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The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one’s own blissful Self. #1

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> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > i would want to quote from the Bhagavad-Gita about a topic that,

> > as far as i know, is not discussed by the priests and pandits.

> > Perhaps then we will be more forgiving of business students not

> > understanding Parthasarathy's teaching:

> >

> > When thy mind leaves behind its dark forest of delusion,

> > Thou shalt go beyond the scriptures of times past and still to

> > come.

> > When thy mind, that may be wavering in the contradictions of many

> > scriptures,

> > Shall rest unshaken in divine contemplation,

> > Then the goal of Yoga is thine.

> >

> > Juan Mascaro, The Bhagavad Gita 2:52-53

> >

> >


> Dear All,


> i believe that Shri Krishna is without question referring to the

> hundreds of thousands of pages that make up the Vedas, Upanishads

> and Puranas. i doubt if there is any Hindu who has read all of

> them or even contemplate doing so. After having read just a minute

> portion over a decade i have found it to be indeed mind-boggling

> and confusing, to say the least.


> i now remember that even the Great Devi cautioned me years ago

> against seeking knowledge from the scriptures just as Shri Krishna

> had done thousands of years ago. i refer to the original notes

> describing the incident that took place early 1994.


> ------------


> After Self-Realization there was an intense, relentless search for

> knowledge to unravel the mysteries of the Spiritual Dimension that

> Kash was talking about. All types of Holy Scriptures were

> purchased — Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Qur'an, Bible, Guru

> Granth Sahib — studied and cross-examined. Kash's father wanted to

> understand how these scriptures were linked to the Truth of the

> Great Divine Mother and that which his son was declaring. The same

> Truth had to be evident in all scriptural sources.


> Kash's mother began to get alarmed at the growing neglect of the

> family by her husband. She tried to reason for balance but to no

> avail.


> Then matters took a drastic turn. Her husband purchased the

> entire 18-volume set of Srimad-Bhagavatam translated by A.C.

> Bhaktivedanta. This was followed immediately by the seven volume

> Collected Lectures on Bhagavad Gita As It Is — 15,000 pages of

> reading, all written by a vegetarian brahmin who claimed to be the

> 32nd acarya of Shri Krishna.


> Every morning he woke before dawn and after meditation began to

> read them seriously, even highlighting important translations. Day

> and night were spent in this single-minded pursuit.


> As the family watched him from a distance the situation slowly

> deteriorated. In the end Kash's mother had no choice but to seek

> the help of Shri Adi Shakti to solve this budding fanaticism with

> Mr. A.C., the founder of ISKCON. She meditated and requested Shri

> Mataji to help correct her husband.


> The very next day a chain of events took place which ended with her

> spouse praising the books to high heaven, and loudly demanded that

> his right to search for God through them should not be violated.

> Puffed-up and self-assured that he — like hundreds of millions of

> religious humans — was undertaking one of humankind's oldest and

> noblest quest, angrily told his wife never to interfere in future

> and blasted her into silence.


> Late in the evening when Kash came out of meditation there was a

> sad look on his face. He explained that Shri Vandaru-Jana-Vatsala

> Devi was unhappy that his father was arguing about the Holy

> Scriptures and the search for God. The Great Divine Feminine

> cautioned that he should read less. This Revelation was stunning

> and totally unexpected, humiliating the barking ego which

> whimpered away to lick its badly-wounded pride. Instead of getting

> a well-deserved pat for pursuing book knowledge, he received a

> slap on the face from, of all beings, the Great Adi Shakti! And

> that also right before the entire family.


> Kash's mother explained days later that she had meditated and asked

> Shri Bhakti-priya Devi to help bring her husband to his senses and

> stop his fanaticism with scriptural knowledge. Immediately Shri

> Mataji created a drama to rectify the situation. She had witnessed

> all that was going on, listened to the plea of her devotee in the

> evening, and created a Maya (illusion) the next morning that made

> her husband react harshly. Then She informed Kash of Her

> displeasure, admonished the culprit, and brought a quick end

> to a lingering family problem.



" The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. " ~Bhavana

Upanishad 1.27



To all devotees of the Great Devi,


i will over time give evidence based on Her own revelations as to

why the supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. In

fact the yet to be published and remaining 20% of Her revelations in

the Sahasrara will enable me to give ample, unassailable evidence

that the Devi is the blissful Self within all. So this post will be

the first in the series.


The following points of the above-mentioned incident should be noted:


i) My wife Shindi meditated and sought the Divine Mother's help. The

supreme divinity, Lalita, who is her own blissful Self, listened to



ii) Kash, who had no idea what had taken place, came back the next

evening after meditation and told me that Shri Mataji was unhappy.

The supreme divinity, Lalita, who is his own blissful Self, knew

that his mother had sought Her help and informed Kash of Her

displeasure. How else did Kash know that his father had an argument

with his mother regarding the scriptures? So the Self of both mother

and son were aware.


iii) When Kash told me what the Devi had told him i immediately knew

that the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is my own blissful Self, had

witnessed me ticking my wife off about the scriptures. So the

supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the Self of Shindi, Kash and myself

was aware.


iv) But i never knew my wife Shindi had sought Her help until told a

week later. So the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the blissful

Self within Shindi and the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the same

blissful Self within Kash, and the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is

also the same blissful Self within me had simultaneously witnesses

the incident, heard the plea for help and acted. It is obvious that

the same blissful Self within all three of us witnessed and knew

what had transpired i.e., instantly and simultaneously.


In other words, the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the same

blissful Self in all three of us had to be both omnipresent and

omniscient. That means that the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the

blissful Self in all human beings witnessed this incident too, and

infinite incidents of every second of all their lives and previous

lives back into time. She is witnessing you reading this post too,

and everything you will do today, tomorrow, next week ....... The

supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the blissful Self within all, is

the omnipresent and omniscient Brahman.


