Guest guest Posted November 5, 2006 Report Share Posted November 5, 2006 Dear all, There are a few questions that have come up when i tell people that Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the holy spirit as promised by Jesus to come at the time before the end, which is the period of time we are now living in called the last Judgement and ressurection, who would give testiment to all he could not teach at the time he lived in. They always ask " well how do you know that she is that promised one?' I usually refer to the 2000 some odd speaches she has given with regards to many things Jesus spoke of, clairifying them and expanding upon them. But its not effectice nor nourshing enough, as people want to know how i know this or know this claim to be true , and telling them about speaches or about how i know based on my hands or websites just does not cut it. Is there any other important info that can help in answering this question on the spot? Also, people have asked me " Is Shri Mataji a christian or believe in Christianity? I usually say she synthesized all religions and beleives in them all, but thats not a good answer at all. Any suggestions there?? Also, for lack of my own knowledge, the comforter was to come to give testiment to jesus, but what else does the prohpecy say with regards to that and what Shri Mataji has fulfilled with regards to that, for the purposes of answering seekers questions on the spot. Thankyou all so much kyyan , " Violet " <violet.tubb wrote: > > " SM's Identity and Divine Message may be too much for seekers??? Are > you sure??? > > Dear All, > > On this forum and in the local collectives, we have often heard SYs say that Shri Mataji's Identity and Divine Message may be too much for seekers. Are you sure? Are you sure Shri Mataji agrees with what you are saying when you say it is too much for seekers to divulge Shri Mataji's identity and Divine Message upfront? Perhaps it is time to read and understand that SM has explicitly stated that not only is She IN FAVOUR OF FULL DISCLOSURE, BUT THAT SHE INSISTS UPON IT!!! > > My pranaams go to Chandra, who first posted Shri Mataji's views on this subject: http:// /message/5809 > > Therefore... i believe it behooves us to collectively examine what Shri Mataji Herself said on this subject: > > Shri Mataji: " Seven main auras, and these come from the brain which is the seat. Now in the centre, at the Brahmarandhra we've got the heart chakra, alright. The heart is here, and around it are all these auras, if you see, in the brain. In the same way, they are surrounding the heart. So if you know about them, it will circulate, the knowledge will circulate, but circulate with love, without any aggressiveness, without any showing-off, without any cunning, without any sarcasm; in a full, straight-forward, loving manner. > > But for that we have to remember that we have developed lots of antidotes in England. Like the words I've seen people use, very common is, 'That may be too much,' 'It may be too much.' 'They're frightened.' 'One shouldn't say too much.' You should, when you say too much at least little bit will go into their heads. " > (END QUOTE) > > Firstly, Shri Mataji says that 'we have developed lots of antidotes in England, like 'that may be too much'... 'they're frightened'... and... 'one shouldn't say too much'. But folks! Is that not exactly what we are hearing today from Sahaja Yogis! We have even heard this 'antidotal sentiment' on this forum, which just goes to show how pervasive this 'antidotal sentiment' is! Yet the problem (as Jagbir has also stated) is that with all the subtle system knowledge, many Sahaja Yogis still do not understand the " gnosis " . Shri Mataji refers to this gnosis when She says: > > " Seven main auras, and these come from the brain which is the seat. Now in the centre, at the Brahmarandhra we've got the heart chakra, alright. The heart is here, and around it are all these auras, if you see, in the brain. In the same way, they are surrounding the heart. So if you know about them...(Break Quote) (LETS STOP RIGHT HERE FOR A MINUTE): > > What could Shri Mataji be meaning when She says " So if you know about them??? " > > First of all, Shri Mataji is talking about the knowledge of the heart and its seven main auras that surround the heart. Then She says: " So... if you know about them... (then) " it will circulate, the knowledge will circulate, but circulate with love, without any aggressiveness, without any showing-off, without any cunning without any sarcasm; in a full, straight- forward, loving manner... when we know the 7 auras in our heart. " (EQ) > > So! Do you perchance imagine that now you know there are 7 auras surrounding the heart that you are now " in knowledge " ??? Because if you do... i have to tell you that it is still only an external knowledge of the workings of the human psychosomatic system. The " individual journey within " must be taken to access the internal knowledge which is the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit. This knowledge is a Heart Knowledge that is beyond any Mental Knowing. It is a Gnostic Knowledge... a Heart Knowledge of the Spirit within the person, and therefore it is also called " gnosis " . > > i say this because, it is only when we have the gnostic knowledge within that we can do as Shri Mataji asks, which is to " circulate the knowledge with love... without any aggressiveness... without any showing-off... without any cunning... without any sarcasm... and in a full straight-forward loving manner! " It is only when we have the gnostic knowledge that we will be able to give Her Message in the gnostic way... just as She Herself has done all these last thirty years or so. > > The next words of Shri Mataji really get into the " nitty gritty " of things. Please read on and inform yourself about what Shri Mataji told Sahaja Yogis on the 21st of September, 1985 at Sheffield: > > Shri Mataji: " So you have to say too much! " (EQ) > (SO YOU " HAVE TO " SAY " TOO MUCH " !!!) > > Shri Mataji: " Say what you want! " (EQ) > (SAY WHAT YOU WANT!!!) > > Shri Mataji: " There should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas, so that something goes into their heads! " (EQ) > (THERE SHOULD BE EXUBERANCE OF YOUR IDEAS, SO THAT SOMETHING GOES INTO THEIR HEADS!!!) > > Shri Mataji: " They know that you're sincere, you're saying it sincerely, you cannot contain within yourself. Emphatically you have to say these. " (EQ) > (EMPHATICALLY YOU HAVE TO SAY THESE!!!). > > Shri Mataji: " That's what everybody did. All those who were great incarnations said it with such concern, with such force. In the same way, you have to say without any fear. 'Oh, that may be too much, Mother it was too much for him.' Let him be blasted! Doesn't matter, say everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart! " (EQ) > > (Is it " LET HIM BE BLASTED!!!... 