done inspite of the fact that

> > > SYs did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they

> > > know the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be

> > > forthcoming " . Except for Shri Mataji neither did myself nor

> > > anyone else knew what was actually taking place at that early

> > > stage in March 1994. So there was actually no awareness that the

> > > mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming from

> > > special personalities would provide evidence of Her incarnation.

> > > And Lalita, yet to be born on Easter in April, plays a pivotal

> > > role in the revelations.

> >

> > (Jagbir, when Shri Mataji gave Her Revelations about special

> > personalities who would give evidence of Her Incarnation from

> > Montreal, Canada... there had to be " some response " to that. It

> > could not be ignored or left up in the air. It had to be

> > acknowledged in some way... even though SM said SYs didn't have to

> > do anything about that at that time but would hear about these

> > 'personalities' at a later date. From what i can recall, it was

> > quite an 'emotional thing' for SYs to hear such an announcement/

> > revelation from Shri Mataji. She had never (to my knowledge) ever

> > made such a stupendous announcement/revelation before! i don't

> > believe anyone was expecting such 'miracles'... if you know what i

> > mean. i believe everyone thought that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is

> > here; that is all we need.

> >


> Violet, once we are convinced Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti then all

> other miracles or personalities pale in comparison and expectation.

> i probably too would have had a similar reaction, that Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi is here; that is all we need. Moreover, the vagueness

> of what to expect somewhere in the future must have dimmed memory

> over time. Yes, there had to be some response from the existing

> leadership when Shri Mataji made this stupendous announcement. So

> they asked for a puja in Montreal.


> >

> > (In fact... now that we are on that subject: Why do we need

> > someone else... like Lalita? (i think this is an important point

> > to understand. Why did Shri Mataji need someone else to confirm

> > evidence of Her Incarnation? Couldn't She have done it Herself? Be

> > Her Own Evidence? Or is it to do with the 'eschatology' having to

> > be fulfilled? Or is it to do with the fact that not only self-

> > realised souls, but also ancient liberated souls all have to help

> > out with this Divine Message of Shri Mataji's of the Last Judgment

> > and Resurrection?)

> >


> Anyone can claim to be divine and this world has its fair share of

> false gurus and fake incarnations. i want to ask:


> i) Has any of false gurus and fake incarnations have had third-

> party, independent witness(es) confirming their divinity?


> ii) Can the third-party witness(es) in turn confirm their own

> credibility by providing extraordinary proof eg., by being born on

> holy days or having supernatural abilities?


> iii) Are the credentials of gurus claiming divinity backed by even a

> single scripture, let alone ALL?


> iv) Have any of the false gurus and fake incarnations manifested

the eschatological expectations and Sure Signs of the Avatar/Messiah?


> v) Does the evidence displayed for open cross-examination subject

> the religious fanatics into utter silence and sobering exit?


> Only now we are beginning to realize how important and crucial a

> role these personalities play. It is easy to sum and put all in a

> nutshell - without Kash, Arwinder and Lalita declaring all they

> daily witnessed effortlessly (for years) i would never have

> believed Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the Adi Shakti. But that

> would pale into insulting insignificance if compared to the

> uncompromising eschatological evidence and Sure Signs absolutely

> required to manifest the Divine Message to humanity.


> We should also not forget what Shri Mataji wanted us to do:


> " I am the Adi Shakti. I am the One who has come on this Earth for

> the first time in this form to do this tremendous task . The more

> you understand this the better it would be. You will change

> tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we

> have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it that I

> am that! "


> Shri Adi-Shakti Devi

> Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983


> >

> > Therefore, what She said that day somehow 'struck very deep into

> > the heart'... (well for me, anyway.) However, i imagine the 'SY

> > leadership' must have felt that way too and therefore responded in

> > such a spontaneous heartwarming way to what SM had revealed to us

> > all. As there was already a North American Guru Puja going to be

> > happening... the most natural response was to request that the

> > Guru Puja be held in Montreal, Canada. From what i recall, it was

> > said that we did not yet know who these 'personalities' were, but

> > that we wanted this puja to be there in order to bring good

> > vibrations to the place where this evidence of the Incarnation of

> > Shri Mataji would be forthcoming. From what i can recall, the SY

> > leadership also assured SM that they would " smooth things over "

> > with the North Americans as regards to the venue change for the

> > Guru Puja of 1994. People do not generally like puja venue

> > changes, and i doubt that this had ever happened previously with

> > such short notice.)