According to Wikipedia " It is said that Brahman cannot be known by

material means, that we cannot be made conscious of it, because

Brahman is our very consciousness. Brahman is also not restricted to

the usual dimensional perspectives of being, and thus enlightenment,

moksha, yoga, samadhi, nirvana, etc. do not merely mean to know

Brahman, but to realise one's 'brahman-hood', to actually realise

that one is and always was of Brahman nature. Indeed, closely

related to the Self concept of Brahman is the idea that it is

synonymous with jiva-atma, or individual souls, our atman (or soul)

being readily identifiable with the greater soul of Brahman. "


" Jesus said to them, Is it not written in your law, I said Ye are

gods? " (John 10: 34) Surely, " Ye are gods " is one of the strangest

statements recorded in the Bible. It is one of those verses that

Christians simply pass over time and time again because of its

peculiarity. They do not understand it, but are able to live with

that lack of understanding. God is also not restricted to the usual

dimensional perspectives of being, and thus second birth, born of

the Spirit, gnosis, etc. do not merely mean to know God, but to

realise one's 'god-hood', to actually realise that one is and always

was of god nature. Indeed, closely related to the Self concept of

God is the idea that it is synonymous with individual souls, our

soul being readily identifiable with the greater soul of God.


It is the same Self, the same omnipresent and omniscient Spirit of

God that is within all humans. There are different names given by

religious traditions for this same omnipresent and omniscient Self -

Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Aykaa Mayee or Lalita Devi. Just

choose one you are most comfortable with and meditate on Her within.

You do not need to have any image or perform any ritual because

Brahman is infinite, formless, pure consciousness and yourSelf too.


Jai Shri Ganapathy,







Main Entry: om•ni•pres•ent

present in all places at all times


Main Entry: om•ni•scient

1 : having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight

2 : possessed of universal or complete knowledge


Merriam-Webster Online



" She alone is Atman. Other than Her is untruth, non-self. Hence is

She Brahman-Consciousness, free from (even) a tinge of being and non-

being. She is the Science of Consciousness, non-dual Brahman

Consciousness, a wave of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Beauty of

the three-great-cities, penetrating without and within, is

resplendent, non-dual, self-subsisting. What is, is pure Being; what

shines is pure Consciousness; what is dear is Bliss. So here is the

Maha-Tripura-Sundari who assumes all forms. You and I and all the

world and all divinities and all besides are the Maha-Tripura-

Sundari. The sole Truth is the thing named `the Beautiful'. It is

the non-dual, integral, supreme Brahman. "


~Bahvricha Upanishad 1.5



" The Agni Pr. Says, The first sutra (Siva-sutra, I. 1) says, " Atman

is his consciousness (caitanya) " ; the second sutra says " the

[worldly] knowledge is bondage. " Hence what is praised or

experienced by the Devas and others is the Atman; for the Tantraraja

says, " The universal form Lalita is declared to be the very Self " ;

as she is inseparable from the self, her vaibhava is all-pervading,

possessed with infinite powers, etc. "


R. A. Sastry, Lalita-Sahasranama,

The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Madras, 1988, p. 65.



" Shakti is the hidden power that turns matter into life. She is the

divine spark, the flow of God's love.


Anyone who is connected with spirit has Shakti, which manifests in

five ways that the God Herself manifests. (For the sake of

simplicity I will use the word God and apply feminine pronouns

whenever I have the goddess Shakti in mind.) As described in the

ancient Shiva Sutras — " teaching about Shiva " — these are five



Chitta Shakti: the awareness of God

Ananda Shakti: the bliss of God

Icha Shakti: the desire or intention to unite with God

Gyana Shakti: knowledge of God

Kriya Shakti: action directed toward God


If the voice of God spoke to you, Her powers would be conveyed in

simple, universal phrases:


Chitta Shakti: " I am. "

Ananda Shakti: " I am blissful. "

Icha Shakti: " I will " or " I intend. "

Gyana Shakti: " I know. "

Kriya Shakti: " I act. "


If a child came to me and asked, " How did God make me? " these five

things would be my answer, because this is how God made Herself, or

at least made Herself known to us, and at each stage of giving birth

a new exclamation of discovery emerged. First She experienced

Herself as existence ( " I am! " ), then creative joy ( " I am

blissful! " ), pulsing desire ( " I will! " ), cosmic mind ( " I know! " ),

and finally the shaping force that molds all things ( " I act!).

Because none of these except " I am " had ever existed before, each

came as a revelation.


All of these qualities have universal application . . . These five

powers form a cascade, spilling like water from unmanifest spirit to

the material world. Tagore employed almost the same analogy when he

poetically asked, " Where is this fountain that throws out these

flowers in such a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy? " In one beautiful

line he states the mystery precisely. What is the origin of the

infinite display of nature's abundance? The flowers are outside, but

the fountain is inside, in divine essence. To realize this you must

become that fountain; you must have the assurance that the flow of

life can gush through your being at full force. This state of

connection is supreme existence. When you join the cosmic dance, the

powers of God as creator-mother fully infuse you. "


Deepak Chopra, The Path of Love

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, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> According to Wikipedia " It is said that Brahman cannot be known by

> material means, that we cannot be made conscious of it, because

> Brahman is our very consciousness. Brahman is also not restricted to

> the usual dimensional perspectives of being, and thus enlightenment,

> moksha, yoga, samadhi, nirvana, etc. do not merely mean to know

> Brahman, but to realise one's 'brahman-hood', to actually realise

> that one is and always was of Brahman nature. Indeed, closely

> related to the Self concept of Brahman is the idea that it is

> synonymous with jiva-atma, or individual souls, our atman (or soul)

> being readily identifiable with the greater soul of Brahman. "


Dear Jagbir,


Thank you for your anecdotal evidence that clearly illustrates what collective

consciousness is. It clearly shows how we are all of One Spirit, and we cannot

be divided or separated by any external religions of man, because the Adi Shakti

(the Self) within each of us is the " Same Self " !!!


This is wonderful news indeed. It should (when and if taken seriously) change

the consciousness of humanity to be more humane in every respect possible. We

are truly brothers and sisters of each other. Our Very Self is the One and Same

Self. Only individual aspects of the One and Same Self. This is mind-blowing.

Really!!! It has to change our whole perspective of ourselves... when we wrongly

believe that we are 'separate from each other'.


