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Even SYs remain ignorant when a Great Event ordained for mankind is tactfully avoided...

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- In shriadishakti , " sampalee2003 "

<sampalee2003> wrote:


" Since many of the sy have no religeous background,they are in the dark about

ressurection of the christian and the muslim as well as the upanisad. Or should

Shri Matagi address the world authoritatively like Jesus when he declare i am

the truth and the way, so that the poor sy will then wake up. "


Dear All,


Sampa has made it clear that many Sahaja Yogis have no religious background.

They are therefore 'in the dark' about the Resurrection. This is unbelievable.

But this is what happens when a Great Event for mankind is tactfully avoided.

Even SYs remain uninformed about it.





- In shriadishakti , " sampalee2003 "

<sampalee2003> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir


> What you said reflects the true situation with the sy and

> the unexplained lack of confidence in declaring the truth,though

> they may themselves embrace it. I have made copies of shri matagi's

> declaration to my group,quite a number are unaware and wanted to

> know more. As such i handed the material to the yogi in charge

> thinking that he will use the occassion to confirm the declaration

> and have the web address posted on the notice board. None of which

> happens. When a great event that is ordained to mankind is

> tactfully avoided in favour of activities like promoting cross

> cultures such as lion dance and colouring contest,the gathering

> degenerates into just another social club with much talk about

> foot soaking, but little on the path towards samadhi. Since many of

> the sy have no religeous background,they are in the dark about

> ressurection of the christian and the muslim as well as the

> upanisad. Or should Shri Matagi address the world authoritatively

> like Jesus when he declare i am the truth and the way, so that the

> poor sy will then wake up


> sampa



Dear Sampa,


How on earth can SYs not know about Shri Mataji's numerous declarations about

the Last Judgment and Resurrection? If you check tapes of public programs you

will realize that the audience were told just that on many occasions. Unlike

SYs, Shri Mataji never balked at declaring the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah to

complete strangers. It did not matter to Her whether they believed or not, just

as it did not matter to Jesus. But both did address their followers and masses

authoritatively - no question about this! The Adi Shakti has done Her job and

still continues today, despite an advanced age, when She should be retired and



But those members of the public who came for subsequent follow-ups to learn more

of the Last Judgment must have been taken aback by the complete lack of

information on this great event. It is just like entering a store advertising

" Last Judgment " and finding out there is no such thing, only chakras and some

subtle system stuff that thousands of competing stores promote in their weekly

fliers. Many leave quietly without complaining about the deception because it is

FREE. (Try charging $5 and see what happens.) Even those attending public

programs and subsequently checking the official SY websites to read about the

Last Judgment that Shri Mataji talked about are in for a surprise, even shock -

not even a single reference! The most daring hint is Blossom Time! But what does

Shri Mataji mean by it? What is the public supposed to make out of " Blossom

Time " ? (Can they imagine it to be springtime in Japan when millions of cherry

trees bloom?)


Moreover the hundreds of thousands of seekers who visit the official websites

mistake it for some Hindu organization teaching about Self-realization.

(Hundreds of Indian gurus/disciples claim the same ability and 152,000 hits on

Google should be sufficient.) There is not even a single paragraph or sentence.

Nay, there is not even a single mention of Last Judgment!


Most leave and never return because in their minds Shri Mataji is just another

guru giving Self-realization, and little else. They have no idea that She is the

promised Comforter to explain about Jesus' teachings, or what She has done in

the capacity of Imam Ma Adi to enlighten humanity about the Last Judgment and

Al-Qiyamah. The damage, though invisible, is incalculable if taken over the span

of three decades as our leaders time and again squandered countless

opportunities to declare the advent of the Adi Shakti.


It is no different today. You can crack your head and almost break the wall to

find answers! But you can never find out why this deception and hypocrisy is

perpetuated and encouraged at all levels, starting from our leaders and working

all the way down to the YuvaShakti. No leader or SY can tell us why we must hide

the truth from the public, but hide you must. That is why Sampa the yogi in

charge did not put up the website addresses. It does not matter if quite a

number of SYs are unaware and wanted to know more about Shri Mataji's

declaration of the Last Judgment and Resurrection. For all intent and purposes

Sahaja Yoga is about the subtle system, chakras and self-realization, one that

the general public is comfortable with. We must not tell them about the Last

Judgment even if Shri Mataji has done so repeatedly over the last three decades.

