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Spirituality is Union with the Divine...

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Dear All,


Spirituality is " Union with the Divine " .


So... what is the Divine?


1. The Divine is Truth.


2. The Divine is Consciousness.


3. The Divine is Bliss.


Put all three together... and " the Divine " is Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss!


Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss can only be experienced as a Union of

Consciousness " within " the person. No external thing 'is it'.


The poet below gives a beautiful expression of the Divine Within. All the

elements are there: the solitariness of sitting alone in meditation, the

reflection within, the Silence, the heart that no longer fears, the wind that

whispers among the leaves, the voice within that is heard, and the living sound

that drowns out all thoughts in " this sweet sea " :


" This solitary hill has always been dear to me,

And this hedgerow, which closes in the view

So well that one need hardly look upon the west.

But sitting and reflecting, from out of the endless

Expanse of night sky, and the supernatural

Silences and so profound stillnesses,

It comes to me here how I beguile myself;

For a moment, then, the heart no longer fears.

And, like the wind I hear whisper among these leaves,

I hear within that infinite silence a voice:

It overwhelms me with the eternal,

And the seasons passed away, and that present

And living, and with its own sound. Thus within

This immensity my thoughts are drowned...

And it is sweet to be shipwrecked in this sea. "


Giacomo Leopardi

(translation by Gilbert Wesley Purdy)









An Introduction


Before we can answer the question: What is spirituality?, we need to gain a

basic understanding of human nature.


The Three Realms


Each human being is composed of three basic aspects: physical, mental, and



The physical realm is the realm of the human body. It includes the workings of

the body as a whole, as well as the workings of the various parts of the body,

such as the brain and the motor and sensory organs.


The mental or psychic realm is the realm of thoughts and feelings, the realm of

human psychology. It includes the characteristics and faculties of the human

mind, the layers or levels of mind, and the various propensities of the mind.


The spiritual realm is the realm beyond the mind; it is the realm of the soul

and Infinite Consciousness. The soul may be defined as the clear reflection of

Infinite Consciousness and it reflects on the mind.


In human beings, the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects are highly

developed, making us unique. We, as human beings, have the capacity to

understand ourselves and to realize our inner, spiritual nature.


The Nature of the Self


To understand how we can go about doing this, we need to know about the self. By

self, we do not mean the physical self, or the physical body, nor do we mean the

mental self; we mean the spiritual self, or the soul.


What is the difference between the mental self and the soul? Western

psychologists advance various ideas to explain the nature of the self, but most

of these ideas are at best vague and incomplete, and at worst, totally

incorrect. The mental self is our feeling of I- ness, our I-feeling. Our

I-feeling has various stages of subtlety which give us our sense of doing and

knowing. The difference between our mental self, or the various stages of our

I-feeling, and our spiritual self, or our soul, is that the former is mental in

nature while the latter is consciousness itself.


The Purpose of Human Life


The purpose of human life is to merge our mental self, or our I- feeling, into

our spiritual self, or our soul, and then merge our soul into Infinite

Consciousness. In other words, the purpose of human life is to merge our mind

and soul into Infinite Consciousness, and thereby realize our true spiritual

nature. This process is often referred to as self-realization.


As we endeavour to merge our self into Infinite Consciousness, we also should

try to perform as much selfless service as we can. Spiritual advancement and

selfless service go together. Thus, the purpose of human life can be

characterized as self-realization and service to humanity (or, more broadly, the

entire universe). Self- realization and Service to Humanity is the motto of

Ananda Marga (the Path of Bliss).


The Essence of Spirituality


Spirituality means that which concerns Infinite Consciousness. When we direct

our I-feeling towards Infinite Consciousness in a conscious, systematic way, we

make spiritual progress. Conversely, when we direct our I-feeling towards the

mental or physical realms without making any effort to adjust it with Infinite

Consciousness, we do not make any spiritual progress.


Spirituality is about 'oneness'. By 'oneness', we do not mean oneness is the

physical or mental realms, we mean oneness in the spiritual realm. The essence

of spirituality is to become one with Infinite Consciousness.