When people realise this, there will be much more compassion for 'the other' in

the world. The saying that " if you hurt your brother or sister... you hurt

yourself " ... has an altogether clear and realistic meaning now. Thank you,

Jagbir. This is a most amazing exposition and anecdotal evidence indeed!!! A

witness to the Self in the Sahasrara being the One Self; the One Spirit; the



That is why Shri Jesus said " You are Gods " . It all makes sense now. Except... we

have to understand and realise how this is so. It only comes with spiritual

understanding, wisdom, and complete humility. It explains why as Shri Mataji has

also said... " No one is better than anyone else " . All the Scriptures and

everything the Incarnations said... will take on new meaning when we understand

this Great Truth that we Are One In Spirit, who is Shri Lalita:


" The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. " ~Bhavana

Upanishad 1.27


Jai Shri Mataji!





> > , " jagbir singh "

> > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > i would want to quote from the Bhagavad-Gita about a topic that,

> > > as far as i know, is not discussed by the priests and pandits.

> > > Perhaps then we will be more forgiving of business students not

> > > understanding Parthasarathy's teaching:

> > >

> > > When thy mind leaves behind its dark forest of delusion,

> > > Thou shalt go beyond the scriptures of times past and still to

> > > come.

> > > When thy mind, that may be wavering in the contradictions of


> > > scriptures,

> > > Shall rest unshaken in divine contemplation,

> > > Then the goal of Yoga is thine.

> > >

> > > Juan Mascaro, The Bhagavad Gita 2:52-53

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > i believe that Shri Krishna is without question referring to the

> > hundreds of thousands of pages that make up the Vedas, Upanishads

> > and Puranas. i doubt if there is any Hindu who has read all of

> > them or even contemplate doing so. After having read just a minute

> > portion over a decade i have found it to be indeed mind-boggling

> > and confusing, to say the least.

> >

> > i now remember that even the Great Devi cautioned me years ago

> > against seeking knowledge from the scriptures just as Shri Krishna

> > had done thousands of years ago. i refer to the original notes

> > describing the incident that took place early 1994.

> >

> > ------------

> >

> > After Self-Realization there was an intense, relentless search for

> > knowledge to unravel the mysteries of the Spiritual Dimension that

> > Kash was talking about. All types of Holy Scriptures were

> > purchased — Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Qur'an, Bible, Guru

> > Granth Sahib — studied and cross-examined. Kash's father wanted to

> > understand how these scriptures were linked to the Truth of the

> > Great Divine Mother and that which his son was declaring. The same

> > Truth had to be evident in all scriptural sources.

> >

> > Kash's mother began to get alarmed at the growing neglect of the

> > family by her husband. She tried to reason for balance but to no

> > avail.

> >

> > Then matters took a drastic turn. Her husband purchased the

> > entire 18-volume set of Srimad-Bhagavatam translated by A.C.

> > Bhaktivedanta. This was followed immediately by the seven volume

> > Collected Lectures on Bhagavad Gita As It Is — 15,000 pages of

> > reading, all written by a vegetarian brahmin who claimed to be the

> > 32nd acarya of Shri Krishna.

> >

> > Every morning he woke before dawn and after meditation began to

> > read them seriously, even highlighting important translations. Day

> > and night were spent in this single-minded pursuit.

> >

> > As the family watched him from a distance the situation slowly

> > deteriorated. In the end Kash's mother had no choice but to seek

> > the help of Shri Adi Shakti to solve this budding fanaticism with

> > Mr. A.C., the founder of ISKCON. She meditated and requested Shri

> > Mataji to help correct her husband.

> >

> > The very next day a chain of events took place which ended with


> > spouse praising the books to high heaven, and loudly demanded that

> > his right to search for God through them should not be violated.

> > Puffed-up and self-assured that he — like hundreds of millions of

> > religious humans — was undertaking one of humankind's oldest and

> > noblest quest, angrily told his wife never to interfere in future

> > and blasted her into silence.

> >

> > Late in the evening when Kash came out of meditation there was a

> > sad look on his face. He explained that Shri Vandaru-Jana-Vatsala

> > Devi was unhappy that his father was arguing about the Holy

> > Scriptures and the search for God. The Great Divine Feminine

> > cautioned that he should read less. This Revelation was stunning

> > and totally unexpected, humiliating the barking ego which

> > whimpered away to lick its badly-wounded pride. Instead of getting

> > a well-deserved pat for pursuing book knowledge, he received a

> > slap on the face from, of all beings, the Great Adi Shakti! And

> > that also right before the entire family.

> >

> > Kash's mother explained days later that she had meditated and


> > Shri Bhakti-priya Devi to help bring her husband to his senses and

> > stop his fanaticism with scriptural knowledge. Immediately Shri

> > Mataji created a drama to rectify the situation. She had witnessed

> > all that was going on, listened to the plea of her devotee in the

> > evening, and created a Maya (illusion) the next morning that made

> > her husband react harshly. Then She informed Kash of Her

> > displeasure, admonished the culprit, and brought a quick end

> > to a lingering family problem.

> >


> " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. " ~Bhavana

> Upanishad 1.27



> To all devotees of the Great Devi,


> i will over time give evidence based on Her own revelations as to

> why the supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. In

> fact the yet to be published and remaining 20% of Her revelations in

> the Sahasrara will enable me to give ample, unassailable evidence

> that the Devi is the blissful Self within all. So this post will be

> the first in the series.


> The following points of the above-mentioned incident should be



> i) My wife Shindi meditated and sought the Divine Mother's help. The

> supreme divinity, Lalita, who is her own blissful Self, listened to

> her.


> ii) Kash, who had no idea what had taken place, came back the next

> evening after meditation and told me that Shri Mataji was unhappy.

> The supreme divinity, Lalita, who is his own blissful Self, knew

> that his mother had sought Her help and informed Kash of Her

> displeasure. How else did Kash know that his father had an argument

> with his mother regarding the scriptures? So the Self of both mother

> and son were aware.


> iii) When Kash told me what the Devi had told him i immediately knew

> that the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is my own blissful Self, had

> witnessed me ticking my wife off about the scriptures. So the

> supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the Self of Shindi, Kash and myself

> was aware.


> iv) But i never knew my wife Shindi had sought Her help until told a

> week later. So the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the blissful

> Self within Shindi and the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the same

> blissful Self within Kash, and the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is

> also the same blissful Self within me had simultaneously witnesses

> the incident, heard the plea for help and acted. It is obvious that

> the same blissful Self within all three of us witnessed and knew

> what had transpired i.e., instantly and simultaneously.


