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Shri Mataji: But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga

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Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


i want all to read this 1985 speech by Shri Mataji which Violet

brought up and is working on. (As moderator i had a peek and could

not resist commenting.)


" But for that we have to remember that we have developed lots of

antidotes in England. Like the words I've seen people use, very

common is, " That may be too much " ; " It may be too much " ; " They're

frightened " ; " One shouldn't say too much. "


You should, when you say too much at least little bit will go into

their heads. So you have to say too much. Say what you want. There

should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas, so that something

goes into their heads. They know that you're sincere, you're saying

it sincerely, you cannot contain within yourself. Emphatically you

have to say these. That's what everybody did. All those who were

great incarnations said it with such concern, with such force. In

the same way, you have to say without any fear. " Oh, that may be too

much, Mother it was too much for him. " Let him be blasted! Doesn't

matter, say everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full



But when people come to Sahaja Yoga, when they come for say, a

workshop or something, we try to be the same party people. Like in

the party, you see, " What will you have? " Then we'll say, " Alright,

let me think. What did I have yesterday, so I'll have today this

thing. " It's like a shopping going on.


No, you have to say, " We have this and please have it now, otherwise

you won't have it. This is the time! " Let them say what they like.

It's important. I see sometimes your SDP conferences and all these,

the way they speak, they just blast you, I mean, hammer in your

head. Why should we not, when this is the truth? Why should we not

tell them and talk to them in that manner? We think by being

gentle... alright gentleness is different, but I mean to say by

saying less than I say, understatement. It's typical English " That

might be too much. "


In Sahaja Yoga it is such a lot that how much are you going to pour

out, can never be too much. So be careful on that. When you've to

say it, say it in a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they

going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare

not. Otherwise perfectly alright, nothing can touch me. And even

crucifixion cannot touch me, you know that.


So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them

in a big way, of course loving and gentle manner but tell them, the

concern should be there. Alright?... I don't say you aggress but

don't say anything less, understatement is not needed. There should

not be any balancing in that. Those people who'll be appeased by

that will not be good Sahaja Yogis. They cannot come in the Kingdom

of God. We don't have to be begging of them but we have to honour

them, we have to respect them, we have to be kind to them, but we

have to give them what we have. Like in the family, you go, you get

everything from the fridge and give it to them, they'll be very

happy to take it whatever you like, what a spread. But if you put

one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chili to say

that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think, " What's this

going on here? Wishy-washy stuff. " "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sheffield, UK, August 21 1985



So we have solid, irrefutable evidence that Shri Mataji wanted the

Truth to be told openly without any fear or understatment. By the

words used it is clear that Shri Mataji was ticking off and scolding

cowardly SYs who were using all sorts of excuses not to frighten off

new seekers with the truth. i believe She was greatly disappointed

with such timid devotees:


" But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one

chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will

think, " What's this going on here. Wishy-washy stuff. "


(i believe She was critical of the lemon and chilli treatment combo

that is the sacred cow of WCASY/Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.)


Anyway, that was 21 years ago.


Today the same timid folks have all climbed up the SY leadership

ladder and make the bulk of WCASY. In short, they hold all the

important decision making positions ........ a cabal of cowards who

scratch each others back (and occasionally stab too, as Guido and

company have unfortunately found out too late). Some council members

like Alan Wherry use aspiring sidekicks like John Noyce and others

to do their dirty work of monitoring this forum to harass/monitor

those freeing themselves from the SY leadership clutches to follow

Shri Mataji's clear injuctions to openly announce Her incarnation

and message.


Shri Mataji is now old, tired and, probably having enough, has

resorted to silence as those cowards in charge do not understand

that " if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with

one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will

think, " What's this going on here? Wishy-washy stuff. "


i have a Feb 2006 post from Kyyan that confirms that nothing has

changed since 1985 when Shri Mataji castiged the cowardly types:


" Like the words I've seen people use, very common is, " That may be

too much " ; " It may be too much " ; " They're frightened " ; " One

shouldn't say too much. "


It is almost unbelievable that after 21 years WCASY and the SY

leadership can still convince SYs that the truth will be too much

for seekers and that they should not say too much ...... but just

give Self-realization. It is probably the greatest collective lie in

Sahaja Yoga history. What rank and file SYs do not realize is that

history is a harsh judge who never forgets .......... or forgives.