'when it is said'... 'OH, THAT MAY BE TOO MUCH, MOTHER!!! " .... or is it 'LET HIM BE BLASTED WITH THE TRUTH!!!'? After all, Shri Mataji is not too pleased with any understatement of the Truths She taught. i feel that Shri Mataji is 'blasting' the understatement of the Truth... as well as asking us to 'blast the Truth' with exuberance and not 'mince' our words. The important thing is to say it with a full heart. A person can say anything... just like Shri Mataji did... IF THEY SAY IT WITH A FULL HEART. Only if it is said with a FULL HEART... folks... will people be able to accept it. And that requires confidence within yourself. You have to be " confident " about the Truth! This is where Her Earlier Introduction about the Heart and its 7 Auras comes in... folks. It is all about your expression of Sahaja Yoga. Full disclosure of the Truth with a Full Heart and your exuberance about it... is what is needed to get Her Message across!) > > So... what else did Shri Mataji have to say on that Day of Disclosure at Sheffield on September 21, 1985? > > Shri Mataji: " But when people come to Sahaja Yoga, when they come for say, a workshop or something, we try to be the same party people. Like in the party, you see, `What will you have?' Then we'll say alright, let me think, 'What did I have yesterday, so I'll have today this thing.' It's like a shopping going on. " (EQ) > > (Shri Mataji is saying that 'Sahaj Workshops' is " LIKE A SHOPPING GOING ON!!!??? Those are very strong words indeed, folks. My goodness! Isn't that a shock!!! Why then are Her Teachings and Her Message still being given in the " Sahaj Workshopping Format " ??? Surely, if She did not prefer that, it should not 'be given' that way then! So... since Shri Mataji clearly stated She did not like the standardized " Sahaja Yoga Workshopping Party'... She must have suggested a preferred alternative of promoting Sahaja Yoga at that time in 1985. And so She did!): > > Shri Mataji: " No, you have to say, 'We have this and please have it now, otherwise you won't have it. This is the time!' Let them say what they like. It's important. I see sometimes your SDP conferences and all these, the way they speak, they just blast you, I mean, hammer in your head. Why should we not, when this is the truth. Why should we not tell them and talk to them in that manner. We think by being gentle... alright gentleness is different, but I mean to say by saying less than I say, understatement. It's typical English. 'That might be too much.' " (EQ) > > (Please note Shri Mataji's use of the word " time " . It needs to be written with a capital " T " ... as in Time, to really understand the particular 'time' that Shri Mataji is referring to. This 'time' is in fact the " Time of the Last Judgment and Resurrection! " And Shri Mataji has talked countless this Special " Time " countless of times! > > Shri Mataji has told countless times that 'people need to know what TIME it is'! They need to know that it is the Time of the Last Judgment and Resurrection... " The Blossom Time " ... the 'time' in which we can become our Spirit and enter the Kingdom of Heaven within. She Mataji has Herself told 'that She has made it into a beautiful thing'... and not a 'doomsday thing' as many religions have done. She has told us that She has come as the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti ('the Christian Comforter')... to introduce us to the Mother Within (the Holy Spirit within). The Holy Spirit within gives us our Second Birth of the Spirit. She was able to do this because She resides in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God within): > > " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God within). I incarnated on the Lotus of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. " > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi > Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989 (EQ) > > Shri Mataji is in fact, quite firm on the point that all these facts need to be told upfront, without fear or favour. She is also quite firm on the point that if anything... these facts need to be " overstated " rather than understated. But the 'English'... Shri Mataji states... 'typically understate things'. She states that it all seems 'too much' for the 'English'... this Message of Time " ! For the English, this message of the 'time'... needs to be made into a 'delicat-essen' (a 'delicate-eating'). But Shri Mataji says to put out with Full Heart what we have. Otherwise people will not have the Truth!!! > > Shri Mataji also cites what is a " SDP Conference " ... and uses their methods as a good example to follow. i am not sure what an " SDP Conference " is, but maybe someone can explain that. In any case... i have found a URL about SDF Conferencing, so we might have some idea of it anyway): > > Reaching_an_Industry_Consensus_on_Defining_a_True_SDP.php > > Lets continue on and see what else Shri Mataji said that day: > > Shri Mataji: " In Sahaja Yoga it is such a lot that how much are you going to pour out... can never be too much! So be careful on that! (EQ) > > (There is so much to pour out in Sahaja Yoga that it can never be too much!!!??? Shri Mataji is very obviously saying that we have to be careful that we are " pouring out enough " !!!... of Sahaja Yoga.) > > Shri Mataji: " When you've to say it, say it in a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise perfectly alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, you know that. > > (Yes... we can reveal the identity of Shri Mataji. She has most certainly stated that She will not be in " any spiritual jeopardy " if Her Identity is revealed... folks!!! Shri Mataji has given the " Absolute Green Light " to " Go Ahead " and declare Her Identity and Divine Message to the world in very explicit terms of the " Time " we are living in. > > As She Herself says in the quote above: > > " What are they going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise perfectly alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, you know that. (EQ) > > (Let this be an understanding for all Sahaja Yogis then... 