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Shri Mataji: All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga.

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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> i am sure Dr. Madhur Rai had for years known about this festering

> wound but was unable to bring/initiate a healing process. So it

> looks like after years of celebrated collective fanaticism the

> Karma Treatment is the insanity epidemic that had to be dealt with

> utmost urgency by the SY leadership. i believe they finally

> realized that their decades-old liberal subtle system experiment -

> one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chili to say

> that it is Sahaja Yoga - had evolved into a Frankenstein monster

> that had begun taking a life and mind of its own.







And the Karma Treatment was invented by fanatical, ritualistic,

treatment-obsessed subtle system SYs. And this insanity epidemic

spread rapidly through the rank and file despite it obvious madness:




Karma Treatment


4 times the following affirmations:


(don´t forget all miscarriages and all children, that died early)


MOTHER, please forgive my ancestors everything that they did wrong

knowingly or unknowingly against the Divine;


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandmothers on my mother´s side

7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandfathers on my mother´s side

7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandmothers on my father´s side

7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandfathers on my mother´s side

7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive my grandfather.........,

grandmother...............(name) (also siblings of grandfather,

grandmother) …..


MOTHER, please forgive my father (name) ….


MOTHER, please forgive my mother…….


MOTHER, please forgive my sister/ brother (name) ...........


MOTHER, please forgive my spouse……..


MOTHER, please forgive my children (name)……….


MOTHER, please forgive all my relatives ……….


(with the relatives always name the uncles and aunts, especially

those who died early (war, accident, suicide etc.) or where there

have been close bonds, or bad incidents happening. Also a cousin of

the father, who was a priest, could cause a migraine. This karma

effects our consciousness very intensely. Don´t forget the godfather

or godmother of church rituals like baptism or confirmation etc.


MOTHER, please forgive all people in my home..........(town, state,



(you can add specific incidents in your own country´s history like

wars, mass murders, persecution, holocaust, etc… and name that also)


MOTHER, please forgive all Europeans what they have done with their

imperialistic conquests all over the world....


MOTHER, please forgive me and wash out everything, which was written

as my karma in the heavens and give me the power to forgive.


Stay in meditation for some time.


It can be very effective to do this treatment for a few days in a





The Karma Treatment was blindly accepted by daily footsoaking and

shoe-beating SYs despite Shri Mataji's advice:



" So its so important to keep your Hamsa Chakra clean. I've also told

lots of things that can keep the Hamsa Chakra clean which you all

should use, I mean on the physical level. Also, on the mental level

Ive told you what you have to do is to steady your mind, see the

beauty of anything and not the vulgarity of it, not the utility of

it, but the beauty. Slowly, slowly youll find your eyes will become

cleaner and cleaner.... Hamsa Chakra does the greatest thing about

which I do not know if you are aware or not that whatever are your

karma phalas are finished. You're not responsible for your

forefather's karma phala's, your country's karma phalas, your own

personal karma phala's. Whatever wrong we have done is finished,

as if you are cut off from your past completely. Once this is

established, then all mistakes, all wrong-doings, not only of you,

of your relations, of your forefathers, of your family, of your

country, of this world, anything, doesn't touch you. You are aloof

from it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Hamsa Chakra Puja

Vancouver, Canada, September 13, 1992



After all these years i think no amount of pleas for sanity or

public spanking can bring balance to subtle system SYs. The only

solace is that the offical Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is the

cause of all this insanity with treatments and rituals which have

little to do with Shri Mataji's teachings.


" The people who think that they can control their ego will eat less

or use all types of methods to control ego. For example, someone is

standing on one leg or other one on his head, all types of efforts

they are doing to reduce their ego.


But with all these techniques, ego doesn't vanish. On the contrary,

ego increases. Fasting, reciting the names, increases your ego. With

Havans also ego increases because Agni, fire, is the right side

element. Anything which is rituals increases your ego.


Human being thinks that they are alright, since they are doing these

rituals since thousand years. All the wrong teachings they are still

following. For this reason Sahaja Yoga is against Karma Kanda, that

is rituals. No need to do any kind of Karma Kanda.


And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them

to shoe-beat to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning

all the Sahaja Yogis go in the line with their shoes for shoe-

beatings. But I had asked to do this if you have ego in you.