It is as if SYs must not repeat the mistake Shri Mataji is making in declaring

the Last Judgment in public. What else can you make out of this contradiction?


Thus if SYs fear this announcement even with the Adi Shakti around, how on earth

will they ever have courage when She leaves?


But the Last Judgment and Al-Qiyamah is not the apocalyptic end of earth that

most religious Christians and ordinary Muslims have been indoctrinated over the

millennia. It is the Blossom Time when the promised Messiah/ Comforter/ Ruh/

Shakti/ Ma Adi/ Ma Treya arrives during Kali Yuga to enlighten humanity. She

extracts the profound parables of the scriptures and synthesizes all religions

into a wholesome, harmonious unity. This Great Event is a time of great

awakening and spiritual transformation. Humankind are just stirring to the Dawn

of the Millennium prophesied by John of Jerusalem in AD 1100:


" When the millennium that comes after this millennium ends, men will have

finally opened their eyes. They will no longer be imprisoned in their head and

in their cities, but will be able to see from one end of the earth to another

and understand each other. They will know that what makes one suffer hurts

another. Men will form one huge body of which each one will be a tiny part.

Together they will form the heart of this body. There will be a common language

spoken by everybody and thus, finally, a glorious humanity will come into

existence.................. because Woman will arrive to reign supreme. She will

be a great master of the future time. She will be the Mother of the Millennium

that comes after the Millennium. After the days of the devil She will make the

softness of the Mother flow. She will, after the days of barbarity, embody

beauty. The millennium that follows the millennium will metamorphose in an age

of lightness: men will love each other, share everything, they will dream and

their dreams will turn into reality..


Thus man will have his second birth. Spirit will possess the mass of men who

will be united in brotherhood. So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity. It

will be the era of a new strength of belief. The dark days at the beginning of

the millennium that follows the millennium will be followed by days of

jubilation: man will once more find the righteous path of humanity and Earth

will find harmony once more.


There will be roads that connect one end of the earth and the sky to the other;

the woods will once more be dense, the desert will once more be irrigated and

the water will once again be pure. The earth will be like a garden: man will

take care of every living thing and he will clean everything he has dirtied. He

will understand that the whole of Earth is his home and he will think with

wisdom of the morrow. Man will know everything on earth and his own body.


Diseases will be cured before they are manifested and everybody will cure

themselves and each other. Man will have understood that he has to help himself

to stay upright; and after the days of reticence and avarice, man will open his

heart and his purse to the poor; he will define himself curator of the human

species and so, finally a new era will begin. When man has learnt to give and

share, the bitter days of solitude will be at an end. He will once more believe

in the spirit, and the barbarians will be unheard of.


But all this will happen after the wars and the fires, all this will arise from

the ashes of the burnt towers of Babel. "



When a Great Event that is ordained to mankind is tactfully avoided by our

leaders the collective karmic debt piles up. More than three decades have passed

and this debt has now become unforgivably enormous. Those in charge of spreading

Sahaja Yoga can evade the truth and responsibilities for as long as they want,

and continue to waste the now dwindling energies and confidence in the subtle

system. There are 152,000 ways to learn about Self-realization. How many are

there regarding the Blossom Time?


Those who deliberately avoid announcing the Great Event that is ordained to

mankind will ultimately pay the price. i am not talking about SYs standing in

street corners with placards and shouting, " This is the Last Judgment " . All i am

saying is that official SY websites MUST gives details so that it will make the

job of spreading Sahaja Yoga so much easier to those who want to take part in

the Great Event that is ordained to mankind. Is this too much to ask members of

the World Council?





20-2004.htm+ressurection & hl=en & ct=clnk & cd=1




" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> " Just a few days i met a seeker whom i sent two years ago to the

> Montreal public program. He told me proudly that he had already been

> to two pujas and knew about Kundalini and chakras. So i asked him:

> " Do you know that Sahaja Yoga is actually about the Resurrection and

> Last Judgment? " He just blinked his eyes and was clearly taken back,

> and had no idea what i was talking about.