> >


> My pranaam Violet for this important information. By bearing witness

> and confirming past events you have handed me a powerful weapon to

> use against all the negativity. Shri Mataji has Her own ways of

> manifesting the Truth and fulfilling Her promise to establish Sahaja

> Yoga before She leaves. i believe She will awaken more souls to

> respond to the Call of the Conch and serve Her unflinchingly.


> > >

> > > So i have to talk about Lalita to underpin one of the reasons


> > > i am so driven to summon great ancient souls to stand up and

> > > battle for the victory of the Divine Mother. Deep in my heart i

> > > know she is the one whose birth is most significant even though

> > > Kash was the first to meet the Adi Shakti within and provided

> > > the bulk of the evidence. i have always felt that it is Lalita

> > > who will one day rise to the challenge and perform her sacred

> > > duty to spread the Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. (Kash has

> > > already asked and been granted permission by Shri Mataji to be

> > > relieved as he is not ready for such a task, and wants to lead a

> > > normal life for the time being.) Among reasons Lalita's birth is

> > > special is the fact that Shri Mataji, just after confirming that

> > > special personalities will give evidence of Her incarnation,

> > > held the Easter Puja in Sydney, Australia on April 3, 1994 i.e.,

> > > the day Lalita was born.

> >

> > (Yes... you do have to talk about Lalita in order to underpin the

> > facts concerning her birth. The facts are that Shri Mataji told

> > Sahaja Yogis at Sydney Airport in 1994 that Lalita is a special

> > personality, and Shri Mataji has also revealed to you that Lalita

> > is an angel. You have also explained that by " angel " is meant

> > an " ancient liberated soul " . Now you feel that it will be mainly

> > Lalita who will one day rise to the challenge and perform her

> > sacred duty to spread the Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. The

> > thing is... as Lalita can talk about the Sahasrara (the Kingdom of

> > Heaven within)... she is therefore eminently suitable/qualified to

> > do this task. And of course... there is the fact that she was

> > obviously chosen to do it. Then the fact that she was born on

> > Easter (a holy day). Then the fact that she has already " given

> > evidence " about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Not many SYs have those

> > qualifications for the job... i would say!

> >


> i believe that in future, with all the evidence at her disposal,

> Lalita can collectively help to manifest faith, conviction and joy

> in seekers accepting Shri Mataji and Her Divine Message. This can

> only take place if Her devotees - after first ridding themselves of

> all the past ugly rumors, false allegations and character

> assassinations against these personalities - begin to openly and

> actively promote the Truth. Part and parcel of this Truth is Shri

> Mataji's declaration of a great blessing to mankind that would

> confirm Her Incarnation. Don't allow the negativity to attack you.


> i have to admit that over the last few months the negativity has

> decreased substantially. Perhaps SYs are beginning to realize the

> truth and are helping with their healing consciousness. The reason i

> am convinced is that the three coconuts with swastikas have finally

> stopped cracking after years. Even my wife noticed that and

> confirmed it this morning. She said that the negativity is much less

> now and knew for some time that the coconuts had stopped cracking.

> That is indeed welcome news.


> >

> > Then as you say also... that Kash wants to lead a 'normal life'

> > for the 'time being' and he has gained permission from Shri Mataji

> > to be relieved of this task for now. So... all things taken into

> > consideration, i believe you are right in what you feel that

> > Lalita will be the one who will rise to the challenge of spreading

> > the Divine Message of the Adi Shakti. i remember when Lalita wrote

> > on the forum that one post... that she was very articulate,

> > intelligent, and warm-hearted in what she wrote... and for a

> > child, her insight was amazing! i sense some amazing things coming

> > forth from Lalita. Of course, Shri Mataji revealed that anyway.