All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in

France with the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that

was for sick peoples. This is the nature of human being to follow

the rituals because he thinks that he can do it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

25 December 1997, Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India



If you leave all your problems to the Mother Kundalini there will be

absolutely no need for any SYSSR. If you realize yourSelf there will

be absolutely no need for anything external. So see no SYSSR, hear

no SYSSR and speak no SYSSR. SYSSR is today a blatant corruption

of Shri Mataji's teachings, an accusation that will vindicate itself

one day in the future ..... if not already at present. As i have

said before - Do NOT empower those who spread it.


Jai Ganapathy,




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, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


" And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them to shoe-beat

to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning all the Sahaja Yogis go

in the line with their shoes for shoe-beatings. But I had asked to do this if

you have ego in you.


All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in France with

the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that was for sick peoples.

This is the nature of human being to follow the rituals because he thinks that

he can do it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

25 December 1997, Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India



Dear All,


Shri Mataji stated in no uncertain terms at Ganapatipule in 1997:


" And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them to shoe-beat

to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning all the Sahaja Yogis go

in the line with their shoes for shoe-beatings. But I had asked to do this if

you have ego in you. " (END Quote)


It therefore seems to me that Shri Mataji had asked Sahaja Yogis to shoebeat

" their own ego " ... as a last resort... when the more usual ways did not work

out... such as 'surrendering their ego to the Divine' for instance, and working

it out that way. Shri Mataji always told how important it was just to " surrender

everything to the Divine " and that would be how things would work out very well.

She must have talked about it at least thousands of times!


However, it seems that not everyone was able to surrender to the Divine, and the

helpful techniques that Shri Mataji gave to enable a person to 'go from the

externals to the Internal Spirit'... were gratefully accepted by most (including

myself) for 'helps' that would lead to spiritual liberation.


That these helpful external techniques would become a permanent fixture in yogis

lives... was not Shri Mataji's Vision. Shri Mataji's Vision was for Sahaja Yogis

to become spiritually liberated. You are not spiritually liberated if you are

dependant on external rituals. Spiritual liberation is liberaton from all

externals... and that includes rituals too. So please use your common sense.

Just like with any medicine... if rituals are used... they need to be used in

moderation. A person must not become dependant upon the rituals themselves, but

they must become dependant upon their Spirit, which works everything out.


Shri Mataji refers to the dangers of the extreme use of rituals. So what are

these dangers, anyway? (After all... a person might think that rituals are

absolutely harmless.) Well... they are not if used to excess! In Shri Mataji's

own words: " And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. " And here is the



It is harmful to the person, when they fail to realise that any external

techniques are there only for the purpose of 'leading the person from the

Visible to the Invisible... from the Mundane to the Divine... from the Lower

Self to the Higher Self, or Spirit. Once the person reaches their destination

and is ensconced in the Kingdom of God Within, they have no real further use for

rituals anymore. The rituals have served their purpose and can be dispensed

with. To continue to use them would be " idolatry " ... which is what happens when

a person becomes relies on externals rather than the Divine Within.


So the first extreme danger is " idolatry " . The second danger is

" self-righteousness " ! Yes!!! Self-righteousness!!! And haven't we heard many

Sahaja Yogis who are supposed to be most enlightened souls expounding with great

vehemence on all things external... in their most 'self-righteous' and

'egotistical way', so that we really become heartily sick of them! The stench of

the bloated egos of self-righteous opinionated externally-ritualistically-minded

people is not a pleasant thing to face. It is like a Sahaja Yoga

Fundamentalistic Cult... that has lost all the beautiful spiritual fundamentals

of what Sahaja Yoga really is! When Sahaja Yogis justify themselves with

external rituals, it shows that they are spiritually ignorant. Any spiritually

minded person will see that.


The thing is... everything we do has its 'moderation point' and if a person goes

too far in anything, the ego slips in unnoticed at first. Then comes the

silliness, the stupidity, and the competition, to see who is most knowledgeable

in all the rituals, and especially who is most faithful in doing these rituals

up to 'however many times a day' (in fact the more times you do it... the

better). The whole scenario would be a " comedy of spiritual absurdity " if it

weren't so tragic. It would also be a " comedy of spiritual absurdity " , if we

didn't realise that all these things... the silliness and stupidity... are the

result of the loss of spiritual balance. And this scenario does not please the

Divine at all. Like Shri Mataji says:


" And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them to shoe-beat

to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning all the Sahaja Yogis go

in the line with their shoes for shoe-beatings. But I had asked to do this if

you have ego in you.


All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in France with

the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that was for sick peoples.