The Spiritual Path


A time comes in the life of a person when they are given the opportunity to

decide whether or not they want to direct their I- feeling towards Infinite

Consciousness. If they decide they do, they get the opportunity to progress

spiritually this lifetime; if they decide they don't, the opportunity to

progress spiritually this lifetime wanes, becomes unimportant, or is lost.


Those who make the conscious decision to direct their I-feeling towards Infinite

Consciousness, set out on the spiritual path. In one sense, the spiritual path

is the same for all of us: all spiritual aspirants are endeavouring to merge

their I-feeling into Infinite Consciousness. In another sense, the spiritual

path is unique for each of us: each individual has to undergo their own distinct

set of experiences in order to reach the goal.


Gaining an understanding of the purpose of human life is the first step on the

spiritual path. Making the decision to direct our I- feeling towards Infinite

Consciousness is the next step. When a person makes this decision, they become

ready to learn spiritual meditation.


Spiritual Meditation


Performing spiritual meditation regularly is how we merge our I-feeling into

Infinite Consciousness. Learning spiritual meditation from a qualified teacher

is called initiation.


Broadly speaking, there are two types of meditation taught today: spiritual

meditation and non-spiritual meditation. In spiritual meditation, the mind is

directed towards Infinite Consciousness; in non-spiritual meditation, the mind

is directed towards the psychic and physical realms. Many meditation techniques

involve concentrating the mind on various mental or physical phenomena, such as

a candle flame, blank space, a particular thought, money, power, etc. Such

meditation techniques are non-spiritual in nature. Spiritual meditation always

directs the mind towards Infinite Consciousness - the Supreme Soul.


The right to learn spiritual meditation is the birthright of each individual,

and learning spiritual meditation must be free of cost. The simplest way to

determine whether or not a particular meditation technique is spiritual or

non-spiritual is to find out if it directs the mind towards Infinite

Consciousness and is free of cost. Qualified spiritual teachers, called acaryas,

teach spiritual meditation free of cost.


For most of the last 2,000 years, spiritual meditation was virtually unknown in

the West, and western philosophy said little, if anything, about the purpose of

human life. But that was not always the case. Although spiritual meditation

originated in India, several famous Greek philosophers taught people about the

purpose of human life, practised spiritual meditation themselves, and initiated

their disciples. Members of other civilizations also practised spiritual

meditation. But with the decline of the Greek civilization and the rise of

organized religion, the practice of spiritual meditation all but died out in the

West. Over the last 100 years, however, this situation has gradually changed.

Spiritual meditation has again spread from India to the West, and today it is

practised throughout the world.


Spiritual Methodology


As we make spiritual progress, we constantly need to adjust our I- feeling so

that we can function effectively in the world. That is, as we direct our

I-feeling towards Infinite Consciousness, we constantly need to adjust our

I-feeling so that we can function effectively in the mental and physical realms.


This approach to life is called 'subjective approach and objective adjustment'.

It is the spiritual approach to life, and may be characterized as spiritual

methodology. The opposite approach is objective approach and subjective

adjustment; is the materialistic approach to life. In the former spiritual

approach, one's I-feeling progresses towards Infinite Consciousness; in the

latter approach, one's I-feeling moves towards matter. That is why it is said

the opportunity for spiritual progress is lost.


By following spiritual methodology, we learn how to direct our I- feeling

towards Infinite Consciousness as we simultaneously function in the mental and

physical realms.


Spiritual Morality


Spiritual morality is the foundation stone of spiritual progress. Unless we

follow principles of spiritual morality, we will not be able to meditate

properly and progress spiritually.


There are two types of morality: simple morality and spiritual morality. Simple

morality includes secular morality and religious morality, while spiritual

morality includes cardinal human values (ie. the cardinal principles of human

morality, or the yogic code of Yama and Niyama, and Neo-ethics). To make

spiritual progress, we have to follow the principles of spiritual morality.

Thus, spiritual morality and spiritual progress go together.


Following spiritual morality is so important on the spiritual path that it has

been said: 'Spiritual morality is the base, spiritual meditation is the means,

and life divine is the goal'. Spiritual morality consists of:


* External moral discipline: ie not intentionally causing harm by thought, word

or action; proper action of mind and right use of words; nonstealing; to see the

Infinite Consciousness or Cosmic essence in all things; non-indulgence in

superfluous things or greedlessness; * Internal moral strength: ie cleanliness

both external and internal; mental ease or contentment; going out of one's way

to help others or selflessness; proper understanding of spiritual subjects;

devotion to a higher principle of life or love for the Infinite Consciousness



What Spirituality Is Not


Many people today are confused about spirituality. They often think that

spirituality is something it is not. Now that we know what spirituality is, let

us look at what spirituality is not.