> In other words, the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the same

> blissful Self in all three of us had to be both omnipresent and

> omniscient. That means that the supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the

> blissful Self in all human beings witnessed this incident too, and

> infinite incidents of every second of all their lives and previous

> lives back into time. She is witnessing you reading this post too,

> and everything you will do today, tomorrow, next week ....... The

> supreme divinity, Lalita, who is the blissful Self within all, is

> the omnipresent and omniscient Brahman.


> According to Wikipedia " It is said that Brahman cannot be known by

> material means, that we cannot be made conscious of it, because

> Brahman is our very consciousness. Brahman is also not restricted to

> the usual dimensional perspectives of being, and thus enlightenment,

> moksha, yoga, samadhi, nirvana, etc. do not merely mean to know

> Brahman, but to realise one's 'brahman-hood', to actually realise

> that one is and always was of Brahman nature. Indeed, closely

> related to the Self concept of Brahman is the idea that it is

> synonymous with jiva-atma, or individual souls, our atman (or soul)

> being readily identifiable with the greater soul of Brahman. "


> " Jesus said to them, Is it not written in your law, I said Ye are

> gods? " (John 10: 34) Surely, " Ye are gods " is one of the strangest

> statements recorded in the Bible. It is one of those verses that

> Christians simply pass over time and time again because of its

> peculiarity. They do not understand it, but are able to live with

> that lack of understanding. God is also not restricted to the usual

> dimensional perspectives of being, and thus second birth, born of

> the Spirit, gnosis, etc. do not merely mean to know God, but to

> realise one's 'god-hood', to actually realise that one is and always

> was of god nature. Indeed, closely related to the Self concept of

> God is the idea that it is synonymous with individual souls, our

> soul being readily identifiable with the greater soul of God.


> It is the same Self, the same omnipresent and omniscient Spirit of

> God that is within all humans. There are different names given by

> religious traditions for this same omnipresent and omniscient Self -

> Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Aykaa Mayee or Lalita Devi. Just

> choose one you are most comfortable with and meditate on Her within.

> You do not need to have any image or perform any ritual because

> Brahman is infinite, formless, pure consciousness and yourSelf too.


> Jai Shri Ganapathy,



> jagbir




> Main Entry: om•ni•pres•ent

> present in all places at all times


> Main Entry: om•ni•scient

> 1 : having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight

> 2 : possessed of universal or complete knowledge


> Merriam-Webster Online



> " She alone is Atman. Other than Her is untruth, non-self. Hence is

> She Brahman-Consciousness, free from (even) a tinge of being and


> being. She is the Science of Consciousness, non-dual Brahman

> Consciousness, a wave of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Beauty of

> the three-great-cities, penetrating without and within, is

> resplendent, non-dual, self-subsisting. What is, is pure Being; what

> shines is pure Consciousness; what is dear is Bliss. So here is the

> Maha-Tripura-Sundari who assumes all forms. You and I and all the

> world and all divinities and all besides are the Maha-Tripura-

> Sundari. The sole Truth is the thing named `the Beautiful'. It is

> the non-dual, integral, supreme Brahman. "


> ~Bahvricha Upanishad 1.5



> " The Agni Pr. Says, The first sutra (Siva-sutra, I. 1) says, " Atman

> is his consciousness (caitanya) " ; the second sutra says " the

> [worldly] knowledge is bondage. " Hence what is praised or

> experienced by the Devas and others is the Atman; for the Tantraraja

> says, " The universal form Lalita is declared to be the very Self " ;

> as she is inseparable from the self, her vaibhava is all-pervading,

> possessed with infinite powers, etc. "


> R. A. Sastry, Lalita-Sahasranama,

> The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Madras, 1988, p. 65.



> " Shakti is the hidden power that turns matter into life. She is the

> divine spark, the flow of God's love.


> Anyone who is connected with spirit has Shakti, which manifests in

> five ways that the God Herself manifests. (For the sake of

> simplicity I will use the word God and apply feminine pronouns

> whenever I have the goddess Shakti in mind.) As described in the

> ancient Shiva Sutras — " teaching about Shiva " — these are five

> powers:


> Chitta Shakti: the awareness of God

> Ananda Shakti: the bliss of God

> Icha Shakti: the desire or intention to unite with God

> Gyana Shakti: knowledge of God

> Kriya Shakti: action directed toward God


> If the voice of God spoke to you, Her powers would be conveyed in

> simple, universal phrases:


> Chitta Shakti: " I am. "

> Ananda Shakti: " I am blissful. "

> Icha Shakti: " I will " or " I intend. "

> Gyana Shakti: " I know. "

> Kriya Shakti: " I act. "


> If a child came to me and asked, " How did God make me? " these five

> things would be my answer, because this is how God made Herself, or

> at least made Herself known to us, and at each stage of giving birth

> a new exclamation of discovery emerged. First She experienced

> Herself as existence ( " I am! " ), then creative joy ( " I am

> blissful! " ), pulsing desire ( " I will! " ), cosmic mind ( " I know! " ),

> and finally the shaping force that molds all things ( " I act!).

> Because none of these except " I am " had ever existed before, each

> came as a revelation.


> All of these qualities have universal application . . . These five

> powers form a cascade, spilling like water from unmanifest spirit to

> the material world. Tagore employed almost the same analogy when he

> poetically asked, " Where is this fountain that throws out these

> flowers in such a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy? " In one beautiful

> line he states the mystery precisely. What is the origin of the

> infinite display of nature's abundance? The flowers are outside, but

> the fountain is inside, in divine essence. To realize this you must

> become that fountain; you must have the assurance that the flow of

> life can gush through your being at full force. This state of

> connection is supreme existence. When you join the cosmic dance, the

> powers of God as creator-mother fully infuse you. "


> Deepak Chopra, The Path of Love


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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> Thank you for your anecdotal evidence that clearly illustrates

> what collective consciousness is. It clearly shows how we are all

> of One Spirit, and we cannot be divided or separated by any

> external religions of man, because the Adi Shakti (the Self)

> within each of us is the " Same Self " !!!