, " v_koa " <v_koa





(the yogi i originally named will remain absent to protect his

privacy) is right, and I have been thinking this and discussing this

with many yogis online for many months.


What it comes down to is exactly what (name withheld) yogi said: -

telling the truth. Holding a meeting once a week to give realization

is good, but how much is truly being done to get mothers message out

there like she has asked repeatedly, which is the message that it is

the last judgement and resurrection time as prophesied in the bible

and other spiritual texts, and that she is the Adi Shakti, (the

incarnation of the Holy spirit), the breath of God, that has been

promised by Jesus to come in the time before the end to comfort

people, and to teach all he could not teach about the kingdom of

God. In laymen's terms, it is the time for us to Ascend as a whole

and individually and that The Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit)is here on

earth to connect us to ourselves and to God, allowing us time to

purify ourselves and introduce others to Her and to them selves so

they have the same chance and to be saved and to enjoy the spirit

and all the blessing that go along with it.


I feel that the Ashram is suffering as well, in part to what (name

withheld) has said, but I feel also because we are not openly

declaring the truth of what SY is, basically not doing as mother has

asked. Do we really think that SY is going to spread like wildfire

if we cloak it to initial visitors as a yoga that raises the

kundalini and works on the chakras? I mean in a huge sea of similar

yogas and meditation classes that are out there as well that claim

to raise the kundalini and do this and that with the Chakras, and

even another " group " that claims their leader is the incarnation of

the Adi Shakti (yes there is another meditation group claiming an

obvious fake who has no power to be the Adi Shakti), do we really

think that marketing this as a " special yoga " or stress relief and

health benefit yoga is going to get followers when there are already

loads of the same out there that charge lots of money (people feel

secure and ensured of the benefit if they have to pay for some

reason) and put so much into flashy advertising, while we twinkle

like a Christmas light on a sunny day?


I know that people may be fearful that many won't accept the fact

that " judgement day " as it were, is actually a period of time (not a

day) in which we are currently living and may scoff, ridicule or run

away from SY. Even more to that point, many are probably scared that

if we openly tell others, especially beginners, that SY is not just

a meditation, but is the only way to take part in the Last Judgement

and it is our birth right, as well as the fact that Mother is the

Holy Spirit( ***not just an incarnation who remains nameless at

first, or a guru, or highly evolved soul as it is being said at most

meetings) that these people may flee and never return or not come

back because its too religious or whatever. There is no doubt this

may happen, but by far I can't see it as being a trend. IF anything,

if more people know the depth and truth of SY and who mother is

right up front, whether they believe or not, they would be more

inclined to stay on or keep it locked in there heads like " what if

what they are saying is true? " instead of running away and never

returning. I mean right now how many really return or practice,

especially those who have damaged their subtle system so much that

they don't feel anything for quite some time? How many of those

people will come back if they feel nothing, knowing that its just

another meditation to bring peace to the mind, like the thousands

out there claiming the same thing as we are currently explaining SY

to people?


They would and will not return because they have gotten nothing out

of it. If people knew the truth, and that this was not just a

meditation but the connection to the Holy spirit and " heaven " and

that the one who is in the picture is actually the Holy Spirit, they

would be more inclined to stay despite feeling little or nothing.

Not only that, those that run may eventually come back because of

this fact and besides, how well has our " bait people with a special

yoga and tell the whole truth later " idea worked for SY and our

collective so far? By the looks of things, not very good, or at

least as well as it could be working.


The way I see it, deceiving people or only telling part of the truth

or a " half truth " is still lying, and how long are we going to lie

or deceive in order to tell the truth? The end does not justify the

means, especially when Mother has asked us to declare the time of

Judgement and resurrection is now and that she is the Adi Shakti?

The quote to which I am referring are below; think about them:


**I am the Adi Shakti. I am the One who has come on this Earth for

the first time in this form to do this tremendous task . The more

you understand this the better it would be. You will change



I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we have said it. But

now it is you people who have to prove it that I am that! "


Shri Adi-Shakti Devi

Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983**



** " You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings,

with your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get

realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified

Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction.