Spirituality is not following numerology, astrology, the I-Ching, etc, merely to

gain insight into one's life. Understanding one's higher self is, however, part

of spirituality. It is not New Age metaphysics. Spirituality is not going back

to a pre-industrial, pre- modern lifestyle where one can commune with nature and

be one with the world; that is, spirituality is not back to nature or down to

earth. Spirituality is not contacting ghosts, spirits or dead relatives to find

the answers to life's problems; that is, spirituality is not spiritualism.

Spirituality is not taking drugs to alter one's awareness or giving up

everything to visit holy places; that is, spirituality is not escaping from or

renouncing the world. Spirituality is not sexual union to gain intimacy in

sexual practice; that is, spirituality is not sexuality. Nor is spirituality

entering into a narrow relationship with God, following a set of dogmatic

beliefs, and hoping to go to heaven after one dies; that is, spirituality is not



Is spirituality yoga? Yoga does not mean exercises or yoga postures. Yoga means

union with Infinite Consciousness. Mere performance of yoga postures or any

other technique associated with so-called yoga is not spirituality. Unless and

until a person has the inclination to become one with Infinite Consciousness or

God and directs their I-feeling towards That, only then will yoga assist in

spirituality. Otherwise, the so-called yoga is merely a subtle form of exercise.


As we have seen, spirituality is none of these things. All of the above are

based on some kind of relativity; be it opting out of the world, physical,

sensual, seeking mental stimulation, intellectual - they come and go. Attachment

to or desire or addiction towards the relative defeats the purpose of obtaining

the Infinite Consciousness or the Absolute. The relative world is a relative

truth and can be useful in establishing a congenial environment for spirituality

and the person who directs their I-feeling to the Infinite Consciousness will at

the same time see the expression of the Infinite Consciousness in all things



Spirituality and Religion


Perhaps the greatest mistake that people make when they set out to learn about

spirituality is to confuse it with religion. Spirituality and religion are not

the same thing.


The most fundamental difference between spirituality and religion is that

spirituality teaches people to become one with God, or Infinite Consciousness.

Religion, on the other hand, teaches people that they will always remain

separate from God. What is the basis of the distinction? In philosophical terms,

the fundamental difference is that spirituality is non-dualistic, while religion

is dualistic. In dualism, the inner feeling and general tendency is to take it

for granted that there are two entities, the unit being and the Supreme Being.

In non-dualism the Supreme Being contains everything and there is complete

merger of unit consciousness with Infinite Consciousness; the sense of I-ness is

completely absorbed.


According to the cosmology of the main religions, it goes generally along these

lines: after we have lived out our life, we die and our soul goes to purgatory,

where it stays until the Day of Judgment. Upon judgment, the 'saved' go to

heaven and the 'sinners' go to hell. The 'saved' sit beside God in heaven for

the rest of eternity, and the poor 'sinners' sit beside the devil in hell for

the same duration. According to spirituality, on the other hand, once we have

learned spiritual practices, we have the opportunity to complete our spiritual

journey and become one with Infinite Consciousness in this very life.


There are many differences between spirituality and religion, but the most

fundamental difference is that spirituality involves becoming one with Infinite

Consciousness - one with God - while religion involves remaining separate from

Infinite Consciousness (eg being 'beside' God). Consequently religions will

always mean separation of unit consciousness from Infinite Consciousness -

separation of unit soul from the Supreme Soul. However, in spirituality, the

unit soul is the same as the Supreme Soul, but for the sense of I-ness and this

sense of I-ness is dissolved through spiritual practices. It is part of the

Cosmic dance that this Cosmic drama unfolds itself for each individual.


The so-called rewards of religions will also always be relative. Everything

relative is subject to birth, sustainability and decay or generation, operation

and destruction (GOD - the Cosmic drama). The notion of a self or soul in heaven

or hell is also a falsity and is relative because where there is separation of

self from Infinite Consciousness there is the inevitable process of generation,

operation and decay. This is simply the application of the theory of relativity.