'for-all-time'... that in Her Eyes there is no valid excuse for She has " nulled and voided " all excuses by saying that " nothing can touch Her " !!! Therefore... any excuse is your own and cannot be attached to Shri Mataji.) > > Shri Mataji then says: > > " So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them in a big way, of course loving and gentle manner but tell them, the concern should be there. Alright? " (EQ) > > (It should then be " real clear then " that " no excuses whatsoever " !!! are valid in Shri Mataji's Eyes... not even such excuses as are given in the year of 2006, twenty-one-years- later!!!): > > /message/5929 > > Shri Mataji: " Now this is what it is one has to understand that there is nothing, 'Say a little bit,' then they think, 'He's a shaky man.' (EQ) > > (Shri Mataji is clearly saying here that to tell only a little bit of the Truth and to hide some of it, is going to make people wonder about the credibility of Sahaja Yogis... especially the credibility of the Organisation of Sahaja Yoga itself... " WHO DON'T EVEN DO IT AS AN ORGANISATION " !!!??? > > 'That this 'Up-Front-Ness' is lacking'... is not going to give Seekers of the Truth that confidence in Sahaja Yogis which should be there. What will the Seekers of the Truth think about Sahaja Yogis who cannot even declare Her Identity and Divine Message upfront in public... but only at private meetings!!!??? It will not instill confidence! That is for sure! It is more likely that they will feel that " something just does not add up " ! How can they have confidence in an organisation that cannot stand up for the Very Truth it declares to have In Its Own Possession!!! This is a " very shaky situation " indeed.) > > Shri Mataji: " But when they sing horrible songs on the mike, eating the mike, I say 'eating-the-mike' music.They go on aggressing on the mike and people go mad with it, they like it. I don't say you aggress but don't say anything less, understatement is not needed. There should not be any balancing in that. " (EQ) > > (Shri Mataji uses 'horrible-songs-on-the-mike' music and how they 'eat-the-mike' when they sing... as an illustration to Sahaja Yogis of " aggression " that people " like " . However, SM is making the point that She is not meaning " that kind of aggression " but that we should OVER-STATE rather than under-state Her Divine Message and Identity.) > > Shri Mataji: " Those people who'll be appeased by that will not be good Sahaja Yogis. They cannot come in the Kingdom of God. We don't have to be begging of them but we have to honour them, we have to respect them, we have to be kind to them, but we have to give them what we have. Like in the family, you go, you get everything from the fridge and give it to them, they'll be very happy to take it whatever you like, what a spread. " (EQ) > > (Sahaja Yoga meaning " spontaneous union with the Divine " ... is for " The Seekers of the Truth " !!! It is not for people who just want to become 'nice meditators' or who just want to become 'knowledgable subtle system pundits'! Knowledge of meditation and chakras can be gotten in many other places, however " the Absolute Truth " can only be " felt on the fingertips " in Sahaja Yoga ( " spontaneous union with the Divine " )!!! And only the Seekers of the Truth are going to be interested in that... anyway. People are not going to be 'all that interested in what SM has to say'... if all they really want is to be good meditators and have the subtle-system-knowledge. > > If you will remember... Shri Mataji often addressed Her Public Speeches to " The Seekers of the Truth " . Shri Mataji never tried to appease anyone. She spoke very directly to the " Seekers of the Truth " ... and that is whom She addressed most clearly because only the seekers of the truth will want to hear what is Her Identity and Divine Message that She 'has come to give' to the world. People who want less than the Truth will become mediocre SYs. > > However, the Seekers of the Truth... WANT THE TRUTH!!! So give them the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth!!! Just like SM has done all these years. Be daring 'and not sparing' with the Truth just as SM has done... WHICH IS WHY " YOU " HAPPEN TO KNOW " HER IDENTITY " AND " HER DIVINE MESSAGE " . Shri Mataji honoured you, respected you, was kind to you, and gave you the Whole Truth! Why should Sahaja Yogis do any less then? > > In fact to do any less, is 'not to honour, not to respect, not to be kind, not to give it your all (the Truth) like Shri Mataji has given it to you!!! > > If you appease people with subtle-system-and-meditation-knowledge ONLY... just so they might get attracted to the organisation of SY... they are not necessarily going to make great Sahaja Yogis. However, if you approach people with the Truth of Shri Mataji's Identity and Divine Message (upfront)... those who are the real " Seekers of the Truth " will go for it. This is because they are more interested in the Truth than in the subtle-system-and- chakra-knowledge to begin with! Subtle-system-knowledge and knowing how to meditate is nice to have. However, the Absolute Truth is the most important Key to give the people first... right from the start! Then they will know that their Self-Realisation is related to Jesus's Promise of the " Christian Comforter' that 'was to come'. Then they will realise why their self-realisaton is so important to have now! Then they will at least be aware of the nature of its treasure... 'that it is the Key to their Spiritual Liberation, Salvation, or Moksha!!! To understate the Truth of the Last Judgment and Resurrrection at this crucial point is a complete spiritual travesty of " major " proportions!!! If this information is not told, that person may never ever hear it again! And who will be responsible!!!??? YOU WILL IF YOU DID NOT TELL THEM... FOLKS... i am sorry to have to say it, but it is the Truth.) > > Shri Mataji: " But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chilli to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think, 'What's this going on here. Wishy-washy stuff.'(EQ) > > (Folks!!!... The external subtle system knowledge and meditation techniques are not enough to feed " spiritually-hungry-souls " who " long for something more " . i can tell you that the main thing that attracted me to SY was Shri Mataji Herself, when i saw a photo of Her in front of my house smiling at me from the bus shelter. i completely forgot about that till many years later. So... i did not even know that when i did the Sahaj Meditation at someone's home that it was connected to that 'Mother-type-Lady' that i saw at the bus- stop! > > As Shri Mataji has 'put it'... all external things which we make out " are Sahaja Yoga " ... such as " one little fish and two eggs for ten people with perhaps a chilli added to it " is questionable. SM Herself asks: " WHAT IS GOING ON HERE???!!! " Then She pronounces 'what is going on'... as " WISHY-WASHY STUFF " ! > > And so it is folks... " and so it is " .) > > ( " The English are scholars, " Sheffield, 21/9/85) > > /message/5809 > > However, what Shri Mataji told on 21/9/85 at Sheffield is all very good news for us on this forum, because on this forum and websites, we are doing exactly as Shri Mataji has asked all Sahaja Yogis to do! We just want more Sahaja Yogis to be conscientious and do what Shri Mataji asked... also. > > We need to be aware that the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Kitchen is producing half- baked Sahaja Yogis who are missing the essential ingredient of declaring upfront Her Identity and Her Divine Message. Without this 'Raising and Leavening Agent': " If you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chilli to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think, 'What's this going on here. Wishy-washy stuff.'