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Pope Benedict XVI: The message of the Last Judgment calls men to conversion while God is still giving them the acceptable time

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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> Thank you for your informative reply, which i appreciate. i have

> to admit that 'coming from a traditional Christian background'...

> that i probably do not have the same understanding of

> incarnations, deities, angels, and ganas that a person from the

> Hindu, Sikh or even the Islamic background might have. What i am

> saying is that... 'not having come from a Hindu background'... i

> may have missed out on a grounding knowledge that Hindus might

> take for granted. For example, i am sure that Hindus would know

> the difference between " ganas " and " angels " ... but coming from the

> Christian background, i don't know what the difference is.

> However, i would like to know.



Dear Violet,


In Hinduism, Ganas are attendants of Shiva and live in Kailasa.

Ganesha was chosen as their leader by Shiva, hence his title

Ganapati, " lord of ganas " .


" This simple innocent personality is the sign of a good Sahaja Yogi.

And then he also knows but definite trough his experience that he is

looked after by the ganas of Shri Ganesha. Whether you are in Russia

or in England or in India. They are all over and the way they are

watching you and the way they guide you and the way they help you,

you have these experiences and you know that how many people have

written about these experiences that we cannot even compile them in

a book. But all these ganas are there and they are so kind, and so

nice but apart from that they are also watching you, they are seeing

how is your behaviour. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Also fear of the leader should not be there, there's no need to

fear the leader. If you are on your gravity you keep to it. He will

understand you, as long as leader is on the gravity he'll be there.

As soon as you go away, goes away from the gravity he'll go away

himself. So you stand on your own gravity point and nobody can

disturb you, you should have no fear, nothing, nothing to bother in

Sahaja Yoga. As it is you are all saints, what is there to bother,

the whole Ganas, all the angels, all this all pervading power is

looking after you. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



So it looks like ganas and angels are the same.



> i also would like to say that perhaps it might have been a 'bit

> remiss' of me to inquire whether Lalita could be an incarnation

> (partial powers) of the Divine Mother. The only reason this

> question came to mind was because of the similar names of Lalita

> and Shri Lalita Devi. That is why i needed to clarify this point

> for myself, and possibly for others also. i knew that a Divine

> Mother needed the spiritual eschatology to verify Her Incarnation,

> but i did not know if this was the case for all incarnations of

> the Divine Mother. i don't know whether Shri Sita, Shri Lakshmi,

> and other incarnations needed a spiritual eschatology to verify

> their incarnations too. It is my guess that they must have had

> verification, but i do not know this for a fact. (Maybe,

> their " Dispensational Times " were different, and they were just

> accepted because it was not the Kali Yuga then, when people would

> forget and reject the traditional spiritual knowledge.)


> i also want to say that although i have had two conscious unique

> personal experiences with angels (and many people have experienced

> these guardian angels at crucial times in their lives)... that i

> have never before been aware of what i call the 'understanding of

> angels in the eschatological or biblical sense'. In other words...

> the stories in the Bible about angels appearing to people...

> 'read' like 'fairytales' from 'bygone times'... that 'somehow' did

> not happen on 'the same level' today! The ministers of the

> Christian church really have to answer to this, as they have

> always spoken of angels of the " past " or angels of the " future " ,

> but they never spoke of angels in the " present " ... or as some

> Gnostic Texts have stated it: " Angels of the Presence " .


> Therefore... in Christian terms... " angels " were not part of the

> Modern Times or the modern context. On the practical level, this

> made angels rather extinct then. And not only that... interest in

> angels was kind of 'forbidden' as some kind of 'occult thing' to

> be avoided. There was " no problem whatsoever " with the angels

> appearing to Mary, the Mother of Jesus... or to some of the other

> biblical characters... but that is where we were told... " it

> stays! " Therefore, i believe we need " angelic messengers " in

> our " present " again, so we can be reminded of God and His

> Kingdom... and also to help us to understand what we have not

> understood spiritually... before.