And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any

Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to

hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will

enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of

God here (pointing to the Sahastrara in the photo)), as I say, in

the Seventh Chakra. "


Shri Adi Shakti Devi

The New Age Has Started,

Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981**


**Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


" Tell all the nations and tell all the people, all over, the great

message - that the time of Resurrection is Here. Now, at this time,

and that you all are capable of doing it. You are the ones who are

capable of manifesting God's joy on this earth. You are the flutes

which are going to play the Melody of God. I am doing all this to

perfect you to be the 'most' beautiful instruments of God. Like the

ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried, and found out to be sea-

worthy to sail out, when you know everything about the ship,

everything about the sea, with complete freedom and wisdom, you have

to sail now. Not afraid of any storms or any gales or any typhoons

because now all you 'know'. Your job is to cross through. " You

become the Ocean, you become the Moon, you become the Sun, you

become the Earth, you become the Ether, the firmament - and you

become, the Spirit. You work for all of them. All the stars and

universes you become, and take up their work. "


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 28 September 1996)**


She has said all of this back in 1996 and how many people out there

worldwide in SY have openly done this, and how many other people

know about it outside of SY? I agree with (name withheld) that other

people are not afraid to tell of their faiths and explain to people

why their faith is the way. Why are we so fearful of ridicule?

People ridiculed Jesus but he stood firm on the truth, knowing that

what he was saying was absolute; in the same way all fears should be

given up because what we are doing and what has been asked of us is

absolute asked of us by the absolute.


The speeches we watch and the knowledge given is not only for us to

enjoy and benefit from, but for everyone to know of and benefit

from. Why can we openly declare and worship her as the Adi Shakti in

private but then keep quite about the greatest opportunity for

mankind and what many are watching the skies for signs and searching

for in public, especially since those are the very people who are

looking for God and who we have been chosen to help save? How can we

save people using dishonesty or hidden agendas, when the mode of

saving people is the truth? If we are scared, like (name withheld)

said, just let Mother do it all. We have to be up-front with the

truth, however powerful and fearful it may be for some, including

ourselves, and surrender the rest to mother, including the words.

She will help us, guide us and take care of everything as She wills

it, not how we think it should be taken care of . If people run,

they run, if they stay they stay; at least they are running or

staying based on knowing the truth, and whatever people choose and

what they decided to do and go through is all up to Mother. We are

the instruments (however badly blocked they are heheh- in my case)

and all we have to do is tell the truth and allow Mother to play the

music that will draw and sooth the listeners, comforting them and

introducing them to Her. We do nothing anyways, so why are we

worried about doing nothing?; we simply do nothing and let Mother

take care of everything.


My point is we need to tell who Shri Mataji is up front and that

this is the last resurrection and judgement as prophesied in the

bible etc, as well as explaining the subtle system and how it works

etc. as is being already done, all the time, in public and at

meetings or one on one situations, which we should all strive to put

ourselves in more (grass roots! as I was talking about in the other

letter) and let mother work out the rest. At least we will be doing

what she asked us instead of dodging it, and we will know no matter

what happens, we are standing on the truth and doing as she asked

us, so we will be looked after. To me, I would rather be standing

before " MOTHER " at the end of this life knowing I helped Her do what

She came her for and She asked of me, in total truth and with all my

effort, than be asked by Her " why did you waste so much time,

enjoying the pure knowledge for yourself only, instead of

surrendering fear to me and doing as I asked? "


That's all I have to say on that. Either way, whatever is decided to

be done officially is fine. I will without a doubt, 100% of the time

(and hopefully you all will be with me in this despite what other

older, more established yogis may think) telling people up front the

truth about SY and let them decide what they will do about it, and

let Mother work it all out.


With love as always; take care





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Dear Jagbir,


i believe you have inadvertently put the date for this talk of Shri Mataji's at

Sheffield as 21 " August " 1985... when the original post of Chandra's actually

said it took place on 21 " September " 1985:



Yes, i am still taking my time contemplating and writing about what Shri Mataji

said at Sheffield that momentous day, when She 'laid all Her cards on the table'

and 'said it like it is, because somehow i missed some of the finer points of

Her speech when Chandra first posted it in February this year. However, i find

that often happens with Shri Mataji's teachings. There is just so much in

them... 'like poetry' that i believe it will take a lifetime (and more) to glean

all that She has given. Sometimes i find i have to examine what She says...

'line-by-line' to really grasp it.