!!! > > Jai Shri Mataji! > > violet > > > > Dear All, > > This is to continue the thread TELL ALL THE NATIONS and also to > present some points to meditate on in conjunction with the > Shivaratri Puja weekend. > > I recently came across the excerpt as appended below where Shri > Mataji expresses in no uncertain terms what She wants of Sahaja > Yogis in the dissemination of Her Divine Message. Although these > words were spoken in England to the English Sahaja Yogis, these are > really words for all the Sahaja Yogis of the world and for all time, > or at least for the time remaining of the Last Judgment. > > Here are the highlights of Shri Mataji's speech: " Say what you want. > There should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas...Emphatically > you have to say these... Let him be blasted! Doesn't matter, say > everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart... Why > should we not, when this is the truth. Why should we not tell them > and talk to them in that manner... When you've to say it, say it in > a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They > can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare not... So you better > say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them in a big > way... " > > And Shri Mataji stresses that there should be no understatement (in > the expression of the Divine Message), as the English and the Sahaja > Yogis are wont to; no weasel words in expressing the glory of Her > Incarnation. > > C. > > > " ...Seven main auras, and these come from the brain which is the > seat. Now in the centre, at the Brahmarandhra we've got the heart > chakra, alright. The heart is here, and around it are all these > auras, if you see, in the brain. In the same way, they are > surrounding the heart. So if you know about them, it will circulate, > the knowledge will circulate, but circulate with love, without any > aggressiveness, without any showing-off, without any cunning, > without any sarcasm; in a full, straight-forward, loving manner. But > for that we have to remember that we have developed lots of > antidotes in England. Like the words I've seen people use, very > common is, 'That may be too much,' 'It may be too much.' 'They're > frightened.' 'One shouldn't say too much.' You should, when you say > too much at least little bit will go into their heads. So you have > to say too much. Say what you want. There should be exuberance, > exuberance of your ideas, so that something goes into their heads. > They know that you're sincere, you're saying it sincerely, you > cannot contain within yourself. Emphatically you have to say these. > That's what everybody did. All those who were great incarnations > said it with such concern, with such force. In the same way, you > have to say without any fear. 'Oh, that may be too much, Mother it > was too much for him.' Let him be blasted! Doesn't matter, say > everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart. But > when people come to Sahaja Yoga, when they come for say, a workshop > or something, we try to be the same party people. Like in the party, > you see, 'What will you have?' Then we'll say alright, let me > think, 'What did I have yesterday, so I'll have today this thing.' > It's like a shopping going on. No, you have to say, 'We have this > and please have it now, otherwise you won't have it. This is the > time!' Let them say what they like. It's important. I see sometimes > your SDP conferences and all these, the way they speak, they just > blast you, I mean, hammer in your head. Why should we not, when this > is the truth. Why should we not tell them and talk to them in that > manner. We think by being gentle... alright gentleness is different, > but I mean to say by saying less than I say, understatement. It's > typical English. 'That might be too much.' In Sahaja Yoga it is such > a lot that how much are you going to pour out, can never be too > much. So be careful on that. When you've to say it, say it in a very > blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They can't > crucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise perfectly > alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, > you know that. So you better say what you've found out, in a big > way. And tell them in a big way, of course loving and gentle manner > but tell them, the concern should be there. Alright? Now this is > what it is one has to understand that there is nothing, 'Say a > little bit,' then they think, 'He's a shaky man.' But when they sing > horrible songs on the mike, eating the mike, I say eating the mike > music.They go on aggressing on the mike and people go mad with it, > they like it. I don't say you aggress but don't say anything less, > understatement is not needed. There should not be any balancing in > that. Those people who'll be appeased by that will not be good > Sahaja Yogis. They cannot come in the Kingdom of God. We don't have > to be begging of them but we have to honour them, we have to respect > them, we have to be kind to them, but we have to give them what we > have. Like in the family, you go, you get everything from the fridge > and give it to them, they'll be very happy to take it whatever you > like, what a spread. But if you put one little fish and two eggs for > ten people with one chilli to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a > lemon, they will think, 'What's this going on here. Wishy-washy > stuff.' > > ( " The English are scholars, " Sheffield, 21/9/85) > > /message/5809 > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 5, 2006 Report Share Posted November 5, 2006 Dear Kyyan, People are asking you that: How do " you, Kyyan " know that Shri Mataji is the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit??? " They are not necessarily so interested in what you have to say about your 'spiel of knowledge-n'all' when they ask you that question. So... just to help you, i am asking you the same question: How do " you Kyyan " know that Shri Mataji is the Incarnation of the Holy Spirit? When you know the answer to that question, you will be able to answer that question to others too. It is not 'a given' that you will know the answer to this question without first contemplating on it. i would have to contemplate on that too... to be able to give the appropriate answer. If you do this for yourself, you will gain a lot of confidence because you will begin to 'know what you know'. It is the beginning of gnostic knowledge to 'know what you know'. i hope you understand what i am meaning. We are talking about inner knowledge here. 