> violet




i think the strict definition of " angels " should be applied:


" Angels: {Latin: angelus} ~ {Greek: angelos; " a super natural

being " } {Hebrew: malak; " a messenger " } A being empowered as a

messenger of the divine, for divine justice, guidance and/or



Though superhuman, angels can assume human form; this is the

earliest conception. Gradually, and especially in post-Biblical

times, angels came to be bodied forth in a form corresponding to the

nature of the mission to be fulfilled—generally, however, the human



In the Bible, angels are a medium of God's power; they exist to

execute God's will. Angels reveal themselves to individuals as well

as to the whole nation, to announce events, either good or bad,

affecting humans. " (Wikipedia)


Thus, applying the above definition, evidence and testimony of

angels are absolutely essential to authenticate and identify the

Messiah (Comforter) who completes the teachings of Jesus Christ and

delivers the message of the Last Judgment. Except for Shri Mataji,

no one has ever claimed to be the Comforter sent by Jesus. Among the

irrefutable evidence She has presented is that of angels

accompanying Her, and bearing witness of Her Incarnation and Divine

Message of the Last Judgment.


i will quote the present Pope Benedict XVI:


" The Last Judgment will come when Christ returns in Glory. Only the

Father knows the day and the hour; only he determines the moment of

its coming. Then through his Son Jesus Christ he will pronounce the

final word on all history. We shall know the ultimate meaning of the

whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and

understand the marvelous ways by which his Providence led everything

towards its final end. The Last Judgment will reveal that God's

justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures

and that God's love is stronger than death. (626)


The message of the Last Judgment calls men to conversion while God

is still giving them " the acceptable time,... the day of salvation. "

(627) It inspires a holy fear of God and commits them to the justice

of the Kingdom of God. "


(626. Cf. Song 8:6; 627. 2 Cor 6:2.)


J. C. Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church,

U.S.C.C. Inc., 1994 p. 272.



So according to Pope Benedict XVI the " message of the Last Judgment

calls men to conversion while God is still giving them " the

acceptable time,... the day of salvation. " " The Comforter (Spirit)

Shri Mataji is in complete agreement.


" In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of

Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to

rectify themselves, for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in

the Bible is called as Last Judgment, that you will be judged. All

of you will be judged on this Earth. The population of the Earth is

at the maximum these days because all those, practically all those

who had aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God, are born in

Modern Times and are going to be born very soon. This is the most

important times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is

fantastic to hear this but that's the fact. It's the Truth.


Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for

you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

Judgment, which looks such a horrifying experience, has been made

very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb

you. " (end of quote)


The only difference is that while Pope Benedict XVI made a general

statement to Catholics that the Last Judgment will come, the Adi

Shakti is warning all humanity - Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus,

Buddhists, Sikhs - that the Last Judgment is now taking place. Over

the decades She has revealed in detail the ultimate meaning of the

whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and

the marvelous ways by which His Providence is lead everything

towards its final end. The Last Judgment has revealed that God's

justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures

and that God's love is stronger than death. The message of the Last

Judgment calls men to conversion while God is still giving them " the

acceptable time,... the day of salvation. "


In the Bible, angels are a medium of God's power; they exist to

execute God's will. Angels reveal themselves to individuals as well

as to the whole nation, to announce events, either good or bad,

affecting humans. That is why in March 1994 Shri Mataji disclosed at

the Sydney International Airport, Australia of a great blessing to

mankind that would confirm Her Incarnation. She particularly

mentioned that children from Montreal, Canada will fulfill this task

of providing that evidence. Shri Mataji told the SYs present that

they should now begin declaring Her Advent and Message of the Last

Judgment since confirmation of Her Incarnation was imminent. The

great blessing to mankind Shri Mataji revealed was that of angels

taking birth on Earth to confirm Her Incarnation. That is why the

strict definition of " angels " makes so much eschatological sense of

Pope Benedict XVI's message that " the Last Judgment calls men to

conversion while God is still giving them the acceptable time " .



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Dear Jagbir,


Thank you so much for that expose on the role of angels. i have always had a

personal appreciation of angels, but never realised it in the 'eschatological

Biblical sense' as i have realised it now. i understand it all much better now,

due to your efforts in making this subject that much clearer. i have a much

greater appreciation of " angels " in the Biblical sense now, and rejoice that

they are " with us " ... visible and invisible.


Also... the particular quotes you use from Shri Mataji are especially revealing

too. i refer especially to the line of " Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment " . This

quote of Shri Mataji that " Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment " and that " IT "

(referring to the Last Judgment) in Her Own Words " has been made very beautiful,

and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you " ... should therefore

encourage all Sahaja Yogis to tell people the Good News that the Last Judgment

has been made very beautiful, very tender, and delicate by Shri Mataji... and

does not disturb you.


Why should it not be told by all SYs since Shri Mataji has explained over all

the years how it is such a beautiful, tender, and delicate Message that does not

disturb you!