This is the nature of human being to follow the rituals because he thinks that

he can do it. " (Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India - 25 December, 1997)


Shri Jesus also explains in a parable that 'self-righteousness does not please

the Divine':


The Pharisee and the Publican...


And He (Jesus) also told this parable to certain ones who trusted in themselves

that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt:


Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee, and the other a

tax-gatherer. The Pharisee stood and was praying thus to himself, 'God, I thank

Thee that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even

like this tax-gatherer. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.'


But the tax-gatherer, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up

his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me,

the sinneer!'


" I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other;

for everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself

shall be exalted. "


(And they were bringing even their babies to Him so that He might touch them,

but when the disciples saw it, they began rebuking them. But Jesus called for

them, saying):


" Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of

God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the

kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all. " (Luke 18:9-17) (End



What Sahaja Yogis therefore have to realise... " is that our spiritual liberation

does not come from external rituals... but from the supreme divinity, Lalita,

(WHO) is one's own blissful Self. " (Bhavana Upanishad 1.27)


For those who like to continue depending upon rituals and not on their Higher

Self/Spirit... Shri Mataji says of them:


" This is the nature of human being to follow the rituals because he thinks that

he can do it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - 25 December 1997, Christmas Puja

Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India)


Shri Mataji also gives more knowledge of the Divine Within. How much faith do we

have in Her? Or do we have more faith in our external rituals... which in our

ignorance, we think will save us! No... each person has to be identified into

One Body. Then comes the Salvation or Spiritual Liberation:


Teaching of Shri Mahamaya, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi...


" The third thing was that you have to be identified into My Body, into My cells

of My body, but this is a more difficult task because supposing one of you

becomes stupid, becomes foolish, quarrelsome, anything you do... any small

thing; it hurts Me. It has to... but I don't think about Myself. I always think

about you. So it's an indication to Me that something has gone wrong somewhere.

Somebody is doing wrong to somebody. Some Sahaja Yogis are being tortured, some

are sick. Anything like that, I work it out very intensely and intimately.

Recently (today only) they told me somebody has got meningitis in Australia.

Immediately I gave bandhan. I am sure such a person should be cured if she has

any faith in Me, and she is in My being.


They call it a miracle. It is not a miracle; it's again the Mahamaya's blessings

are like this. You can't see how you are inside Me; this is Mahamaya. This is

the secret part of it - that you don't know... and then when I feel the pain and

if I look at it (because I have powers to cure) so you get cured. You don't know

how it happens. Collectively, whatever you feel, I get it in My body. For

example, collectively if you have a 'left vishuddhi'(chakra block), I get it.

Any chakra that you catch collectively, I get that problem and I have to solve

it because it troubles Me, so I solve it.


Now, in doing so, you might think " Mother, we are troubling " . You are not. It's

My doing. I have taken you into Myself. You haven't! It's my own work; it's my

own responsibility. And if I have done it, it's done. I am supposed to do it;

that's the job I have to do. So there's nothing to feel bad about it.


My attention is such that it penetrates into everything, and I remember each and

every thing very well. My memory is very good, even at this age. So you see,

this attention itself is very penetrating, and when it penetrates it carries

with it all the powers that are required... and acts. It's a tremendous

machinery... which is very subtle and works wonders. So you start telling me

there is a miracle that has happened. Nothing is a miracle because if you are

all in My body and if My body is Divine, then what is a miracle. As this hand

can communicate with this hand, I communicate with you. "

(Mahamaya Puja, Auckland - 1994)





> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > i am sure Dr. Madhur Rai had for years known about this festering

> > wound but was unable to bring/initiate a healing process. So it

> > looks like after years of celebrated collective fanaticism the

> > Karma Treatment is the insanity epidemic that had to be dealt with

> > utmost urgency by the SY leadership. i believe they finally

> > realized that their decades-old liberal subtle system experiment -

> > one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one chili to say

> > that it is Sahaja Yoga - had evolved into a Frankenstein monster

> > that had begun taking a life and mind of its own.