'Pat answers' do not satisfy the Seekers of Truth. We have to be able to give them the gnostic knowledge, the inner knowledge. If you contemplate on that question, you will begin your journey in gnostic knowledge (the Knowledge Within). That is what really satisfies people... Kyyan. Shri Mataji has said She is everything... a Christian and all the others too. i hope this helps. violet , " v_koa " <v_koa wrote: > > Dear all, > > There are a few questions that have come up when i tell people that Shri Mataji is the incarnation of the holy spirit as promised by Jesus to come at the time before the end, which is the period of time we are now living in called the last Judgement and ressurection, who would give testiment to all he could not teach at the time he lived in. > > They always ask " well how do you know that she is that promised one?' I usually refer to the 2000 some odd speaches she has given with regards to many things Jesus spoke of, clairifying them and expanding upon them. But its not effectice nor nourshing enough, as people want to know how i know this or know this claim to be true , and telling them about speaches or about how i know based on my hands or websites just does not cut it. Is there any other important info that can help in answering this question on the spot? > > Also, people have asked me " Is Shri Mataji a christian or believe in Christianity? I usually say she synthesized all religions and beleives in them all, but thats not a good answer at all. Any suggestions there?? > > Also, for lack of my own knowledge, the comforter was to come to give testiment to jesus, but what else does the prohpecy say with regards to that and what Shri Mataji has fulfilled with regards to that, for the purposes of answering seekers questions on the spot. > > Thankyou all so much > > kyyan > > > > , " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote: > > > > " SM's Identity and Divine Message may be too much for seekers??? Are > > you sure??? > > > > Dear All, > > > > On this forum and in the local collectives, we have often heard SYs say that Shri Mataji's > Identity and Divine Message may be too much for seekers. Are you sure? Are you sure Shri > Mataji agrees with what you are saying when you say it is too much for seekers to divulge > Shri Mataji's identity and Divine Message upfront? Perhaps it is time to read and > understand that SM has explicitly stated that not only is She IN FAVOUR OF FULL > DISCLOSURE, BUT THAT SHE INSISTS UPON IT!!! > > > > My pranaams go to Chandra, who first posted Shri Mataji's views on this subject: http:// > /message/5809 > > > > Therefore... i believe it behooves us to collectively examine what Shri Mataji Herself said > on this subject: > > > > Shri Mataji: " Seven main auras, and these come from the brain which is the seat. Now in > the centre, at the Brahmarandhra we've got the heart chakra, alright. The heart is here, > and around it are all these auras, if you see, in the brain. In the same way, they are > surrounding the heart. So if you know about them, it will circulate, the knowledge will > circulate, but circulate with love, without any aggressiveness, without any showing-off, > without any cunning, without any sarcasm; in a full, straight- forward, loving manner. > > > > But for that we have to remember that we have developed lots of antidotes in England. > Like the words I've seen people use, very common is, 'That may be too much,' 'It may be > too much.' 'They're frightened.' 'One shouldn't say too much.' You should, when you say > too much at least little bit will go into their heads. " > > (END QUOTE) > > > > Firstly, Shri Mataji says that 'we have developed lots of antidotes in England, like 'that > may be too much'... 'they're frightened'... and... 'one shouldn't say too much'. But folks! Is > that not exactly what we are hearing today from Sahaja Yogis! We have even heard this > 'antidotal sentiment' on this forum, which just goes to show how pervasive this 'antidotal > sentiment' is! Yet the problem (as Jagbir has also stated) is that with all the subtle system > knowledge, many Sahaja Yogis still do not understand the " gnosis " . Shri Mataji refers to > this gnosis when She says: > > > > " Seven main auras, and these come from the brain which is the seat. Now in the centre, > at the Brahmarandhra we've got the heart chakra, alright. The heart is here, and around it > are all these auras, if you see, in the brain. In the same way, they are surrounding the > heart. So if you know about them...(Break Quote) (LETS STOP RIGHT HERE FOR A MINUTE): > > > > What could Shri Mataji be meaning when She says " So if you know about them??? " > > > > First of all, Shri Mataji is talking about the knowledge of the heart and its seven main > auras that surround the heart. Then She says: " So... if you know about them... (then) " it will > circulate, the knowledge will circulate, but circulate with love, without any aggressiveness, > without any showing-off, without any cunning without any sarcasm; in a full, straight- > forward, loving manner... when we know the 7 auras in our heart. " (EQ) > > > > So! Do you perchance imagine that now you know there are 7 auras surrounding the > heart that you are now " in knowledge " ??? Because if you do... i have to tell you that it is > still only an external knowledge of the workings of the human psychosomatic system. The > " individual journey within " must be taken to access the internal knowledge which is the > Pure Knowledge of the Spirit. This knowledge is a Heart Knowledge that is beyond any > Mental Knowing. It is a Gnostic Knowledge... a Heart Knowledge of the Spirit within the > person, and therefore it is also called " gnosis " . > > > > i say this because, it is only when we have the gnostic knowledge within that we can do > as Shri Mataji asks, which is to " circulate the knowledge with love... without any > aggressiveness... without any showing-off... without any cunning... without any sarcasm... > and in a full straight-forward loving manner! " It is only when we have the gnostic > knowledge that we will be able to give Her Message in the gnostic way... just as She > Herself has done all these last thirty years or so. > > > > The next words of Shri Mataji really get into the " nitty gritty " of things. Please read on > and inform yourself about what Shri Mataji told Sahaja Yogis on the 21st of September, > 1985 at Sheffield: > > > > Shri Mataji: " So you have to say too much! " (EQ) > > (SO YOU " HAVE TO " SAY " TOO MUCH " !!!) > > > > Shri Mataji: " Say what you want! " (EQ) > > (SAY WHAT YOU WANT!!!) > > > > Shri Mataji: " There should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas, so that something > goes into their heads! " (EQ) > > (THERE SHOULD BE EXUBERANCE OF YOUR IDEAS, SO THAT SOMETHING GOES INTO > THEIR HEADS!!!) > > > > Shri Mataji: " They know that you're sincere, you're saying it sincerely, you cannot contain > within yourself. Emphatically you have to say these. " (EQ) > > (EMPHATICALLY YOU HAVE TO SAY THESE!!!). > > > > Shri Mataji: " That's what everybody did. All those who were great incarnations said it > with such concern, with such force. In the same way, you have to say without any fear. 