The thing is... people need to know that it is not a Doomsday Message as the

religious ministers and priests have made it out to be. People must now realise

that the religious ministers and priests have used the Judgment Message as a

major weapon over their religious adherents for centuries. The World needs to

know that it is a Compassionate Message and not a Doomsday Message!


Jai Shri Mataji!






, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > Thank you for your informative reply, which i appreciate. i have

> > to admit that 'coming from a traditional Christian background'...

> > that i probably do not have the same understanding of

> > incarnations, deities, angels, and ganas that a person from the

> > Hindu, Sikh or even the Islamic background might have. What i am

> > saying is that... 'not having come from a Hindu background'... i

> > may have missed out on a grounding knowledge that Hindus might

> > take for granted. For example, i am sure that Hindus would know

> > the difference between " ganas " and " angels " ... but coming from the

> > Christian background, i don't know what the difference is.

> > However, i would like to know.

> >


> Dear Violet,


> In Hinduism, Ganas are attendants of Shiva and live in Kailasa.

> Ganesha was chosen as their leader by Shiva, hence his title

> Ganapati, " lord of ganas " .


> " This simple innocent personality is the sign of a good Sahaja Yogi.

> And then he also knows but definite trough his experience that he is

> looked after by the ganas of Shri Ganesha. Whether you are in Russia

> or in England or in India. They are all over and the way they are

> watching you and the way they guide you and the way they help you,

> you have these experiences and you know that how many people have

> written about these experiences that we cannot even compile them in

> a book. But all these ganas are there and they are so kind, and so

> nice but apart from that they are also watching you, they are seeing

> how is your behaviour. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> " Also fear of the leader should not be there, there's no need to

> fear the leader. If you are on your gravity you keep to it. He will

> understand you, as long as leader is on the gravity he'll be there.

> As soon as you go away, goes away from the gravity he'll go away

> himself. So you stand on your own gravity point and nobody can

> disturb you, you should have no fear, nothing, nothing to bother in

> Sahaja Yoga. As it is you are all saints, what is there to bother,

> the whole Ganas, all the angels, all this all pervading power is

> looking after you. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> So it looks like ganas and angels are the same.


> >

> > i also would like to say that perhaps it might have been a 'bit

> > remiss' of me to inquire whether Lalita could be an incarnation

> > (partial powers) of the Divine Mother. The only reason this

> > question came to mind was because of the similar names of Lalita

> > and Shri Lalita Devi. That is why i needed to clarify this point

> > for myself, and possibly for others also. i knew that a Divine

> > Mother needed the spiritual eschatology to verify Her Incarnation,

> > but i did not know if this was the case for all incarnations of

> > the Divine Mother. i don't know whether Shri Sita, Shri Lakshmi,

> > and other incarnations needed a spiritual eschatology to verify

> > their incarnations too. It is my guess that they must have had

> > verification, but i do not know this for a fact. (Maybe,

> > their " Dispensational Times " were different, and they were just

> > accepted because it was not the Kali Yuga then, when people would

> > forget and reject the traditional spiritual knowledge.)

> >

> > i also want to say that although i have had two conscious unique

> > personal experiences with angels (and many people have experienced

> > these guardian angels at crucial times in their lives)... that i

> > have never before been aware of what i call the 'understanding of

> > angels in the eschatological or biblical sense'. In other words...

> > the stories in the Bible about angels appearing to people...

> > 'read' like 'fairytales' from 'bygone times'... that 'somehow' did

> > not happen on 'the same level' today! The ministers of the

> > Christian church really have to answer to this, as they have

> > always spoken of angels of the " past " or angels of the " future " ,

> > but they never spoke of angels in the " present " ... or as some

> > Gnostic Texts have stated it: " Angels of the Presence " .

> >

> > Therefore... in Christian terms... " angels " were not part of the

> > Modern Times or the modern context. On the practical level, this

> > made angels rather extinct then. And not only that... interest in

> > angels was kind of 'forbidden' as some kind of 'occult thing' to

> > be avoided. There was " no problem whatsoever " with the angels

> > appearing to Mary, the Mother of Jesus... or to some of the other

> > biblical characters... but that is where we were told... " it

> > stays! " Therefore, i believe we need " angelic messengers " in

> > our " present " again, so we can be reminded of God and His

> > Kingdom... and also to help us to understand what we have not

> > understood spiritually... before.