The 'line-by-line' expression actually reminds me of Alan Wherry's post that you

posted on the forum (Post 6868)... because he also talks about the

'line-by-line' type of writing. However he does not favour it at all! (Btw... i

think Sahaja Yoga Science Fiction Books are great as a 'supplement' to Shri

Mataji's teachings.) Anyway... here is what Alan wrote:


" I don't think that the way to answer the inadvertent silliness and nonsense

within writing such as the above, is to deal with it line by line, but instead,

as Grégoire has so valiantly attempted, with his novel The Legend of Dagad

Trikon, and now recently, Linda Williams with the first volume in her Keys of

Wisdom trilogy, we need now to 'set out our stall' in the mainstream of society

and to publicly stand up for what we believe in, what we know as truth, through

the grace of our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the living God. "



i just want to do a forensic analysis of what Alan is saying... so i can

understand better what he is saying... so i ask that you please bear with me:


1./ Alan says: " I don't think that the way to answer the inadvertent silliness

and nonsense within writing such as the above, is to deal with it line by

line " ...(End Quote)


(i don't know what is Alan's example, but it seems that Alan does not want a

'line-by-line-forensic-analysis' type of writing from SYs. Alan has given a

'silly and nonsensical' example which if you try to do a

'line-by-line-forensical-analysis' of... is going to be just as silly and

nonsensical as the original piece! However, Alan hopes this example will

dissuade SYs from submitting any 'line-by-line' type of writing to him.)


2./ Alan says: " but instead, as Gregoire has so valiantly attempted, with his

novel The Legend of Dagad Trikon " (EQ)


(Alan commends what Gregoire has done and gives Gregoire as an example for SYs

to follow. So... Sahaja Yogis... 'better get out your pens and paper and start

your Sahaja Yoga Science Fiction Writing Career!!!)


3./ Alan says: " and now recently, Linda Williams with the first volume in her

Keys of Wisdom trilogy " (EQ)


(i told you! Alan really does prefer Sahaja Yogis to write Science Fiction...

just like Gregoire and Linda have done! So, no excuse! Get out 'them pens and

paper' and 'start a'writin'. This will make Alan " real happy " . He is already

happy with Gregoire and Linda. You never know your luck! You may be a budding

Sci-Fi Writer and just don't know it!!!)


4./ Alan says: " we need now to `set out our stall' in the mainstream of

society " (EQ)


(It seems that Alan wants 'heaps' of Sahaja Yoga Science Fiction Writings for

this stall. Alan seems to feel that this is a very gentle way to introduce the

main stream of society to Sahaja Yoga.)


5./ Alan says: " and to publicly stand up for what we believe in, what we know

as truth, through the grace of our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the

living God. " (EQ)


(i don't understand what Science Fiction has to do with being upfront about the

Truth??? What is there to stand up about??? Anybody can sell a Science Fiction

Book! Selling a Science Fiction Book does not equate to 'standing up for the

Truth!' Telling the Truth Upfront about who Shri Mataji is, and what is Her

Spiritual Message... is what equates to 'standing up for the Truth'... Alan.

Also i would encourage to indulge yourself more into a

'line-by-line-forensic-analysis' of Shri Mataji's teachings. i know you prefer

Sahaja Yoga Science Fiction, but at least if you did the

'line-by-line-forensic-analysis' of Shri Mataji's teachings, you would gain a

lot of help to promote Sahaja Yoga. Here, then is Shri Mataji's advice which is

for main stream society too. i hope it gives you some good ideas so you can

really encourage all SYs to speak up in whichever way... or to write in

whichever way they are talented! That would be the real way to promote Sahaja



Shri Mataji's Advice about Sahaja Yoga Promotion:


" No, you have to say, " We have this and please have it now, otherwise you won't

have it. This is the time! " Let them say what they like. It's important. I see

sometimes your SDP conferences and all these, the way they speak, they just

blast you, I mean, hammer in your head. Why should we not, when this is the

truth? Why should we not tell them and talk to them in that manner? We think by

being gentle... alright gentleness is different, but I mean to say by saying

less than I say, understatement. It's typical English " That might be too much. "


In Sahaja Yoga it is such a lot that how much are you going to pour out, can

never be too much. So be careful on that. When you've to say it, say it in a

very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They can't crucify

me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise perfectly alright, nothing can

touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, you know that.