Dear Violet,


i believe this is the first time we are beginning to understand the

deep esoteric truths which Shri Mataji told us:


" It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the

Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after

(by) Her. "





The truth of the above statement is the very base and unshakeable

foundation of www.adishakti.org and this forum.


Maybe when Shri Mataji told SYs in Australia in 1994 that She has

personalities who will be giving evidence of Her incarnation, none

knew what She was talking about. Today we are bringing to

remembrance of a promise those Australian SYs have collectively

forgotten, and to others who never heard in the first place.


However, to really comprehend and believe the above quote of Shri

Mataji you have to realize that " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is

one's own blissful Self. " Most rank and file SYs, with all their

attention still focused on external images and rituals, have a long

and difficult path ahead in realizing that Self. Their Self-

realization is rudimentary because if you carefully read Shri

Mataji's quote:


" It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the

Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after

(by) Her. "


you will realize that She is referring to Her inner Reality.


“You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989



The only way to overcome the serious handicap most subtle system SYs

have is to comprehend the deep esoteric truths of the personalities

whom Shri Mataji said way back in 1994 will give evidence of Her

incarnation. The subtle point that many readers may have missed is

that the evidence of Her incarnation has been witnessed within the

Sahasrara where She resides. As Her physical incarnation prepares

for Mahasamadhi it is Her internal eternal Self that will remain.


Those SYs wishing to advance from their subtle system kindergarten

classes must first understand that the supreme divinity, Lalita, is

one’s own blissful Self who resides in the Sahasrara. Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi is just Her incarnation, not the other way round. It is

the Devi within who has manifested the truth that “you are born out

of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after (by) Her”

from within where She resides in the Sahasrara. Where else will SYs

find Shri Mataji after She leaves Her physical body? How else will

you be looked after and guided by Her then, if not already since

time immemorial? What, after all, is Self-realization other than

finally realizing that " the supreme divinity, Lalita, is one’s own

blissful Self " and attaining moksa while still in a physical body?







> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> > According to Wikipedia " It is said that Brahman cannot be known

> > by material means, that we cannot be made conscious of it,

> > because Brahman is our very consciousness. Brahman is also not

> > restricted to the usual dimensional perspectives of being, and

> > thus enlightenment, moksha, yoga, samadhi, nirvana, etc. do not

> > merely mean to know Brahman, but to realise one's 'brahman-

> > hood', to actually realise that one is and always was of Brahman

> > nature. Indeed, closely related to the Self concept of Brahman

> > is the idea that it is synonymous with jiva-atma, or individual

> > souls, our atman (or soul) being readily identifiable with the

> > greater soul of Brahman. "


, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> Thank you for your anecdotal evidence that clearly illustrates

> what collective consciousness is. It clearly shows how we are all

> of One Spirit, and we cannot be divided or separated by any

> external religions of man, because the Adi Shakti (the Self)

> within each of us is the " Same Self " !!!


> This is wonderful news indeed. It should (when and if taken

seriously) change the consciousness of humanity to be more humane in

every respect possible. We are truly brothers and sisters of each

other. Our Very Self is the One and Same Self. Only individual

aspects of the One and Same Self. This is mind-blowing. Really!!! It

has to change our whole perspective of ourselves... when we wrongly

believe that we are 'separate from each other'.


> When people realise this, there will be much more compassion

for 'the other' in the world. The saying that " if you hurt your

brother or sister... you hurt yourself " ... has an altogether clear

and realistic meaning now. Thank you, Jagbir. This is a most amazing

exposition and anecdotal evidence indeed!!! A witness to the Self in

the Sahasrara being the One Self; the One Spirit; the Brahman.


> That is why Shri Jesus said " You are Gods " . It all makes sense

now. Except... we have to understand and realise how this is so. It

only comes with spiritual understanding, wisdom, and complete

humility. It explains why as Shri Mataji has also said... " No one is

better than anyone else " . All the Scriptures and everything the

Incarnations said... will take on new meaning when we understand

this Great Truth that we Are One In Spirit, who is Shri Lalita:


> " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. "

> ~Bhavana Upanishad 1.27


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> violet



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Dear Jagbir,


i have to agree that this is the first time we are beginning to understand the

deep esoteric truths which Shri Mataji taught. Shri Mataji must have been

dismayed at times, when SYs just could not quite comprehend Her Most Subtle

Spiritual Teachings, but instead understood them in only external terms. It is

no secret, however, that Shri Mataji's dearest wish was that all the external

knowledge She gave... would lead to the internal knowledge within!!! The

external knowledge that Shri Mataji gave was only meant to be used as 'spiritual

leverage' to come to the Ultimate Spiritual Understanding that the Supreme

Divinity... " IS ONE'S OWN BLISSFUL SELF!!! "


However, instead of the majority of the SYs coming to that spiritual

Understanding... most " seem to have got stuck on the Mahamaya Image of Shri

Mataji " ... where there " are seen to be two people " : Shri Mataji and the Sahaja



" It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the Adi Shakti -

that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that whatever one may try one

cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You are born out of Her, and you are

guided by Her, you are looked after (by) Her. "


'Toward that end'... i would like to reiterate again that Shri Mataji said at

Sydney Airport in 1994 (and i am pretty sure it was tape-recorded too)... that

there are two special personalties that will give evidence of Her Incarnation,

and She said that we would get to hear about them later. IT IS " LATER " NOW!!! We

are now hearing from two " special personalities " (as Shri Mataji called them)

who also happen to be Jagbir's children, who it has been revealed are " Angels

Born on Earth " ... at this Special Time of the Last Judgment and Resurrection to

give Eschatological Evidence (that is required) of Shri Mataji's Incarnation as

the Holy Spirit of the Christians, the Adi Shakti of the Hindus, the Maitreya of

the Buddhists, the Eykaa Mayee of the Sikhs, the Ruh of Allah of the Muslims,

the Ruach/Shekinah of the Jews, and the Great Mother of the Taoists!!!