So, only by proceeding towards the Absolute is there spiritual liberation or

permanent spiritual salvation.


The Science of Spirituality


Spirituality is a science. The science of spirituality, or the science of

spiritual practices, is called Tantra. Tantra has existed for thousands of

years. It sets out in very clear terms the various stages that spiritual

aspirants need to pass through as they progress along the spiritual path. The

practice of Tantra enables spiritual aspirants to move along the spiritual path

in a smooth, natural way.


In some parts of the world, there is confusion about the true meaning of Tantra.

People who have no understanding of spirituality and no genuine desire to

progress spiritually popularize incorrect ideas about Tantra. They teach that

Tantra is concerned with acquiring power (eg occultism) or enjoying life in

various types of ways (eg sexual practices). Such people do not understand that

Tantra is the science of merging our I-feeling into Infinite Consciousness by

performing spiritual practices.




The practice of Tantra, and thus spiritual meditation, is designed to develop

devotion. This is the purpose of spiritual practices. Once the feeling of

devotion is developed, it becomes possible for the spiritual aspirant to merge

their I-feeling into Infinite Consciousness.


Love and devotion are not the same thing. Love is a propensity situated near the

mid-point of the chest. When the feeling of love is awakened and channelled

towards Infinite Consciousness, devotion develops. Spiritual aspirants endeavour

to awaken the feeling of devotion so that they can concentrate their mind at the

point of the pineal gland, psychically advance in their spiritual outlook, and

merge into Infinite Consciousness. This is the inner secret of spirituality.


Human life is very short, hence we should try to make as much spiritual progress

as we can by cultivating the feeling of devotion.


The Preceptor


Some people believe that they can make spiritual progress by relying exclusively

on their own efforts. That is, they believe that they do not need the help or

guidance of a spiritual preceptor. But this is a mistaken belief. Just as the

effort to be successful in any aspect of worldly life requires the assistance of

suitable teachers or mentors, the effort to progress spiritually depends upon

the guidance of a genuine spiritual preceptor.


The guidance of a spiritual preceptor is so important on the spiritual path that

it is impossible for a spiritual aspirant to make any spiritual progress without

the Preceptor's help. The personal guidance of the Preceptor is what enables the

spiritual aspirant to make spiritual progress. Such personal guidance is known

as the grace of the Preceptor. In yoga, it is the grace of the Guru. Only God

alone is the Guru and teachings are expressed through physical mediums who are

Preceptors (but as the consciousness of the Preceptor is the same as Infinite

Consciousness the Preceptor can also be called the guru).


When a person becomes ready to learn spiritual meditation, they find a spiritual

preceptor according to the strength of their spiritual longing. If their

spiritual longing is extremely strong, they will find a highly accomplished

Preceptor, one who is well-versed in all aspects of Tantra and all branches of

knowledge. Such a spiritual preceptor will be able to guide them successfully

through all the stages on the spiritual path so that they can reach their

ultimate goal. The guidance is in all realms of existence: physical, mental and

spiritual. The Preceptor is merely the expression of the Infinite Consciousness

through the form an enlightened being and is one with the Infinite



Ultimately spirituality means oneness or union with Infinite Consciousness. The

essence of spirituality is to become one with Infinite Consciousness.



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Re: Spirituality is " Union with the Divine " ...


Dear All,


Shri Mataji has taught that the power of Virata is such that it can penetrate

into the subtle side of human beings in such a manner, 'that we are connected to

everyone'. That is how (once we rise above ego) that everything with which we

are connected (in this citizenship of Virat) gets our vibrations, our ideas, and

our spiritual ambitions for world transformation.





" The power of Virata is that it can penetrate into the subtle side of human

beings in such a manner that everyone we are connected to. We are not separate

and every drop is connected with the ocean. We are connected with the whole

universe, and when you become a citizen of Virat, then all the things with which

you are connected also get your vibrations... your ideas... your ambitions...

everything passes through that, and it works. It works.


You have seen how many miracles have taken place in your lives. It is the Virata

Shakti that works. Now for that, we have to know how to do worship of Virat.