So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them in a big

way, of course loving and gentle manner but tell them, the concern should be

there. Alright?... I don't say you aggress but don't say anything less,

understatement is not needed. There should not be any balancing in that. Those

people who'll be appeased by that will not be good Sahaja Yogis. They cannot

come in the Kingdom of God. We don't have to be begging of them but we have to

honour them, we have to respect them, we have to be kind to them, but we have to

give them what we have. Like in the family, you go, you get everything from the

fridge and give it to them, they'll be very happy to take it whatever you like,

what a spread. But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with

one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think, " What's

this going on here? Wishy-washy stuff. " "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sheffield, UK, September 21 1985



, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


> i want all to read this 1985 speech by Shri Mataji which Violet

> brought up and is working on. (As moderator i had a peek and could

> not resist commenting.)


> " But for that we have to remember that we have developed lots of

> antidotes in England. Like the words I've seen people use, very

> common is, " That may be too much " ; " It may be too much " ; " They're

> frightened " ; " One shouldn't say too much. "


> You should, when you say too much at least little bit will go into

> their heads. So you have to say too much. Say what you want. There

> should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas, so that something

> goes into their heads. They know that you're sincere, you're saying

> it sincerely, you cannot contain within yourself. Emphatically you

> have to say these. That's what everybody did. All those who were

> great incarnations said it with such concern, with such force. In

> the same way, you have to say without any fear. " Oh, that may be too

> much, Mother it was too much for him. " Let him be blasted! Doesn't

> matter, say everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full

> heart.


> But when people come to Sahaja Yoga, when they come for say, a

> workshop or something, we try to be the same party people. Like in

> the party, you see, " What will you have? " Then we'll say, " Alright,

> let me think. What did I have yesterday, so I'll have today this

> thing. " It's like a shopping going on.


> No, you have to say, " We have this and please have it now, otherwise

> you won't have it. This is the time! " Let them say what they like.

> It's important. I see sometimes your SDP conferences and all these,

> the way they speak, they just blast you, I mean, hammer in your

> head. Why should we not, when this is the truth? Why should we not

> tell them and talk to them in that manner? We think by being

> gentle... alright gentleness is different, but I mean to say by

> saying less than I say, understatement. It's typical English " That

> might be too much. "


> In Sahaja Yoga it is such a lot that how much are you going to pour

> out, can never be too much. So be careful on that. When you've to

> say it, say it in a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they

> going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare

> not. Otherwise perfectly alright, nothing can touch me. And even

> crucifixion cannot touch me, you know that.


> So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them

> in a big way, of course loving and gentle manner but tell them, the

> concern should be there. Alright?... I don't say you aggress but

> don't say anything less, understatement is not needed. There should

> not be any balancing in that. Those people who'll be appeased by

> that will not be good Sahaja Yogis. They cannot come in the Kingdom

> of God. We don't have to be begging of them but we have to honour

> them, we have to respect them, we have to be kind to them, but we

> have to give them what we have. Like in the family, you go, you get

> everything from the fridge and give it to them, they'll be very

> happy to take it whatever you like, what a spread. But if you put

> one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chili to say

> that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think, " What's this

> going on here? Wishy-washy stuff. " "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Sheffield, UK, September 21, 1985



> So we have solid, irrefutable evidence that Shri Mataji wanted the

> Truth to be told openly without any fear or understatment. By the

> words used it is clear that Shri Mataji was ticking off and scolding

> cowardly SYs who were using all sorts of excuses not to frighten off

> new seekers with the truth. i believe She was greatly disappointed

> with such timid devotees:


> " But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one

> chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will

> think, " What's this going on here. Wishy-washy stuff. "


> (i believe She was critical of the lemon and chilli treatment combo

> that is the sacred cow of WCASY/Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.)


> Anyway, that was 21 years ago.


> Today the same timid folks have all climbed up the SY leadership

> ladder and make the bulk of WCASY. In short, they hold all the

> important decision making positions ........ a cabal of cowards who

> scratch each others back (and occasionally stab too, as Guido and

> company have unfortunately found out too late). Some council members

> like Alan Wherry use aspiring sidekicks like John Noyce and others

> to do their dirty work of monitoring this forum to harass/monitor

> those freeing themselves from the SY leadership clutches to follow

> Shri Mataji's clear injuctions to openly announce Her incarnation

> and message.