'Oh, > that may be too much, Mother it was too much for him.' Let him be blasted! Doesn't > matter, say everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart! " (EQ) > > > > (Is it " LET HIM BE BLASTED!!!... 'when it is said'... 'OH, THAT MAY BE TOO MUCH, > MOTHER!!! " .... or is it 'LET HIM BE BLASTED WITH THE TRUTH!!!'? After all, Shri Mataji is not > too pleased with any understatement of the Truths She taught. i feel that Shri Mataji is > 'blasting' the understatement of the Truth... as well as asking us to 'blast the Truth' with > exuberance and not 'mince' our words. The important thing is to say it with a full heart. A > person can say anything... just like Shri Mataji did... IF THEY SAY IT WITH A FULL HEART. > Only if it is said with a FULL HEART... folks... will people be able to accept it. And that > requires confidence within yourself. You have to be " confident " about the Truth! This is > where Her Earlier Introduction about the Heart and its 7 Auras comes in... folks. It is all > about your expression of Sahaja Yoga. Full disclosure of the Truth with a Full Heart and > your exuberance about it... is what is needed to get Her Message across!) > > > > So... what else did Shri Mataji have to say on that Day of Disclosure at Sheffield on > September 21, 1985? > > > > Shri Mataji: " But when people come to Sahaja Yoga, when they come for say, a workshop > or something, we try to be the same party people. Like in the party, you see, `What will > you have?' Then we'll say alright, let me think, 'What did I have yesterday, so I'll have today > this thing.' It's like a shopping going on. " (EQ) > > > > (Shri Mataji is saying that 'Sahaj Workshops' is " LIKE A SHOPPING GOING ON!!!??? Those > are very strong words indeed, folks. My goodness! Isn't that a shock!!! Why then are Her > Teachings and Her Message still being given in the " Sahaj Workshopping Format " ??? Surely, > if She did not prefer that, it should not 'be given' that way then! So... since Shri Mataji > clearly stated She did not like the standardized " Sahaja Yoga Workshopping Party'... She > must have suggested a preferred alternative of promoting Sahaja Yoga at that time in > 1985. And so She did!): > > > > Shri Mataji: " No, you have to say, 'We have this and please have it now, otherwise you > won't have it. This is the time!' Let them say what they like. It's important. I see sometimes > your SDP conferences and all these, the way they speak, they just blast you, I mean, > hammer in your head. Why should we not, when this is the truth. Why should we not tell > them and talk to them in that manner. We think by being gentle... alright gentleness is > different, but I mean to say by saying less than I say, understatement. It's typical English. > 'That might be too much.' " (EQ) > > > > (Please note Shri Mataji's use of the word " time " . It needs to be written with a capital > " T " ... as in Time, to really understand the particular 'time' that Shri Mataji is referring to. > This 'time' is in fact the " Time of the Last Judgment and Resurrection! " And Shri Mataji has > talked countless this Special " Time " countless of times! > > > > Shri Mataji has told countless times that 'people need to know what TIME it is'! They > need to know that it is the Time of the Last Judgment and Resurrection... " The Blossom > Time " ... the 'time' in which we can become our Spirit and enter the Kingdom of Heaven > within. She Mataji has Herself told 'that She has made it into a beautiful thing'... and not a > 'doomsday thing' as many religions have done. She has told us that She has come as the > Incarnation of the Adi Shakti ('the Christian Comforter')... to introduce us to the Mother > Within (the Holy Spirit within). The Holy Spirit within gives us our Second Birth of the Spirit. > She was able to do this because She resides in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God within): > > > > " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God within). I incarnated on the > Lotus of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. " > > > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi > > Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989 (EQ) > > > > Shri Mataji is in fact, quite firm on the point that all these facts need to be told upfront, > without fear or favour. She is also quite firm on the point that if anything... these facts > need to be " overstated " rather than understated. But the 'English'... Shri Mataji states... > 'typically understate things'. She states that it all seems 'too much' for the 'English'... this > Message of Time " ! For the English, this message of the 'time'... needs to be made into a > 'delicat-essen' (a 'delicate-eating'). But Shri Mataji says to put out with Full Heart what we > have. Otherwise people will not have the Truth!!! > > > > Shri Mataji also cites what is a " SDP Conference " ... and uses their methods as a good > example to follow. i am not sure what an " SDP Conference " is, but maybe someone can > explain that. In any case... i have found a URL about SDF Conferencing, so we might have > some idea of it anyway): > > > > > Reaching_an_Industry_Consensus_on_Defining_a_True_SDP.php > > > > Lets continue on and see what else Shri Mataji said that day: > > > > Shri Mataji: " In Sahaja Yoga it is such a lot that how much are you going to pour out... > can never be too much! So be careful on that! (EQ) > > > > (There is so much to pour out in Sahaja Yoga that it can never be too much!!!??? Shri > Mataji is very obviously saying that we have to be careful that we are " pouring out > enough " !!!... of Sahaja Yoga.) > > > > Shri Mataji: " When you've to say it, say it in a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are > they going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise > perfectly alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, you know > that. > > > > (Yes... we can reveal the identity of Shri Mataji. She has most certainly stated that She > will not be in " any spiritual jeopardy " if Her Identity is revealed... folks!!! Shri Mataji has > given the " Absolute Green Light " to " Go Ahead " and declare Her Identity and Divine > Message to the world in very explicit terms of the " Time " we are living in. > > > > As She Herself says in the quote above: > > > > " What are they going to do? They can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare not. > Otherwise perfectly alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, > you know that. (EQ) > > > > (Let this be an understanding for all Sahaja Yogis then... 