> > She said that Lalita (we now have a name... folks... which we did

> > not have in 1994!) would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation. That

> > is such wonderful news! And it is a wonderful thing altogether. i

> > don't care how many skeptics there might be; i know this in my

> > heart about Lalita too.)

> >


> i must yet again emphasize that neither Lalita, Arwinder, Kash or

> any family member is interested in any sort of recognition, fame,

> fortune or leadership role. Those who know us will confirm how much

> we value privacy and simplicity, and take great lengths to shun

> glamour and recognition. We are only interested in announcing the

> Truth that Shri Mataji Herself has manifested for all. Therefore,

> why should anyone feel offended or jealous or hurt for whatever

> reason? Why not support and spread the Truth of the Divine Mother on

> whom you are daily meditating and seeking moksa (liberation)?


> > >

> > > On Easter Day 1994, his mother was blessed with a daughter. Kash

> > > went to meditate with Shri Sivankari Devi and offered thanks.


> > > then revealed to him the identity of his celestial sister in the

> > > Kingdom Of God, an awesome reminder by the Great Adi Shakti to

> > > all humanity that " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened from

> > > the very day of My birth. " (Sivankari (408th): Harbinger of good

> > > auspices.)

> >

> > (Jagbir... in reference to the words: " She then revealed to him

> > the identity of his celestial sister in the Kingdom of God " . Did

> > She reveal She was just an " angel " or did She reveal the " actual

> > identity " ? Who is being referred to in the words: " in this world

> > Brahma Shakti was awakened from the very day of My birth " ? i am

> > not quite clear on this point. Could you possibly make this more

> > clear to me, Jagbir? You must be leading up to something. Surely,

> > we must know the identity of Lalita in the Kingdom of God. Is your

> > daughter Lalita the same " Lalita " , because that would be wonderful

> > news if she was. And yet... i thought you said you did not know

> > her identity. i guess i am a 'bit confused' here. Maybe... you can

> > help me out.)

> >


> Violet, Shri Mataji on Her own revealed that Lalita was an angel.

Over the years i never asked for more specific information as i never

saw any need to go into detail.


> You asked about the quote " in this world Brahma Shakti was awakened

> from the very day of My birth " . Well, it was made by Shri Mataji

> during a puja. i am just quoting Her to emphasize that this Brahma

> Shakti had manifested the birth of angels too i.e., Shri Mataji is

> telling the truth when She claims Herself to be the incarnation of

> Shri Lalita Devi.


> But my daughter is definitely NOT the same " Lalita " and cannot be

> compared in any way to the Devi. There are very goods reasons Shri

> Mataji manifested angels on Earth and revealed their identities.

> They are absolutely necessary to authenticate Her Divine Message of

> the Last Judgment and Resurrection.


> " Angels: The Magnificent Servants of God


> What are angels?


> An angel is a pure spirit created by God. The Old Testament theology

> included the belief in angels: the name applied to certain spiritual

> beings or intelligences of heavenly residence, employed by God as

> the ministers of His will.


> How do we know angels exist?


> The Scriptures give us no indication of the precise time of the

> creation of angels; their existence is assumed at the earliest

> times. Our Lord often spoke of angels; in the New Testament they are

> numerous and seven orders are mentioned: Angels, Powers,

> Principalities, Dominions (ations), Thrones and Archangels the Old

> Testament specifically mentions two others Seraph (im) and Cherub

> (im). God bestowed upon angels great wisdom, freedom, and power,

> and their many appearances in the New Testament are indication of

> the lead role assigned to them. . . .


> Angels are purely spiritual or bodiless persons (Mt 11:30), some of

> whom behold the face of God and thus are in bliss (Mt 18:10). These

> spiritual beings comprise the celestial court and are called angels

> (from the Greek for " messenger " ) because, according to the Bible,

> they carry out missions at God's command. In order to complete these

> missions, they can at times assume bodily form. According to the

> Bible, their missions are sometimes of great importance - eg, the

> Annunciation (Lk 1:26; 2:9-14).