One of the Greatest Evidences to begin with is that:


" It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the Adi Shakti -

that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that whatever one may try one

cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You are born out of Her, and you are

guided by Her, you are looked after (by) Her. "


This is an evidence that Shri Jesus also tried to give, when He said: " I and the

Father are One. " (John 10:30)


And Shri Mataji has told us countless times that Shri Jesus is a reincarnation

of Shri Ganesha (Hindu God)... and that Shri Ganesha is very close to His

Mother, the Adi Shakti!!! In fact, Shri Mataji has said that: " They are One! " We

can understand this " Oneness Now " !!! The glimmer of spiritual light is shining

through to understanding this now!!!


However, at Shri Jesus's Incarnation, Shri Mataji has told us... that when She

was Shri Mary, Mother of Jesus... Shri Jesus kept Her identity secret. This was

because He did not want Her to be crucified also. Therefore, knowledge of Her

Identity was 'kept under wraps'. However, many in Christendom knew and felt She

was special in spite of this being kept a secret.


However, Shri Mataji in this Incarnation has told that crucifixion is not

possible for Her today. The laws forbid it. But the laws did not forbid it when

She was Shri Mary, the Mother of Jesus:


" They can't cucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise perfectly

alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot touch me, you know

that. " (Sheffield, UK - August 21 1985)


So... NOW Shri Mataji has come and has revealed that you will find Her as the

Shakti in the Sahasrara, IF YOU GO WITHIN!!! To help you believe this Most

Esoteric Truth, She has Angels to give evidence that:


" The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. " (Bhavana Upanishad



We have often affirmed as a mantra:


" Mother, please give me the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit " !!!


Well, She is giving this Most Esoteric Knowledge Now. Are we ready to receive

this Esoteric Knowledge? Simply... " It is your choice to receive it or not " . It

is for your benefit and it is for the benefit of all of humanity!!!





, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > Thank you for your anecdotal evidence that clearly illustrates

> > what collective consciousness is. It clearly shows how we are all

> > of One Spirit, and we cannot be divided or separated by any

> > external religions of man, because the Adi Shakti (the Self)

> > within each of us is the " Same Self " !!!

> >


> Dear Violet,


> i believe this is the first time we are beginning to understand the

> deep esoteric truths which Shri Mataji told us:


> " It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the

> Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

> whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

> are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after

> (by) Her. "


> <http://adishakti.org/divine_gift_to_humanity/




> The truth of the above statement is the very base and unshakeable

> foundation of www.adishakti.org and this forum.


> Maybe when Shri Mataji told SYs in Australia in 1994 that She has

> personalities who will be giving evidence of Her incarnation, none

> knew what She was talking about. Today we are bringing to

> remembrance of a promise those Australian SYs have collectively

> forgotten, and to others who never heard in the first place.


> However, to really comprehend and believe the above quote of Shri

> Mataji you have to realize that " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is

> one's own blissful Self. " Most rank and file SYs, with all their

> attention still focused on external images and rituals, have a long

> and difficult path ahead in realizing that Self. Their Self-

> realization is rudimentary because if you carefully read Shri

> Mataji's quote:


> " It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the

> Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

> whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

> are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after

> (by) Her. "


> you will realize that She is referring to Her inner Reality.


> " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

> of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989



> The only way to overcome the serious handicap most subtle system SYs

> have is to comprehend the deep esoteric truths of the personalities

> whom Shri Mataji said way back in 1994 will give evidence of Her

> incarnation. The subtle point that many readers may have missed is

> that the evidence of Her incarnation has been witnessed within the

> Sahasrara where She resides. As Her physical incarnation prepares

> for Mahasamadhi it is Her internal eternal Self that will remain.


> Those SYs wishing to advance from their subtle system kindergarten

> classes must first understand that the supreme divinity, Lalita, is

> one's own blissful Self who resides in the Sahasrara. Shri Mataji

> Nirmala Devi is just Her incarnation, not the other way round. It is

> the Devi within who has manifested the truth that " you are born out

> of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after (by) Her "

> from within where She resides in the Sahasrara. Where else will SYs

> find Shri Mataji after She leaves Her physical body? How else will

> you be looked after and guided by Her then, if not already since

> time immemorial? What, after all, is Self-realization other than

> finally realizing that " the supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own

> blissful Self " and attaining moksa while still in a physical body?


> jagbir




> >

> > , " jagbir

> > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > > According to Wikipedia " It is said that Brahman cannot be known

> > > by material means, that we cannot be made conscious of it,

> > > because Brahman is our very consciousness. Brahman is also not

> > > restricted to the usual dimensional perspectives of being, and

> > > thus enlightenment, moksha, yoga, samadhi, nirvana, etc. do not

> > > merely mean to know Brahman, but to realise one's 'brahman-

> > > hood', to actually realise that one is and always was of Brahman

> > > nature. Indeed, closely related to the Self concept of Brahman

> > > is the idea that it is synonymous with jiva-atma, or individual

> > > souls, our atman (or soul) being readily identifiable with the

> > > greater soul of Brahman. "

> >

> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > Thank you for your anecdotal evidence that clearly illustrates

> > what collective consciousness is. It clearly shows how we are all

> > of One Spirit, and we cannot be divided or separated by any

> > external religions of man, because the Adi Shakti (the Self)

> > within each of us is the " Same Self " !!!

> >

> > This is wonderful news indeed. It should (when and if taken

> seriously) change the consciousness of humanity to be more humane in

> every respect possible. We are truly brothers and sisters of each

> other. Our Very Self is the One and Same Self. Only individual

> aspects of the One and Same Self. This is mind-blowing. Really!!! It

> has to change our whole perspective of ourselves... when we wrongly

> believe that we are 'separate from each other'.

> >

> > When people realise this, there will be much more compassion

> for 'the other' in the world. The saying that " if you hurt your

> brother or sister... you hurt yourself " ... has an altogether clear

> and realistic meaning now. Thank you, Jagbir. This is a most amazing

> exposition and anecdotal evidence indeed!!! A witness to the Self in

> the Sahasrara being the One Self; the One Spirit; the Brahman.

> >

> > That is why Shri Jesus said " You are Gods " . It all makes sense

> now. Except... we have to understand and realise how this is so. It

> only comes with spiritual understanding, wisdom, and complete

> humility. It explains why as Shri Mataji has also said... " No one is

> better than anyone else " . All the Scriptures and everything the

> Incarnations said... will take on new meaning when we understand

> this Great Truth that we Are One In Spirit, who is Shri Lalita:

> >

> > " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. "

> > ~Bhavana Upanishad 1.27

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > violet

> >

> >


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Dear All,


Shri Mataji taught that a " mantra " is nothing but a " thought which is vibrated " :


Quote of Shri Mataji...