> >

> > violet

> >

> >


> i think the strict definition of " angels " should be applied:


> " Angels: {Latin: angelus} ~ {Greek: angelos; " a super natural

> being " } {Hebrew: malak; " a messenger " } A being empowered as a

> messenger of the divine, for divine justice, guidance and/or

> protection.


> Though superhuman, angels can assume human form; this is the

> earliest conception. Gradually, and especially in post-Biblical

> times, angels came to be bodied forth in a form corresponding to the

> nature of the mission to be fulfilled—generally, however, the human

> form.


> In the Bible, angels are a medium of God's power; they exist to

> execute God's will. Angels reveal themselves to individuals as well

> as to the whole nation, to announce events, either good or bad,

> affecting humans. " (Wikipedia)


> Thus, applying the above definition, evidence and testimony of

> angels are absolutely essential to authenticate and identify the

> Messiah (Comforter) who completes the teachings of Jesus Christ and

> delivers the message of the Last Judgment. Except for Shri Mataji,

> no one has ever claimed to be the Comforter sent by Jesus. Among the

> irrefutable evidence She has presented is that of angels

> accompanying Her, and bearing witness of Her Incarnation and Divine

> Message of the Last Judgment.


> i will quote the present Pope Benedict XVI:


> " The Last Judgment will come when Christ returns in Glory. Only the

> Father knows the day and the hour; only he determines the moment of

> its coming. Then through his Son Jesus Christ he will pronounce the

> final word on all history. We shall know the ultimate meaning of the

> whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and

> understand the marvelous ways by which his Providence led everything

> towards its final end. The Last Judgment will reveal that God's

> justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures

> and that God's love is stronger than death. (626)


> The message of the Last Judgment calls men to conversion while God

> is still giving them " the acceptable time,... the day of salvation. "

> (627) It inspires a holy fear of God and commits them to the justice

> of the Kingdom of God. "


> (626. Cf. Song 8:6; 627. 2 Cor 6:2.)


> J. C. Ratzinger, Catechism of the Catholic Church,

> U.S.C.C. Inc., 1994 p. 272.



> So according to Pope Benedict XVI the " message of the Last Judgment

> calls men to conversion while God is still giving them " the

> acceptable time,... the day of salvation. " " The Comforter (Spirit)

> Shri Mataji is in complete agreement.


> " In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of

> Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is time given to human beings to

> rectify themselves, for them to enter the Kingdom of God which in

> the Bible is called as Last Judgment, that you will be judged. All

> of you will be judged on this Earth. The population of the Earth is

> at the maximum these days because all those, practically all those

> who had aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God, are born in

> Modern Times and are going to be born very soon. This is the most

> important times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is

> fantastic to hear this but that's the fact. It's the Truth.


> Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for

> you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last

> Judgment, which looks such a horrifying experience, has been made

> very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb

> you. " (end of quote)


> The only difference is that while Pope Benedict XVI made a general

> statement to Catholics that the Last Judgment will come, the Adi

> Shakti is warning all humanity - Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus,

> Buddhists, Sikhs - that the Last Judgment is now taking place. Over

> the decades She has revealed in detail the ultimate meaning of the

> whole work of creation and of the entire economy of salvation and

> the marvelous ways by which His Providence is lead everything

> towards its final end. The Last Judgment has revealed that God's

> justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures

> and that God's love is stronger than death. The message of the Last

> Judgment calls men to conversion while God is still giving them " the

> acceptable time,... the day of salvation. "


> In the Bible, angels are a medium of God's power; they exist to

> execute God's will. Angels reveal themselves to individuals as well

> as to the whole nation, to announce events, either good or bad,

> affecting humans. That is why in March 1994 Shri Mataji disclosed at

> the Sydney International Airport, Australia of a great blessing to

> mankind that would confirm Her Incarnation. She particularly

> mentioned that children from Montreal, Canada will fulfill this task

> of providing that evidence. Shri Mataji told the SYs present that

> they should now begin declaring Her Advent and Message of the Last

> Judgment since confirmation of Her Incarnation was imminent. The

> great blessing to mankind Shri Mataji revealed was that of angels

> taking birth on Earth to confirm Her Incarnation. That is why the

> strict definition of " angels " makes so much eschatological sense of

> Pope Benedict XVI's message that " the Last Judgment calls men to

> conversion while God is still giving them the acceptable time " .


> jagbir


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