> Like us , the angels are the objects of God's grace and love. But

> because, unlike us they are non-bodily creatures, their response to

> God's love did not require time and reflection to grow and mature.

> As soon as they were created and received grace, they had the

> opportunity to respond to God's love and thus be welcomed into

> bliss. While many did so, some did not. Perhaps the most significant

> continuing activity of the good angels is to be the agents of God's

> particular providence for mankind. "


> Catholic Online, http://saints.catholic.org/angels.html



> " Nothing is hidden from the face of God. No act of an angel or

> human, good or bad, is hidden from Him. The angels know that God is

> always present in the heavens, the cosmos, and on Earth. Nothing

> escapes His Gaze. Suffering and bliss, war and peace, riches and

> poverty, sickness and health are permitted by God to exist side by

> side. When we are able to bless every act and circumstance of our

> lives, as God has asked us all to do, we acknowledge His Presence

> and His Lordship. When we curse any person, place, or thing, we

> ourselves become profane. We are not living in truth.


> God alone is Truth. The angels, tested spirits of pure Truth, long

> to draw near to us so that, through them, we may draw nearer to the

> Living God. Those who draw nearer to the Living God begin to

> comprehend Truth. Truth alone frees humans from bondage. "


> Janice T. Connel, Angel Power, Ballantine Books, 1995 p. 185)



> " Q What is your definition of an angel?


> An angel is a spiritual being fundamentally different from humans. I

> believe they were created by God a very long time ago before the

> Earth was created. These heavenly spirits are organized in a society

> whose purpose is the worship of God and the carrying out of God's

> commands on Earth . . .


> According to much of the ancient traditions, angels were created

> long before the Earth, and they have been a part of history ever

> since we've been here. The earliest writings about angels go back to

> ancient Sumer some five thousand years ago, and angels have been

> intertwined with our history ever since then. They have been a part

> of most of the world's great religions, both the Eastern and Western

> traditions. But I think they're best known through the Judeo-

> Christian and Islamic traditions. In these traditions, the angels

> are all servants of God, created by God to carry out God's designs

> both in the heavens and on Earth . . .


> They come to bring us the possibilities of change . . . They come to

> men and women and children, to people of all races and all cultures,

> to people who are religious or not, to people who are in distress or

> to people simply beginning their day's work. And they come to tell

> us that we can grow, we can change . . . angels come into our lives

> to heal. Not that they wave wands over us like fairy godmothers, but

> they teach us wisdom, by sharing with us the grace of God, the

> enlightenment which comes from heaven. They show us ways that we can

> heal our own lives, and not just our own lives, but the lives of the

> people around us. And not just the lives of the people around us,

> but the world itself. Angels want us to be whole, as God is whole. "


> Elias Freeman, M.A.

> (Quoted in Angels: The Mysterious Messengers, Ballantine Books, 1994

> p. 102-7.)


> >

> > Oh yes... just to get back to the timing of the birth. Well, if

> > Lalita had been born at 12:00 midnight, then she would have been

> > born at 11pm because at midnight the time reverted to 11:00pm due

> > to the 'time change'. The fact that she was therefore born 16

> > minutes before midnight 'made sure' that she was actually born on

> > the Christian Holy Day of Easter... it still only being 16 minutes

> > to 12 midnight before the time reverted to 11:00pm exactly at

> > midnight. That is incredible!)

> >


> A slight correction needed here. It still is only being 16 minutes

> to 12 midnight before the time jumps one hour AHEAD to 1:00am. i.e.,

> at 12 midnight it becomes 1.00 am. That is why i sometimes allow

> Lalita to celebrate her birthday on both the 2nd and 3rd of April.


> >

> > (Jagbir, again i am asking you. Is Lalita an incarnation of the

> > Divine Mother? i am just not understanding. Is this what you are

> > hinting at... Jagbir? If it is... then that is the most wonderful

> > news! If it is not... then we still have ancient liberated souls

> > who can give evidence of the Incarnation of Shri Mataji Nirmala

> > Devi, and that is wonderful too! Either way... it is just

> > wonderful news and the identity does not matter. It is the

> > spiritual work to be done that matters most... perhaps.)