'for- all-time'... that in Her Eyes > there is no valid excuse for She has " nulled and voided " all excuses by saying that " nothing > can touch Her " !!! Therefore... any excuse is your own and cannot be attached to Shri > Mataji.) > > > > Shri Mataji then says: > > > > " So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them in a big way, of > course loving and gentle manner but tell them, the concern should be there. Alright? " (EQ) > > > > (It should then be " real clear then " that " no excuses whatsoever " !!! are valid in Shri > Mataji's Eyes... not even such excuses as are given in the year of 2006, twenty-one-years- > later!!!): > > > > /message/5929 > > > > Shri Mataji: " Now this is what it is one has to understand that there is nothing, 'Say a > little bit,' then they think, 'He's a shaky man.' (EQ) > > > > (Shri Mataji is clearly saying here that to tell only a little bit of the Truth and to hide > some of it, is going to make people wonder about the credibility of Sahaja Yogis... > especially the credibility of the Organisation of Sahaja Yoga itself... " WHO DON'T EVEN DO > IT AS AN ORGANISATION " !!!??? > > > > 'That this 'Up-Front-Ness' is lacking'... is not going to give Seekers of the Truth that > confidence in Sahaja Yogis which should be there. What will the Seekers of the Truth think > about Sahaja Yogis who cannot even declare Her Identity and Divine Message upfront in > public... but only at private meetings!!!??? It will not instill confidence! That is for sure! It is > more likely that they will feel that " something just does not add up " ! How can they have > confidence in an organisation that cannot stand up for the Very Truth it declares to have In > Its Own Possession!!! This is a " very shaky situation " indeed.) > > > > Shri Mataji: " But when they sing horrible songs on the mike, eating the mike, I say > 'eating-the-mike' music.They go on aggressing on the mike and people go mad with it, > they like it. I don't say you aggress but don't say anything less, understatement is not > needed. There should not be any balancing in that. " (EQ) > > > > (Shri Mataji uses 'horrible-songs-on-the-mike' music and how they 'eat-the-mike' when > they sing... as an illustration to Sahaja Yogis of " aggression " that people " like " . However, > SM is making the point that She is not meaning " that kind of aggression " but that we > should OVER-STATE rather than under-state Her Divine Message and Identity.) > > > > Shri Mataji: " Those people who'll be appeased by that will not be good Sahaja Yogis. > They cannot come in the Kingdom of God. We don't have to be begging of them but we > have to honour them, we have to respect them, we have to be kind to them, but we have > to give them what we have. Like in the family, you go, you get everything from the fridge > and give it to them, they'll be very happy to take it whatever you like, what a spread. " (EQ) > > > > (Sahaja Yoga meaning " spontaneous union with the Divine " ... is for " The Seekers of the > Truth " !!! It is not for people who just want to become 'nice meditators' or who just want to > become 'knowledgable subtle system pundits'! Knowledge of meditation and chakras can > be gotten in many other places, however " the Absolute Truth " can only be " felt on the > fingertips " in Sahaja Yoga ( " spontaneous union with the Divine " )!!! And only the Seekers of > the Truth are going to be interested in that... anyway. People are not going to be 'all that > interested in what SM has to say'... if all they really want is to be good meditators and have > the subtle-system-knowledge. > > > > If you will remember... Shri Mataji often addressed Her Public Speeches to " The Seekers > of the Truth " . Shri Mataji never tried to appease anyone. She spoke very directly to the > " Seekers of the Truth " ... and that is whom She addressed most clearly because only the > seekers of the truth will want to hear what is Her Identity and Divine Message that She 'has > come to give' to the world. People who want less than the Truth will become mediocre SYs. > > > > However, the Seekers of the Truth... WANT THE TRUTH!!! So give them the Truth, the > whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth!!! Just like SM has done all these years. Be daring > 'and not sparing' with the Truth just as SM has done... WHICH IS WHY " YOU " HAPPEN TO > KNOW " HER IDENTITY " AND " HER DIVINE MESSAGE " . Shri Mataji honoured you, respected > you, was kind to you, and gave you the Whole Truth! Why should Sahaja Yogis do any less > then? > > > > In fact to do any less, is 'not to honour, not to respect, not to be kind, not to give it your > all (the Truth) like Shri Mataji has given it to you!!! > > > > If you appease people with subtle-system-and-meditation-knowledge ONLY... just so > they might get attracted to the organisation of SY... they are not necessarily going to make > great Sahaja Yogis. However, if you approach people with the Truth of Shri Mataji's Identity > and Divine Message (upfront)... those who are the real " Seekers of the Truth " will go for it. > This is because they are more interested in the Truth than in the subtle-system-and- > chakra-knowledge to begin with! Subtle-system-knowledge and knowing how to meditate > is nice to have. However, the Absolute Truth is the most important Key to give the people > first... right from the start! Then they will know that their Self- Realisation is related to > Jesus's Promise of the " Christian Comforter' that 'was to come'. Then they will realise why > their self-realisaton is so important to have now! Then they will at least be aware of the > nature of its treasure... 'that it is the Key to their Spiritual Liberation, Salvation, or > Moksha!!! To understate the Truth of the Last Judgment and Resurrrection at this crucial > point is a complete spiritual travesty of " major " proportions!!! If this information is not > told, that person may never ever hear it again! And who will be responsible!!!??? YOU WILL > IF YOU DID NOT TELL THEM... FOLKS... i am sorry to have to say it, but it is the Truth.) > > > > Shri Mataji: " But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chilli to > say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think, 'What's this going on here. > Wishy-washy stuff.'