" What is a mantra? Is nothing but a thought which is vibrated. Any thought that

is vibrated is a mantra. But the vibrations can only be carried by a particular

type of (or we can say) a particular co-efficience is needed. In dress, in

thinking, in anything that is 'worldly'... there is 'a kind of co-efficience

that works out the vibrations.' If that co-efficience is not there, you cannot

catch the vibrations and you cannot also give (the) vibrations. " (Easter Puja,

Rome - 1987)(EQ)


The quote below comes from a Mahamaya Puja Talk given by Shri Mataji in Auckland

in 1994. This quote contains many 'mantras' in the truest sense of the word...

as per Shri Mataji's definition of what a mantra is.


In fact, what Shri Mataji reveals is very difficult to comprehend... mentally

anyway. On the spiritual level, it is easier to understand. i think She is

saying We Are One Collective Being here.


(Jagbir... in the excerpt below... is Shri Mataji saying that we are " One

Collective Being " ? i am sure She is saying this. However, the 'almost physical

way' in which She describes it... is beyond the ability of my mind to

comprehend. Could you possibly give your understanding on what Shri Mataji is

saying here... as much as you yourself can understand?)







The Words of Shri Mahamaya, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi...


" The third thing was that you have to be identified into My Body, into My cells

of My body, but this is a more difficult task because supposing one of you

becomes stupid, becomes foolish, quarrelsome, anything you do... any small

thing; it hurts Me. It has to... but I don't think about Myself. I always think

about you. So it's an indication to Me that something has gone wrong somewhere.

Somebody is doing wrong to somebody. Some Sahaja Yogis are being tortured, some

are sick. Anything like that, I work it out very intensely and intimately.

Recently (today only) they told me somebody has got meningitis in Australia.

Immediately I gave bandhan. I am sure such a person should be cured if she has

any faith in Me, and she is in My being.


They call it a miracle. It is not a miracle; it's again the Mahamaya's blessings

are like this. You can't see how you are inside Me; this is Mahamaya. This is

the secret part of it - that you don't know... and then when I feel the pain and

if I look at it (because I have powers to cure) so you get cured. You don't know

how it happens. Collectively, whatever you feel, I get it in My body. For

example, collectively if you have a 'left vishuddhi'(chakra block), I get it.

Any chakra that you catch collectively, I get that problem and I have to solve

it because it troubles Me, so I solve it.


Now, in doing so, you might think " Mother, we are troubling " . You are not. it's

My doing. I have taken you into Myself. You haven't! It's my own work; it's my

own responsibility. And if I have done it, it's done. I am supposed to do it;

that's the job I have to do. So there's nothing to feel bad about it.


My attention is such that it penetrates into everything, and I remember each and

every thing very well. My memory is very good, even at this age. So you see,

this attention itself is very penetrating, and when it penetrates it carries

with it all the powers that are required... and acts. It's a tremendous

machinery... which is very subtle and works wonders. So you start telling me

there is a miracle that has happened. Nothing is a miracle because if you are

all in My body and if My body is Divine, then what is a miracle. As this hand

can communicate with this hand, I communicate with you. "

(Mahamaya Puja, Auckland - 1994)(End Quote)


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 6 March, 1999)



- In ,

" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> i have to agree that this is the first time we are beginning to

understand the deep esoteric truths which Shri Mataji taught. Shri

Mataji must have been dismayed at times, when SYs just could not

quite comprehend Her Most Subtle Spiritual Teachings, but instead

understood them in only external terms. It is no secret, however,

that Shri Mataji's dearest wish was that all the external knowledge

She gave... would lead to the internal knowledge within!!! The

external knowledge that Shri Mataji gave was only meant to be used as

'spiritual leverage' to come to the Ultimate Spiritual Understanding

that the Supreme Divinity... " IS ONE'S OWN BLISSFUL SELF!!! "


> However, instead of the majority of the SYs coming to that

spiritual Understanding... most " seem to have got stuck on the

Mahamaya Image of Shri Mataji " ... where there " are seen to be two

people " : Shri Mataji and the Sahaja Yogi. The SPIRITUAL REALITY



> " It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the

Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after

(by) Her. "


> 'Toward that end'... i would like to reiterate again that Shri

Mataji said at Sydney Airport in 1994 (and i am pretty sure it was

tape-recorded too)... that there are two special personalties that

will give evidence of Her Incarnation, and She said that we would get

to hear about them later. IT IS " LATER " NOW!!! We are now hearing

from two " special personalities " (as Shri Mataji called them) who

also happen to be Jagbir's children, who it has been revealed are

" Angels Born on Earth " ... at this Special Time of the Last Judgment

and Resurrection to give Eschatological Evidence (that is required)

of Shri Mataji's Incarnation as the Holy Spirit of the Christians,

the Adi Shakti of the Hindus, the Maitreya of the Buddhists, the

Eykaa Mayee of the Sikhs, the Ruh of Allah of the Muslims, the Ruach/

Shekinah of the Jews, and the Great Mother of the Taoists!!!


> One of the Greatest Evidences to begin with is that:


> " It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with the

Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after

(by) Her. "


> This is an evidence that Shri Jesus also tried to give, when He

said: " I and the Father are One. " (John 10:30)


> And Shri Mataji has told us countless times that Shri Jesus is a

reincarnation of Shri Ganesha (Hindu God)... and that Shri Ganesha is

very close to His Mother, the Adi Shakti!!! In fact, Shri Mataji has

said that: " They are One! " We can understand this " Oneness Now " !!!

The glimmer of spiritual light is shining through to understanding

this now!!!


> However, at Shri Jesus's Incarnation, Shri Mataji has told us...

that when She was Shri Mary, Mother of Jesus... Shri Jesus kept Her

identity secret. This was because He did not want Her to be crucified

also. Therefore, knowledge of Her Identity was 'kept under wraps'.

However, many in Christendom knew and felt She was special in spite

of this being kept a secret.