First of all, you have to rise above your ego... very important. Otherwise, how

can you worship? There is your ego standing in between and how can you rise up

to the point of Virat? You have to pas through that.


Once you rise above your ego, you enter into the kingdom of Virat. There the

King is Virata and you are the subjects who are looked after completely by

Virata Shakti, by the power of Virat. "


H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Virata Puja, Cabella Ligure, 1999




" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> Spirituality is " Union with the Divine " .


> So... what is the Divine?


> 1. The Divine is Truth.


> 2. The Divine is Consciousness.


> 3. The Divine is Bliss.


> Put all three together... and " the Divine " is Truth, Consciousness,

and Bliss!


> Truth, Consciousness, and Bliss can only be experienced as a Union

of Consciousness " within " the person. No external thing 'is it'.


> The poet below gives a beautiful expression of the Divine Within.

All the elements are there: the solitariness of sitting alone in

meditation, the reflection within, the Silence, the heart that no

longer fears, the wind that whispers among the leaves, the voice

within that is heard, and the living sound that drowns out all

thoughts in " this sweet sea " :


> " This solitary hill has always been dear to me,

> And this hedgerow, which closes in the view

> So well that one need hardly look upon the west.

> But sitting and reflecting, from out of the endless

> Expanse of night sky, and the supernatural

> Silences and so profound stillnesses,

> It comes to me here how I beguile myself;

> For a moment, then, the heart no longer fears.

> And, like the wind I hear whisper among these leaves,

> I hear within that infinite silence a voice:

> It overwhelms me with the eternal,

> And the seasons passed away, and that present

> And living, and with its own sound. Thus within

> This immensity my thoughts are drowned...

> And it is sweet to be shipwrecked in this sea. "


> Giacomo Leopardi

> (translation by Gilbert Wesley Purdy)


> http://gilbert-wesley-purdy.blogspot.com/2005/09/poetry-index.html


> violet





> An Introduction


> Before we can answer the question: What is spirituality?, we need

to gain a basic understanding of human nature.


> The Three Realms


> Each human being is composed of three basic aspects: physical,

mental, and spiritual.


> The physical realm is the realm of the human body. It includes the

workings of the body as a whole, as well as the workings of the

various parts of the body, such as the brain and the motor and

sensory organs.


> The mental or psychic realm is the realm of thoughts and feelings,

the realm of human psychology. It includes the characteristics and

faculties of the human mind, the layers or levels of mind, and the

various propensities of the mind.


> The spiritual realm is the realm beyond the mind; it is the realm

of the soul and Infinite Consciousness. The soul may be defined as

the clear reflection of Infinite Consciousness and it reflects on the



> In human beings, the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects are

highly developed, making us unique. We, as human beings, have the

capacity to understand ourselves and to realize our inner, spiritual



> The Nature of the Self


> To understand how we can go about doing this, we need to know about

the self. By self, we do not mean the physical self, or the physical

body, nor do we mean the mental self; we mean the spiritual self, or

the soul.


> What is the difference between the mental self and the soul?

Western psychologists advance various ideas to explain the nature of

the self, but most of these ideas are at best vague and incomplete,

and at worst, totally incorrect. The mental self is our feeling of I-

ness, our I-feeling. Our I-feeling has various stages of subtlety

which give us our sense of doing and knowing. The difference between

our mental self, or the various stages of our I-feeling, and our

spiritual self, or our soul, is that the former is mental in nature

while the latter is consciousness itself.


> The Purpose of Human Life


> The purpose of human life is to merge our mental self, or our I-

feeling, into our spiritual self, or our soul, and then merge our

soul into Infinite Consciousness. In other words, the purpose of

human life is to merge our mind and soul into Infinite Consciousness,

and thereby realize our true spiritual nature. This process is often

referred to as self-realization.


> As we endeavour to merge our self into Infinite Consciousness, we

also should try to perform as much selfless service as we can.

Spiritual advancement and selfless service go together. Thus, the

purpose of human life can be characterized as self-realization and

service to humanity (or, more broadly, the entire universe). Self-

realization and Service to Humanity is the motto of Ananda Marga (the

Path of Bliss).