> >


> No, Violet, Lalita is definitely not an incarnation of the Divine

> Mother. It is and will only be Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. For the

> first and only time in the history of this universe the Holy Spirit

> of God has taken a full physical form and incarnated with all Her

> powers. Shri Mataji has revealed that the deities, ganas and angels

> have accompanied Her. The precise birthdays of Lalita and Kash on

> the holiest days of Christianity and Islam is evidence that Shri

> Mataji is telling the truth that She has been sent by God Almighty

> to deliver the Divine Message to humanity. Angels are absolutely

> required to bear witness and authenticate Her divinity and message

> of salvation (moksa).


> " In the New Testament angels appear frequently as the ministers of

> God and the agents of revelation (e.g. Matthew 1:20 (to Joseph),

> 4:11. (to Jesus), Luke 1:26 (to Mary), Acts 12:7 (to Peter); and

> Jesus speaks of angels as fulfilling such functions (E.g. Mark 8:38,

> 13:27),… Angels are most prominent in the Apocalypse….


> In Arabic, the language of the Qur'an, angels are called

> " Malaaikah " (sing: Malak). The belief in angels is central to the

> religion of Islam, beginning with the belief that the Qur'an was

> dictated to the Prophet Muhammad by the chief of all angels, the

> archangel Jibril (Gabriel). Angels are thus the ministers of God, as

> well as the agents of revelation in Islam. "


> www.wikipedia.org



> " Angel in Greek means messenger. This word denotes mainly their

> relationship to man. They, as our elder brothers, reveal to us the

> will of God and assist us in reaching salvation. Man, from the

> beginning of his state in paradise, knew of the existence of the

> angels. This fact is reflected in many ancient religions. "


> The Nature of Angels, www.fatheralexander.org/



> " God Himself is capable of all kinds of miracles. We who are created

> by God are doing some things, which look miraculous . . . but these

> miracles come from the Power of God. So we are the creation of that

> wee bit, very wee bit, of that miracle. So all the miracles of God

> cannot be explained and should not be explained. They are beyond our

> mind and to make people feel the presence of God, God can do

> anything. He can move into all the dimensions and also into the

> Fourth Dimension. He can do whatever He feels like . . .


> We are to believe now, after seeing all these things for ourselves,

> that He is God, that He can do anything that He feels like, and we

> are nothing. We are nothing. There should be no rationality about

> it, of understanding God's miracles. How can it be? How could it be?

> You can't explain.


> Only when you achieve that state of mind where you believe through

> your experiences that God is All Powerful. It's very difficult. This

> concept is very difficult because we are limited people. We have

> limited powers. We cannot understand how God could be All Powerful

> because we, we haven't got the capacity.


> So this God who is our Creator, who is our Preserver, the One who

> desires that we should exist, which is our existence itself, is an

> All Powerful God. All Powerful! He can do whatever He likes. He can

> create another world, He can destroy this world. It's only if He has

> to desire. "


> Sri Lopamudrarcita Devi

> Pandarpur, India — Feb. 29, 1984



> And i will end with a quote from Rabbi Richard M. Baroff:


> " I think it's very important if we could prove that there are

> paranormal phenomena and if we could prove that these phenomena

> point to a transcendent realm beyond ours. That would be

> tremendously important as we try to chart out what is it that life

> is and what we're supposed to be doing, which we don't know. Those

> are big ifs, and I don't know if we can ever do that, or perhaps

> belief in God, in angels, and in the afterlife is always a question

> of faith . . .


> I don't agree with the point of view that faith itself is the whole

> point. I think if you knew for sure that there was a God, that there

> was an afterlife, if these things could be proven — and I'm not at

> all sure they can be, but if they could be — then we could amend our

> lives, we could change and be fuller human beings because we would

> have more knowledge about what the universe is and our part in it. "


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,


> jagbir


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