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> i find that just astounding. A person has been to two pujas, knows

about Kundalini and chakras, and has never heard about the Last

Judgment and Resurrection?! i realise now that i took that knowledge

for granted when i came to Sahaja Yoga, because i had learned about

it from childhood from my Christian background... which i am very

thankful for now.


> Had i not had this pre-knowledge of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection, i doubt that i could have taken the fullest advantage

of Shri Mataji's teachings, which are most easily understood when you

also understand about the Last Judgment and Resurrrection.


> i had so much faith in Sahaj Leaders. i really thought they would

do the right thing by Shri Mataji. i am very disappointed in them. i

can't believe their derelection of duty. However, obviously Shri

Mataji was on to that, and She organised others outside of the Sahaj

Organisation to do the job then.


> However, there is still a window of opportunity for the

organisation to turn around... I HOPE.


> violet



> > , Suzy Creamcheese

> > <suzyogi@> wrote:

> > >

Dear Jagbir,


Ok, I assumed that if Gregoire's mail made you more ashamed than embarrassed,

then you were objecting. So, I should ask what is it exactly about Gregoire's

mail that made you ashamed and suffer by association?




i am more ashamed than embarrassed by the fact that despite all that hype about

being fearless, since we are all suppossed to be children of a very powerful

Mother and can take refuge behind the Cosmic Shield of Shri Bhagawati, Gregoire

and most SYs still fear telling the truth about Her incarnation and Divine

Message a quarter century later. What happened to all that protection from Shri

Bhagawati's Cosmic Shield?


i do suffer by association with such a dishonest organisation whose members roar

in private but squeak in public. It is my conscience, not anything physical,

that still feels the pain ever since the mid 1990's when i first begun

questioning why SYs are not being honest upfront .......... masquarading Sahaja

Yoga as a new meditation technique, stress reliever etc. when actually it is

about the Adi Shakti delivering the Divine Message of the Last Judgment and

Resurrection. i started this protest as soon as i found out that She came with

this Great News. It meant so much to me because i could see the soothing

syntesis, peace and harmony of all the religions, scriptures and messengers

collectively triumphing, giving me added faith and strengtth that i cannot ever

be wrong since all faiths are unconditionally embraced. i could feel the immense

power of Her Divine Message at a very early stage, unlike most SYs who had

already spent years and were well established.


But nothing has changed. Just a few days i met a seeker whom i sent two years

ago to the Montreal public program. He told me proudly that he had already been

to two pujas and knew about Kundalini and chakras. So i asked him: " Do you know

that Sahaja oga is actually about the Resurrection and Last Judgment? " He just

blinked his eyes and was clearly taken back, and had no idea what i was talking



And my conscience continues to suffer,




" i have a copy of Gregoire's mail which, after a quarter of a century, made me

more ashamed than embarassed. Actually i should not feel that way but, given the

tens of thousands of devotees to whom the letter is addressed, i suffer by

association. "



jagbir singh <adishakti_org@> wrote:


Dear Suzy,


It works ....... i just copied and pasted it and it works all right. And when

did i object to its underlying message? On the contrary, i am glad i found it.

If only those who speak/lecture/lead SYs practise what they preach. Otherwise it

is all hype and hypocrisy. i can change it to " propaganda " or " public

consumption " but that would be a bit inaccurate.


You asked: " Why should Sahaja Yogis fear anything? " i have been asking that for

years and nobody knows why they fear (telling the truth about Sahaja Yoga and

Shri Mataji). Why should Gregoire still fear being truthful and honest to a

world in turmoil? Why should WCASY be fearful? Didn't all the years of

footsoaking and treatments and mantras and matkas do any good? Why roar in

private praise when you can hardly squeak in public? Why should Sahaja Yogis who

believe they have a very powerful Mother fear anything?






, Suzy Creamcheese > > <suzyogi@>



Dear Jagbir,


I have tried placing the entire URL in the browser. Still, the pages can not be



For brevity sake, what is your objection to Gregoire's letter? It's his usual

grandstanding and is a bit too strong but what is you objection to the

underlying message of it? Why should Sahaja Yogis fear anything?


All the love,



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