> However, Shri Mataji in this Incarnation has told that crucifixion

is not possible for Her today. The laws forbid it. But the laws did

not forbid it when She was Shri Mary, the Mother of Jesus:


> " They can't cucify me this time, can they? They dare not. Otherwise

perfectly alright, nothing can touch me. And even crucifixion cannot

touch me, you know that. " (Sheffield, UK - August 21 1985)


> So... NOW Shri Mataji has come and has revealed that you will find

Her as the Shakti in the Sahasrara, IF YOU GO WITHIN!!! To help you

believe this Most Esoteric Truth, She has Angels to give evidence



> " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful

Self. " (Bhavana Upanishad 1.27)


> We have often affirmed as a mantra:


> " Mother, please give me the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit " !!!


> Well, She is giving this Most Esoteric Knowledge Now. Are we ready

to receive this Esoteric Knowledge? Simply... " It is your choice to

receive it or not " . It is for your benefit and it is for the benefit

of all of humanity!!!


> violet



> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > > Thank you for your anecdotal evidence that clearly illustrates

> > > what collective consciousness is. It clearly shows how we are


> > > of One Spirit, and we cannot be divided or separated by any

> > > external religions of man, because the Adi Shakti (the Self)

> > > within each of us is the " Same Self " !!!

> > >

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > i believe this is the first time we are beginning to understand


> > deep esoteric truths which Shri Mataji told us:

> >

> > " It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with


> > Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

> > whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

> > are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked


> > (by) Her. "

> >

> > <http://adishakti.org/divine_gift_to_humanity/

> divine_gift_to_humanity_5.mp3>

> >

> >

> > The truth of the above statement is the very base and unshakeable

> > foundation of www.adishakti.org and this forum.

> >

> > Maybe when Shri Mataji told SYs in Australia in 1994 that She has

> > personalities who will be giving evidence of Her incarnation, none

> > knew what She was talking about. Today we are bringing to

> > remembrance of a promise those Australian SYs have collectively

> > forgotten, and to others who never heard in the first place.

> >

> > However, to really comprehend and believe the above quote of Shri

> > Mataji you have to realize that " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is

> > one's own blissful Self. " Most rank and file SYs, with all their

> > attention still focused on external images and rituals, have a


> > and difficult path ahead in realizing that Self. Their Self-

> > realization is rudimentary because if you carefully read Shri

> > Mataji's quote:

> >

> > " It is only one, one relationship, and the relationship is with


> > Adi Shakti - that you are a part and parcel of Adi Shakti; that

> > whatever one may try one cannot get separated from Adi Shakti. You

> > are born out of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked


> > (by) Her. "

> >

> > you will realize that She is referring to Her inner Reality.

> >

> > " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the


> > of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989

> >

> >

> > The only way to overcome the serious handicap most subtle system


> > have is to comprehend the deep esoteric truths of the


> > whom Shri Mataji said way back in 1994 will give evidence of Her

> > incarnation. The subtle point that many readers may have missed is

> > that the evidence of Her incarnation has been witnessed within the

> > Sahasrara where She resides. As Her physical incarnation prepares

> > for Mahasamadhi it is Her internal eternal Self that will remain.

> >

> > Those SYs wishing to advance from their subtle system kindergarten

> > classes must first understand that the supreme divinity, Lalita,


> > one's own blissful Self who resides in the Sahasrara. Shri Mataji

> > Nirmala Devi is just Her incarnation, not the other way round. It


> > the Devi within who has manifested the truth that " you are born


> > of Her, and you are guided by Her, you are looked after (by) Her "

> > from within where She resides in the Sahasrara. Where else will


> > find Shri Mataji after She leaves Her physical body? How else will

> > you be looked after and guided by Her then, if not already since

> > time immemorial? What, after all, is Self-realization other than

> > finally realizing that " the supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own

> > blissful Self " and attaining moksa while still in a physical body?

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > , " jagbir

> > > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > According to Wikipedia " It is said that Brahman cannot be


> > > > by material means, that we cannot be made conscious of it,

> > > > because Brahman is our very consciousness. Brahman is also not

> > > > restricted to the usual dimensional perspectives of being, and

> > > > thus enlightenment, moksha, yoga, samadhi, nirvana, etc. do


> > > > merely mean to know Brahman, but to realise one's 'brahman-

> > > > hood', to actually realise that one is and always was of


> > > > nature. Indeed, closely related to the Self concept of Brahman

> > > > is the idea that it is synonymous with jiva-atma, or


> > > > souls, our atman (or soul) being readily identifiable with the

> > > > greater soul of Brahman. "

> > >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > > Thank you for your anecdotal evidence that clearly illustrates

> > > what collective consciousness is. It clearly shows how we are


> > > of One Spirit, and we cannot be divided or separated by any

> > > external religions of man, because the Adi Shakti (the Self)

> > > within each of us is the " Same Self " !!!

> > >

> > > This is wonderful news indeed. It should (when and if taken

> > seriously) change the consciousness of humanity to be more humane


> > every respect possible. We are truly brothers and sisters of each

> > other. Our Very Self is the One and Same Self. Only individual

> > aspects of the One and Same Self. This is mind-blowing. Really!!!


> > has to change our whole perspective of ourselves... when we


> > believe that we are 'separate from each other'.

> > >

> > > When people realise this, there will be much more compassion

> > for 'the other' in the world. The saying that " if you hurt your

> > brother or sister... you hurt yourself " ... has an altogether clear

> > and realistic meaning now. Thank you, Jagbir. This is a most


> > exposition and anecdotal evidence indeed!!! A witness to the Self


> > the Sahasrara being the One Self; the One Spirit; the Brahman.

> > >

> > > That is why Shri Jesus said " You are Gods " . It all makes sense

> > now. Except... we have to understand and realise how this is so.


> > only comes with spiritual understanding, wisdom, and complete

> > humility. It explains why as Shri Mataji has also said... " No one


> > better than anyone else " . All the Scriptures and everything the

> > Incarnations said... will take on new meaning when we understand

> > this Great Truth that we Are One In Spirit, who is Shri Lalita:

> > >

> > > " The supreme divinity, Lalita, is one's own blissful Self. "

> > > ~Bhavana Upanishad 1.27

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Mataji!

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> >


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