> The Essence of Spirituality


> Spirituality means that which concerns Infinite Consciousness. When

we direct our I-feeling towards Infinite Consciousness in a

conscious, systematic way, we make spiritual progress. Conversely,

when we direct our I-feeling towards the mental or physical realms

without making any effort to adjust it with Infinite Consciousness,

we do not make any spiritual progress.


> Spirituality is about 'oneness'. By 'oneness', we do not mean

oneness is the physical or mental realms, we mean oneness in the

spiritual realm. The essence of spirituality is to become one with

Infinite Consciousness.


> The Spiritual Path


> A time comes in the life of a person when they are given the

opportunity to decide whether or not they want to direct their I-

feeling towards Infinite Consciousness. If they decide they do, they

get the opportunity to progress spiritually this lifetime; if they

decide they don't, the opportunity to progress spiritually this

lifetime wanes, becomes unimportant, or is lost.


> Those who make the conscious decision to direct their I-feeling

towards Infinite Consciousness, set out on the spiritual path. In one

sense, the spiritual path is the same for all of us: all spiritual

aspirants are endeavouring to merge their I-feeling into Infinite

Consciousness. In another sense, the spiritual path is unique for

each of us: each individual has to undergo their own distinct set of

experiences in order to reach the goal.


> Gaining an understanding of the purpose of human life is the first

step on the spiritual path. Making the decision to direct our I-

feeling towards Infinite Consciousness is the next step. When a

person makes this decision, they become ready to learn spiritual



> Spiritual Meditation


> Performing spiritual meditation regularly is how we merge our I-

feeling into Infinite Consciousness. Learning spiritual meditation

from a qualified teacher is called initiation.


> Broadly speaking, there are two types of meditation taught today:

spiritual meditation and non-spiritual meditation. In spiritual

meditation, the mind is directed towards Infinite Consciousness; in

non-spiritual meditation, the mind is directed towards the psychic

and physical realms. Many meditation techniques involve concentrating

the mind on various mental or physical phenomena, such as a candle

flame, blank space, a particular thought, money, power, etc. Such

meditation techniques are non-spiritual in nature. Spiritual

meditation always directs the mind towards Infinite Consciousness -

the Supreme Soul.


> The right to learn spiritual meditation is the birthright of each

individual, and learning spiritual meditation must be free of cost.

The simplest way to determine whether or not a particular meditation

technique is spiritual or non-spiritual is to find out if it directs

the mind towards Infinite Consciousness and is free of cost.

Qualified spiritual teachers, called acaryas, teach spiritual

meditation free of cost.


> For most of the last 2,000 years, spiritual meditation was

virtually unknown in the West, and western philosophy said little, if

anything, about the purpose of human life. But that was not always

the case. Although spiritual meditation originated in India, several

famous Greek philosophers taught people about the purpose of human

life, practised spiritual meditation themselves, and initiated their

disciples. Members of other civilizations also practised spiritual

meditation. But with the decline of the Greek civilization and the

rise of organized religion, the practice of spiritual meditation all

but died out in the West. Over the last 100 years, however, this

situation has gradually changed. Spiritual meditation has again

spread from India to the West, and today it is practised throughout

the world.


> Spiritual Methodology


> As we make spiritual progress, we constantly need to adjust our I-

feeling so that we can function effectively in the world. That is, as

we direct our I-feeling towards Infinite Consciousness, we constantly

need to adjust our I-feeling so that we can function effectively in

the mental and physical realms.


> This approach to life is called 'subjective approach and objective

adjustment'. It is the spiritual approach to life, and may be

characterized as spiritual methodology. The opposite approach is

objective approach and subjective adjustment; is the materialistic

approach to life. In the former spiritual approach, one's I-feeling

progresses towards Infinite Consciousness; in the latter approach,

one's I-feeling moves towards matter. That is why it is said the

opportunity for spiritual progress is lost.


> By following spiritual methodology, we learn how to direct our I-

feeling towards Infinite Consciousness as we simultaneously function

in the mental and physical realms.


> Spiritual Morality


> Spiritual morality is the foundation stone of spiritual progress.

Unless we follow principles of spiritual morality, we will not be

able to meditate properly and progress spiritually.