> Shri Mataji is now old, tired and, probably having enough, has

> resorted to silence as those cowards in charge do not understand

> that " if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with

> one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will

> think, " What's this going on here? Wishy-washy stuff. "


> i have a Feb 2006 post from Kyyan that confirms that nothing has

> changed since 1985 when Shri Mataji castiged the cowardly types:


> " Like the words I've seen people use, very common is, " That may be

> too much " ; " It may be too much " ; " They're frightened " ; " One

> shouldn't say too much. "


> It is almost unbelievable that after 21 years WCASY and the SY

> leadership can still convince SYs that the truth will be too much

> for seekers and that they should not say too much ...... but just

> give Self-realization. It is probably the greatest collective lie in

> Sahaja Yoga history. What rank and file SYs do not realize is that

> history is a harsh judge who never forgets .......... or forgives.


> jagbir



> , " v_koa " <v_koa@>

> wrote:




> (the yogi i originally named will remain absent to protect his

> privacy) is right, and I have been thinking this and discussing this

> with many yogis online for many months.


> What it comes down to is exactly what (name withheld) yogi said: -

> telling the truth. Holding a meeting once a week to give realization

> is good, but how much is truly being done to get mothers message out

> there like she has asked repeatedly, which is the message that it is

> the last judgement and resurrection time as prophesied in the bible

> and other spiritual texts, and that she is the Adi Shakti, (the

> incarnation of the Holy spirit), the breath of God, that has been

> promised by Jesus to come in the time before the end to comfort

> people, and to teach all he could not teach about the kingdom of

> God. In laymen's terms, it is the time for us to Ascend as a whole

> and individually and that The Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit)is here on

> earth to connect us to ourselves and to God, allowing us time to

> purify ourselves and introduce others to Her and to them selves so

> they have the same chance and to be saved and to enjoy the spirit

> and all the blessing that go along with it.


> I feel that the Ashram is suffering as well, in part to what (name

> withheld) has said, but I feel also because we are not openly

> declaring the truth of what SY is, basically not doing as mother has

> asked. Do we really think that SY is going to spread like wildfire

> if we cloak it to initial visitors as a yoga that raises the

> kundalini and works on the chakras? I mean in a huge sea of similar

> yogas and meditation classes that are out there as well that claim

> to raise the kundalini and do this and that with the Chakras, and

> even another " group " that claims their leader is the incarnation of

> the Adi Shakti (yes there is another meditation group claiming an

> obvious fake who has no power to be the Adi Shakti), do we really

> think that marketing this as a " special yoga " or stress relief and

> health benefit yoga is going to get followers when there are already

> loads of the same out there that charge lots of money (people feel

> secure and ensured of the benefit if they have to pay for some

> reason) and put so much into flashy advertising, while we twinkle

> like a Christmas light on a sunny day?


> I know that people may be fearful that many won't accept the fact

> that " judgement day " as it were, is actually a period of time (not a

> day) in which we are currently living and may scoff, ridicule or run

> away from SY. Even more to that point, many are probably scared that

> if we openly tell others, especially beginners, that SY is not just

> a meditation, but is the only way to take part in the Last Judgement

> and it is our birth right, as well as the fact that Mother is the

> Holy Spirit( ***not just an incarnation who remains nameless at

> first, or a guru, or highly evolved soul as it is being said at most

> meetings) that these people may flee and never return or not come

> back because its too religious or whatever. There is no doubt this

> may happen, but by far I can't see it as being a trend. IF anything,

> if more people know the depth and truth of SY and who mother is

> right up front, whether they believe or not, they would be more

> inclined to stay on or keep it locked in there heads like " what if

> what they are saying is true? " instead of running away and never

> returning. I mean right now how many really return or practice,

> especially those who have damaged their subtle system so much that

> they don't feel anything for quite some time? How many of those

> people will come back if they feel nothing, knowing that its just

> another meditation to bring peace to the mind, like the thousands

> out there claiming the same thing as we are currently explaining SY

> to people?


> They would and will not return because they have gotten nothing out

> of it. If people knew the truth, and that this was not just a

> meditation but the connection to the Holy spirit and " heaven " and

> that the one who is in the picture is actually the Holy Spirit, they

> would be more inclined to stay despite feeling little or nothing.

> Not only that, those that run may eventually come back because of

> this fact and besides, how well has our " bait people with a special

> yoga and tell the whole truth later " idea worked for SY and our

> collective so far? By the looks of things, not very good, or at

> least as well as it could be working.


> The way I see it, deceiving people or only telling part of the truth

> or a " half truth " is still lying, and how long are we going to lie

> or deceive in order to tell the truth? The end does not justify the

> means, especially when Mother has asked us to declare the time of

> Judgement and resurrection is now and that she is the Adi Shakti?

