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Mohamed Oumalek: What do you think the Baptism of Allah (Self-realization) during Al Qadr is all about?

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, Mohamed OUMALEK

<oumalisa wrote:


> dear jagbir,

> thank you for your answer, now i understand that no karma treatment

> exist...please what about my karma ? where can i find my detailed

> karmas ?


> thank you.


> /message/6931




Dear Mohamed Oumalek,


Nobody can tell you about your karmas, especially in detail. You

will be wasting your time, money and sense to pursue this .........

especially after reading and knowing that all karmas are dissolved

when you meet the Shakti (Ruh/Holy Spirit). There is absolutely

nothing to worry or be concerned about karmas now that you are

meditating on Her. Don't you think that Shri Mataji has made this

quite clear? What do you think the Baptism of Allah (Self-

realization) during Al Qadr is all about? What is the point of

taking part in Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) if you believe karmas

will negate its explicit blessings? Do you still think that the

present Al Qadr (Night of Power) will be nullified by the karmas of

your previous lives? What is Al Qadr in the first place?


1. We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:

2. And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?

3. The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.

4. Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's

permission, on every errand:

5. Peace!...This until the rise of morn!


surah 97:1-5 Al-Qadr (Night of Power)

(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, 1989.)



The present Night of Power is better than a thousands months. But

what are the thousand months and why is the Night of Power better?

These are questions that the ulema cannot answer correctly and what

will explain to them what the Night of Power is? The thousand months

is an entire life (80 years 4 months to be precise) spent in prayer,

pious deeds, fasting during Ramadan, and remembering God at all



But Al Qadr (The Night of Power) is better than an entire life of

righteous living because it empowers you to evolve (resurrect)

yourself into the eternal spirit. That is why the Baptism of Allah

(Self-realization) has enabled you to meditate on His Spirit

(Ruh/Shakti) within yourself during Al-Qiyamah (Resurrection) so

that you can purify mind, body and soul of all karmas. So what is

the point of talking/desiring to know about petty karmas when they

are non-existent? Mohamed Oumalek: " What do you think the Baptism of

Allah (Self-realization) during Al Qadr is all about? "


" Qadar: A Measured Destiny


The sixth and final article of Islamic belief, as detailed by a

famous prophetic Tradition, is belief in destiny, its good and evil.

The Arabic word for destiny, qadar, implies the measuring out of

something or fixing a limit to it. Thus, in a technical sense,

destiny is the divine decree in its fixing limits for existent

things, or its measuring out the being of things. Early Muslims

would simply define destiny as knowledge that what hits you was not

going to miss you, and that what misses you was not going to hit you.


In our discussion of qadar it should be noted that a true and full

understanding of the subject is reserved for the select few who have

sacrificed great amounts of time and energy for the sake of Islam,

after which Allah expands their understanding of complex concepts

like this that cannot be contained in logical formulas alone. The

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to

have said, " Whenever Allah desires good for His bondsman, He gives

him deep understanding of the religion and He inspires him with

righteous guidance " (reported by Tabarani).





" Laylatul Qadr ­ the Night of Power


Laylatul Qadr is a celebration to commemorate the arrival of the

final guidance for humans. It is a tribute to the commencement of

the message revealed to mankind by their Creator, a message which

shows them the way to achieve happiness in both the worlds. Just as

the arrival of a child is celebrated, on its birth and then every

year, as a bringer of joy and fulfilment for the family, Laylatul

Qadr is celebrated as a bringer of light and guidance for mankind.

Unlike the birthday which is celebrated with a feast for the senses,

Laylatul Qadr includes a feast for the spirit, a feast of worship

and prayers. "





And Mohamed your left Swadhistan is catching and it is probably due

to this intense concern about karma. i was walking back after making

an appointment with an ophthalmologist when i put my attention on

your question and my left thumb got 'caught'. i came home and

checked the information available:


" A catch ( " your hands will speak " ) is an imbalance. If we feel heat

or tingling, or maybe even numbness in our fingertips, it means that

our kundalini is alerting us to an imbalance in a particular chakra.