(EQ) > > > > (Folks!!!... The external subtle system knowledge and meditation techniques are not > enough to feed " spiritually-hungry-souls " who " long for something more " . i can tell you > that the main thing that attracted me to SY was Shri Mataji Herself, when i saw a photo of > Her in front of my house smiling at me from the bus shelter. i completely forgot about that > till many years later. So... i did not even know that when i did the Sahaj Meditation at > someone's home that it was connected to that 'Mother-type-Lady' that i saw at the bus- > stop! > > > > As Shri Mataji has 'put it'... all external things which we make out " are Sahaja Yoga " ... > such as " one little fish and two eggs for ten people with perhaps a chilli added to it " is > questionable. SM Herself asks: " WHAT IS GOING ON HERE???!!! " Then She pronounces 'what > is going on'... as " WISHY-WASHY STUFF " ! > > > > And so it is folks... " and so it is " .) > > > > ( " The English are scholars, " Sheffield, 21/9/85) > > > > /message/5809 > > > > However, what Shri Mataji told on 21/9/85 at Sheffield is all very good news for us on > this forum, because on this forum and websites, we are doing exactly as Shri Mataji has > asked all Sahaja Yogis to do! We just want more Sahaja Yogis to be conscientious and do > what Shri Mataji asked... also. > > > > We need to be aware that the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Kitchen is producing half- > baked Sahaja Yogis who are missing the essential ingredient of declaring upfront Her > Identity and Her Divine Message. Without this 'Raising and Leavening Agent': " If you put > one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chilli to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, > maybe a lemon, they will think, 'What's this going on here. Wishy- washy stuff.'!!! > > > > Jai Shri Mataji! > > > > violet > > > > > > > > Dear All, > > > > This is to continue the thread TELL ALL THE NATIONS and also to > > present some points to meditate on in conjunction with the > > Shivaratri Puja weekend. > > > > I recently came across the excerpt as appended below where Shri > > Mataji expresses in no uncertain terms what She wants of Sahaja > > Yogis in the dissemination of Her Divine Message. Although these > > words were spoken in England to the English Sahaja Yogis, these are > > really words for all the Sahaja Yogis of the world and for all time, > > or at least for the time remaining of the Last Judgment. > > > > Here are the highlights of Shri Mataji's speech: " Say what you want. > > There should be exuberance, exuberance of your ideas...Emphatically > > you have to say these... Let him be blasted! Doesn't matter, say > > everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart... Why > > should we not, when this is the truth. Why should we not tell them > > and talk to them in that manner... When you've to say it, say it in > > a very blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They > > can't crucify me this time, can they? They dare not... So you better > > say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them in a big > > way... " > > > > And Shri Mataji stresses that there should be no understatement (in > > the expression of the Divine Message), as the English and the Sahaja > > Yogis are wont to; no weasel words in expressing the glory of Her > > Incarnation. > > > > C. > > > > > > " ...Seven main auras, and these come from the brain which is the > > seat. Now in the centre, at the Brahmarandhra we've got the heart > > chakra, alright. The heart is here, and around it are all these > > auras, if you see, in the brain. In the same way, they are > > surrounding the heart. So if you know about them, it will circulate, > > the knowledge will circulate, but circulate with love, without any > > aggressiveness, without any showing-off, without any cunning, > > without any sarcasm; in a full, straight-forward, loving manner. But > > for that we have to remember that we have developed lots of > > antidotes in England. Like the words I've seen people use, very > > common is, 'That may be too much,' 'It may be too much.' 'They're > > frightened.' 'One shouldn't say too much.' You should, when you say > > too much at least little bit will go into their heads. So you have > > to say too much. Say what you want. There should be exuberance, > > exuberance of your ideas, so that something goes into their heads. > > They know that you're sincere, you're saying it sincerely, you > > cannot contain within yourself. Emphatically you have to say these. > > That's what everybody did. All those who were great incarnations > > said it with such concern, with such force. In the same way, you > > have to say without any fear. 'Oh, that may be too much, Mother it > > was too much for him.' Let him be blasted! Doesn't matter, say > > everything that you have to say. Absolutely, with full heart. But > > when people come to Sahaja Yoga, when they come for say, a workshop > > or something, we try to be the same party people. Like in the party, > > you see, 'What will you have?' Then we'll say alright, let me > > think, 'What did I have yesterday, so I'll have today this thing.' > > It's like a shopping going on. No, you have to say, 'We have this > > and please have it now, otherwise you won't have it. This is the > > time!' Let them say what they like. It's important. I see sometimes > > your SDP conferences and all these, the way they speak, they just > > blast you, I mean, hammer in your head. Why should we not, when this > > is the truth. Why should we not tell them and talk to them in that > > manner. We think by being gentle... alright gentleness is different, > > but I mean to say by saying less than I say, understatement. It's > > typical English. 'That might be too much.' In Sahaja Yoga it is such > > a lot that how much are you going to pour out, can never be too > > much. So be careful on that. When you've to say it, say it in a very > > blasty way, doesn't matter. What are they going to do? They can't > > crucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise perfectly > > alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, > > you know that. So you better say what you've found out, in a big > > way. And tell them in a big way, of course loving and gentle manner > > but tell them, the concern should be there. Alright? Now this is > > what it is one has to understand that there is nothing, 'Say a > > little bit,' then they think, 'He's a shaky man.' But when they sing > > horrible songs on the mike, eating the mike, I say eating the mike > > music.They go on aggressing on the mike and people go mad with it, > > they like it. I don't say you aggress but don't say anything less, > > understatement is not needed. There should not be any balancing in > > that. Those people who'll be appeased by that will not be good > > Sahaja Yogis. They cannot come in the Kingdom of God. We don't have > > to be begging of them but we have to honour them, we have to respect > > them, we have to be kind to them, but we have to give them what we > > have. Like in the family, you go, you get everything from the fridge > > and give it to them, they'll be very happy to take it whatever you > > like, what a spread. But if you put one little fish and two eggs for > > ten people with one chilli to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a > > lemon, they will think, 'What's this going on here. Wishy-washy > > stuff.' > > > > ( " The English are scholars, " Sheffield, 21/9/85) > > > > /message/5809 > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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