> The quote to which I am referring are below; think about them:


> **I am the Adi Shakti. I am the One who has come on this Earth for

> the first time in this form to do this tremendous task . The more

> you understand this the better it would be. You will change

> tremendously.


> I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and we have said it. But

> now it is you people who have to prove it that I am that! "


> Shri Adi-Shakti Devi

> Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983**



> ** " You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings,

> with your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get

> realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified

> Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction.

> And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any

> Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to

> hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will

> enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of

> God here (pointing to the Sahastrara in the photo)), as I say, in

> the Seventh Chakra. "


> Shri Adi Shakti Devi

> The New Age Has Started,

> Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981**


> **Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


> " Tell all the nations and tell all the people, all over, the great

> message - that the time of Resurrection is Here. Now, at this time,

> and that you all are capable of doing it. You are the ones who are

> capable of manifesting God's joy on this earth. You are the flutes

> which are going to play the Melody of God. I am doing all this to

> perfect you to be the 'most' beautiful instruments of God. Like the

> ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried, and found out to be


> worthy to sail out, when you know everything about the ship,

> everything about the sea, with complete freedom and wisdom, you have

> to sail now. Not afraid of any storms or any gales or any typhoons

> because now all you 'know'. Your job is to cross through. " You

> become the Ocean, you become the Moon, you become the Sun, you

> become the Earth, you become the Ether, the firmament - and you

> become, the Spirit. You work for all of them. All the stars and

> universes you become, and take up their work. "


> (Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 28 September 1996)**


> She has said all of this back in 1996 and how many people out there

> worldwide in SY have openly done this, and how many other people

> know about it outside of SY? I agree with (name withheld) that other

> people are not afraid to tell of their faiths and explain to people

> why their faith is the way. Why are we so fearful of ridicule?

> People ridiculed Jesus but he stood firm on the truth, knowing that

> what he was saying was absolute; in the same way all fears should be

> given up because what we are doing and what has been asked of us is

> absolute asked of us by the absolute.


> The speeches we watch and the knowledge given is not only for us to

> enjoy and benefit from, but for everyone to know of and benefit

> from. Why can we openly declare and worship her as the Adi Shakti in

> private but then keep quite about the greatest opportunity for

> mankind and what many are watching the skies for signs and searching

> for in public, especially since those are the very people who are

> looking for God and who we have been chosen to help save? How can we

> save people using dishonesty or hidden agendas, when the mode of

> saving people is the truth? If we are scared, like (name withheld)

> said, just let Mother do it all. We have to be up-front with the

> truth, however powerful and fearful it may be for some, including

> ourselves, and surrender the rest to mother, including the words.

> She will help us, guide us and take care of everything as She wills

> it, not how we think it should be taken care of . If people run,

> they run, if they stay they stay; at least they are running or

> staying based on knowing the truth, and whatever people choose and

> what they decided to do and go through is all up to Mother. We are

> the instruments (however badly blocked they are heheh- in my case)

> and all we have to do is tell the truth and allow Mother to play the

> music that will draw and sooth the listeners, comforting them and

> introducing them to Her. We do nothing anyways, so why are we

> worried about doing nothing?; we simply do nothing and let Mother

> take care of everything.


> My point is we need to tell who Shri Mataji is up front and that

> this is the last resurrection and judgement as prophesied in the

> bible etc, as well as explaining the subtle system and how it works

> etc. as is being already done, all the time, in public and at

> meetings or one on one situations, which we should all strive to put

> ourselves in more (grass roots! as I was talking about in the other

> letter) and let mother work out the rest. At least we will be doing

> what she asked us instead of dodging it, and we will know no matter

> what happens, we are standing on the truth and doing as she asked

> us, so we will be looked after. To me, I would rather be standing

> before " MOTHER " at the end of this life knowing I helped Her do what

> She came her for and She asked of me, in total truth and with all my

> effort, than be asked by Her " why did you waste so much time,

> enjoying the pure knowledge for yourself only, instead of

> surrendering fear to me and doing as I asked? "


> That's all I have to say on that. Either way, whatever is decided to

> be done officially is fine. I will without a doubt, 100% of the time

> (and hopefully you all will be with me in this despite what other

> older, more established yogis may think) telling people up front the

> truth about SY and let them decide what they will do about it, and

> let Mother work it all out.


> With love as always; take care


> Kyyan


> /message/5647

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