> >

> >

> ><http://www.adishakti.org/forum/


> system_sys_9-25-2006.htm>

> >


> And the Karma Treatment was invented by fanatical, ritualistic,

> treatment-obsessed subtle system SYs. And this insanity epidemic

> spread rapidly through the rank and file despite it obvious madness:


> -------------------


> Karma Treatment


> 4 times the following affirmations:


> (don´t forget all miscarriages and all children, that died early)


> MOTHER, please forgive my ancestors everything that they did wrong

> knowingly or unknowingly against the Divine;


> MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandmothers on my mother´s side

> 7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

> unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


> MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandfathers on my mother´s side

> 7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

> unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


> MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandmothers on my father´s side

> 7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

> unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


> MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandfathers on my mother´s side

> 7 generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

> unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


> MOTHER, please forgive my grandfather.........,

> grandmother...............(name) (also siblings of grandfather,

> grandmother) …..


> MOTHER, please forgive my father (name) ….


> MOTHER, please forgive my mother…….


> MOTHER, please forgive my sister/ brother (name) ...........


> MOTHER, please forgive my spouse……..


> MOTHER, please forgive my children (name)……….


> MOTHER, please forgive all my relatives ……….


> (with the relatives always name the uncles and aunts, especially

> those who died early (war, accident, suicide etc.) or where there

> have been close bonds, or bad incidents happening. Also a cousin of

> the father, who was a priest, could cause a migraine. This karma

> effects our consciousness very intensely. Don´t forget the godfather

> or godmother of church rituals like baptism or confirmation etc.


> MOTHER, please forgive all people in my home..........(town, state,

> country)


> (you can add specific incidents in your own country´s history like

> wars, mass murders, persecution, holocaust, etc… and name that also)


> MOTHER, please forgive all Europeans what they have done with their

> imperialistic conquests all over the world....


> MOTHER, please forgive me and wash out everything, which was written

> as my karma in the heavens and give me the power to forgive.


> Stay in meditation for some time.


> It can be very effective to do this treatment for a few days in a

> row.


> --------------------------


> The Karma Treatment was blindly accepted by daily footsoaking and

> shoe-beating SYs despite Shri Mataji's advice:



> " So its so important to keep your Hamsa Chakra clean. I've also told

> lots of things that can keep the Hamsa Chakra clean which you all

> should use, I mean on the physical level. Also, on the mental level

> Ive told you what you have to do is to steady your mind, see the

> beauty of anything and not the vulgarity of it, not the utility of

> it, but the beauty. Slowly, slowly youll find your eyes will become

> cleaner and cleaner.... Hamsa Chakra does the greatest thing about

> which I do not know if you are aware or not that whatever are your

> karma phalas are finished. You're not responsible for your

> forefather's karma phala's, your country's karma phalas, your own

> personal karma phala's. Whatever wrong we have done is finished,

> as if you are cut off from your past completely. Once this is

> established, then all mistakes, all wrong-doings, not only of you,

> of your relations, of your forefathers, of your family, of your

> country, of this world, anything, doesn't touch you. You are aloof

> from it. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Hamsa Chakra Puja

> Vancouver, Canada, September 13, 1992



> After all these years i think no amount of pleas for sanity or

> public spanking can bring balance to subtle system SYs. The only

> solace is that the offical Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion is the

> cause of all this insanity with treatments and rituals which have

> little to do with Shri Mataji's teachings.


> " The people who think that they can control their ego will eat less

> or use all types of methods to control ego. For example, someone is

> standing on one leg or other one on his head, all types of efforts

> they are doing to reduce their ego.


> But with all these techniques, ego doesn't vanish. On the contrary,

> ego increases. Fasting, reciting the names, increases your ego. With

> Havans also ego increases because Agni, fire, is the right side

> element. Anything which is rituals increases your ego.


> Human being thinks that they are alright, since they are doing these

> rituals since thousand years. All the wrong teachings they are still

> following. For this reason Sahaja Yoga is against Karma Kanda, that

> is rituals. No need to do any kind of Karma Kanda.


> And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them

> to shoe-beat to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning

> all the Sahaja Yogis go in the line with their shoes for shoe-

> beatings. But I had asked to do this if you have ego in you.


> All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in

> France with the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that

> was for sick peoples. This is the nature of human being to follow

> the rituals because he thinks that he can do it. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> 25 December 1997, Christmas Puja

> Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India



> If you leave all your problems to the Mother Kundalini there will be

> absolutely no need for any SYSSR. If you realize yourSelf there will

> be absolutely no need for anything external. So see no SYSSR, hear

> no SYSSR and speak no SYSSR. SYSSR is today a blatant corruption

> of Shri Mataji's teachings, an accusation that will vindicate itself

> one day in the future ..... if not already at present. As i have

> said before - Do NOT empower those who spread it.


> Jai Ganapathy,



> jagbir


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