> There are two types of morality: simple morality and spiritual

morality. Simple morality includes secular morality and religious

morality, while spiritual morality includes cardinal human values

(ie. the cardinal principles of human morality, or the yogic code of

Yama and Niyama, and Neo-ethics). To make spiritual progress, we have

to follow the principles of spiritual morality. Thus, spiritual

morality and spiritual progress go together.


> Following spiritual morality is so important on the spiritual path

that it has been said: 'Spiritual morality is the base, spiritual

meditation is the means, and life divine is the goal'. Spiritual

morality consists of:


> * External moral discipline: ie not intentionally causing harm by

thought, word or action; proper action of mind and right use of

words; nonstealing; to see the Infinite Consciousness or Cosmic

essence in all things; non-indulgence in superfluous things or

greedlessness; * Internal moral strength: ie cleanliness both

external and internal; mental ease or contentment; going out of one's

way to help others or selflessness; proper understanding of spiritual

subjects; devotion to a higher principle of life or love for the

Infinite Consciousness (God).


> What Spirituality Is Not


> Many people today are confused about spirituality. They often think

that spirituality is something it is not. Now that we know what

spirituality is, let us look at what spirituality is not.


> Spirituality is not following numerology, astrology, the I-Ching,

etc, merely to gain insight into one's life. Understanding one's

higher self is, however, part of spirituality. It is not New Age

metaphysics. Spirituality is not going back to a pre-industrial, pre-

modern lifestyle where one can commune with nature and be one with

the world; that is, spirituality is not back to nature or down to

earth. Spirituality is not contacting ghosts, spirits or dead

relatives to find the answers to life's problems; that is,

spirituality is not spiritualism. Spirituality is not taking drugs to

alter one's awareness or giving up everything to visit holy places;

that is, spirituality is not escaping from or renouncing the world.

Spirituality is not sexual union to gain intimacy in sexual practice;

that is, spirituality is not sexuality. Nor is spirituality entering

into a narrow relationship with God, following a set of dogmatic

beliefs, and hoping to go to heaven after one dies; that is,

spirituality is not religion.


> Is spirituality yoga? Yoga does not mean exercises or yoga

postures. Yoga means union with Infinite Consciousness. Mere

performance of yoga postures or any other technique associated with

so-called yoga is not spirituality. Unless and until a person has the

inclination to become one with Infinite Consciousness or God and

directs their I-feeling towards That, only then will yoga assist in

spirituality. Otherwise, the so-called yoga is merely a subtle form

of exercise.


> As we have seen, spirituality is none of these things. All of the

above are based on some kind of relativity; be it opting out of the

world, physical, sensual, seeking mental stimulation, intellectual -

they come and go. Attachment to or desire or addiction towards the

relative defeats the purpose of obtaining the Infinite Consciousness

or the Absolute. The relative world is a relative truth and can be

useful in establishing a congenial environment for spirituality and

the person who directs their I-feeling to the Infinite Consciousness

will at the same time see the expression of the Infinite

Consciousness in all things relative.


> Spirituality and Religion


> Perhaps the greatest mistake that people make when they set out to

learn about spirituality is to confuse it with religion. Spirituality

and religion are not the same thing.


> The most fundamental difference between spirituality and religion

is that spirituality teaches people to become one with God, or

Infinite Consciousness. Religion, on the other hand, teaches people

that they will always remain separate from God. What is the basis of

the distinction? In philosophical terms, the fundamental difference

is that spirituality is non-dualistic, while religion is dualistic.

In dualism, the inner feeling and general tendency is to take it for

granted that there are two entities, the unit being and the Supreme

Being. In non-dualism the Supreme Being contains everything and there

is complete merger of unit consciousness with Infinite Consciousness;

the sense of I-ness is completely absorbed.


> According to the cosmology of the main religions, it goes generally

along these lines: after we have lived out our life, we die and our

soul goes to purgatory, where it stays until the Day of Judgment.

Upon judgment, the 'saved' go to heaven and the 'sinners' go to hell.

The 'saved' sit beside God in heaven for the rest of eternity, and

the poor 'sinners' sit beside the devil in hell for the same

duration. According to spirituality, on the other hand, once we have

learned spiritual practices, we have the opportunity to complete our

spiritual journey and become one with Infinite Consciousness in this

very life.