'Your left thumb will speak' if you engage in black magic, false

gurus and knowledge, alcohol and drugs, extreme servility and





So you will have to end this obsession with searching your past

karma as it is knowledge not worth pursuing and whatever you do know

about it (karma) is false. i am very sure my spontaneous 'catch' of

the Swadisthan is accurate and tells me what is wrong with you. i

have appended additional knowledge for you to understand all this

better since it is revealed in the Holy Qur'an that whatever is

discussed here will take place during the Last Judgment and

Resurrection. I do hope all the additional information will help

answer this question: " What do you think the Baptism of Allah (Self-

realization) during Al Qadr is all about? "







“Muhammad Sahib has written very clearly that " when your

Resurrection will take place then your hands will speak and will

give witness against you. " That is what that they will tell you

what’s wrong with you. Your hands will tell clearly and that to know

the Truth you will feel it in the palm here (pointing to center of

palm.) When you ask the question to the real One you will get your

answer here (again pointing to center of palm.) All these things can

only happen in Sahaja Yoga — in no other way. Whether you are a

Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Jew we have to know that we have to

still step one step forward. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Cabella, Italy — Sep. 15, 1996



“At the very beginning of this happening one starts feeling on one's

finger tips the problems on the centres. One has to just decode the

feelings that one gets on one's own finger tips and has to also know

the practice that would solve these problems. The finger tips are

the ending of the left and right sympathetic nervous systems. They

become enlightened as they reflect the subtle centres. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






Al Quran. Sura Yasin-Chapter 36, Verse 65


Here again it is very clear, once the ascent or realization takes

place, a person's hands and feet start to speak, bearing witness

against him. Not only the hands and feet but the whole body starts

to speak. All of the rights and the wrongs that have been done or

are being done are known through the vibrations being emitted from

the body. Thus, on the vibratory level, everything is known, not

only about yourself but also about others.


After realization these vibrations are distinctly felt on the hands

and feet as a cool breeze flowing from within. A person also gets to

know when he is being lied to, or being manipulated. The mouth stops

speaking for the realized person, as the mouth can lie but the hands

start speaking and the feet bear witness, as everything is revealed

through the vibrations and the vibrations never lie.


This is the time of Qiyamat without a doubt as all the prophecies in

the Quran and the Hadith are coming true. The experience of Self-

realization, ascent and meraj are not just happening to a few but

thousands and thousands of people throughout the world are

experiencing it en masse through Sahaja Yoga.


The Muslim community is generally highly programmed and conditioned.

It therefore does not look beyond what has been taught to them by

the Mullahs, who themselves, unfortunately, do not have much

foresight and insight. The Sufis, however, discovered the true

essence of Islam and sought their self-realization and God-

realization. They saw the All Pervading and His love everywhere and

in everything. The Sufis always kept seeking and searching for God.

They knew that this was possible after they had attained their own



Now for the first time in human history, in the presence of H.H.

Mataji Nirmala Devi, thousands of people are experiencing this great

phenomenon en masse, through the simple process of Sahaja Yoga. Her

authority and identity, along with the truth of all that is written

above, can only be confirmed after one experiences the awakening of

Kundalini (Buraq) and gets self-realization (Meraj). When the

Kundalini passes through Chakras and when the seventh Chakra, the

Sahasrara, is opened, a person achieves connection with the Divine.


This is the Qiyamat, the time of the Final Judgment. This is the

time the Prophet told the world about. It is just the matter of

recognizing it and ascending within oneself and through the seven

heavens. "


Javed Khan, Islam Enlightened, New Delhi, India, 1988, p. 32-3.



On that Day that the enemies of Allah will be gathered together to

the Fire, they will be marched in ranks.

At length, when they reach the (Fire), their hearing, their sight,

and their skins will bear witness against them as to (all) their


They will say to their skins: " Why bear ye witness against us? "

They will say: " Allah hath given us speech — (He) who giveth speech

to everything:

He created you for the first time, and unto Him were ye to return.

" Ye did not seek to hide yourselves, lest your hearing, your sight,

and your skins, should bear witness against you!

But ye did think that Allah knew not many of the things that ye used

to do!

But this thought of yours which ye did entertain concerning your

Lord, hath brought you to destruction,

And (now) have ye become of those utterly lost! "


surah 41:19-23 Fussilat (Expounded)



“When Kundalini awakening and Self-Realization has occurred, a flow

of energy in the form of cool vibrations starts flowing from the

hands. This is what is signified in the above passage. Here Prophet

Muhammad is talking of the coming Time — Time of Resurrection —

which is in fact the present Age of Aquarius or Kundalini Awakening.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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