> There are many differences between spirituality and religion, but

the most fundamental difference is that spirituality involves

becoming one with Infinite Consciousness - one with God - while

religion involves remaining separate from Infinite Consciousness (eg

being 'beside' God). Consequently religions will always mean

separation of unit consciousness from Infinite Consciousness -

separation of unit soul from the Supreme Soul. However, in

spirituality, the unit soul is the same as the Supreme Soul, but for

the sense of I-ness and this sense of I-ness is dissolved through

spiritual practices. It is part of the Cosmic dance that this Cosmic

drama unfolds itself for each individual.


> The so-called rewards of religions will also always be relative.

Everything relative is subject to birth, sustainability and decay or

generation, operation and destruction (GOD - the Cosmic drama). The

notion of a self or soul in heaven or hell is also a falsity and is

relative because where there is separation of self from Infinite

Consciousness there is the inevitable process of generation,

operation and decay. This is simply the application of the theory of

relativity. So, only by proceeding towards the Absolute is there

spiritual liberation or permanent spiritual salvation.


> The Science of Spirituality


> Spirituality is a science. The science of spirituality, or the

science of spiritual practices, is called Tantra. Tantra has existed

for thousands of years. It sets out in very clear terms the various

stages that spiritual aspirants need to pass through as they progress

along the spiritual path. The practice of Tantra enables spiritual

aspirants to move along the spiritual path in a smooth, natural way.


> In some parts of the world, there is confusion about the true

meaning of Tantra. People who have no understanding of spirituality

and no genuine desire to progress spiritually popularize incorrect

ideas about Tantra. They teach that Tantra is concerned with

acquiring power (eg occultism) or enjoying life in various types of

ways (eg sexual practices). Such people do not understand that Tantra

is the science of merging our I-feeling into Infinite Consciousness

by performing spiritual practices.


> Devotion


> The practice of Tantra, and thus spiritual meditation, is designed

to develop devotion. This is the purpose of spiritual practices. Once

the feeling of devotion is developed, it becomes possible for the

spiritual aspirant to merge their I-feeling into Infinite



> Love and devotion are not the same thing. Love is a propensity

situated near the mid-point of the chest. When the feeling of love is

awakened and channelled towards Infinite Consciousness, devotion

develops. Spiritual aspirants endeavour to awaken the feeling of

devotion so that they can concentrate their mind at the point of the

pineal gland, psychically advance in their spiritual outlook, and

merge into Infinite Consciousness. This is the inner secret of



> Human life is very short, hence we should try to make as much

spiritual progress as we can by cultivating the feeling of devotion.


> The Preceptor


> Some people believe that they can make spiritual progress by

relying exclusively on their own efforts. That is, they believe that

they do not need the help or guidance of a spiritual preceptor. But

this is a mistaken belief. Just as the effort to be successful in any

aspect of worldly life requires the assistance of suitable teachers

or mentors, the effort to progress spiritually depends upon the

guidance of a genuine spiritual preceptor.


> The guidance of a spiritual preceptor is so important on the

spiritual path that it is impossible for a spiritual aspirant to make

any spiritual progress without the Preceptor's help. The personal

guidance of the Preceptor is what enables the spiritual aspirant to

make spiritual progress. Such personal guidance is known as the grace

of the Preceptor. In yoga, it is the grace of the Guru. Only God

alone is the Guru and teachings are expressed through physical

mediums who are Preceptors (but as the consciousness of the Preceptor

is the same as Infinite Consciousness the Preceptor can also be

called the guru).


> When a person becomes ready to learn spiritual meditation, they

find a spiritual preceptor according to the strength of their

spiritual longing. If their spiritual longing is extremely strong,

they will find a highly accomplished Preceptor, one who is well-

versed in all aspects of Tantra and all branches of knowledge. Such a

spiritual preceptor will be able to guide them successfully through

all the stages on the spiritual path so that they can reach their

ultimate goal. The guidance is in all realms of existence: physical,

mental and spiritual. The Preceptor is merely the expression of the

Infinite Consciousness through the form an enlightened being and is

one with the Infinite Consciousness.


> Ultimately spirituality means oneness or union with Infinite

Consciousness. The essence of spirituality is to become one with

Infinite Consciousness.


> /message/1044


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